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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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the, the the hello and welcome to cross cut bullhorn john peter labelle. here we just got some real names. are rand has retaliated, is the us getting ready for a wider war? and how many wars is the biting administration planning on fighting? how many can it when to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess george, send me while we in budapest, he's a pod cast, read the goggle, which can be found on youtube, and locals and america, the cache. we have martin j. e. as an award winning journalist and commentator, write gentlemen cross stock rules and effect, that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate it. all right, let's start out as usual with george in budapest. well, george, you and i've talked about it so much on this program and on our podcast as well we,
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we like everyone else was waiting for you around to react to the april 1st bombing of its consulate in damascus. well, it is happened. it's about 331 different types of projectiles. israel claims they've destroyed almost all of them, minor damage, but that's their version of the story. ran says it was an overwhelming success we would if we wouldn't have expected differently from both parties. what does this all mean? because really what it gets down to is that all the discussion now is not about the genocide, but will or israel react in kind or escalate your thoughts. george? where is the city right jim is the, that's the, is now the discussion because, um the united states. and this is, i think, a surprise of all of this, the united states, united kingdom, france joined israel in, in fighting office. a drone in the midst file attack, that's
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a very explicit commitment. yes, and that is a, a surprise. no pending made this a commitment. it seems as if the united states, so far as we can believe, the media posts the united states is now pressing israel, not to retaliate and kind not to be provoked into uh, into launching an attack against the wrong. well, that's a hopeless in depth. i is, that isn't just good to say what all right, well, enough is enough. well, we'll call it a day, which is iran that's around this position which is, well, we regard this affair is now over. but is where it is going to say, no, this is not over. this is just the beginning. so at this stage, i mean, is the why the united states and said, well, we don't want lives in the yahoo to do this. and if not, then the yahoo does attack iran. we will not join him. well,
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that's not really, you know, within the americans. yours actually because it goes, it is, well, it does attack iran, then, you know, all bets are off. i mean, it's like you, you know, you nice, nice isn't going to be able to say, well, we, we, we didn't have anything to do with it because you already made this commitment. you already helped israel. and what was, after all a retaliatory strike with israel stop at the. ready thing, iran retaliated the united states britain and found, you know, a joint israel is sliding off this retaliation. well, you will have now bought this, do the conflict. exactly. iron clad commitment during and now it's going a i am glad commitment afterwards. you know, martin is very interesting. if you look at the reaction in western capital's, um, uh, there is no condemnation even in the united nations security council. but israel did in, in the bombing the uranian consul, it in damascus. but now they're coming out in lock step,
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saying this is out of self defense, but they, it's, it's really quite a whimsical, isn't it? is that it ran, did it beat it? did it's action in self defense against an action taken against it. but half the story is not reported. yeah, certainly. and that's very, very typical full of western media british made, especially as though we haven't gotten into it so that we haven't got the correct perspective. so john is writing the now to which is really what you know that doing simply to please the most is the until so this isn't the government in the state in germany just in the last few days a conference. um yeah, supposedly hosted by young this very focus from great climate finance minister was canceled by the you have a place to shut down completely. you know we've, you will not have debate. you will not talk well martin, it's really interesting. it was pointed out to me that if that conference had occurred,
