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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  April 15, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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in dollar corporations, choose your facts for you, go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't marshall stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction. but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the, with the end of world war one. the movement for an indian independence from the british empire flared up with renewed vigor. the british responded to the growth of the national liberation movement with arrest and brutal violence. repression cause active resistance. in march 1919 at the call of mahatma gandhi, a peaceful strike began in the country. but the british responded with
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a new round of violence and far bade the indians to gather more than 4 people on the day of the sea bass. at t festivals, a huge crowd of civilians gathered in the center of the city of i'm gonna start in northern india, seeing bass as outright defiance. general reginald dyer gave the order to open fire on the on arms people. the barbaric execution claimed the lives of at least 379 indians, including 40 children, the youngest of who was 6 weeks old. the indian national congress considered the official figures to be underestimated and announce the death of more than $1000.00 civilians. the well known greatest newspaper, the morning post called dire. the man who saved india, gave him a sword and 26000 pounds sterling as
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a token of gratitude for the massacre. the amorous dar massacre went down in history as one of the most brutal crimes of the british invaders, and only escalated the affair. struggle of the indians for liberation from the colonial yoke. the a concert or rushing state. never as tight as one of the most sense community best. most all sun set up the in the 65 with the keys, 195 and speed. what else? suppose question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center question. did you say steven twist,
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which is the known in vietnam cemetery was the vietnam war last, it's almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries. not any times we have now and then you don't see it now. why did all of them did? hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to bank the south vietnamese on me, and the american soldiers murdered resistors. most of us like the down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals. and even lee laid up today by all
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right. did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah. yeah. that's a way to it is never being douglas, what does anybody look at at defense capacity now? general. yeah. now the sun, you know, this so far dropped most people's newspapers, news channels, modern lobby's. i think that via the chatting a boeing and strong and there is a challenge to the supremacy of the with the
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hello and welcome on with home care. and the ability of all being landscape of the 21st century, the focus no more than it is on india product. my guess tonight is a good legacy either subbing member of parliament and the 2nd generation lawyer was championed many hyper 5 cases making my judgment on me. oh well let me hear being on your show. lovely to see you from jack maloney. 1923 to 2019. was a leading indian criminal lawyer. you mind great. didn't the as a penny this frank retreat of to the 9047 partition of the former bridge economy into independent countries of india and pakistan on the left behind the flower seeking legal practice. in karachi, pakistan, he was a major, a member of parliament, were suspended from the party in 2012 in discipline for several high profile cases . it is long and distinguished career by his camp maloney born at 1956. is the son of a. you'd like to ranma jump, maloney, to join the routing a,
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b j. p. in the 1991, it was a fledgling policy, is a sitting read you agree, member of parliament under the name title, parts of the body and legal brain trust is critical in a former indian, a prime minister, in theory, gone to the in possession of a state of emergency between 19651977 when his father has to pay to canada to a fight arrest. he has championed many high profile cases such as defending they knew good direct chief minister, the rent remoted in the 2002 communal rights minister, me shaw, and the so i mean, i'm not, it's not by you will probably fall $2100.00. what made you choose law employed for 15, it was showing up as being and you know, had become such a because they didn't refill even is or the day and they put the emergency. yes. got arrested for it. right. 365 doppler over the country came with a bump, a high call to try and prevent that. what interest was issued from fargo didn't cut
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it off me where you had attacked the licensee, and this is going to be able to, to say to me and that's kind of appealed to me. and of course, i think you did a bit of b, accounting for law, wasn't the genes naturally i gravitated towards it and then i, you know, but i realize it was really hard work. i mean the noise, you know, 90 percent 99 percent industry and one percent good. inspiration live, usually the funds are the daughter out of not do not match up to the father or the mother you have created. if it works both ways side, they are having any left. his father can do more, can incentivize you. hm. so in my case it, you know, that i had to get you and i, i break them that challenge. yeah, i meant this is i'm just the number of times very popular book, but not just energetic forthright. you are from that point of view, a little different, a little more moderate. i would say yes i would spoken device is lots of. yeah.
