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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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the, the, the, the world's largest in democracy in the goes to the pool. so for general elections watch our special coverage on the race. attentions rise between iran and israel were from sports emerging of a missile strike in central auron. see what is the goal of the us? resolution is to break the will of palestinians to make them unconditionally submit to the occupying power and rush as you want them. baset are slammed washington from be towing policies request for full membership at the united nations. the the are watching our to international live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. we're
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covering the top new stories from around the world. the world's largest democracy goes to the poles for general elections that are to be held for more than 6 weeks. early voting has already begun in some parts of the country are bringing new special coverage of the event the a this era india has more than $969.00 a 1000000 eligible voters. that's more than 10 percent of the world's population. within $2600.00 political parties are registered for the race with a regular load. these b j p being one of the expected front runners. the elections are to be held in several phases and will run until june. first with the results to be announced. 3 days later, while india is the worlds fastest growing economy, the size of which was estimated at $3.00 trillion dollars last year. the countries
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g d p grew by 7 percent during that period, and it's projected to increase by around the same number this year. india is now the world's 5th largest economy having dumped the 5 spots in the rankings over the past decade. and this man with the election has required more than a 1000000 pulling booths, and over $15000000.00 workers to oversee the operations and halls will take place across the whole in india, even in less accessible areas. so some pulling machines must be carried using horses and elephants around the highest pulling booth is to be located as far as 4650 meters in the himalayan mountains. all right, let's prostitute ortiz, a special studio located in the heart of india and new delhi, our correspond that runs and summer brings us the latest on the elections were engine over to you. thanks. 3 to it's the world's largest election around a really, and people would be voting over all the next 6 weeks. at stake are
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543 constituency. the magic number here is 272. so any political body or a combination of political bossy that reaches that number will go on in the all for the next 5 years. for now, all those when you in full is pointing towards one direction, which is now reading through more d o and a b could be in fact bad a red tub tom, that's what we're going to be discussing with a series of guests. but 1st of all, joining me is our special guest, sa pharma diploma. we not secrete in fact, she help on the cold water india and an extra mean not just for india, but the was thank you so much for joining us. what i'd like to ask you firstly, is no matter where you land on the range or more deep, which of good ignore the mountain? do you think that the world is watching the elections very closely?
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yes. what's that in the i think this is the great is festival of democracy on there is one other place in the world. there goes to a 1000000000 people. i'm going to vote for that one government and i can tell you, the fact is it's, it reads number of those 1000000000 people. the view of this as a wonderful piece of the view with pride that they are taking fox in that one democracy. and they are deciding who's going to need them for the next 5 years. and it doesn't matter of responses. india you're from which community, which is religion, it doesn't matter maybe which may be 12, but to the dispute. and the discuss it among themselves. they come to a decision that what's, what's happening and you're absolutely right today, but i mean, it's entered into more these government has a huge, a huge vision for the country. i think this is what the government, the people of india that who the most between 19892014. it was a savings of foolish and government, assuming minority government,
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all coordination government which would not consider to be so stable. but since 2014, you have if one majority government and you have a leader division who is go to plan for the development of india. and he has, in the next 25 years in 2047, it'd be the 100 years of english independence. and the determination is and by that time india should be a developed countries. so the pull run for that development that has been laid out . and this has in choose a lot of people because the positive results of that program, they could only go to india, is to be the fastest growing economy in the world. and it goes to one of the school to that's what the movie has talked to dawn, is it, india, under his leadership has become the fastest growing economy. and the one thing that's going to be perhaps a factor when people go to work to do it is an important factor because in a fixed everybody's lives. if you are going to disagree with the in the economy,
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you for the fastest growing and going into boy and everybody gets a job. everybody gets a better income. the advertising a production is going. it's the thing getting a bigger income for the farmer. and i think that's where the exports are going. defense exports are going. and d, d, a dickson potted, developed, bottom, developed india is going to be based on your own stance on one day to put a thought, look, save, spend just a good. they're not going to depend on anybody a feel good. this is an important factor that has emerged in the last few years. you own ease of globalization, i think is more or less global. you're coming to visual good. you're coming through . depending on your, you cannot have supply cheese, which develop, which depend on other countries. and then we put you in trouble at the time of need . and that's what the range of movie has. fulton focus over the years. he's only spoken about a multi point or was no, like i said, nothing to moody. is the bible for fig? oh, somebody love him. somebody not. but do you think that if he comes to 5 or 4 of tubs
