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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the
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the when i was here position i was suggesting we bomb bell. great. i was suggesting that we send american pilots in an blow up the bridges on the drain. i was suggesting we take out his oral supply. i was suggesting very specific at the i would suggest we take out his oral supply.
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the listing agent is $64.00. he was with the web crew that cleared the danbury off to the city of india was bombed in 1999. it was an ordinary striking definitely to do any of cells we use his work mates. old died later with cancer. he is the of the survivor. some of these, some of them old you have them with this question patel him a to or not for quality and the clear fitness was the lack of fear in there. so set them dollar for that. some gulfport dancer sam was a 4 day pays idea to me a plus. so look that in some more committed to for this some 4th period
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to 4th grade said not to miss mole. what we're going to do. the squids by bill bloomberg's going all the cars, your motors, serial doesn't go to school. know billy dale at a dozen times, but i said below the so yes, i'm good. i the me, you're on new issue president because i'm already on what i knew is coming around, you know, skiers and so that actually so that you, they have it though, but i know you to you, i didn't know there was any effective or still will not fit appropriate,
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so instead of meeting you so now let's see. uh, 12 all the cover. cool. all right, but i mean i saw the tool that that brought me in a year or $2000.00. they really go buy. so most of them that i do the organ when it me or even shoot them over, get out of all they. oh, as soon as you lose your choice on some of the with other. so you all and then i went to middle east simoli we sent over to them. oh, glad to meet you, but i will release or the can see it on a little while i'm dental without us here to put any dollars 3 dollars or so you that machine until you're going by the good annual day you're going to so you wouldn't mess with and he's when he's out of your time with that question and i shall not for you will call you will do so much longer so fast. it's so little of the guys to go with our focus to somebody, but all you know, so what is the most to be a person as a desk to pull stuff and this stuff costs the midwest of all stuff. that's it for the best that this little boy did. he said as well, you know,
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well the youth i typed it in, so it was a son's and i survey died. yeah, but on your bill is us coupon obama mode moved onto my hobby now and they'll talk to you. let us don't little more need see it all the on use will tell you that way . it will surely fullness to classes you know, to align your middle for the so what i knew most of them i through the glass one. this is a bit of, of all the dyna, yes it over to say to them. and really so i'll meet, i die. oh, book or the course it is a to all the me cause the gravity is now the is that or more which of that i the opportunity to quit out if i'm not up on godaddy? nothing more than that though. you have any cotton c. so easy, let's say that again, let's see the eco seeds not going good. i don't know whom georgia mode the depleted uranium is a toxic heavy metal domain by products of uranium in which month because of its high density about twice that of lead depleted uranium was used and i'm
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a passing munitions. the un office for this i'm, i'm into fast the, the sky by now, but i can feel associated with it anymore. i view on thermal to email the portion of the out most of the, the out cnn majority dollars the, the ceiling. yeah. not just eats that, was that almost what on your course of all of these, what you'll have to all the alpha trust it. we have them. others are through the ball for trusted to ease. love the east, the trust it. so what audio one e o eco pro is the number on which on the, on the number of the project popular. i think most of the approach them into the average elliott e own rock image of process modeling, the data almost not modeling mailed that out to you in the mileage elliot glass. you want to just send me a new one but you don't you don't nickel dollars on a wheel drive? i know molly res jelia victoria own was operable or tell me going. the not just it tells you it almost on the board on your what is a z o you daily chip you a bill?
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the sub it'll see people that see the product on our spots. it is optimal. that's the it's cohort that western scientists are still debating exactly how dangerous depleted uranium weapons of my dad. don't talk claiming that depleted uranium this homeless there's not any scientific breathing accurate is dangerously negligence. is usage and weapon, the strengths tossing project goals that can be inhaled or ingested. those things of interest to human health and the environment. to hysteria is unwarranted. dr. lucas, the reality is that the risks of depleted uranium are grossly exaggerated and when handled properly. the risks are minimal. minimal. tell that to the civilians living in conflict and suffering from increased cancer rates.
