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tv   The 360 View  RT  April 16, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

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and without directly naming her boss owens treated as scripture for matthew, one cannot serve both god and money. and the big tweet, the god, her and the most trouble actually closer to trend on twitter was 3 little words. christ is king. this is an opinion the bench apparel felt was drenched in an age old anti semitic trope, shapiro decided to hit back. candice, if you feel the taking of money from the daily wire, somehow comes between you and god. by all means quit. now we don't know all the details on how the relation between kate is owens and the daily wire ended. but it seems like both parties were very happy to be rid of each other . however, i'm not so young, tiny one that i don't remember a few years ago when a similar comments which don't even seem near as poignant, landed
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a very well known network host and very hot water. in fact, i would almost say this host was cancelled before cancel culture was cool. and so might say a badge of honor which kind of put someone into the next level that someone having spring, my current co worker for almost 4 years and host of direct impact. rick sanchez, the year was 2010 and well, only 14 years ago, some i'd say an absolute, a tardy in regards to social justice and government regulations on freedom. at the time, rick sanchez was a popular daytime anchor on the international news network, cnn. but a serious x m radio interview, while it changed everything. think jump stewart's a big. i think the lead on search bit hold on now where to get into joshua. oh, sorry, thread. not during an interview rick. accuse daily show host, jon stewart of being a big it and make comments regarding american choose not being an oppressed minority. i just think it's important that people who are not minorities understand
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that those of us who are and very few of us will say the things that i've just said are actually more complex than they think we are. and we deal with the minority as much as you are. he's the he come on. how is the? yeah. if it. yeah. correct. very powerless people. it's, it's, it's, well, you such a minority. i mean, you know, the, please, what are you kidding? he's, he's you telling me that and i'm telling you that everybody run cnn is a lot like stewart and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like steward. and to imply that somehow they the people in this country who are jewish or depressed minority. yeah, no, i hear the $360.00 view and there are several elements of the story that could actually take me the entire show to explain most of portland claim, jon stewart, to multiple attacks on rick sanchez and is reporting skills. rick sanchez, delivers the news like a guide, a party who's doing a lot of cope and traps, you in a corner and explains really intensely how is the strongest
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animal on earth? i mean, anyways, heads up for another debate, but also talk about the fact that anyone who watches rick sanchez knows he himself has a very, very, very proud member of the latin community with this family coming from cuba. i am a naturalized us citizen. i was not born in the united states, i was born in cuba, and then later on in my life, i became a naturalized us citizen. and i've always been curious about how the naturalization process works. but while the words rick said caused him to be almost immediately removed from the airwaves and a whole plethora of public apologies and damage control back in 2010. the similar verbiage by candace owens and 2024 looks to have actually elevated her stature within the online conservative community and even beyond well, at least for the time being. so what does this actually say about our current state of media? and is this explicit,
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the conversations regarding israel and the jewish people? well, i thought actually go directly to the source of rick sanchez. i mean, when it's right next door to my office, i'm going to take advantage of the moment, rick, you know, that host a direct impact. and he's going to join me today to discuss. thank you so much for joining me on this issue. it's, it's a, it's an interesting conversation about an interesting time in my life. it was, and it's a hard time. i mean that's, that's what i have to talk to you about. because i don't want to have an open moment here. but if you want to try and get to the, it's like john stewart and i, we, we, we became good friends and we talked after that and actually it opened up a friendship. i didn't expect based on those terms that happens. and it says, i think people realize sometimes that news anchors are actually they looked like, we hate each other on air, but we actually are friends. that's something that people realize. it's been almost 14 years though. is it difficult to discuss? the one thing that i will, 1st of all, that i made a mistake in the way that i presented my argument. my words were somewhat mangled
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and at the same time, a little too perverse. and i, it was because at the time there was a bevy of reasons, but i have always been an intern respected person. so after i said that i went back and looked at it and said, i certainly shouldn't of imply that the jews in the united states, for example, are not minorities in general. that i certainly didn't want to imply that jews are taught oppressed or haven't been oppressed if you just study the outcome of the experience. you know. but in fact, jews in general are very sensitive to the idea of people saying that they're very successful. because throughout history, every time somebody said, oh yeah, the other guys who have the money or the other guys who have this, or they're the guys who have that. the next thing that comes is the handle. that has been the history of the jewish experience in this world. so it is understandable that there would be, that would be people at the time who may have thought that i was saying that what i was saying was,
