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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 17, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT

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be i to go directly to internet service providers and purchase submitted data as if they were a commercial entity, a private company. rather than to go to court and ask for a subpoena or a court order together. we're in uncharted territory here and it's dangerous for all of us. yeah. you, you laid all it there when it comes as well to a time that we're living, we're talking about privacy concerns, constantly a no. this flies in the face all about it appears. don't what kind of opposition will this bring? indeed, not just the u. s, but in other countries as well, because this is going to go beyond borders. oh this, this is meant to go beyond borders. yes. and i hate to say this, it breaks my heart to say it, but i think there will be no 2, almost no push back here in the united states. you know, there may be a lawsuit by the american civil liberties union, or there may be a lawsuit by some privacy organization. but otherwise the intelligence community,
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just as a matter of practice, gets everything that it wants when it goes to congress. and often times it gets even more that it, once it's being we mentioned in there, it's been over a decade since edward snowden blew the whistle on the pretty shocking scale of the innocence global surveillance program. the agency to my years appears have gone some a quiet since then. no, it's back from the incense or your thoughts perhaps in the timing of this as. yeah, 1st i wanna say something about it's no. edward snowden is a bona fide hero. we wouldn't have any idea that any of this was happening, had its no not told us more than 10 years ago. he warned us that we would get to this point 10 years ago and he was exactly right. and now he's wanting us further that it's slipping. out of control, it's getting to the point where we're not going to have any privacy at all. i'm
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sure that you've had conversations like i've had like, what should i use as a child to? should i use signal? no, that's compromised. what's that? that's compromised. everything is compromised, so what would you do? this is exactly what you want this up. and so, you know, i'm wondering if, if there are foreign companies for, and entities form organizations that are, that are, is concerned about privacy as you and i are, that may take the lead and, and finally come up with a way that people can have a conversation without having the american intelligence community listening to it every time, and then keeping it for 500 years in a giant facility in the deserts of utah. mm hm. yeah, i'm starting to change my questions on that. where is the red line to? is there a red line out all the john? i'm not sure any more. at former us intelligence officer hosted the whistle blowers talk. so john kerry echo journal was a pleasure pleasures mine. thanks for having the and now i risk is asking the
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question next. can india become arrival to the economic powers of china right on the doorstep? and in fact, is it a matter of not if, but when that's not a head and the latest episode of director the entire body want you to know. we post a show every day and guess what? we hold no punch it. so look for a troop bomb number one. tesla goes big on india to the tune of billions of dollars trip. i'm number 2. china says the tesla, big mistake trip on number 3,
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the moaning government must now general economic growth. a lot of it and its own geo political neutrality can't do that. i'm rick sanchez and this is direct impact . the . so i'll talk to you today about it. it is an enormous success story. i mean, just really impressive. i mean, i know that some people think, look, there are also some issues down the line with india's economic growth. then the country has a north side and south side where one is generally much more advanced, very different than the other, more economically viable than the other. regardless of all of that, taken as a whole, it's almost impossible to look at what's happening in india and not come out with one word conclusion that contains just 3 letters. wow.
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wow. i mean, according to recent projections, the right thing that we're reading is correct. india is on track, the surpassed japan, and germany position itself is the world's 3rd largest economy by 2027. that's according to the investment banking firm. jeffries, who i have been following by the way, personally for years and which i can say without hesitancy, that they're usually spot on. you know why? by the way, this is such an impressive story. so 10 years ago, think about this. india ranked as the 9th largest economy in the world. now it's 5th, heading to number 3, with a nominal g d p of $3.00 trillion dollars. and here's where this story gets even more crazy. according to jeffrey's forecast is g. p will hit 5 trillion within the next 4 years. and by 2030 you're ready.
