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tv   News  RT  April 18, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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the the amy report shed lights on the id of selected use of a booth with toxic to, nor out until civilians in garza but playing sounds that resembled the cries of women and children. the better of the un refugee agency with palestine and val with a soaking report on the electric torture of civilian detainees by the is really military plus the west accuses china of using money as
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a political tool, as well as of aging. right. so if a number of is involved ways, interest free lunch, the a very welcome to you. this is the well, these are they coming to live from most go is very good. so happy with us. on the top story, us state department spokesman, us and vet down such as being gross bond to list some who say the official thoughts . the question on why the palestinians in gauze all protected by the geneva conventions of the rules of war. do you recognize the geneva conventions apply either amazon or questions that have the they did it and your ca. busy leap deceitfully responded to a do you recognize geneva conventions? it's a simple question. go, how do you recognize the geneva conventions which it finds the guys when you
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interrupt me and it's not, it's not a matter of you. i'm not good at a simple take additional question. is a simple question, go ahead. you got 2 questions. i literally concert. no, i didn't get to you. did you as you asked a question about why report and you asked to follow on, please go ahead and other in your number from new york. easy to answer, go ahead. so the geneva conventions apply that to us or not got by the everywhere on the planet except for the palestinians. isn't that right v. i continue to stress everywhere and everywhere that the international humanitarian law needs to be invited by and respect that governs the geneva conventions apply. you are now interrupting your colleagues and you are not insisting on an answer to a critical question. go ahead. the reports in question published by the euro. imagine monetary human rights group, elijah, is some goss inside, would have paid to be the sounds of screening women and children during 9 time id strikes. when the civilian stepped outside the shelters to investigate the noises they were reportedly kills by is really drones on slide. please, as a sounds well,
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probably designs to know them out. some residence halls are reported hearing songs being played in arabic and he for some audio file. so it could, isaac on social media, replace a carries such distressing sounds. heard by locals in the news throughout the refugee accounting concepts of the for the full and i'm afraid you me for the small, the better solution. but other stages of the saw some of the simple for the system. a lot of what we discussed this with the best word and what would you understand? electrical outlets, elijah mcneil, who stays the idea is apparently using psychological wolf as to target civilians. it's the one of the most on at the go to pay. yeah. all these read the
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a more on the that prove $0.03 to be the most in more in the what? because all the violation of human rights to the commit to commit and will crime the crimes, it can survive easy. so these really on the piece try kind of more insight to me for this being and they make this advance because nobody is not the minutes is was a rushing outside and they tend to have it just doing all women. and they also get used to everywhere. the also is 2300000. everybody is living being that as getting relatively they would come out and trust and has children and we may be in distress. so taking advantage of the do you mind me see also seeing it is something that is on the in many gauze and civilians have been subjected
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to brutal abuse including sexual violence on told you all, it is really military detention as, according to a new report from the un refugee agencies of palestine, which has released some harrowing, testimonies of survivors. they made me sits on sorts of like a hot metal stick, kind of felt like fire his bones into a notice. the soul just hit me with the shoes on my chest. i knew something like a muscle stick that had a small nail on the side. they asked us to drink from the toilets and made the dogs attack us. there were people who were detained until maybe 9 of them. one of them died after they put the electric stick off his anus. he got so sick we saw was coming out of his body and then he died. well, that's a get some more details on this. not as close to a misleads bureau chief maria as an option. maria, thank you for joining us. what else have we learned from this?
