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tv   News  RT  April 18, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the with indians are ready to go to the pools on friday. western media are testing doubts over how democratic, the largest selections in the world really are. please speak to experts to say this western narrative is nothing new tunes change from home. the rest of the waters on a broad bothers us much. this actually reminds me some of the years ago when china and there was a lot of back ways about john. i am the list as western states think to project their power across south east asia and the
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pacific states remain committed to peace and stability in the region as a james horn minister of business. the card as part of a multi state tour and no donations. only loans us lawmakers consider a $60000000000.00 bill for ukraine abandoning unconditional aid and reserving one 3rd of the sub for us manufacturers. the you are watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. were covering the top new stories from around the world. in less than 24 hours, india will begin the largest extra size of democracy in the world. nearly 1000000000 voters will go to the pools and a 6 week long parliamentary election with the 1st phase. starting on friday, we're bringing you
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a special coverage of the event. the while waiting for polling stations to open, india has been celebrating the upcoming election with people seen dancing and marching in the streets. voters will choose their representatives in the lower house of parliament, the looks of law. the party with the majority will form a government and appoint. one of his winning candidates as prime minister are to his runs and sharma has more on what to expect from the auction and that the coverage it's and getting abroad. when you talk about the nation, all the info is the pointing towards one direction that's in the range of will be. in fact, he sees that his political bossy. bgp will basically get more than $400.00 seats out of the $543.00 parliament receipts that are up for grabs, that small and the 4th. and the 2nd, that's knowing the movie had that basically. and when you look at the readings,
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the highest and the wall that makes sense, the most popular lead in the was for the slice that the western press, the kind of coverage that they do, the elections a guessing that kind of coverage. the names more he's getting, getting to give you an example with democracy on the track in that range and moldings india hall, free on say will. this is election, b dash drug who's almost recalled election drives these the india now despise any doubts within the can see about the elections, not the see. all say, the western press continues to do what and does the best, which is the book that knows in, in things they don't even understand very valid. for example, in india, in elections and lots conducted by a box and well, the government directions are conducted by an independent body called the election commission of india. an election commission of india has in fact been doing
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collections in the country for several years in india, in fact has one of the most when machinery is to conduct elections and 1400000000 people in this country and india. and that's elections just fine. having said that, as a jonas who's got with election during the cisco and politics, we, yes, i can tell one thing that i know the diction should be made to the. * world has counted that of course is going to happen on the full overshoot the earlier my colleague nicky aaron spoke with a panel of indian experts about the upcoming elections. they said indians don't care much about foreign attempts to influence the voting process and are focused on reinforcing the achievements the country has had them both as i find them to the aster, costing that was and if you compare it with the rest of the countries, the whole thing uh,
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less than 2 to be an industry house. and so that shows that when people are a new prospect wants and you will make the choices at the, at the bottom and fox renowned on the bottom of the box. but it's uh, electronic voting machines. i'm being honest, democracy. the one is, is actually a huge and gone to fix the side of state is a lot of influence between from the rest of the bottles and a broad one. to want to have somebody bring the election has been going on for a long time. i mean, this could be in philadelphia, and operations are open data games that are included in the media about india and, and then sort of negative stories. that sort of guy who don't play the cheap months off of hundreds of months. so these things are going to happen to the available. i don't think his father's us much really photo own independent and the really the
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most decision making that'd be done over so many years. i'd like to ask you about the headlines that we're seeing in the west and mainstream media are about switch to democracy on voting bribes. why do we see such a narrative this? uh, actually the lines needs, um, uh, i think the audio singles when china was riley and there was a lot of beer back plays about john, i am the list, the, the daily subsided. then the media awaited a ga dot old china now that it wants to be against china. so typically what is happening in india, india is being the uh, the, the, the sort of problems so far, some really go to us. we had mentioned the web for the week, but people either one of the visiting the, the government. so you know, week ago and these are the decision making. so harder than game bog down. very
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distraught and started making decisions that he started making bought or not just really the base of the wind, all these electronic notice the campaign of the body, these all 99 percent on the glass. so, you know, we all, we have to insure the messages. it is now the question of stabilizing this process, this very happy that will be the election stop that will, you know, we just go to the i'll do stay with us throughout this weekend and the coming months as we bring you special coverage of india is parliamentary elections that will run through june starting friday, april 19th, and in the latest attempt to get a controversial for an aide package past us, lawmakers have decided to break it all down into several separate bills, including a $16000000000.00 deal for you. crime,
