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tv   News  RT  April 18, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the a report says lights on the id as allegedly using drones saying this pressing sounds to go around to billy its been gone during the night to stay as west and state sick to projects that power across southeast asia and the pacific states remain committed to obtain sounds, debility in the region, say things foreign minister visits to cost the cost of a multi states and india and take to the polls with the media,
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trying to overshadow the process by costing down on the countries from the rest of the boxes and abroad on i don't think the foreigners, us, but really photo own independent and really even the decision making the so many of the a very welcome to you. this is that the world news updates coming to you live from most goes great to have you with this this our top story, the us state department spoke suppose and if i don't post, how was grilled by journalist some who say nay. the official was a void and questions on whether the geneva convention applies to palestine and garza. do you recognize the geneva conventions apply either amazon or questions that have the they did it and your colleagues deceitfully responded to a do you recognize geneva conventions?
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it's a simple question, go, how do you recognize the geneva conventions? it finds the guys when you interrupt me and it's not. it's not a matter of you. i'm not good at a simple take. additional point is a simple question. go ahead. you got 2 questions. i literally concert, no, i didn't get to you, didn't you? i knew you asked a question about why report and you asked the following, please go ahead another your number from new york easy to answer. go ahead. so the geneva conventions apply to gaza or not got why the everywhere on the planet except for the palestinians, isn't that right? v continue to stress everywhere. and everywhere that the international humanitarian law needs to be invited by and respected, governs the geneva conventions apply. you are now interrupting your colleagues. go ahead and you know, i have not seen you on insisting on an answer to a critical question. go ahead. the journalist was questioning the official on a new report, but it is waiting. drones play distressing sounds during the night to lose the villians outside to subsequently shoot them.
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the, your med, steven rides, watch concerns that some gauze or residents heard sounds of women screaming and babies crying late at night. but when some of them went out to investigate or help, they were killed by is ready drones or snipers. some residents reported hearing songs in arabic and hebrew. well let's uh, 1st live now to elijah magni, a veteran, more journalist on political analysts. many thanks to join, it goes on the program. first of all, i want ethical questions arise from the alleged practice of using drugs, simulating distressing sounds, such as babies crying to target civilians. a thank you for having the this is the one of the most on at the co pays. yeah. all these read the a more on the that prove 3 said to be the most it more and the what? because all the by the agent of human rights, the,
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the commit to committing law crimes, the crimes against you by the fee. these are the now a psychological stress on the nation that is living in the society with people. now this is easy to go and help each other even in these for us. so we're talking about what was the population that people bought it for the $990.00 plus day. and yet they have the courage to go and try to help other people are going to be true, right? when they hear them screaming to be confronted with a row that is equipped with a machine gun and was devices in the day, the crying overcharged for women in districts for the sound of the day that all right. be on one side to push them to another side. where do we?
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it is brady. a racial also is a way people that so these really all me right. kind of more insight to me for this being in the make this advance because normally it is not that many things were all rushing outside and they tend to have it. you're doing all women and they also get used to every what the all do 2300000 civilians living being got . if you never knew they would come out and try to help children and we may be in distress. so taking advantage of the monthly fee of their products being in, if there's something that there's no annual and data, i mean it's just human nature, isn't it? if you hear a baby crying in the middle of the not you're going to go out to investigate and it's based. this is true. this is absolutely outrages. how do such a instance like these impacts?
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the perception of the is wally military to what it does. it in fact because as you like you said it is outrages only when they accountability for the us and it is not protected by be a pop these rebates and is not protected by the u. s. and it's your opinion, all guys, but because the west, the denali is read all infinity and not to be accountable, then a kind of best, because some of these readings are often citizen, different as being and as a research, a few, it's enough for me to try and says how the reaction of people can be the case of hearing the dream, all baby crying in the middle of the night when they come out, even if they are living in a while ago, was the never, soon as it's get, anyone would come out regardless the situation one is living in even if it population on the uh they die a condition what was to have. but why be american?
