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tv   Documentary  RT  April 16, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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the, this chinese lab had already put together plans to create such a virus. the lock downs had a devastating effect on the american economy. many people in the united states feel that the pandemic ruined their lives. so now new information showing that the government may have hidden, the truth is unlikely to improve the matter. salem off and archie, new york, some disturbing news, rushes on boxes the you and have on the plains. a tax on those awful rose in nuclear plot could on a leech and dissolve that. but western powers have turned a blind eye to the danger and as good as the nation that gives them those up to the western governments have long given the key of regime comp launched by any crimes and actions directed to the gates, russia. nevertheless, i be like, do you believe that you are pay neighbors have not yet after faith, the instinctive self preservation and they will not jeopardize the lives and health of their own citizens of, to all of the creating a tags on these upper region nuclear power plant continue,
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no one can completely rule out a nuclear dissolves, nothing on a regional and even global scale, just like those. you play along with key of awesome selves. a simple question, why fi, 5 nuclear power plants and ukraine as russia engaged in creating security threats very specifically against the one on the it's controlled us through just of moscow has acute explain a lot of things lona tags on the russian control nuclear power farm. but keim says those obligations off fabricated and even claim that most good carries out the full flag of tax. on the 1st of that, c, western countries i'm facing the style. that's the un security council spinning the blame on russia for the entire situation. they say the sauce of the offensive on equal in itself means that russia is responsible for wrong doing, for us, is invited to the u. n. a has into and less out of the international atomic energy agency. suggesting that the what still doesn't have the coverage to admit it. claim is behind a series of,
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of tax notes on the soft version need to be approximately to ship pass off the, the head of the i a, a misses the danger of the attacks, but failed to mention anything else i need to go see for every one of the i used 7 pillars of nuclear safety and security, have been compromised, not seed by and watch as the final weight keeps the finally balanced scale over the past 10 days. the 1st of these principles has been violated repeatedly in watermarks up step change increase in risk to nuclear safety and security. at the plot. this reckless attacks must seize immediately for the security council meeting. we, i a chief confirm that there is no heavy weaponry at the zap road a nuclear power plant. now we spoke about the slides on the facility with
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a deputy of the legislative assembly of the zappa road here in route. and that's kind of sad who just so i've, i've attacked so, but as i've next in the full interview and will be back at the top of the the, they're not, they're going to just go with me. so good job. where do you think that is absolutely no reaction from the international community? do the continued attacks on the supper ocean nuclear power station. so it has already been for quite a while that the international community has been selective about the things it's reacts or doesn't react to a tool. there are some fundamental principles that every kind of flow rests on one such principle is the inescapable nature of punishment. the present a situation, the world, however, is such that against all logic, this principle doesn't work for a whole number of countries for the united states in the 1st place. and naturally,
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for those countries that are one way or another, either protected or dependent on the us. the most recent example of this is, you know, you asked me about this up at over the power plant. but what about the middle east? there was a striking embassy which constitutes a blazing violation of international law. was there any reaction? so it, however, there was no new euro made response. and then all hell broke loose is the work. you know that the system of the double and even triple standards that the so called collective west has made for itself. we can disagree, protest, cry file and get emotional about it as much as we like. but we need to accept the, this is the kind of reality we live in. it has become us coming is getting up in the morning. it doesn't surprise me anymore. and you guys know at the drop off the thoughts of all that's sad, it's still of interest sedation, isn't it? what would be an estimate of a possible nuclear disaster if these attacks continue and they continue all the
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rest, remain silent and that's very dangerous, isn't it? effective, it is very dangerous beyond any doubts. radiation poisoning spreads across old board is the solo can affect in unimaginable ways any country and relative proximity. that's what they turn normal nuclear disaster. nuclear contamination was detected for quite a while and sweet in denmark. and you know, how far they are from the ground 0. that's what i mean that i say the boys express across old boys. on the other hand, you crate with it's leadership has not been a solid and stays for a very long time. now, even though some people might be aware of it, when it happened, i think the public in general doesn't even know when you create in stop being a southern state. i don't think the general public knows it, but it's a fact. it hasn't been solved and not only in terms of its own finances or self governance, but also in terms of planning its military strategy. as we see today, the west is the brain behind all that much is obvious. so what do we have now?