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we never would have heard about it because it was shut down. we've all heard about . this is the, the, the new uh, getting negative returns. keep going. yeah. it's, it's stupid. i mean, the classic way of promoting a book is going to bind, you know, and it's the same with media. so now they've got more, you know, and the, the published in june, i could demick from, from glasgow, couldn't actually fly in and give a speech. she was threatened also with even putting online. so this gives you an idea of just how, how far she has to be because we all know. so she societies and the very thing that we claim into default in the 2nd level now is devouring all of a sudden this is partly, you know, why you have a situation where by and random can do what it did over the weekend. and it doesn't get reported that quickly and it gets reported in a certain way, which presumably will promote these way. it is us yourselves to take it to the next level. you know, what's interesting, what's really interesting about what happened over the weekend was it, it was very message. it was very precise. and i think it was very small the
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rightness to do exactly that. they sent over 300 tribes. they knew most of those trends to be intercepted. they knew the minimum of casualties. but you know, it must a little miss, a little miss, you know, the main one. well, we, we haven't said it yet, but that was the 1st time it ran was attacked. is really right. yeah. even you didn't think that was possible. yeah, you said of the last year they probably you saw the proxies with get involved, but actually i run it so. so that's something for these ladies to really think about, you know, that. okay, next time we decide to hit iranians in syria. we know what to expect or perhaps was perhaps it would be not $300.00 tribes, but $600.00. but the point is, is they wouldn't have been able to defend themselves if it wasn't for the americans . the british, unable to control dania. so, you know, and then another mist busted, you know, joe thing. jordan's king abdullah opened up the space for his range at some british already f just into set these trends. so there were a lot of lessons love and i think if it run wanted to deliver a message very clearly, it really succeeded. i think it was
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a moral victory for you, right? unless for israel, because this role isn't gonna learn the lessons, this role is going to look at now how it converts on the 8th, and that will be the breaking point of the west. you say the cost on agreement. so the, i think, i think the binds might be very clear, but it won't go further. if israel goes further, you know, now where would israel hit the? what is good, what is the stop? these really is what is, what is what they're getting. a green line here. you know, church, it's interesting. we have some interesting cemetery here. you said in your answer interrupted barton, you know, the, the main, the headline story is that it ran, attacked israel and response least on this program response to the attack on its embassy. but you had a missiles coming in from iraq 11 on the m, and you've already mentioned how the u, the u. k, and france and others of helped israel. we're getting symmetry here. this is something we all have talked about for weeks and weeks now. is that the, the,
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the axis of resistance is real. go ahead, george. well, it certainly is a real look, but the question is then, where do you take this? how far do you want to take this? because when you're dealing with israel, so you're dealing with a pilot that isn't restrained by the normal constrains that bind um, other paolo's. so when, when does it get that? apparently, i mean, yeah, again, we're only going by medium because apparently the binding has on has, has told lives in the apple. hey, you want take the wind. don't take it any further. um, well let's say he did say this, um, that doesn't bind this in the yahoo in any way. it's whole. and um, and we know, you know, and there's a long history of this. that is royal has one to 2 embroiled the united states and a war with iran for many,
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many years. and this has been going on ongoing thing quickly. this prime minister of i is really exactly in the and that's in the, in the policy was always, oh, we're going to hit the wrong, the nuclear facilities. we're going to hit the runs new bip. as soon as knowing that if you're around retaliated, then somehow the united states gets sucked into the war. well, chances are, that's what's gonna happen now, is there a will hit iran's nuclear facilities of your own will. doubtless, originally it is going to be hot. so the united states, the stay out of this war will be no doubt bite in the blink. i'm sorry, no, no, no, we don't want any escalation. we're not going to get involved, you know, and auto body to accomplish. it's going to be quite hot once you've made this initial commitment, going to be hard to say out george martin to the 1st question i wrote down for this program in my notes, and i'll pitch it to martin right now. the good, the last program is that i always give the good question to george on give a good one to, you know, who's controlling the narrative. martin?