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absolutely. so king reports has been published by hon to yeah. first of all under was says, it's based, it's report on testimonies of palestinians freed from his really detention between november last 2 year. and this april, the agency documented the release of more than $1500.00 detainees from garza, including $43.00 children and 80 for women. among those released were the agencies employees and their relatives. they were also elderly and sick people, them on detainees, injured people, those with disabilities and with mental problems, they testified being held incommunicado between interrogations and what appeared to be a make shift to military, but rocks, housing up to 120 people, sometimes for several weeks transported their and by trucks. palestinians also reported while in detention they were beaten up, forced to lie on the mattresses on top of rubble for hours without food,
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water will access the toilet with a legs and hands tied. several detainees reported being forced into pages and attacked by dogs. some of them, including a child, had dog bite horns on their body. the report states, detainees also said they were forced to sit on their knees for 12 to 16 hours a day blindfolded with their hands tied some under the wa staff members reported steaks periods tool to avoiding a form of torture, simulating drowning france of rape hand electrocution. were forced to strip naked, were filmed or photographed while without clothes. some reported stay were forced to act like animals or even were you renee said on. here are some of their reports . some of their testimony is mistaken. listen. in the us, the soldiers displayed on me saying she's a, she's from gaza. they would bid and us as we moved and saying they would put 5
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owners sensitive spots genitals, they pulled us beat us. they took us into boss to the demon present of to 5 base and male soldiers to call for. i had jobs and they pinched us and touched all bodies, including our breasts. we were blindfolded and we were feeling them touching us, pushing our hats to the bus. we started to squeeze together to try to protect ourselves from detection. they said they told the soldiers to take all their shoes and slip our faces with them. female detain, use described to be in psychologically abused, reported inappropriate touch in different searches. and both man and women reported threats and incidence that may amount to sexual violence and harassment by the idea of several were admitted to hospital straight after being released. detainees also testified the idea of confiscated their procession, including ideas and money, and general in a towards not return to after they release. many testified about various threats,
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the idea of use to get information they need a different interpretations. let's take a lesson. shut book shows me my whole neighborhood on a computer screen. it asked me to tell them about old persons they pointed to who's this, who's best, etc. if i didn't recognize someone, the soldiers threatened to buy my home. she asked me when my home didn't evacuated itself. i told her my brothers and my father stayed at home. she said, if you don't confess with own formation, will bomb your home and kill your family. so the palestinian prisoners society says israel refuses to disclose the number of thousands it detained over the past 6 months since the warrant guys have started on their whereabouts. several is really andrea is travel to geneva earlier this week to alarm before the un about the serious crisis inside is really jammed in terms of the number of inmates and states richmond. one of the law says they sent official requests to israel off to the
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report about ill treatment was published. these really military denied the locations as you remember, israel believes on the wall is linked to how mass notes in the group are there. it's accused a number of the relief agencies, stuff of being involved in the 7th of october. i have mass attacks on a 0. it led to on the major donors causing the funds before any investigation plates, and most of them returned. but the reputation of the agency known for providing a to palestinian refugees for decades was foiled. of course, washington pays deeply concerns by claims and the latest on the water port stay the parts and deputies spokesperson said the us vows to press israel to conduct a full investigation. but the big question is whether israel will listen, 1st of all and 2nd is there is a pro. well, that is responsible be brought to justice, will change anything back to so many things for updates and yours will be closely
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following the story as close to an audience national. many songs, thanks for now. all season mid least bureau, i see where we have an ocean. but the well, in the latest attempt to get the calling for reversal for an aide package policy, us lawmakers have decided to break it all down into several separate bills, including a $60000000000.00 deal for ukraine. house speaker mike johnson has vowed to support the bill despite his previous test stones. again, stephen, considering as what i'm doing here, what i believed to be the right thing, i think for providing legal aid, do you agree in right now is critically important before we even talk about ukraine? i'm going to tell the president when i'm telling all of you, and we've told the american people border border border, we need a clarity on what we're doing in ukraine, and how will have proper oversight of the spending a precious taxpayer dollars and american citizens. the republican warehouse will not be jammed or forced into passing or for an aid bill that was opposed by most