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in my particular profession in the news media views have been very prevalent and very successful. and they've done very well for themselves. it's not a bad thing. i'll give you an example. i happen to be a cuban american. you go to miami and fight a mayor who is not a cuban. you find a bank president is not a cuban. you find a commissioner who's not a cuban, they what they say to say that cubans miami are very successful. if somebody said, you guys, man, you guys run this town, i wouldn't be mad at them. but if you do say that in terms of the jewish experience, they do get mad and part of that is the history which has not been kind to them. so that's fair. the problem is what used to be a legitimate i'm fairy like a whole bunch of onto the present. did you understand that at the top? did you have that or is that something that evolved after the car to get involved executive civic, going into it just didn't really tell. you said, are you kidding me? i mean, you're going to compare. i mean, of course john stewart is not going to go after wolf blitzer. of course, he's not going to go anderson could for he never went after any of those guys. it was always the little hispanic guy, the little puerto rican. let's go out to
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a little puerto rican, let's make fun of him. and i always felt like john was kind of like, his staff like going after me was like different. yeah. did i have a different personality to have a different style? yeah, i also happen to have the highest rated network. and one of the things that john, i remember told me when i talked to him the day after, and i called john and we had a long conversation. it goes to the only reason i always went after you was because i thought you were one of the best guys there and you were certainly the most watched. and you garner the most attention. i didn't get that back then because i, i, maybe i was just didn't understand. it's got a, you know, when you're do you think yourself very seriously when you do television, right. so perhaps i should have taken myself a live seriously with john was going after me. when those words came out, it came across very different from what i meant. and i wished to help to this day that we could go back in time. and after that happened, cnn would have said, you know what, what you said is interesting and it's a learning experience for all of us. let's put this on the year. let's bring in interesting people have a conversation about an understand why jews are so sensitive about this topic.
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instead, it's, you're fired, you're gone within 2 hours and you can never work here again. but i also want to point out at that time work today, i think we're a lot more sensitive to this fan community and the plight that they've been going through because of what's going on around the americas borders. do you also fell over that? where was it? should they have stuck up for you all this time that they were rid of killing you for your hispanic culture, for your accent? that was obviously, we do that in the hispanic community. where like crowds trying to get out of a pale, you know, you just got a crawl over each other's backs until you get out. i mean, it's been set. i mean, is there a level that one minority gets defended over another? no, i do wish that some of the organization, you know, i listen, you know, you want me to be real honest with you, you know, and that is why we're on here. i don't know, but i don't want you to lie to basically lazy. that's our, that's our reputation, the, the organization that came to back for me the most were of the audio, the anti defamation league who took me is and what they did to you was unfair. and, and we're going to try and get you back and we're going to try and, you know,
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we form your career or whatever. and that, that it worked all that well that's, that's, but still they were there because there was a history and they knew. and when they looked at the paper, they said you said something stupid just because usually something stupid doesn't mean your if i sound like you're a lot of, we're should be allowed to be stupid in this country. you maybe you shouldn't say that the way you're set it, but we understood what you were trying to say. so there you have the group that helped me was the anti defamation league, which is the most important anti semitic organization in the united states. when i say that bit care of the, at that point, no cnn, it already made their decision that they were just going to go because it, anything that huge. there is a tendency in this country fair or unfair that anything you say that could possibly involve jews or is real, is to be treated differently than if you had criticized another group or another country. that's just the, that's not true. it's crazy. that was in type of change. i have to actually watch an example. actually, the washington post came, the writer came to your defense and said, who is the say you were talking with a jersey who's to say he's not talking about the level of progressive elite and how
