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tv   News  RT  April 17, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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a complex, multifaceted, let's stop without please, is that spelled out of the, at least 11 people, including children are killed and it is really asked twice when a refugee comes in central gauze at the complex depth total tops, 33000 people and he reports by human rights watch phase is ready set loose. i've approved it entire palestinian communities displaced many more, and they all supplied westbound policy reports on one violent incident involving said this is the garage from the video that went viral. and this is what's left from the wife car set on fire in the future. we get too much attention from the f b i the security agencies wherever we came to the west is that
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a gram app creates a opens up to talk a call saying about the pressure exerted on him finally at the i and how apple and google and make full stronger sense has been a government the with the tools in terms of engulfing vine and protests for assessments, nights and all to correspond and heading to comedy on risk with the change of the quote. it was no reason to give it the a very well welcome to do is 3 pm here in moscow. when you're watching auntie international with the latest world news that day, it's good to have you with us. that would begin in a central gauze of what it is. 11 people, including children, has been killed. and is wally as like the gauzy refugee time. all these were brought to the i'll ask the hospital where the spoiled relatives bid farewell, then the phones pres wilhelm outside the hospital,
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the bodies of the victims before the were taken away for burial. the number of palestinians killed since october. the 7th has reached 33, allison's 899. that's according to the end slaves, health ministry. and the other is where the strike a refugee camp in southern ross on to the egyptian boulder showed them or says among the dead. in the past 24 hours, at least 50 full palestinians have been killed throughout the meanwhile, in the occupied westbank, a new report by human rights watch stays is ready. settlers with the help of the army have moved its 7 communities on displaced many palestinians of the region since october. last year. i saw the farm do my. a town in the westbank describes the terror of being unable to protect his family and children from a violent attack by status of i'm the most difficult feeling in the world is when you're unable to protect your children. if your children are crying in front of you,
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and you're unable to anything about it, that's the most difficult feeling in life. settlers attacked our house and i couldn't do anything. 2040500 settlers. if not more, they attacked our house. they tried to burn the house down with gasoline. i mean, these are my children. what is their fault? what fault of theirs justifies what they experience? i mean they did not sleep all night from nightmare and bad dreams. every now and then they start talking about the settlers. i don't know how can i help them? autism, it least, bureau chief maria, for a notion of downs into a nother violent attack by settlers that was boxed by the idea. a young jewish settlers covering their faces tokens front of a garage and a palestinian village. then 2 of them enter inside one slash a car with flammable liquid and other one sets it on fire. israeli soldiers cold on the same video stay behind. clearly aware of what is going to happen and do nothing to stop the use when the job is done and the settlers leave,
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the soldiers give them cover. at one point they start shooting at on, on to police damian's throwing stones, as could be seen on another video film from a different angle. we've gone to the scene of the attack to find the place full of dramatic reminders towards the vehicles broken windows, bullet casings and terry find residents. this is the garage from the video that went viral and this is what's left from the white car set on fire. and the footage, the owner shared the materials from hasty ctv cameras with us that refused to talk on camera theory and for his live and more attacks. we met several people whose property houses are cars, were damaged by settlers. all too scared to be filmed. these men living across the street from the garage was the only one who agreed to talk on camera. the on the sub. on saturday, around 9 o'clock settlers came here, threw stones on the street and scattered garbage bins and tires. closing the street
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. there was a funeral procession that was stopped here, so people asked to open the road to let the funeral pass. they opened the road, but after the settlers left they returned set a neighbor's car on fire inside the garage and then started breaking into houses. they broke all the houses windows, including this balcony, that one and another at the back of the house. there were about 60 to 70 settlers. we don't know their names or even recognize them. how it was the funeral of a palestinian field in its program. the day before, the westbank has been a hot bed of conflict between 2 settlers and palestinians for decades with disputants of land resources and political southern to the most recent wave of violet who started after a 14 year old jewish boy from an illegal outpost, was found dead reportedly was stabbing injuries before any police investigation. settlers took the law into their own hands, attacking dozens of nearby palace steaming villages. the violence must stop.