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consecutive tom, what do you think that's going to mean for the wall dynamics? um, i think it may be a video, wrong reaffirmation of is on vision for the country. that's number one. and this vision is based on economic development is based on a federal lines, not getting pulled up in the supply chain. and it's based on the unity of the country subject. i saw you, but it should be today that some of the cost developing for everybody, some garbage boss, trusted by everybody. and some company asked everybody and was put in the effort, go together for me. so this slogan that he has put in place beginning with the right fit, 2014 because they make it very vague. because if you put in your effort, you really get the reward in done to vote for yourself and for the country. now what it means for the was that they have a have setup and they couldn't go just of this that india despite or the pandemic
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despite the don't understand image that was a, do you want to take this is, or these were meant with a flip with the, the, the be inverse, depending nicholas backwards. the vaccine diplomacy that makes you diplomacy, the supply to the was, there was a problem. well, vaccines, there was actually a ball type. the poor developing countries were not getting vaccines during the sunday, but in the us into immediate, already producing the number of axes. but we sent it in large numbers to the countries we needed and decision needed because we had only for offense. they talk about stand for lines, but we are very much positive, but we have with the stand by our friends and, and that's what canadians and what he has been able to expand the pool of his friends. if he's, that's what some exports fell to the global south. for example, india is g, 20 presidency was exceptional. that's again what x plus point out to and on the india z 20 presidency. also, we saw that the quality of countries from the global south usually don't get to be
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on file for the problems like the g 20, but no reason would be made that possible. the pink, those kinds of factors perhaps, will have some sort of see in people when they go towards is, is that fall or is that founded or, or are issues just about this is a very important point. just actually born because the g 20 was suddenly a defining moment of the prime minister in the us gaming of gaming people g 20 very seriously. and he put that in the context of india's own relationship with the so i'm in his own development within the country. so he invited the leaders of the board and they've all here. but the meetings of the train, the prior to the summit, well head over the country in smaller towns and big cities and the villages will meet a bit. so this of, in this, of, in the us position in the book game i gave it to the average person joining the
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different d e r of india statements, you know, simultaneously, it's low so short to the average indian citizen that india having a strong presence in abroad news a lot for them because for an investment comes in is fact you guys said top, jobs are given. and this is a very important moment for that vision of the was india and the rugs that visit needed during between. you have had a very important insight how this is quite unique because in previous elections, even 5 or 10 or 15 years ago, foreign affairs, it don't matter so much is the average indian citizen. and you know, you were more bodied about your bread and butter issues in doing the legs on what to do that for a present in his presence on the back of a lot. yeah, but that's, that's my next question to you. why indian elections are beautiful and they're resolved and the, the new as it goes though to say, but i also meant to close that there's so much combination so much formulation across and communities in gender. do you think this time or perhaps the 1st time
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when when people go toward ease for the policy? so to see you some live in the picture. it's not very dominant, but it isn't the picture also. so 1st of all, for events like g 20 and brian, mr. moore, these interaction with what he does and there is for us or, and they have, they've come to me is open. um they've given him that he. ringback was in the country in his relationship to the does country was told you via renewing and other countries as be enormous and enormous. so i can do them for an open, and then i will not be the cindy. a great vision and i do indeed position to the recognition now simultaneously with this data more than what india is. what traveling abroad, good for business was the 1st studies for students who live abroad. and those things have happened because it is close to for it's been so many so much of india wants to go up because they want to know and they see what is in get positioning device. so if it be a positive isn't in that position, then it doesn't. it's very vague with them. then they go to, they can leap this,
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the indian dies for, i'm going, if you give me the good and i'm going to send it in the movie, it hasn't gotten them into the development of in the, up and into the residence of even get the components in the indian dies for in the us seats, they're leading some of the biggest companies in the wood. and they are playing an important role in academia, in mid as for in business. and every of you know, been a problem with the didn't what it draws them into the relationship with the us. dave who is seen by the local government as well. and they have an important looking position in that government as a. so where you have this interaction between india and the roy that have happened today for the 1st i point such a big sky previously, you know, the dies for the time like this and like, but to be, they have seen say for example, going forward, bringing indian students back in a joining problems and giving another piece a, bringing this going indian do to people and bring them back home during the green by show crisis risk green indian students,
