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tv   News  RT  April 19, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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it is in flux, israel no longer has its voltage. the current supremacy, what is called the access of resistance is challenging israel and importantly, it's western patrons the, the big day for the world's largest democracy, india, or as over 969000000 eligible voters are sent to the polls for general elections on our special coverage on race until june 1st. right in officials, the state 3 drones were shutting down by a rainy and air defenses over it's for han city known for having nuclear facilities . see what the goal of the us resolution is to break the will of alice simmons to make them unconditionally submitted to the occupying power addresses even in bassett, or slams washington for non going with the vast majority as a veto. his policies requested for full membership at the united nations
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the live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. this is archie international for the world, the largest democracy and goes to the pools for general elections that are to be held for more than 6 weeks. early building is already underway in some parts of the country are bringing new special coverage of the event the this year india has more than $969000000.00 eligible voters. that is more than a 10 percent of the world's population. the elections are to be held in several phases and will run until june 1st with the results to be announced. 3 days later, a to india is the worlds fastest growing economy,
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the size of which was estimated at $3.00 trillion dollars last year. the country's d p grew by 7 percent during that period and is projected to increase by around the same number this year. india is now the world's 5th largest economy, having jumped to 5 spots in the rankings over the past decade. and the amount of election requires more than a 1000000 not pulling booth send over 15000000 workers to oversee and all following will take place across the whole of india even in less accessible areas. so some folding machines must be carried by, horses and elephants are on the highest and pulling this will be located as far up as 4650 meters in the himalayan mountains. all right, let's cross live now to our 2 special city are located in the heart of india, new delhi, our correspondent range and sharma brings us the very latest on the elections ranging over to you of the thank to read to learn fact the dawn. so democracy has just started in,
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in the 19th of april, the 1st day of the polls. there are about 102 water. the $543.00 total number of solomon street funds truancies that i'd state that are going to the pools to the now india, the 5th largest economy in the world. the most populous country in the world, in fact, is going to be pulling over the next 6 weeks around 1000000000 people are going to cost. they will know. this selection is an election which the world is watching. the law just exercise in democracy of cost. to break that down, i have a very special guest with me. phone to fedex book, the mr. charlie a mr. seed on. so now, you know, my 1st question really to you is that this is an election the not just in the opposite, the wall is interested in why,
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as well i think because india is advising power. if anything big that happens in this country is naturally of global consequence. so like to say, i mean close to 1000000000 borders. more than 2200 political parties. you know, thousands of candidates lying for positions. this is just human goods, right? i mean, so i think one is just the shield size in the dimension. many people are model of india. uh, how it horse together and how it is rising and how it's democratic process has been so successful and so robust and security, but you know, so what all the reasons i think of this election is going to be closely watched. no matter what the outcome people want to see can be a succeed. you know, most of the international community has a positive view of india. and when they conduct something on this to in almost a for proof by another, it's hardly any failure. i think that's like moving in this work and make it to the
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work you know, in india and election, they're always very colorful that beautiful them years ago. but also very meticulous. you know, there will result on cost and community and religion and so, and so for this dying somehow for policy, that is, if not send the stage, but it just sort of made its way in the last 10 or deals. we've seen india standing on the global stage has become more powerful if you, me, you think that's going to be a factor when people go and vote. the international factors have increasingly become more relevant and in voiding behavior in india, especially for younger borders. first time borders there's a lot of emphasis on them are but middle class people are very nationalistic. they want to say india will become an equal of china on the us as a great fall within the word. so for a lot of them having
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a strong and the student government will be elections, is the means to achieve that desire, do not dream or outcome. so for example, our prime minister has set the goal for 2047, be to the 179100 years of india's independence for developed country and for india to also be a leading forward into work. so yes, um prestige image. and also india seems to be proving it's a married you know, these are all part of the election calculus. a lot of people are going to want a strong stayed stay with the government and uh, most likely continue with the so that the, our up florida. uh, march in the word continues without any interruption. so i think that is a messaging also going on in the campaigning. uh, the only party that'll be here be. he's going out saying we have increased our proceeds on the stage. we'll become more leaders and be able to continue on. so i