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republican senators and does nothing to secure our own board. it is time for washington to start showing some love to americans are joining us now in the studio was off. he's donald code. so with the details on monday, thanks for coming in. so i suppose the appropriate place to start with a what was this new bill a little about? this is changed. speaker jonathan's mind, well this new ukrainian a to bill proposed by the house speaker, mike johnson is a real 180 turn for the republican. so we're just recently criticizing joe biden for having the stance of unconditional support for ukraine. this new proposal. busy seems to send ukraine long range tactical ballistic missiles and also allocate another $61000000000.00 for purposes connected to the ukraine, conflicts $23000000000.00 of that going to replenishing us arsenals that have been depleted as a result of sending weapons ukraine. it seems like such a bizarre turnaround for mike johnson doesn't know, because as we saw in the ground that he was the one about folders board. his board
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is you know what, his thoughts, i spend on money at home and not abroad. and, and now here is um with this degree of very different to support change. yeah, well there is actually a caps to all this 8 if we can even call it that it. i mean, it might even be better to call it just that because part of the terms of this proposal is that ukraine is going to have to pay this back down the line under the terms of the proposal. ukraine has the opportunity to negotiate with the white house and in terms of just how much it's going to be expected to pay back. but that's got to be done before november 15th of this year. so really at the end of the day, if you read between the lines this proposal looks like a great opportunity for washington to make some money and also for an ukraine into a debt slave state. and i understand that this isn't the only thing that said, the how speakers changed his mind about. that's right. johnson is also come out and support of sending ukraine us made patriot air defense systems. and this is even
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something that nato and the european union, of course, has come out in support of as well. uh you leaders and they leaders put together already a draft agreements to that incident to send you crane these missile different these air defense systems with both germany's chancellor and holland's prime minister leading the charge, calling on other e u. member states that haven't yet gotten on board to follow suit. and that's for young stoughton burke. i mean, he said that if he was given the opportunity to strength and nato's defensive capabilities or send more weapons to ukraine, he would choose the latter, despite the fact that washington has already said that these patriots systems are not even effective against brushes. hypersonic missiles send more to ukraine to have systems available. that is, a, is a big enough to enable us to deliver significantly more to ukraine when it comes to air defense in general. and also when it comes to a picture of buttress. and that's exactly what do i work in of the patriot missile
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system is really designed to go after ballistic missiles. and it's, it's not as effective on cruise missiles and it's certainly not going to be effective against drones. now, effective or not effective as long as the west send something, then it feels that it's holding up it's side of the bargain. after all, the waste oldenburg sees it, it's up to the west to supply the weapons and it's up to the key ever seem to supply made for the grinder you creating needs people and equipment. nita allies can provide the equipment by supplying more support than they do now. as for people, ukraine should provide that it has just passed a new law extending the age of conscription, i am confident of ukraine will make decisions needed to mobilize necessary number of people. so lensky for his part is definitely keeping up his end of this deal with the devil as he just recently assigned off on a new draconian conscription law that would lower the conscription needs to 25
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years of age. and this is something that the us has wanted for a long time. so it's very possible that this new, this new proposal, if you creating an aid and the proposal to send patriot, the air defense missile systems could be somewhat of a gift to key of for signing off on this law. but this is also something that is a curse for the ukranian people and definitely a hard sell for them. as we've seen. based on the fact that the head of ukraine's presidential office has been traveling around the country, essentially trying to convince people to die for their country. we know people are flagging and we hear is from regional governors and from the people themselves, which fell to some of the most dangerous places to rally citizens and soldiers. for the fight. we tell people your name will be in the history books. so we've got somewhat of a good cop bad cop situation here where the good cop is trying to inspire the glory of martyrdom in the ukrainian people. and the bad cop is essentially ready to
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snatch up 25 year olds in the middle of the night. and send them to the front to die for a country that's essentially going to be even more indebted to its western patrons . and it already is at the end of this more data dog. many thanks for everything is up to speed on the story. i appreciate it, the se, donald cor well, china has version of a number of same bob ways, interest free loans. you don't know if that countries for the falls on of us. we have independence, aging, those i promise to help the southern african government to find a way out because crippling that crisis a john, their dad, his grades and board is the result things about was that issues trying and we'd like to enhance communication with his involved with government to account for all the statements refund the consultation as a concrete measure. the training has gone, holds above us interest free loans, which mutual by the end of 2015. so bob, we recently grappled to reach an agreement with creditors to restructure rates on sustainable debt. as of last is in both ways publicly guaranteed debts that it over
