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tv   News  RT  April 19, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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is comfortable, my show is called direction, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the a big day for india as the globe as the well, the new economic powerhouse begins general electricity at all. it's a good time in the country leading policy for the next 5 years. what's all special coverage of the race until june? the goal of the us resolution is to break the will of palestinians to make them unconditionally submit to the occupying power. i have always called out the political rocks within the un that sadly nothing here is based on truth and justice, but the toxic put it inside the station and flushes and you went on past the flowers. washington said no, it's going with the vast majority. if it be toes, how the signs, requests for full membership at the united nations and radiant official stage
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3 drones were sold down by a rainy annette dispenses a but it's fun city known for having nuclear facilities. the a very well welcome to you that is on the international coming to live at from las go with the latest news out there. it is great to have you with us. us hope story, the well, the largest democracy goes to the pulse will genuine election. so that should be held for more than 6 weeks. early voting is already underway in some parts of the country and we are bringing you all special coverage of the event. the well, this is a, this india has moved in at 969000000 eligible votes,
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who's best move in 10 percent of the world's population. the elections ought to be held in several phases and will run through until june 1st with the results to be announced 3 days later. and the as mama selection requires more than a 1000000 polling booths and over 50000000 workers to oversee as well. so name will take place across the whole of india even in less accessible areas. so i'm posing machines must be how is using forces on the elephants. well, the highest polling booth will be located as far up as 4650 mates is in the himalayan. mountains all day corresponded vengeance on the reports from all studio the case in the hearts of india, new janet the dawn. so democracy has just started in india all. well the next 6 weeks around, 1000000000 people would be costing their world to choose the next government.
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in fact, to be the 1st day of the full around $10.00 to constitute the seats all going to for this is across $21.00 states. it's the number again. there are total $543.00 constituency seats, envelopes about which is the lower house of development. the are at stake and would shut off when the cool fall to your combination of those bodies gets to $72.00. not that's the magic number. whoever gets that number will form the government and run in the off for the next 5 years, both b g b, that's not being there movies, political policy, and congress which has funding alliance of thoughts to come to the b. b. they have been making promises that's their manifesto was in fact, congress came up with a manifesto which states basically it's a new i foster that translates to a pillar of, of sewage stuff. and what they're saying is that the one justice for women,
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they want justice for fall laws. what to do 1st of all, this manifesto is the voice of the country. all that is written there is based on what people from different walks of life told the congress leaders. so this kind of fast so is actually document of the people of this country. that is why i want to congratulate 140 corey people who are finally given them boys by your party, which brought this country to independence, which prepared this country's constitution, which always fought for the progress of this country. and were determined to implement each and every point frequent from this manifesto. and we're fully confident that in the coming decades, it is going to prove to be a historic document of this country. what the major b hallway were saying is that low congress has been in follow for the longest time in the indian history in india's independent history. so to say they haven't done a thing, of course b, j b has almost a whole list of things, essentially continuing what they've done for the last 2 thomas brought me
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into all this long. there's many of us doing the things very clear the congress wants to get wants to unleash cost divisions in the country. 2 promises which may be very difficult to for the bed. and the thing was to unleash, but i'm sure i'm not in the country to getting these, which again means for the entry and wire, the selection, the largest collections in the history of mankind is something that, in fact will be watched closely. not just an india off by the was to break that down. i have a very special guest. i can tell you the fact is that every number of those 1000000000 people, the view of this as a wonderful page, the view with pride that they are taking fox in their own democracy. and they are deciding who's going to need them for the next 5 years. and it doesn't matter which fondest india you're from, which community, which is religion,
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it doesn't matter maybe which may be 12, but to value this range. and movie has fulton focus over the years. he's only as spoken about a multi point or was know. like i said, nothing to moody is a bible for fig. oh, somebody love him. some may not. what do you think that if he comes to fall for the tubs consecutive tom? what do you think that's going to mean for the wall dynamics? i think it 3 be a video. wrong v i formation of is own vision for the country. that's number one and this vision is based on economic development is based on a set of lines, not getting fold up in the supply chain. and it's based on the unity of the country subject. i saw you, but it should be today that some of the cost developing for everybody except vos trust. why everybody, i'm some company asked everybody must put in the effort to go together for what