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indian business then living in ukraine and bringing them back safely. the indian playing that indian if so this has designated very, very that india stein is what indians every day and what we stand for the dice for a we have them and they are with us. so this combination of being together has a very popular voice. please do a highlight, india standing in device. do you also think that india becoming a powerful voice from the global platform on the global seat is also maybe perhaps are things on does a lot of reports about for them, into fans and indian elections and so and so forth. do you think survey fax id now in deals becoming so powerful and sort of vague thing that had you many of the rest and had so many? do you think that they could be some people who might be earth 5 as well? yes or false is rod at plenty of drawers around that. you've seen them as being kind of what it was a barrage and the best, the media, you know, trying to say that don't know. what is this thing that they have confusing that
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confusing a stable storm and government? i'm talking about a black box. i think of democracy the to things on go to develop the demo democratic process in india based on individual choice by these 1000000000 people that you mentioned, 970000000 to be that that choice has brought forward for the last 10 years, stevens dump a majority government where the government does not have to look over the shoulder to see who is willing to politically support them. they give you a head for the country and for the boy who sold it about what ended in a cheap of this as such. and the of many people, while you was doing the, i've been a very little confusing bungling along getting something ride, getting something wrong. and being of use is it still seems to be to the trying to present as long picked up. but i can tell you that nobody in india is being fooled by that. the indian people do not any more depend on different views, to know what to think about themselves. we have confidence in our own opinion of us agents of our country. we don't have to look to west village and um, you know,
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people who have what they want agenda is franky, but we don't agree. that's also the line that sunday, the opposition has for the coordination of a dozen opposition parties will coordinate together in the lines. we're also going by that line, the under naveen movie, the democracies under ted or the secular e tools of this country are on the thread. and that's what we see largely in the west and for us as well. the old in the, on the, in the democracy under to add them so. and so what, how, how do you react to all that had like what it was listed for an english democracy is not understood. i can tell you that every citizen of india value is a democracy, if there was any it set to the democratic freedoms or the people of india would. absolutely not. i can do the example of the emergency has been driving this thing that i've gone in for the image of the fee and then democracy was on the train because it was a gag on the media. and it was, you know, all kinds of limitations and what kinds of a 4th for the program is it people that don't like. so they immediately worked in
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that government. you know, they didn't accept the government as always. so i think that that's that to the, if the people of india who are the deposit feet of the decision making, when does a month is that it up to legal? anybody? what is it, what they like? what do we need to know? what do we want for us is and we will express that. secondly, i think it's the expression of economic court and the people of india are going to move. these youngsters are happy if they're able to get a good education, go out into the big jobs. that's fine, that's what they want. i'm assuming government helps them in that because for them that investment comes in. you may say anything about a few occupations or so for the editorials in the media, but okay. the big company that was working with the fields, i'm coming to india, the told them that is investment. you don't last because they used to come here. every apple is a to come in with a number of before the now made in india unexplored into the rest of the world. but these are facts which speak more than any editorial anybody in the board,
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because these companies have voted with their bank accounts and with their decision to come and invest and go in india. defense companies are giving that technology to india to manufacturing india. so defense preparedness is that this combination of national security ensuring nice and security plus economic development within the country is the most popular combination for the security of the people of india. and that is what the people have in the palm of your mouth right now. 6, me thank you so much for so beautiful. you breaking that down for us. and so as she explained to us, marines are more the seems to be more powerful than ever, but also the opposition seems to have, let's bring in its feed. now that means remove these all governments at the met even will these political body that we do feed scans. the lodge me has been, is bought char so far, which translates to this time. we've got all 400 seeds. it's a big dog. good. but of course,
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people of this country around 1000000000 people of this country will continue to work today. and over the next 6 weeks, i need of course, no, on the 4th of june, what exactly is going to happen back to you in the studio? right. our teams runjun sharma live for us in new delhi runjun. thank you and we'll be hearing from you more throughout the morning as well to induce day with our teeth throughout this week. and in the coming months, as we bring a special coverage of india is parliamentary elections that will run until june. the right, well turning now to the increasing tensions between iran and israel. reports are emerging. israel has launched a missile strike on a facility. and a ron, that's according to a statement from a us official, a ron was embracing for and is really response to us retaliatory large scale rock
