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tv   News  RT  April 18, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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on the outside of the sales level wage leads the magazine. the new report says lights on the idea of selected use of roses playing this twisting sound to do around to infinity, as in dog and target as western states think to projects that power across southeast asia. pacific states remain committed to peace and stability in the region of his paintings for a minute, visits to account to as possible voting states. does indians take to the polls west and media is fine to have a shadow, the process by costing doubts on the countries democracy from the rest of the waters. i'm abroad for my father's us much really portal on
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independence and really in the bottom is decision making that to be the so many good the a very well welcome. this is the world news updates coming to live it from most go is great to have you with us based on our top story. us department of state spokes . positive it down plus how was grilled by joining his son who's sadie before. so it was a void and questions on whether the geneva convention applies to palestine and bonsa. do you recognize the geneva conventions apply either emphasize or questions that would be they did it and your colleagues deceitfully responded to a do you recognize geneva conventions? it's a simple question. go. how do you recognize the geneva conventions? i don't mind to guys when you interrupt me and it's not, it's not a matter of you. i'm not going to have a simple take additional defined is
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a simple question. go ahead. you got 2 questions. i literally concert. no, i didn't get to you. did you, i knew you asked a question about why report and you asked to follow on, please go ahead and other your number from your piece of answer. go ahead. so the geneva conventions apply to gaza or not got by the everywhere on the planet except for the palestinians. isn't that right? v continue to stress everywhere. and everywhere that the international humanitarian law needs to be abided by in respect that governs the geneva conventions apply. you are now interrupting your colleagues and you're not insisting on an answer to a critical quest to go ahead and do it last was questioning the official on a new report that is ready. drones tay distressing sounds during the night to nor civilians outside to subsequently shoot them. the, you're a med, steven writes was concerns that some dollars are residents hood sounds of women
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screaming and babies crying late at night. but when some of them went out to investigate or help, they were killed by is ready to threatens or snipers. some residents reported hearing songs in our back and paper. we suppose you invested in what would you on the list on political analyst, elijah, might be a who stays. the idea is using psychological fact to target civilians. this is the one of the most on at the co pays. yeah. all these read the, even more on the that prove 3 said to be the most in more in the what? because all the violation of human rights, the, the commit to committing will crimes. the crimes against you by the soul of these really on the piece. try kind of war using the site to get a need for this being in the make this to be and because nobody is not the minutes ends was a rushing outside and they tend to have it just doing all women. and they also get
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used to the offices, 2300000. everybody is living dot, asking never to be, they would come out and try to have children and we may be in distress. so taking advantage of the do you mind me see also seeing it is something that is on the, in the western states to seek to project the power and politics in asia. well, china and indonesia both reiterate the commitments, a piece of stability. this comes with staging, top diplomatic visits to concert on a multi state tool of the region that the defend the indonesia b r. c. comprehensive strategic partnership will continue to be nurtured in the spirit of cooperation. mutual respect and mutual benefit. indonesia reiterated its commitment to maintaining stability and peace in the in the pacific. and the pacific stability and peace will only be realized for all parties respect to
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international law. indonesia appreciates join the supports for the s o. outlook on the in the pacific will have responsibility to keep our region peaceful and stable . economists feel emission for administrative level model, so the under line that china is one of the nation's most important part here is we'll look at the economy by lateral between the 2 countries. it try not, is it a new chas largest trading partner? we treat folder reaching more than a $127000000000.00 us dollars. and if we look at the forwarding in foster segment, try not also contributed with an investment value of more than $7400000.00 u. s. all our last year bought the bilateral discussion, not only focused on economy field, but also on tackling and preventing b cross border clients, especially online scans, because it will look at previous cheeses. many nations have fallen into this traps
