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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  April 16, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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as of 200000000 in about aside to yes, we would be over 400000000. if we don't have what's efficiency at this point, what would happen? in fact, yeah. so we have to work on day is everybody should wow, the hands on deck to be able to literally distribution the insecurity that prevents from us on when to the problems with your also set out decided that actions that will bring emergency on insecurity because there is a next or the very serious next us between for to go to an insecurity. we must be able to step in security in order to have lots of patients the and the might does, i would say go to united you. kimberly may so, and so the point is that we know that some of the buildings to live is insecurity in, in i do. and that is leading to, because of perhaps the things all will cover the see whether it's gain some
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momentum either is getting better against the dollar. is this something that's a key factor? because he said that a lot of the, the great things that you import all links to the us dollar is something that can change one we, we hope, but um, you know, the, what do i have seen is uh some or transactions. so we feel that even the inflation that we're experiencing now for the inflation is getting to about 40 percent. and we feel that if the matter gains most trend, it would come down. that is why we go to rise. every decision that we make on we, we actually want to some of the problems that we have to the value of the overall currency. but there are many, many such factors as i outlined. i, i 1st mation insecurity. i mentioned before the, i mentioned i when we have a nod,
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see the route, what we're going by, what is happening in southern africa? we also see up from the hobby, we had this uh, the warning from the majority agency that there could be i'd be sufficient openings in some areas and that let's start to rinse, in some areas. so if people did not hit these warnings, they might blend and whatever they blank might just dry up so we can get into a position of drought. we can also get into a personal plan for them because that may be mornings been expected in some areas. so many, many foot factors of you're with the, the, the, the, the level of the kind of an see is one because it affects the by changing part of the typical not to do then is a go to t is that because it prevents people from going to the from, to produce the required food. and then i think as a whole is when market and useful gene is that,
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what am i producing not only limited to its people. it also finds its way to other people. and that because we have one market, the people are afraid to come on by. so we, we have so many successes in the 4th system. but what this is a global, i'm sure you know that because the intrinsic to enjoy and i think or going to print like benjamin by the un secretary general, even contained a fault system conference over the world that the world is jalese, the phone system of the global system has been installed and those kind of just have been that we came out of the especially for we put too much on the fence to the end for that. welf. what's in place at that time? but as i think subsequent, we've still not looking for it is that we used to have a 10 year, and that was the, i know i'm and we'll event. so there are many, many set for those 2. i look for the system. unfortunately, with this inflation on food is becoming uncontrollable,
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because if it went up on the deluxe is, i mean the meta is finding up, the, for the inflation is to that is only one that what is happening. and they do that, i have to come by it. so there's enough, i've yvonne of time. but i do appreciate your time sir. copied abraham, the present of the old farmer's association of nigeria. thanks again for your time . i'm going to say in 10, national and other civil society groups all divani that nigeria prevent buddhist oil di show from selling is local on actual business. unless it seems the pollution of things to his operations shall should not be permitted to use legal gymnastics. to escape is responsibilities for clean up its widespread legacy of pollution. the companies divestment record is replete with examples of phone show room lighting licenses being sold without adequate safeguards to protect nigerians
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from home and an ice even government from financial liability to build somebody else. but inside close environmental pollution, including contamination of water sources, agricultural employees and inc, as the one of them is the livelihood of the local residence. so society, good fort 9th, june, officials to make shell a dress. the harm is done to the west african region before giving the consent to a potential sale of the business. if it is consult with him, conspiring local. oh, i am the international agency if i'm able to purchase sales f, as in my dear report for about $2400000000.00. even off of outset, luca or so i would still operate the integrated gas on the water industries and the african nation. we spoke with the director of the health of the mother of foundation nemo by seats. he says that the company should not be allowed to think the sale before taking responsibility for ease of damage on the