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civilians are never legitimate targets. we call them the will for it is to take measures to protect all communities from home. and we urge israel and the palestinian authority to do everything possible to de escalate tensions. the international community condemned violence earlier, washington sanctioned a number of jewish outposts and the you announced its plans to impose visa bands and assets freezes on 6 settlers in an attempt to reduce israeli aggression, police man, and many other palestinians believe it will make little difference. the settlers and the jews don't care about anyone. i'm just saying generally about the jews, the settlers, the army, and everyone. they don't care about the international community or anyone else. they do whatever they want. it could be a good start, but they are not going to change anything in reality. so these really army commented on the garage incidents a, the way soldiers acted in the footage does not correspond to the armies values and orders. the idea of launched an investigation promising to deal with the military
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accordingly, and it didn't take long before choice. it's conclusion. after investigating the incident, it was found that the situation in the video was taken out of context and does not reflect it in the correct way. in the area in the video, friction developed between is really and palestinian citizens were mutual stones were thrown, the force at the point, worked to defuse the friction and minimize the damage to all citizens. the soldier in the video is an operational driver, not a fighter. who tried to talk to the citizens who set fire to the vehicle, offered a safe member of these really parliament for they had dash parting standing for jewish arab partnership and equality. a jew himself, send an urgent appeal to the country's defense minister. and the idea of the chief of stuff, if this is, if it is not going to be investigated. and this step level said they and they told us, i'm not going to be jobs. then i have no other choice but to appear to the national
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institutions. i hold that they really ex, solve that problem and stopped with those kinds. but i must say that the fate eh, hold for the about that. just a couple of hours after this interview wasn't included. the news came in about 2, all their palestinians killed by gunfire in a fight with jewish settlers in the east and west bank. police launched an investigation, but see or is all that it's results just like it to us with numerous previous probes will hardly stop the violence will bring those responsible to justice. rafe and ocean off t from palestine. social media giants, the old a new dock web telegram up on the brains behind it. pavel durham saw the nicholas about time. the own shipping uh typically keeps a low public price on however, he broke his silence for tucker calls that and his 1st telephone interview in is when he describes how the us proved to not be a suitable place for
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a platform advocating for his speech. as he came on the coldest of pressure from the f b i, we got too much attention from the, the, at the i, the security agencies, wherever we came to the us. i brought an engineer that is working for telegram and there was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind me and back by cyber security officers. officers were agents that were trying to persuade him to use certain open source tools that he would then integrate into the telling us code that the mind the same would serve as backdoors would allow the us government to spy on people who use telegram the u. s. government to maybe any other government because of backstory is a back door, regardless of who's using it. let's find out some more details on the story. now i'm doing the studio correspond that marina calls are a vest. thanks for coming in marina. so it's interesting because people are,
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like we said, usually keep south of the, the public high. so it was interesting to hear his thoughts and you know him talking about the us government, which is always seen as a town p and a free space. existing pressure on him is very interesting inside a lot more to the have to say. yeah, there were lots of interesting bits of information that he shared. like for example, the f. b i is showing up on his doorstep one day, suddenly inquiring about him about telegram why he left russia. what is telegram all about? and he alludes in this interview, that they will probably trying to find a way to control him or control or control the app. and then he also says that any time he'd be outta us airport, he would always be questioned by the f b i. and then he talks about the incident that occurred after january 6, the us capital attack there 2 months after the defeats of donald trump. we saw the protest there. and he said that he got letters from us congress from both sides of
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the party, demanding different things this like less than after the events of january of the 6. uh, we received a letter from uh, i believe, uh, clinic with many of the democratic side. and they requested that we would share all the data we had in relation to what they called this uprising. the letter seemed very serious and the letter said, you know, if your fail to comply with this request, he will be in violation with the us constitution or something. 2 weeks after that, where we got another letter and knew whether from the republican side of the congress and there we read that if we give out