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let's look back at 2023 with all that incessant drumbeat of ukraine. so cold content, offensive all the tremendous amounts of money, weapons and supplies. all of that got then, no way you see do a dead end. this would then end. pretty much defines the current state of affairs for the key of for g, one for this, where it is what drill a wedge between deland skins. illusion me when the latter used it in a speech you creating obviously heat that and they have failure, failure, and not much else that's on the one hand. but on the other, the west has clearly invested too much and to ukraine. and we can understand not at all, but understand, hold those wall longest to keep saying if you craze, the feed will be the defeat of the west. that's what it will be without any doubt. because by and large, we can say now with confidence that they started a war in us, and they are waging this collective war, an oil for an us, an old fees from civilian dimensions, the military ones. it's an old war. his goal is the complete and the other
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dominance and complete annihilation of russia as a state. and so you creams the feed will be this too. what can they do about it? they could try and 5 or comebacks like sports. and that's essentially what they're trying to arrange for now. they're preparing for such a come back. and while they're thinking the best way to do it, they study to get another water nice a war of to us. and it's essence in full application for that service. it can be called a city hold, the battery can attack some bell, got some coolest, oldest strikes targeting oil, gas, and fuel infrastructure. and that is terror is all that is set or is, it cetera isn't that's paving the way to the desired come back. their goal is to disrupt the situation inside the country and still fear and panic and destabilize the situation as much as they can. there are many sidelines to be called the city whole try to g. you see things that usually was given to those low lives. some of
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the biggest that were dressed up as isis operate is whether it's glee that they have as much to do with the eyes as i with ballet dancing. and yet it was the g moment that was broadcast all over the world with one of them was, gosh, what did you do in the concert hole? and he replied, i shut the boat and when asked, why didn't you shoot them? he said, for money that moment alone ruined all their attempts to have ices blame for that attack. when that man almost admitted to what he did to q people for money. so what was the goal behind it tugs and muslims. why not start up so hate competing and rushing some of its people already and some religion like islam. in that case, it will be very dangerous for russia having the religious or ethnic feud raging. that country like russia wouldn't be catastrophic. so that's what they're doing. they're trying to destabilize the situation over here while they're getting ready, all of them. and the situation with a zip analogy,
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nuclear power plant is very similar. it's terrorism in both foam and style. also in the 3 panic are focused on the specific areas. there's also the side, the people are afraid of radiation and the west is civilization is soul sensitive. they get very upset every time they hear about these things. so it creates panic. at the same time, we hear the old scene that the russian, some bowman themselves, personally, i've gotten used to these now they have since 2022. so don't react in any way. not only are we the source of full, even in the universe, we're also portrayed as mentally deficit. and they basically say we're in a years we're trying to lease a nuclear disaster on their own territory on their own people. but unfortunately, this sensitive weston community doesn't think systematically. they start to believe these not as hoops because all these media platforms. so targeting them lines. so there's the managers become for media, then they become internalized, which leads to their conclusions. but in this particular case, with this up,
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what was your plan? i have a different offices or a different account if events, if you will switch to a ball from the media goals. so for any terrorist attack, which i've already mentioned, the attacks of april 7th to 9th. what else intended as a kind of reconnaissance by for you? let me explain these attempts. if you're calling, this is my fly. i have a certain history. it began in the summer of 2020 to allow me to remind you about the west and supervisors. and this part of the line of contact is supervisor with the u. k. although the united states has its thing, is in every play, a lot of advisors and all that. but the key part a supervisor in this area is the case. in 2022, they came up with the idea of creating a new cliff and termination. so by attacking the facilities that contains so called face material. and they could also figure this last directly. there is a medical to move the system trauma, which means a condition where several body system sort of 15 have the same time. they were
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aiming at something similar if the heat and it to jeanette oxygen planned, it would suddenly lead to a local explosion, which in turn would lead to fire and the fire, depending on weather conditions, good spreads and go of the buildings. and this would lead to disaster fall plants. what trouble of the nuclear power plant does not necessarily mean that something to stop it into the react to despite what people often imagine. in fact, the reactor is the most protected component. it is shielded by the containing bulls, which is super strong and can we stand the impact of a justified flying at $45.00 degrees. but there are many other units in the systems that are much more vulnerable. these include the cooling system and the backup power supply, which is extremely important because the trains power lines are often out of service in the women, 2022. when that i a already started it's mission to the station, ukraine, see the power line from the backup power system. and the russian control station was given impressive backup generated capacity thanks to the use of mobile visual