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shows of patients. you might do that, i imagine. yeah, it's something that cannot easily disclose the biggest see that the eighty's must is always been 65. yes. loss of money to get the disaster. we have all those views, leaking, fives, all kind of where you dumped into what are we is or what their bodies of the box on the environment of the people is. how's the numbers uh, we're talking about most viewed by this. also these students on gas letters and we just really got email addresses 1954 in the use of press on this shouldn't even contemplate funding. yeah. yeah. so call us it's without for the for cutting out. i mean, for myself, i don't want their facilities as what are the zip codes for the of the communities that have been impacted without any sense of responsibility. nobody shows set up
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their own kind of develop the assets, a lot of businesses to move off shore, because the big, the less reckless robust site to buy their i saw the drug shop program. we'd love to have been really weird by just directly from one point that to i know that we're not, we have to just push on where this just stands disrupting. pipeline sun. life is actually the best that from by the commission on the rick that rick gets you possibly just remove from the side of it is that you will have a child soon called up from the thought the sports to buy the yes from all radio news i know it's all so you don't come on, we'll be back in about 20 minutes. we'll see you then a look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a
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robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is it conflict with the 1st law? should we live in terms of patients? we should be very careful about visual intelligence. the point obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody with him in the robot most protects his phone. existence was on the when the world's largest democracy votes, the rest of the planet watchers in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters, but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more,
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react the india. and there will be in douglas or does anybody who could i defense capacity now? do you know there's some, you know, this so part drop of most people, newspapers, news channels, more lobbies. i think that via, via the chatting with a boeing and strong and there is a challenge to the supremacy of the with the hello and welcome my model, home care in the evolving landscape of the 21st century. the focus no more than it is on india. part of my guess tonight is a good legacy is the subbing member of parliament and the 2nd generation lawyer was championed many hyper 5 cases. welcome magic, maloney, the luxury of being on your show. lovely to see you from jack maloney. 192-3220. 19
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was a leading indian and criminal lawyer. you mind great. attended me as a penny. the spreadsheet of to the 9047 partition of the moment, bridge economy. it's an independent countries of india and pakistan on the left. find a far seeking legal practice in karachi. pakistan he was a b j. a member of parliament was suspended from the policy in 2012 and disappointed for several high profile cases in these long and distinguished career by his camp maloney born at 1956 is the son of a. you'd like to ranma jump, maloney be joined the ruling a, b, j, p m e. 19 ninety's. when it was a fletchley offering. as i said, you can reach a member of parliament under the integral parts of the party in legal brain trust. he is going to form an indian, a prime minister indira gandhi to be in possession of a state of emergency between 19651977. when his father has to pay to canada to
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a fight arrest. he has championed many high profile cases such as defending then a good direct chief minister, the rent remoted in the 2002 communal rights minister, m e strong. and the so i mean, i'm not, it's not by you will really full body. what actor sanjay does, what made you choose law employed for 15, it was showing up as being and you know him to come to they didn't do for go even is the day and they taught the emergency. yes. got arrested for it. right. 365 doppler over the country gave her the bomb the high call to try and prevent that. what interest was issued from fargo didn't get enough where you attacked the latency and this is going to be able to, to say to me and that kind of appealed to me. and of course, i think a little bit of b, accounting for law wasn't the genes naturally i gravitated towards it and then i, you know, but i realize it was really hard work. i mean the noise, you know, 90 percent 99 percent industry and one percent that inspiration level usually
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the funds are the doctor out of not do not match up to the father or the mother you have really it was supposed to be. it's a very heavy and he left his father can be died, you void can incentivize you. hm. so in my case it, you know, that i have to gotcha. and i, i break them that challenge. yeah. met mr. i'm judgment on the number of times. very popular book, but not just energetic, full tide. you are from that point of view and there's a different, a little more moderate. i would say yes, i would smoke and revise. there's lots of. yeah, father was that if you would, you from she gets in yes. during partition and matted and you had see daughters and you know he had a very pleasing practice and cannot see me. in fact, he was a law park. no, but mister gabriel, he has been mentioned to the comfortable minister of pocket and before that boy,
