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tv   News  RT  April 18, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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the, the as western staves seek to project their power across se asia into pacific states remain committed to peace and stability in the region. that sounds aging for administer of business jakarta, as part of a multi state tour. as indians it take to the polls, western media try to overshadow the process by testing doubts on the countries democracy. please. uh, actually reminds me some of the years ago when china was advisory, there was a lot of back plays about john, i'm the list to in speaking from all the rest of the waters. i'm abroad for there's a bunch really portal out independent really in the decision making. the
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so many, you know, donations only loans us lawmakers consider a $60000000000.00 bill for you train abandoning unconditional aid and reserving one 3rd of the san for us manufacturers and rushes broke surpasses the western countries, the pledge slave moscow's economy in tatters. but are now left trailing us according to the international monetary fund, the live in moscow. this is our to international. i'm rachel, ruble, western state seek to project their power and politics in the endo pacific, all china and indonesia. both reiterate their commitment to peace and stability. this comes as aging stopped up on that business jakarta, on a multi state tour of the region. the biggest, some of the in the news, a, b,
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or c. comprehensive strategic partnership will continue to be nurtured in the spirit of cooperation, mutual respect, and mutual benefit. indonesia reiterated its commitment to maintaining stability and peace in the in the pacific. and the pacific stability and peace will only be realized of all parties, respect to international law. indonesia appreciates china supports for the s o outlook on the in the pacific. we'll have responsibility to keep our region peaceful and stable for the 2 sides also agreed to strengthen their cooperation. china is the country's biggest trading partner and the 2nd biggest for an investor will indonesia is china is the 2nd biggest investment destination. the ministers also touched upon the complex in the middle east and the importance of an immediate cease fire in gaza are to contribute across all says us young countries do not see confrontation in the region. unlike office, as indonesia do not like the fact that i do not like to see a militarized australia united solid in border,
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the us strategy to militarize to this the south china sea is to claim that us is here to preserve state ability is because the country in the region wants us to extend the security blanket while n i. c o is a for on so all south seas asian nations of, you know, you know, nature is a buried board member. and this is where the r a, c, a nation could make their voice heard, you know, like they, they preferred trade over a consultation right now is not china that's forcing people to take sides final wants to trade was, everybody is united states doesn't last came people to pick between china and us, it's either your way or the highways you are using with us or against us. that's. that's not the position that the countries like. you know, any of these are the like to pick people who are preferred to be friends of all and any of now on less than 24 hours, india will begin the largest extra size of democracy in the world. nearly
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$1000000000.00 voters will go to the polls and a 6 week long parliamentary election with the 1st phase starting on friday, will bring you a special coverage of the event. the while waiting for polling stations to open, india has been celebrating the upcoming election with people seen dancing and marching in the street, but are as we'll choose, the representatives and the lower house of parliament, the last the boss, the party with the majority of a former governments and a point, one of its winning candidates as prime minister, our diesel engine sharma has more on what to expect from the election. and the coverage is getting a bras. when you talk about the mood of the nation, all the opinion bulls are pointing towards one direction that's in the range of all the. in fact he sees that his village of, of bossy b g b. we basically get loving $400.00 seats out of the $543.00 fall level
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$13.00 seats that off for brabs that small than the for us. and the 2nd that's know, ring the more the had that basically if and when you look, if not in the more these approved or waiting is the highest and the walls that makes them the most popular lead in the was with the spice that the west impressed the kind of coverage that they did elections a guessing defend itself, which the names more these get guessing to give you an example with democracy on the thread in the range of all these india hall, free on said will, this is election, b dash drugs to almo, recall the election drive sees the india. now this finds any doubts within the can see about the elections, not we see or fan. the western press continues to do what it does, the best, which is the book then o, as in, in things they don't even understand very well. for example, in india,