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as the eyes often missing, be knowledgeable or what they all the way to get away with it and continue to do it . and then we're fixing it and just if i exemption that is because the problem is both of these rudy. all doing it why they all and i'll be giving you doing good and why they also they enjoy such a perception it's, it's the dns is simple because no, he didn't actually know he's bought it any more to all the friends of big or that would be great to hear from you today. thank you so much for speaking. so was always a pleasure, elijah magneer investment will during less sounds political on it as thank you. thank you. it was the stage seek to project the power and politics in the in the pacific, while china and india. and these indonesia both reiterate the commitment to peace and stability. this comes as they things top diplomatic visits to casa, on
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a multi state pool of the region. of the, just on the indonesia b r. c. comprehensive strategic partnership will continue to be nurtured in the spirit of cooperation. mutual respect and mutual benefit. indonesia reiterated its commitment to maintaining stability and peace in the in the pacific. and the pacific stability and peace will only be realized for all parties respect. international law, indonesia appreciates. join the supports for the so outlook on the in the pacific will have responsibility to keep our region peaceful and stable in the economy. field emission for administer loves more modest would be under line that china is one of the nation's most important part. here is we'll look at the economy by lateral between the 2 countries. try not, is it in the chas largest trading partner. we treat folder reaching more than a $127000000000.00 us dollars. and if we look at the forwarding in foster segment,
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trying us also contributed with an investment value of more than 7400000 u. s. all our last year bought the bilateral discussion, not only focused on the economy field, but also on tech. cling and preventing b cross border crimes, especially online scans because it will look at previous cheeses. many nations have fallen into this traps and became the victim of the so called online scans. therefore, in nation for administer, work know might still be in why that one e as the chinese for administer to a tech call and p exec best to stop further things happened in the future. and if we talk about the relationship between trip car dot and b drink is also important to highlight that the vision president elect softball was to be on both disappear,
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be june. earlier of april this year, march, this is the 1st a country that he visited as the intermedia and president elect. this of course shows the importance relations between the 2 countries where both countries highlighted the importance and also all the economy and also infrastructures relations that has been beneficial for both countries. and how, what president trouble we do to has done will also be continued jerry and probable she'd be untrusted leadership in the future a lot to contribute that goes on. so he said honestly and countries do not see confrontation in the region. unlike lucas indonesia do not like the fact that do not like to see a militarized australia. it's solved and bordered the us strategy to militarize. uh this, the ssl is trying to see is to claim that us is here to preserve state ability is
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because the country in the region wants us to extend the security blanket of what. and our seo is a for on full off south seas asian nations. you know, you donasia is a buried board member, and this is where the atl nation could make their voice heard, you know, like they, they preferred trade over consultation right now is not china that's forcing people to take sides final wants to trade with everybody is united states that's asking people to pick between china and us. it's either your way or the highway you are using with us or against us. that's. that's not the position that the countries like. you know, any of these like to pick people who are preferred to be friends of an enemy or not less than 24 hours the india will begin the largest exercise of democracy in the wells committee. 1000000000 voters will go to the polls in a 6 week long paul events. we election with the 1st phase starting on friday. we
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will, of course, bring your special coverage of the event. the while waiting for posting stations to open, india has been celebrating the upcoming election with people seeing dogs thing and marching industries versus well tuesday representatives and the low a house of parliament, the lock saba. the policy with a majority will form a government on the point. one of its winning candidates, as prime minister sees winter and summer has long what to expect from the election on the coverage who is getting a problem. when you talk about the mood of the nation, all the opinion bulls are pointing towards one direction that's in the range of will be. in fact, he sees that his split of, of body b, g b will basically get 12 in $400.00 seats out of the $543.00 fall level