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$17000000000.00 of which nearly 13 was external. well those to that, that is activated to loans from china as the applicant country remains ineligible for financial support from global institutions like the world bank and i m. s due to his post defaults on repayments. meanwhile, some western critics have a case china of using loans full political leverage in africa. but zimbabwe and political analysts could cite with stacy stacy is actually western monday. the striking the country down insights as that is being put back on the some of the west. because if you look at this environment, the debt is that it is struggling with is the full time in the depths and that is owed to the world bank. it was due to financial institutions. each is almost simple daughter because the initial amount of that was part is almost a stage of what it is fully now, which means the rest of it is but it's been that they've been paying happy by the
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end, the keep going, i less, there's a solution every 2 terms of did research, sorry. so we have be a dip set, not from time from the west. and if we look at these laws that way for what interested, but they are mostly fighting for such a development for the building of cost issues for the blending of gas. all these interests extra place explain going to buy with some of them. i funded by 10 is a loans, so they option to prove that you've created that project his lunch because it never be country to be multiple supplies, to have more than you to attract these and says, and to be more productive. that's what they said. these laws have been doing, but we've assumed that little flows, so add them if so there would be nothing much to be said the laws, but they are not a huge debt that needs to be repaid. uh,
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basically in the country make you the kind of restorable and at this stage is not able to access any international financial. busy assistance from anywhere else except maybe sometime in the conference. the china has some the upcoming joint military drills between the us and the philippines and the southeast asian countries walters. they doing as well as windella, like a is becoming what it close. washington is puppets. a tablet i'm from one to china, strongly opposes the us deploying medium range ballistic missile. so the asia pacific and strengthening forward deployments, a china doorstep to seek your new lot. strong military advantage is the us to earnestly respect all the country security concerns, stop stoking military confrontation, stop onto mining, peace and stability in the region and take concrete actions to reduce strategic risk. the philippines needs to think twice about would be
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a catch fall for the us at the expense of its solid security interest and stop sliding down the wrong path. the us military has to produce new midway into the grounds, bass miss all to be in the pacific region for the 1st time ahead of the drills. the exercise is due to stalls on monday and will last almost 3 weeks time. that isn't the only country raising the alonzo single poles for a minister has expressed his concerns to the moment you have an escalation of tension or collisions or military action in the south china sea. it will immediately impair and impede trade. single pores interest is in maintaining peace and stability in one of the world's busiest waterways, which is what the south china sea is. well that's, i discussed this with, i guess now nelson wong, vice chairman of the sun guy, sense of, of impact on the international studies when he, thanks for joining us. it's very nice to see you today. mr. long as we know, the south swan is the, is a power to tag with a lead territorial disputes the so why do you think most in today's apparently
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sticking only to inflame the tensions as well. i think the best thing for you and for administrative was right in pointing out that to the, for the escalation of patients over the thought of trying to see is going to to impart trade and also stability in the region. so i think when it comes to the us, we're not surprised a little surprised at till about their entire shooting to provoke china for all kinds of reasons. first, taiwan and now the philippines at so i think it's important that we give a little background about what's happening in the philippines. it's a, it's, it's all about one island cold or a reef. let's call it the, in english. it's called 2nd thomas a show or in trying to, we call it a run i job. so at the terminal,
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essentially about 25 years ago was 2425 years ago, the philippines and they the run a grow, a very old, outdated, mit nevo shipped. uh, all that and what kind of believed it was, it was done on purpose, but uh that kind of things never admitted this. but however, whatever the case negotiations impulse between the 2 countries did happen during that time whereby the philippines agreed to remove that ship. it, after 25 years, the ship was due, the, the ship was due there. and, and now the philippines, the current government to all the regime, the macos, originally they, uh, they said they open late, denounced that they have never made such