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assume that i think that is cutting across so many waters. so uh, definitely international issues, the positions we take in the word, all these are going to be scrutinized, especially by the urban middle class youth. work which is huge. you know, we're talking about hundreds of millions of people. you know so much to, to y'all for the benefit of, of you was just so much talk about why you didn't actions are going to go on for 6 long weeks. as long collection explained to of you was why does the in the i need to do that? yeah, i think one, as i said, there's the signs, you know, it's just so massive and you have an electron of over about 970000000 people. and you need to ensure, logistically that you have the electronic voting machines, the funding stations where the uh, the security consultation. uh, even the campaigning, you know, is just the she a, i mentioned already so massive. so you'll need time, you know, you can do all of it in a single day or half a day, like you're doing smaller countries. so one is the that and so i think the election
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commission of india, which is the regular to i thought of the for conducting, it's very, very organized. and they do a lot of planning in advance and then make sure that it's a very impartial and free and see it process. so for all that to happen, if you will do it in a rush to be this will be malpractice, isn't that will be questions that will be about fraud and such things, you know, in the outcome. so it will make it totally credible and free and fed a large country like india really need this, you know, i mean, imagine if china heard something like this. and they would also probably hope to stretch it over because of the size of causes and also to do the and system. and i was the democratic system, but it's just india so unique. i do a 1500000000 population and your to manage elections and make sure that people have trust in the system. make sure that people's part of supervision is going, you know, yours will be happy to know the last election. we had in 20195 years ago, the tunnel was 67 percent of the highest edwards,
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which means that people find that they're becoming stakeholders and they have audio, uh, you know, see, even choosing that role and so, and also india setting an example in that the many countries in the works really, you know, border donald is low or is declining people to be coming cynical, a lot of the western democracy though in case it seems that last time, during collections in 2019 india have the highest percentage of people who went to cost that what do you think that's the trend is going to continue? i think the mobilization is high. i can see the campaigning and the excitement of the air. uh, you know, to last country with 28 states, 80000000 territories. so you'll see one of the grass roots in the country, you'll find a lot of people are really, really in charge of about this election is the biggest thing in the country all for the next 7 weeks before that, as i said. and also on the 4th of june. so i think the all of it adds up there is going to be how you turn on icons over which would be the 9th $2191.00. but i think it pulls the, as always been, you know, especially among the poor and the middle classes for them. you know,
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one every vote counts and they feel like i'm powerful on this big. but i'm voting. i really have political power in my hands. i really am a citizen and, and that's the beauty of elections, right? every 5 years that, that comes at the time when the people become more powerful than those were sitting in bible. and as you didn't have, let's talk about the movie here. the problem is written down, who was, i'm a subs delma told rach on now no matter why you random on him, he's somebody who's somewhat seen as a possible form leader. you may love him, you may not love him, but he's somebody who cannot be ignored. deal tanks that, that he's told john is something that the rest of was close the looking at because he's somebody who's balanced bill was for us in the sense, you know, russia on one side west on one side. yeah. no,
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definitely. i think he has very high good, really need to master the community in the office, the just the east west divide of the not so the word. so it's a very unique power. and so therefore, a lot of variety on this election because i think most of the world wants them to come back. there's no doubt about it. and they believe that they already have made just for the departments. it's with india. and they would want those to continue. there's been some, you know, most of the sense and criticism, especially for invest in the country, the vote allegedly clain of democracy in india or the overall i think mr. moore, the stage was very high. and people wanting to keep going, you know, and at least 2 or 415 years so that many of the goals you have set for the country can be accomplished. what would have declined on democracy or the threat to democracy? is it that you mentioned that the western press key and so even though opposition for that matter, they've taken the same line and that's where the manifesto also somewhat mentioned
