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tv   News  RT  April 18, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the new report shed light on the audio. so let's use of a new ton check to newer routes until pavilion been gone. that type of thing sounds that resembled the cries of women and children. the i'm afraid them for the position is still the of india, the well most populous country and largest democracy takes to the polls the to this next call them, as we discussed, was the state,
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the economy with the economy of guests from the country. the us house because mike johnson makes a huge, non ukraine has the box a 60000000000 dollar a deal for kids to find previously pushing for domestic issues to take priority in the us to west the q this china as using money as a political told us debating by itself a number in both ways, interest free news . a very welcome to you. this is the world news on the day coming to live it from most goes great to happy with the top story us state just palm is spokespersons a done potato has been great. let's find journalist some who's seine the official dodge a question on where the policy is in dollars that are protected by the geneva conventions
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on the rules of the war. or do you recognize the geneva conventions apply either enzymes or questions that have the they did it and your colleagues deceitfully responded to a do you recognize geneva conventions? it's a simple question. go, how do you recognize the geneva conventions which it finds the guys when you interrupt mean it's not, it's not a matter of you. i'm not good at a simple tank additional combined is a simple question. go ahead. you got 2 questions. i would really concert. no, i didn't get to you, did you as you asked a question about why report and you asked to follow on, please go ahead and other you're not using to answer go ahead. so the geneva conventions apply to gaza or not get why the everywhere on the planet except for the palestinians. isn't that right? v continue to stress everywhere. and everywhere that the international humanitarian law needs to be abided by in respect that governs the geneva conventions apply. you are now interrupting your colleagues. go ahead and you know, i have not seen you on insisting on an answer to
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a critical question. go ahead. they were post in question published by the you are, imagine, want us to human rights group. i let just as some dolphins heard what appears to be the sounds of screening women and children during night. time id strikes with disability and step outside the shelters. to investigate the noises they will report to be killed by is ready. drones on snipers as a sounds were apparently designed to newer them out. some residence also reported hearing songs being played in our back and he for some media file circulation on social media has a carry such distressing sounds. heard by locals in the news throughout the refugee camp in johnson or the or what's going on. and i'm afraid i'm a little more better solution. but other stages i just saw
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some of the stuff for the long. this is what we discussed this with the bathroom. and what would you on the list on political, on the list, elijah matthew who stays the idea is apparently using psychological wolf, a to target civilians. is one of the most on at the co pay. yeah. all these really a more on the that prove 3 said to be the most in more in the what? because all the violation of human rights, the, the commit to committing will crimes. the crimes against you by the soul of these really on the piece. try kind of more insight to me for this being in the make the to be and because nobody is not the minutes is, was a rushing outside and they tend to have it just doing all women. and they also get used to the offices, 2300000. everybody is living dot,
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as you never knew that was come out and try to help children and we may be in distress. so taking advantage of the monthly fee also for the seeing it if it's something that they know it within less than 24 hours, india will begin the largest exercise of democracy in the world. uh, the voting has already started in some parts of the country and then the 1000000000 people are heading to the pose of a 6 week long parliamentary election with the 1st phase. starting on friday, we're bringing a special coverage off the events of the well, the indian economy is a key issue. this taking center stage us citizens prepared to choose the next parliament on prime minister. the main policies consider contesting the pol other
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building the j p. and the indian national congress is what they said, the head of the vote. we are committed to. so the law came to transform which is put on soul of manufacturing to create employment opportunities and drive economic expansion will ensure that into everybody's the worlds fastest growing, major economy and future, while maintaining mach cross stability with pi a to be of the wells, the largest economy by 2030. what production is important because activities equal importance, any embezzlement, legal, administrative to logic production, ohio value will be removed. the congress has committed to rapid growth and generation of, well, we have set a target of doubling budget to be in the next 10 years. and there is the wells fastest growing economy, which was estimated at almost full 20 in dollars last year. and countries g d, p growth reset a 7 percent making it the world's 5th largest economy. having done 5 sports and the