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you've seen them as being at the end of what was a browser, this, the media, you know, trying to say that to look what is this in the, at the computer is that confusing? a stevie storm government? i'm talking about a back back so that the whole democracy. mm hm. the demo democratic process based on individual choice, i do want to mention 970000000. the exact date choice has dropped forward for the last 10 years, stevens majority government, where the government does not have, who would have showed up to see who's willing to politically support them. they can look at more than cutting fees and for the right to solve it. right, what you get in a cheap this a section of many people was doing this a little confusing, but being a long getting something right. getting something wrong and being able to use the most used to be to the trying to present as long as they continue that nobody in india is being food by that, as the indian people do not do any more depend on justin views,
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doing what they think about them said the f 151 opinion of us is also a country. we don't have to look to invest the people who are, who have their own agendas. thank you. well, do stay with us throughout this week on the coming months. as we bring you, all special coverage of india is paula been to elections that were run through until june the the policy. and of course he has branded the us veto was paula signs bid to become a full fledged member of the un on fast unethical. and unjustifiable rushes you and i'm positive for those suits and slammed washington saying the country is going against the vast majority of those supporting palestine as well in sales, so much more to produce teams. the goal of the us resolution is to break the will
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of palestinians to make them unconditionally submit to the occupying power, to turn them into servants, and 2nd class citizens, or perhaps even eradicate and expelled them from their native territory. such a policy only produces the opposite effect. today, the vast majority of the global community supports palestine is application for full membership in the world organization, the sufferings of peaceful palestinians resonate in the hearts and souls of millions of people worldwide. the current use of a veto, right by us delegation, is a futile attempt to halt the relentless march of history and in the voting results, where washington found itself almost completely isolated, speak for themselves. the results of today's vote did not shock many people. many anticipated that the united states would use its veto power as a permanent member of the un security council to block the bid for number statewood
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for the palestinians. however, when russian ambassador and eventually until up to the floor, he emphasized the very dangerous implications of today's veto by the united states . as it appears, it could set the stage for the full eradication of the palestinian people, which seems to be the goal of what israel is currently doing and matches the rhetoric of many is really leaders. now there was a war of words between the leaders of the countries involved in the conflict, israel and palestine, the palestinian authority. several members express the view. the admission of the state of palestine to membership in the united nation was a political matter rather than a technical or legal requirements. in other words, un charter, be damned international law, be damned. they're just em 2 words on paper rights. do you and is no longer about to multilateralism? sadly, it is now committed to multi terrorism. this security council terror pays off its
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shameful, as i have always called out the political rocks within that un, sadly, nothing here is based on truth and justice, but toxic politicized. station and to day the mass cuz finally full and the council has exposed to expose itself. and since i'm here to see how could this resignation and this membership international peace and security. this question, ladies and gentlemen, we ask specifically to the united states and other countries that oppose grant in the state of palestine full membership at a time when they recognize israel, which is the other party in the east, really boasting and conflict, and has granted easily a full membership of united nations and to those to say that recognizing the palestinian state must happen through negotiations. and now through un resolution. we wonder once again, how was the state of his real establishment? how was it recognized? wasn't the down through a un resolution,
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which is resolution 181. and while they're now trying to is robin handed the adoption of such a resolution. by this time the international community cannot stand idly by while the countries of both international law enjoys impunity. russian and bassett, or in the den z, a slam the united states for a tip, a critical stance, claiming to support the palestinians, and then voting down today's resolution. in addition to that, he pointed out the claims from the united states that somehow the result of the voting is russia in china's fault are completely disingenuous. somebody comes to the collision use can our american colleagues did not hide the fact that they see the security council as an obstacle, one that should not interfere with their effective diplomacy on the ground. in reality, this was to grant their main middle eastern ally a free hand in clearing the enclave. the us hypocritically accuses russia and china of v towing their fine product. yet our veto serves as an example of why the veto
