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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  April 16, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EDT

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and that's just now being sentenced to jail time. and there's more news on the power and coping terms of the us and associates of anthony for cheap, the former chief medical advisor to the us president during the pandemic, apparently used his private e mail address to avoid transparency and keep potential findings about the diseases origins from going public. yours already corresponded collab mauppin with the details of the congressional committee, investigating the coven. 19 pandemic has got his hands on some important new evidence. it appears that dr. david morris advisors, anthony foul gee, who handled coven policy for the white house, was using his personal email to avoid transparency. he did not want conversations about the possible origin of the virus to end up in the hands of the public. during this investigation, to select subcommittee discovery to dr. david morton's potentially used a personal email account to avoid transparency and that he may have deleted the
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federal records. the select subcommittees, now aware of potential further attempts by dr. martin's this of the above. the transparency dr. moran's e mail as a public official would have been subject to the freedom of information act, so he use g mail to avoid it. this is interesting in light of the new revelations from senator rams call us senator rand paul has put forward documents showing that 15 different us federal agencies were aware that the rule on institute of verola gene was engaging in research, trying to develop a virus like cobit 19 the u. s. government even funded this research and it appears they tried to cover it up. yeah, we found out about this 1st from a brave marine who reported that this research was a grant proposal back in 2018 would have allowed room on institute to create a virus. very similar to what cove at 19 turned out to be a ranking member of the senate homeland security and governmental affairs committee
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has put forward information, showing that 15 different federal agencies were aware that the legal health alliance and the rule on institute of technology had applied for funding to carry out research to develop a virus much like cobit 19 in 2018. now at this point, ran paul is put forward a letter asking why this information was not presented to the public. for years, i have been fighting to obtain records from dozens of federal agencies relating to the origins of coven 19 and the diffused project. under duress, the administration finally released the documents that showed that the diffused project was pitched to at least 15 agencies in january 2018. it means that at least 15 federal agencies knew from the beginning of the pen demik with equal health alliance, and the woo hon instituted by raleigh, the worst eating federal funding in 2018 to create a virus genetically very similar, if not identical. dakota 19, disturbingly,
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not one of these 15 agencies spoke up to warn is that the woo hon institute of bi rawlins had been pitching this research. not one of these agencies weren't anyone that this chinese lab had already put together plans to create such a virus. the lock downs had a devastating effect on the american economy. many people in the united states feel that the ban demik ruined their lives. so now, new information showing that the government may have hidden, the truth is unlikely to improve the matter. failed. mauppin archie, new york. and that's the, the best um, most derbies at the top of the ass, thanks for watching. i'll see you again. the, the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, it is never being douglas. so does anybody look at a defense capacity? no. simple. yes. now the sun know this, so 1st drop of most people, newspapers,
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news channels, modern lobbies. i think that via we had a chat in a boeing and strong and there is a challenge to the supremacy of the with the hello and welcome my model, home care in the evolving landscape of the 21st century. the focus no more than it is on india. part of my guess tonight is a great legacy is the subbing member of parliament and the 2nd generation lawyer was championed many hyper 5 cases. welcome management. i me well love you being on your show. lovely to see you from jack maloney. 1923 to 2019 was a leading indian and criminal lawyer. my grades entered in the as a kind of the spreadsheet of the 9047 partition of the home i bridge economy. it's an independent countries of india and pakistan on the left find
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a far seeking legal practice in karachi, pakistan. he was a b j. a member of parliament was suspended from the party in 2012 and disappointed for several high profile cases. and these long and distinguished career by his jet maloney born at 1956 is the son of the like to rama jump milanni. the join the routing a b j p. in the 19 ninety's, when it was a fledgling policy, is a sitting reach, a member of parliament under the integral parts of the party and legal brain trust . he is going to form an indian, a prime minister in dera, guntee to be in possession of a state of emergency between 19751977. when his father has to pay to canada to a fight arrest. he has championed many high profile cases such as defending the good direct chief minister, the rent remoted in the 2002 communal rights minister, emmy shaw, in the so i d not not in sent by. you will probably pull funny what actor sanjay does. what made you choose law employed for 15,
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it was showing up as being and you know, had become such a they didn't difficult even is early days and they taught the emergency. yes. got arrested for it. right. 365 doppler over the country gave her the bump a high call to try and prevent that. what interest was issued from body guard and cut it off where you attacked the licensee? and this is going to be able to, to say, to me, and that's kind of appealed to me. and of course, i think you little bit of be accounting for law wasn't the genes naturally i gravitated towards it and then i, you know, but i realize it was really hard work. i mean the noise, you know, 90 percent 99 percent industry and one percent that inspiration living usually the funds are the daughter out of not not match up to the father or their mother. you have created a different works both ways side. they are having any left his father can do more, it can incentivize you me. so in my case it, you know,