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rankings in the last decade. and these uses at the forefront of a digital revolution and the next 2 years in the autonomy to become a tech powerhouse. and the major produce of semi conducts is another central issue is to foster entrepreneurship funds, remove obstacles, and business developments with indian balance foreign policy. the country is looking to become an international investment hub of the law on the, in the likes as close live to form a secretary of the government of india, v j sancho panza and the bronze code you guardian pharmacy found as she taught us. godly, thanks to both the of you for joining us on the program today. it's great to see if those questions a v j please. i'm any expert say that india is on the way to becoming the manufacturing powerhouse of the wells. what particular word statements creates such possibilities for new day. she surely happens to some
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extent and of slowly and slowly be marching towards the good. i saw a prime minister saturday for you're looking for a site that to make it into your project has to be completed. you won't be, are you doing the foster and to get those? will i be a remote to start? you know so many things which are really not happening or yet. i'm starting moving the right direction. so i 1st saw your the chip making up. it's becoming to the energy, the products of the place i'm in some of the video was states that you know, the sector. they may just, ex, available from the city of united for. so i think i've sort of, we will be, you know, above a tv triangle for, for, you know, sense for future feats. that's a beautiful country, has been, you know, looking at for the long period of time, you know, in the hub, it has the highest, technically 3 month up. it will be produced or div holding to 50, like engineers per year. we have that. you don't mind 5 required for taking the
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country forward. the hub, the vision though, also to match the progress. you know, what the, what has happened in the past? no. the speed the to, to really be much cluster. i'm going to ask him your thoughts quite. so we put the viewed up become the 3rd largest economy. i don't have any doubt about it. and i say, you know, the, you know, the bike holes and 40 sure it does become the sceptics all the ingredients of that . we just liked it, but kind of a pro, it's in prison which has no, you know, has been, has been established. and you know, the government is working very hard, good, much to be. so the sooner then like to be able to be a tv, the target set for by the prime minister, by our country. and as a technology go, you know, change this just, this is of a bishop because, you know, as the as the,
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our people on money all the top, you know, organization. so he was going to hubs across the board. i'm seeing just uh you know, kind of involvement so what i can do so i'm ready when i, i think that's, you know, there are lots of you'd be good to go was a for awhile with all the rice ingredients, as you say, the future looks very bright and the next question to ashley torres, please with the, the rise of the global south as well as this aspirations to become the power house of the world. well, sort of partnerships do you think india codes and the seek with a, with it asia and perhaps african nations? well, thank you for inviting me. uh, i think, you know, as the prime minister said, that i've said very, very awesome. as the earlier policy used to be look east and he's recently, he's been saying, act east that i know i have lived in single for many, many years. and i also used to wonder why india did not engage. i am now delighted
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to see how much india engages not just with the countries in the, in our own region, but india and diet i see on region then beyond. i think of, you know, the fact that india is now such a big market as we speak up before me said, and i completely endorse every single point that he has made about the indian economy. i think not just india engaging with se, asia, but whenever i travel to any of the countries in southeast asia, which is very often, i'm only being stored how important the india is as a market for them and how their business been looking to invest in our country, but they've got the 2nd part of your question, which is as far as africa is concerned, i'm sure a lot of yours are yours. know that india is one of the leaders of the global south, and is positioning itself as, as a lead to africa is a major, major market for indian economies for the indian companies. and we can see that there is
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a lot of efforts being done diplomatically at the political levels. and of course, from business, been like myself who are wanting to go see this need to africa and start making investments. so i do believe that both the region that you have asked about, which is the side of the southeast asian nations as well as africa. they feel very, very prominently and we continue to be present in the next 5710. yes, many. thanks. i coming back to the day if i may, and what is the extent of the indian integration into the global economy at the moment? and how is it likely to change the next 5 years off to the the 2024 elections? i'm sure you're already gone and we've already integrated with logic sticks with the rest of the board a little bit in boston. explore smooth cover neighbors like china and us and europe . other, the, you know, at this stage rep, they can just because, you know,
