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tv   News  RT  April 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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right, sanchez will be looking for you again. right here. i'm directed that the new report shed lights on the ideas for. let's use that. a word says top 6, you know around 20 pills. with video garza pod playing sounds that resemble the cries of women and children, the better for them. so the method for holding the, the un refugee agency for palestine in dallas a show can report on the electric torture of civilian detainees by the, is really military as india, the, well,
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the most populous nation on law. just democracy taken to the polls to choose these next parliament. we discuss the future, the country's economy with a kind of effect that you can call it up sticker loaded and opportunity please to be able to meet and manage the aspirations. go up in your thoughts, apply to posing the road up, become best tort law discovery. i don't type in any thought about it, plus the west, the queue, this time the of using funny as a political told us also bad things like song number. it was involved ways, interest free. the a very welcome. this is the well, these updates coming to live that from most go straight to have you with us on top story us state department spokesperson for don patel just being grilled by journalist some who's saying the official adults to question on with the
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palestinians in dosa are protected by the geneva conventions of the rules of the war. do you recognize the geneva conventions as applied either amazon or questions that have the they did it and your colleagues? deceitfully responded to a do you recognize geneva conventions? it's a simple question. go, how do you recognize the geneva conventions? i don't mind the guys when you interrupt me and it's not. it's not a matter of you. i'm not good at a simple tank. additional. the simple question. go ahead. you got 2 questions. i literally concert. no, i didn't get to you, did you as you asked a question about why report and you asked to follow on, please go ahead and other your number from new york easy to answer. go ahead. so the geneva conventions apply to gaza or not got by the everywhere on the planet except for the palestinians. isn't that right v. i continue to stress everywhere and everywhere that the international humanitarian law needs to be invited by and respect that goes to the geneva conventions. apply you are now interrupting your
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colleagues, and you are not insisting on an answer to a critical question. go ahead. they repose in question published by the year and that's monitor human rights group. elijah, is there some dozens hood would have paid to be the sounds of screaming women and children tearing nighttime ideas strikes when the civilian steps outside the shelves as to investigate the noises they were reportedly killed by is ready. drones and snipers, as the sounds were apparently designs to new them out, some residence, those that revolted hearing songs being played in arabic and hebrew. some audio file circulating on social media a paid to carry such distressing sounds, heard by low close in the news, throughout the refugee camp in gaza, or the or what the full on. and i'm afraid i'm a small, a small better solution. but other stages i just saw some of that,
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but now it's a lot of what we discussed this with vatcher. and what would you want to list on political allister lines? i'm not near who sees the idea is apparently using psychological wolf to target civilians. is the one of the most on ethical behavior. yeah. all these really a more on the that prove street sense to be the most it more and the what? because all divide agent of human rights, the, the commit to commit and will crime the crimes against you by the fee. so these really on the right kind of was doing the side to kids with me for this being in the make decisions because nobody is not the minutes is was rushing outside and they tend to have it just doing all women. and they also get
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used to every, with the offices, 2300000. it really is living being that, you know, it gives me that would come out and try to have children and we may be in distress . so taking advantage of the monthly fee also for the seeing it is something that is on the in many garza and civilians are being subjected to brutal abuse including sexual violence and told you a while. and is wally military detention as, according to a new report from the u. n. refugee agency for pa, this done, which has released some hiring testimonies of some minus. and they made me sits on sorts of like a hot metal stick kind of felt like fire. i have bones into a notice the soul just hit me with the shoes on my chest and you sell to like a muscle stick that had a small nail on the side. they asked us to drink from the toilets and made the dogs
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attack us. there were people who were detained and killed, maybe 9 of them. one of them died after they put the electric stick off his anus. he got so sick we saw was coming out of his body and then he died. well, oh no, i says it based. it's report on testimonies of palestinians freed from is really the tension between november last year. and this april. the agency document the release of more than $1500.00 detainees from gas on including $43.00 children and 80 for women. and on those released were the agencies employees and their relatives . there were also old and sick people among the chinese injured people. those with disabilities and with mental problems, they testified being held incommunicado between interrogations and was appeared to be, make shift military barracks, housing, up to 120 people. sometimes for several weeks. transported there by trucks. palestinians reported while in detention they were beaten up,