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the youth a score scene is yours to watch more with the you know, don't get out the rest later. boy name in the lam a lot, but have multiple vomiting. mean, if bored, you account. a terrorist operation carried out by the cell be anomaly and special forces on the comfortable village, a project against the housing in extremis, turned out to be the excuse they were looking for lots of that. so i'm wondering, is a good to do is not just along with the legend research to i knew what the caching whether you've option sweetie, potentially for scoring, suggest ensure what is missing anything else. there's nothing there. so just to get to a new one here for someone to, to nato countries, fled by the united states immediately declared that the killing of the albanian majority in kosovo was genocide and decided to bomb former yugoslavia depleted uranium shells were included russia vehemently opposed to that decision
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to see the thing was that the bill, i'm not sure you use it i she's got to more than come with the store to abuse needed because it wasn't a bureau is a couple of years and the pro coupling is not a problem might be in the alex and can the have had a lot about bash product electronics of a little funeral out of why who monica sunny. i saw a lot of the the play button because at the center i just wanted to show our gratitude. if i leave the front of the account, that's more like i thought we had to have them unable to, to what color laid off. how does moving to solution for the study of the kind of shot i what the other alarm saw. here's those are the fire as look i work,
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i did that. so i with the, for the bottom, say i to aside them, look at the dap, our boss, whoever they can move, you have to come out of the month, like i don't need the construction on i, but i guess i come down with them, but it just doesn't know how the most general is to come. a ya. she found that of the rug the cities louisville was the one that's the most from depleted uranium weapons. it's in 1st place, 13 percent of the total population. at that time, a piercing sales went totally used against the military hardware, the residential buildings, to the little, the by the way, them, how much are the, what the should i did as order of way shape doesn't come with either on a,
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on some sub and one of them each on higher end and most i'd be on the i'm just me a lot of really old lobby. i'm an automated truck, the new russell funny. there are a lot of money on the account of oil for the winter when i'm not on the husband alone. i'm looking in the account along the amount of either the inside of the house or or side of here. yes. movie or show i do. yeah. i'm good. yeah, there's other domains that are on how to tell. yeah. john, that i'm although it i wouldn't be at all but says, but it only loads fish are long. definitely. yeah. well, i'm in the i right. yeah. shot the of it. yes. you know much, but i need to have done it. i want all but not special. i don't do
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the washer. go say i was looking at the little johnny. what have you told me? they offered a sale on the morrow. the bustle. oh, oh. well, how did you see cool, and then what was the show? oh, and has the or dirt or rushing states never as tight as i'm going to be no sense community best not getting hold of all sun set up the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz footnote keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say a request,
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which is the in the late 18 ninety's, french soldiers led by general to boot. i arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot the most on you. i mean, he's stuck up system issues are all the cars and trucks showing the list to the tent, the food i on the east, one of the most horrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. what is somebody i know the question, richard dental. hey, i'm philosophy followed there to do some people, the actual most likely multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed olympic apartment for us to get the movie financing. i moved to a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on that you need to africa. the traces general good ice,
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blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is ben and i come from england and i've come ready to find out more about the, the mission, hopefully, and the history of in, in the region the the more important scene is a 150. if that's great, then that's the stillia to indeed show decided to one of the memory of his comrades . and for the very 1st time in 25 years, climbed the mounts to the very place where the depleted uranium bump fell. the silver kush.
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this is not the correct and this is total bonus. this it but doesn't need the central game like leg supplemental really small, you know, to get all pay a disaster. it's a symbol in the method on the day. then you'll know past most well past closeness, most other thoughts. but bill house the table just for the the name a program color easier the easiest. i trusted that id the symbol with are trish and the municipal names and all that the guy you know so so sit emotional around noon 1st lesson. most sizable. they've cost all that some.
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yeah, probably be on the let's, it was like, well, i guess the push to those to the, to, to, to some of those tabio call, i guess, is this the, the more than 3 decades the us army has used depleted uranium sales in various conflicts. they have also been adopted by great britain, but neither country officially admits the depleted uranium alone is deadly. you're just over simplifying or complex fisher to stir of fear, dr. lucas? yes, there are risk, but there are minimal compared to the strategic advantages they provide. it's about
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leveraging technology responsibly. not a bad thing. yeah. that the rational fear, you know, rational, ignoring the long term, environmental catastrophe, and the moral implications of poisoning glands with generations. that is, what is a rational circle of strategic advantages or a parent and victory at best? it's easy to throw around accusations when you're not the one making the top decisions. military strategy isn't about choosing the perfect options. it's about choosing the least worst once, and currently that involves depleted uranium. and we should strive of best of all settled, release was we have to deal with the world as it is. question yes. but outright fear monitoring helps know what the, the reason the reason they don't want this known or out in the public is, is they don't want, it's not a good advertiser. hey,
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we have your kids join. the military, they'll be, they'll be exposed to radiation and toxins. from the depleted uranium, it's not a good advertisement for the military. that's why they never met it. we have mission 1st. so a mission 1st to is to store your enemy. joseph hickman is a former us military officer who after retiring became involved in investigating the dangers of munitions used by the us. and the only reason you would use a depleted uranium ammunitions would be for armor piercing. i would take, i don't see where it's effective in anything else. the radioactive, they may not be. it may be, you know, a lot less radioactive than the something is active uranium, but still it's radioactive. it, it has toxins that, that can kill you as a military. we never really know that no one ever really talked about it. it just likes to burn fits that i cover. so we didn't, they,
