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tv   News  RT  April 19, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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as vantage the current supremacy what is called the access of resistance is challenging israel and unfortunately, it's western patrons the literally the india of the most populous country, the fastest growing economy for the next 5 years. we are going to be bringing do a special coverage on and do the elections or the next 6 weeks, as a 1000000000. people will also this, our russians farm. it is that pushes back could be western narratives on ukraine as most go promotes. keith talks instead of continued fight thing, pull the us and this out. i just want to defeat russia on the ground. this reflects not so much of religions attitude as agony and history, and they're not hiding it anymore. they quoted johnson who set that for let pressure when would be the end of our kitchen and almost $200.00 children. the t of
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had accused most of a single, especially consent to be living in germany and, and tells all to the civilians into the country voluntarily. with the legal guardian, the a very well welcome to you. this is all the international coming to live from most go with the late as well. these are the day just get to have you with us. all i is the, on the, in the, as the, well, the way is populous nation takes to the polls. the general election is being held in 7 stages over the next 6 weeks, and opposed to of now closed. and the 1st day of voting, we're bringing do all the special coverage of the major event the so this year india has nearly $1000000000.00 eligible voters. that's more than 10
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percent of the world's population. the election wraps up on june 1st, but the results to be announced 3 days later on friday, both things replace the close at 20. well, in the states of india, the large scan election requires more than a 1000000 polling booths and over 50000000 workers to oversee it. oh, loading is taking place in many remote areas too. so some posting machines must be carried there on horses, i think, with allison's votes as have indelible ink applied to the index fingers. a method used to avoid a fraud. the world's most elevated, posing booth, is located as far as 4650 meters in the himalayan mountains. and around 18000000 people are voting for the 1st time as we all, some of them about the expectations as a 1st name or thursday. very oversea. i vote for the one who is a guiding the me that if i'm working for them,
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whatever they're seeing before getting elected to david obviously promised to abide by that and david pursued, or those demands. my suspicions on the main body would be that making deals more to the manufacturing sector. basically. second, the 2nd and i do my job opportunity should be produced. would it be new york who they can and don't see pro force and because there's a lot of intelligence that are pretty much scammed so that if i it, i guess, you know, i think they're good, wonderful job. what are you or do you want them to publish? load on the have gets a sector. otherwise typing everything they are actually doing fine. i believe to be involved in education must be and so for the overall activity to hey, all the choices to main coalition is all competing for control of the countries. paul depends on prime ministers post. the national democratic alliance comprised of
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$38.00 parties, is led by the ruling and barbara tia janasia policy and, and tumbling premier and a random mode. a. on the other side is the indian national developmental inclusive alliance, consisting of 26 or position policies. that block is led by the indian national congress policy with the groups be headed by russell gong. they. well, let's now across the to all the special studio in the heart of the indian capital, new delano correspondent, winters um is that for us with the latest on the elections were engine over to bank to nikki. the biggest democratic exercise in the world is on the way in india today. in fact, was the fost freeze of the full which will go on until the novel of 6 weeks. they'll freeze out in 7 dates. of course, in the all it's,
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it's not just the biggest elections in the world, but it's also one of the most expensive elections. what's estimated is about $14000000000.00 is being set, spent by political policies to water is good. who exactly wouldn't get impressed. and by who, that's the question and to breaks that down i, how would me form on diplomats come was said was and he's going to be breaking down for us. what the general elections in india are. 2024. mean, not just for in the out the 1400000000 people of india, but the one with the very clear because there's a lot of a talk and debate about the democracy was there. that's all the data in ism and here is a country which is a long standing democracy, the largest in the world, and is engaged in a democratic society which is unprecedented in proportions. 976
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individual voters and maybe 600000000 plus with vote, the liberal voters number more than the entire population of the united states. they are defending union, britain and japan. now you'll get the sense of empowerment that in indian soon have that these participating in this huge, stupendous exercise to decide which box issue to govern the country and who should be the next prime minister of the country. i mean, the create has become very well informed, very savvy, and they know what their choices are. uh yes, that other factor like austin, all those things we still operate about. it's a shifting now aspirations, development, progress, prosperity, future, to what india's pollution in the world would be,