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father, was it a few g from she guess in? yes. during partition. mm. i was married and you had seen daughters and you know, he had a very blessing practice and cannot see me. in fact, he was a lot but no, but mister, it came through. he has been, went on to become the woman, instead of boxes said before that, boy, you was be high commission out in the early 606061 focused on the need. he also had a foreign policy and legally bent of mind. and so my father used to do most of the day to do work in court because we had so many, you know, interest set impressions. but i mean, but they shouldn't game. and that madness broke out. i think it could be we don't, didn't, you know, and i mean like on to get into your safety here anymore. and i think so the, so he packed his bag, give up his practice home, everything. but he wanted to go back. he thought he'd always go back because he had such a flat as you can practice, you know, right. and could i to live in that as soon as you can and cut down. okay, with 3 daughters, but he had then it'll be the spoken when he 1st came and then my,
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my eldest sister, whom i didn't see because i wasn't born at that time. i was born post optician, fifty's, she had pneumonia and his situation was that bad financially. and he couldn't afford her treatment for the money. my god. and she bought it, but a huge tragedy from the, you know, pictures of it could have been focused on right to come to the rags if you, if it was you can and then not be able to survive is then save as a doctor was disabled. one of the favorites in i think that made him a little detached in medium, you know, literally mostly that, that sick with that kind of tragedy. when you're fairly young, what are your thoughts about? if you, it isn't focused on an interview, it is now and coming at and trying to set an on the interview with you, especially the who the see was i was with a see, i know no problem. you know, i have been supporting the legislation. yeah. it's a good not to come in at the front page of the times of india and uh, i, you know, there is no other home for windows than speaking. i become the president. the was in the federation. okay. because a very grandiose sounding name. but uh, but we do a lot of work and you know, we're trying to get on this and these,
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the dies for most of the law extremely well off and after doing whatever they live and have been another way for, we're trying to get, you know, get them to help us in order for you to use it from sim and seems very badly hit as you know, crimes against women a data. but for a lot of things, we're going to leave only because of that constant fear that you know, women may be abducted made to convert and so on and so forth. so we're now challenging our entire, therefore it's and gathering funds internationally from cindy can do is worldwide to try and prevent these atrocities and rehabilitate them if they come into the country. oh, did you get chosen for to fight mister mo? these case for wizard? i attract. people close to more. by mister monday, the 21st. the movie came to me. right. and i was already doing so deep, i guess case of that the right was also, according to me, a victim of depression 5 is still going on. the subject is i don't want to say too much, but i was convinced of her innocence. and it was like using the bunny who had actually
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bought full yeah. movie. and so i'd be forget, requested me at that time and said that we do pick up the cases. and i said that the deputy because i was always a part of the pgp since 1980 i still holding my position my membership. my father stayed location me, but i never stayed them to be gpi was always, uh, you know, dialogue them, but i'd be happy to what makes you and i hadn't been but i'll be just because i believe in the ideology, i believe in the only done something i do energy and i believe in all the platforms which they have finally executed in this country. so for our view, as we do not know or does that, i do energy. how we use some it up with the i i the g has evolved as part of it is always, you know, the only thing i do already of course was that uh they believed in the evolution of adequacy. 71 main things they believed in the uniform civil good bus and he's very important to you. we are all in it. so it has to be all kind of thing. but he's stronger than india than it was. i was in new york and i was in a cab. and then an ottoman in new york gab. and this news came about the
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application of audio peace. i wouldn't be there was a sort of id who was my driver. and you said no, the model who yeah. so that was a universal reaction of indians all the way the word. what's the nationalist policy does all nicely spelled and i think leave him a very early age, of course, but the implication by my father, but he believed in the same thing very strongly. but i could not believe that by anybody would be opposed to crush me to being an integrity bogged up in the that i think of the seventy's only a problem, a temporary solution that it has to with the other way. yeah. and give way to a fully pulled integration. yeah, i could not believe all that. and then of course i thought that the, the luck with the log is, you taught be it's a, it's a basically living in terms of the same as the announced. now, you know, from the that bought so read for that. not you should be. yeah. is a is the month of the future, right. it's, it's invested interest to give you empower women. you and you improve your not only give them the degree to deal with the dissolved and not had all these years,
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but you're also being name and the main street and make them productive assets away from to members in the bottom and to now reservation for the purpose yes, for the 3 percent that think of it and this change in criminal amendment bills. i'm sure you'll be happy. so there are these 3 bills which have come, all of them have replace banners which will essentially colonial either legislations. and they were really meant to be had victorian principles. mm hm. for instance, limits were given that a subordinate place because as you know in england, they would not even have given the right to vote in, you know, in the 20th century. so there's an 18 opinion quote, isn't $1860.00 at all, right, so there was that aspect. then of course, tradition ward sufficiently to become very comfortable. it says in this country is really in the there, the wording was well in claims or excites this effect against the government of the date. that was a provision meant for the british colonial rulers to make show the best subjects don't excite disaffected against them to speeches. and if they picked up the words,