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10 trillion and the it was it 10 trillion. and that's a lot. i mean, think about this. if you put your money in india today, you will likely see returns of more than 10 percent over the next 5 to 7 years. and that's a conservative estimate, according to most of the experts or looking at it might not be a bad place to put your money. so while the rest of the world is talking about china, china, china, india is right there with it. almost smacking mac, yet look, it's still expected, but china will surpass the us. china will become the number one economy in the world by 2027. we have spoken about this before you and i. that means that us will fall to number 2. india will rise to number 3. but take a look at this chart. i found this fascinating comparing india and china from
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a real g d p. a point of u d. p growth that has. and you might be surprised to find out that there india is actually a head of china. see the blue line. india is got actually a head of china beginning around 2022. india has pulled ahead. of course, china still has the upper hand on tack and manufacturing. but wait, wait, wait. something has just happened. that could alter that course. actually thought john tesla, it's cranking up for a mega entry into india. senior officials from the company will soon be meeting comments and industry minister the score to reportedly finalize. they've gone towards that the investment at operations. so there you have, i mean, in, in what some see is a shot across the buyout. china, a lawn mosque has arrived in india ready to deal deal. he has to the tune of $2.00
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to $3000000000.00 into the indian economy. testers reportedly signed a deal within the as a title electronics to procure, study, conductor trip for its global operations. tied up, or tacked up as um, pronounce it as one of indiana's largest conglomerates. so why is it so important? right, and what's it got to do with china? remember when i told you was, was this a week ago, i think it was, it was a week ago when we were having this conversation, and i told you about janet jaelyn genet yelling went to china, and these are my words. but i thought she was like lecturing the, the chinese government here it is. we intend to underscore is indeed free shift in policy by china. during these talks, building on feel free to hours i spent on this topic was advised premier last week . this is part of our efforts to advocate for american industries and prevents the
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significant economic disruptions we've seen in the past. so what is she talking about? well, one of the things that yelling and extensively the united states market was concerned about when she made that visit was china muscling in on the electric car industry. pretty simple, right? china feels that it can, in fact, it already has begun designing. i'm producing a these that are, some would argue more efficient, less expensive, and therefore a more marketable then those made in america and elsewhere. and they are producing them for their own brands, apparently not for somebody else's brand, like tesla, yeah, etc. now, in steps in the and china has plenty to say about that. take a look at this headline. i found this and that you'd want to look at this. it says china is seen, in other words, they're not happy about teslas india. they knew. according to china, mosque is making a huge mistake,
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aligning himself and his company with india is tech manufacturing base, which is, and here's how china explains that. these are their words, this is what they say about india. why they think test is making a big mistake in the long run, who's making a big mistake. they say that there are india is a mature and unprepared, interesting choice of where it is, isn't it immature and unprepared? is it one thing is for sure. like it or not, the indian economy is attracting a lot of attention these days. look at this announcement. this was made just within the past 48 hours. black rock, arguably the most powerful banking and investment firm in the world with extremely close ties to washington, has just announced a joint merger with india's g o. financial services company. why? well, black rock seems to be banking on india's wealth management and asset management capabilities to boot. didn't know they had the big. so think about this. think about where india is right now. investment firms, tech manufacturing,
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take those growing sectors added to india is already powerful service. the sector which i have is drug or not economy for the future. i do see a caviar one potential carrier. and that is how well india can juggle it's g a political ties with places like washington. i mean black rock is might as well be the white house, but they also have to juggle their ties with moscow game. so does it risk co opting or better yet? being co opted by western economies in an effort to compete or, and this is what i think they have been doing successfully. i would argue, we'll see what my guess says, or doesn't maintainance neutrality as a partner within the global south community with other bricks. countries like china and russia and brazil, and iran and south africa and
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a few others. joining us now to talk about this is k j. now. he's a writer, a journalist, and an educator specializing in the geo politics and the economics of that whole region right there. asia pacific which includes a lot of other countries that we didn't mention, but this whole thing between india and china. i find fascinating. i don't know how do you agree the way i position my enter mind at the very end? i think mr. mowdy has to probably continue to do what he's done, which is, it seems like a neutral guy. he seems like the best looking guy or the best look and go on campus . everybody wants to date her. everybody wants to know her. everybody wants to invest with her. and he doesn't want to come out and say, oh, i'm choosing you. he seems to be choosing everybody. i think he almost needs to keep that track. and this thing with black water concerns me a little bit. what do you say? i think the framing is really accurate. i think a movie has
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a real balancing act before then. it has to balance between china, which is an important neighbor and uh, you know, uh, uh, economy with which it trades. mm hm. it has to balance would show as being a traditional ally. and it also has to balance with the united states, which for at least a decade, 15 years has been trying to pull it into a coalition called a quad in order to wage and can wait for and contain china. so that's a very difficult challenge right now. what we see is there is a movement for the us to really try and call india into its geo political market, primarily as part of its defense industrial supply chain. that is a very deliberate and very intentional project that the us has including the manufacturer all for example. ready advanced jet engines. yeah,
