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tv   Documentary  RT  April 18, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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country, but the united states was by no means willing to give freedom to the philippines and side as just another colony. the 1999, the filipinos began armed resistance to the new occupier. american troops were barely able to occupy the territory of the philippine republic, but that patriot started a desperate the rail of war. washington was forced, as in new reinforcements and triple the number of its troops on the islands. the us army suffered heavy losses. the americans took 8 out of the population, general jacob smith, in revenge for the gorilla attack on the garrison in the city of bile on ega. porter to kill everyone over 10 years old. the monstrous gulf of terror, according to the most conservative estimates lead to the death of about 200000 philippine notes. the americans manage to suppress the gorillas only 14 years after the beginning of the war. but the united states was not able to stop the national
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liberation, struggle of the filipino peoples in 1946. after the decades of the dramatic ordeal, the philippines was finally able to achieve independence. the the
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how many was the you know where you were trying to live with your government? apologize to you and i'm done in 3 years though. my daughter has not been outside because i'm so scared of. i'll walk down to see where a story bully is going to kill or, and i'll be holding my daughter off this gary
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who is a friend. not too long ago she died was the thought of people doing to you all would use the industries like of the i'll say the next day next day i've seen of the down stream it killed the
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. c the by 20 to 30 francis like 2000 sales, 2000. and so that's why they called, is that right? correct. no, those are those on the noun. that's why we came up with ameristar, right? because we lost mo status is to go back to been us. oh no, no, no, no, because there was nobody off here doing this for everybody to on there. so they can't get away. don't give me way,
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is more to than what the the home on the block, but all mind letting me know my to lose, they say my problem model in my pocket for a good job. so just delta gave what that means. what you're going to tell me,
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what else or what godfrey, even though my telephone no boss was the last with the top of my big when yeah sacrifice. did they all live my life cycle fi light will die. i am a gave the, the, the welcome to the is our corner store. many people have lost a live out here at the store is still got a crime scene criteria from last year. something that happened up there got to stop and got to see
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a learn about this before they learn how to walk the game to. so now i'm making people ready for our goal is to take out on the games real goods and realize. so the game is just a really a training manual for the next stage, because after you play the game so long, you will want to go, once you get your gut and be on your mission and then you're going to be ready to q and protect the pieces of it easy to pull us right in real life in the video game and wants to start it's addictive, is the rush is the high that you costly want. so that's why i be so many shoes because once we show 1st good, once you see so 1st part, so you know, i don't care about. so nobody else for the next person or the next person or the next person to be out in a state. and even lost my own brother. there was a car coming off as i looked through the list here. i see the past has had a part of the place you to say, i'm not that
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a so it was my son was as soon as i've seen it simultaneously. when i look up to tell my brother, then he got out. he got a good they get the soon. so i ran over to check this policy and solve this all plays down the, the, the we are not one of the community, your brothers identify simply as my black toner territory. we cause to try to get online. the soldier has always been on the farm or young brothers lived up to him. felicia is
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a young press such strange because he says, billy, i got that name a long time ago before i guess on. oh gosh, that's the outcome of everything. i nonsense you guys but when they, when it happens i, when i found the ssl and you got sat right in slow the door was opened on me. i ran jump over this and closed the door. somebody won't let us out of warranty and throw some like that problem. i really don't know. i really want hand and cents. i was $0.10 a months. you the police came into the store instead of them trying to focus on. so do they came up
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in my face pushing me around. we all started trying to explain to him that the guy who was shot was land down on the ground. but this officer failed there. he just had to take me that. and he grabbed me up in an egg area and went to try and arrest so me that everybody went to the offices from the moment they came in. that is due . so yes sir, he wanted to make the live one no blood enough. it comes to know if i'm only like where you hit it and i can get back up and walk in and i study gas for brand. so it's not like i would go down those as most scary as far, right. the we lose, but right. yeah, cool. do you have a lot on a no, yeah, again, there is no use to be structured once upon
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a time. everything had a repercussions. there's not no repercussions right now for what these young guys are doing. right now is more about trying. everybody got, they own the charge now list section and everybody holding down this section, the best way they can pass it goes to loud, but on like what happened? the way they did not fill out the political, then we pull up on the, you already know it's going to be able to, i just don't like the media. they going to be the god. what's happened with the people who did this? so your thought is, but you know who they were now, i mean the street talk and people say a thing via things happened to the people. it was, they have some things about them. but like i was you, i wanna know i was still in the hospital at the time. everything was going on, but uh, definitely, uh and the right way,
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the right way. i mean, my dad is on a case all he gone without, like he said, as long as it has on the go. so not the on sale time value is not bad. you know, may not the, the, the store because the model girl you no problem seeing that the no, no 3030 minutes us on the drive. i sure. like to sign with her. she does have one demario. make me a model terms. that'd be on tv. yeah. just one side of that, just like one of the tragic things that happens in inglewood. you know, we got
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a lot of up and coming stars and a lot of people that in past, like kalen did, you know, one minute man on the same next menu here, some tragic about the visiting or a ramp. you mentioned the south side neighborhood of englewood, late in the day, she had it for the bus to take her home. she was standing near a 15 year old boy. we're dark colored s. u. v rolled up and opened fire. the teenage boy, the intended target is rushed to the hospital. bills are gone. sadly, kalen won't be so lucky. the the
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the blood collapsing bag, you know, a lot. i got here like 3 times and i still gotta put in my bag the day taking it out of the day about my son or whatever. leave that alone is satisfied loan. don't
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know where i just know i hit the ground. so i get off and get up. i hit brief, i looked at the side it was came outside of ground. let me see hoffman like no, no gas or she like the soon as i get up, i'll get the film a shot, pay the most fun. and i felt i had to pick up this book. the last came to grab me on. right. okay, let me uh see on the home. are you sure um yeah, the tell me i gotta wait 2 more minutes. what does it say for the 1st 4 of the issue that are saved and i was just gonna let, how does this sound like that maybe to point the finger at john john saying he wants to target the guy, carolyn q, but he wasn't to target these of them worry about that getting shot
