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tv   News  RT  April 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the big issue on all the data center, they can obviously issues the worst and come through, shoot, appreciate these, let me, republican forensic strain and responsible actions toward disability and the safety of the region as concerns the balance of and even broad a war rough thing in the middle east, iran says the west to be praising is measured response to his rail and not condemning it. and we give feedback into the program or from a jewish iranian mtv, the seasons right there. the idea for use it strikes on god the following. and not a relative com displaced palestinians trying to return to what's left up at homes in the north. they all of
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a sudden find themselves directly in the firing line. we urge the i a leadership to recognize the obvious racks and not engaging pebble balancing act. but to point out the perpetrates of the attacks on these upper region nuclear power pressure cool was on the you ends. atomic watched off to a mix, t n screen behind a series of a time on europe's biggest nuclear power plant. so saying the west gives cod loans to poll. ukrainian product the yeah, it's not the router and kia, that's fine. you look george in parliament during a debate over a so called for an agents low hundreds, gather outside the building. and protests of the bill which the west has slammed as a tcm across the and so it was kind of the most over a so called a symbolic response attention. it remains fixed on the middle east in the wake of it runs
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a time on it's the just mike of firing on a monitor of ms. ailes and drones of israel on saturday night. iran says it should be praised by the west rather than condemned. forgiving such a measured response or you just run all the data centers, making accusations the worse than come through. shoot, appreciate these lovely group. i'm gonna go forensic strain. i'm responsible actions towards disability and safety in the region where some country shouldn't blame themselves, announces the public opinion from the measures they have taken against the 7 months a war. crimes committed by israel. well, while for to her on sundays attack was nothing but a legitimate act of self defense following what a wrong. so as it is rarely strike on the radio and consulate in the mass, cuz syria that killed several or run in generals west,
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some countries consider run an aggressor and can damage for escalating the situation at the time of mounting fears of another big war. a rough thing in the region, israel has received lots of supportive messages following and ready to attack from the u. s. u. k. canada of france, germany g 7 issued a statement, promising sanctions against iran, even the most sanctions. you know, it's the 2nd most sanctions country in the world here as well. and some of the leaders of these countries have to say, the uranium regina's latest actions will further destabilize the region and make lasting peace more difficult. these attacks demonstrate yet again, the rainy and regimes disregard for peace and stability in the region for by or we should not respond by escalating, but rather isolated iran succeed in convincing the countries of the region that iran is a danger increase sanctions increase pressure on nuclear activities and then find
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the path of peace in the region to here on has threatened k 12 try again and with greater force is relo any other nation response to the running attack? and i see any other nation as israel acted in place, cooperation with the us. of course the k and also original powers including jordan is shooting down their rent in aerial garage is israel says 99 percent of the runs over $350.00 me solves and drones hired at israel square and to staff to some of the vows to retaliate roku on a homeless the claim, cuz the my were looking ahead, we considering no steps and this launch of so many missiles, cruise missiles and you, i, you these into the territory of the state of israel will be met with respondents. but the strikers unlikely to happen due to lack of international support for the move, and primarily from washington is really prime minister and had a phone conversation with the american president, you'll see off to the reading
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a tags it last is around 25 minutes and reports say that by didn't told nathan yahoo that the us will not participate in any town to strike against iran, suggesting that for these really response would be a necessary. so we have to wait and see what these really answer will be. if any thing dave does a, so perhaps the quietest couple of days and nights since the last of these really offensive last october because of the wrong and quiet time seems to be over. now displace palestinians say they were matched with allegedly rarely fire. and as they tried to return to their homes in the north field in place that they had slab before running away from facilities, people started coming back thousands of palestinians after rumors emerged over reopened. does rarely check points on the coast road voltage shows, allegedly as rarely forces shooting at civilians. with some reports saying, a child was killed and, and a know number of people were wounded. as a result,
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israel has refuted the claims of the road reopened and emphasized that the area is still wars on. at least 68 people were killed over the past 24 hours. 12 guys are closing to the local house ministry in 6 months. so these really offensive one and 35000 palestinians lost their lives in the palace stated in place. the streets south also came on the fire with footage coming out of newness show and one of the people being rushed to hospital. so seems that's yes. military activity we activated in guys on the target practice, the guy in the study around here and of all these did not come cheap. media reports addressing it cost over a $1000000000.00 to shoot down. it runs drones and mess aisles, and according to a political analyst, a side will have a motor and a he calls the at the time, quote, a strategic victory for iran. so what did the ryans do?