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he was be high commissioner in the early 166061 football standing in the he on the side of foreign policy and legally bent of maintenance. and so my father used to do most of the day to day work and called because we had so many, you know, interest set impressions, but uh and partition came and that madness broke out. i think it could be redundant and you know, allow me back on to get into your safety head anymore. and i think so the, so he packed his bag, give up his practice home. everything. but he wanted to go back. he fell the longest go back because he had such a flat as you can practice. you know, right. and could i live in the refugee can and cut down ok with 3 daughters, but he had then it'll be the spoken when he 1st came. and then my, my sister who i didn't see because i wasn't born at that time. i was born post optician, fifties, she had pneumonia. and his situation was that bad financially. and he couldn't afford her treatment for the money. my god and she lost it, but a huge tragedy from the you know, because of it could have been focused on the right to come to the rags if you and
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it was you can and then not be able to survive is then save as the doctor was this is a big one of his favorite channels. i think that made him a little detached, didn't meet him, you know, later the most need to tactic with that kind of tragedy. when you're fairly young, what are your thoughts about? if you it isn't focused on an interview, it is now and coming and trying to settling on the interview with you, especially the who see was i was what the see. i know no problem. you know, i have been supporting the legislation. yeah. is it there not to come in at the front page of the times of india and uh, i know there is no other home for me. windows than speaking i become the physical device and the federation. okay. because of any grandiose sounding name, but uh, but we do a lot of work and you know, we're trying to get all this in these, the, the dies for most of them a extremely well off and after doing whatever they live and have been another way for we're trying to get, you know, get them to help us into refugees it from since, and seems as very badly hit as you know, it crimes against women a data. but for a lot of things, we're going to leave only because of that constant failure that you know,
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women may be abducted made to convert and so on and so forth. so we know generally i didn't die, therefore it's in gathering funds internationally from cindy can do is worldwide to try and prevent these atrocities and rehabilitate them if they come into the country. did you get chosen for to fight mister mo, these case for the winter? i tracked people close to more up by mr. moody at that then see if mr. moody came to me. right. and i was already doing, so i'd be but yes, case of that, that right was also according to me, a victim of depression 5 is still going on just some new this i do want to say to my but i was convinced of her innocence and it was like using the bunny who had actually bought full movie n. so it'd be forget, requested me at that time and said that you pick up the cases and i said to the deputy because i was always a part of the pgp since 1980. i still holding my by the chief, my membership and my father stayed location me, but i never stayed them to be gpi was always, uh, you know, dialogue them,
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but i'll be happy to what makes you and i had member of egypt because i believe in the ideology, i believe in nearly done something ideology and i believe in all the platforms which they have finally executed in this country. so far. our view is we do not know or does that ideology. i'll be use some it up with the i, i do all the g has evolved in part of it is always in the what is the liability of course was that they believed in the evolution of logic and see 71 main things they believed in the uniform civil code, but studies very important to you. we are all in it. so you have somebody all sent him, but he's stronger than india than it was. i was in new york and i was in a cab. and then an ottoman in new york gab and this news came about the application of article $270.00. there was a sort of id who was my driver. and you said no, the model who yeah. so that was a universal reaction of indians all the way the word. what's the nationalist policy this all nicely spelled in. i frankly, from a very early age of course bought a bit of inculcation by my father that he believed in the same thing very strongly
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. but i could not believe that by anybody would be opposed to crush me to begin integrity part of india or that i think it's the same. it is only a problem, a temporary solution that it has to with the way. yeah. and gave way to a fully pulled integration. yeah, i could not believe all that. and then of course i thought that matter to put the lock with the lock is you taught be it's a reservation of living and i'm living by mr. moore did announce now you know, from the that but so read for that. not you should be. yeah. is a, is the month of the future, right. it's, it's a national interest to give you empower women. you and you improve your not only give them the dignity with the dissolved and not had all these years, but the also the name of the main street and make them productive assets away from 2 members in the parliament to now reservation for the purpose. yes, for the 3 percent. that little bit. and this change in criminal amendment bills, i'm sure you'll be happy. so there are these 3 bills which have come, all of them have it please bills, which will essentially colonial