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and roll strike on the jewish state. last weekend. this was a ron's response to an idea of strike on the right in the consulate in damascus, which resulted in the depths of 11 diplomats and 2 high ranking general's israel initially denied responsibility. but later in directly admitted it, targeted the building, claiming it served as a military base, coordinating homos operations. on april 13th, ron launched hundreds of drones, cruise and ballistic missiles torn is rarely territory with israel climbing. the vast majority were intercepted, islamic republics military said it's ready to head back with much greater force if any of its a nuclear facilities are attacked by the idea. the model is the enemy's nuclear sites have been identified and we have the necessary information about old song is we have on a finger on a trigger, a fighting storm, this cell, so distorted, designated solid gets in response to
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a potential attack. we've got to monday morning works between one and a half. they get a short term as discussions of news entered the freight form, which housing authority strikes against as well as flash project or want to valve even stronger counter measures. however, the situation to people matic twist. now what is we all began initially, warnings about targeting, it was nuclear facilities. tar. tony revelation from the dc showing elsewhere but also pursue the development of a nuclear bomb or gc unit that's in charge of protecting your sites. your facilities will leave with no other option, but to reconsider each declared nuclear policies i gather. how does the tax there
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are any threats or actions by fake scientists regime against countries, nuclear facilities in the pressuring these limits. republic. reconsidering though nuclear dr. and policy inviolate into consideration to announce before will be likely and imaginable. it is possible for these land make republic in its own forces. 30 tele, using events, weapons, if any flights of facts but his faith, zion is to resume, take place against all nuclear facilities. and the reasons nucleus and this will definitely be attacked. this both statements march. the significant departure from that was previously asked, which had strictly the use of weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons based on religious t. shakespeare one has long been saying that its nuclear program is intended so peaceful for us as the country. scourge enrichment of the radio standards and up to 60 percent, which is not too far from the 90 percent few are the required for an atomic bomb.
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the energy agency has several signs for find the peaceful nature of the wrong nuclear activities. israel has consistently force trolling composition to a wrong nuclear program, calling for international intervention to prevent these one from acquiring nuclear weapons. all this has led to a shadow war between the one it is relevant to see numerous sabotage attacks on disabilities, particularly at no time in central is for on however, it never launched direct attacks on the one you saw it on or it's nuclear side. so now push pushed potentially for a nuclear race and that runs counter attack training difficulties, not only for israel, but for the wider was showing to ron,
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wouldn't allow itself to be slighted. but what consequences does the attack mean for the future? for a ron, you'll find more details on our website, r t dot com, the, the palestinian authority has branded the us a veto of palestine, has been to become a full fledged member of the un, unfair and ethical and unjustifiable russians. you in a mass that are followed suit and slammed washington, the se in the country is going against the vast majority of those supporting power . steins will. it saves so much water, but it seems to the goal of the us resolution. what it is to break the will of palestinians to make them unconditionally submit to the occupying power, to turn them into servants, and 2nd class citizens, or perhaps even eradicate and expelled them from their native territory. such a policy only produces the opposite effect. today, the vast majority of the global community supports palestine application for a full membership in the world organization,
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the sufferings of peaceful palestinians resonate in the hearts and souls of millions of people worldwide. the current use of a veto, right by us delegation, is a futile attempt to haul the relentless march of history. and even so the voting results of where washington found itself almost completely isolated, speak for themselves. the results of today's vote did not shock many people, many anticipated that the united states would use its veto power as a permanent member of the un security council to block the bid for number statewood for the palestinians. however, when russian ambassador in advance, he gets up to the floor, he emphasize the very dangerous implications of today's veto by the united states. as it appears, it could set the stage for the full eradication of the palestinian people, which seems to be the goal of what israel is currently doing and matches the rhetoric of many is really leaders. now there was a war of words between the leaders of the countries involved in the conflict,
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israel and palestine, the palestinian authority. several members express the view. the admission of the state of palestine to membership in the united nations was a political matter rather than a technical or legal requirements. in other words, you and charter be damned international law, be damned. they're just em 2 words on paper rights. do you and is no longer about to multilateralism? sadly, it is now committed to multi terrorism and the security council. terror pays off its shameful. as i have always pulled out the political rocks within the un that sadly nothing here is based on truth and justice. but toxic politicized station. and today the mask is finally folded, and the council has exposed to expose itself yolanda and for samuel philip to see how could this resignation and this membership international peace and security.