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congress members who are expected to vote on the proposal on saturday, want to loan the money instead of donating it to key of a more on this now from our new york based correspond that caleb mountain. well, after months of the house of representatives, delaying and debating the nature of upcoming aid from the united states to ukraine, we now have a new set of bills that have been put forward in the lower house of the us congress . now they have divided funding for ukraine funding for israel and funding for the government on taiwan from each other into 3 separate bills. the bill for ukraine provides ukraine with attack comes missiles, as well as $61000000000.00. however, it's not simply a guess, it will be a loan which ukraine will be required to reimburse the united states for the president of the united states will be authorized under the bill to negotiate the
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terms of ukraine reimbursing the united states for the 61000000000 dollars important to note the 61000000000 dollars, but not all just be directly given to you. crane a 3rd of it will be given to us weapons manufacturers. and the president will have the authority to wave or disavow or make clear and no longer have to be paid up to 50 percent up to half of the money. and the negotiation will be carried out by the president of the united states. now, there are many republicans who oppose it among the marjorie taylor green and outspoken mazda support, or mog or republican. here's what she said. you. speaker johnson voted against $300000000.00 for ukraine before we gave you the gabble along with the majority of republicans. no one understands why it is now, your top priority to give you can sit just a 1000000000 more dollars. you're seriously out of stuff with republicans by continuing to pass bills, dependent on democrats. everyone sees through this now. many are looking at johnson,
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the current speaker of the house, who is a republican and smelling a bit of hip hop proceed. he's previously opposed giving a g u crane, but he appears to be supporting the current bill and the current proposal. so many are looking on with a bit of frustration, marjorie taylor green, and some of the mog or republicans are not with him on this brand. we have us present, joe biden, who seems to be getting a little desperate in his rhetoric, saying that this $61000000000.00 is necessary because without it, russia will be then storming into europe and invading european union countries. for us it's, i'm smith's, the boot is false. as we move closer than ever to need to allies dismissed the boot invades a need to ally, we will come to its aid as our and these are allies, the for us of the september 11th attacks. we should say supports the grading now just missed a booty and from encroaching no, no naser allies and, and show that he doesn't draw us too into a future war in europe. now,
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the russian president has made abundantly clear he has no intention of invading nato members. or european union countries, but that has not stopped by the un and nato leaders from making this claim over and over again when trying to justify their pro long of the conflict in ukraine. now at this point, people are looking at the new mobilization law in ukraine and wondering if the fact that this will be a debt that ukraine has to pay, it'll be a loan, and the terms of the loans repayment will be negotiated. but president, people wonder if that is already being leverage to control ukraine and it's government policies. this new mobilization, ukraine is certainly not popular and now, and it's certainly unpleasant for many men in the country. so voting on this bill in the house of representatives is expected to take place on saturday. there's a certainly
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a new development in the congressional battles surrounding us involvement in the ukraine in conflict and the supplier of the american taxpayer money into the government. and the american political analyst, christopher, a lowly offered us his view on the way the divisive bill is being used by power players in washington. of course, the timing is amazing at a given the fact that it, whether bite in wins or loses, it will still be able to make the executive decision to wipe out the debt. and then either way, he'll put uh, you know, if president deaf or president trump is re elected, you'll put a to bind on him to enforce the other 50 percent and ensure that the united states is paid back. you have to imagine that there are a lot of machinations going on behind the scenes to ensure that you have get this money and the cube doesn't have to pay. and so of course, that data is very, very humorous for us to recognize that given the fact that now binding is losing so badly in the bowls and that his approval rating is the thing that they realize that
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even if he can't last until, you know, uh, another time, at least give him a november 15th or so, the right off the debt, 50 percent of the debt for kids chose ukraine, not nato. that's the message from the blogs. chief in stoughton, berkeley says, sending a dekalb should take priority over nato's own that capability. targets including limited, expensive american patriot air defense systems. i'm also encouraged by invitation, stop to us. congress may take up a further aid to train in the coming days, but the crane needs even more. that is why if allies face a choice between meeting, they don't complete the targets and providing more aid to ukraine. my message is clear, send more to ukraine. we have a systems available that is a, is
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a big enough to enable us to deliver significantly more to ukraine when it comes to air defense in general. and also when it comes to a picture of the batteries, and that's exactly what about working up or other spite a weakening of nato's potential in favor of backing t of stone and bird has supported jo. biden's claims that rush. i want to stop that ukraine warning that the alliance should stay ready for a possible conflict with moscow. former us marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter, says a fresh impose the real danger to nato alliance would prioritize developing its own defense systems. not helping you frame. first and foremost, we have to understand that by doing this and storing very exposure as the lives of his own statements that portray rushes, a threat to europe is a rush, is a threat to nato. if fresh was truly a threat to nato, then no natal nation would talk about giving up it's critical national security infrastructure, especially air defense for which there was