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is that the restore the secular e tools of the country. do you see that as a fact of being and the selection? because no matter what you say, this selection maybe about that involves a unemployment rising prizes. but at the center of the selection is also in the, toward the center of the selections is also identity politics. so i think the india is actually much more united than the wisdom critics. i tried to make it out to be this, this whole negative that india is becoming very fluoride is and the white and all that of us to liberal use media keeps on hopping on that. but if you'll see the reality, it's quite different. i think the country is getting more unified and mobilized is more than nationalistic consciousness. people want to be seen as indians 1st and the only then we tell the religion or castro language they belong to. i think the some, all the, and as far the, what they've done in the last 10 years is really galvanize the society. you know, we're, that there is a broader indian, this or indian consciousness. so the idea that, you know, be a highly,
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the way that i think that is being challenged. even in the election, you'll see people are holding across the lines of customer to jump and even language. you know, so it shows that there is a sense, especially in the national level elections at the state level elections, maybe those other factors coming. but now we're doing this for the national politics and the general elections. there is this brought on a sense of, uh, india, as a country and the indians. and we need to do something for the nice of this country . so you don't to write down my last question to you when you're not going to make any political prediction 0. what don't open invoices really in the country. they're pointing towards one direction. this, i'm sort of predictability to these elections deals. think that what, what the opinion for the thing is something that that will come true. i expect mr. moseley to get a thought them. uh, most of the pundits and these are follow just the people who study election signs believe that he will win and his party will retain power. but you know, uncertainty of outcome can not be that would be to very,
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very transparent and free and fair election. and the uncertain pockets of the country. there are other parties that when uh and you will always need an opposition in the country. you know, you should not be a one sided up here. so people want some balance. so let's sleep about overall. i think the crisp is quite clear. india is becoming more nationalistic and just be going more democratic. and uh india is um like little stick them out in the model is read on sonya. oh, thank you so much for breaking that down. so it's the same play for us. so now the, all these seems to be on 12 people at this point, but the opposition, the coalition of the opposition. the india aligns which is it does not position political bodies in india, giving a challenge to mr. movie. also seem to have was spring in a feed. so of course, till the last or discounts said on the, on the 4th of june, one really doesn't know what wouldn't happen. but of course, and their names are movie, seems to have an edge. apostrophes political campaign has been, is bob char so far,
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which means this time you're going to cross $400.00 seats out of the 540 feet falling once the seats that are up for 6. but of course, for now it's over to the waters and over to the studio in moscow. all right, we're engine charmaya live for us in new delhi region. thank you. okay, well just stay with our tape throughout this weekend and the coming months as we bring it as special coverage of india is parliamentary elections that will run until june. the are turning out to the boiling tensions between iran and israel. a spokesman for ron civilian space program says 3 drones were shot down over is fun city which is known for having nuclear sites. ron was embracing for and as rarely responds to its
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retaliatory large scale, rocket and drones, right. on the jewish state. last weekend. this was ron's response to an idea of strike on the a ran in the consulate in damascus, which resulted in the depths of 11 diplomats and 2 high ranking generals as well initially denied responsibility. but later in directly admitted it, targeted the buildings, claiming it served as a military base, coordinating hamas operations on april 13th or ron lost hundreds of drones, cruise and ballistic missiles toward israel, a territory with israel finding the vast majority were intercepted islamic republics military sentence, ready to hit back with much greater force if any of its nuclear facilities are attacked by the idea. which is the enemy's new gear size have been identified and we have the necessary information about all targets we have on a finger on a trigger, a fighting storm. this house to destroy the designated targets in response to a potential attack. the mall, there are a forks between just wanted to let the pass, they get a showing to her. as discussions of new sub entered the fray forward,
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it was reason which how he tories ranks against as well. so it would be, it has responded with a barrage of flat spots and get walked about even stronger towns or measures. however, the situation took a dramatic twist. now when he's well began, initially, warnings about targeting, it was nuclear facilities, halting a startling revelation from the i r g c in a bombshell and elsewhere. the only other gc for it from that to get one would not release twice his way to clear sides which only assured but also pursued the development of a new clear. bob revealed general about my task out loud please. the commander of the i r g c unit that's in charge of protecting your warranty and nuclear side, side. 80 it's out on the get was nuclear facilities will leave the one with no other option, but to reconsider it's declared nuclear policies. i gather. how does the tax, if there are any threats or actions by a fake sinus regime against countries?