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what all fidelity would be created for the population in that perspective because we have very young population we. we think that in terms of services, we can service the entire whom entity at least for the next 2030 years. and the young population can participate in this plus crime. and if somebody has a create a new aspirations, you know all the startups and go ahead and use your imagination, usually with initiative to build up india of the future. opening up the possibility that space by privatizing it and things like that. so he's going know, using the country and he said quite clearly that the bite of 19402047 in there will be a developed country. and that's be followed all for you to see. but nevertheless, he wants to make and do the following tom line as well. so he says,
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but surely is not going to be a problem is that is going to be $47.00. that's good, that is quite clear. but he's setting the foundation for india to grow. and audit india is the fastest growing logical, and i mean, is it not merely india saying it by the world bank? i imagine others say it's 70 percent plus and the perspective is that it will continue to grow at this rate for the next 10 years. mr said look and i ask you why know, reading the movie has felt it on his success. he sees it entails the fastest growing economy in the world, the 5th largest economy as well. but also there are issues such as unemployment in the old home to the largest use population also cost of living crisis. so the opposition fees that why learning disability, promising all of that. and while there is, of course, in the all steps are on the global stage, but of course there are internal. you should still think, well, let me ask you,
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is it any country without problems? no, is there any country without insulation in any country without unemployment? is a big issue. has been a big issue in the united states. this relatively doing better, but it's a big issue and your inflation is a big issue and united states. that's why they have the inflation reduction. ag though, of course it that other purposes. and there is no installation building up in, in europe, including in germany, which is extremely sensitive to the whole issue of inflation or countries have problems. so therefore, to say that india somehow it has to be but for exercise, even no problems is ridiculous. we have on point 4000000000 people, 16 of them entity. mm hm. can you imagine why 6 of humanity not having any problem, but well it is. that's something that the bodies hold from talking by default spoken about that in the region, at least our neighboring economy, 0 collapsing in a sense, we've seen what's happening, the long gall and long to these india has stayed from. do you think that
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that's kind of the success of mr. moore, the or under his leadership? when both those go towards do you think that the out of time when a dozen global crisis of sorts geo political crisis, as well as global pensions as well at the time when in deals somewhat in a good position, do you think that that effects the waters as well, when the, i don't think of water is going to be moved by what is happening in the that's the world in terms of geo politics or conflict a lot on this or that. some people, what exposure they've asked who have interest and know as a business or otherwise. and therefore, they are sensitive to these trends bodies, a very, very, very small minority in the heartland of india, where the voting is then all, even though we have a lot of these things, are you using them on and about?
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you can conflict on what is happening with the one who is alive or in the south china system that know they will vote on hardcore bread and butter issues. uh, development issues with of course it. so, you know, because invasions of broken his own memories with them and costs and everything as which is audiology in india of each other using the diverse society at the end of the day. don't forget that uh w a b doesn't get more than 20 percent a level. so there are 60 percent who don't vote for the media for you. but in our system, 40 percent is enough to propel a government in file. and if and when will it more easy to use? if it is 50 percent? it will be a remarkable, astounding success of a democratic policy. but let me tell you something as well. so the 17 also recognized political parties in india. how many of the engine i just said, just do the, was forwarded as democracy. we sort of wants to teach democracy to that. as in the
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world, she doesn't, don't have a choice. is either republicans or democrats, that's it. and even the most of that, if you read what is the state, will be in dent of us no more because he is, it all depends on 7 states. the rest of the states has given me a demo, grab the public and not compared to that. look at the look at our democracy, our democracy is, is beautiful in the we elections are conducted. that could all fall under, meticulous oh, i also want to ask you about moving into the no matter with you land. how you feel about that 9. you may like him, you may not like him. well, he is a powerful figure. do you think that's a reason? also why the world is closely watching the selection? while the wall is going to be watching the election, but i'm pretty disappointed. instead of celebrating this exercise, we test absolutely no battle in history. can you tell me in history and what