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units. so it was through the blow. but here's a vulnerability for you and it doesn't matter if the reactor is in a hot or cold shut down. it's part of nucleus safety, just like the cooling system. when grossey visited the station, he was shown a fragment of a project dial in the bottom of the spray pound these bones above the cooling system, and they have an insulating surface at the bottom of it. if you b is this little face, you will destroy the pond, all the water will go into the ground. again, that's a fright to nucleus safety. i don't want to go into details, but believe me, there is a lot to talk about. in 2022, they had they did who the station is to create a source of contamination and imitate a nuclear explosion in the territory control. but ukraine, they would get an impressive picture of a mushroom cloud and they would be detectable radiation. so as always, with the west, there would be a lot of noise and unclear information,
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dubious sources, but they would have the image to show, and there would be ready ation. russian would be accused of using dr. nuclear weapons. they would have the legal pretext involved in a to blog as a full fledged lead your party to the call states on that saturdays at this point. so in this id probably lost its relevance, then the study planning to take the station by force. they may 3 major attempts which was forwarded by all military for the chances of success with close to 0. anyway, there wilson, on a dangerous possibility in the course of the operation critical damage could have been inflicted unimportant pieces of infrastructure. ultimately leading to the, the ation contamination to please know that the goal has remained largely the same thing. needs radiation in a certain location that allows and agadir and adjust incentive to race their incense failed. and now there is a sort of a 3rd wave. so because of what i sit out in think desperately need to come back, there was a reconnaissance in force and, and probing the process of the response. the us is deployed and the reliability of
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defenses. it was a probing action. i'm sure that they know alone about about brand because there are a lot of people there on the other side of the near but who knows the situation. but still they need to make certain clarifications. after that, by all appearances, they have a plan to deliver some critical strikes against objects. i believe the structure, again, not necessarily a nuclear reactor or a power plant unit, but this scenario is going to be the same afterwards. lots of noise, the favorites manipulations, media resources creating the hub up and bumping out of hysteria and for nuclear threat. now to have some know that hard to manipulate, they have lots of experience with such many relations on most serious things. they're going to sell all these are something that threatens europe and the country . so with some and soft, decent boss in, you know, i'm often asked about what it will look like. you have to read all happens. why can maps a set of equations to solvable when the number of the questions matches the number
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of variables? in this case, there are too many variables. we don't know the c over the damage inflicted the volume of discharge and the weather conditions at the moment of discharge. so, forecasting is both of course, but it's going to be self theory that has very little in common with reality. but as we've said here before, anything really to the, the ation contamination is a dangerous thing that no snow borders and can house great consequences both for the russian federation and for ukraine. of course, you made a big deal, a suspicion of ukraine. 3, do active contamination would have affected them as well. besides one of the in taxed at least 20 minutes after the i. e. a specialist had left to doesn't keep worry about that. it's a key key is how do i put this? there is a game that children play. i can't remember what the scold. quit sees. you know what i mean? like i'm standing here, i stand on something and cold. quit sees. you see,
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they psyche so was that they the only thing they're immune to everything. they have no agency, there is a complete loss of will to be independent. they know nothing more than whole about being free and solved and everything is being decided for them. you see, and those who the site for them, the most in mines, they don't care. ukraine is an expandable material or phone in itself in that they used to fight russia so much. they think it's their independence and they fight for . they have come to believe that they fight for their independence. well, in reality, that are explained by material in the hands of the united states and the u. k. u, it's a horrible situation. you see, they keep convincing themselves deep into tiny ideas. they leave out of touch with reality and they only get a glimpse of free on the wind. those videos and the cemeteries get on social media . that's the only time when they get a grasp of realities. most of the time they don't have it. look, you probably remember their preparations to come to the station by force. they held