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it depends on how strongly you are. you have to go to the base of manufacturing in other words. so india is known for manufacturing engineering groups. and it has been the leader in software technology for a long period of time over the software to explore some of the highest in the word n b. i became a very short stuff in the coming years with the, the a, the, you know, the things, technologies we will be taking a very big leap into search and i'll explore so a great to each by leap and goals. us one of the prevent stages concern. we have totally integrated of relationship with the, you know, the union parts of the us and the other maybe countries. this is very good. but the truth is absolutely, i would say that you know, each, i don't know if each of the no problem and our government,
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it varies from the machine, the worst, you know, the, the, for the whole region also. and the early up is because the nation about the global so, so i wanna, i wanna, i want to say economy is integrated with the board and the board to improve it. the government for the she's big re read the every country you would be to look at the, the, the photo site you provide the results of all the ones, the list in our country. so the integration is perfect and i am very hopeful that the quite a few that are continuing at present because you read off the truth also will say a little bit. but the other ones you're going to have the good thing about all countries, the governments, i believe that the country, the policies formulated and the government, i'm absolutely sure nothing to look to change. and after the new government dig jobs, you'll find that many, many things which are in the pipeline will be moved with all this. and many things coming back to i'm sure it's harsh if i may,
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which has touched upon some of the domestic obstacles. and with b j, but i'd like to ask you as well uh, what might, what obstacles might that be in india is quest for a mode develop the economy and how can you deli county those issues and you'll view of well, i'm not sure if there are too many ups to goes, but you know, we are a very, very large country and therefore, i think one of the biggest obstacles of, well either you can call it up sticker loan. an opportunity is to be able to meet and manage the aspirations off of a very, very large number of young people, 65 percent of india. on the 35, we add about 2425000000 people to our population every year. so i think one challenge is going to be how do we make sure that we continue to provide opportunities for growth and prosperity for a very large number of people? number 2 is that why the data has been
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a very substantiate amount of investment in infrastructure. and people like me who live in the lodge metropolitan cities i've, i've seen amazing hybrids like we would see in most of other parts of the developer would. i do believe that some more work needs to be done to be able to stick infrastructure and make it more accessible in our router areas. the 3rd area when i think of a, you know, some of the stickers are likely to come is that we still have different political parties and followed in different states of india. and therefore, to ensure the benefits that are being provided by the central government reach every single human being who is equally eligible to get them across the country. that is something which in every state needs to sign up to. and we have seen instances, right, in some states where that i'll position governments, they don't necessarily let these benefits go through. so these are some of the
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obstacles that i think, but i is as the prime minister said, with his card, and i'm hoping he wins them with a significant for the last 2 dogs are only a trailer, the main movies going to come in the next 5 yes. okay, many thank so that coming back to v j please. it's interesting to note that into the results i was thinking of the software lines and the military's fair. and how long do you think that could taken is a really realistic in today's the globalized world? seeing the biggest importer for 1500 for the long peter thing. and for you this year, also the data shows that 3 of the, one of the biggest import, the offer, the me there to 100 know this or that there's some keep that when yeah progressing and all of them. but it's actually quite not the difference for us to also use this policy as you know, cheap fuse back. no, no, no,
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sorry for it's in does becoming major. the 6 foot off of the $200.00 say thing. couple of the yes, but it will be one of the middle class and i want to buy much of the 1st. right. so the dentist policy used to the government's policies. we should try to meet our fully farmers in to do this. so the, the production capacity in all of the, the $200.00 piece is beeping has been that already the pipeline. you have not produced yet, but sooner than the top we will be not only we think i was requirements, we have to logics. there's probably community departments that are good requirements, but really talk like literally hard with the company's name so far can access it because maybe if you're not going to wait for the details of that, but they were don't, they were actually the. so this with the, you know, the 5 shape, the population between those countries which are not start off with the logic but