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forced to lie on seeing mattresses on top of rubble for hours without food, the water access to toilet with their legs and hands tied. several detainees reported being forced to into pages and attacked by dogs. some of them including one child, had dulled by tones on the body of the report states. detainees also said they were forced to sit on their knees for 12 to 16 hours a day blindfolded with their hands tied some on the wall. a staff members reported they experience swore to bolting a form of torture, simulate and drowning france of rape and electrocution were forced to strip naked westfield. they'll fault a raft while without clothes. some reports as they were forced to act like animals or even you related on. here are some of the testimonies. they ask the soldiers to speed on me saying she's a, she's from gaza. they would bid and us as we moved and saying they would put 5
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owners sensitive parts. janet, else they pulled us beat us. they took us into boss to the demon, present up to 5 base and male soldiers to call for. i had jobs and they pinched us and touched all bodies, including our breasts. we were blindfolded and we were feeling them touching us, pushing our hats to the bus. we started to squeeze together to try to protect ourselves from detection. they said they told the soldiers to take all their shoes and slip our faces with them. female palestinian detained is described being psychologically abused, reported inappropriate touch in different searches. and both men and women report of the threats and incidents that may amount to sexual violence and harassment by the idea of several people were admitted to hospitals, straight off to be released. detainees also testified the idea of confiscated, therapist sessions, including ideas and money. and generally, it was never returned to after the release, many testified about various threats,
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the idea of use to get information they needed. do you run into allegations? let's take a listen. shut book shows me my whole neighborhood on a computer screen and asked me to tell them about old persons they pointed to who's this, who's this, etc. if i didn't recognize someone, the soldiers threatened to bump my home. she asked me when my home didn't evacuated itself. i told her my brothers and my father stayed at home. she said, if you don't confess with own formation, will bomb your home and kill your family. the palestinian prisoner society says these relative fuses to disclose the number of chasms a detained over the past 6 months after the war and guys and started. oh there where without several is rarely n g has travelled through geneva or earlier this week to the alarm before the un about the serious crisis inside is really jails in terms of a number of inmates. and that's richmond. one of the law says it sent official requests to israel off to the report about ill treatment was published. these
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really military denied the allegations as you remember, e's real believes and that a wall is links to have mass. milton groups earlier is accused a number of their when these agencies stuff of been involved in the 7th of october have mass attacks on israel. it led to another while a major donor is cutting their funds before any investigation. later, most of them returned, but the reputation of agency known for providing a to palestinian refugees for decades was of course as quote, washington is deeply concerned by claims in the most with an underwater ford state department deputies spokesperson said the us now vows to press israel to conduct the full investigation. the big question, however, is whether israel will listen and even if there is a pro, will those responsible be brought to justice? in less than 24 hours, india will begin the largest exercise of democracy in the world. uh,
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the voting has already started in some parts of the country and then the 1000000000 people are heading to the poles and a 6 week long parliamentary election with the 1st phase tossing on friday. we are, of course we can do special coverage of the event the of the indian economy as a case through this taking center stage of citizens for past choose the next parliament prime minister. the main policies contesting the pole of the ruling b, j. p. on the indian national congress, here's what they've said ahead of the votes. we are committed to, as soon as the law came to transform it, just put time, so of manufacturing to create employment opportunities and drive economic expansion will ensure that india remains the worlds fastest growing major economy and future
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while maintaining mach cross stability with supply to be of the was the largest economy by 2030. well, projection is important because activities equal importance, any embezzlement, legal, administrative to logic production, ohio value will be removed. the congress has committed to rapid growth in generation of both. we have said to target of doubling budget to be in the next 10 years. india is the wells false. it's growing economy which was estimate to the $3.00 trillion dollars last year. the countries g d p growth we service 7 percent making did the world's 5th largest economy, having to on 5 spots and the rankings over the last decade. and these use is at the forefront of a digital revolution. and the next few years, the country tends to become a tech power house. and the major producer of semi conductor is the key goals include the fostering of entrepreneurship and the removal of obstacles and business