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the whole man to exercise before that and evolving local ministry of emergencies. distributing i a gene packages among kids, forcing them to can see him at the things that they did back to them before they read it. well, that's what happens when one enters this state of split personality. well, the conduct is the most in mine. so full this story from my language don't give a damn boy, they have their agenda to proceed. they have to make a come back in chest language. they need to reclaim the initiative. they want to play the whites again, although they never played the wides before. they want to be saving the tempo, and this is the ultimate goal of what is happening is nasa, dad, all hell will break loose. there will be demands and you round the fresh and the russian federation, the new optimizations. idea of having to get a new incident leading to where the agent and the nation or neglect for running off a new clip open to result in the game in contamination was that however,
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is not the points. i am confident that they will start spinning the situation and manipulating it with the goal of deploying international forces on the territory. why would they need that? because it would mean that the russian troops on the battle defense would have to be either reduce the number or withdrawn altogether. after that the station would essentially be controlled by international forces. the world thinking of these people is amazing. you remember them a consult 1st? how he started crying to know, want to save the world is ending tomato and the friends must send a contingency and not just since the universities but a contingent of its regular troops, it didn't work. he couldn't make the pieces see it. you saw, he couldn't understand something about a situation. he might not be a very same fellow with those actions did not seem to be the result of a panic attack on about 3. and so what was the idea of the scenarios? these people have in mind are most likely limited by the present self contained in from a few countries. certainly nothing they as a block need
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a is not going to war with the russian. it's a very peace loving block. but sometimes the countries like france could be the front could lead the way. that's just speculation, of course. but that's the only thing you can think of so far. i would like to be long. my got the be the less than what do you think about the extra ordinary i. e, a meeting, the i a said they were aware of the joint strike, but refused to say who was responsible because this is spots away and why can they said whiskey of course if the west is behind it, as you say, the situation is more complicated. yes, the truth, because each when i think about people and the i a e, a use 1st and foremost people, i always try to start from a realistic assessment of the possibility piece. let's face it, we expect too much v i a e, a is a united nations agency. i don't think that needs any further explanation. it's obviously dominated by the us, the u. k,
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canada friends and these entities that provide a semblance of democracy. like the board of governors, they are good think of course, but only to a certain extent. so to answer your question about whether we need to cooperate with the i a, we certainly do the i a, a is leading organization as monday. purpose and goal is to oversee nuclear security and control the move on to what it's called 1st material. so come on. what else to expect them to say including grossi? can they say anything else? they could say stop it, but this is difficult. wait a minute. that's what a fate is younger and even when they 1st came to the origin and we started to show them around which was on september the 1st 2022. we pointed out, he'll be as things like what kind of damage had been done and the sold for the strike was so old is as i one said, you could totally failed geography in school as to recognize when it came from that it was done obvious. but they say, we don't have ballistics experts on nation,
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so we don't know where the strike came from. you see the ballistics experts to make such an obvious conclusion. they didn't have the credentials to make a determination. ok, no ballistics experts. but why wouldn't they bring in an expert or 2 or 3? but that's another question. they just didn't need one. so they don't came out of the way, did have the thing they're saying about it being dangerous and acceptable is to. there is no debate about that, but people also want to know how to stop and you know, there are no legal mechanism to suppress terrorism, including nuclear, etc. is with this up at all, is your plans. it's nuclear terrorism, with a showing of belgrade. it's on the terrorism, the attack can call the city whole is also ordinated tender is, but it pretends to have a re just pretext, which is not true. of course. what does the image decide to create? so that stare is when it's done on the state level, you need more than legal mechanisms need enforcement. snacking is a split. today,
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we have no idea. and so make it was there's the veto, which the u. s. and the u. k. are using the, in a blessedly immoral way, looking decisions that are obviously necessary, always crime. so the soul cold collected west and the amount of that they committed by the hands of the key or for g ring, no punishment. at the same time, we're not community crimes, we just fighting for the existence of false deed for the development of our state. and they're trying to punish us for that type of subsidy. but the cost is that something dollars negative. and yeah, it should have been a sub, but i am, i got the so what's the use of all these emergency i e o u n meetings. if they don't solve any problems, why do we keep calling this emergency meetings? so kind of pushes for a wife to voice opposition and so outline not only a vision, but also the consequences of everything that's going on with the police court to get things on the record to get things on record. yes,