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in elections and last conducted by ability, the boss, you go, the government directions are conducted by an independent body follow the election commission of india. an election commission of india has in fact, been doing, conducting connections in the country for several years in india, in fact has one of the most well boys was sceneries to conduct elections and engine 1400000000 people in this country and india. and that's the next is just fine. having said that as doing this, we stop. would it actually doing this? just go to quality. we yes, i can tell one thing that no for the degrees predictions to be made to the last world has counted that as close as going to happen on the 4th overshoot. a charlie or my colleague nicky aaron spoke with the panels. indian experts about the upcoming elections. they said indians don't care much about foreign attempts to influence the voting process and are focused on reinforcing the countries
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achievements in dealing voters and by them through the prostate can costing that war. and if you compare it with western countries, and they bought the voting, pass them to the union guys pretty high. and so that shows that bringing people out a new cost at once, and you'll make the choices at the, at the bottom and fox, we're not doing it on the box, but it's a electronic voting machine. i'm being the largest democracy. the one is, is actually a huge and gone to an extra cyber space, a lot of influence between from the rest of the waters and a broad who want to want to have somebody bring the election has been going on for a long time. i mean this could be invalid, honestly and operations are open data games that are good in the media about india and then some sort of negative stories that sort of died. 2000 play the chief
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months of the federal government. these things have been happening and we are fully available because i don't think his father's us much. it's really the photo own independent and the really the most decision making that we have done over so many years. i'd like to ask you about the headlines that we're seeing in the west and mainstream media are about switch to democracy on voting bribes. why do we see such a narrative this uh, actually reminds me some of the of, of years ago when china was rising. and there was a lot of very bad place about john, i'm the list, the a, danny subsided, then the listened video in a ga dot old china now that it wants to be against china. so typically what is happening in indian gave india india, the democracy, there were sort of problems so far. so i'm going to go to yes, we have the mindset,
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the web for the weekend, but people really the ones that might be sitting by the government. so in a week ago, and these are the decision making so harder then game, maybe just strong, started making decisions that he had started making bought or not just really base and development has become the whole, the wind. all these electronic do not use the campaign of the bodies all 99 percent on the development of glass. so we, uh, if we have insured uh the listings, it is now the question of stabilizing this process. very happy that will be the election stop that will you know, we just go to them or do stay with us throughout this week. and in the coming months, as we bring you special coverage of india's problem into re elections that will run through june starting friday, april 19th. the
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in the latest attempt to get a controversial for an aide package past us, lawmakers have decided to break it all down into several separate bills, including a $60000000000.00 deal for you. crime, congress members who are expected to vote on the proposal on saturday. want to loan the money instead of donating it took us for more on this now from our new york base correspondent, tele mountain as well. after months of the house of representatives, delaying and debating the nature of upcoming aid from the united states to ukraine . we now have a new set of bills that have been put forward in the lower house of the us congress . now they have divided funding for ukraine funding for israel and funding for the government on taiwan from each other into 3 separate bills. the bill for ukraine
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provides ukraine with attack comes missiles, as well as $61000000000.00. however, it's not simply a guess. it will be a loan which ukraine will be required to reimburse the united states for the president of the united states will be authorized under the bill to negotiate the terms of ukraine reimbursing the united states for the $61000000000.00. important to note the $61000000000.00, but not all just be directly given to you. crane a 3rd of it will be given to us weapons manufacturers and the president will have the authority to wave or disavow or make clear is no longer have to be paid up to 50 percent up to half of the money. and the negotiation will be carried out by the president of the united states. now, there are many republicans who oppose it among the marjorie taylor green and outspoken mazda support, or mog or republican. here's what she said. you. speaker johnson voted against
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$300000000.00 for ukraine before we gave you the gavel. along with the majority of republicans, no one understands why it is now. your top priority to give you crime $60000000000.00 more dollars. you're seriously out of stuff for the republicans by continuing to pass bills depending on democrats. everyone sees through this. now many are looking at johnson, the current speaker of the house, who is a republican and smelling a bit of hip hop proceed. he's previously opposed giving a new crane, but he appears to be supporting the current still in the current proposal. so many are looking on with a bit of frustration. marjorie taylor green, and some of the mazda republicans are not with him on this or, and we have us present, joe biden, who seems to be getting a little desperate in his rhetoric, saying that this 61000000000 dollars is necessary because without it, russia will be then storming into europe and invading european union countries. for