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any data according to the previous request, we would be in violation of the risk a solution. so we got 2 letters that said whatever we do with the file, anything serious constitution. and so you can, when they either way, it seems over there. and that's why he decided to move. he also mentions the fact that he was a market in san francisco. literally, after leaving a meeting with the head of the sweater, he didn't expect that he said the 3 guys attacked him. and this is one of the things that a, some russians think that in the wes, this is reading lives. it's always better. and then they go there and the see it for themselves was san francisco for example, we know that they have a drug fuel, i put them in quite now. it's really the situation there is really bad. and naturally people do a force attack. there was, of course, also didn't leave a great impression of the united states for him. so then he left, he had tried for letting before that to that also there are more cowed because he said that he was surprised by all the bureaucracy involved there that you need to
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hire locals 1st, even if you can find the appropriate engineer, for example. so that's why he decided to settle in the you way. i want to think about the rub is easy. it's very determined in this endeavor to create a platform that champions free speech. but how they succeeded. yes, and this whole entry for out, he says that he's all about being independent. he wants to make sure that a telegram has freedom of speech bought a he has failed to do that, because as we know, seller graham has band ortiz channels has to come to the e u pressure. so if you are in europe, you can not read arts these channels, for example, and that is not freedom of speech. he saw some of the things from you that they sometimes of course banned channels that have to do with, you know, the child pornography or terrorism, of course arts. he does not apply in those categories yet they have to abide by ego rules and these sciences. and that in itself is of course not freedom of speech and
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talk across and in his interview he says that for example, this is exactly the same as facebook ends wherever. what we saw that washington is very actively involved behind the scenes that end with twitter, for example, even controlling the feeds that people see what they read to me. and the pressure that he came on the, was it solely from governmental entities is this is what's interesting because he says that actually the pressure of the most pressure here to receive bowls and actually from the government. but it was from apple and google. and why does not matter to him as a telegram, because you need apple and google to download telegram and a of course, sometimes he a bide by those guidelines. he does say we are do our case sometimes. and with this, i will, hey, this is actually, you know, you need to be, they need to be able to say, well, what they believe it's, this is not terrorism, this isn't child pornography. it's just a points of view that doesn't coincide with the or sometimes they, when their arguments and sometimes they don't. and i guess when it comes to r t, they lost, they lost that argument, which is why we don't see ortiz channels,
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especially on telegram, although they have been mirror once created. but again, we'll pavel during this whole thing about freedom of speech and achieving that well . he has failed. largest pressure towards the telegram is not coming from government. it's coming from apple and google. oh, so when it comes to freedom of speech, those 2 platforms, they could basically sense or whatever it is you can read access on your smartphone . so i mean, do you run the risk of being thrown out of their stores? exactly, and that's what they make very clear that they fail to comply with their guidelines . so the court told her and can be removed from the stores. it's like a cross and also asks and whether she believes that he's being spied on by the, on the site for example. and he says, well, of course, i don't know. uh,
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they don't tell me directly. you wouldn't, you know, you wouldn't know. but he says he has no doubt, so that is in case what is happening because he says he has very limited faith and i'm quoting him here, very limited faith in apps develops in the united states from a privacy standpoint. so again, so he is being spied on by the united states. he believes in the f, b i. agents were showing up to, to his house. so with the maintenance to find out more information on solid ground trying to get his engineers to spy on them to try and get some sort of a control and telegraph. pedal durham says that he is a neutral platform. but as we see, it's not because it is still binding certain things. mm. marina many, thanks for coming in with the details of an interesting story. thank you. oh see, correspondent, the quote that has been the posted off the being the change, the hours it tbilisi airport. now he was held on arrival in the georgia and capital
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. what to prevent him from covering the violent protest save of the so called foreign influence. no. the, the demonstrate is waived georgian on the flag says they condemns the social foreign agents and legislation intended to give them. all transparency are found far in funding of n g o designs. news outlets. western powers have expressed concerns about the bill to sponsor project. the mirroring a decade, so us low, let's take a close enough. so the tools and proposal, lots of the us know requires energy use and media outlets to register if they receive and come from a broad facing penalty,
