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tv   News  RT  April 19, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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the, the a big day for india and the below by the world new economic powerhouse begins general elections that are to determine the country's leading party for the next to 5 years on to our special coverage of the race until june, 1st parade. an official state 3 and drones were shutting down by a rainy and air defenses. over if for han city known for having nuclear facilities to see what the goal of the us resolution is to break the will of palestinians to make them unconditionally submit to the occupying power. i have always cooled out the political rocks within the you and that sadly nothing here is based on truth and justice, but toxic politicized station. in russia,
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as you and in bass at our slams, washington for not go on with the vast majority as it vetoes. talestine is request for full membership at the united nations. the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you are watching archie international and the world's largest democracy goes to the polls for general elections that are to be held for more than 6 weeks. early voting is already underway in some parts of the country. we are bringing new special coverage of the events. the or mr. india has more than 969000000 eligible voters, that is more than 10 percent of the world's population. the elections are to be
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held in several phases and will run until june. first with the results to be announced. 3 days later, india's madness election requires more than a 1000000 pulling booths and over 15000000 workers to oversee it all following will take place across the whole of india even in less accessible areas. so some pulling machines must be carried using forces and elephants rose high as the polling booth would be located as far off as 4650 meters in the himalayan mountains are taken. respondent runs and china reports from our studio located in the heart of india, delhi dawn soon. democracy has just started in india all. well, the next 6 weeks around, $1000000.00 people would be costing their world to choose the next government. in fact, the, the 1st, the before around 10 to wants to do the seats all going to, for this is across 21 states. that number again,
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there are total $543.00 constituency seats, envelopes about which is the lower house of the fall. and the are at stake on which you will need to go fall to your combination of those bodies gets to $72.00. not that's the magic number. whoever gets that number will form the government and run in the off for the next 5 years. both the bgp that's in every new movies, political party and congress, which has found in the lines of thoughts to come to the pgp. they have been making promises that's their manifesto was in fact congress came up with a manifesto which states basically it's a new i foster that translates to a pillar of, to the uh and what they're seeing is that the one just as for we mean the one justice for firewalls, for the fuel is up to by anybody the heck e, 1st of all this manifesto is the voice of the country. all that is written there is based on what people from different walks of life told the congress leaders. so
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this manifesto is actually document of the people of this country, and that is why i want to congratulate 140 corey people who are funded would given them boys by your party, which brought this country to independence, which prepared this country's constitution, which always fonts for the progress of this country and were determined to implement each and every points frequent from this manifesto. and we're fully confident that in the coming decades it's going to prove to be a historic document of this country. and then eventually is it goes to the every hamlet of this country to every village, every, the village of this country as we are supposed to do as governor's worker. i have a feeling that today i could, i debility is much more because we have behind the u. p. s. rules. it gives the right to education, right? 30 for emissions. i to full a whole lot of rights for the be however, the thing is that the congress has been and follow for the longest time in the
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indian history in india is independent history. so to see they haven't done anything. of course b, j b has almost a whole list of things essentially continuing what they've done for the last time. well, the reason congress of manifesto, extremely decent and contrived, and he has been repeating the same arguments without any evidence for the last many, many months, or, or possibly a couple of years. broadly, if you're going to be in debt, all this phone has been invested in that building's very unclear. the congress wants to get lost on leash, got divisions in the country. the 2 promises which may be very difficult to for, to give it another to be one to lease, but i'm sure i'm not in the country to getting these winter. yeah. but it means but injury and buyer, somebody wanting to know the longest,
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the issue of personal insurance before like. ready evictions whether or not visible on the screen over there. but there is no mention of people we have seen that this may have to similarly, things which has been mentioned, this manifesto between dual spending 3 going to be but wouldn't be brought on board . the most of these things have been that you buy them. what do you want me to the last 10 years? the selection law just collections in the history of mankind, is something that, in fact will be watch closely. not just in india, but by the was to break that down. i have a very special guest for over 61 percent of the last images which was in 2019 so if the same percentage horse, that means we had roughly talking about between 650000000 to 700000000 people actually going out of their homes and costing denmore. this are tremendous numbers
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. just this macho few manatees means more for pollution, then you're up to good. so imagine the kind of exercise would mean for people who are organizing this selection. the 2nd thing is that too big election to re closer jersey reporting who's sick was a mess of exercise or $400000.00 weight goes, which includes forces, elephant and votes. because who carries the boxes, the election boxes to, let's say, nickel, but island div sold or to a know most news like to add a lot of vote for the election officers to carry those ballot boxes. so it's a tremendous exercise cuz it is also seized, as i said, because there isn't that 1st sort of festival and there's, there's a not plus a little far to frustration. but it is nothing new for india who remember the 1st