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development. and the as foreign policy is also aimed of attracting a lot more foreign investments. we discussed some of these prospects with experts from the country, a, b, r, a, a very, very large country. and therefore, i think one of the biggest obstacles of, well either you can call it up sticker loan, an opportunity is to be able to meet and manage the aspirations of a very, very large number of young people, 65 percent of india on the $35.00 we had about $2425000000.00 people to order a population every year. so i think one challenge is going to be how do we make sure that we continue to provide opportunities for growth and prosperity for a very large number of people. number 2 is that why the data has been a very substantiate amount of investment in infrastructure. and people like me who live in the lodge metropolitan cities i've, i've seen amazing highway is like we would see in most of other parts of
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a developer. what i do believe that some more work needs to be done to be able to take infrastructure and make it more accessible in our router areas. so many the things we have not happening or the starting moving is that either. so as far as the you're making it up, it's becoming to the energy project saw in the pipeline. and some of in the video was states. i know these 6 tubs, it was very majestic to available apartments. but in the united states, i think i'd sooner we wouldn't be, you know, was a tv, the kind of for, for, you know, since the featured seats that the beautiful country has been to, you know, looking at for the long, sort of thing. remote in the hub, it has the highest picnic every 3 months club, so it will be produced. 30 folding to 50, lack continuously to get we have that you don't mind far required for taking the country forward. we have some vision though, also to match the profit of what the,
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what has happened in the past. no speed, the future will be much faster and you go up and decides quite to fully putty, viewed up, become the 3rd largest economy. i don't have any doubt about it. well, what's a has done to talks with formal countries to mirror the rwanda migrant deportation scheme. title is revealed by leaks documents outlining the government's procedures have additional foods. country agreements, policy correspondence, egleston of hospital, the u. k. prime minister has had it with a legal migration, we will get flights off the ground. we will to, to really go migrants from coming here. and we will finally stop the boat's, get flights off the ground. stop to boat, the migraines. what exactly is going on here? well, it is the final portion of the british conservative party to deport asylum seekers and boss and initiative announce back in 2022 by then prime minister bar. as
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johnson on new migration, you cannot make developing partnership with me the anyone entering the u. k. illegally as well as those who have arrived illegally since january. the 1st may now be relocated to one. yeah, a product that you can do that you can send little plain loads of refugees to a 3rd country to await a decision on the immigration. please as well as long as your mindset is colonial enough and as long as you are you said the country in this case rhonda has somebody for the trouble. the biggest hurdle preventing british authorities from holding all these are, some of them seek is back into africa's woman embrace. is the ruling of the u. k. high court. last november, 5 judges ruled the one the initiative illegal because wanda surprise isn't exactly
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a safe country as medicine, the evidence establishes substantial grounds for believing that there was a real risk that asylum claims to not be disturbing properly. and that asylum seekers will in consequence be at risk of being returned directly owens directly to the country of origin. what to do? well, the sooner government didn't think long less than the months of to the ruling. it's introduced another bill, the sole purpose of which is to declare a one, the a welcome destination. the supreme court were clear that they were making a judgment about rolanda at a specific moment 18 months ago, and that the problems could be remedies. today we are confirming that they have been added on the quickly. rwanda is a safe country by the power vested in me. i declare rhonda a safe place just like that as if a new lu, even one pledging to strengthen protections for migrants on paper, can magically queue a whole country from danger to the new shell. thoughts that 1 may have wrapped
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is or why the u. k. is deciding, and when you go immigrants to exclusively african countries and not america or another european countries isn't because we have a community on him over so as off throwing money or programs that they created. history can because i couldn't leave them as a great cause of that divisions. all of the problems that are coming to ongoing in these countries away, immigrants are coming from. but the tories on face that's easily. so what if they are still to devote the very 1st asylum seeker to, to one to under the new initiative? they already have a whole list of nations that they see as candidates for one way destinations for migrant who at the expense of the locals on buquet tax pay. of course,
