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tv   News  RT  April 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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find themselves well the parts we choose to look so common ground the the sexual torture using hot metal roads and electric sticks. just some of the extremely distressing and graphic good colleagues revealed by the un refugee agency for palestine, which has interviewed gals is released from is really military detention about sounds, a new investigation by a human rights group. she has lights on the id apps reported use of drones to rods and killed palestinians by main songs that presented the cries of the women and children the port. let's go
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to the scene to visit some of the civil also ahead rushes. you and i'm also direct cheeses, washington of using as power of the security council, dysfunctional the killing of people in gal to israel. the world's most populous nation prefers to take 2 vehicles to choose a direct problem and we discuss what's expected to be the key issue. for many indian voters, the economy 5, you can call it up sticker loaded. and opportunity is to be able to meet and manage the aspirations, go up, insides quite. totally put the build up, becomes the top load only. i don't have the
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one minute past midnight in most go. this is our t international to our top story. this our many gals, instead billions how big subjected to brutal abuse allegedly including sexual violence and torture. while in this really military detention. that's according to a new report from the u. n. refugee agency for palestine, which has released some hardaway, testimonies of survivors. and they made me sits on sorts of like a hot metal stick, kind of felt like fire his bones into a notice the soul just hit me with the shoes on my chest. and you sell to like a muscle stick that had a small nail on the side. they asked us to drink from the toilets and laid the dogs attack us. there were people who were detained until maybe 9 of them. one of them died after they put the electric stick off his anus. he got so sick we saw was coming out of his body and then he died. well, oh no,
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i says age based. it's report on testimonies of palestinians freed from is really the tension between november last year. and this april. the agency documented the release of more than $1500.00 detainees from guys on including $43.00 children and 80 for women. and on those released were of the agencies, employees and their relatives. they were also old and sick people among the tanny's injured people, those with disabilities and with mental problems. they testified being held incommunicado between interrogations, and also appear to be, make shift military barracks, housing, up to $120.00 people. sometimes for several weeks. transported their by trucks. palestinians reported while in detention they were beaten up, forced to lie on seeing mattresses on top of rubble for hours without food, water access to toilet with their legs and hands tied. several detainees reported being forced to into pages and attacked by dogs. some of them including one child,
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had dulled by tunes on the body of the report states. detainees also said they were forced to sit on their knees for 12 to 16 hours a day blindfolded with their hands tied some on the wall. a staff members reported they experience swore to bolting a form of torture, simulate and drowning france of rape and electrocution, were forced to stripped naked or film till photographed while without clothes. some reports they were forced to act like animals or if and you're related on. here are some of the testimonies. the ask the soldiers to speed on me saying she's a, she's from gaza. they would bid and us as we moved and saying they would put 5 owners sensitive parts genitals, they pulled us beat us. they took us into boss to the demon, present up to 5 base and male soldiers took over. i had jobs and they pinched us. and touched all bodies including our breasts. we were blindfolded and we were
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feeling them touching us, pushing our hats to the bus. we started to squeeze together to try to protect ourselves from detection. they said they told the soldiers to take all their shoes and slip or spaces with them. females, palestinian detains, described being psychologically abused, reported inappropriate touch in different searches. and both men and women reported threats and incidents that may amount to sexual violence and harassment by the idea of several people were admitted to hospitals, straight off to be relieved. detainees also testified the idea of confiscated their processions, including ideas and money. and generally, it was never returned to after the release, many testified about various threats, the idea of use to get information they needed. do you run into allegations? so let's take a listen show bucks showed me my whole neighborhood on a computer screen and asked me to tell them about old persons. they pointed to who
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is this, who is this, etc. if i didn't recognize someone, the soldiers threatened to bull my home. she asked me when my home didn't evacuated itself. i told her my brothers and my father stayed at home. she said, if you don't confess with own formation, will bomb your home and kill your family. the valet stayed in prison, our society says it's relative refuses to disclose the number of gallons a detained over the past 6 months after the war. and guys have started all their whereabouts. several is rarely n g, as travels through geneva or earlier this week to the alarm before the un about the serious crisis inside is really jails in terms of a number of inmates. and that's richmond. one of the law says it sent official requests to israel off to the report about ill treatment was published. these really military denied the allegations as you remember, e's real believes another one is links to have mass milton groups or there is accused a number of their when these agencies stuff or being involved in the 7th of october