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side of india. well, the waters created but, but as a potentially, i'm thinking that's a fascinating thing that you just said and i want to jump on it because i was thinking as you were saying that as long as the u. s. can do that without making in the or suckering. india may be a better way to put it into having to choose. it's either us or them. correct? you're absolutely right. i mean, this is the problem. the us has this idea that it, that india wants to choose, india cannot be a party to both. it has to choose the us or china or russia. it has to be part of the us. hey, jim page, and monica lyons, or it can be part of the b r i, the brakes and the global south multi apolo. well, that is developing and i'll be honest you, i think that india may be making the wrong choice. and i'll, you know, point out
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a few data, you know, data points here. the 1st is, although india is growing in leaps and bounds as far as economy is concerned, all of that growth is growing into extraordinary disproportionate fashion. what i mean by that is india currently ranks a 111 on the global hunger index. it is declined north korea, congo zimbabwe. and just the head of this done and haiti. so there fund the mental infrastructural and social needs that are not being met. and so you can talk all you want about india having a large population and a large youth full population, large labor force. but is that labor force is stunted and starved and under developed and is not going to school, then you have nothing to actually compete against in the global economy. are you
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saying that is so because modi needs to come up with a better and more mixed economy, and that he may be going too far into what, at least in this country, we would call a type, almost a crony capitalism that doesn't serve the people of the country i think so i think there's a lot of, you know, type relations that are being built around, you know, certainly leads and also it is very, very much a new liberal approach to development. the thing which is really important then you point, i think you put your finger on it, you asked the question whether india can develop simply by being co opted into the us economic system here. and i think the historical record shows that you cannot develop if you set yourself up as a tenant fonda, on the us one patient, you just can't get out of that. that, that
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a treadmill. what an interesting choice of words i want to ask you then about this comment by china. it almost looks like china is a little paternal. well, it doesn't look like it. they probably are perturbed. i mean, 1st they get a lecture from janet yelling of all people. it's almost like grandma came over to pull your ear like she did what you were in catholic school. and then they hear this and suddenly mosque is going to india to do a deal with them. and he's going to make these electric cars there instead of anywhere else. and china says, and you heard, i read the quote, i think they said that there immature and unprepared. what do you make of that comment saying that look, trying to say our economy is mature and prepared and there is, is not, are they right? you know, i think there may be some truth to that. you know, once again, some data points, china has 16 of the 20 top e,
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the manufacturers, another data point a china has about 6800000 e b charges me. i think that the united states has about 850180000 the charges. so we're talking fact as of difference. how many of the charges does india have? it has about $12000.00 that's according to the government. and that is probably an over estimate. i've seen, you know, you don't know what the so, but why did, why would that matter? a test that doesn't want to sell cars in india. i mean, i'm sure he does, don't let me, let me restate that. test. lot wants india as a manufacturing base where he could make cars and then get them the hell out of there and sell them in the united states and all over the world. cuz he thinks he can do it. they're cheaper. not necessarily cuz he wants to sell cars to india. i think am i wrong?
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i think the initial idea is to start to sell some. tesla's in india only to the to and these cards will actually be produced in shanghai and then sold in india. and they'll be exempt from the, you know, the taxes, they usually live in the duties. so that's an interesting, that's is edge and, but it is true. they do want to see if they can build out some real industrial manufacturing capacity in india, especially in defense supply and also in general industrial capacity including ease . here's an example with china. show me is the latest, the chinese e. v maker. that is come online. it's originally made uh you know, phones, and now within 3 years it has created an, an a v which apparently checks all the boxes. apparently is almost flawless.
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it did that in 3 years, which is like going to a golf course for the 1st time and getting a hole in one. it's incredible. and they have factory produces a new electric car every 76 seconds without being touched by human hands. it's all automated, it's all robotic. and so that you can see is an example of the, the maturity if you, well, as opposed to india where, you know, a lot of the work is still manufacturer. it's, you know, i t so no manufacture nothing against or diesel manufacturer. it's extraordinary. but india has strengths and tech styles leathers, pharmaceuticals and it also has service industries and i to service industries. but it doesn't have that incredible logistical infrastructure. and ultimate is industrial capacity for china. so it sounds like the way you're drawing this picture. it's a pretty steep pill decline for russia. i mean, for india based on the, the example that has been set by china. let's,
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let's leave that there. i'm going to take a break and when we come back, i want to be able to talk to you about just exactly how big the economy of india is and may get still. uh and is everything that jeffries and others are predicting gonna come true? will be right back, stay with us the
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the, they are probably her mother's the store. okay. the model girl that i got you. no problem saying that i'm out of in the side of the drive i showed my brother through he was sudden to help people for a lo so now i never looked at searches being saved. well i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of the chicago police. it'd be gang chicago is like to give you a photo that police you really think your life is over as another crime? say another could have been a doctor. a nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here. the very welcome back. i'm rick sanchez,