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to all is needed. and simple tediously answers. those who are demanding is abolition. it is needed to prevent the adoption of unbalanced and deceitful decisions pushed by washington. so overall it was the united states with its veto power, that preventive. what would have been a very historic day at the united nations security council? palestine could have become a full member states with the full rights of the un member state. however, the united states veto that resolution that was put forward by algeria to grant palestinian statehood and the palestinians left remaining observers that the united nations not member states be less close live to deputy secretary general of assigned to a central committee san police side down. now many thanks for joining us on the program is very good to see you. now, considering the multiple reports highlighting
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a piece of palestinians on the fox of a decimal in garza has risen to almost $34000.00. how do you assess the us move to the to palestine, bid for you and membership bearing in mind the us was the only nation in the 15 members' security council to vote against the resolution. a nicky, good to be with you. it's really sad that we live this day. we should have been the joyous thing and the fact that this way, this uh, uh, finally given and by this time i become a member for this much money that will be um, my medicaid is, is that i that is what it is america. there are literally each other there, echoing each other and what is being talked about over the course of the last decades about 2 states. a fusion had proved to be another annoyed america is wasting time is by buying time is loving the feelings of the international community. by talking about those states, and i think you know, the and his other chose that the america applause was not interested. and was, as i said, buying time,
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i think the addition of the representative had for this order is what i always found in the, by you and it was a vision. and now is what i q is, is that you on all the, tell you. but over you end up being cut off of being deceitful or being a problem with it. also terrorism and or the name coding really reflects the more this is what it is that the denial is that the for refusing to recognize that the history and the course of the time has changed and put us in the ends or to see up on this thing instead of coming to be what's interesting is that according to a recent interest that thoughtful washington was actually to know big of the nation is to reject palestinian membership, hoping to avoid, you know, the veto by the us. so what, what is your take on this? why do you think the other nations didn't follow that us requests that's being reported? and i think, you know, other nations have been speaking of decency and that's been the most is the nice thing about the cost. if you consider, for example, in south korea, as an example, in a south korea was indeed nobody to buy the american administration. so the doctor doesn't
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vote so the vote doesn't qualify. the motion is not tabulated and we don't get for american depot. so america does not look at about us, but the medical is big part of that, but it's just based south korea had that in mind that the industrial community about the back it might be 49. i had submitted that request to be a member of state, the doctor was denied and done by fee of $91.00. that's it became a member of state. so it is a reflection of the most of the international community. the time is do that for the sending and the lights, or to be respected and the condition of a states as being a part of the 2 long overdue. so i would say nobody has given them and to others. remember, this is really a reflection of the mode or the intelligence community. so we have up coming up, we would go back to the distributor carson. so no to them anybody expect and we were impressed again for a full membership time is come an hour to people's blood should look good study and the, the when of the people of the world, or to be
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a respect to then reference months. and the, as we say these divisions sharpen between the countries, if that, well, it's, do you think the us might, we consider it supportive as well. it's going to be on go, you know, it's the visual of interest of the consent over the, the, the future. we're going to is that what is america america wants to see? is that as an agent? oh, so i was trying to protect it certain times. but the time, as i said, that has changed the demographic to even know the orientation of the country and such as the u. k. u. because i've seen this for the sadly and wasted the study of trinity. sharpe 3, they play a different drawer and it recognizes easy, right? so look for this and, and maybe amongst these and actually i think the hutto and actions in america, this was, that would change. but i'm a bit of a puzzled and by then has repeatedly said you're from the 2 states to the ocean is
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where doable. it's obvious, this was a game, nothing but the trying wasting exercise. what do we need to see is yet another bush . thank you. and we need to manipulate on the card was not available. so to go back to the security problems and again and push for another membership was sort of the person that was an interesting aust cold. i'd like to see what else do about it was were put by public. i which it said that the us secretary of state, honest me blinking it actually, it know, recommendations for my special state department, palo to suspend 8 to be is really military and police unit as i saw. so these units were being piped for legs to human rights abuses against palestinians, which included an extra judicial killings by police, the guiding and hung cussing of an elderly palestinian american model related died . and an allegation that is ready interrogate is a torture and rape the teenager. do you think as well as actions can still be described as self defense and how long do you think motion to will continue to support it? so i like given this evidence when it's funny because the optics,