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a either legislations. and they were really meant to be had victorian principles. mm hm. for instance, women's were given that a subordinate place because as you know in england, they would not even have given the right to vote till, you know, in the 20th century. so they sent an 18 opinion quote, isn't $1860.00 right? so there was that aspect then of course, tradition, the word sufficient. but just because any contributions in this country is really in the there, the wording was well in claims or excites the suspect against the government. of the day that was a provision meant for the british colonial rule. that is to make sure that the subjects don't excite disaffected against them to speeches and the to the was the place by whoever likes to disrupt the silver and the integrity of. yeah. and yeah, that site you also said recently said that is a cabal in industrial being, quote, acting at the interest of foreign powers. do you really a 100 percent that yeah, look up, you know,
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since i've been deleted by move the data in 2016 for us to practice. and so being put my my seat in that i just became in 2021. but i the only move of the ideal protecting the supreme court. i mean, i was approached by a lawyer. mm. bye. uh that you know, you should be on one particular side lying all over to that, is that yes, yeah, photon follows. are even the media for the media tries to such a run on why, but i do think that they are interested in this flushing. india isn't the supposed to be from 3rd world country to some country to someplace that we of aging. what does it actually do? thing the bothering them, the rest especially, you know, there's so far dropped most people's newspapers, news channels, or lobbies. i. i ping that via, via the challenge of growing and strong and there is a challenge to the supremacy of the west. obviously you'd be wonder, be friends with every but, you know, even with china was nice thing about us. we wanted to be defensive. another great
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outreach that by mr. more, do you happen to be in the beginning, when you are boundary a boundary skirmishes? you know, things are bound to flared up, you can have it so it has been kills every day. i mean, the nonsense of the boss that you know, we will overlook these kinds of things that are especially since in 93 and ninety's 96. you will have bone read resolution agreements in those 2 years today. that'd be one simple one to become friends with china, right? engage in trade with them. but we must 1st result and that's the policy of this government. you please sit down and one's a default. tell us what is your perception of the boundary and what are the opposition and for the time. so i thought that was all that different. i'm to then become, keep on having uh, engage in convention. they never ever took that offer up. so everything's been nice to self interest, you know, but i shouldn't floating since. right. that'd be my friends. sometimes the middle of it. yeah. okay. they may have a dispute video created, but we've been very valid string. we've said this of the,
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there's not any real famous, i'm more than many, very clear on the nino whole thing. we would like peace, but then sit down across the table and find out what is the difference that presented position between the 2 products that's being offered to mediate as well. so as i've says, be a policy obese level unable b b want. yeah, and there's never been douglas or towards anybody you have that never ever attacked anybody. and that's how because by me that's how because brian, look at it, we have that we have the best mix of the world. we want peace with everybody. and we want peace with that does have amongst themselves, right for that is up. and that is that because we have no means we have no got the enemies, we haven't, maybe it'd be one to live in peace on that boundaries to be secure. it's a very issue of the what is called the proof to date, to fit it is get that every the inter engine at the ends in spot the, i probably missed all the nice because one the b b ex model or that was in, you know, the the foremost spot me, if of athens,
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i was always of upset that spot that is going to come and overtake them. okay. so that feel that we lose the primary position. there was, in those days the greeks were running away. so it's called the skype right. that it's, it's be, it's the field of and flipping bar shipping, most of the bar authorizing emerging fund that is going to, over to you and to come up with that, the cut out really risky and i'm good. what we've done in digital india, how we brought 1300000 people, most of them out of poverty. me some very so one of the property when you become a 5 to any economy, right. look at what we've done, the digital economy, how many people are now paying tax? we have at this stage, highest growth in the world. we have limited money visa, but below the bank dollar limits of both unemployment and interest me. yep. capital
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markets where you way, if you invested in the capital markets every day, you'll get up and you'll see the developers rising. right? so the middle class, the, the upper middle class and everybody, that's something but everybody. yeah. how many people have been bought out by the scheme that the government bought the main stream? how many people, how much leakage of money was that in the old business games? and how advancing is have been the direct guy spends the money is going directly to the target that's intended for low, medium. and i've actually eating up on these on listen support and peace. they'll get a defense capacity now. mm hm. now the sun. exactly. so look at this, look at the scale of thought, a cheap, it's simple thing, no problem. you know, the environment. the 1st question that was asked by did you do it? why did you not start this switch? but as of you, on the charlotte business, i didn't do started in 2014 menu. let's get right into started women's reservation . yeah, we're leaving and your last you out of your a lot of you 2nd go on. so it is, what did you will people know that all these years?