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that i had to catch up and i, i break them that challenge. yeah. meant this is i'm just my the number of times very popular book, but not just energetic forthright. you are from that point of view, a little different, a little more margaret, i would say this outspoken revised is lots of. yeah. father was that if you would, you from she gets in yes. during politician i was mounted and he had 2 daughters. and you know, he had a very pleasing practice and cannot see me. in fact, he was a lot but no, but mister gabriel, he has been mentioned to become the woman who still focused on before that. boy, he was be high, commissioner in the early 16. 6061 focused on in india. he on the side of foreign policy and legally bent of maintenance. and so my father used to do most of the day to do work and called because we had so many, you know, interest set impressions. but i mean, but it shouldn't came. and that madness broke out. i think it could be we don't, didn't, you know, and i mean like on to get into your safety here anymore. and i think so the,
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so he packed his bag, give up his practice home. everything. but he wanted to go back, he fell the longest go back because he had such a flat as you can practice. and could i actually live in a refugee camp in color on ok with 3 daughters, but he had then it'll be there spoken when he 1st came and then my, my elder sister, whom i didn't see because i wasn't born at that time. i was born post optician, fifty's, she had pneumonia and his situation was that bad financially. and he couldn't afford her treatment for the money. my god and she lost it, but a huge tragedy from the you know, because of it's could have been focused on the right to come to the rags if you, if it was you can and then not be able to survive is then save as the daughter was a big one of the favorite channels. i think that made him a little detached, didn't meet him, you know, and it was mostly the tactic with that kind of tragedy. when you're fairly young, what are your thoughts about? if you it isn't focused on an interview, it is now and coming and trying to settling on the interview with you, especially the who see was i was what the see. i know no problem. you know,
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i have been supporting the legislation. yeah. is it there not to come in at the front page of the times of india and uh i, you know, there is no other home for me. windows than speaking. i become the physical device and the federation. okay. because of any grandiose sounding name, but uh, but we do a lot of work and you know, we're trying to get all this in these, the dies for most of them a extremely well off and after doing whatever they live and have been another way for, we're trying to get, you know, get them to help us into refugees it from since and seems as very badly hit as you know, it crimes against women a data. but for a lot of people going to leave only because of that constant feel that you know, women may be abducted made to convert and so on and so forth. so we're now challenging, i've been diet efforts and gathering funds internationally from cindy can do is worldwide to try and prevent these atrocities and rehabilitate them if they come into the country, did you get chosen for to fight mr. mode? this case for the winter?
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i tracked people close to more up by mr. moody at that then see if mr. moody came to me. right. and i was already bring. so i'd be by guess, case of that the right was also, according to me, a victim of depression 5 is still going on, just sub judice. i do want to say to my, but i was convinced of her innocence, and it was like pretended bunny who had actually bought full movie. and i'd be forget, requested me at that time and said that we do pick up the cases. and i said to the deputy because i was always a part of the pgp since 1980. i still holding my policy my membership. my father stayed location me, but i never stayed them to be gpi. was always uh, you know, dialogue them, but it would be good to what makes you and i had member of egypt because i believe in the ideology, i believe in nearly done something ideology. and i believe in all the platforms which they have finally executed in this country so far. our view is we do not know or does that ideology how we use some it up with the i i the g has evolved in part of it is origin. the origin liability of course,
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was that they believed in the evolution of logic and see 71 main things they believed in the uniform civil code. but studies very important to you. we are all in it. so you have somebody who was going to, but he's stronger than india than it was. i wasn't in new york and i was in a cab. and then an ottoman in new york gab. and this news came about the application of article $270.00. there was a sort of the id who was my driver and you said no, the model who yeah. so that was a universal reaction of indians all the way the word. what's the nationalist policy this all nicely spelled in. i, frankly, from a very early age, of course bought a bit of implication by my father, but he believed them the same thing very strongly. but i could not believe that by anybody would be opposed to crush me to be an integrity part of india, or that i think of the seventy's only a from a temporary solution that it has to with the way. yeah. and get rid to a fully pulled integration. yeah, i could not believe all that. and then of course i thought that matter to put the log to the log in, you told me it's a, it's
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a basically living. and i'm living by mr. moody announced now you know, from the that but so read for that. not he should be. yeah. is the is the month of the future, right. it's, it's an extra interest to give you empower women. you and you improve your not only give them the dignity with the dissolved and not had all these years, but you also bring them in the main street and make them productive assets away from 2 members in the parliament to now reservation for the purpose. yes, for the 3 percent that think of it and this changing community amendment bills. i'm sure you'll be happy. so there are these 3 bills which have come, all of them have replace bales which will essentially colonial and either legislations. and they were really meant to be have victorian been simple. mm hm. for instance, them as well given that a subordinate place because as you know and, and they will not even that are given the right to vote the, you know, in the 20th century. so this is an 18 opinion quote, isn't $1860.00 at all, right? so there was that aspect then of course, tradition towards the district that you become very comfortable with. isn't this