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he target. right. who put what's the play that you would have heard me say? there tends to be an elitist attitude in this country where people don't want other people to be on the or the news in the united states. i said should be southerners, baptists should be spanish, should be black, should be everybody, we shouldn't just be finding people who tend to be from the northeast of the united states. even though i understand that's where the industry kind of came from. we should strive to involve other people and that's what i was trying to say. somehow it came across the van tide jewish, and that it's, that was my fault, and i wish i hadn't said it that way. but i think most people listen to the new what i was trying to say, right? yeah. so now 4 chairs that are there, chairs that are, do you regret making the apology, knowing where we stand today, 14 years later, to know, you know, why? because i feel it's the most important starting point between any 2 individuals. when my wife and i have arguments from time to time, which sometimes is a lot, i mean, you are married,
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but 30 plus years is the 1st thing that i always say is i think you're hurt. i'm sorry. what did i do? it's not whatever your heard about is on you because i didn't do anything. right. i mean that, pardon me, i didn't do anything wrong. so i, i felt at the time, even though it was a deep conversation that we could have about why in america, we'd jump to conclusions and scream anti semitism so quickly. sometimes, you know, it cuts off the conversation does cut off the conversation, but back then i felt at the time that, you know, oprah called me and, and, and then late night talk shows called me and then i decided to go on a be see because i just happen to like abc, good morning, america and stuff, and apple us a lot. stephanopoulos and i have had conversations over the past. so i went on with george and i said, you know, i made a mistake, i'm sorry. and i wanted people to understand that i understood my mistake. i didn't mean i was completely guilty of everything but, but anything you do that makes people feel bad. you should understand why you made
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them feel bad. and that's what i was trying to do. or so this is and that's why i apologize because 14 years later, here we are in the environment that we're in. we know it's change it on multiple levels. candice owens comments actually proceed there to be a lot more would i say damn name than yours? i'm just basically calling them a call to everything and yet within the concern of all my creative, guess what? she's not being tossed. she's not being canceled. she's actually being promoted. she's been picked up multiple places. even rumors right now that x owner a on must potentially could pick her up. he is this because the online news community is a lot more accepting and open than what we consider to be the traditional broadcast media outlets. sure. look when i was fired by cnn. um there was only 5 or 6 places you really could work if you wanted to work in national news. and it was cbs abc, nbc fox news and cnn with amazon be see, i guess coming up to tail. i guess or so that's what 5 or 6 entities in total where
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you could possibly work today. you could possibly go under a bigger audience outside of any of those places just by putting up some. uh, you know, putting up a monitor behind you and doing a newscast out of your basement. so there and there is no editors to hold them accountable. i think that's which is good about. it's gonna balance. so we have people that are checking what we're saying and holding us accountable before it even goes out on air. yeah, charging scratch. no, you're absolutely right. i think we're moving toward a place where we will find the middle ground where the democratization of information will be people choosing people who they think are smart enough to listen to. and, and that's happening right now. and you know, it's why we're doing the thing that we're doing here, which i never thought that i would have done in the past. but, you know, here i am start explaining to people from a global perspective how. busy our country is dealing especially with foreign affairs and the mistakes that we made. i wouldn't be able to say the things i say if i were working at any of those networks that i named a little while ago. but i'm allowed to do it here. that's
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a differentiate or people want that people need that for nothing else to say. there is a different perspective out there. and so that, that's kind of where we're going and that's where we've got it. so that's a positive. what's happened on the side of it, but like i said, i remember that day you got fired being being and broadcasting washer going, what just happened? i think a lot of people would it, was it really that hateful and once again, this was serious exam. it was new serious x and they were just and you, this is howard stern. this was shocked off time. you're in that environment of that studio. they're wanting you to say stuff is going to catch. you know, it's funny. i met with a b. c news after that because they were thinking about hiring me and bringing me on one of the good morning america or something. and i think that the guy was the presidency of abc it that that got my name and his name escapes him right now. but he was, it was a jewish american. good, great guy, big, big, big guy, very jolly and happy. and it was what makes me mad about this radius of what it goes. you went on the air and essentially said that there's a lot of jewish people who are in control of the media. right. i said, well, 9, they did not say that's all the media because outtake fine. you said there are a lot of people, the media, the next day you get fired by
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a lot of the people who apparently are the ones that you described. so it's like this makes me mad as a jew, but we're kind of making your point here. you know, and i thought uh no, you're not, you're fine. i made a mistake. i shouldn't say that the way i did. but it's funny, i think some of the most, some of the people who let me more assistance at the time and cared for me the most, where my very good jewish american friends. so i've known over many years and i guarantee they're still your friend today. they're all through everything. yeah. rick sanchez, thank you so much for joining us and associates to so can, is owens is not the only can service laboratory circled in controversy or media unless the malls were just going to join us after a short break. and we're going to look at the recent comments regarding the israel conflict and accusing israel of war crimes and the war with the