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have mass attacks on age ro. it led to another while a major donor is cutting their funds before any investigation later and most of them returned. but the reputation of agency, known for providing a to palestinian refugees for decades was of course as boiled. washington is deeply concerned by claims in the most with an underwater ford state department, the deputy spokesperson said the us now vows to press israel to conduct the full investigation. the big question, however, is whether israel will listen and even if there is a pro, will those responsible be brought to justice maria phenomena in jerusalem while the hospital in the southern most gals in the city of what off it is now treating palestinians released by v as really defense forces, children are among those with a part in signs of torture. the
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a group of a $150.00 detainees return to gas. on monday, through the cut of shalom crossing with israel, they've been speaking out about the alleged abuse. they suffered at the hands of the ideas. and when these really forces came to the shelter of school, they separated the men from the women and they got us into the trucks and took us to prison and all the way there. we were severely beaten and kicked, i only suffered minor wounds and my leg inside the prison, my leg could be got infected. i asked to be hospitalized, but these realities were stalling. finally, my legs swelled up the lot and turned to blue. my underwent 2 surgeries to clean up my leg, but to no avail. at cheap on medical center, they said my leg must be amputated because my life was in danger. i was treated very badly all the time. i spent 15 days there, but it felt like 50 years. i weighed 80 kilo's and today i am fairly 50. i was
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psychologically tortured from 6 am to 11 pm. we were not allowed to speak a word, otherwise they forced us to stand motionless against the wall for 2 hours. the also fed us multi bred portfolio, has these childs made to be shot out in prison and tortured what full has he made these unarmed and he isn't a member of him. us for is i'm and you had felt seen and children were denied leaving their child suits. where are the human rights organizations? we've been to bring some food when these really shot at us and the rest of us on our way to preexisting we were beaten and tortured inside the prison, were also talking shirts were not allowed to speak or move. otherwise they punished us by spraying us with gas or releasing dogs on us. in some cases,
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3 soldiers was severely beaten. a single prison though with sticks were being taught, so it's around the clock they want installed to the us, and we could not respond every 3 days. they would release the dogs out of the prison. this beats us costly and randomly were leaving. and how doing the 50 days response and present all the prisoners and wants it to be released. they want it either to be done or released, but never to stay in presence. i know are people in gas and protected by the geneva conventions on the rules of word theory? yes, they are. everyone is but take a look at the following recent exchange on the between the us state department spokesperson and they draw damian policy. the name journalist, do you recognize the geneva conventions apply? i've ever seen your questions, you've had to have the they did it and your colleagues deceitfully responded to a do you recognize the geneva conventions? it's a simple question. go, how do you recognize the geneva conventions which it finds the guys when you
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interrupt me and it's not, it's not a matter of you. i'm not going to have a simpleton additional, by the way. it is a simple question. go ahead. you've got 2 questions. i literally concert, no, i didn't get to you, did you? i knew you asked a question about why report and you asked the following. please go ahead and other your number from your pc to answer go ahead. so the geneva conventions apply to gaza or not get why the everywhere on the planet except for the palestinians. isn't that right? v continue to stress everywhere. and everywhere that the international humanitarian law needs to be abided by and respected. go has the geneva conventions apply. you are now interrupting your calling god and you are not about to you on insisting on an answer to a critical question. go ahead. look background to the us folks. person's refusal to answer centers on the report published by the euro med monitor human rights, but alleging that some thousands hertz lots appeared to be the science of screaming women and children coming from adf drones. when the civilian stepped outside their
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shelters to investigate the noises they were reportedly killed by, it's really trips as the signs were to pardon the design to the newer militants, i'd side some residents also say they heard songs being played an art, a big keeper as well. social media posts have been relating a recording from a local resident in the news, the raft, refugee camp and gals, or will it just to have heard on this really drone playing the voice of a crying child the or what the football. and i'm afraid you me for this month, a subsidy. so, but other stages of the saw some of the for the it's a lot of little while we discussed this new part and tactic with best friend war