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this question, ladies and gentlemen, we ask specifically to the united states and other countries that oppose grant in the state of palestine full membership at a time when they recognize israel, which is the other party in the east, really boasting and culturally, and has granted israel full membership of united nations and to those to say that the recognizing the palestinian state must happen through negotiations and not through un resolution. we want to once again our, the state of israel establishment. how was it recognized? wasn't that down through a un resolution, which is the resolution $181.00. and while they're now trying to is robin handed the adoption of such a resolution. by this time the international community cannot stand idly by while the countries of both international law enjoys impunity. president bassett are in the den z, a slam the united states for tip, a critical stance, claiming to support the palestinians, and then voting down today's resolution. in addition to that, he pointed out the claims from the united states that somehow the result of the
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voting is russia in china. salt are completely disingenuous. somebody comes to the collision use can our american colleagues did not hide the fact that they see the security council as an obstacle, one that should not interfere with their effective diplomacy on the ground. in reality, this was to grant their main middle eastern ally a free hand in clearing the enclave. the us hypocritically accused as russia and china of the towing their fine product. yet our veto serves as an example of why the veto tool is needed and simple tediously answers. those who are demanding is abolition. it is needed to prevent the adoption of unbalanced and deceitful decisions pushed by washington. the ben z, a also criticized the united states and its allies for being biased and for not accusing israel in pointing out that israel is indeed responsible for the
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recent attack. the killed 7 of ryans, the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. while the whole world recognizes the israel did conduct this strike, the united states remains in denial for what are obvious political reasons, so renew unless it was up with the girl, it gave me this is due to the fault of our western colleagues, specifically the united states the u. k and friends of the council cannot condemn these 3 at least strikes on the korean consulate in damascus. on april. first of this failure undermines the very foundation of international relations in the viability of diplomatic and consular premises and personnel. such neglect from the west towards individual states and their rights dividing the world into those above the law and those whose legitimate interests can be ignored. and has brought the middle east to the brink of a major war. this is your so called effective diplomacy. dear western and
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colleagues each time and bears fruit to you get results in new victims and destruction. the international community effectively failed to protect, to the palestinians from these early massacre due to the stance of one state whose blocking fall in our efforts. these rarely representative has long been making offensive statements against the un and its staff. and even the secretary general. today he did not hesitate to label the security council hate from terror chance slurry. so overall it was the united states with its v to l power. that prevents, it would have been a very historic day that the united nations security council, palestine could have become a full member states with the full rights of the un member state. however, the united states veto that resolution that was put forward by algeria to grant palestinian statehood and the palestinians left remaining observers that the united
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nations not member states detach us to a political analyst. eddie smith says washington's veto denies palestinians access to basic human rights. i think it would provide palestine with on the same protections that, that other countries are provided at the u. n. o would allow um, hopefully international law to actually be enforced. cuz right now is real is essentially been allowed to bomb the palestinians with near impunity. so it would provide palestine with protections and it would set them on the road to become a state. washington does support israel's ethnic cleansing of palestine. washington, well, it will support is real unconditionally because they protect our oil interests in the region. oil, interest and other economic interest is not just the oil but and, and gaza is an important spot. economically. there's natural gas off the coast of guys. it would allow them easier trade and easier access to the c.


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