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there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. if the case of the med, most of the people i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also a pursuit. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals. thing we're living on mac. we have a very close propaganda. you know a price here in new york, i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask, the better the answer is will be the most affordable. cuz it also was in the business and you agree in the 3 of the
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daily notices i am very cons green. we would, we would just go through this discussion of curriculum for those ceiling and provide your stuff such i'm sure ruckel was not as your author of the different student in full, which of course and yet you get thrown with them in the probably just a moment that of choice you through your deos, that i sent you yesterday, isaac here to shoot up. so usually i'm looking at the study skills assessment, 1st opinion for to flourish to, for me to on, on all things to do there which, which is a little bit you mostly just pushed, it won't because of this new way to box or do full color or i don't know which these are i know for the don't or that you just to do, given me other than that, we're going to use best opinion pronounced has come up with the the welcome back on sky now who's and
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you're watching the 360 view kevin and keith hodge make up the very popular online concert of do of the hodge twins, the more of the 2700000 subscribers on their youtube channel. they interject themselves into a bench repair versus kenneth owens debate recently. think it was do the exact same thing. how big check those sensors on people. isn't that the height of hypocrisy? what did they, the, why is the one they also complain? they also claimed have been shapiro was not loyalty united states because he supported giving money to israel to help them fight against the mos, hey, lost as americans have to stand up against this because the money that we've given the julian, i mean, we're participating in is because of all the weather is the getting with support, ma'am. we've given them billions of dollars in a year. right. and they take it in money using into bomb and c o $200.00. and when there was a debate, the merits of $48.00, that's a whole another conversation one of the show. but i want to bring in my friend,
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steve, most of our command of the jewish faith and a media analyst, as well as a concerted himself. you can say all of those, those are all very welcome titles on, on this show, and i'm probably most shows that are on this network. but i wanted to bring you in on this. and 1st of all, i know that you're there. we just had rick sanchez on you and your wife both work for cnn the time rick wanted me to pass along to you or one of the people who were kindest to him at the network when all of that went down in the appreciate that because obviously in your times of darkness, it's nice to have those around you to be kind to you. and he appreciate also what we pass that along. well i, i just want to say if i could just say one thing that i was riveted, i mean you've got, you guys have colleagues and friends, you, your questions with no holds barred in a very polite and could continue manner. and he was just, you know, blatantly on i guess was fascinated by the whole segment. and i'm not saying that gratuitously or the brown. those are, i think they, i really was riveted i had the privilege of watching it. and i, i couldn't look away. it was really, really a great segment. i always said that we get all of us behind the scenes when
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situations like that happened and tell you, tell everybody what was going on, what everybody was really thinking at the time. that absolutely would be a good conversation that america would need to hear are so often they just get the 30 minutes sound bites. but i brought you on to talk about what is going on the conversation in the present day because this war between israel and the moss. i have to ask you, is it possible to criticize the actions of the as rarely government, or the troops without being labeled anti semitic? in my, i mean in my mind it is, but you know, the clip that you just played, of those 2 guys to land. i mean that to me is, is revealing. and i've heard some of their other things, you know, the jews are coming out of the sewer. they there did all this kind of stuff. but just to take what you play, you know, he didn't say is real. you called a jew land, which is so revealing that i think the conversation could stop right there, which certainly you could criticize the is real and,
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and their policies and their leader. you've had chuck schumer who i do believe is stabbing israel in the back. but nonetheless, i mean, he's the highest ranking, jewish elected official in the country. he criticizes benjamin netanyahu. and if you watch, chick, joyce journal is quote unquote, journalist on, on cnn, for instance, dan dana bash and well quits are. and jake tapper running reports very critical of is real. i don't think they're anti semites by any means. i disagree with what they're saying. but there are reporters and there are commentators. and there are people who you could see through or i could see through june. so i don't speak for anybody else who have an ax to grind, i believe and are, you know, really loving criticising is real because they don't particularly care for jews. well, and the interview that was believed to be a final straw in the fire of owens, and let's just call is that if you get to that point, there's usually other things involved is never usually just one word. that's usually things from the back that never actually becomes public. she
