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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle . iran's retaliatory strike of israel is a game changer. a new red line has been established. thread no longer will outsource its confrontation with israel. meanwhile,
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the gaza genocide continues the cross knocking escalation. i'm joined by my guest, eric welburn in toronto. he is a writer journal as an author of the canada. israel next is in bay road. we have they look hard to him. she is a co founder of mid east wire dot com and in what talk to you we crossed to stephen . so who need he is an award winning journalist and chief editor of mid east discourse are across cyprus and the fact that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate late. well, let me go to you. first thing they rotate. remind production i called this a game changer and new red lines have been established. do you agree with that? well, it's always basically a new line that's being pushed. the deadline has been established long time ago. there's a balance of better and better support in this region. that everybody tries to test every now and then and, but then you basically attacks that happens and then the nation, everybody knows what the other side, the scope of. i mean, at the end of the day,
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some people consider that and see it as it goes by, by the radiance. however, if you look at the go see the it is minus to hit to is there any minute to base as well? north of sewing and one basically in the nova team and the one closest to the more? no. so the idea is that everything else that they used was just the d. cory, and they actually have their goal is there is no, no what it's and i was like, what does that state, they might take it that much further, just to say face as one point or another, or basically because the whole wants to a safe is height as they say, by kidding, that's what we're because with those what he's going to go to try it and people are going to spend my life. so you'd have months are being drawn over time. the thing is, the escalation is the thing that we see. basically it increasing, well, and i mean the go and eric, i mean, do we have a new balance of deterrence right now because the western media is down playing the or radian strike. but if you look at a look and people that have a more honest view point, i mean this is quite catastrophic for israel was the 1st time that is real
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experience, something like that. so is there is there, is there a new balance of deterrence in the region? much to lose the issue. richard scott, richard made the very guy telling point that his brother has actually expanded its borders. it's controlling now north israel in north israel is, uh uh, it is uh and indefensible. and uh, i don't think those settlers will ever be able to go back. so there's one aspect and also he ran his, expand it, it sporty, straight to israel. it's showing that it is capable of reaching anything, israel, it's in new mexico and number of people entered in the neighbor. so it is really is no longer. so it's completely surrounded now and it's gonna be in india ran is part of that. a neighborhood it's,
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it's almost like, uh, iran's announced itself is admitted that an integral part of the new video. yeah. and it's i'm and it's a neighbor. you can't ignore. okay. i get what you can ignore and at your peril. let's put it that way. stephen. oh, so if we can go back the be all of these events, you know, i don't like to use october 7th as a beginning of something. it is very much on the part of the historical process that we've seen. 75 years of design is and but if we do take october 7th, what is the israel achieved? it has it's lost in, in gaza, is killed and tens and tens of thousands of defenseless people, mostly women and children. and as eric has pointed out, so is really citizens and the north of israel cannot return. and we have the, what's going on in the west bank coming israel's and it has, it has had
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a string of failures here. steven. yes, that is through the israel's lately, not only actually and this war is spinning stuff seem to failure since the or 2006 was sell stuff on his beloved. that's a big failure at the war and got stuff for the 1st floor and goes dense, thousands, 7, i think also it was a failure. 2014 was a failure. and also in 20 to 20. 20 also was a video. and now this one is a big failure. it for 6 months, is there has been using all kind of weapons bombing from land guarantee. just they killed 40000 people that it's not fair to do their hostages. they did not to stop the missiles from the missiles are still going off of the north east to west all over the leaders of the, of the, of the some of the gate i'm some us are still in power. how much is still the empower, the achieve? nothing to date. and this is just starting to reflect on benjamin dr. neil. and
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this is why we're seeing the people, the various sectors in the industry. it's up to like even jerusalem in big numbers and they are going to see more than more, more or more because they have actually have buffering. and now you start to, to move these old people and the whole region and the united states as the original war just for one thing only. and that is either he doesn't want to lose his chair as prime minister. well i, i also think, i mean, i'm just neither here nor there. if it's about nothing yahoo, it's about design is project and design is project is a meeting. it's a lot of barriers right now in a lot of push back your way. like what, one of the most interesting things about israel's re uh, well actually, how is real and it's western allies reacted to a range of retaliation. is that it made it perfectly clear that israel cannot do this on its own. it must have the united states. it must have friends and must have the u. k. but that's
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a very perilous position for everyone to be. and we know that joe biden is fabulous and weak, but he's essentially signing up for is real security in a very meaningful way in a very expensive way. i'll also point out that is one of the game changing elements here to go ahead and be route. it just doesn't say, i mean we've seen it. so during the talk, so on this, any occupation, the entity we saw, the british, the american and even the german planes were plants coming over just to basically and head is reduce the on some of those turns and goes ballistic missiles that were thrown or basically directed at is there a new entity? however, the have to understand is there is it going and project? so all the code on his web has created are the ones who continued to pump and money and basically the arms to keep the surviving over there. when it goes to by then he had lost most of the woods in terms of artists and those who are against this war that's happening. however,