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election. and then there was in 1950 and india was one of the 1st countries in the world, much more for america to give adult franchise to everyone. that means women been included in america, they came and sixty's women that allowed to to nearly sixty's. so 10 guy shows the, the, to the was in terms of democracy in many respects. 10. this is one of the values that have 1000000 people waiting towards without any major disturb this as far as the prime minister is concerned. yes, of course, he's a prominent for guy is the prime minister of the country. so any time. busy the prime minister of india is, is on the phone, then not to me, the cameras would be fixed on them. the attention would be fixed on them. but it
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does not mean that there are no other for me to confirm, please. yes, it says going pissed off democracies at 2nd desk and desktop. feel free to the people. so i'm going to be decided people are the wind logs of this exercise. there is a switch to democracy and that's exactly the line. the pc picked off by a lot of western press as well. do you think it's the endo becoming the fastest growing economy in the wall and so on, so forth. do you think that's my book? the section of the world. the facts that people here but it's too bright and clear to size as the rich. this is the endorsement of democracy. so. busy i don't think i need to come into anything more than that. i like this. the vision of the way would be focused on how election goes that out. any irregular practices, whether there are any deviations from the rules of eviction forces. so the that
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they can uh write for the rich, they can get a little bit of issues with nature mayfield object to. so as we become a model balancing force in the words, this was 5 minutes of movies or the president within the age of 400, present 4th and reacted very wisely and molded in agreement. so that is all mature countries being with each other and listen to this. so this is a more version same thing for understanding of things like some other friends is what they say with our tea throughout this week. and then the coming months as we bring a special coverage of india is parliamentary elections that will run until june. the
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and i'm turning now to the increasing tensions between iran and israel. a spokesman for our on civilian space program says 3 drones were shot down over is for han city, which is known for having nuclear sites. a ron was bracing for and as rarely response to its retaliatory large scale rocket and drones drive down the jewish state. last weekends, this was a ron's response to an idea of strike on the right in consulate investment in damascus, which resulted in the depths of 11 diplomats and 2 high ranking general's israel initially denied responsibility, but later indirectly admitted at target at the building, climbing it served as a military base, coordinating her mazda operations. on april, 13th of ron launched hundreds of drones, cruise and ballistic missiles toward his relay territory with israel, claiming the vast majority were intercepted as long as published military set, it's ready to hit back with much greater force. if any of its nuclear facilities
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are attacked by the id f, the model is the enemy's new gear size have been identified and we have the necessary information about all targets we have on a finger on a trigger, a fighting storm. this house to destroy the designated targets in response to a potential attack with that to monday morning. there are reports that we just wanted to would be a pass taking a showing to her as discussions of new sub entered the freight forward. it was recent which highly tory strikes against as well. so we've, we've has responded with a barrage of flags prompting to want to about even stronger towns or measures. however, the situation took a dramatic twist. now what he's well began is showing warnings about targeting. it was nuclear facilities halting, a startling revelation from the i r g c in a bombshell and elsewhere. the only are gc for from that one would not release twice because we need to clear sides which are insured, but also for so the development of a nuclear file revealed general about smart tasks out loud police. the commander of
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the i r g c unit that's in charge of protecting their warranty and nuclear side, side 80 it's out on it was nuclear for some of these will leave the one with no other option, but to reconsider it's declared nuclear policies. i got ahead of the time, there are any threats or actions by a fake sinus regime against countries, nuclear facilities in the pressuring these limits. republic. reconsidering though nuclear dr. and policy inviolate into consideration to announce before, will be likely and imaginable. and it is possible for these land make republic and it's on forces. 30 tele aids using events, weapons, if any threats and facts, but it's vague. zine is through gene take place against all nuclear facilities and the reasons nucleus and this will definitely be attacked. there's bold statement marks, the significant departure from that was previous das, which had strictly prohibited the use of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons based on who would just teach
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a still one has long maintained that its nuclear program is intended solely for peaceful purposes. the country's current to which means of uranium stands up to 60 percent, which is not too far from the 90 percent fewer the required for an atomic bomb. but the international atomic energy agency has several times verifying the peaceful nature otherwise, nuclear activities. however, this room has never launched direct attacks on their bodies, soil awards nuclear side. so now from here was to add any such move could push to one to think the unthinkable. and that would potentially support a new nuclear arms race and that we just, the palestinian authority has branded the us veto of pal assigned bid to become a full fledged member of the un. unfair and ethical and unjustifiable rushes. you and, and bass are followed suit and slammed washington saying the country is going against