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the place by whoever likes to disrupt the silver and the integrity of. yeah. and yeah, that site you also said recently that there is a cabal in industrial being, quote, acting at the interest of foreign powers. you really a 100 percent that yeah, look up, you know, since i've been to the lead by most of the leaders in 2016 plus projected the supreme court my, my seat and that i just about came in 2021. but i the only move of the ideal protecting the supreme court. i mean, i was approached by a lawyer. mm hm. by that, you know, you should be on one particular side lying all over to that site. is that yes, yeah. photon follows. are even the media for the media tries to sort of running on why, but i do think that they are interested in, in this flushing. india isn't the supposed to be from 3rd world country to some country to some place that we of aging. what is it actually do think the bothering
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them the rest especially, you know, there's so far dropped most people's newspapers, news channels or lobbies. i. i think that via, via the challenge and a growing and strong. and there is a challenge to the supremacy of the west policy would be one to be friends with every but, you know, even with china was nice thing about us. we wanted to be defensive. another great outreach that by mr. more do you happen to be in the beginning when you are boundary about discussions, you know, things are bound to flared up, you can have it so it has been killed every day. i mean, the nonsense of the boss that you know, we will overlook these kinds of things that will, especially since in 93 and ninety's 96. you will have bone read resolution agreements in those 2 years today. that'd be one simple one to become friends with china, right? engage in trade with them. but we must 1st resolve then that's the policy of this government. you please sit down and one for the fall. tell us, what is your perception of the boundary and what an opposition and so time. so i thought that was all that different. i'm to then become, keep on having, you know,
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using convention they never ever took that off or not. so everything is a natural self interest. you know that i shouldn't so incense, right? that'd be my friends. sometimes the middle of it. yeah. okay. they may have a dispute with ukraine, but we've been very valid string. we've said this of the, there's not any real famous ammonium. anybody clip is not in need of. all right. we would like piece but then sit down across the table and find out what is the difference that presented position between the 2 products that's being offered to mediate as well. so as i've says, be a policy obese level, unable b b want b and doesn't never be in douglas. so towards anybody you have that never ever attacked any would. and that's how, because by me that's how because brian, look at it, we have that we have the least mix of the world. we want peace with everybody. and we want peace with that. others have amongst themselves, right? for that is up. and that is that because we have no means we have no got the
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enemies, we haven't, maybe it'd be want to live in peace on that boundaries to be secure. it's a very issue of the what is called the proof to date, to fit it is get that every the engine that ends in spot the, i probably missed all the nice because one b, b, b, ex, model or that was in, you know, the, the foremost spot me, if of athens i was always upset that spot, that is going to come and overtake them. okay. so that feel that we lose the primary position that was in those days, weeks. well, let me do it. so it's called the skype right? that if it's be, it's the field off and flipping fall, sleeping most ball football, authorizing a motion for that is going to over to where you end to come up with the the cut out really fast ski and i'm good. what we've done in digital india. how be brought the 1300000000 people, most of them out of poverty, me from very soon out of poverty when you become
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a 5 to any economy. right. look at what we've done, the digital economy, how many people are now being taxed. we have at this stage, highest growth in the world. we have limited very visa, but below the bank dollar bill limits of both unemployment and interest me. yep. capital markets. while you wait to invested in the capital markets every day, you'll get up and you'll see the developers rising. right? so the middle class, the upper middle class and everybody, that's something but everybody. yeah. how many people have been bought out by the scheme that the government bought into the main stream? how many people, how much leakage of money was that in the old business games? and how advantage is, have been the direct guy spends the money is going to keep the targets it's intended for me to them. and i've actually eating up on these on listen for the piece, the defense capacity now. mm hm. now the sun. exactly. so look at this, look at the scale of thought, a cheap, it's simple thing, no problem. you know, the environment, the 1st question that was asked,
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why did you do it? why did you not start this such models of you on the charlotte business? why didn't do started in 2014 menu was good and right into started, women's reservation were leaving and your last you out of your a lot of the 2nd. the onset is what did you want people to know that all these years? first, we had to get them and dignity. mm hm. did you ever, did you ever think of the shame that women suffered from open delegation? we had to give you what you didn't do with 60 audios of your and you haven't given them dignity. we get them in bone and, and the final step of being recipes, one question, which keeps bothering me as a fresh meeting, which i think maybe you wouldn't be able to answer. so when there is a, a tentative st. who is 2 behind, the supreme court opens the door in the middle of the night. and sort of say that we will take the case of bargaining or whatever it is. and on the other side, when chris media pundits go the kind of atrocities that does happen and they said
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it's, it's in the past. so there is no record of it. so we will not be accepting this edition. it baffles me. yes, i mean there is that uh you know, dichotomy in approach, but not dentist. we have to show the international community that we give due process, even to dentist. i'm gonna send a lot of them. it's good that some lawyers are even picking up these cases. thing, because those cases that don't affiliate that, you know what the evidence is all, but i suppose the bottom of the reasons is that the supreme court has to also keep up the big, full international you know, good will. and to show that our system is fair, we give it to the worst kind of a human and it means against the state. it is a given that access to our courts. that's the rule of law me because many pundits i but personally think that discarding it. yes because it's a little engine that the game never dies. yeah. crime never day is that's a basic principle of criminal law. it never dates. so the door should always be open unless somebody comes with the kids to go even then they would say,