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journalist, elijah, and maggie who sees it's likely in his view that the idea of is using psychological more for it to target goals. this is the one of the most on at the go to pay. yeah . all these really a more on the that prove 3 said it's to be the most it more in the what? because all the by the agent of human rights that the commit to committing will crimes, the crimes against you by the fee. so these really on the right kind of was doing the side to kids with me for this being in the make this advance because normally it is not the minutes ends was a rushing outside and they tend to have it just doing for women. and they also be used to every, with the offices, 2300000. it really is living dot that asking never to be, they would come out and try to have children and we,
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you may be in distress. so taking advantage of, do you mind me see also seeing if there's something that is on the, in the un security council is expected to vote shortly on palestine bid to become a fully fledged member of the world body. speaking ahead of the session, rushes on, voice slum the us for it stands only is really polished and you can call it like i'm the use of visual powers on the consul or somebody comes the colored thing is, can our american colleagues did not hide the fact that they see the security council as an obstacle, one that should not interfere with their effective diplomacy on the ground. in reality, this was to grant their main middle eastern ally a free hand in clearing the enclave. the us hypocritically accused as russia and china of v towing their fine product. yet our veto serves as an example of why the
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veto tool is needed. and single tediously answers those who are demanding it's abolition. it is needed to prevent the adoption of unbalanced and deceitful decisions pushed by washington. well, we heard the russian envoys speaking before the 15 member body that leads the united nations and before the security council, russian ambassador and then z, a highlighted the double standards and hypocrisy of western countries that are constantly lecturing the world about human rights. the protections of civilians, civil liberties, and so many issues, but then conveniently turning a blind eye to is railey crimes and atrocities. now at this point, there over 240 united nations workers who have been killed. israel has attacked humanitarian envoys and western countries continued to protect israel at the un security council. and at this point, uh,
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they seem to be allowing israel to carry out further escalations in the region. this is what russian ambassador and eventually you said before the council at the meeting with the new unless it is up and the girl agreement was due to the fault of our western colleagues. specifically the united states, the u. k. and france, the council could not condemn these really strikes on the reigning consulate in damascus on april. first, this failure undermines the very foundation of international relations, the invoice liability of diplomatic and consular premises and personnel, and such neglect from the west towards individual states and their rights, dividing the world into those above the law and those whose legitimate interests can be ignored. it has brought the middle east to the brink of a major war. now the meeting which is discussing the issue of a possible recognition of both statehood by the united nations member status for the palestinian state. as the issue being discussed,
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we did hear the palestinian authority take to the floor and make a plea that they be recognized and not simply observers that the united nations but be given full united nations member state status. and we heard israel thunderously condemned, such a possibility. yours the war of words on the floor of the un security council. several members express the view that the admission of the state of palestine to membership in the united nations was a political matter rather than a technical or legal requirements. in other words, you on charter it'd be damned international law be damned. they're just em 2 words on paper rights, do you and is no longer about to multilateralism. sadly, it is now committed to multi terrorism and the security council. terror pays off its shameful. as i have always pulled out the political rocks within the un that
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sadly nothing here is based on truth and justice, but toxic politicized station. and today, the mask is finally folded, and the council has exposed to expose itself yolanda and samuel phillip to see how good granting the state of palestine from membership of the united nations. similar to other countries around the world damaged the prospects of peace between palestinians and israelis. how could this recognition and this membership and international peace and security? this question, ladies and gentlemen, we ask specifically to the united states and other countries that oppose grand in the state of palestine full membership at a time when they recognize israel, which is the other party and is really boasting and conflict and has granted easily a full membership of united nations and to those to say that the recognizing the palestinian state must happen through negotiations and not through un resolution. we want to once again, i was the state of his real establishment. how was it recognized?