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a great shortage at this present time. so it points out that there's, there's a lot of hypocrisy in um, in the, in the, in the stance taken by a young stone version. indeed, all other western officials who talk about the need to ship a weapon read to you create the nato, has made a decision that ukraine is decisive points that had in ukraine. right now, is the opportunity to inflict harm, to inflict damage, which be frank, to kill russians installed. virg is a non military politician who's making political statements that haven't been cleared with the constituent members of nato. well, each natal member has their own domestic political realities. they have to deal with, and in many cases, these realities do not allow them to transfer weapons to crate is freely,
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is he on stolberg would like the russia is employees to outpace europe and the us and economic growth raising ahead of all other western advanced economies. in 2024 and that's after the i m. s increased the countries that growth forecast. so we have revised russia as gdc number a gross in for 2024 by 0.6 percentage point 23.2 percent. so this is a significant port revision. all right, well i'm joined in the studio now by our take contributor chris m as 4 more on this and, and chris, i did get a bit of a chuckle when i was reading this report by the i m f because i remember it was more than 2 years ago now that president biden told, put in the us would crush russian economy. and this was even before the complex new crane began. but now here we are 16000 sections later, and that's clearly not the case. according to the i m f. does this come as a surprise was really, i mean, i think it comes as a surprise to us who actually live in russia in most guy. but, but to the, well,
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the thing they've been, you know, what's the media, what is the big sort of west and think times of gets saying that the nice sizing russian economy is destroyed it's dying. but now even the, i am asked that just put it bluntly is not a friend of russia has had to come out and be positive. i mean, the number's a, a stocking is a 2.6 percent grateful cost. if you look at the full costs it on other western nations, they're either negative. oh, going fall slow with investor in their opinion. yeah. and so how is things across the atlantic is the use of they buy the are they, are they doing economically? i mean, we could look at some statistics which they wrote in such a 6 i, which i did just pull it up here. russia 3.2 percent. you k not point 5 percent frogs not point 7 percent in germany, which used to be the european pow house when economy not point 2 percent so so really is not looking good in the west and it's looking great here. yeah. certainly what, what are the projections for next year? well, is it looking like the growth for we're main study? um yeah, i think we're, we're, we're looking at that. i mean, uh that will be
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a slight decline. and i think it's fair to say, i think the whole global economy stuff in, but russia is definitely going to do better. they're actually saying the russian economy, we 2.6 percent. so it's still doing a lot better than, than, than, than the average, the average western academy. yeah, it's, it really is remarkable. here we are 2 years later, and i guess the western media in the western economies are finally going have to admit that the sanctions are. absolutely, absolutely. and i think it, you know, if we, if we take, uh, if we take uh, fonts for example, if you look at the united states, this is the scariest thing, rachel, the united states economy is doing. okay. yeah. but if you look at the west and sort of it west and counts of policy in europe, it's completely, it actually the, to the floor. i mean, we can, even here we go to clip. actually, rachel, from the french, one of the french ministers talking about it. so maybe we could have looked at that it could be the am f has just released, it's new forecasts. and what is striking is that you're up to level of growth is persistently lower than that of the united states. why is that?
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because it has been keep much harder than any other continent by the war and ukraine and by the search and gas and oil prices. but also because there's a lack of productivity in europe. yes, as you can see from, from that point right to, you know, the us put in the cycle, the inflation reduction act. they seem to have destroyed the european economy. also by funding you trade in closing this up to the mass, which is driven up oil and gas prices in the, in europe. and it looks like they've just left the european allies to the flounder . maybe that was that tactical wrong, they seem to have destroyed, you have it and only benefits it themselves. yeah, you gotta wonder if they're gonna learn the lesson, but you, like you said, maybe that was the plan all along. all right, chris, and was thank you so much. thanks. delivery to the right. well over to the u. k, where hundreds of people have taken to the streets to protest against london's support for israel. waving palestinian flags of protesters demanded the government stop selling arms to tell of the protesters also called an immediate cease fire in
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gaza. the law in parliament mc george galloway prime minister wishes to knock on the spot or over his inability to influence as well as a position to go. the prime minister told us that he was off to make a telephone call to mister netanyahu to restrain on our government that has killed and maimed well over a 100000 people in 6 months. 72 percent of them, women and children. gonna tell us how the telephone call went on board and he will do it. his advice is not on the restraint. more begins mister frequent, most pleased to speak with prime minister netanyahu, who signed the u. k. so the support of israel security over the weekend. we also discussed the situation and how it wrong is isolated on the wild stage. and also i made the point to him that significant escalation is not in anyone's interest, and it's
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a time to com has to prevail. i also reiterated our concerns about the humanitarian situation in gauze, where i welcome the statements and commitments to the authority. governments have made about significantly increasing a into gaza. and now we need to see those commitments delivered a close to 70000 people, signed the petition calling on the u. k. government to stop arming is around. this came out for conservative m p. alicia. karen said that the u. k for an office had failed to announce that had received official legal advice that as well as for it has broken international law. the british governments arms export guidelines allow it to revoke licenses if there are suspicions that the export of the weapons might be used in serious violations of international humanitarian law. meanwhile, a new public opinion poll and 5 year pin countries shows sanctions against israel have widespread public approval at least half of voting age. respondents said they support a ban on arms trade with israel. a significant number of people also agree with the
