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tv   News  RT  April 17, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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on that side, a ways to place the with the georgia and capital engulfed in violent protests for a 2nd night. and our chief correspondent, headings to cover the interest was the change and the ported list. no reason, given any reports by human rights watch says is really settlers have uprooted entire palestinian communities and this place many more in the occupied westbank are 2 reports on one violent incidents involving similar this is the garage from the video that went viral. and this is what's left from the white car, simple fire and the footage india and officials inactive is found the alarm over
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the growing number of the tests of indian students studying in the us, raising questions of the safety of the community. and the training and president tightens mobilization laws allowing hundreds of thousands to be sent to the front line while condemning the west. we're putting a premium line at the you're watching artsy international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. archie correspondent donald, the quarter has been deported after being detained for hours that to police the airport. he was held on arrival in the george and capital to prevent him covering the violent protest over the so called foreign influence law. the
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demonstrators waved in towards in and you flags as they condemned the so called for an agents legislation intended to give more transparency about foreign funding of n g o. as in news outlets, western powers have expressed concerns about the bill despite it's practically mirroring a decades us last, let's take a closer look. the georgian proposal, like the u. s. law requires energy o's and media outlets to register if they receive income from abroad facing penalties for infringements. despite the obvious similarity after the re introduction of the bill to the georgian, permanent parliament of the us state department, we acted swiftly saying the adoption of this law will lead the country off the european paths. we remain deeply concerned that this draft legislation would harm
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civil society organizations working to improve the lives of george and citizens and would the rail georgia from its european path. we are also concerned that this draft legislation would impede independent media organizations working to provide access for georgia and citizens to high quality information. despite us concerns over the law, potentially impeding media freedoms that appears other factors are currently bigger obstacles to the work of the process. last year, when george's ruling party submitted the bill to problem it for the 1st time. our correspondent donald porter was also in the george and capital and covered the protest being to your guest and violence between demonstrators and the police. the number here the
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. we discussed the latest developments with a tele and war correspondent, andrea la judy, who fears journalists who represents an alternative narrative to that of western media might become targets. now on joe. and only, i think, not only a russian journalist or correspondence with us from 1st part, the bottom or the journalist that are working in, i'm not the side of the mainstream perspective. can be a targets for such actions in georgia, of course. so georgia, uh, want to maybe want to share these european barriers about the freedom of speech. and for these reasons, maybe they want to show someone to someone in the west, the local,
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we are bar codes or us from journalist that comes here for a subsea and these, these little about for him age. and so that's a lot of pro you are people protesting against the, you know, and the, maybe this is a political message for someone. but it's up to say, now this is my point of view. and i think that's a, as i say, not only are i, some journalists are in danger. now, if someone want to cover such protests, the bucket or journalist, they don't recognize it themselves in the west. our policy, maybe this is the point. any reports by human rights watch says it's rarely settlers with the help of the army, have uprooted at 7 communities and displaced many palestinians in the occupied
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westbank since october last year. a father from dumont a town in the west bank describes the terror of being unable to protect his family and the children from a violent attack. by settlers aside, the most difficult feeling in the world is when you're unable to protect your children. if your children are crying in front of you, and you're unable to anything about it, that's the most difficult feeling in life. settlers attacked our house and i couldn't do anything. 2040500 settlers. if not more, they attacked our house. they tried to burn the house down with gasoline. i mean, these are my children. what is their fault? what fault of theirs justifies what they experience? i mean they did not sleep all night from nightmare and bad dreams. every now and then they start talking about the settlers. i don't know how can i help them? both in, in our teams, middle east bureau chief maria from ocean delves into another violent attack by settlers that was backed by the idea. a young jewish settlers covering their faces