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and became the victim of the so called online scans. therefore, in nation for administer blip, no modest to be in. why that one e as the chinese foreign minister to tack call and present this to stop further things happened in the future. and if we talk about the relationship between trip car dot and b drink is also important to highlight that the vision president elect softball was to be on both disappear. be june. earlier of april this year, march, this is the 1st country that he fits that asked the image and president elect. this of course shows the importance relations between the 2 countries where both countries highlighted the importance and also all the economy and also
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infrastructures relations that has been beneficial for both countries and how what president drop all we go to has done will also be continued jerry, and probable c, b untrusted leadership in the future. and less than 24 hours, india will begin the largest exercise of democracy in the world. 81000000000 devices will go to the polls and a 6 week long paula been to re election with the 1st phase. starting on friday. we're bringing you special coverage of the event the a while wasting that polling stations do what we put in india has been celebrating the upcoming collection with people seen dancing, marching in the streets. those as well tuesday representatives in the lower house of parliament. the looks of a policy with a majority will form a government's unimportant one of its winning candidates as prime minister or the i
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spoke with a panel of indian experts about the upcoming elections and they said indians don't care much about for an attempt to influence the voting process and the focused on reinforcing the countries achievement voters and find them through the prostate can costing that was how did you compare it with western countries and they bought the whole thing last and today's union guys pretty high. and so that shows that bringing people out of a new cost that wants and you'll make the choices at the, at the bottom and fox, renowned on the bottom of the box. but it's uh, electronic voting machines. i'm being the largest democracy in the world. this is actually a huge god donald, to fix the science based on auto insurance for jean, from the rest of the waters and abroad. who want to want to have somebody bring the election that has been going on for a long time. be aware of it. i mean,
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there's going to be intelligence letting operations are open data games that are included in the media about india and then some sort of negative stories that sort of died down, play the cheap months of the kind of government. these things have been happening and we are fully available. that's fine. i don't think this bothers us much. it's really photo own independent and the really in the bottomless decision making that we have done over so many years. i'd like to ask you about the headlines that we're seeing in the west and mainstream media or a balance threats to democracy on voting bribes. why do we see such a narrative? this actually reminds me some of the years ago, which i know who was driving, and there was a lot of very bad plays about john, i'm the list, the a danny subsided, then the media awaited
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a ga dot old china now once again against china. so typically what is happening in india, india, india, has a democracy. there were sort of problems so far. so i'm going to go to, yes, we had, we shouldn't governments, that'd be, went pretty weak. but people either one of the visiting the, the government. so, you know, a week ago and the, the, the decision maybe so harder than game maybe just strong, started making decisions. the remaining bought or not just really the base of development does become the wind of these electronics. do not use the pain of the bodies all 99 percent on the glass. so we, uh, if we have your, uh, the listings it is now the question of stabilizing this process this uh, very happy that will be the election stop that will, you know,
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we just go to the other side with this fill out this weekend at the coming months as we bring you a special coverage of india is parliamentary elections that were run through june. i laced out tomorrow or friday, 8 for the 19th. the latest attempt to get the confidential foreign aid package policy us lawmakers have decided to break it all down into several separate bills, including a $60000000000.00 deal for ukraine house speaking like jonathan has vowed to support the bill just by his previous touchstone. so again, steven, considering is what i'm doing here. what i believed to be the right thing, i think for providing legal aid, you agree and right now is critically important. before we even talk about ukraine, i'm going to tell the president when i'm telling all of you and we've told the american people border border border, we need
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a clarity on what we're doing in ukraine and how will have proper oversight of the spending of precious taxpayer dollars in american citizens, the republican warehouse will not be jammed or forced into passing or for an 8 bill that was opposed by most republican senators. and does nothing to secure our own board. this time for washington to start showing some love to americans. let's get more details from monkeys during the quarter. joining me the studio now. thanks for coming in today's on. so you know how speak to mike jones that he was a boat, a boat opposed to people. it wasn't always submit. change this to in want quote change. well, i mean it's, it's as if the entire collective west was dreaming and just woke up all the same time with these new loud demands for new weapons to be sent to ukraine. i mean, all like, like we just mentioned earlier in the program, although johnson's position has long uh, been one that kind of shane's joe biden for having this position of unconditional support for ukraine. johnson is essentially now taking up the us president's