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the failure to have a quote in that topic, i, the, which i said that the, you know, what is happening is that the american m is that i had an opportunity to finish the news for the people from flood trip and up the what the doing is to tell you this is respectful of the needs of the person and people language and the paying domestic code on the back of being committed should have that as long as the condition of the independence or so, but it's not blinking to be a whole sullivan, i'm others are mostly for food and stuff that i can the others automatically. they things without the so because any of them opened, assigned to coming to be. so i would say, you know, america is at the model across point. now it says to reconsider that it's values, the figures you mention, besetti people, 1000 palestinians, look at beans can do that within a vacation of the means of life or for the citizens should stand the testimony to the fact that america is our accomplice and the medicaid is giving the blessing
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a look at the, the relative positions. there's almost a statement every day about 1 o'clock or so by then have mentioned, but i thought mistakenly saying how you fight. and so those are all but also a high, a met across is no to the operation is what i would say. so yes. and then another guy says, okay, yes for the operation. i'm going to, i'm following up to talk to you on this. it is stupid. what is happening is a cup of coffee and what, what's missing is in the model of crisis that's going to is pushy itself and design and data, and now we see the causes spilling out across the region. them with the is well stride to on a run this morning as a retaliatory store. i talked the summit republic hits is well, do you think these new conflicts that we're seeing play outs could sideline international attempts to bring peace to palestine? indeed, absolutely. i mean, it is part of the keeping,
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the busy with that is i and decided that france is what i would like to order was going to be in order for them. nothing. the. all i'm says is that conniving for the addition to what he's trying to do is provide different buyers to get a better. so to divert attention from palestine and the french and not only from guns or by the way is from the west bank, which is an exciting by the the and allowing suck lives on page the punishment ends images. and i've talked to them and bundle sold out to you before the spanish citizens and he throws the map he has shown before the general assembly throws a map for, for it is so important. people turns over them to you from the seat, with no 2nd going for this thing and whatsoever existing on this not. so what is happening again, as i said, it's a modem crisis that the american is what i am out of finding themselves in. and if you look and hear what is happening around the world, due to a test of the fact that the width of the people before the governments is to see the site and being a for member of the you and then totally organize as
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a supplement. state to come to be thank you very much for speaking to us today. i really appreciate your time deputy secretary john of the facto central committee software you signed on. thank you to the, to the tensions between around and is where at least spokesman, fully wrong. civilian space programs, phase 3 drones were still down or that is fun city which is known for having new players sites. iran was bracing for and is where the responds to basically autonomy is very large scale. walton jordan strike on the jewish stage last week. and this was a rounds response to an idea of store icon. the radian concierge in damascus, which resulted in a dust of 11 different amounts and 2 high ranking generals, as well, initially denied responsibility. but later in directly a method it target took the building time to get served as a military base, co ordinating home us operations. on april, the 13th
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a wrong launch to hundreds of drones, cruise and ballistic missiles, to move this way, the territory with the as well claiming the vast majority what and to step to the is nomic republics and military said is what he to hit. in fact, with much greater force, if any of its nuclear facilities are taxed by the idea. this model is venomous. new gear size have been identified and we have the necessary information about all targets we have on a finger on a ticket of fighting strong missiles to destroy the designated targets in response to a potential attack. that's monday morning. there were reports between just wanted to be a pass, they can a showing her as discussions of new sub entered the freight forward, it was reason retaliatory strikes against as well. so these has responded with a barrage of flags prompting to want to about even stronger towns or measures. however, the situation today dramatic twist. now when he's well began initially, warnings about targeting, it was nuclear facilities, posting
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a startling revelation from the i r g c. in a bombshell and elsewhere, the only are gc for it from that get one would not release twice because we need to clear sides what's only insured, but also for so the development of a nuclear file revealed general basketball tasks out loud please. the commander of the i r g c unit that's in charge of protecting their wine in nuclear side side 80 it's out on the get was nuclear facilities will leave the one with no other option, but to reconsider it's declared nuclear policies. i gather. how does the tax, if there are any threats or actions by a fake sinus regime against countries? nuclear facilities in the pressuring these limits republic. reconsidering no nuclear, dr. in policy, in violating into consideration to announce before, will be likely and imaginable. it is possible for these land make republic in its own forces. 30 tele, using advance weapons, if any flights of facts. but if they design is resumed,