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token front of a garage and a palestinian village. then 2 of them enter inside one splashes, a car with flammable liquid, and other one sets it on fire. israeli soldiers cold on the same video, stay behind. clearly aware of what is going to happen and do nothing to stop the use when the job is done and the settlers leave. the soldiers give them cover. at one point they start shooting at on, on the police, stevie and throwing stones, as could be seen on another video film from a different angle. we've come to the scene of the attack to find the place full of dramatic reminders towards the vehicles broken windows, bullet casings and terry find residents. this is the garage from the video that went viral and this is what's left from the white car set on fire. and the footage, the owner shared the materials from hasty ctv cameras with us. it's refused to talk on camera theory and for his live and more attacks. we met several people whose
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property houses are cars, were damaged by settlers. all too scared to be filmed. these men live in across the street from the garage was the only one who agreed to talk on camera. the on the sub. on saturday, around 9 o'clock settlers came here, threw stones on the street and scattered garbage bins and tires. closing the street, there was a funeral procession that was stopped here. so people asked to open the road to let the funeral pass. they opened the road, but after the settlers left they returned set a neighbor's car on fire inside the garage and then started breaking into houses. they broke all the houses windows, including this balcony, that one and another at the back of the house. there were about 60 to 70 settlers. we don't know their names or even recognize them. mothers are or how it was the funeral of a palestinian field in his home from the day before. the westbank has been a hot bed of conflict between 2 settlers and have stands for decades with
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disappearance of land, with sources and political southern to the most recent wave of violet is started after a 14 year old jewish boy from an illegal outpost was found dead reportedly, the stabbing injuries before any police investigation, settlers took the law into their own hands, attacking dozens of nearby power steering villages. the violence must stop. civilians are never legitimate targets. we call on the will. far it is to take measures to protect old communities from home, and we urge israel and the palestinian authority to do everything possible to de escalate tensions. the international community condemned violence earlier, washington sanctioned a number of jewish outposts and the you announced its plans to impose visa bands and assets freezes on successors in an attempt to reduce as well regression. policemen and many other palestinians believe it will make little difference. the settlers and the jews don't care about anyone. i'm just saying generally about the
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jews, the settlers, the army, and everyone. they don't care about the international community or anyone else. they do whatever they want. it could be a good start, but they are not going to change anything in reality. so these really army commented on the garage incidents a, the way soldiers acted in the footage does not correspond to the armies values and orders. the adf launched an investigation promising to deal with the military accordingly, and it didn't take long before joist. it's conclusion. after investigating the incident, it was found that the situation in the video was taken out of context and does not reflect it in the correct way. in the area in the video, friction developed between is railey and palestinian citizens were mutual stones were thrown, the force at the point, worked to diffuse the friction and minimize the damage to all citizens. the soldier in the video is an operational driver, not a fighter. who tried to talk to the citizens who set fire to the vehicle, offered a safe member of these really parliament for they had josh parting standing for
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jewish era partnership and equality. and jew himself send an urgent appeal to the country's defense minister. and the idea of chief of stuff is easy for him is not going to be investigated. and the settlers said they and the code. yes, i'm not going to be jobs. then i have no other choice but to appeal to the national national institutions. i hope that they really ex, solve the problem and stop with those kinds. but i must say that the fate eh, hold for about that. just a couple of hours after this interview wasn't included. the news came in about 2, all their palestinians killed by gunfire in a fight was due, settler was in the east and west bank. police launched an investigation which tiers on that it's results just like it was with numerous previous probes will hardly stop. the violence will bring those responsible to just as rafe and ocean are off from palestine. israel is opposition later has slammed the benjamin netanyahu as
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a threat to his own country. also calling for new elections. this government, this prime minister, has become an existential threat to israel. they've destroyed israel's deterrence. our enemies look at this government sense weakness and raise their heads. speaking to reporters, following a trip to washington and the politicians said, the us administration is horrified by the behavior of the is really cabinet headed by netanyahu. officials in washington are part of the view, the cabinets, actions as unprofessional, and poorly managed. and discontent was netanyahu's government is growing, grow both at home and abroad at demonstrators until these have been regularly protesting against the prime minister, demanding his resignation. they are accusing him of for handling of the gaza crisis, as well as inability to bring is rarely hostages home. its growing frustration with netanyahu's leadership style may come as no surprise when we look at the numbers.