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position on that. now it's a, something of course that nato leaders and european union leaders have welcomes with open arms and they've even prepare it prepared a draft agreement to send new patriot air defense systems to ukraine with both germany's chancellor and holland's prime minister leading the charge on that calling other calling on other e u. member states to follow their example. now, as for you on stoughton, for when given the opportunity to either strengthen a nato or send these a patriot air defense systems to ukraine, i mean, he already said that he would choose the latter. that's despite the fact that washington has even said itself, that these patriots in the air defense system, they're not actually very effective against russians. hypersonic missiles, a facility to close 8 of re, it's one of the sens more to ukraine, to have systems available. that is a, is a big enough to enable us to deliver significantly more to ukraine when it comes to
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air defense in general. and also when it comes to a picture of batteries and that's exactly what about working up. the patriot missile system is really designed to go after ballistic missiles and it's, it's not as effective on cruise missiles and it's certainly not going to be effective against drones. so since we have, we have this southern, the activation of west and politicians when it comes to the crank conflict in supplying the patriot as well, could be behind it. while there's a number of possible reasons. i mean, the 1st one is that a key of was successful in black mailing the west essentially because we can't forget that the us department of defense recently was asking key of to stop the bombing russian energy infrastructure was the stabilizing the global prices of energy. and that's something that the united states obviously didn't want, and kia, i've said, okay, well send us patriot air defense systems and we'll think about doing that. and so that's one possibility. another possibility is that a t f that this was basically a gift to key of for kind of carrying out what the united states had long wanted
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a new crane. and that was the introduction of a new, more drug draconian conscription law in the country. the now allows the training government as conscripts, people from the age of 25. and it also allows people the government there to conscript, anyone from 18 higher if they had not registered at the conscription offices. so this is something i mean, that is of course, a very hard sell to the training and people based on how much the head of the presidential administration office has been traveling around ukraine, trying to convince people to die for the key of risky. we know people are flying in and we hear is from regional governors and from the people themselves, which fell to some of the most dangerous places to rally citizens and soldiers. for the fight. we tell people your name will be in the history books. so really looks like we've got a good cop bad cop situation here. the good cop is trying to instill a sense of glorious martyrdom in the ukrainian people while the bad cop is prepared
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to snatch up children in the middle of the night and send them to the front line. don't many thanks for coming in with the these house us not to use that don't force us with a you must a am for a single law kids with tease to take the european economy competitive does according to applying to the form, it's highly unemployment and stuff on rico, less will present of the meeting with the you need is on thursday. the gap between you appear in union with us into a silver lake on performances is becoming grow. it'd be going to be better and, and the possibility to reinforce the single market to eliminate defragmentation starting from the 3 left to verse of the door periods and the 3 main leftovers where energy, telecom and financial markets with a not time remember stage, decided not to give to the lower the possibility to integrate them and we are
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losing competitiveness on the city. this is why the main proposal is to integrate them. let's as report suggests expanding the idea of a single european markets to less tangible areas such as telecommunications, energy, and finance. this would reduce 20 units of euro from private savings to be used to subsidize initiatives across the union. however, while the issue is some of the favoring states aid, just last year they lost investigations when other governments did the same, slamming such policies as damaging to competition global markets. and also a lot, it was cheaper chinese electric cars. and the price is kept artificially low by huge states subsidies. this is distorting our market. and as we do not accept this distortion from the inside and our market, we do not accept this from the outside. so i can announce today that