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us it's, i'm smith's, the boot is false. as we move closer than ever terminate the allies dismissed the boot and they say you need to ally, we will come to its aid as our and these are allies did for us of the september 11th attacks. we should say supports the grading now just missed a booty and from encroaching no, no naser allies and show that he doesn't draw us to scenes of future war in europe . now the russian president has made abundantly clear he has no intention of invading nato members or european union countries, but that has not stopped by the un and nato leaders from making this claim over and over again. and trying to justify their pro long of the conflict and ukraine. now at this point, people are looking at the new mobilization law in ukraine and wondering if the fact that this will be a debt that ukraine has to pay, it'll be a loan. and the terms of the loans repayment will be negotiated, but the president,
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people wonder if that is already being leverage to control ukraine and it's government policies. this new mobilization ukraine is certainly not popular and it's certainly unpleasant for many men in the country. so voting on this bill in the house of representatives is expected to take place on saturday is a certainly a new development in the congressional battles surrounding us involvement in the ukrainian conflict and the supplier of the american taxpayer money to the government and the american political analyst christopher, hello la, offered us his view on the way the divisive bill has been used by power players in washington. of course, the timing is amazing at a given the fact that it, whether bite in wins or loses, it will still be able to make the executive decision to wipe out the debt. and then either way, he'll point, uh, you know, if president jeff or president trump is re elected, you'll put a to bind on him to enforce the other 50 percent and ensure that the united states
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is paid back. you have to imagine that there are a lot of machinations going on behind the scenes to ensure that you have get this money and the key of doesn't have to pay. and so of course, that data is very, very humorous for us to recognize that given the fact that now binding is losing so badly in the poles and that his approval rating is saying that they realize that even if he can't last until, you know, uh, another time at least give him a november 15th or so the right of that, that 50 percent of the debt for kids to his ukraine. not nato. that's the message from the blogs. the chief, yeah, and still in burger says, sending a dekalb should take priority over nato's own capability. it targets including limited, expensive american patriot air defense systems. i'm also encouraged by invocation stuff to us. congress may take up a further aid to train in the coming days, but the crane needs even more. that is why if allies face
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a choice between meeting and they don't care printed targets and providing more aid to ukraine, my message is clear. send more to ukraine. we have a systems available that is a, is a big enough to enable us to deliver significantly more to ukraine when it comes to air defense in general. and also when it comes to a picture of buttress. and that's exactly what do i work in a the, despite a weakening of nato's potential in favor of backing key of stilton bird has supported jo biden's claims that russia won't stop at ukraine. warning that the alliance should stay ready for a possible conflict with moscow. former us marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter says if russia posed a real danger tomato, the alliance would prioritize developing its own defense systems. not helping you frame the 1st and foremost, we have to understand this by doing this is young stone,
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very exposure as the lives of his own statements that portray rushes. a threat to europe is a rush, is a threat to nato. if fresh was truly a threat to nato, then no natal nation would talk about giving up it's critical national security infrastructure, especially air defense for which there was a great shortage at this present time. so it points out that there's, there's a lot of hypocrisy in um, in the, in the, in the stance taken by a young storm. bergen, indeed, all other western officials who talk about the need to ship a weapon. read to you, craig. so nato has made a decision that ukraine is a decisive point bed at in ukraine. right now is the opportunity to inflict harm, to inflict damage, which be frank, to kill russians. installed. virg is a non military politician who's making political statements that
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haven't been cleared with the constituent members of nato. well, each natal member has their own domestic political realities they have to deal with . and in many cases, these realities do not allow them to transfer weapons. do you crate as freely, is he on stone berg would like russia is boys to outpace europe and the us and economic growth raising ahead of all other western advanced economies in 2024. as after the i m. s increased the countries growth forecasts. so we have revised russia as his gdc number, a gross in for 2024 by 0.6, percentage point 23.2 percent. so this is a significant port revision. the numbers are quite astound the the i m f which let's be honest, right? it is no friend to russia, it has a restaurant that grabbing at 3.2 percent and as opposed to west and god was like