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israel's on suantlan, gaza is turning out to be costly with the countries that doubling over the last year. according to the latest report from the as rarely finance ministry. let's take a closer look israel. so total debt for 2023 peaked at $43000000000.26 more than the previous year. almost half of the country's debt for 2023, only emerged after october 7th. that says, the governor of the bank of israel says the idea of some negative global image could cost the as rally economy as the sentiments of rhodes. and this intangible capital may be damaged and if it is damaged, it could potentially hurt how invest to see us and our capabilities anymore. there is such an erosion the bad say we will have to be and work harder to compensate for it. veteran palestinian rights activists, you'll have high, far away, says the is really government an army or seeking military escalation and are concerned with damaging the country's economy. and the phrase
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samuel in between this sunday as 2 minutes into this only place and speaking wrong, the wrong to, to media out suitcase the experiences because of our lease mrs. so don't sell that expensive and the calls the rates are lia comerica. cvt was on stand, stevie, because there's a tension. so it was a big damage for any extent been 0 as nowadays, wiley go home at times. that is why we all mean. i don't know to satisfy the say why lights on friday i sent you all the one to say well my to the actually exam to take additional out and i and action. so get us the are so they don't mind to put in times. you have the 2 are, these are the corner mean, die 2 dogs of mine to the entire joes in life for phones. if it be
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a discount thing, it says it's concerned over the safety of indian students studying in the us over a rising number of deaths in the community. our 2 correspondence engine sharma has the details. the chaise, the so called big american dream. thousands of indian students, full of hopes and aspirations back the bags had stateside every jo. what 2020 for a single wall. the still being trained in 11 indian students found dead in different incidents, different locations. students of different universities must all in the united states of america. we look on slip has reached out and they have extended on possible help the investigation is on. so hopefully we come to know more about the reasons for it. in since january i think that some then are indian students who have passed away in 2 cases i have got to do earlier. in one case, it was
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a case of homicide, which was registered against a person who was a vagrant. that was most unfortunate of pbx any. and then after there was a case in which a person was shot at automation in united states. they have strengthened that student outreach so that they can convey to the students what, how they should take care of themselves. what should be done, and what to the hell, the conflict in the embassy can provide hasn't been to quite the investigation might be on the way, but the us authorities don't seem to be very alarmed. the government of india, i'm the indian american community, however, have judge the relevant authorities to ensure justice for the which since the family's foundation for india, an indian desperate studies analyze the causes of these incidents and found that
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they range from suspicious shootings. kidnapping, environmental dis, due to lack of safety knowledge, mental issues triggering suicide, and even suspicious accidents do violent crimes. furthermore, due to the sudden rising dust and their suspicious nature, ours are circulating around the indian american community about potential hate crimes. some of them feared that the hate crimes are fueled by negative propaganda against the community. even though f i d s did not find inconclusive bucks to support these rumors. they may need to be investigated to timely address their concerns. in the only beats china when it comes to the number of people who choose to study in the us making off more than 20. * $0.04 over total international students who know many families in india, the use their entire life saving or even take out loans to pay for what is some of the most expensive education the child was. but each of these tragic death have
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left fields on sevens. nothing's wrong, says i'm reassurances. it felt like it puts in like why was it another indian kid, he just failed to match each? it is so and imaginable that a kid can die in this day and age provide some of the universe to campus is just tragic people in india, you're seeing the stories multiple stories. you start to wonder is this still divide path? very in the media though, has picked up on this string of steps. the rest of the media, the has largely been silent. now would that be the case of the shoes and all the thoughts if a series of american students had died in india? can you imagine the uproar turner's intelligence agency has warned it citizens over foreign states spying on the countries where earth's and food industries. the latest warnings were issued in a documentary on state television as a part of national security education day. the film 6 to highlight the espionage