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director of back and i'm talking to kids right now. we're talking about the rise of india. competition. it's getting from china, which is not a new story. some of the developments that have happened this week with huge announcements both by tesla and black rock. and then there's this when i read these figures over the last couple of days and saw that 10 trillion figure for the potential g, d p, and the next uh, 7 to 10 years by india, my job dropped, i thought, wow, but yet if the present trends continue, and at least when i look at this, i think of indians as a whole, hard working, industrious, culturally driven to succeed, educated. i'm already on track for this junk or not economy that we see. and maybe the most important thing of all is english speaking english speaking. i think based on some of those things they, they may have uh the in,
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on being able to achieve some of these massive predictions that we're hearing about them. you say what i'd say that's only predicated on the assumption that the english speaking countries are going to continue to develop and need the services. yeah, if that's not the case, then it's probably better to, to learn russian or chinese. and so i, you know, i don't think the, but is a given currently it's, it's a real advantage in terms of i t t service sector and also call centers, etc. but these, this is relatively low hanging fruit. what you really need to do in order to build a well, the society is you need to do literacy and education unit, smart educated people to build a wealthy society. you have to develop. busy human capacities because you need all
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hands on deck men and women. and i think that's one of the areas where you is still behind it as 76 percent literacy and much lower for women. china, for example, has 99.9 percent literacy. and so these are really important things. the other thing is, and once again, i want to highlight infrastructure and china has extra already, infrastructure, logistical infrastructure, ports, roads, rail, etc. a few years ago i went on a trip to india and i took a boss. and it was about a 90 minute bus ride and i was wearing a smart watch, which counts, you know, your steps. and when i go to the, when i got off the bus, my smart watch said that i had taken 13000 steps. why? because my spot was getting whacked. $13000.00 times. i i
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hope so. yeah. well, you're good, at least you got credit for it. i got credit for it. yes. but, but i mean, this is just, you know, one example of how infrastructure really needs to be developed and into infrastructure education and real human development. that brings up the box. yeah. has great elite institutions, great universities. but it didn't do what china did, which was educate people at the primary level. you build up the floor, not raise the ceiling. is that i wonder though if it's while that's obviously attractive internally for our country to have its people educated. and that's probably why we've seen such an incredible rise. i was reading the numbers last night as to employment in china and what the average chinese person used to make 15 years ago compared to what they make now is like this. whereas in india,
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it's kinda like this, not exactly like math, i mean, pardon my, my, my charge with my hands but, but there is a big difference. i would think that that's good and bad. if you're somebody who wants to start manufacturing and you're looking at india, you'd think, well, i could probably get it done cheaper there. i mean is self, which is that sounds, it might be an advantage for india. what do you think? well, i mean, certainly it is a comparative advantage in the global labor arbitrage. i mean in use, labor is about $18.00. the cost of trying to trying to drive is 8 more tough. but the difference is that china has a more, it's a industrially experienced and technologically advanced workforce. and once again, you have access to incredible infrastructure, incredible supply chains. ready right there, an incredible automation. as i said in china, everything is getting automated labor is getting automated when i was in china,
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you know, last year, you know, all the deliveries in the hotel were done by robot. i mean, it was scary. he's been here because you'd see this robot come to your door and called you it greets you and then it gives you everything you need. but there's a level of automation which is already built into china because if it's incredible 5 and 5.5 g development, the india still needs to catch up on. and you know, i wish the government would do the same thing. the china dick, which is develop human capacities on all levels bring everybody in and not just develop a kind of an elite society that raises the wealth of, you know, the, those who are most connect. well, that's interesting because it's a, it's a, it's a look inside the system which very few people provide. you've been very critical. i mean, i don't think you're saying there's anything wrong in essence with the fact that they are growing and will continue to grow. but you're saying there are some, some,
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some, some info structure issues inside that growth that someone needs to look at. fact of the matter is because of how fast are growing. politically, moody is in a really good place. people love him there and i would be shocked to see anybody come out and, and, and, and presume to be able to compete with them at this point. and obviously we're going to be watching that election as well. okay. j. know you are a wonderful guest. what a great conversation, thanks for being such a smart guy and sharing some of that with us. we appreciate it or so before we go, i want to tell you something that we do here. and that's in conversations like the one i just had with k jack, it's to try and the silo the world try and tell both sides of stories. not live in middle boxes truths don't live in boxes either way. and i'm rick sanchez and i'll look for you again right here under the
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us lawmakers pit just separate $16000000000.04 and a bill for ukraine with the proposed money though, going back to you as loans instead of donations for warning, disturbing images at least 11 people including children are killed in and those really are striking a refugee camp in central jobs as death to embarrass since october 7th, reportedly near was 34000 also coming off in the program, the georgia prime minister of pushes for the adoption of a foreign agents more of the country president dollars the veto, as we discussed the bill with our corresponding who's just returned to law school often.


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