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only can be and they can leap off with what they need. and then they would need it to be best to 13 requirements. they wouldn't be met, so i'll talk to you on the 4th of the so you know, for production capacity and i'm just making excuses and the mix. so say, i saw you sign the readings for the 1st and then there's going to become a major pop up with a key hardware product. but i love your positive attitude that i'm, i'm not know so many thanks to both of you for joining me on the show today. governments of india, a former secretary v j shank of hyundai on the ground called you and guardian pharmacy found as utah scott, when he, thanks to by to be a too. thanks for having. well, do stay with us throughout this week and in the coming months as we continue to bring to our special coverage of india is parliamentary elections that will run through june of his thoughts tomorrow or this. friday, april. the 19th,
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the one of the latest attempt to get the controversial far in a package pos to us lawmakers have decided to break it all down into several separate bill was introduced a $16000000000.00 deal for ukraine. house speaking mike johnson has vowed to support the bill despite his previous toughest, honestly, getting steven considering, as i'm doing here what i believed to be the right thing. and i think for providing legal aid, do you agree? and right now is critically important. before we even talk about ukraine, i'm going to tell the president when i'm telling all of you and we, until the american people border border border, we need a clarity on what we're doing in ukraine and how will have proper oversight of the spending of precious taxpayer dollars and american citizens, the republican warehouse will not be jammed or forced into passing or for an a bill that was opposed by most republican senators and does nothing to secure our own
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board. it is time for washington to start showing some loved to americans. well, as finds out more details, now, don't you mean the studio is all to use? don't over the course. somebody thanks for coming in. don't. it's good to see that that before we get to the very curious a change of to and by how speaking like johnson explains what this new bill is all about. well, this new uh, ukrainian aid build is being proposed by um, how speaker mike johnson is actually a really a big 1. 80 turn for the republicans who just recently were criticizing joe biden, for his stance of unconditional support for ukraine financially. and in terms of weapons as well, this new proposal aims through send long range tactical ballistic missiles to ukraine and it promises to allocate another $61000000000.00 to um, to purposes connected to the ukraine conflict. and it also says that a 23000000000 of that money is set to replenishing the united states arsenals that had been emptied. as a result, as far as applying ukraine was why 3?
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so what, what happened with my johnson because we had right that he was like, bold, affordable the tardy starts at home. and now one of a sudden he's the to the complete yuton. well, the seems to be a bit of a catch to this bill. actually if we can, i mean this, this age bill, if we can even call it that, it might be more accurate to call it that really because this bill actually would require ukraine to pay a lot of what it's going to receive on the under this proposal it would have to pay it back and under the proposals terms of the ukraine would be able to negotiate with the white house in terms of just how much you would have to pay back. but that would have to be done. but before november 15th of this year, so when we read between the lines here, this is actually a great opportunity for washington to make a buck and for ukraine to turn into it. that's labor actually. and that's called the only issue that mike johnson has flip flopped on right. that's right. johnson also has come out in support of supplying ukraine with us, made patriot to air defense of systems. and this is something that nato and the european union has
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a come out in support of as well. they've even prepared the draft agreement themselves to send these air defense systems to ukraine with both germany's chancellor and the prime minister of holland. actively supporting this calling on other you members states to follow their example as well as for young stolen burke, he said that if he was given the chance to either strengthen nato or continued his wife crane with more weapons, he would choose the latter choice. despite the fact that we've even heard from washington that these proposed patriots air defense systems that they want to send you credit or not even effective against rushes, hypersonic missiles send more to ukraine to have systems available. that is, a, is a big enough to enable us to deliver significantly more to ukraine when it comes to air defense in general. and also when it comes to a picture of buttress. and that's exactly what do i work in now. and the patriot
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missile system is really designed to go after ballistic missiles and it's, it's not as effective on cruise missiles and it's certainly not going to be effective against drones. so don't, can we read into the timing of all this at all? well, voting for the bill is scheduled for saturday and this is something that's coming actually not so you know very, very quickly after actually vladimir zalinski had signed this very draconian conscription bill and ukraine that lowers the conscription age to 25 in the country . and this is something that the united states has actually want it for a long time. so it's very possible that this new proposed ada billed to ukraine is a sort of gift to the key of receiving for implementing this really draconian law. because after all, for the printing people, it's not a gift, it's a curse. i mean, they're in a really hard sell for them as well. based on how much the head of ukraine's presidential office has been traveling around your brain,