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and receipts that off for brabs. that's small than the force. and the 2nd that's no ring. the more be had that basically if and when you look at the more these approved or waiting is the highest and the wall that makes them the most popular lead in the was with despite that the west impressed the kind of coverage that thing to the elections a guessing defend itself, which the names more these get guessing to give you an example with democracy on the thread in that range of all these in the hall, free and said, will, this is election b dash drugs to almo recalled election. dr. sees the india now this finds any doubt within the can see about the election is not we see all fan the west and breast continues to do what and does the best, which is the book that i know is in, in things they don't even understand very well, for example, in india,
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in elections and lots conducted by the boss and go the government directions are conducted by an independent body folded election commission of india. an election division of india has in fact been doing, conducting elections in the country for several years in india, in fact has one of the most well oil, regina res, to conduct elections, and a 101400000000 people in this country. and in depth, and that's elections just fine. having said that, as doing this, who's double the election of john? this is god politics. the yes, i can tell one thing that nope, with a degree predictions to be made to the last world has counted. that of course is going to happen on the 4th overshoot that he only spoke with the panel of india next. but it's about the upcoming elections and they said indians don't have much about foreign attempts to influence the voting process. the focused on reinforcing the countries achievements a in dealing voters aren't quite until he asked him costing that was how did you
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compare it with the western countries, the whole thing pass them to is union guys pretty high. and so that shows that bringing people out of a new cost that wants and you'll make the choices at the, at the bottom. and fox, renowned on the bottom of the box. but it's uh, electronic voting machines being the largest democracy in the world. this is naturally a huge and gone to fix the sides based on arlene to inspection from the rest of the bottles and a broad one. to want to have somebody bring the election has been going on for a long time. i mean, this could be in philadelphia and operations are open data games that are included in the media about india and then some sort of negative stories that sort of tied to down play be achieved, months of the federal government. these things have been happening and we are fully
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available because i don't think his father's us much. it's really photo own independent and the really the most decision making that'd be done over so many years. i'd like to ask you about the headlines that we're seeing in the west and mainstream media are about switch to democracy on voting bribes. why do we see such a narrative this? uh, actually the lines needs, um, uh, i think the audio singles think china was rising and there was a lot of very bad plays about john, i'm the list, the, the daily subsided, then the video in a ga dot old china now that it wants to be against china. so because what is happening in india and gave india, india has a democracy. there were sort of problems so far. some really go to us. we had, we shouldn't governments, that'd be way over the weekend. but people, the,
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one of the visiting the, the government, so you know, week ago and the, the, the decision making so hard and then game going very distraught and started making decisions. the started making photo and mock just really the base of the tough because the wind, all these uh, electronics do not use the pain of the body. it is all of 99 percent on the development of glass. so we uh, from, we have this and your, uh, the message. it is now the question of stabilizing this process for this, uh, very happy that will be the election stop that will, you know, we just go to then well, just stay with us throughout this week. and in the coming months, as we bring you, special coverage of india is parliamentary elections that were run through june and they stopped this friday, april the 19th the
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what's the weather news now? the president of both the one that has accused your opinions of prioritizing elephants, the locals, the right to the ink, to send the see thousands of the animals to jim and the of the u. k. the statement tom submitted rising tensions of essential for a fee hunting in full bands proposed by the u. k. and gemini, i get the sense that these thing, these elephants are pets. i get the sense that many seen these elephants are human beings and the majority would perceive the value of these other sunsets appear to human life. and what's one, why don't true for a moment, the experience leaving with them? that's why this offer was made to yourselves to have them in hyde park. well, that's cause live to us. the correspondence and olivia icon got to get more on this now. good to see you today, nevada. so say to me, other than to is this sounds like a noble proposition from the western countries? can you break down? what was the state for the locals, please?