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a commitment. or he is not aware of any such a commitment made to buy this independence. but uh, well things have been documented, but uh, long story short. at the end of things. uh, making a big fuss about it because of china is very angry. how, how can it be that off to 25 years? yes. do not honoring your commitment to do that. right. so yeah, they're all just over a few islands between china and a few countries, but they're all ways to, to solve the disputes in an amicable way. mm. but these times it is that there are the remains for the 25 years, like you say, between the philippines and the, and china, but not helps by washington's. i want to ring up with the philippines. that, i mean, worst is claiming that these military drills a actually to improve the security of the philippines. but of course, to what extent does not come at the expense of china secures,
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is just making the tensions was absolutely, i mean, uh the uh, full countries, i've already announced a joint, a military exercise between the us, the philippines in japan and australia. so of course this is all i'm trying to is boast up in china is quite upset and because it poses a direct, a script to china is secure. it's a of cost website concerned. and so, but let's don't forget that when president marcos 1st came into power and he went to the us uh for a state visit. and i believe quite clearly. and i remember quite clearly he said that the state when he opened up 4 or 5 on the basis military basis for the us. he said quite clearly that they were not supposed to be used to, to, to facilitate anything against china. but now, quite recently,
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he said back to the country, you said yes. they are against china. they are in preparation for any potential conflict with china. so it seems to me that the veterans attendance is that the people in that country tend to forget what the set from time to time. so that's quite bothering actually, and i believe chinese government has now made it very clear and the position is very firm. and there are reports that john is across the carry is already etc, as well because the chinese army is firmly committed to defend the security of our own country. many things that are supposed to be came to us today. that was a really interesting conversation. i thank you mr. nelson. wong, vice chairman of the sun guy, sense of, of impact and international studies have a good day. i thank you. there is
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a clear religious parts to the strife. now is how you pay foreign secretary david time runners describe b esick tension in india is a state of money for when asked about the issue by a british house or below expense. we have have the riots in iowa area where tens of thousands of muslims who account christians have been prosecuted again. and again, does the know the minister minister agree that india is a member of the commonwealth and shooting freedom of believe me at the full french of the commonwealth charter. and i have been occasions where it's been something that we've raised with the indian government. and i think that should continue to be the case. i think it's right to say that we shouldn't done play the religious aspects of some of the strife. yes, sometimes it is communal or tribal o s u,
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but that in many cases, a clear religious part of it and we should be clear about david cameron also noticed that he has closely studied what he called a good report on the indian states. issues within 5 to on the list. david tom pine, ave. all of that investigation detailed last is violence and monday. however, some social media use this has been quick to course as far as coverage for weighing in on in d as in terms of the fast this is an internal matter of india, hence you're speaking about it is not right in any way. have we ever spoken about the issue of london and other places of u. k? so stay away from our internal matters. they should get over their colonial hangover, the u. k. as an insignificant power today. they still think india is their colony. the brits will never get over their colonial hangover to as make violence broke housing money poor in may at last year off to a so called a tribal solidarity knowledge was organized in the chit chat and per district. the
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most was aim to protest against the majority may take immunity, here with them all in doing a scheduled 5 states us over 200 people were supposedly killed in thousands displaced during the classes. the volume is about 2 business days again, early this month when 2 men were killed that. meanwhile, the indian government says it's doing everything possible to improve the situation and do in 5 minutes. it and the random load these things the way says that resolution can only be found repeats. let's close the last well i guess now around me and it runs on this side political on it as tools and call them as many thanks for joining us on. the program stays very nice to see. so what the reactions on social media so that people aren't really happy with david cameron speech. why is that? if any of you, you know, utilizing all the responses that we've gotten, social media,
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really our reflective office and just meant that people have an india about not just so you gave, but the west commenting not just once but dime and again on, in just in the matches india is going to go into elections. boating started, you know, we are going to happen not just move lynch off of people in the wood. it's a very robust democracy. i don't think thing does all but you signaling of you know, should be pointed out to india and in just processes you know, money for was and this is what mr. gamez was uh, commenting on was a very unfortunate incident. be much, however, remember the country off of b and b for money for is a complex state as many of the states. and many of the issues in india are he is a, a new d to a report which equals a.


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