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trying to convince people to die for their country. essentially. we know people are flying in and we hear is from regional governors and from the people themselves, which fell to some of the most dangerous places to rally citizens and soldiers. for the fight. we tell people your name will be in the history books. so we've really got somewhat of a good cop bad cop situation here. the good cop is trying to convince ukrainians of the glory of martyrdom for their country. well, uh, the bad cough is basically ready to snatch up 25 year olds in the middle of the night and send them to the front so that they can die for a country. that essentially is going to be even more in depth. it's to it's western patrons. well then it already is when this war comes to an end. stone, many things coming with this house i saw these don't close to. the china has words and often number of them, bob weighs the interest free loans in honor of countries, 44 out of the 3 of independence aging. also, i promised to help the southern african government to find
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a way out to event scripling that crisis a china attach his grades and board is the result things about was that issues trying and we'd like to enhance communication with his above the government to work out pro statements through funded consultation as a concrete measure. china has gotten those above us interest free loans, which mature by the end of 2015 st. paul way recently, graph old to reach an agreement with creditors to restructure is unsustainable debt as of last year, as in bob weighs publicly guaranteed debts to that over $17000000000.00 a waste. nitty 13 was external. most of that debt is attributed to those from china as the applicant country remains ineligible for financial support from global institutions like the wells bank and i am asked you to post the thoughts on repayments. meanwhile, some western critics of accuse china of using loans full political leverage in africa, bid, zimbabwe, and political unless it could zion would
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t z. so it's actually western money that's driving the country down the insights as that is being put back on the some of the west. because if you look at the thing about the debt is that it is struggling with is the soul tide. it is a ditch. and that is owed to the world bank it, as it was due to financial institutions. each is almost simple because the initial amount of that was part is almost the effect of wealth just for we now, which means the rest of it is, but it's been that they've been paying happy by the end. they keep growing less business solution. every few terms of did research say, so we have be a debt set. not so i'm trying to buy from the west. and if we look at the chevy as low as that way for white inches and probably the most the place to assess the development for the building of cost issues for the blending of gas, all these infrastructure projects on going. so probably some of them i funded by 10 is
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a loans. so they asked you to prove that you've created that product is loans because it never be country to be multiple us. but i was do you have more than you do? i've tried to use it says enter the more productive. that's what they said these laws have been doing. but we've assumed that little flows, so add them if so, the big nothing meister to be, say the laws, but they are not a huge debt to the disability page. uh, basically in the country make you a congress tribal, and at this stage is not able to access any international financial assistance from anywhere else except maybe sometime in the same congress. ukraine's military intelligence chief has apparently tried to justify fresh attacks on civilians in russia by saying such strikes will make them think twice about backing that government. when you're sitting, say in st. petersburg and you're seeing the war only on tv,
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you will always be supportive. but people start to get nervous when some facility is attacked near their house. ukraine has been accused of orchestra using multiple attacks on civilians in russia. a 145 people were killed in a terrace on the crocus colinza told in most go on the 22nd of march. previously journalist dani, a duke, and now was assassinated by a bomb explosion. phone to then the call will correspondence loud lenses, all scale, so killed by a bomb. hayden, at a stop to us, the list goes on and on. let's now discuss this with t for this a, all the mc let see a news outlets. the honors put code in joining us live from the gas. good to see today many thanks for joining goes all way to see kind of nation. i meant to put counting of the ukrainian terror attacks by the western countries. do you think? no, we have way the way that it for a long time already from the croak was that that keeps was the opposite of silence
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. and the russia demanded support for the investigation which we haven't seen, which we don't see. all the leads home really prevented terrorist attacks. there are in russia going on tens of trying to at deck and attacking. and the so each of you with these gale achieve, which is a very interesting b as in many ways use a shown. but i think that the desperation start to be in the western side. and it's a very interesting point of view that what if russia doesn't start the great big expected o at doc in the spring or summer. what then all the west will continue from now? that's why i think the for locations are taking a major role in this conflict. if it is a charles,


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