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well, elephant management is a very complex value based policy problem since, but so i know he's home to over a 3rd of the continents elephant management decisions have major consequences on the spaces as a whole. and it all started earlier this year with germany is environmental ministry flow to the proposal to impose a certain limits on the import of hunting trophies into the country. out of concern for poaching. the move did not go exactly well with the president of foot. so i know who has now selected to defend 20000 in the funds to the european country president and will put the message to believe that cause a vase. and i have cause the local elephant population to balloon to nearly a 100. and so 2000 and the hunting, she's in this data. so a component of population controlled before the giant um animal. and this is not the 1st time that the finds itself at this dispute to southern african country bank
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. so if you're hunting in 2014 but to boost its decision in 2019 of the local communities spoke out against the snow. now to remedy the problem of elephant over population, the country issues that come to quotas. but at this point, the president says it is very easy to sit in button and have an opinion about africa or african affairs particularly. but it's one of the staging claim is that, but why not? and the citizens a paying the price for preserving these animals for the world. and one possible solution. my present must be, is the flow to do was that the many must walk the walk instead of simply talking the tool because she proposed the germans that should live together with the animals in the same way they're trying to tell which one to to do. so his move from the president of those europeans, if they lived among other funds like we do, they would respond exactly the same way. perhaps they might be more brutal because they have a much stronger gun culture than we do. imagine you try to gather you goats at night. when you stumble up on an elephant,
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any charges you cannot outdoor on an elephant, you get squashed like when you squash, but 8 or when you match it. and at this point, it seems like it's put the one that lives versus a left, but it is because zillow p is noble. i mean, chances are the do for some dreadful consequences for the local communities. and even though, but the one that is home to the world's largest innocent population and is already working to get its numbers down, the dispute is not only confined to 2, but the one that's the movie, as in bob with even so that for you guys have old side to reduce the number of a low facility, a tibbetts feed at certain points of but nearly all the methods and ways of doing so have been met with criticism, or rather outright condemnation by your roaches and watch them and the, or rather the europeans seem to not understand at this point, is that the region that has a sustainable bubble, or rather
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a tearing capacity of elephant. and that to the overall population has resulted in several instances of conflicts between the animals and the people. and in most cases, benefit having both the um, the villages of causing damage to crops feel that, especially in some districts who botswana with the a more animals than people. and african governments are often angered by the idea of wisdom, countries telling them that to the practice is an ethical and the $3.00 to $5.00. which one is president at this moment? but at this point, the african countries, the standing the ground and openly calling the band a neo colonial, interfere with, with this offering to ride, to sustain the use of popular dispos. the interesting story, many things to bring it is up to speed on that the salty correspondence of a concave. thank you. what's it and has a talks with a full more countries to mirror at the veranda. migraines, deportation scheme is reveal was by leaks documents outlining the government's
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pursuits of additional fed country agreements or c, correspondence eagles down off has more on this in the you. k prime minister has had it with a legal migration. we will get flights off the ground. we will to, to really go migrants from coming here, and we will finally stop the boat's, get flights off the ground. stopped to bo, it's the migraines. what exactly is going on here? well, it is the final portion of the british conservative party to deport asylum seekers and boss and initiative announce back in 2022 by then prime minister bar as johnson on you migration. and you cannot make developing partnership will mean that anyone entering the u. k. illegally as well as those who have arrived illegally since january the 1st may now be relocated through one. yeah,
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a product that you can do that you can send little plain loads of refugees to a 3rd country to await a decision on the immigration. please ask oh, as long as your mindset is colonial enough, and as long as you are, you said the country in this case wanda, had somebody for the trouble. the biggest hurdle preventing british authorities from holding all these asylum seekers back into africa's woman embrace is the ruling of the u. k. high court. last november 5 judges ruled the one the initiative illegal because wanda, surprise isn't exactly as safe country as medicine. the evidence establishes substantial grounds for believing that there was a real risk that asylum claims to not be determined properly and that asylum seekers will in consequence be at risk of being returned directly owens directly to the country of origin. what to do? well, the sooner government didn't think long less than the months of to the ruling,