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the u. k. no point 5 percent frogs, no point service and germany allegedly you it's power. how's it going to be? well yeah, i mean, no point 2 percent, maybe breaking out the number of factors as to why this is happening. which we, we see here living in russia, which many people outside may not have study or that support. they haven't the slight down biden's idea to put in quite crushed. russia is not happens oil eskoville. so i'll put a, a little time high really strong investment from the corporate sector. strong buying power here from rushing consume is actually going out and buying things then . and then of course, the russian government hasn't slowed down its spending commitments is just increased the yeah, it's true. i did have a good laugh when i read this report because as you said, for anyone who lives in moscow and rush to it like we know this is reality. but the west, it seems like they're finally having to admit, however things across the atlantic is that use big brother bearing the same economic burden stuff. absolutely not a bad thing, right? so we saw the inflation reduction act besides group policy. if the binding administration is trying to forcibly move west that you're repeating businesses to
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the us and it's out of catastrophic effect. i mean, let's have a listen to a clip from, from administering farms, talking exactly about this or to the i am f has just released it's new forecasts. and what is striking is that you're up to level of growth is persistently lower than that of the united states. why is that? because it has been keep much harder than any other continent by the water in ukraine and by the search and gas and oil prices. but also because there's a lack of productivity in europe. so as we can see from, from that to it, right. and it's just not looking good and for, for the french all of the year. if it seems that they kind of elect the flounder time during these high uh, oil and gas prices due to the conflict. can you try us, doesn't need to worry about that. the us has oil and gas in it seems like the out in its own country. never to. it's a geographical location. so it's weston, towns, deposit. it looks like they really struggling now. interesting. well what are the
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productions for next year? well, the growth remains study. yeah. it's a really great question, rachel, looking at the numbers, he has it coming directly from the volume as they often take things slow down. but still russia at $2.00, the same price. if you look at the other numbers, they're really catastrophic that the for that, for the west and counts of pos that we're looking at here. financial expert and also mark redirect, says gloomy economic forecasts for germany stem from the government's failure to prioritize national interest over the g. a political agenda. it escaped mail? is it clear or several reasons for this? of course the energy transition that has failed. we have very expensive electricity, we are no longer competitive. and of course, we see a lot of uncertainty among companies. energy intensive companies in particular, are suffering at the same time, the high se the interest rates mean that more and more companies are facing difficulties. we have record levels of corporate in solving sees and of course, geo political tension around the world. we still see record levels of debt and
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a relatively high price of electricity, which is not competitive. and we see that companies from germany, such as the hell from bible and are producing goods in switzerland and switzerland is a country with high prices and highway agents. so if even switzerland is now cheaper than, for example, germany, this should be a worrying sign that germany is no longer competitive. we see that germany is the only country from the big 7 that is in recession and right at the bottom. and therefore, i do not harbor such hopes, like misses the guard and have a more realistic outlook. i think this is why the decline will continue as long as we have the wrong government. and of course, the wrong central bank policy every day, every month, every year, when the government makes wrong historical decisions, we will move into a dubious future as for the energy issue, the collateral damage will be all the more significant for germany. russia does not depend on fossil fuels because it can buy large amounts of raw materials,
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metals and energy itself, organize them and organize them cheaply, and this certainly makes russia resilient. our government brings us immense prosperity because id, ology is a priority for us over common sense. what other country closes, operating save nuclear power plants. what other country is engaged in an indirect war with its most important raw material partner, which is on the same content at the top, you officials have criticized and brussels authorities for their attempt to force the blake close. the conference of representatives of right when forces via a police track down the move was branded on democratic and unconstitutional. r t correspondence. charlotte davinsky has the details, the conservative voices in europe all celebrating all the quote over turn. the final net russell's conference seems a few local mess decided that they should have more power than the belgian constitution. sending the police to close the meeting down that riled up