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they kept saying everything's good. it's, you know, not, it's not unhealthy for you. it's not, not a bad thing. and joseph pigments books done pits the police native american soldiers. he revealed another big mystery town, depleted uranium, munitions were disposed of the without to play or any of being burned into burn fits, it would set up. i mean, then, then it actually is that only had to get terminated area, but it was a domino effect to start finding hundreds of soldiers. i ended up interviewing 1400 soldiers from my book. there were sick and dying from the birth it's it became a big story. and the book was very successful. president biden stuff about the book often, cuz i mentioned this,
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i'd go in there who got sick from the burned pits and died enjoying love. it got some, so i'll give them patients a boss so quick a quick chip was so talk to them patients here is that the toilet agree with you more than say on a cousin a, the city of the will set the small available for brother in law to the bottom, so for interest, send to the foundation, the input. this is the worst of a dollar. it's a shock. dave mccoy, 3 method to, to that's us and the name largest, suggesting low. this is of a problem in a mess. so this will be in the, the test to send by more formal cut out of
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a training or course care for method decimal number. no, it came up like that. the amount is kill them at the solution gross to the young and you by using check into the system during the exam because i'd be new uh, interviewed right next door. and you can do that i can provide you with should. so i know what i see and what you, me sorry to bother you. no, it just says that there's no need for them cuz they're invoicing me much. so i see the question is do some pain you include that are starting on the run for reason for, for with isn't langley i to talk with like a is a scheduled in the air conditioners and i've always got to move me from this course . so it gets it, and i'm wondering if i'm going to be ready for them to be doing that. i put that i
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cool. believe it isn't. i redid got 30 minutes. i'm at the gardens inc. for some folks that are the association. it's pretty much the minus name was presented to tucker. i did that, but i'm good from cushion the the new days got to manually i use them the appreciate you with the inspiration to us to in california shift study, ask yourselves that's the way. oh no, you just tell me that this is a protest rally held in run by the relatives of soldiers who suffered from depleted uranium italians learned for the 1st time the dust from depleted uranium shells can cause fatal diseases when the soldiers began to return from comfortable in mattel's here,
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where they carried out nato so called peacekeeping mission the project, and alejandro fund nancy fundamentalist with at least biggest independent youth portal comment done kashodi. so investigating how depleted uranium affected italian soldiers, health know, have them what you've got, you equipment them or the media diety a or tell me that she had come a lot the windmill federal want to do for both sony and army, neal football and kid. the little friend said they should be back in the sheets on a party going the media diety, but it's in pennsylvania and it's also the media diety, capital so fast, the sony best story, identical morning. going to get a hold on when they come. because i know more and they are running for me, the don't more, you know, for me. so that is one of the center so that the metrics holes in the search for evidence know you get out on the day. you're not on the on the b
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2. 0 yeah, no d c, i need a new song over the phone. dear the, the guy because the guy, the little mike turned it on to the and you got it a good the yet it was on the update on your off. you may kindly design the answer. no, it will. do you think i know that the dying july, the katie, that may not in the mean cause i know or nancy alexi on a call, anita a dot studio and jane d a showing mary jane. and then let me just what i need to be. i'm ok, thank you much, and i call any guy. it was a different go to probably going on the, the new book, the general and l gosti gets the angelo to tell you is the 1st and only western european loyal who tries to take every depleted uranium contamination case the court. and he's been successful so
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far. he's one on more than 250 occasions. if they don't that they didn't get that back out. the answer the question ma'am, about the surely the 30 percent. i mean the demo, the initial daughter had the only sound what when they sound, when a vision is what i the media, my laughter, most the provider. okay. little g again. so it all down start out. so the, the see in god the dfcs store getting a little dea, independent. i mean, did i receive up to the beast? wish i didn't want it? i'm going to do it all by not solely in the day. if i will show the game lab roll on game data, mean each of the dates that go many approaches, so they're not even i believe it's yeah, yeah. echo going us august way. not doing a bit of met the single switch shoemake asset. you find a list of items that have to shave what do you took our course at ocean you already know uses such as dustin or good is i see it co concept on their own
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a shuttle or will it says cuz that's it all varies out. if the person i'm of lucky wondering boesky corporate shift, i did such a disaster of things at the start just so that you're not always the concert or we need our stuff and that tonight the so the, the story again, i'll go to the shop with on a trip to the pendulum and throw for you all missed the senior sudden i was able to employ you, mcdonald didn't know point a to point us at the end of the afternoon. what are new in particular, was the last that got that. brushing us to slackness at all the allies who was interested, the leisure. no, no, no. it couldn't be like a when you called gordon for the spot in the queue shuttle just leave on to talk with the people. i mean they're, you know, do you have not mostly so again, if you called on monday because he already had a good view of the, of the 3 by the american one. but the only other issue there. so that is that, that was all can i think though it yet they are all gentle,
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0 at the stuff that we want to say the heat at a recording. i'm a duck water my to february must go freaking out a month. the bill, the the price and then they, they had to see it by itself. but why the escape that place i the i,
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i really kind of goes to the normal point. oh, really kind of us, the, you know, we have somebody on the bus so this is stuck to so probably a real, a lift gate on the centralink sounds cool. set animal. the amount of bill allows us to some tool. they would have to spell it, them never problem a or to do over i or to the face to face of the sense that the us, one of us with
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the the look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're such short ends at conflict with the 1st law show alignment as a patient, we should be very careful about our professional intelligence. the point obviously is to create a trust rather than to the various mean with the artificial intelligence. we have somebody in the theme in the


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