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what he's banking on is going forward with americans continuing to have this really is he would go through these elections and does the vehicle and services and those basically what's what was afford the street is in his society that when he came into the rescue, we had the lady who continued to send her that how much was this helped him in the elections i hired that was basically because the father know basically waking up to be added to that is a, is our terminals. they're getting further since they're committing a genocide that has been ongoing, not only for the 1st 7 month, but also for the past 75 years. and i don't think basic is in national consciousness, let alone basically the americans inside america, the united states with ideas that's, we've seen the polls showing a change of heart and mind towards what is read entities on about and what there's either ship in the us or the we well, you know, eric, it's very interesting joe biden's 1st reaction, public reaction to it was the call a meeting of the g 7, which i guess these people this don't see the iron now, but of course these are the former colonial powers and the powers that created the modern and middle east here. would it be fair to say, because i've been saying this,
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that the g 7 is turning itself into the access of genocide? uh, along with nature. oh, okay. so really, uh, the is still seeing the world through euro, american, american european lens is that, that's the world. when it talks about world he is, he's really just referring to the white colonial powers. so when we are, when i think of world opinion, i think of the broader world opinion very much along the lines of what pollutant this talked about, that there isn't a new axis of peaceful powers that are anti imperialist. so yeah, the bible is still in, not in your own mindset. and another good analogy i think is a israel is like
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a cuckoo. it's the new, it's born and now us in your feet and the parents keep speeding it endlessly until the end of the cuckoo. the cuckoos life is not an easy one that often they get pushed out of the nest or they die. or else they killed their hopes. so we're in that in between stage now where israel is really taken on all of the energy of its parents. and it's a, it's sucking them dry. so uh, whether this can continue indefinitely. well, it can't. so i think that the best buy how, how the cuckoo finally dies. that that's the issue. we have to deal with know, you walk, you know, or, you know, brought up the or what the, the true international community and real global public opinion. and it's very, very clear where that stands and yeah, it says the global south versus the, the,
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the rich north at white north, also in this case here. but, you know, i can remember very clearly when, after the, the, the iranian revolution that they being so these are throwing the shot. and then the american embassy was taken by students and how rage the united states was because that's diplomatic territory, a sovereign territory. but no one in the no one in the west, even one of the debated the security council about what israel did to the diplomatic compound in damascus. i mean, the whole world sees this rank composite hypocrisy of the, the array in the united states to the, this is the united states. double standard, uh, the united states was supporting the shock of your on the states were supporting the show. have you not even had the problem was what was the it on, but when it came to a system and a government game and the you're on that is and started is them and i'm starting
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a barrel of them. then they slip and then they started using the she, i to send me uh the, the sure the send me a conflict besides making it is an error. and that is what america is. what has been pumping money and billions of dollars on for the last 3040 years. uh today. uh is there has been bombing in your area are you see in syria, the between the officers, your on has been being patient. and let me try to take a look trying to go through. don't we are steven? i'm sorry, i have to jump in here. we have to go to a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on escalation stated with our team,
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the, the, or, the, the, what is a part of the lag? is it a party would posted isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without cases let's go out of as they are probably her. my little sister store. okay. the model girl that i got you,
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no problem seem to them out of the know nothings arguments, us out of the drive i showed my brother through he was cited to help people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being the same well i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago police. it'd be gang chicago is like to give you a photo of that police. you lose your life as another crime. say another could have been a doctor. a nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing that people out here. the welcome back across the dock were all things are considered. i'm peter about your mind. you were discussing escalation,
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the layla i, i was very a, a gas, but not surprised by how western politicians and media reacted to this. uh, david cameron was talking about, you know, how is disproportional? well, number one, and the, all of the facilities that we know that were attacked were military and intelligence. and there was no loss of life though there was an injury. they won't show us what really happened, which is really odd because they loved the show destruct, destruction all the time. and then you have, you know, this, this of a portion of it. i mean it's so amazing to me. what about what's happening in gaza? i mean, is that per portion it, i mean, even when confronted these people can not look at you when the i and speak the truth. go ahead. it's a, it's, it's, it's sounding it's, it's actually not. mine definitely gets a little after living with that's kind of lucky patients for the longest time. so we know we know that or tactics and what they do. they join some of the pass code