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organizes. it's really something out of a 10 pond dictatorship. they're trying to use a technical reason to make it political point. they told the owner that if it doesn't get shut down, they're going to cut the electricity better on board this politician. no, i till fires was on stage when the police were at the door. now he tried to make light of the situation, the police a big and coverage to come in and shut down this conference by of even been speaking to the type of service. so the food hasn't arrived. the place haven't arrived. once the whole, the drinks happened. there are sorrows, wasn't the neat, big name in town. there was also the hungarian prime minister victor open who is due to speak. so too was the former u. k. home secretary. so well, a brave woman,
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the binding of a conference with such big names made a big splash. belgium's own prime minister was moved to fight his country's constitution was held by the local legs in such little regard. what happens at the cloud, which today is unacceptable? municipal autonomy is a corner stone, the fall democracy, but can never over old belgium constitution guarantee, the freedom of speech and peaceful assembly. since 1830 banning political maintains is unconstitutional. full, stop, a victory for free speech die perhaps. but this creep of, if we don't like what you say or think we will find new is spreading of the less high profile incidence attract significantly less controversy. take approved paula sydney meeting. that was due to be held in berlin a few days ago. where was the wage from western politicians when the police were
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called to shop it down? oh yes, they was intending billing police to turn the power of the venue. so one of the speakers appearing by video link event was prohibited from doing so. a speaker was projected who was subject to a band and political activity. there is a risk that a speaker will be repeatedly shown by a video who in the past may down to somebody's remarks and glorified violence. for this reason, the gathering was ended in bond on saturday and sunday as well. ok to this had a different take. the police violence, like we was some sort of criminals was unbearable for democratic country. they not only stormed the stage because depaula like we were transmitting violence, so much less between greek falling on the smoothness. the youngest bar of focus was due to speak at that meeting. he didn't even make it into germany also being followed by the countries interior, minnesota because the german police had gone by the whole of the political system
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of the federal republic of germany, boasting and prevented jews by his damian's and the rest of us wanted to have a congress during which to discuss these the conservation good existence, universe of human rights from the jordan river to be made that any n c. german police proved to be young. reasonable death by bursting in any debt opting the live stream, grabbing the microphone ending that magnificent congress that flashes does not need to win government in order to be in power. and while it's easy to say the diesel, isolated incidents, that's just not the case. because bonding, all ideas or controlling the narrative is something that you has a history you doing. so if a guy they find all to you from broad costing that and even from within nations is concerned that brussels loves to use
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a bit of political blackmail to get everyone singing from the same song sheet. it's clear, but alternative voices on. welcome. and then, unless we will march to the same drum beats, you too could find yourself on the wrong side of the ministry of truth that says you've had a bit too much to think for the us national security agency as close to vastly expanding as already far reaching surveillance powers, as, according to a bill that could be quietly passed on capitol hill later this week, farmer and a say contractor and whistle blower. edward snowden is calling out to move in a last ditch attempt to raise awareness about what it will mean. the national
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security agencies just days from taking all of the to that. and it's not on the front page of finding use paper because no one has noticed under the current us foreign intelligence surveillance act, electronic communications providers like google are obligated to send the n a say all the information required on the agencies targets. however, the proposed bill would see that authority expanded to include any company or individual providing internet related services. john to reaku former us intelligence officer and host of the whistle blower show here on our t shirt. his take on the ramifications. a very quiet lead. they have elected to expand anastasia authority to intercept communications. so it's not just targets now, individual targets. terrorist groups accused terrace for in spies. it's literally anybody that has anything to do with the internet. that means you and meet. now this is coupled with an earlier decision by n s a c i a and f
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b. i to go directly to internet service providers and purchase submitted data as if they were a commercial entity or private company. rather than to go to court and ask for a subpoena or a court order together, this whole sales grab of information related to people that have nothing to do with terrorism. counter intelligence with drugs, with anything, with anything. what the intelligence community here in the united states wants to do is just have free access to all information on all people, without any probable cause, without any legal reason for seeking this information. that's what we object to that at the very least has to be the red line, the farthest out red line. i would argue that we should go back to september 10th, 2001. but.


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