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allegations that israel is committing a genocide against the palestinians in gaza. the executive director of the palestine institute for public diplomacy. and isabel rising, says western governments don't seem to be listening to their own populations. calling with the important to do in order to show the governments that their public opinion is actually in support. the front of the union rights. unfortunately, um, you know, the governments are, again disconnected from their public opinion. so unfortunately, the governments are following a, you know, a political agenda, and that is the one that is supporting. is there any interest and not do one of these or injustice? the one that we need to see uh, you know, for a durable and adjust piece in, in the future, which is actually with the respect of the senior national rights and the senior in people's rights. so these governments uh, you know,
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continued to have this colonial approach and unfortunately, until they change this on my end. so with israel, then they're not willing to let down right now. things will not be western states to seek to project, to their power and politics in the, in the pacific region. well, china and indonesia both reiterate their commitment to peace and stability in the region. those kinds of staging, stop diplomat business jakarta, on a multi state tour of the region of the just somebody say in the news of near c. comprehensive strategic partnership will continue to be nurtured in the spirit of cooperation, mutual respect, and mutual benefit and indonesia rate. the rate of commitment to maintaining stability and peace in the, in the pacific id, in the pacific stability and peace will only be realized of all parties, respect international law. indonesia appreciates. joining the supports for the as an outlook on the in the pacific will have responsibility to keep our region peaceful and stable. all right,
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well let's cross live now to our tea correspondence, rebecca enough to pollute rebecca whitmore. can you tell us about this high level meeting, a kind of a cell condition for a little spot that's normal. so the on the that china is one of the interest most 8 port to parts on ship. china is going to lie just to partner with truth volume reaching more than a 127000000 billing. yes, us dollars. and then we are looking at the investors sector. china is also the largest investors, a for investors in the shower factory. that would be $1.07 bill yes. you as far as last year. so there's also highlights points into an issue with 2 locations here, but not on file. so really interesting. china also how i will process one full time fee to check the, the cost for the funds, especially when it comes to online channels. the most of the highlights of money in
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this feature lucian gene, don't like test. i'm asked in china as to how to ship it and how to tech for and also how to present use for the nation. so i kind of still not because fall into this kind of traffic. and it is also important to highlight that the president to be like a deposit, they feel like my goal is to be unfold the city of china early april to visit china. and also to had a discussion is changed and i was going to jingle me. and this also marks the 1st problem was a foreign trip. and it highlights important for to, for me to which either on, on today why either chinese, uh fine me to cert disposal's federal to hit with the president feel like source of income. and rebecca, what did we hear from the chinese foreign minister? what did you have to say, a shady, fine minister,
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also she had assumed two's yards. that also highlights a fortress between intermedia and also china relations, especially in economy sector. but not only that, the 2 countries also highlighted that the show her sustain our development conversations on to the point of history and all kinds of defense ministers, role as cheap. let's choose and this will do both in a poly security contribution. and not only that, that china also whole thing, so there to use the legal solutions to built that south china, c to b a, c r p. as we off cooperation ask why you mentioned, and you have specially and also china and be sure to be onto the parts and stocks misfire for me guys that and both factories post a whole lot of our thanks,
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talk to state for solution and resolved that our senior and so i've checked a fire in the in what's happening right now. right. are t correspondent rebecca, and happy to pull into cards. uh, rebecca, thank you for that. it's all right. just stay with archie international. i'll be back with that much more news coming up and just over 30 minutes south. in the meantime, of course, you can always visit our website or to com for the very latest breaking news and updates and be sure to follow us on social media. the release of russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up the in the 65 to 5 has to be the one else holes. question about this,
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even though we will van in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on rochester day and split the ortiz full back, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the tv service was for the question, did you say a request to change the, there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the or is the case for the mess. and as of the people i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world lunacy re watching, as course of the funder lion likes to say. we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals. so let me, let me on that. you have very quick propaganda. you know,
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a price here in your i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions, ask a better. the answer is will be the the past 2 months high school diploma who handles license is
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the brother through. he was sudden to helping afresh a low drums into the church. it's almost our fire side system. so now i never look at searches as being the same. well, you can see the slide is constantly. yes. it's like somebody is walking around and pass all the lights on right around the whole time line, right? there's a part of life really in the said, not to be proud of the outside world. we also have a lot of people are in games with their affiliated with games because, i mean i'm, i live next to you and my we grew up together. so i'm, of course, i'm your friends,


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