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yeah. yeah, that's, that is a very good question. um, who is an adult? where in the tail wagging the tail all the time is like an adult, i think, and the next 24 hours or 48 hours. we'll see. we'll see what the by doing is able to actually show how i think most of america is and how much israel needs america and breast and a few other key allies on that side. but i don't agree with george. i don't think these riley's of that stupid. i don't think them cuz that fall to kit nuclear installations inside iran. i think that was more live assassinated their scientists . i mean the lighting survive to. i mean, i don't see how there are, i think that you did, let me finish it. it's only limited now that i'm limited unlimited. go ahead and let me make my point. i think whether it will fit where they, if they do want to escalate it further and make that point. but i think they'll do is they'll go for it writing and soldiers in syria a, which are a many, you know,
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the last 2 or 3 years. a lot of them, every radian ministry installation to be built, which isn't reported so much, i'm gonna write them in the minutes. just wanted to see what the rep i think that will be and it will be strikes and you know that they don't want to make that point . that way. now at that point, when we get to that point, then we have a real tipping point because then london and washington will have to decide, you know, we need some common sense here. you know, is, is by doing, really going to still in election campaign with a, with a, with the, with a 3rd war. you know, a opening up. i mean, it just seems not so, you know, we, we never been this fall. we know this is new ground, the americas. no american president is ever really wanting to take on around, you know, war and what, edging towards the, you know, this, it would seem suicide full for the button administration. i'm from the west in general. you know, i mean, and the other, all the other thing which i wanted to make point about is that there must be people in the minutes in israel, or close to nothing. you know, who, which are telling him about the practicalities of having a side front. you know,
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can we really take on a run when we go gossip of this boys in point we're about to go in to rough. uh, you know, if we, if we took the escalation to them that to the next level and started looking at around as an enemy, that would mean husband, it was stopped facing us on northern border as well. and the big fear list have been talking about for months now, is that hezbollah this time, as opposed to 2006, this time will go in for land invasion of a northern strip on israel that's. that's part of the defense. that's part of this trusty, which is probably the wisc kept secret in the middle east. yes, i always at the end of the day is that they have their, their high card. it's called the united states. and given the rhetoric coming out of the united states, they have not put themselves into a position where they cannot say no to israel. they can say no to a genocide. they won't say no to a war. gentleman, i'm going to jump in here. were you to go to a short break and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion then some we'll need to stay with our tea. the
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same just don't have to shape out to come after kids and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look so common ground the the position i would suggest in belgrade i was suggesting that we send americans and the bridges and the drink put on your bill. is us on obama move dining and potty now. now the stone wall needs here. all the owners will
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say that you will see the former so fast as you know, the middle school is what i need to file a past. closeness was always stuck in this one is not as a guide on a source or sit emotional around noon. it may be, you know, a lot less radioactive than something. it's active uranium, but still it's radioactive and has toxins that killed the laptop. you want me to go and see. so ease of us here. again, let's see the echo seats and they're going good. i don't, you know, those huge mold were suggesting we pharma fell great bill. call us what day was the
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welcome back to cross the full orange. i'm peter little bill here. we just got some real news. george, let me go to you. one of the 1st things that came out of the bite in ministration, which i think so for most people, western audiences they wouldn't pick up on it. but i certainly did a bite and wants to contact his g 7 counter parts. again, this is the post colonial masters making decisions about the minute. it's like sikes pico all over again here. i'm sure they're not a wear a bit there. so they have no sense of irony about their um, the way the how they see the world, the world sees them in a very specific way. these old, colonial powers, they gonna come in and intervene again. it's amazing, george. that's a very good question. um, because the j 7 is a very narrow group of uh, countries. um, i think of pretty much all of them are all members of nato. think 6 of them with the exception of the japan. japan is essentially kind of
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a satellite state of the united states that piece as far as foreign policy is concerned. and it's in a very interesting binding this. the initial response is all the we're going to go to the, the g 7 is on the, all of our allies. and that somehow this helps in any way because of who you're dealing with the countries that are not allies of the united states. and they are aligned with other countries that are also not allies of the united states. so it's a very narrow focus. and um, you know, obviously the normal base you had to go is a little, have a meeting at the un security council. but that was in the united states as the initial uh, response. and if i click on the, you know, the, the un security council. but other than that, you make the usual condemnations of the iran and suggest that iran was acting as the address. oh, which is what the americans and he's saying which are really in a bab up of saying what the originally soon act was saying of it. and no doubt they