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. and the vast majority of those supporting in palestine as well. it saves so much more to produce things. the goal of the us resolution is to break the will of palestinians to make them unconditionally submit to the occupying power, to turn them into servants, and 2nd class citizens, or perhaps even eradicate and expelled them from their native territory. such a policy only produces the opposite effect. today, the vast majority of the global community supports palestine application for a full membership in the world organization, the sufferings of peaceful palestinians resonate in the hearts and souls of millions of people worldwide. the current use of a veto, right by us delegation, is a futile attempt to hold the relentless march of history and even the voting results of where washington found itself almost completely isolated. speak for themselves. the results of today's vote did not shock many people, many anticipated that the united states would use its veto power as
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a permanent member of the un security council to block the bid for number statewood for the palestinians. however, when russian ambassador in advance, he gets up to the floor, he emphasize the very dangerous implications of today's veto by the united states. as it appears, it could set the stage for the full eradication of the palestinian people, which seems to be the goal of what israel is currently doing and matches the rhetoric of many is really leaders. now there was a war of words between the leaders of the countries involved in the conflict, israel and palestine, the palestinian authority. several members express the view that the admission of the state of palestine to membership in the united nations was a political matter rather than a technical or legal requirements. in other words, you on charter it'd be damned international law be damned. they're just em 2 words on paper rights. do you and is no longer a boat to multilateralism. sadly,
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it is no committed to multi terrorism or the security council. terror pays off. it's shameful. as i have always pulled out the political rocks within the un that sadly nothing here is based on truth and justice, but toxic politicized station. and today the mass, cuz finally phone and the council has exposed to expose itself. and since i'm able to look up to see how true this recognition and this membership, international peace and security, this question, ladies and gentlemen, we ask specifically to the united states and other countries that oppose grant in the state of palestine full membership at a time when they recognize israel, which is the other party in the east, really boasting and conflict, and has granted israel full membership of united nations. and to those to say that recognizing the palestinian state must happen through negotiations and not through un resolution. we want to once again, how was the state of his real establishment?
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how was it recognized? wasn't the down through a un resolution, which is resolution 181. and while they're now trying to is robin handed the adoption of such a resolution by this time and the international community cannot stand idly by while the countries of both international law enjoys impunity. russian and bassett, or in the den z, a slam the united states for tip, a critical stance, claiming to support the palestinians, and then voting down today's resolution. in addition to that, he pointed out that claims from the united states that somehow the result of the voting is russia in china is fault, are completely disingenuous. somebody comes to the collision use can our american colleagues did not hide the fact that they see the security council as an obstacle, one that should not interfere with their effective diplomacy on the ground. in reality, this was to grant their main middle eastern ally and a free hand in clearing the enclave. the us hypocritically accused as russia and
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china of v towing their fine product. yet our veto serves as an example of why the veto to all is needed. and simple tediously answers, those who are demanding is abolition. it is needed to prevent the adoption of unbalanced and deceitful decisions pushed by washington. so overall it was the united states with its veto power. that prevents, it would have been a very historic day at the united nations security council. palestine could have become a full member state with the full rights of the un member state. however, the united states veto that resolution that was put forward by algeria to grant palestinian statehood and the palestinians left remaining observers that the united nations not member states detached the united for peace. those were the words that former us president bill clinton,
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that marks the beginning of nato's bombing campaign in the summer. you this lobby a 25 years ago. natal rains down tens of thousands of bombs and missiles, killing hundreds of civilians. what follows is our special coverage of those events and the market. they laughed on history and lives. the we have to protect thousands of innocent people to the fuse of powder, to get the heart of bureau to stand united with our allies for feed my generation. never to see those in europe again. the letters and bombing was not only limited to military targets. on april 19th, 1999,
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natal airstrikes, hit petroleum refineries, and the chemical plants in store large explosions. heard at dawn in belgrade, suburbs, government buildings, and then you this lobby, a 2nd largest city and other civilian infrastructure across the country are also attacked. this year, people in serbia, once again commemorated the beginning of the bombing campaign, sending a message to the world that nato's aggression shouldn't be forgotten. archie correspondence, charlotte davinsky, has the details. nature's aggression against what was then you could slow off a more significant turning point in world history. the so called rules faced international old was smashed with the alliance, engaging in military force with that the approval of the un security council. no action still has run this occasions to this very day. this was the 1st time they to completely violate this phone 32, because most people,
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funnily enough to reset that short 3 that 3 to is a copy on the un charter adage point 5. so you can find that each one of the members are attacked. the other screen. it has nothing to do in yugoslavia. it has nothing to do when you find it has nothing to do in your rack or anywhere else . it's a game sits on trees in that specific sense, nato, as for the last 25 years when a criminal, when i say violating its own chandra. and then when can discuss where the mileage and international law under you and jonathan, for an organization that for 25 years operate against its own 32 should be investigated. what happened in the lead up to 1999 has many power allows with the crating conflict now. and while the west states, russia is attacking the coal principles of the you and show it to us award,