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methods foreigners may use. china state security ministry is also called on the public to be aware of recruitment by overseas intelligence agencies is showing examples of real cases from the past few years. rare are metals are crucial to the country's economy and are used in technology that generates renewable energy. china is a world leader in retros, metals was 44000000 tons of reserves and about 90 percent of global refined output . but last year by jane restricted exports of both and so resources and extraction technologies senior fellow at the time the institute i entertained and shares his take on who china is trying to protect the technology from china has been under a uh, basically, a technology barger from the united states, it has not responded by curtailing uh, rivers. now they find themselves in a position where the technology capabilities are errors, as well as you know,
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the human needs food are being attacked in 2010. china was able to roll up c. i is a covert operations in china, and since and the c i a has been trying, it's best to reestablish its fine network the united states. that's the largest 5 boxes in the world. $90000000000.00 is here with the danger that china seas is that there could be an attempt to describe the chinese both agriculture and also you know, these where are a switch on critical to the technology that is necessary to power the future. not only for china, but the entire world. so this is not just the threats to china itself, but it's one to the, to the globe. i mean, saw the statistics in terms of what china produces, there was an active sabotage to undermine that. this would have
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a devastating impact around the world. a grant in president vladimir zalinski has lashed out at western officials, differing attitudes to the complex, the new crane, and in the middle east, calling for you crying to get the same protection that israel received during the latest, the violence and the region. so it seems like name of, in the last 2 days, we have heard all kinds of things about the different conflicts here in europe and in the middle east. different levels of threats, different air spaced, although the shower head, drones and valley sticks are the same different. so that's always coalitional lights, but our human lives different people's values, different is they know they are not to me. well, to locate, criticizes the west for not valuing ukrainian lies. he himself has signed a controversial new mobilization law allowing hundreds of thousands more ukrainians to be sent to fight on the front line amended mounting. it casualties are 2 that goes down. i've explained to my colleague michael party just how the law will
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impact ukrainians. now everyone liable for military service in ukraine, they will have 60 days to report and to show up at the draft offices to like but basically to update the information there. also we have a gets the dropped uh, the draw. notice even if they don't sign for it, they will be considered as those who officially and legally received it. so they will be eligible and they will be basically they will have to do and to follow every mobilization procedure, even if they don't put the signature under the draft notes as well. so they will have to carry their id, the military id with them at all. times i'm talking about those who are eligible and those who are uh, well basically a liable for the draft office essentially own reservations and that will so they will be banned from leaving the country if they are considered those who live aging dropped. and uh, if a person say owns move into vehicles,
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viani will have to the right to requisite uh, basically the whatever they deem as the access. so really, very, very harsh, very, very, very, very harsh, little, very, very harsh conditions in mind, to millions of ukrainians of those draft. and this comes of essentially from a president who is criticized mobilization in russia. my democratic dish, the dish, we are a democratic state and we have to develop, we cannot like russia drive of people to was sticks. we're not such a state. we are fighting for you are being values. this is a massively unpopular measure, but the funniest thing is the military, those, well, the front lines right now, they don't like that. is that because initially the very 1st draft of this little included the, the parts about the d mobilization for so they made the do it for you creating authorities. they made it look as if the new mobilization of this new is only the
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only voting only because they won't those who have been in the trenches for world years now. they want them back, they that they have, they are, these have deserved a very good rest. now they took that pods out of the final version. so the mobilization full of just the, not, nothing of the sort is not in the slow. so even those who on the change has the own happy with this new law. if it is, i will shoot them all. they don't have the rights. so i'm suppose to get up now and go back to war as they sit here in the role of the ballet as in paul element. it shouldn't be like that, or you need it and then it's like i need to, but they should not decide. there's even such a term service of the people who should not serve them, but they should serve us. so yes, cuz i was, i don't feel good about it. literally i'll just drive into life what we went through. so now if i'm a veterans on really excited about this initiative, you can imagine what an average ukrainian of mine,