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countries really in the there, the wording was whoever in claims or excites this effect against the government of the date. that was a provision meant for the british colonial rulers to make show the best subjects don't excite disaffected against them to speeches. and if they picked up the words, the police by whoever buys to disrupt the silver and the integrity of. yeah. and yeah, that site you also said recently said that is a cabal, an industrial theme, quote, acting at the interest of foreign powers. you really a 100 percent that yeah, look up, you know, since i've been to billy to buy most of them in 2016 plus projected the supreme court my, my seat in that just about came in 2021. but i the only move of the ideal protecting the supreme court. i mean, i was approached by a lawyer as soon bye that you know, you should be on one particular side line all over each. that is that yes. yeah. for the impalas aren't even the media for the media applies to,
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so i'll just run on why, but i do think that they are interested in this flushing. india isn't the supposed to be from 3rd world country to some country to someplace that we of aging. what does it actually do thing the bothering them? the rest especially, you know, there's so far dropped most people's newspapers, news channels, or lobbies. i. i ping that via, via the challenge and a growing and strong in there is a challenge to the supremacy of the west. obviously, you'd be wonder, be friends with every but, you know, even with china was nice thing about us. we wanted to be defend other great outreach that by mr. more do you happen to be in the beginning? when you are boundary a boundary skirmishes? you know, things are bound to flight up. you can have it so it has been killed every day. i mean, the nonsense of the boss that you know, we will overlook these kinds of things that will, especially since in 93 and ninety's 96. you will have bone read resolution
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agreements in those. please sit down and one for the fall. tell us, what is your perception of the boundary and what are the opposition? and so try and sort out that is all that different. i'm to then we can keep on having uh, engage in convention. they never ever took that offer up. so everything's been nice to self interest, you know, but i shouldn't for instance, right, that'd be that friend. sometimes the middle of it. yeah. okay. they may have a dispute video created, but we've been very valid string. we've said this of the, this is not in your payments and more than anybody clear about any of those. all right, we would like these but then sit down across the table and find out what is the different type of 7 position between the 2 products. that's being offered to mediate as well. so as, as has be a policy obese level under the we want the and there is never been douglas adwords . anybody we have that never, ever act anyway. and that's how biggest, i mean, that's how because brian look at, we are the, we are the best mix of the world. we want peace with everybody. and we want peace
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with that. does have amongst themselves, right for that is up. and that is that because we have no means we have no got the enemies, we have anybody, it'd be want to live in peace on that boundaries to be secure. it's a very issue of the what is called the proof to date, to fit it is get that every the engine at the ends and spot the i probably missed all the nice because one of the b b i was that was in, you know, the, the foremost spot me, if of athens, i was always upset that spot that is going to come and overtake them. okay. so that feel that we lose the primary position the world in those days, the greeks were willing to was. so it's called interested to describe, right, that it's, it's be, it's the fear of and flipping bar shipping. most ball from the bar authorizing a motion for that is going to over to you and to come up with the cut out really fast ski and i'm good what we've done in digital india,
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how we brought the 1300000 people. most of them out of poverty, me from very soon out of poverty when you become a 5 to learn the economy, right. look at what we've done, the digital economy, how many people i don't think that we have at this stage, highest growth in the world. we have limited very visa, but below there's a bank dollar bill limits of both unemployment and entries. you have capital markets where you wait to invested in the capital markets every day, you'll get up and you'll see the developers rising. right? so the middle class, the upper middle class and everybody does something but everybody. yeah. how many people have been bought out by the scheme that the government bought the main stream? how many people, how much leakage of money was then in the old welfare schemes. and how advantage is have been the direct guess funds for money is going to take people to target that's intended for low, medium, and i've actually eating up on these all listen support and peace. they'll get
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a defense capacity now. mm hm. now the sun. exactly. so look at this, look at the scale of thought, a cheap, it's simple thing, no problem. you know, the environment, the 1st question that was asked, why did you do it? why did you not start this such models? i mean, on the charlotte business, why didn't do started in 2014 menu, 5 scapes and right into started women's reservation. yeah, we're leaving and your last year, if you're not always taking the onset is what did you want people to go over all these years? first we had to get them in dignity. me, did you ever, did you ever think of the shame that women suffered from open deputies? we had to give you what you didn't do with 60 audios of your order and having given them dignity, we gave them info on it. and the final step of being recipes, one question, which keeps bothering me as a fresh meeting, which i think maybe you wouldn't be able to do onset. so when there is a, a tentative st who is to behind the supreme court, opens the door in the middle of the night. and sort of say that we will take the
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case of bargaining or whatever it is. and on the other side, when chris media pundits go the kind of atrocities that does happen and they said it's, it's in the past. so there is no record of it. so we will not be accepting this edition. it baffles me. yes, i mean that is that, you know, that got to me in approach mean a dentist, we have to show the international community that we give due process even to the dentist. i'm gonna send one of them. it's good that some lawyers that you've been picking up these cases thing because those cases that don't affiliate that you know what the evidence is all about. and i suppose that one of the reasons is that the supreme court has to also keep up the big, full international you know, good relate and to show that our system is fed, we give it to the worst kind of a human and it means against the state it is a given that access to our thoughts, that's the rule of law me because many pundits i purposely think that discarding it, i guess because it's