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first, they played a mind game with his right of these for 10 days, and then they carried out the very interesting attack. they informed everyone that the attack is going to take place. then they sent lots of drones, very cheap and inexpensive drugs. who are you running technology? none of the new drugs. so these drones went and then is rarely use the americans use all of their, uh, empty air crap ms house and their missile defense system to knock down these grow these drones. and then you run sent also some older missiles alongside the drones and then the americans and it's riley's, they'll mobilize it, bring these down. so you might have spent a few $1000000.00, whereas the west and is well spent at least $1300000000.00. and you run didn't use any of this new technology, so the west didn't learn anything about you runs new miss house or drones. whereas the iranians gave
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a huge amount of information by seeing how these different layers of air defense work. so it was a, it was a very major success. and the very fact that the west is so out of there trying to frame it in a different way. i think itself shows how effective it was. meanwhile, the british foreign secretary has been among the western voices of condemnation of iran before admitting that the u. k. would have done something similar a while i would argue there is a massive degree of difference between what israel did in damascus. but with britain to the hostile nation flattened one of our constituents, well, we would take, we would take the very strong action and dig around would say that that's what that is. but what made it, as i said, was a massive attack, sort of right to respond, but they over reaction is what we have. so what i'm saying now, how does the attack the attacks they carried? i was on a very large scale,
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much bigger than the people excited to respond to the stand and he policy is widely used by the west is your is indeed part of the west. and glover would then definitely stand there with that he receives with everything that is allowed to be, he's really otherwise, but there's not the others. so then we go back to the memo that i registered or send receive as a for, i'm secretary in 2018, stating that everything the americans and the allies do is a law. but we use you menu, jerry and ization, and violation of human rights only against our enemies, like russia, china, iran, and north korea. this is a clear w stand that the way i'd be using your on demand titles as attack was a justifiable response to the deadly strike on his console it in syria and a jewish iranian m. p. a said that if tyrone did not take action,
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they would have basically emboldened his way. a zoom a saw here in recent months, the zine is raising directly attacked in dress overall, both inside iran and outside it by fascinating, a radiant ministry officials, all important people. they wanted to send a message to around the round does not have the power and capability of responding . but fortunately, the eye on g c has showed that it has the ability to respond around, defend the data, national interest, and attack on the rating and conflicts on any soil is an attack on the rainy and so, and of course around was allowed to respond in my opinion, if a run did not respond, it would increase the possibility of more because it would make israel more aggressive, and many jews in the world are against is ready crime scene occupied palestine already. and ron, but in european and american countries, even in asian countries, many jews opposing brutal aggression of these honest regime. we are rainy and we
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live in the islamic republic overall and follow the laws all the atlantic republic all around. maybe some jews and run have relatives a day as well. but this doesn't mean we should be a gaze, the rating government shortly. what the government don't the is. lemme republic decides has the backing of the jewish community in iran all the meanwhile, in the san francisco pro palestine demonstrate has brought the cities like conic golden gate bridge to a grinding hold. the crossing was completely blocked, causing traffic gridlock be almost done. multiple arrests were made and a wave of pro palestinian demonstrations, also gripping storms, largest city of cut out you locals to the streets to stand installed as i already with accounts and people and celebrate it wrong. the reason strikes on israel demonstrate is hell banners. the bonding a stop to the genocide and gods are as well as pictures of wounded palestinian children. and with more and more countries getting involved in the board and confidence either directly or indirectly. jordan's foreign minister has been speaking about his nation's efforts. this we can help in this,
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at the around even draw a while. what then what good one and either i would like to say is that is this danger comes from israel. jordan will take the same action that it did before, and this is a position that we confirmed clearly, and frankly, we will not allow the children to be in arena for regional will be in the so while jo biden's election cycle administration in washington, desperately tries to tell us the conflict in the middle east is in spreading the facts on the ground. tell us something completely different. the reality, 16 different countries in the region are now embroiled in the burgeoning conflict. as around a ratchets up the pressure and deliver its, its 1st direct, metallic pre strikes on his ready soil. you'll have to ask yourself why the us is
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so determined to tell you that this dangerous situation is contained? well, maybe that's because they would prefer to can field the vast u. s. military presence in the region. after all, the us deployed dozens of aircraft and launch air defense themselves from at least a countries while the run and it's proxies fired weapons from a rack, syria, and e m. and that all sounds well, looks like the regional conflict to me. but despite all this, despite what we can plainly see on the map, the us is refusing to acknowledge reality. in terms of the striking, damascus, all it is a real speak for themselves and you know, and when it comes to preventing a wider regional conflict, you know, so far there is not when we certainly hope that doesn't happen. again. the reality on the ground tells us something completely different. as you can see,