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to give our assessment the issue, warnings, that's also important. but if it ever comes to re do active contamination, they will convince everyone it was rushed. useful, any way? right. they, molly, that can be rolled out. but that's exactly why this in time mechanism exists to work in cases like this, which is why i have huge respect for all diplomats and all of those to represent our country abroad and in the united nations and into foreign ministry. and it's not easy. they do an amazing job giving quite harsh assessments that are yet indisputable and completely justified for and yet what can they do? they're doing everything they can see. what can nuclear industry professionals to you. they are doing everything they can to maintain nicholas safety. but the success is only possible for the consolidated effort of all these people. diplomats of nuclear industry professionals overseeing their workflow and then shooting their operation. and they'll be all me and law enforcement on this consolidated efforts
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can guarantee that no new get to that. and you will happen either the now country or elsewhere in europe or in the world, folks through europe, he's going, you know, we're probably know that those. you mentioned the industry professionals do think it working there. we know that there have been sabina, and so was there, i'm on the attack victims. i understand your question and what you mean by what i'm going to say might be probably quite shocking. people have gotten used to it and they've gotten used to living like this since 2022 people are just used to it. they this engage themselves from it because they're still a lot of tensions that are a load several times today. there's a lot of tension, but there is no fee, a model or i want to jo, some power else here. just look what have vanessa do. call the city hold strategy. its united people, people not only those whose friends or family when volt old people show solidarity because they took it personally. police started opening help and offering jobs.
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they started going on records. so those behind this inside go the opposite of the reaction. they were a, me for the response to the ceiling for the field and the gulf, the opposite reaction. i wish that under the present circumstances what are the chances of any damage sustained by this upper ownership power plant? i understand that when no discussion, a nuclear explosion scenario deal and you out the military deal. it's not about a nuclear explosion. it's about a nuclear disaster. i understand your question and my opinion is that everything depends on the consolidated effort of diplomats nuclear industry experts and the army in law enforcement and yours to, by the way of the mass media. i understand that all media landscape where the russian or russia focused currently falls short compared to the collect to west in terms of the number of media outlets and their capabilities. nonetheless, i still believe that wherever possible and even seem to be impossible,
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a median journalist still managed to convey opposition and make sure that people know the truth. in fact, i would now see that the success will depend on the consolidated effort of full access, including most media have the same will depend on this. certainly monitor the situation will be shaved by the state of affairs. in turn of policy shift and changes in the balance of power in the west and the upcoming election since the united states will undoubtedly factor into the overall equation. you see many countries so given side some open they admitted without trying to conceal saying things like, i'm not home this. so that side i said for hungry for hum, gary and for my people like open for example. then there's slovakia, 60 degree of clarity, rice, as does the degree of outside the auto move. and so the chances of this come back are they trying to arrange depend alone on all these factors of play. therefore there is no straightforward down to this question today. so can we say that he
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didn't did that and while many get inside of the situation can be either just some kind of acceptable agreement or to an explosion, right? escalation about the new dog, an escalation. yes. but they don't really want to negotiate. haven't you noticed they simply don't want to do it, because their goal isn't to reach an agreement. their goal is to annihilate our country or to bring us to a niece, which is essentially the same. most basic goal isn't attainable. that's why i don't see the slightest willingness on this side to engage in, let alone reach an agreement or even start talking some sense. like, listen guys, let's be delta of and consider the reality we're facing today. no, they're not ready to say even that much at this point. so the only way forward is through the consolidation of efforts the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the number you need use visa. typically from here, nancy, nancy kim's, in the book, this is just me very, the of the only showcase is use the sounds good to the, by the ways that the boys
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the, the most new. and that'll be for them. imagery of assess florida doesn't want that extra them put adults under that the same just don't have to shape house because of the after kids and engagement trails. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the
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the, the adult story, this how it wrong was it will cut off the hands of his enemies if they can done another attack against a threat to revenge, intensify this exact problem when police do great bags. the us to find the russian slides the same way is that the is low but more offensive. refute this, the different complex, different complex, different interface, different red picture, dissolving images from gaza, where a mass grave is discovered at a made the possible hill. local say is very full of has killed the loved ones and


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