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the commission is launching an empty subsidy investigation into electric vehicles coming from china. okay, we're planning to discuss this story further with a gas. we have some technical difficulties, but we will come to that lisa and the program. stay with us for that. we'll move on for now. the person has the end to talks with full countries to marry the one the migrant deportation escaped. another time was revealed by leaks documents, outlining the governments pursues of additional the country. agreements are c correspondent, egleston off has moved for us. a u. k. prime minister has had it with a legal migration. we will get flights off the ground. we will to, to really go migrants from coming here. and we will finally stop the boat's, get flights off the ground, stopped to both the migraines. what exactly is going on here? well, it is the final portion of the british conservative party to deport asylum seekers
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and boss and initiative announce back in 2022 by then prime minister bar. as johnson new migration id cannot make, developing partnership with me, the anyone entering the u. k. illegally as well as those who have arrived illegally since january the 1st may now be relocated to one. yeah, apparently you can do that. you can send little plain loads of refugees to a 3rd country to await a decision on the immigration, please at all. as long as your mindset is colonial enough. and as long as you are you said the country in this case rhonda has somebody for the trouble. the biggest hurdle preventing british authorities from holding all these asylum seekers back into africa's woman embrace is the ruling of the u. k. high court. last november, 5 judges ruled the one the initiative illegal because wanda surprise isn't exactly
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as safe country as medicine. the evidence establishes substantial grounds for believing that there was a real risk that asylum claims to not be disturbing properly, and that asylum seekers will in consequence be at risk of being returned directly owens directly to the country of origin. what to do? well, the sooner government didn't think long less than the months of to the ruling, it's introduced another bill, the sole purpose of which is to declare a one, the a welcome destination. the supreme court were clear that they were making a judgment about rolanda at a specific moment 18 months ago, and that the problems could be remedies. today we are confirming that they has been ended on a critically, rwanda is a safe country by the power vested in me. i declare rwanda a safe place, just like that. as it for new or even one pledging to strengthen protections for migrants on paper can magically queue
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a whole country from danger to the new cl thoughts. that 1 may have to wrap. why the u. k is deciding. and then you go immigrants to exclusively african countries in north america or another european countries isn't because they have a blue and yellow him over. so is off the way many other programs that they created . history can because i couldn't leave them as a great cause of the divisions of uh, the problems that are coming to ongoing in these countries. away immigrants are coming from. but the tories on face that's easily. so what if they are still to devote the very 1st asylum seeker to, to one to under the new initiative? they already have a whole list of nations that they see as candidates for one way destinations for migrant who at the expense of the locals on view k tax pay. of course,
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i am not sure if it will be, i clicked on them, but on my end, i hope it will not be acceptable because it opens which on the off to me 92 and to all sorts of appeals is no better drunk check is except expected to be made when the use illegal immigrants come because what to the u. k. law says that immediately the 5 in me. ok, that will be shipped out to the host country where that's what's on the ivory coast to run the name of mind you. they will, they be paid around the $300000000.00 for you as dollars. so is this brian, buddy uh, to off again, government gains because the security or the i want you to show one might say that may be since brendan's foreign policies in many ways created the refugee crisis in
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the 1st place. perhaps it should take more responsibility. on the other hand, the white board, the, when you can simply bribe and tying nations into becoming the case out sourced immigration detention centers by to uh, previous story on the plans to extend its single market to areas such as telecommunications, energy, and finance. with the possibility of introducing subsidies to keep the european economy competitive apartments were joined by a guest. now do you have listed on the list, angelo julie on your doing it because some hong kong, many things for joining us today is good to see. so best of what these big, what do you make of these latest economic moves in a, you and of a time and go for the old as well? it is interesting. we are talking about competitiveness. but we need to remember why ease of use not competitive recently. they've put sanctions on russia, and actually they were forced by the us to shoot just the us stop be the
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relationship with russia and to ended up to buy expensive us gas. and we need to keep in mind that the project of the us is she keeping the you don't even, we need to go back to the rules of the you was that why, why did you was created the was a c, i a projects the to of of the to person that way i can see that the fathers of found this of the you way on the she she a bedroom. but the august time it was part of the people sleep project. he was a nazi agents recycled, introduced you project. they watched german that also was on the payroll of the c i need. so we need to keep in mind. do most of the white was created. he was, he was a c, i a project this that was actually presented to the you community. is it called a big project for peas? and it gladly was hijacked by the you west. but because that was