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gonna spout this thing. i think at the un security council meeting. but what is a really interesting here is that by doing this, essentially the united states is escalating things to try. i mean, that's a bit precisely if you go to this narrow group, this narrow a bunch of states that are closely aligned with the united states of always support us foreign policy that never criticize you as long as you are essentially escalating because you're essentially the say that hey, we are all with israel, we are all committed to israel and whatever happens next, we have israel's backs. well, that's an escalation as well. you know, martin, you already brought it up here, but, you know, in an election year, joe biden, who is not doing bit, were very well in the polls. and as i always say to our audience, here's and maybe a summer time, i'll start looking at some of the holes more seriously. but you know, you have under a biden's watch, you have the catastrophic withdrawal from afghanistan. those images from couple are
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still with us here. we have the, the, the proxy war and ukraine award that never should have happened in the 1st place. and obviously the genocide going on and gaza, there is, and stationing troops in taiwan. of course it ran into the perennial enemy here, and it has blow they got in on the act over the weekend as well. um, how many wars can bite and um, um give attention to. okay. and as i said in my introduction, how many can a, when, what yeah, how, how many can you mess up? you know, because there you go bit better, you phrased it better than i did. yeah. if you just put, if you just right last a list even before him, you know, going back to the 2nd one. well, i mean, they'll just tons of examples where america, with this western button is often britain, you know, just plowed into countries. um, just got involved in internal conflict and messed up. i left just a trait of habit clemency behind them. you know, just more recently, you know, you,
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you mentioned ukraine. i'm now garza and, and it's, it's, i think the american public when they look at it, i remember blinds administration, but when they look back at it and they reflect on it, i'm some of the more no less leading media to these kind of a video montage in the last few weeks, selections of, of biden's from policy footprint. and you can, you have the classic iconic. you know, i'm footage of thousands of people running along with the, the a s trip a couple apple with that sees one. so i suggest, i think it was, you know, these images, people, people will start to the current, understand foreign policies. yeah. we have a split color look in america, but they can't understand, you know, how constant say that it was as repetitive, same, went by the military. industrial complex makes a huge amount of money, a politician simply very happy in oral driving around new cause and buying glitches . and yet,
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food of the supermarkets getting more expensive gas front gas pump prices are coming up. you know, more americans are losing the homes. people will start to understand the fund militarized for them for on policy is just basically does autism for the country? well, i, you know, i have to push back on that a little bit judge because the, the, the, the, we're all veterans of how this propaganda machine works me of yeah, well, prices are up because it ran ok because it ran it's about threatening is real. okay . it's a mazda is fault, okay. they, they never take responsibility for their own actions. it's always, of course, and of course, rush is always at fault for whatever you want in the climate change may be even. so, um, but the, you know, i think really to the point here, george is that with all of the complex that i mentioned them. and then what martin had to say here is the united states vulnerable is the, is the west vulnerable? because if there seems to be some kind of tipping point going on here, now, is that, you know, this was there, there's a swarming effect trying to get the,
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the, i mean, you got a feel profit, bad for the wind speed crowd be getting everybody, it's going to be just about them because 1st order of business and congress, you know what it's going to be on monday morning. george support for israel. go ahead but loose. right. and i say that it is easy to say, oh yeah. so go, go back to 1945, it's old. you know, us incompetent u. s. foreign policy, but there have been errors since 1945 in which the us exuded competence. the us achieve, foreign policy go let me in the another boss, complex treaties was signed with above by the united states. you know, a boss network of agreements sign in by the united states. i mean, we'll help set the helsinki process to speak of the we talked about the, the nixon era. and we talked about these game one major agreement officer and all the and these work foreign policy accomplishments. now, something is going wrong in recent decades, wasn't meant to say, hey,
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the influence of the neo cons. but because what we have now is the united states kind of reacting from one crisis to another, getting itself involved in one crisis, offer another without any overarching vision of what it's trying to achieve. because it's somehow, well, you know, we, we, we, we have to support the landscape as opposed to grant. we have to have these rails back, but at no point does the united states think, well, what is, what is the united states go? what does the united states trying to achieve? what, what, what is the, you know, what, how does the united states envisage the world in the next 1015 years? and that's what least what you had back, you know, 3040 years ago when at least you had a, you know, a president who was thinking in those terms. so i think there's been a drastic decline in us foreign policy leadership. and the both of us as a whole of this is by the bite and was they get all hopelessly incompetent is head