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a little engine that the crime never dies. yeah. crime never days. that's a basic principle of criminal. it never days. so the goal should always be open unless somebody comes with the kids to go even. then they would say, how can be examined? you've not brought the evidence off atrocity actually, but this would be the ability to me. you think would be hit the move. your daughter is not following your foot step. yes. what did you believe to her or she's already successful? no, no, she just started. one is a long way from sex, and this is the you don't mind holding this up to a father not do it. very well known law and a good speaker. genetics is the mother. nonsense, everything hard work. i told you right in the beginning, right? they said 99 percent industry in perspiration, right? is she works hard. she has a celebrity. right? but you have to and you will have to conclude that fled into output. the really, how do i, what does a sprint is very good researching below me? so hopefully she will and she stayed away from my feet, basically criminal level to some extent constitutes the law. mm. so she's not super
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lawyer promotional, and so she's a different fee and there's no, there's no shadow, etc, etc. all grandfather unplugged to me, she was 5 on the one minutes in 2447 we've it'd be 100 years or you're going to be 100 percent alone. and i hopefully i'm onto the hopefully with you seeing konami's ball military ball. and i also see india has been a highly developed mission, highly developed mission, which combines development inclusive development with wednesday, the best of wednesday. and which combines off fully minutes buffalo military capabilities with it doesn't be split into the richfield, go to the world. and when he talks about it, thank you. my friend that you did not need was pleasure talking to. thanks, michael. just oh, wonderful. and thank you for watching. joining me next week for another intimate
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yet in. 3 being debated and let's stuff, how does without a problem get how much got the because they already cps because they cut the scroll. so i did that and then use their email. you're just going to offend them to the rules. the non c theory of racial superiority finish style, 4 years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war labor comes 10 prisons really well, you know, thing to do is go level. she's the media venue. so i'm assuming if i need even the chest really to get all the fields, i'm assuming bills going to be approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go to finish camps according to official figures. this move stuff dudley looked at. if the ship did utility and i gave you an idea nauseous as the scenario to
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stuff. so the youngest, i'm, you know what the simon disease forced labor torture by the world. so formulas. what was the last it also need you to do? what's the tape it to you that it's that you're going to move it off with those who put in these 9, push these things up and give you what you want to do. it could be done because of those thousands of testimonies of crimes in the impunity of criminals. when you look on here, you know, one or 2. so due to speed, not in the did actually of yeah for the good i see it or released upon me. they decided to do it because would you please don't just do because you put it as being yet that was put in the middle of the the
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the door that the portraits of the month if you start having missing. so immediate meetings, central. i'm gonna send you settings from way simply because i'm only from it on the computer. no me? yes it personally. so it was the one that so the sale be the name is the other one was the easiest. you permission to complete that you'd like to should get us the book switches, switches to another one. i thought a soup. inducing that to, to see the purpose pass the acceptance and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do. you do not watch my new
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show search like why watch something that's so different. listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please. i do have the state department c. i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do, don't want my shelves to stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the valley. her, my little story. okay. the model girl that i got you. no problem seem to them out of the know nothing. 30 minutes. yeah, side of the drive i showed my brother through he was saddened to help people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being saved. well, i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of
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chicago police. it'd be gang chicago is like, you'd be a photo of that police, you lose your life as another crap thing. another could have been a doctor, or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing that people out here, the known in vietnam, american war, the vietnam war, lost it for almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries nor done it now. and then you didn't jumps with now, why didn't all, i'm empty. hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to back the south vietnamese army. and the american soldiers miller did resist,
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as most of the state burned down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals and lee. by all right, did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive you? yes. that's the way it's too late to the water is part of the the is it it probably would post good. isn't the deepest view of us in that, in the word, or is it something deeper, more complex might be present?
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let's stop without collision. let's go out of the rush. it has filed the train to be directly involved in last month's terrorist attack in the moscow region which filled the hottest 45 people. moscow security council involves the old parties involved, will be punished, also ahead. an escalation of the conflict as the result of need on the snots. imagine this latest the 3rd world war then as well as the president me cut off my doodle. ones that 80 escalation in the middle east could lead to a 3rd world war. and that's us, the western nations continued to support the israel, despite its desire to strike back at you, ride in nigeria on this thing to national and other civil society


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