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how can be examined? you've not brought the evidence off atrocity actually, but this would be the ability to me. you think would be hit the move? your daughter is not following your foot step. yes. what is your belief to her or she's already successful? no, no, she just started. one is a long way from sex. ed, this is the you don't mind writing this of to a father not do it. very well known law and a good speaker genetics is the mother. nonsense. everything hard work i told you right in the beginning, right. there's a 99 percent industry in perspiration. right? is she works hard, she has a flip on it, right? but you have to time, you will have to, to include that plan into output, which is really hardware. what does a sprint is very good researching below me? so hopefully she will and she said that we have from my feed, which is basically criminal level to some extent concept with the law. so she's a civil lawyer commercial and so she's a different field. there's no, there's no shadow, etc, etc. all grandfather, unplugged me, she was 5 on the one minutes in 2447 we've it'd be 100 years or you're going to be
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100 percent alone. and i hopefully i'm onto the hopefully, where do you see the comic ball military ball. and i also see india has been a highly developed mission, highly developed mission, which combines development inclusive development with welfare, the best of wednesday. and which combines fall fully minutes baffled military capabilities with it doesn't be split into the richfield. go to the world and more details about it. thank you. my friend that you did not need was pleasure talking to. thanks, michael. just have a wonderful and thank you for watching. joining me next week for another intimate yet and. 3 being debated and let's stuff, how does, without a problem get, how much got the
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when the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the
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to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscope. it gives him just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions fixtures, design to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills and is it just as a chosen for you. fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can the in the early 1880 brands decided to subjugate madagascar. however,
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the mother got the kingdom, refused to submit it $1883.00. during the 1st franco mail, i guess a wars the friend sent a punitive expedition divorce submission on the island. the aggressor ships brutally bombarded the coastal settlement. the invaders managed to forcefully impose control over in man a gas cars external affairs. but the french wanted more of you years later, they started a full scale village areas aged and in 18. $95.00 captured the capital tent and not reveal the commonest exiled queen run of all on the 3rd under prime minister rodney a letter of une abroad. then the invaders began to clear the island from the malcontents, with iron and blood in 18. $96.00, france declared, a protector is over man, a gas guard, and in $1897.00 antics the island. the suppression of the liberation movement erupted, merciless massacre. the capture of madagascar are led to tragic consequences.
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natural resources were in the hands of french corporations. all local schools were closed and the french language was imposed on the population. the care lasted 15 years and resulted in the death of at least 100000 mile. a gasp of the colonial regime left an open wound in the history of madagascar, but violence was never able to suppress the malagasy striving for freedom the of the door to door or to adjust the darkness in immediate criminal officials. i'll send you the settings for my same greetings. i'm waiting from it on
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the north. yes, it presents all the money to the sale. the do name is e and the wish to be as you permission to complete it. and it's a cute to should bills and get us the book which and such as to me and i don't, i thought a soup inducing that to, to see the purpose passed the the welcome to test of full or here we discussed some real in the out probably her, my little sister store. okay. the model girl that i got you. no problem seeing that on the out of the thing 30 minutes us out in the drive i showed my brother through
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he was sudden to help people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well, i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago. police. it'd be gang chicago is what i can give you a photo of that police. you lose the, there's another crime. say another this could have been a doctor, or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here the the 1st time in history. meantime country's culture has been cancelled. the very modern weapons cancel a culture. they need to ask one of the associated miles to the truck. it
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just means that in the one who puts the glue, the phrase now, particularly the refers to canceling russian culture. and yet the worst it could be of the orders that i get 20 miles folks to pittsville renewal that it's charging. so of that goal is that most of the separate shalanda m e. the moines blood rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no question actually condemned, reviled and rejected to sit alone and you spell it to put somebody at the middle of the panel. there's a lot, i don't know because i don't know. she doesn't have to use it a little, some of the list. joining total condemnation grows daily and now including those to instigate to ca skate, assess the coverage that, that i need to. yeah. to invest the sheet of those things that would just be done with you'd you up on monday you're
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trying to hold the dates that it was making on positions the west and come through, shoot, appreciate these. let me keep up with a go for answers 3, i'm responsible actions towards disability and the safety of the region as concerns the balance of and even broader war rough thinking of at least iran says the west to be praising is measured response to the israel, not condemning it, and we get feedback in the program or from a jewish iranian empty the seat and is right there with the idea for use. it strikes on god the following. an idea of relative. com displaced palestinians trying to reach out to what's left about homes and then the.


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