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the most of the most of the people on the type of person are oh boy. okay. that i'm on that as a girl. is that right now? i'm a little older, so i think of a different so, you know, sometimes you gotta stop at a point. you gotta be things in place to get these of the grandma's house, best or ever uh like the 1st house that we really lived in was there was uh, showing this out of all of us. it was me there like a few other cousins. so i grew up here and she was so short as a man out of out of nowhere, she just shot
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a flight was taller than every one. and it was all in the she always like sang songs. i would love tv in front of the camera. stuff well i teen girl. yeah, yeah. yeah. good. yes. i started taking photos on her and like we had one of our 1st photo shoots on the end of this black. and now just to take pictures of her, you know, she was on the way and then she finally started to take it serious. she went on tv, on tv show. coming to the studio. i see 2 people working on my daughter was doing her hair. the other one is fixing how close i came in and just like i just looked at this and i couldn't believe it. i just looking to look at it as you're just looking to help facing like i get off away and just
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start taking pictures of a studio and taking pictures of her other daughter. i took a bunch of pictures and i don't know why the i had to choose one. and caitlin was the one that i chose because she was fabulous of the cat walk. her added to making nixon for beauty was just an explosion. she just came miles and everybody in the sense of looking at this beautiful girl walking like a super model, a professional model of the car was and then it exploded them people's side class. and i knew that i made the right decision. the
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never stop coming around because that's all she talked about. i don't think i'm really when i'm making a promise. i'm gonna be back on problems. i'm michael lee. we always go be friends and family. so don't, don't go with the word. as soon as i make it, i'm coming to the song coming back to tell the father my flag is one only why faces on the south side. but one of the loudest voices for social justice, the society had to recognize kaylene because she had made it somewhere she had reached some goal. she had doors open, she had been acknowledged and recognized by the modeling community. okay,
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lanes. last is a huge, huge, a more thing if you will, of the potential that she was moving into she is a symbol of the abortion that goes on every day. we only talk about abortion is a woman, a clinic for guess what? when ever a life is not allowed to reach has potential it's an abortion. and we allow the size of the 15 minutes to i saw a bright light like how's going to have it as a why like i was on for the white light. like a white loss to like,
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i don't like suicide, like as in to as my own the my dad called me telling i get inside sell out the car and just, and just will scream somebody that this apartment is up here and you know, down asking me what was wrong and um, i'm assuming that um they call it, they call the police on me and the officer to officer locked up on me. and i was very cautious. so now i, i guess i've, i've heard it looks like i was on drugs or something. it had his hand on his revolver and i just kind of looked at them and just i was able to just kind of get it out. so my daughters just guess,
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i guess he called it in to check on it and came back and the officer had tears in his eyes. finally get to the hospital that walk a sudden she had passed away the wish that i hadn't seen that and i, i just try my best not to think about that that that that the, the, the jobs i've never met because the media wants to make out it downtown was the reason for kayla's death and even have family belief. the
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main thing is i'll see you that is he a little more time for me to then take a long time long to nozzle made me very upset, cuz i'm there that come 1st the police king, no police can take control of that. i said if they access to because that's what they should have a friend and my name like they like the you know, think about some like kalen and all the different things that come to know about her. there is an occasional shooting that is so, you know, rocks the conscience that people sort of take. no,
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but otherwise there's this sort of like, you know, mean effect is going on here. most people can't get their arms around the notion that their child can't go to the store and because they get killed on the way there . and i don't think that the public ever fully appreciates what that does to a human. we have this group, this large group mentally there, i'll look in the world is changing not for the better because they're living in this bunker. and i don't know if there's any doctor in the world in one degree that many of these children are suffering from p t. s d, because their environment they're in. there's gunfire all the time. everybody passed to everything and never know it is bodies of bands of us. so we just tell me to to know how to load of on on a anything like that. like how we deal with caitlin, you know, follow the paper, talk to, they still in to the,
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to the thank you so much. the the constant threat of warming violence creates a discord in so many areas of our lives and my life and the life of my students that it interrupts the educational process. and often times it's not even the ad survive, is perpetrated against my students. is the fear back, somebody is being perpetrated against their relative sort of their, their close family members. so the violence permits it echoes and sends
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a ripple effect. the the 95 percent of the brothers out here in the street. we want to demonize and call gang bangers, 95 percent of them want alternative to be able to take care of themselves, take care of their family, you know, have a kind of drive, have a job to go to have a place to live and i keep telling chicago in other cities, the power in our cities is being shut down and buried in our streets. we are destroying killing and locking up potential that can help turn around chicago. the ferry, i'll just do like single, the
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light turning on hey, just a moment. possibly myself cooking time, so it'd be in a c o 2 have a way to leave the magazine change the note in vietnam, american war the vietnam war last it's almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries not any time between now and then you don't see it now,
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what did go on empty hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to bank the south vietnamese on me. and that's on top of that, not many american soldiers, limited resistors. most of us like the down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals and easily easily just by all you did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah, yeah, that's that way. it's too late. but yeah, the
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with the indians are ready to go to the pools on friday. western media are testing doubts over how democratic, the largest selections in the world really are. please speak to experts to say this western narrative is nothing new tunes change from home. the rest of the waters on a broad bothers us much. this actually lies me some of the years ago in china. and there was a lot of back plays about john. i am the list as western states think to project their power across south east asia and the pacific states from.


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