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nuclear facilities in the pressuring these alignment republic, reconsidering now, nuclear, dr. and policy and violating into consideration to announce before will be likely and imaginable. it is possible for these land make republic and its own forces. 30 tele 8, using events, weapons, if any flights of facts, but of faith, zion is resumed. take place again on nuclear facilities and everything's new list and this will definitely be attacked. there's bold statement marks the significant departure from there was a previous steps which had strictly prohibited the use of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons based on religious teaching. everyone has long maintained that its nuclear program is intended solely for peaceful purposes. the country's current to which meant of uranium stands up to 60 percent, which is not too far from the 90 percent fewer to you are required for an comic bomb. but the international atomic energy agency has several times verified the
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peaceful nature otherwise, nuclear activities for force. israel has consistently force trunk opposition to a bronze nuclear program, calling for international intervention to prevent these womic republic from acquiring nuclear weapons. all this has led to a shadow war between one and israel, which has seen numerous sabotaged attacks on iranian nuclear facilities, particularly at snuff towns in central is for on blamed on. israel however, is real, has never launch. direct attacks on yvonne is soil awards nuclear side. so now from here was twice any such move could push push to one to think the unthinkable. and that would potentially spark a new nuclear arms race. and that we just let's cross live now to political analyst and professor at around university said mohammed mirandi mohammed, the spokesman for a runs a civil space group program says 3 drones were shot down over s for han. what's
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your initial reaction to the straight? it is too early to say uh, they are happen in attempts in the past to use drones to attack iranian installations. right now we've heard that the 3 drugs were down before they could reach any important installation. so we'll have to wait and see. the important thing is that the riots have stated that if there's riley regime carries out just try calling the ron or anything that belong see, run any of the runs, the assets or any of you run citizens abroad. you run will strike back very hard. this is, this is a chair, a new policy after the is riley really just attacked the embassy in damascus and destroyed the consulate building and killing everyone inside the
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iranians have said, we've changed the patient and for now on retaliation will be, will be from the run itself and direct the against is ready the regime and that it will be very harsh. and i think this is especially a significant because the un has failed to take a stance against the way the aggression on the embassy. do you think there's any tactical gain for either side from these, the strikes that we've seen up to this point or, or is this all about protecting an image to the international community? you know, i think uh, the iranian strikes on is right. it was very significant both because simultaneously it was announced that the runs policy has changed for now and it will retaliate against the reason you find the but also uh, the ronnie ins carried out a huge intelligence gathering operation through that strike. it used very old
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drones, a couple of 100 day old drums. none of its new technology added for stairs. riley's and americans to show their hand, and they fired everything they had very high tech weapons. they spent over $1350000000.00 where the, whereas the money is probably spent a few $1000000.00. and, and also ultimately, when the iranians fired a handful of a more modern missiles in those hit their targets. both in the south of israel, in the air base and in the north, inside an intelligence gathering center. so the radi and sent it to your message. it is rarely is that we can go right through your defense you way we know is to. honda is known for having nuclear facilities and radian news agency reports that those sites are safe, but didn't do believe that israel was specifically targeting those sites. it's too
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early to say, we'll have to wait a couple of hours. it's the weekend here in the run. the uh, fridays are a part of the weekend. so uh people get up late and uh, the government is usually not so swift on weekends either. so it'll take a few hours. but from what i've been hearing from this one on, from people who are online, everything is know. and are you expecting a ron to carry out retaliatory attacked in line with what we saw this past weekend? perhaps. if it is confirmed that there was an attack from israel, yes, without a doubt the b ronnie as. ready strike back and what do you think it is as likely to happen next on either side of from israel or ron? do you see this escalating further? well, we have to see what happened. we don't, we don't really know yet, but i think it's fair to say that if the is, it becomes clear that there was an attack. died out by this re, these or,
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or if there is to be an attack tied up by the is rarely as the iranians will retaliate they've, they've said that their policy has changed and the riots have a huge drone and missile capability. probably the largest in the world, and a lot of people are expecting the front demanding from the running government to be tough with as well. okay, so we're waiting to see mode, at least for the moment, a political analyst and professor at the wrong universities side mohammed up mirandi. thank you. thank you. well, in the latest episode, i'm going on the ground co host of online to show redacted natalie morris discussed us policy toward israel in regard to the recent auron totally ation retaliation. adding that is real quote, went off washington's lease. you can watch that full version on our t. uh right now though, a quick preview. this is key. go off your view of how the retaliation from iran is