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wasn't that down through a un resolution? which is resolution 181. and while they're now trying to is robin handed the adoption of such a resolution. by this time the international community cannot stand idly by while the countries of both international law enjoys impunity. israel shoulders full responsibility for the mass of destruction, of guys as self informants continued to aggression. it is also the responsibility of countries that have supported easement with weapons and funds and provided israel with political protection. now the meeting is proceeding and it is expected that there should be a vote on the issue of palestinian recognition in the next few hours as well. caleb record is that set number of hours i go and in fact we can say right now. so news just in from new york where the u. s. has indeed vetoed a policy and in paid for a full membership of the united nations, washington, how to nights the moved up the do so number of hours earlier. we also have been
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very clear, consistently that premature actions in new york, even with the best intentions, will not achieve statehood for the house. and young people in the united states is voting no on this proposed security council resolution. let's cross live now. i to geo political on the left, the eddie smith joining us from iowa in the us. any good to have you on the program? yeah, not, not a big shock, just tearing up the us has vetoed at the policy any and bid for statehood. but in terms of the, the wider reasons behind that the us and issue a claim that at doing not recognizing paula sign that the un will not health but statehood currently. do you agree a god. no, i don't agree. i think that admitting palestine to the un would put them on a path to statehood. and the alternative that the us is offering is, is negotiating a deal between the palestinian authority is real in the united states. but the
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palestinian people have no faith in the palestinian authority ever since the oslo accords. in the early nineties, all the palestinian authority is really done is allowed israel to enforce their occupation via remote control. so the palestinian people have very, very little faith in the palestinian authority, which is why so many of them are now supporting a group like come us that advocates for a one state solution rather than a 2 state solution. and it's so hypocritical, because the us has agreed to support the 2 state solution time and time again, it's embodied in countless un resolutions that the us in israel support this 2 state solution. but now you have the 2 state solution on the table. and here comes the us to, to knock it down. what is it the timing? because right now, of course that he, there's so many issues that play, you've got the ongoing more not least the lock of a clear government seemed by the stream between hom, us and fall to the former, kicked the laughter right. of guys that in a bloody episode in 2007,
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you've got the hostages still being held by how most with old out of play. perhaps it is the best time to bring a front and center and palestinian statehood. or is it not? it's hard to know. yeah, yeah, it is hard to know, but i think i think the public is united, you know, at least outside of the united states and israel, the vast majority of people are disgusted by what they're seeing right now. their attention is focused on gaza and palestine more than that. it has been in years. um, so now i think it is a better time than any other to start pushing for palestinian statehood which the us in israel and, and you know, said that they, they agree within the past. that's the thing, the likely and when it comes to independence it's, it's not that it's not clean, it's messy, isn't it? so perhaps this is the time that the us, by the way, has also used it's vito, a power to prevent resolutions for a complete cease fire in gas. and this is more than 6 months on all of the,
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of these really invasion. why do you think washing tennessee mainly prefers to see the war continued. they may say publicly, we don't. but the russians tell a different tale. absolutely, and i mean that's why the palestinians at this point have no faith in israel and the palestinian authority or the us to negotiate in good faith. because publicly they say one thing we're telling israel to show restrain for pushing for a ceasefire. but then when it comes to voting, they both the exact opposite way. it seems as if the u. s. will do anything to provide cover for israel, and they're slow ethnic cleansing of the palestinians. and one thing i think this situation really highlights is that is real, is completely reliant on the us. um, the occupation that is real and forces in palestine and the apartheid would be impossible without one the funding from the us. and the arms of the us gives them,
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but also the geo political cover that the u. s. provides for is real at the united nations and, you know, and there appears to be no end to, to what the us will do in order to cover for israel's crimes internationally. the view of american geo political allies to eddie smith live on the program. thank you . any. thank you. now just hours from now, india will begin the largest extra size of democracy in the world. it's parliamentary elections, part of which will also see the countries next leader elected early voting house already started in some parts of the nation. nearly a 1000000000 people hard to believe are eligible to have their say in a 6 week long fall. it's the 1st phase of which begins on friday and our t would bring you special coverage of the major event. the