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the us has quite a built a huge network of air defenses to fight a regional or it's telling us that just isn't happening. and if that's true, why the american air cost based in q 8, jordan the you a car on saturday or radio and they're working to defend is rarely ya sits on the ground alongside their own faces. the u. k. is also intimately involved in this apparently non existent, more actively engaging against uranian air force assets during the attack on the as well. but the spike, this washington, is sticking to the story, even when free of their soldiers were killed in a drone attack. in the region, we don't want to see a whitening of this conflict. we don't see this conflict whitening as it still remains contain to gaza on the western media has of course don't. it's best to assist. whitehouse attempts to downplay the seriousness of the situation in the region, but eagerly spinning the blind administrations all is well narrative. even telling us that the rainy attack represented
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a victory for israel. i'm regardless of what the pentagon on their bosses in the white house tells us. it's clear that the us is up to its neck in the middle east problems. but admitting that during an election year is not something any sitting president wants to do. much like the collapsing ukrainian misadventure, it's far better to convince the tax payer's funding is that everything is going just fine. well, here at all to you, we've got all people positions all across the middle east region for the very latest updates that going both on air and on the, this is onto international the russian, i'm positive to the un has lashed out to the international atomic energy agency suggesting the worst dog doesn't have the coverage to admit that ukraine is behind
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a series of attacks on the south. what only nuclear power plant me much and the resolution is do we listened with much attention to these statements with a voice to day. the concerns of the possible catastrophic consequences of keywords, irresponsible and reckless actions against the nuclear power plants. we felicia them. you may be surprised by the form of our appeal to the international atomic energy agency director general rafael gross, which is so unusual for the security council. and just for ordinary human communication, police are not take this as a sign of a lack of respect. we always appreciate the work of mr. grossey and the time is the efforts of his colleagues from the i. e. a. in particular, we're grateful to the agencies, leadership that property and clearly condemning direct attacks on the n b b. i'm calling for an end to the pro vacation to get the facilities today. by the way, the director general of the i e 8, did not say a word about the problems with the excess of i. e. a but smell. so to the nuclear power plant, taking into account the above,
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we urge the i e. i leadership to recognize the obvious fact and not engaging bubble balancing act, but to point out the perpetrates of the effects on these upper region nuclear power plant that was russian ambassador and a band 0 speaking before the security council making clear how frustrating it is and basically mocking the international atomic energy agency, the director raphael grossey, for the fact that he won't state what is right in front of the whole world's eyes. who is responsible for these attacks on a nuclear facility, which puts the whole world in danger. he gave a very mild response, very serious situation. here's what we heard from the i a e cheats. every one of the i used 7th dealers of nuclear safety and security have been compromised. not seed by and watch, as the final weight keeps the finely balanced scale over the past 10
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days. the 1st of these principles has been violated repeatedly in watermarks up step change in crease in risk to nuclear safety and security. at the plot. this reckless attacks must seize immediately a little fortunately they have not let to area your logical incident. this time they significantly increase the risk that's up to the general cup. our plant where nuclear safety is already compromised. and as you just heard, that was the verbal balancing act that was called out by the russian ambassador, straying away from stating things as they are and calling out the government in t of that is responsible for the attacks on the nuclear facility. now the united states and the united kingdom address the security council, and when they spoke, uh, they blamed russia for the entire situation, saying that the war was the fault of russia. so there were anything that happens in
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the war, regardless of who does it, is somehow russia as balls. that's the logic they continue to bring up in un meetings. they also called for russia to give up control of the nuclear facility. now it's important to know also that china to, to the floor as a permanent member of the security council. and when china spoke, china made a very key point of highlighting how dangerous attacks on nuclear power facilities are now russian ambassador. and eventually when he spoke, he made clear that not calling out the key government simply stating platitudes about how dangerous attacks on a nuclear facilities are, how they could lead to radioactive incidents, not holding the parties responsible and not calling out the perpetrators. this attack is almost given a green light for further activities bike. yeah. when it comes to this nuclear site, here's what the russian ambassador had to say. let's go to the meeting. so that gives them those up. western governments have long given the key of regime comp
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launched by any crimes and actions directed against russia. nevertheless, i would like to believe that our european neighbors have not yet after faith. these instinctive self preservation and they will not jeopardize the lives and health of their own citizens of to own if the cleaning attacks on these upper region nuclear power plant continue the ones and complete the rollouts in nuclear dissolves like a on a regional and even global scale, we're talking about directly targeted attacks by the crating on forces on the largest nuclear power plant in europe. good. it strikes for which the q have lead to is cynic, re trying to blame, brush out that those you play along with key of awesome selves. a simple question. why? of the 5 nuclear power plants in ukraine, as russia engaged in creating security threats, specifically against the one on the it's control. if your friends with at least elementary logic, then the absurdity of such accusations becomes obvious. now the russian ambassadors, words were pretty plain and to the point while we heard the western leaders as well