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unapologetically, actually apologetically, actually defended calling a rabbi unholy for allegedly selling sex toys with his daughter. watch this. i'm certainly not going to be told i need to be contained in how i respond after 2 years of consistent attacks or 2 individuals. so i wanted to say on that point you will, i will never come to an agreement. i was writing everything that i said about him, and i'm not going to have that. everything that i say, including yesterday when he says that me finding his products himself that he sells and promotes as a rabbi to be unholy. to say that i'm only saying that because it's made and israel a rabbi slowly, then dressed up and celebrated her firing with this. i am the candles owens, you know, these are not a christian town, but it will only be i got my christian blood. good gracious, i just have to wonder what, what the age and maturity level right now in this conversations,
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things like this don't help and any of it. but steve, with any demographic, is there a way to offer criticism of a minority group without being given a label as being hateful toward sacrament? by the way, this is a $1000000.00 question. if you, if you're able to answer this, i know lots of people that need this advice as well, you know, it goes beyond criticizing choose. i mean, if, 1st of all, if you, if you in some liberal circles, if you defend white's as being not racist, then there's something wrong with you. and that's a, that's a work place to with these that diversity courses and classes and, and requirements to get hired in all the whole world is crazy. you have, you have a student, you can't off campus apartments in for various universities for of, for blacks. only. you have graduations for blacks, only for whites only for hispanics only. and this is sanctioned in today's world. so you're right. the whole world is gone nuts and gone crazy, but yes, i mean, they look, you campus owens,
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i think suffers from ignorance as well as whatever else you might suffer from. all right, i remember an interview she did with a a, a, a journalist who was in is real at the time. and she said, what i went to is real. and my tour guide said were in jerusalem. and that's the muslim quarter. and the muslim quarter, what dilapidated compared to other areas and eje and israel makes the muslims went there. and he said, well what, what, what about you said it's like little italy in new york. nobody has to live there. it's where most of the muslims choose to live. i mean, you, she's, you know, she's made it sound like israel stuck them in there and it was a 10, a 10 a minute. and that's what the jews are doing to the most of which is in the same. so there's a lot of ignorance there too. and what you defended kanye west, who said, you know, i'm going to go to the, the, the con. no, you what's the, what, what term did you use though? i did have had it set up for all day and i couldn't find the depth con freight on on jews. she said, oh, but yep, come play. anybody who knows, that's
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a defensive military position. you think try me west method at the defense of it as a, as a slider, i'm going to attack them, whatever he met a but she's, she's, i just think she has a problem. well, that's my opinion. and you're allowed to have that, especially on the show i that's a key. 14 years later it will be interesting what she feels like the comments like today. if, if she would make the same one year to ask you the great questions you're going to ask and require, will hopefully still be on these airwaves to ask them from the staples. well, thank you so much for joining me. my pleasure. as guys you can criticize the actions of a government and say, what they did or is doing is wrong without jeopardizing your patriotism to your country. this is not actually make you any less for patriot. in fact, calling out wrongful actions makes you more patriotic because you are calling out those who are sabotaging the future of the country. and the same goes for the actions of another country's government. criticism of an action by foreign
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government does not mean they hate the people who reside within said country or do not have empathy for the situation they are in. this is true regardless if you're talking about the united states, ukraine, russia, israel, doesn't iran or china? the government does not define the people in a perfect world, it would be the people which actually define to the government. it is usually the ones who want to merge the people and the government who need the goodness of the people to cover for their own, the corrupt and purposefully evil actions. so the next time you feel someone is being given a label of hate, check and make sure it's been accurately being placed. because if it's not more than likely, they are correct to say, oh here's and this has been your 360 you for watching the,
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the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions, react the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills,
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and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented is 1st. can you see through their illusion going underground can there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for. so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to living on mac. we have a very good propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions ask the better. the answer is will be the
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