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first we have to get them and dignity me, did you ever, did you ever think of the shame that women suffered from open delegation? we had to give you what you didn't do with 60 audios of your and you haven't given them dignity. we give them info and, and, and the final step would be the one question which keeps bothering me as a fresh meeting, which i think maybe you wouldn't be able to do onset. so when there is a, a tentative st. who is 2 behind, the supreme court opens the door in the middle of the night. and sort of say that we will take the case of bargaining or whatever it is. and on the other side, when chris media pundits go the kind of atrocities that doesn't happen, and they said it's, it's in the past. so there is no record of it. so we will not be accepting this edition. it baffles me. yes, i mean that is that, you know, that caught me in approach. mean a dentist, we have to show the international community that we give due process even to the dentist under the same level problem. it's good that some lawyers that you've been
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picking up these cases. the thing is that those cases that don't affiliate that you know what the evidence is all about. and i suppose the bottom of the reasons is that the supreme court has to also keep up the big, full international you know, good relate and to show that our system is fed, we give it to the worst kind of even in the means against the state it is a given that access to our thoughts. that's the rule of law. me the cause many pundits. i purposely think that discarding it, i guess because it's a little engine that the crime never dies. yeah. crime never days. that's a basic principle of criminal law. it never dates, so the goal should always be open unless somebody comes with the kids to go even. then they would say, how can be examined? you're not brought the evidence off atrocity actually, but this will be the ability to me. you think would be hit the move your daughter is now following guilford step. yes. what did you believe to her or she's already successful? no, no. she just started. one is a long way from sex. ed, this is the you don't mind holding this up to
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a father not do it. very well known law. it integrates be good genetics is the mother. nonsense, everything hard work. i told you right in the beginning, right. is it 99 percent industry and best creation? right? is she works hard. she has a slip on it. right. but you have to time still have to to include that plan into output. the really how do i, what does that sprint is very good researching below me. so hopefully she will and she stayed away from my feet basically criminal amount to some extent concept with the law. so she's a super lawyer promotional, and so she's a different field. there's no, there's no shadow, etc, etc. all grandfather unplugged to me, she was 5 on the one minutes in 2004, 47 we've it'd be a 100 years or you're going to be 100 percent alone. and i hopefully i'm onto the hopefully with you seeing that you can all make ball luxury ball. and i also see india has been a highly developed mission, highly developed mission, which combines development, inclusive development with welfare,
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the best of welfare and which combines awfully minutes buffalo military capabilities with it does need to be split into the richfield, go to the world, and more details about that. thank you. my friend that you did not need was pleasure talking to. thanks michael. how wonderful and thank you for watching join me next week for another intimate yet in. 3 reading debate, and let's stuff how did, with unable to get, how much got the the now can you use visa, typically from here, sir, to nancy kim's in the book is that probably the message should be very the
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only issue ok. use the so i'm just going to the ways that the boys, the probably the most name that will be for them. i'm not sure if this slaughter doesn't want that extra them. but, and that's it. but there's that the
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the this didn't door to door or to get of the month if you start having back new soon. so the media meeting, so the, the search for the new settings family seems pretty things i'm really from it on the computer. no, yes, let's look this all the money to the sale. be the name, is he at the wish? the east you permission to complete it. we'd like to to should get us the book, which is such as to me and i don't authority to producing that to, to see the proposed fact. who so the
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adult story is this how it wrong, the ones that will cut off the hands of his enemies if they conduct another attack against it. those threats of evasion tends to fly between wrong and i love the important things the us to find of a rush of the flags the same way. it is well, washington refuses of different conflicts, different complex, different interface, different threat picture to subbing images on the where a mass grave is discovered at a major pulse with the locals say is really the fault is till they loved ones i've just dumped the bodies in of this cell 22.


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