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take place again on nuclear facilities and the response nucleus sentence will definitely be attacked. there's bold statement marks they significant departure from. there was previous stats, which i frankly prohibited the use of weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons based on who would just teach things. everyone has long maintained that its nuclear program is intended solely for peaceful purposes. the country's current to which ment of uranium stands up to 60 percent, which is not too far from the 90 percent fewer to you are required for an atomic bomb by the international atomic energy agency has several times verified the peaceful nature otherwise nuclear activities. however, this room has never launch direct attacks on yvonne, you soil awards nuclear side. so now from here was to add any such move could push to one to think the unthinkable. and that's what potentially sport a new nuclear arms race. and that we just it seems that brakes is about to get
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even bigger with columbia or expressing its interest in joining the blog. as soon as possible, countries desire to joined briggs was expressed in a joint statements following a meeting between the brazilian president of columbia leader preston. petra express that colombia is interested in joining the blog because we've really encountered pause, welcoming the initiative and promising to promote columbia as kind of as the columbia is not the only country in the southern hemisphere to express interest in joining the as a growing breaks blog with venezuela on his way to become a full fledged member as well. when i'm joined in the studio by, i guess to can tell as much more about this now many things. but during the goes as stephen cruz, the head of the african governance and diplomacy program at the south african, the institute of international affairs. thank you for coming in. so it seems like just more and more countries align and got to be a part of briggs. venezuela is already on his way to joining the group, not columbia. also seeking membership as well. uh,
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what does this mean for level by that? well, i think countries see something in bricks. they want to join this club. they want to join this place to, to amplify their voices. i don't think any countries are going to join immediately . i think that will be a decision that the hits a stifle tight towards the end of the year. and we shouldn't forget the full countries joined into habits bug last year at the summit of a couple of countries in the end decided not to join like gods and tina and saudi arabia has needs a join. no, not joined. but yes, a lot of countries reported the over 40 have express the interest in joining the blog. and what is it was that special? something about breaks that, that makes it so appealing to countries. i know you said, you know, is it, is the hosting is club in town, some sit on the fence. what, what's on the mind? you know, what are they thinking that that may be for them that they're looking at? well,
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that is more fair. that is more equitable bricks has been supportive of efforts to reform the un security council to give developing countries more voice. the world is very different to what it looked like in 1945 i think that is solid garrity. i think there's common ideology and common interest that, that dr. countries to wants to be a part of something which seems to be clearly succeeded. there's a sign is that the, the rise of brakes goes hand in hand with this. this winds up the multi polar wells, and the multi polar, well, in essence is about all countries being given. if that sounds about you know, cooperating in piece one thing every 42 to 60, the do you think that's what bricks is also about? i think that's part of the attraction of the countries in the, in the block that apply for his info of us dominance of the international system of europe's dominance. and so they have countries that are definitely seeking an alternative and a different way of configuring the world and setting the rules of that will as we
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know, the columbia market as well as is on his way. there is rich in oil production taken into consideration that some of the, the biggest oil produced is already post if the brakes blog. how will the presence of these new members affects the global economy? well, i think, as he said, the all major oil produces in the block, including the united arab emirates and saudi arabia, if they join and russia itself. so i think they may be some effect on the world all markets with, with more and more countries finding this lock minded space in which to exchange of course we still have opec. and i don't think bridges ever going to replace opec particularly on oil. but i think the resources are going to be an increasing part of the issues that breaks tackles. and how do you think this is going to affect those countries in the world that are viewing the rise of bricks with trepidation? i was in south africa last year when the expansion of bricks was announced,
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and the us in particular, another western powers were looking at it quite nervously. yeah, i think there's a, there's a lot of negative feeling about it. i don't think it's trying to replace the g 7. the g 20. all of these uh blocks exist co exist, but i think there will be perhaps discouragement of some countries that might have wanted to join. they may be some lobbying, but i don't think really the width is going to be able to do anything about the brakes expanding because it's the free will of these countries. and what's the latest on the this talk about breaks current say. so i don't think it's viable at the moment. uh this uh the, the finance ministers in the governors of the reserve banks have been tasked with looking into kinds issues. what is much more of an is a, an issue is, is countries dealing in currencies other than the dollar in the bilateral trade? so if india buys oil from russia, it wants to pay and rupees. and it has been quite
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a lot of that already happening. but i think a brooks car and see if.


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