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being covered in the us media. the media landscape view inhabited before the starting. read that. yeah. you know, it's confounding. of course we all see that, but what's confounding me the most is how the united states continues to spin. whether or not israel not having civilian losses in e ron's retaliation just several days ago. say let's, let's keep see that a as a win and de escalate. it seems as though the united states has its puppets off their lease. these puppies are off the lease. they don't, they're not in control any longer. so this been, it just doesn't make any sense anymore unless your own lead just june joining the conversation right now because the last 2 years have shown that the united states doesn't get their way. they spin things in a way that doesn't make any sense at all less,
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like you mentioned in your introduction that zalinski now expressing support for the genocide and gaza. what does he care? he supported a genocide in the don boss for the whole of his presidency. so clearly, that doesn't bother him taking the champion that was the lensky, and now resigning him to 2nd seat. uh, you know, it's just clear that foreign policy in the united states is inconsistent and it has nothing to do with the respect for life. the bronze counter attack created difficulties, not only for israel, but for the wider was showing to ron, wouldn't allow itself to be slighted or consequences would be intact. mean for the future of iran. he'll find a more details on our website r t dot com. the palestinian authority is brand to the us, the veto of palestine is bid to become a full fledged member of the un. unfair,
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an ethical and unjustifiable or shows even in bassett, or followed suit and slammed washington saying that country is going against the vast majority of those supporting paolo's times. well, it saves so much more to produce teams. the goal of the us resolution is to break the will of palestinians to make them unconditionally submit to the occupying power, to turn them into servants, and 2nd class citizens, or perhaps even eradicate and expelled them from their native territory. such a policy only produces the opposite effect. today, the vast majority of the global community supports palestine application for full membership in the world organization, the sufferings of peaceful palestinians resonate in the hearts and souls of millions of people worldwide. the current use of a veto, right by us delegation, is a futile attempt to haul the relentless march of history. the voting results were washington found itself almost completely isolated, speak for themselves. the results of today's vote did not shock many people. many
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anticipated that the united states would use its veto power as a permanent member of the un security council to block the bid for number statewood for the palestinians. however, when russian ambassador in advance, he gets up to the floor, he emphasize the very dangerous implications of today's veto by the united states. as it appears, it could set the stage for the full eradication of the palestinian people, which seems to be the goal of what israel is currently doing and matches the rhetoric of many is really leaders. now there was a war of words between the leaders of the countries involved in the conflict, israel and palestine, the palestinian authority. several members express the view that the admission of the state of palestine to membership in the united nations was a political matter rather than a technical or legal requirements. in other words,
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you on charter, be damned international law, be damned. they're just em 2 words on paper rights, do you and is no longer a boat to multilateralism. sadly, it is no committed to multi terrorism or the security council. terror pays off its shameful. as i have always pulled out the political rocks within that un, sadly nothing here is based on truth and justice, but toxic politicized station. and to day the mass. cuz finally full and the council has exposed to expose itself. and for some of the scenes to calculate this recognition and this membership international peace and security. this question, ladies and gentlemen, we ask specifically to be united states and other countries that oppose grant in the state of palestine full membership at a time when they recognize israel, which is the other party and is really boasting and culturally, and has granted easily a full membership of united nations and to those to say that recognizing the policy
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mean state must happen through negotiations and not through un resolution. we wonder once again our, the state of his real establishment showed how was it recognized, wasn't that down through a un resolution, which was resolution 181. and while they're now trying to is robin handed the adoption of such a resolution. by this time, the international community cannot stand idly by while the countries of both international law enjoys impunity, russian and bass that are in the den z, a slam the united states for 2 for critical stats, claiming to support the palestinians and then voting down today's resolution in addition to that, he pointed out the claims from the united states, and somehow the result of the voting is russia in china's fault are completely disingenuous. somebody comes because they didn't use canal our american colleagues did not hide the fact that they see the security council as an obstacle, one that should not interfere with their effective diplomacy on the ground.


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