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the president put an open lead declared from the outset is named at erasing ukraine from the map as a sovereign country. in this war, there is an aggressor and there is a victim. one side is attacking the core principles, the un charter on the other sites to defend the way ignores the fact that as part of nature, it has repeatedly done this itself. what does the invasion of iraq have taken place made to move in? they moved into iraq, and most of them really pretty much through to the end. the same thing happened in afghanistan, nato has been a continuing presence in afghanistan. now, you know, the best example of what is, of course ukraine, because when one nato tells the world, oh we're just helping ukraine defend itself. young sheldon, but the nato secretary general has admitted the nato has been in ukraine actively
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involved in ukraine. bombing training, ukrainian forces since 2014 and i was p is nathan was accidentally involved in creating this um, essentially a m and t rush onto the t. so kind of a kind of a, a across the carrier directed bruship. nathan knew exactly what he was doing. this was an academic version because he was, they knew that in creating this anti russia on, on russians, photos, russia by the sill and do nothing. in which case, the russian sees, has to be any kind of a power disease has to be any kind of an entity that can secure its own national interest or rush or can intervene. and then of course, you would have a very difficult war on his hands pay. in the former yugoslavia, nato is accused of committing crimes. you are going to be so this you may be mold
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in previous years. they keep telling us that it was justified, that they had to bomb us for us. like they say they did it so. so if you can move forward to the future. but then in the next sentences, they tell us that they sorry for some bland us, meaning, assess, falls on yes, the children killed a nato bombing in 1999, and then they tell us that they believe so be and cost them. i will look to the future together, but what am i trying to tell us is no, we not sorry, because we've done our jobs ripping apart. so the absolutely nato has consistently rejected those claims, rushing into office necessary or collateral damage. yet at the same time, it accuses russia with tallahassee when h has carried out. strikes with infrastructure has been hit preston tooth and is failing in ukraine. and he is responding with more brutality waves of deliberate me. so attacks on see this on the civilian infrastructure,
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depriving ukrainians of heat light down to others in will now be a see power levels between the fee of peace talks in the $19.00 ninety's. and more recently with the, using a stumble between russia and ukraine. remember p stock, so he's the last 2022. that it was exactly a copy paste of what happened in 9093 with the live in fox where the local leaders serves or, or across and both. and moses, i agreed not to escalate and then when it came, they came back to the leader. it wasn't, wasn't always begley said that there is no deal. and he did that because he was called by the americans who called and had who, who told them not to to agree on anything because they will get their state. and that is the same play book of being constantly repeated. the
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costs are case as well. and what they taught wanted is exactly what they got. they have a region that is a really looks like a broken gloss. the way a lot of i like the golden panada republics, failed states who are in constant struggle and even cost and security. the lam uh, which is a perfect situation for colonizer which is natal to always be a neutral quote unquote arbitrary level of the power levels to the intervention of nature. and you could smell of you resulted in a demand for parts of the country costs are going to be recognized as a silver and state lands asinique, albanians. and so they say, so it'd be, has refused to k, even recognize the break away region. despite the constant pressure from nato allies, at the same time, these allies consistently have denied cools by asking the questions and don't boss
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. and quite me to determine that own feature and to separate from ukraine later recognizes the sections of the republics of the s f. r. y, obviously, violation of the constitutional quotes of the either side of it. then he's a tax, so it'd be a bonds, the prize cost of the way through terrorism, co ocean bombing, a state essentially to give up a piece of territory, then it recognizes it. and then they turn around to the, the, the, the east of the, the, the residence of the dumbass. will the people read the residence of the east and the southeastern ukraine and tells them you have a much you've already express, you'll will throw a referendum. you have to stay in the states that you don't want to be
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a fall. so and now what is the consistent positive, you know, elements, and all of what nato is doing? well? well, you know, it's essentially when you use something helps creating a bunch of independent states that are likely to be in nato allies. nato is suddenly in favor of succession, need to claim victory intervention in serbia. and before that, i think was there was only to keep p c, such fractions of resulting in decades of tensions in the balkans. the
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put this boy, this nature allies have accused russia of shattering the peace in europe. it is clear that nato has not done enough and what russia has done, the shots is the security architecture of europe. and these don't just shots of the security tech of tech to if you're up essential quite around wells. it's a pill to swallow, to recognize your own faults and to see them a quarter of a century. all nature is still refusing to do either, not just in relation to its illegal campaign, and you could smell of you have been in a wrong. i've done this on libya, how it enables the purpose of islamic states, and now how it piles ukraine high with arms. it's an able to make the h isn't
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a good.


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