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filled with some of the logical platitudes that you never really understood the go back to the 19 ages and i think now you list all of these things, you know, we had the, the bite and meeting with the japanese prime minister and the with, with the philippines. the problem is that, um that's, that's directed at the china. we got the whole, the zalinski thing, ongoing, still demanding that the more of them will be sent to your grades. and now we've got this. so it's a, you know, a past, you know, complex of, of issues and the arts. this has no idea what to do other than go continue down this path. it was it certainly not to entertain ideas of diplomacy, as george rightly pointed out. okay. so the, the great for him, the great struggle as we all 3 were coming up was the cold war and it was managed, okay. it was manage, we avoided more, but more i'm, i'm very cynical about this. um, of course, you know,
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i've looked at the major headlines before we started here. it is very pro israel. what, what, what else would you expect from western media? but it seems to me, it's more of a cover. i think they've very little coverage and will of the, almost none in western media is what's going on in the west bank. it is target for risk take what is going on right there to the, the, the, the, um, the, the destruction of the land and people of gas. it continues unabated, but we're not talking about it. okay. and i think this is all very intentional. it was israel that started the probably cation by attacking the the consulate in damascus. and that's exactly why i ask you that question. who is controlling the narrative? i think they are. go ahead, martin. we're taking the rise of the boat and those as of yet. and so exactly. exactly. the settlers in the west bank taking advantage of this window to doing whatever risk, costly ex. um they think that justified doing as close as not getting a pull to the other thing is not getting reported about westbank is that it's
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becoming completely notice that these ready authorities that now just losing control completely was that crackdowns with the assessing nations and the kidnappings and legal arrests, you know, his pulse and scale though, was also off the scale, which is also not being reported. is the number of iranian um, is which of being pumped into the west bank. so this is something else which is bubbling in the background. you have now, you know, an insurgency in the making. iran is using this in fluids in the region to continue to use join to, to ship by roads, a lot of legal ops, more homes. so that's another cool drugs that we would expect to stop bubbling up, you know, um in the future. but you know, i'm, i think we're, we're, we're, we're looking at a, a catastrophe now on a level that we've never really been able to understand to, to, to, to, to, to go back to george's point. yeah. the americans might have a lot of headway in the 60 seventy's and perhaps eighty's when they were super. but
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when they were the sole superpower, you know, we did receive a part of that science and that i mention, you can make mistakes because everybody's, it gives you, everybody says tea, that's america. you know, you can pull out of them as a right of of it now. and then one says yeah, okay. so, so what, you know, america is big enough to carry on with it. so you know, this because, um callous. well i, i think it's a gemini, i think towards be that they really were there mishaps i have occurred and let you got like 40 seconds here is that they abuse the unit polar moment and that moment is closed. go ahead, george. i think so. and i think that i'm back in the 6th and 7th is a, it is they was a rival which was a piece of military rival, which was the, the soviet union. and the united states respect of the united states of bel tate were kind of share the planet with them. we cannot get into a, in a dangerous escalation with them this since the uni pulled a moment. you know,
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i say, says we, you know, we won the cold war, we dissolve the winnings, and we're going to take the winnings phone with us. and even though you know all the others are suggesting that way and we'll take it, we'll take the winnings and, and this is how they use their, their victory in pirate victory. i would say that's all the time we have gentlemen when a think, my guessing marrow cash and in budapest and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here. are to see you next time. remember profits? apple's the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the 1935 fast is easily led by dictator benito mussolini decided to expand its colonial empire in africa and take over the opium. by that time, ethiopia was the only fully independent states on the continent. back in 1896. its inhabitants were able to defeat the italian colonies and defend their
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independence since then, rome craved for revenge for the humiliating defeat. in the morning of october 3, 1935. without any announcement, the foxes attacked ethiopia and bombarded it most severely. d, d o. b an armed forces bod, courageously. but the routes have a. d, a, b, a tell you, and knew no bounds. they use not only massive bombing attacks on civilians, but also chemical weapons. toxic gas is this james the course of the war. as a result of the occupation of ethiopia, by the fastest 760000 people were killed. the capture of the african state was committed with europe's tacit approval to britain and france recognize the annexation,
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giving the green lights up further fast expansion in the world. 10 paving the way for the outbreak of world war 2. the


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