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a project of the west to control the, your old a you countries to make a single country, the secret market for you us product in t v. you don't just a few figures here. the e u and the last decades has had only half of the gold gdp gold that the us had. so it's not about to publish. it is how you can actually insulate the you and destruction of nation state. that's the project of the you being, you know, uh just i'm bundling you 70 and heading you, you democracy, hijacked because news, obviously these know democracy was, those are interesting and it's judy on everything. the publications that say lowest and anti subsidy, proven to chinese electric vehicles. last year we'll see we'll take on that in case me a power and response we're seeing now to well, this is part of the use actually politically following the west. there's
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a pressure, there's a pressure coming from the us and he's part of the people to asia. so right now we have clearly a problem with the cost at all in china that are cheaper. but the reason of we need to look into to move why a china is more competitive. that's because of its productivity. and he just sold the energy costs. uh, when you make a call, you need a lot of energy in. right? no, do you is not competitive. so it's a, it's bolt it so it could be co side is because compet to do this. and it's a full part of the pressure that the, the, the us getting from the us because the, the next target after you clean after the me the lease, it's going to be china. this is the last piece for us to germany. yeah, we can see that china is already in the cross has so to speak when last week. brussels also opens another inquiry into chinese wind turbine suppliers. i just
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want his comments windows to his course as long as the movie points with the site, the dislike hiring, the flags, the green, sustainable development you are paying commission also undertakes protectionist operations. what do you make of that? of this interesting when a child not before they used to see that child that was not enough active in green, the green ecology is clearly disagreeing revolution. and actually now the child is at the forefront with china. now it's been a choose of being a being too cheap, being too competitive. so what they want to do is that they want to put a commercial barrier is just because the kind of competes and there's a saw, a problem of tree balance. what is happening right now is that the, the e u and the us as a, they have a trade deficit when he comes to china. so china ends up with the excess, your roles and excess us dollar in what china is doing right now,
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which is actually annoying. you in the us is a chinese not going to recycling those trade trade surplus into buying a us step in the depths chinese actually recycling. it's us trade surplus into the betting only they should be of any to have been. it's partners in rich and global south. so try that. has actually the fax to stop funding. this is what we should call it a pony. these keep because what do you, what she's doing with the step is it will just keep it subject that he's not mean bench would be repaid. and this is what it's coaching. they used to connect to the west because because it's the one that's how the collective west in the us is actually funding is wal machine is because it has these, these, these right, these the, these way to do this power to issue endless depths. no,
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we don't always ation, it's a different game because the, it's not sustainable and is going to be wants to dollars, not the, the us, the, the, the global currency, there's going to be hyper inflation. and that's the reason we do us is facing down the road. so with the growth of, of china and india are as well, especially as we see these new multi polar, well, the much they, they call it retains by the u and the us, the name of the company dictated city. so what kind of response do you expect from china and of course, in there, as well as to these latest moves and, and how could, will this affects the trade with these nations? it is interesting because the you in the us have been actually quoting for the copying inability to china is thought that a long time ago to what to do uh, driver's education, with each for each partners. so china is actually started to, to put more emphasis on the global south. so when you are looking at the treat,
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both as of china now the largest st. paul up, there's no more, no more of the us in the u. uh we, we are going to, we are seeing logic partners. uh we partners, we brush shaw and bricks and the globally the most out. so china is being southern to the risk in china. what china is doing, especially when it comes to the us, going to it is making sure that he's, it's a progressive because he's stopping china, his interest to have the wisdom economies, to collapse. china. what, what china wants to do is a, a glad will shift whether shift because it wants to maintain this a certain level of stability. it's not, it's very both and people think it is it is i the, the us a j money or brick set you up when he smells like this uh, brakes and the more people, the whole philosophies, how we can incorporate together is not about.


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