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i am not sure if it will be coming in, but on my end i also don't on be acceptable because it opens and will draw not off to couldn't be 92 and to all sorts of appeals is no better drunk check is expected to be made when the use of indigo immigrants come because what to the u. k. law says that immediately the i haven't me. ok the be shipped out to the host country where that's what's on the ivory coast to run the whatever. i need to remind you that will be paid around that $300000000.00 us dollars. so it just bribery, traffic and government gains to the security or that i want you to show one might say that may be since brendan's foreign policies in many ways created the refugee crisis in the 1st place. perhaps it should take more responsibility. on the
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other hand, why both uh when you can simply drive and tie nations into becoming the case. outsourced immigration detention centers to china has risen off a number of zimbabwe, his interest free loans in all the countries for the full amount of a story of independence. badging also promised to help the southern african government find a way out of is crippling that crisis showing that judges grades and board is the result things about was that issues trying and we'd like to enhance communication with his above the government to work out pro statements through funded consultation as a concrete measure, china has gotten those above us interest free loans, which mature by the end of 2015. and then bob, we recently grappled to reach an agreement with creditors to restructure its own sustainable debt. as of last d, as in bob ways publicly guaranteed debts did it over $17000000000.00 of which
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$9013.00 was external. most of that debt is attributed to loans from china as the african country remains ineligible for financial support from global institutions like the world's bank and i am ass due to pos defaults on repayments. meanwhile, some west inquiry takes it accuse china of using loans full political leverage in africa was involved way in political analysts. the could cite with easy size, exact, with e weston money that's driving the country down insights as that is being football. got into some of the west because if you look at the thing about the debt is that it is struggling with is the full time you do the depths and that is owed to the work banking listed financial institutions. each is almost simple daughter because the initial amount of that was part is almost the effect of what it is for. we now which means the rest of it is obvious, but it's been that they've been piling up by the end,
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the keep going unless there's a solution. every 2 terms of did research. sorry. so we have the dip set, not some time from the west. and if we look at chevy as low as that way for white inches above it, they are mostly placed for such a development where the duty of tell us to shift for the blending of gas. all these interest extra pleasure explain going to buy with some of them. i funded by 10 is a loans. so they option of production credit, their projected loans because it never be country to be moved to a surprise to you more than you to. i tried to use it says enter the more productive. that's where they said these laws have been doing. but we've assumed that little flows, so add them if so the big nothing must be said the laws, but they are not a huge debt that needs to be repaid. basically in the country making they come to stop boards at this stage is not able to access any international financial
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assistance from anywhere else except maybe some time and at the same conference and the latest the time to get the controversial foreign aid package policy. us lawmakers have decided to break it all down into several separate bills and creating a $60000000000.00 deal for ukraine. how speaking, mike johnson has vowed to support the bill despite his previous touchstone. so again, steven, considering his what i'm doing here, what i believed to be the right thing, i think for providing legal lady a grain right now is critically important. before we even talk about ukraine, i'm going to tell the president when i'm telling all of you and we've told the american people border border border, we need a clarity on what we're doing in ukraine and how will have proper oversight of the spending of precious taxpayer dollars and american citizens, the republican warehouse will not be jammed or forced into passing or for an aid bill that was opposed by most republican senators. and does nothing to secure our
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own board. this time for washington to start showing some love to americans while this new ukrainian a to bill proposed by the house speaker mike johnson is a real 1. 80 turn for the republicans who are just recently criticizing joe biden, for having the stance of unconditional support for ukraine. this new proposal seems to send ukraine long range tactical ballistic missiles and also allocate another $61000000000.00 for purposes connected to the ukraine. conflicts $23000000000.00 of that going to replenishing us arsenals that have been depleted as a result of sending weapons ukraine. it seems like such a bizarre turnaround for mike johnson doesn't know. because as we saw in the ground, that he was the one about the board as board as board, as he never put his thoughts. i spend the money at home and not abroad. and now here is, um, would this take you to a very different to support change? yeah, well there is actually a caps to all this 8 if we can even call it that. it might even be better to call