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will the indian economy and the money in their pocket is a key issue. of course for voters, when is it not as they prepare to choose their next parliament on prime minister, the main parties contesting the port or the ruling beach at p. um, the indian national congress, your swap, they've said ahead of the vote. we are committed to the law came to transform it just for time, so of manufacturing to create employment opportunities. and dr. economic expansion will ensure that india remains the worlds fastest growing, major economy and future, while maintaining mach cross stability with supply to be of the wells, the largest economy by 2030. what production is important because activities equal importance, any embezzlement, legal, administrative to logic, presumption, ohio value will be removed. the congress has committed to rapid growth and generation of both. we have set a target of doubling budget to be in the next 10 years. this is the worlds fastest
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growing economy, the size of which was estimated at $3.00 trillion dollars last year. the countries g d, p, grew by 7 percent during that period and is projected to increased by around the same number this year. how many countries would love those figures? well, india is now the world's 5th largest economy, having jumped 5 spots in the rankings over the past decade. and another issue, india is use are at the forefront of a digital revolution. over the next few years, the nation plans to become a tech powerhouse and a major producer of semi conductors. other king goals include the fostering of entrepreneurs and the removal of the obstacles and business development. india is foreign policy is also angel, attracting significantly more investment. we discussed the countries prospects with a panel of experts. piano are a very, very large country and therefore i think one of the biggest obstacles of,
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well either you can call it up stickler an opportunity is to be able to meet and manage the aspirations of a very, very large number of young people. 65 percent of india are under $35.00. we at about 2425000000 people to our a population every year. so i think one challenge is going to be how do we make sure that we continue to provide opportunities for growth and prosperity for a very large number of people. number 2 is that why the data has been a very substantial amount of investment in infrastructure. and people like me who live in the lodge metropolitan cities i've, i've seen amazing highway is like we would see in most of other parts of the developed what i do believe that some more work needs to be done to be able to take infrastructure and make it more accessible in our router areas. so many things we have not yet started moving. is that either?
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so as far as the, you know, making it up, it's becoming to the entity the project saw in the pipeline. and some of the video was states, or they know these 6 tubs, it was very majestic to available apartments, the united states. i think ive sooner we will be get off of achieving the kind of uh for you know, sense for future seats. that the, you know, out and the husband to, you know, looking at, for the loan sort of thing. you know, in the hub, it has the highest a technically 3 month club. so it will be produced, or do you told me to put the 50 lot continuously to get the hub that you don't mind fight acquired for taking the country forward. we have some vision though, also to match the property. you know what the, what has happened in the past? no speed, the future will be much faster. and you up in your thoughts quite so who put the viewed up become the 3rd largest economy? i don't have any doubt about it. well,
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we will insure you don't miss any of the moments, not mattress india heads to the polls or a special coverage of the countries parliamentary elections, which will run until june begins this friday. the around is bracing for on this really response to its retaliatory. large scale rock and roll and strike on the jewish state last weekend. the islamic republics, military sites, it's ready to head back with much greater force if any of its nuclear facilities are attacked by the idea. the model is venomous. nuclear sites have been identified and we have the necessary information about all telling me is that we have on a finger on a trigger, a fighting storm. this cell so distorted this one, they didn't tell us in response to
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a potential attack was that works between one and a half. they get a short term. as discussions of news entered the freight form, which housing authority strikes against as well as responded with the washer flash project, even stronger counter measures however, the situation matic twist. now what is well be is showing warnings about targeting . it was nuclear facilities. tar. tony. revelation showing elsewhere but also pursue the development of a new lease or on the wire gc unit that's in charge of protecting your sites. your facilities will leave with no other option, but to reconsider each declared nuclear policies i gather. how does that.


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