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as the eye, a sheaf, dancing around the issue at hand, and trying to avoid what is obvious that ukraine is engaging in very dangerous and serious activities. targeting a nuclear power facility. well, following the security council meeting, the i a chief confirmed, there's no heavy weaponry yet because i thought it was your nuclear power on what we spoke about the strikes on the facility with the deputy, the legislative assembly, all those that. but it was a region who described them as tara attacks. to me, it says that some news, as without a doubt, anything related to the asian contamination, no snow. bunder is, it is a story that can affect any country that is in relative proximity. take, for example, the strategy act, your noble choices are for the asian coordination were uncovered after quite a long time in sweden and in market. so what the situation with this up, what was the new type opened, in my opinion, it is a full of tanner, is with the key objective to intimidate the cell panics. because everything
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connected with radiation causes field and people in this case, they also had a task of battlefield reconnaissance. it started back in 2022 to the part of the cleaning front line. new to power plant is supervised by great britain. it is clear that there are the ice e, as in hands of the united states, everywhere, a lot of their advises, but the key grades are in this case, is great. great. so then in 2022, they plan to create a center friday. ation contamination. by inflicting 5 damage on the premises of the blood and then to carry out a simulated nuclear explosion. they would have had a visual picture along with the radiation that ground the russian federation would be accused of using tactical nuclear weapons. and as they imagined this whole construction, they would have the legal floodgates opened after this occupation to include the native block as a full legal combatants. overtime this idea for whatever reason became irrelevant,
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then they began to has plans to take over the station by force. free attempts were foiled by all military in a forceful seizure operation. critical infrastructure, it could have been damaged, which would eventually lead to the asian contamination. again, the goal is basically the same thing. you location with a specific area to be contaminated with radiations and they failed again. there is a kind of 3rd wave now, though it cannot proceed from this point of view. there was a battle reconnaissance in order to find out the response. so this of the system, this, the forces in needs of his bones, the reliability of the defense systems. most likely they're still planning to launch some kind of critical strike against facilities and infrastructure. not necessarily a nuclear reactor or a power unit. and this scenario is the same, the media type, the money duration, and creation of hysterical environment. it is not difficult to manipulate a story related to nuclear threats. they are adams of this kind of an installation
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. and the picture is presented has one. this presents the countries of selves and south eastern europe. sasha is between police and protest, was breaking it out into georgia and capital police. see, it's also a huge crowns of demonstrators, a mass outside the parliament, him protest at a foreign agents bill. the. the people have been waging a ways you know what you say, you flags and georgian slides, and it comes as lawmakers return to debate the bill. draft of the role was 1st introduced back in box last year, but then later withdrawing in the face of launch scale, protest, the western powers and protests a sign and get his a russian though from the scene, we have this report from one local john the
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the situation the a the. c during the air and go around, the bill had already boiled over inside the parliament itself. when a broil erupt, it between lawmakers have a look at a do not always, always think it's what's on the resume, the position populate a school and up to the routing parties. secretary, who's been a driving force behind the bill and punched him in the head,
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punching the chamber of the k or other and p is getting in the role, of course, and broad costs. the meeting was quickly cut off. but before being interrupted, the secretary was trying to prove to his opponents that the load was more liberal than those in russia and the united states. the georgia proposal any requires n g o, it was on media outlets to register if more than 20 percent of their income is from abroad. and they only faced findings for an infringement in america, people have to register if there's any outside involvement, while violations can result in jail time. it's a policy based political atlas of russell could, but not see believes the lawyers needed to counter what he calls western influence . the sooner it was decided to submit the draft on transparent save for an influence full consideration to gain. because the influence of the collective west on the social, political life of georgia is already excessive. this should really be put to an end because the collective west is interfering in the affairs of the georgia state in
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the most brutal way. therefore, it was decided to come known that government organizations that are involved and known to useful, and in most cases, even home full activities to the state of georgia. and these people on the a positive society imposes the adoption of this law. these are, may need those people who directly depend on the financing of western structures and receive a loss of money. and some of these known that governmental organizations are directly linked to destructive political forces in georgia. together, they're trying to prevent the george and people from establishing relations with russia. they want to return people to the emotional thinking of the is it because 2nd should be these rules, turn them and the russian again, that is, there's also a personal interest among these people who oppose the adoption of this new comparisons with the law in russia. absolutely. i'm found it so today and tell them it's representatives of the opposition forces and technical results. organizations that support them could not give at least one example of how the points that appear
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in the georgia will coincide with some points. it'd be similar to know that operates in russia. that is, this is just an excuse to chris and this will russian and try to influence most of the public services to oppose the adoption of this law. yeah, that's what continues online right now are on the don't come well for me role research, i in the entire all to international news team here and most goes thanks for joining us. we're back to the top of the
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the moon. when i would show the same rom, just don't you have to shape house because after kids and engagement was betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds of parts, we choose to look for common ground, the acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do you have the state department to see i a weapons makers,
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