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on empowers. they do the same, the victimize themselves whenever they are phones wrong. so at the end of the day, they continue to kill. for example, they've had, they've had, they've had estimated it in, you know, officials and scientists over the past decades. they can not only basically, um, the, the head of the eclipse to the gates, but they have also kids, scientists over the past 2 years, we've seen that they've committed atrocities and saw it on as well. and the $13030.00 ition came, they were like, oh we are being on the outside. well, us service, that's the 1st thing. the 2nd thing. but if you want to draw your attention to something that they put on the problems, we always come to the 8 of this is when it comes to an attack against an embassy or whatever. basically, it's about the commission that says, remember, the us actually affect the strings, the too much the commission and, and, and, and as you need the, when the french just use a know, the, the americans to use that are supposed to go to the bar,
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maybe and then they attacked the chinese, the too much, the commission basically, and your if i remember it was in sarajevo or like one of the so back on states and nobody says anything. is there it is, a thought it'd be about the commission and it'd been think that's a join to this. but the commission and the whole world was silence about that. when data is it's on here, that's fine. that everybody is investor. all these effects that have happened against it, any nationals and against it really does not belong in cedar rapids. also inside the don't suddenly the word start to playing it for, for almost 3 to 4 days before that you didn't even do everything you shouldn't by saying, oh, there is a gums that's like this really is. there it is. are the victims over here? they play with the medicine, they shifted negative numbers, buying, it's anymore. so yeah. what, so what, okay. and plus, we do know they'll be the american administration is basically lying about a different go going to eric right now. and um, so around gave a 72 hour notice in what they were going to do. okay. they were very transparent and what they wanted to accomplish. so like eric would be,
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is israel aside to been in, in the dilemma right now as we speak on how to retaliate. now we are told that the american administration doesn't want to be involved in any and is really attack on iran. i really don't buy it. okay. i mean the, the influence that the israel lobby has over american politicians and the media. i won't allow joe biden to a band and these relays, which means, you know, now we have this, we actually, you could make the argument. i certainly would that we are in the middle of the next world war because we can see how the, the, the dividing lines are, are happening, russia, it ran, we have the access of resistance. and the united states is not going to walk away from this. and a lot of american politicians, particularly in the senate, would really welcoming and an open attack on around which would be disastrous for everyone. eric as well. yes, but uh, is the guy pack. yes,
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this is its finest moment. now it's got, uh, congress, really and its cartridges, even if biden wanted to do what with getting re elected with making the great president would be to insist on this cease fire and force is real to negotiate properly. that would be, of course, a wonderful thing, but it is real with it. assassinate it, that's what it's great guys. very much like you create a, it's a, it's at that stage and it's distorted development that it goes after terrorist attack typically. so it gets us in 80 meters, kit kennedy, both kennedy's i'm, i'm convinced we're a mazda of the operations. we don't know, 911. that but these huge terrorist operations really is really, is very good at this and, and that's what it's built, it's so on. so i think even that's a trump uh trump's kind of wishy washy on
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a new crane a i, he seems to be very pro israel, but he's he doesn't like nathan, yahoo! he could just flip the page is slow. eric, i'm not going to give donald trump but a credit with him with a lot of virtue. but eric, i'm pretty sure he doesn't want to be a war president in the, in this scenario right here. i think he is very terrified of it because it is a stance that will everyone that's involved in it on the wrong side. the stench that they will carry for the rest of their they will be their legacy, their legacy of what they're doing right now. but steve, and if i could go back to you, um, what does the us really even have a choice right now? okay. and you can say uh, security commitment is iron clad and then its not iron clad. how are they going to square the circle of the yeah, the, the united states is a, it's a funded and to see. uh, yeah, for,
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for funding is really military and it's been helping and supporting there's really military and been sending aid and all of that from the american taxpayer money. but the, the air defenses system, this is really, is using stuff from america and they have help as well and just laugh at that. and the, uh, doctors all came up. but the, as by the, by the decision pulled in jimmy, nothing else we did the same, did you, but we're not going to participate with you in award. the, by the, by them does not want to go into a war or region war just because of benjamin that didn't, you know, this is a, this is, but this is what he does not understand. the what happened on monday, call a cost over $1300000000.00. that's ultimately out of the american taxpayer money. that's, that is real pain. it, but there's really people are payments. that's the american taxpayer money, and the americans and whoever's next president, and that's what happened,
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but they should stop all this 8. the americans are all i have the they should, that money should because the american people look on funding wars and supporting a psycho lack benjamin there to be a whole who just wants to take the whole vision of the whole world into more of leeway. one of the things that really worries me here in, in lebanon here, do you think as a result of iran's retaliation? and we've discussed that it was a little over whelming, leah, a success in terms of what it wanted to achieve. how do you, how do people in the, in lab a non feel now, is it more, more likely or less likely the, the israelis would attack your country? i can tell you because i'm covering basically the blue line, villages, stations and soft level. and basically i'd also room, i don't even speak to people from old supplies on different diligence instructions, most of the construction support that assistance and level known as a fucking equipment. any of that is age occupation. everybody used to be members