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it just that because part of the terms of this proposal is that ukraine is going to have to pay this back down the line under the terms of the proposal. ukraine has the opportunity to negotiate with the white house and in terms of just how much it's going to be expected to pay back, but that's going to be done before november 15th of this year. so really at the end of the day, if you read between the lines this proposal looks like a great opportunity for washington to make some money and also for an ukraine into a debt slave state. johnson has also come out and support of sending ukraine u. s. made patriot air defense systems, and this is even something that nato and the european union of course, has come out in support have as well i, the leaders and native leaders put together already a draft agreements to that incident to send new crane these missile different these air defense systems with both germany's chancellor and holland's prime minister, leading the charge, calling on other e u. member states that haven't yet gotten on board to follow suit and ask for you
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on stoughton burke. i mean, he said that if he was given the opportunity to strength and nato's defensive capabilities or send more weapons to ukraine, he would choose the latter, despite the facts at washington's already said that these patriots systems are not even effective against brushes. hypersonic missiles send more to ukraine to have systems available, and that is a, is a big enough to enable us to deliver significantly more to ukraine when it comes to air defense in general. and also when it comes to a picture of buttress. and that's exactly what do i working on? and the patriot missile system is really designed to go after ballistic missiles. and it's, it's not as effective on cruise missiles and it's certainly not going to be effective against drones now. effective or not effective as long as the west send something then it feels that it's holding up it's side of the bargain. after all, the waste oldenburg sees it,
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it's up to the west to supply the weapons and it's up to the key it for seem to supply made for the grinder you creating needs people and equipment need allies can provide the equipment by supplying more support than they do now as for people, ukraine should provide that he has just passed a new law extending the age of conscription. i am confident that ukraine will make the decisions needed to mobilize and necessary number of people. so once again, for his part is definitely keeping up his end of this deal with the devil as the just recently assigned off on a new aconia and conscription law that would lower the conscription age to 25 years of age. and this has something that knew where it says want it for a long time. so it's very possible that this new uh, this new proposal, if you create an aide and the proposal to send patriot ad air defense missiles, systems could be somewhat of a gift to key of for signing off on this law. but this is also something that is a curse for the ukranian people and definitely a hard sell for them. as we've seen. based on the fact that the head of ukraine's
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presidential office has been traveling around the country, essentially trying to convince people to die for their country. we know people are flying in and we hear is from regional governors and from the people themselves, which will to some of the most dangerous places to rally citizens and soldiers for the fight. we tell people your name will be in the history books. so we've got some more of a good cop bad cop situation here, where the good cop is trying to inspire the glory of martyrdom in the ukrainian people. and the bad cop is essentially ready to snatch up 25 year olds in the middle of the night. and send them to the front to die for a country that's essentially gonna be even more in depth into its western patrons, that it already is at the end of this war. you claims the military intelligence chief has apparently tried to justify fresh attacks on civilians in russia by saying such strikes will make them think twice about backing the criminal. when you're sitting,
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say in st. petersburg and you're seeing the war only on tv. you will always be supportive, but people start to get nervous when some facility is attacked near their house. a small scale was accused key as of office racing multiple attacks on civilians in russia. 145 people were killed in a terrace cells on the cro, cuz constant hole in most go on the 22nd of march. previously journalist dahlia duke and i was assassinated that i called for me as well. correspondent in flatland petoskey was also killed by a bomb, hated in the stats you as we go reactions to kids later statements on the west and stones. when adults i'm chief editor of the mc, let the news outlets. yeah, there's put, kind of we have to ask why they are escalating all the time these quarterly, of course, what they themselves do. as usual, they blame, garage from doing and, and, and be these, these is the nature of these, these go on between the west and east, whatever the way do they start to blame of their own offices of bowers from that
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location is, are they taking a major role in this conflict, why they are doing these regions, they are desperate to get russia for will good to continue to empower dis going forward. they don't. oh, going dan, something of what they are doing by themselves. many thanks for your company here in nazi and to nationalize, always appreciate this. so for me, for today, but even though now we'll be here with all the lights to this. hopefully. yeah the the
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