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who's now 25 years old. it feels like because, well, the draft officers who are roaming the streets really scouting, growling the street looking to grab more meat to throw into these bryan's that this doesn't really do much for zalinski is claim is that this war has been relatively blood less for the ukrainian only because still the official figure of those deceased and the war according to ukraine is $31000.00. according to russia, it has been, well, you can multiply by 10 also your cleaning and officials. they have been talking about the economy and about money because the painting and economy con, well it, it is barely surviving. the law and the blinds ation, which was adopted by the grant in parliament, carries only threats and does not give any incentives to either the war in defenders or those who can replace them. it destroys the financial system because even before its adoption, ukraine is withdrew. more than 27000000000 ukrainian grievances from their accounts
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in a month for the landscape. all of this is a signal to the west. it's a signal, it's about showing intent that look, we literally ready to give every, to send every single man and possibly woman very suited to, to the trenches, to fight your war to fight the war that you wanted. and so just, yeah, give us more shells. give us more missiles and give us more money. we spoke to r t contributor tar read, just as zalinski is only carrying out mobilization to get more money from his western backers. so this a package of 62500000000 and the supposed to go to crane and israel's actually at risk is zaleski, is doing everything he can by trying to show the through this law on his side to say, hey look, we're going to put up all our remaining population to this me grinder this proxy,
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or that the us a need or fighting against russia view ukraine. um and it is a different desperate attempt uh for money. meanwhile, the pentagon has gone through 6 audits and is missing over 6 trillion dollars regarding military spending. so billions of dollars alone are missing that were given to ukraine and there is no accounting for it. so very have it. i mean it's, it's, it's a money laundering scheme for sure, but americans just had to pay their taxes. and i think they've had enough, as far as their tax money. going to this in the south africa, thousands of job seekers flooded the gallagher convention center in johannesburg. for the 2024 job fair hosted by chinese invested enterprises, initiative not only gives employment opportunities for the youth, but also reflects the deepening it ties between the nations ortiz and all of where you can get reports of $100.00 enterprises and a 1000 jobs on off, lots of local,
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young and disputes of africans is an opportunity to not have come at a better time for the countries job misuse. thousands of jobs speak assumed the collateral convention center. and so i had this with, with chinese invested enterprises. and so that's what goes to a job, see in hopes of hiring local talent for localized development and before that, because unemployment rates already the highest in the world, rising to 32 percent of the 4th quarter of 2023. the top 3, the concrete, initiate of, and efforts to bring hope to the use of south africa, the summer on just for here, for this post, as we're expecting at least 1001 jobs owned by the 12000 that they have already created over the past 2 years where it said that we are expecting them to create a number of 6000 jobs. oh, but that's all they pay the city. yes. but they have done more than what we have expected. we're still going to continue to make sure that we expect more investors from countries like china so that we can continue in increasing some of this
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opportunity to that to this company is actually bringing. yes. not even though the presence of chinese companies and advertise tasted the labels of various african countries with the have been reports of chinese labor practices, offering plaque and harsh working conditions. this of african government and labor unions of committed to do more to protect workers wide, continuously engaging with the embassy while continuously engaging with the deformation that deals with the automatic housing or these companies to talk about some of the challenges that they may be heavy. but 2 also say that's this one labeled nose, and they have to be at the head to at all levels. and today is the absolute most to be but a came them with a is that no send, did you even know to be done to say that's how do we make sure that we do, mr. cade your needs and how you're going to doing things do this. i'll definitely can way of doing things to dates more than 200 chinese enterprises have invested in south africa and gave us such as energy finance and mining real estate to excel and
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logistics, creating tens of thousands of jobs for so that's it. cuz minister leaves the gum project manager at the chinese embassy in south africa, says that the 2 countries friendship has traditionally been strong, apply the corporation, fostering mutual benefits. we are proud to lead and become really relations we put out to friends of this is much more higher than relationships. and though we are far apart from each other, we're have 70 attorneys to businesses. they're offering 1000 jobs in terms of the manufacturing mining construction communication. almost all the areas that covers the, the countries, as china continues to invest in sylvester trans, continental launch. and expanding se times both regions are working towards the move balanced and sustainable said landscape. seems like the future holds promise single between the trees. if we caught any pro single ration.


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