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useful infringements. now this might be obvious, similarity off to be re introduction of the bill to the georgia impala minutes. the us state department, we acted swiftly savvy adoption office, global lead, the country of the european pulse. we remain deeply concerned that this draft legislation would harm civil society organizations working to improve the lives of george and citizens and with the rail, georgia from its european path. we are also concerned that this draft legislation would impede independent media organizations working to provide access for georgia and citizens to high quality information. well, just want us concerns over the little potentially impeding media freedoms that appears other factors a currently they go all the schools to the work of the price. they'll see it when george's routing party submitted the bill to parliament for the 1st time of correspondence, all quoted was also in the georgian capital and covered the protest. things had against, amid violence between demonstrators and police, the, the,
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the number here the, we discuss the latest developments with it's highly and will correspondent, andrea lucida, who says journalists who represent an alternative narrative to that of the west. the media might become targets. now for joe, and i mean, i think not only russian journalist or correspondence with the best part, the bottom or the journalist that they're working in. i'm not the side of the mainstream perspective. can be a targets for such actions in georgia,
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of course. so georgia, uh, want to maybe want to share these european barriers about the freedom of speech and the for these of these on maybe they want to show someone to someone in the west. the local, we are book, it's russian journalist that comes here for a subsea and these uh, these little about for an age. and so that's a lot of pro you are people protesting against the, you know, and the, maybe this is a political message for someone. but it's up to say, now this is my point of view. and i think that's a, as i say, not only are i, some journalists are in danger. now, if someone wants to cover such protests the buttons, or journalists that don't recognize it themselves in the west of policy,
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maybe this is the point and does a still another science ministry size is concerned over the safety of indian students studying in the us as a rising number of desks in the community i'll take corresponded, winds and show i'm a, has the details to change the so called big american dream. housings of indian students, full of hopes and aspirations, backs the bags and head states side if the what 2020 for a single wall. the still being trend 11 indian students found dead in different incidents, different locations. students of different universities must all in the united states of america. we can slip has reached out and they have extended on possible help the investigation is on. so hopefully we come to know more about the reasons for it. in since january, i think that some 10 or indian students who have passed away in 2 cases i had to
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do earlier. in one case, it was a case of homicide, which was registered against a person who was a vagrant. that was most unfortunate of pbx any. and then after there was a case in which a person were shocked at automation in united states. they have strengthened that student outreach so that they can convey to the students what, how they should take care of themselves. what should be done, and what are the, is because within the embassy can provide as invent, required the investigation might be on the wave of the us. authorities don't seem to be very alarmed. the government of india, i'm the indian american community, however, have judge the relevant authorities to ensure justice for the which since the family's foundation for india, an indian desperate studies analyze the causes of these incidents and found that
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they range from suspicious shootings. kidnapping, environmental dis, due to lack of safety knowledge, mental issues triggering suicide, and even suspicious accidents. divide on crimes. furthermore, due to the sudden rise in does that they're suspicious in nature. ours are circulating around the indian american community about potential hate crimes, settled and feared the hate crimes are fueled by negative propaganda against the community. even though f i d s, did not finding conclusive facts disappointing these rumors they may need to be investigated to timely address their concerns. in deal only beats china when it comes to the number of people who choose to study in the us, making up more than 25 percent of the total international students in the country. you know many families in india, the use their entire lives saving or even take out loans to pay for what is some of the most expensive education in the entire world. but each of these tragic debts
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have left bills on severance looking for on says i'm reassurances. it felt like it bought some like why was it another indian kid, he just failed to magic? it is solid imaginable that a kid can die in this day and age provide some of the universe to campus is just tragic people in india, you're seeing the stories multiple stories. you start to wonder, is this still the right path? vain. the media though, has picked up on this string of steps, the rest, the media, the is largely been silent. now would that be the case of the shoes and all the thoughts? if a series of american students had died in india? can you imagine the uproar in south africa? thousands of jobs, vegas flooded the gallagher convention center. and johanna's book for the 2024 adults uh, hosted by chinese invested enterprises. the initiative not only gives employment