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it's introduced another bill, the sole purpose of which is to declare a wanda, a welcome destination. the supreme court were clear that they were making a judgment about real on the, at a specific moment 18 months ago, and that the problems could be remedies. today we are confirming that they have been and that unequivocally rwanda is a safe country by the power vested in me, i declare rwanda a safe place, just like that. as it for new or even one pledging to strengthen protections for migrants on paper can magically queue a whole country from danger to the initial thoughts that 1 may have to choose. that is why the u. k. is deciding and indigo immigrants to exclusively african countries and not america or another you're getting countries isn't because they have a blue and yellow him over. so is off the way many other programs if they created history cuz because i couldn't. yeah, i knew them is
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a great cause of the divisions of uh, the problems that are coming to ongoing in these countries where immigrants are coming from. but the tories on face that's easily. so what if they are still to deport the very 1st asylum seeker to, to one, to under the new initiative? they already have a whole list of nations that they see as candid as for one way destinations for migrant who at the expense of the locals on buquet tax pay. of course i am not sure if it would be acceptable and what's on my hand. i hope it will not be acceptable because it opens and will draw not off to me, 92 and to all sorts of appeals as no been drawn checks is expected to be made when the use, the indigo immigrants come because what to the u. k. law says that immediately the
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i haven't read okay, that will be shipped out to the host country where that's what's on the ivory coast to run about what it is i need remind you. they've already paid run the $300000000.00 us dollars. so it just bribery, traffic and government gains to the security, or now i want you to show one might say that may be since brendan's foreign policies in many ways created the refugee crisis in the 1st place. perhaps it should take more responsibility. on the other hand, why both the when you can simply drive and tie and nations into becoming the case out, shows immigration detention centers and the latest attempt to get the confidential for an a package policy. us lawmakers have decided to break it all down into
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several separate bills, including a $60000000000.00 deal for ukraine house, because mike johnson is about to support the bill despite his previous tough stones . again, stephen, considering, as i'm doing here, what i believed to be the right thing, i think for providing legal aid, do you agree and right now is critically important. before we even talk about ukraine, i'm going to tell the president when i'm telling all of you and we've told the american people border border border, we need a clarity on what we're doing in ukraine and how will have proper oversight of the spending a precious taxpayer dollars an american citizens, the republican warehouse will not be jammed or forced into passing or for an a bill that was opposed by most republican senators and does nothing to secure our own board. it is time for washington to start showing some love to americans. now many are looking at johnson, the current speaker of the house, who is a republican and smelling a bit of hip hop prosy. he's previously opposed giving a do ukraine,
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but he appears to be supporting the current bill and the current proposal. so many are looking on with a bit of frustration. marjorie taylor green, and some of the mog or republicans are not with him on this. you. speaker johnson voted against $300000000.00 for ukraine before we gave you the gabble along with the majority of republicans. no one understands why it is now your top priority to give you credit $60000000000.00 more dollars. you're seriously out of step with republicans by continuing to pass bills, dependent on democrats. everyone sees through this well after months of the house of representatives, delaying and debating the nature of upcoming aid from the united states to ukraine . we now have a new set of bills that have been put forward in the lower house of the us congress . now they have divided funding for ukraine funding for israel and funding for the
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government on taiwan from each other into 3 separate bills. the bill for ukraine provides ukraine with attack comes missiles, as well as $61000000000.00. however, it's not simply a gift. it will be a loan which ukraine will be required to reimburse the united states for the president of the united states will be authorized under the bill to negotiate the terms of ukraine reimbursing the united states for this $61000000000.00. the important to note the 61000000000 dollars will not all just be directly given to you grain. a 3rd of it will be given to us weapons manufacturers. and the president will have the authority to wave or disavow or make clear and no longer have to be paid up to 50 percent president joe biden, who seems to be getting a little desperate in his rhetoric saying that this $61000000000.00 is necessary because without it, russia will be then storming into europe and invading european union countries. for us it's, i'm smith's, the boot is forces we move closer than ever tell,


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