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with is there it is. it's 11 in 2006, there's any aggression 11. but at the same time there are small buckets, infection, so basically it's a for the vendors which is very weird. but then again, if you look at their history, they collaborated with is really doing the occupation and of them. but these are insignificant in terms of numbers that have been, is do expect an escalation at any point because they know that this kind of occupation is treacherous. they don't need an excuse to go on to escalate. however, when you open multiple front, and basically i gave the occupation it thinks twice before, basically expanding the problem. so we have a photo. that's what us for the time being. um, the way i see it going forward, we will be seeing an escalation because at the end of the day this is not the is really ward again, is basically the 1st thing is only this is the american war against the ocean interest. and that agent, that's why we saw the russians move them battalions to the front with the occupied shooting, golan heights. and at the same time, so the show of po and the it's
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a major struggle between the on it is there some questions or visit because of those ridges and the indians. on the other hand, that's why we've seen the nature powers move next to the gates and ships. so the estimate that the engine needs an over the past 7 months. that's why basically we saw an image of kind of the alliance between the excess of resistance along those fronts in iraq and syria and lebanon. and even in yemen, and they are basically being supported by the ariens. that's one point to another. joshua came to the rescue to its own l. i. city and said, we are going to head if the what actually ex expense more than that because the oceans understand the kinds of getting that's being played at the moment. it's a power struggle between the americans and the russians. and the, some of the strange and eric, we administer ation, needing the, by the ministration says that it doesn't want an escalation. but are they on the driver seat? i mean, they may not want it, but they, they may have to just go along because, you know, if you're going to evade ministration, who's going to tolerate a genocide in gaza? they're going to go along with a greater war. i mean, not, you know, there's
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a continuation and thought there, eric, the us is tied to israel. so if one goes the other goes, that's why is it really is an existential situation for, for both, because it's carried on now for 70 years and it's a future the us sees it's future through israel in the middle east and it's got to change that it's a israel is got to become a normal middle east country. so how it's got to worry about eric eric if i for that to happen era, for that to it, the design is project passed to come to an end to and i know that's saying so that it will happen. you already thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. i think it is early snow left in the last 6 months and if
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that's a continual bleeding. so israel, you know, it is marching forward into the future. but it's the people are, are the keynote, the end of this whole, all the project is revealed as a parsed and that is your essential crisis. so i, i don't see this really resolving it easily. it's going to be a lot of hand wringing all a let me ask you the last 25 seconds. is this the end of design this project that we witnessing it? um october 7, i have a space on i said this word was easier to speed up. it's a state solution or were basically would see it. is there a that's a different kind of scenario, not even is it as we know today. and i believe that to be on the 2 state solution is that it will not exist as we know it today. it could be one state, it could be, it's an end of its, we don't know, but the situation going forward is going to be complete. the defense ok on that note, that's all the time we have a want to thank them, i guess in toronto, i'm a root and look out, talk to you in the course. i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our
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dc and next time. and remember across the rules, the the, the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense key and the best to communicate. i'll send, send up the progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will ben in the european union the kremlin mission, the state on the rushes per day and supports the r t. suppose next. even our video
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agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say steven twist, which is the, in the year of 1954, the united states of america engaged in warfare against the people of vietnam. the white house supported the corrupt above and governments of southern vietnam. 1965 americans began their invasion following the aim to defeat the forces of vietnamese
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patriots. defend the gun was confident that the victory would be on the american side, due to its military superiority. however, the vietnamese, during this war into total hail for the occupants. unable to cope with a guerrillas, the american army started blanket bombing alongside using chemical weapons and naples, which burnt all alive. the village of my legs where he 1969 american soldiers killed 504 civilians, including 210 children, became a tragic symbol of this war. all and all. during the whole period of this conflict, the usa dropped on vietnam more than $6000000.00 tons of bombs, which is 2 and a half times as much as on germany during the 2nd world war. in 1973, the american army under the pressure of the rebels, withdrew from vietnam, and only 2 years later did the pop and regime. and so i got involved. however,
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the vietnamese paid a high price for their freedom. more than 1000000 in vietnamese people became the victims of america in the dressers


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