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opportunities for the youth, but also reflects the deepening ties between the nations, all tease and the icon gave reports. $100.00 enterprises in a 1000 jobs on off lot to local, young and disparate. so that's a can, is an opportunity that to not have come at a bit of time for the countries. jobless use, thousands of jobs, she consumed the glasgow convention center. and so how does both with chinese invested enterprises? and so that's because some a drop face in hopes of hiring local talent for localized development. and we set africa's unemployment rate already the highest in the world, rising to 32 percent to the 4th quarter of 2023. the top fee. so concrete initiated and efforts to bring home to the use of south africa the summer on just for here for this post this we're expecting at least 1000 watch old by the 12000. that they have already created over the past 2 years. where it said that we are expecting
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them to create a number of 6000 jobs over the will they put out of the city? yes, but they have done more than what we have expected was do. going to continue to make sure that we expect more investors from countries like china so that we can continue in increasing some of this opportunity to that to this company is actually bringing yet not even though the presence of chinese companies and advertise tasted the labels of various african countries with the have been reports of chinese labor practices offering plaque and harsh working conditions. this of african governments and labor unions of committed to do more to protect workers wide, continuously engaging with the embassy while continuously engaging with the, the deformation that deals with the automatic housing. or this comes, i need to talk about some of the challenges that they may be heavy, but 2 also say that's, that's how i labeled nose and they have to be at the head to at all levels. and today is absolutely no to be, but i came them where they use that no send me julie that announced be done to say
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that. how do we make so that we domesticate your needs and how you're going to be doing things to this? i'll definitely can way of doing things to dates more than 200 chinese enterprises . i've invested in south africa and gary as such as imagery, finance and mining real estate to excel and logistics, creating tens of thousands of jobs for so that's because i'm going to send these the gum project manager at the chinese embassy in south africa. see, is that the 2 countries friendship as traditionally been strong, driving corporation, fostering mutual benefits. we are proud to lead and become really relations. we put our friends, this is much more higher than relationships. and though we are far apart from each other, we have 70 attorneys to businesses. they're offering 1000 jobs in terms of the manufacturing mining construction communication. almost all the areas to cover, see the countries and china continues to invest in sylvester can continental logic
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and expanding se times, both regions are working towards the move bad lives and sustainable said landscape . seems like the future holds promise, single petune. if he's a for economy, for single ration and cooperation and very a 6 is the vehicle see to have as many thanks for joining us. a on all the international is always appreciated. coming your way. not next to don't carry out a with the latest episode. all of the ways to blow is another that was more nissan . about 30 minutes. a many of you have followed the painful and infuriating side of julian assange, the co founder of wiki leaks who has been held in london's notorious maximum
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security belmore shed prison for almost 5 years now. before that, he was in self imposed exile in the ecuadorian embassy in london, the c i a, a few years ago made plans to kill or to kidnapped julian in broad daylight in the streets of london. if the us government's request to expedite him for to be unsuccessful, but that request is pending and is likely to go forward in the near future. the big question then is whether the us justice department will offer julian a deal he can live with or where. busy he'll be forced to go onto the trial for his life. i'm john to reaku. welcome to the whistle blowers, news . 2 2 2 2 2 2 julian assigned just probably the most famous transparency, absolutist in the world. it was julian and wiki leeks, who told us through the release of the bradley, now. chelsea manning documents that the us had committed war crimes in iraq and
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afghanistan. it was julian and wiki leaks in to. busy us through the release of the volt 7 documents that the c i a could remotely take over control of a person's car by hacking into the computer and then could force the car off the road or off a bridge or into a tree. we learned that the c, i a could take over a person, smart tv and, and turn the speaker into a microphone all while the tv appear to be off. we learned about international corruption, about money laundering and fraud. busy thanks to julian massage. so it was because of this never ending quest for transparency that the c i a sought to kidnap or killed julian. and the u. s. department of justice charged him with multiple counts of espionage and other crimes amounting to 175 years in prison. julian famously took refuge in the ecuadorian embassy, where he was spied on relentlessly by the c i a, the dorians and the british. until the durians turned on him and handed him over to
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