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a country conducting a democratic election, which involves 1400000000 people. and elizabeth said it looks 8 of 976000000 people bought. while you're headed, the negative is, or, or there is a move away from them away from that. that is the social problem that, that's what is the problem that he didn't do that is persecution. i'm in order to do anything that is that as if that defines what is happening in india, and in fact i've seen a speed about that go to because of a period of late i'm, i'm not going to be complete this faith about that because we've never been obligating the western press, denigrating the indian democracy and attacking body and to be personally and, and the, and the agenda not. and then in defeating and not even though fairly, extremely sensitive about any individuals in the election process, but to the best to even official statements. like in the case of germany and the
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united states, picking up the cause of opposition. politicians that in defending and that elections. so i don't, and i find it very disappointing that the washington voted new york times of the economy is to financial times of the whole targeting in indian democracy. instead of looking at the positives already from the fact that if engine democracy successful, then democracy in the world is successful. outside the western world, outside the west, which is a country which is upholding the banner of democracy, they'll be in the for the country, but much smaller ones. and what do you think the reason is? india has in the last few years, it's been able to establish itself is a powerful global voice is the voice of the global south. so to see also it's come out of the balancing forces, the media to are in, in the was do you think that reading that hedge money during the movie is
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constantly spoken about a multi point? oh well that's his idea. do you think that's something that we have on the west? well, yes and no because of our definition of them, of people is not necessarily that or some others who would talk about the month. people that was not look, i can understand when the input in the shop uh, emphasized the people that, well, we can see why they're doing that. i'm not sure about china, but i can understand why it are shut down because it shows it actually is being targeted openly and they want to and they're saying that they want to impose that to you, to feed on the restaurant and isolated shots internationally and everything else, so there is a clear, empty, it might have been done in since within multiple attitude. but the audit issues with united states and the rest of it goes and they're becoming even better level when we talk on monday for that at the what we're saying is that the ships and follow back up. but god says 1945 should be reflected in good global governance in the united nations with financial and political institutions that they should be
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most base for a country like india. we had an older, civilized, $16.00 of them entity a timing democracy. like, why can't we have create a say in how the leisure govern itself and the principle going to be shouldn't be govern because we see a lot of double stand a lot of double standards and all frustrating of all kinds. look at the entire sections of the other lesions. was it a shot or suffering or on account of that because they impose sanctions which are not approved by the united nations. and they interfere in the by that for the nation as we have with the friends. now this kind of thing has to change. it has to be a new consensus, and india wants to be a part of that consensus. we 2nd notice that the place where the global is out on the developing world should be heard more and shouldn't be reflected in the way, be governed ourselves and how we look at the future growth. at the end of the day,
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we all have to live together and the boss with the, the westwood, them, and the culminating the was for the last 3400 years. that is gone. mr. can also will tell you so much for breaking that down solos to sing me for us and which is why the world is watching indian elections very, very closely at this stage of please. what all the opinion, both the political funds are suggesting is that no reason will be on his political policy. the bgp, the are on top of all of the causes as an opposition to lines about a dozen political parties, regional and national. they are giving the challenge them with some movie. but at this stage what mr. movie sees that his political philosophy, when get char so far, which translates to all $400.00 seeds, alter the $543.00 following fee constituency seats that up for grabs. for now, it's back to you in the studio that was on a teaser engine shauna with former indian government as far as the secretary thomas
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of alpha. now going to the thank you very much. i so closely watching the events unfolding it in the eyes. hundreds of millions of citizens takes the post to choose the next leader. and you can always heads while website dot com for the full schedule of the election. as well as more details on the analysis of the ongoing times. as you make sure you stay with us here with all the international throughout today on the coming week since we bring you all special coverage of india is parliamentary elections that will run until june. the at the latest media briefing in washington state department spokesman austin has the clot declined to answer the question by the grace of an outlet report was a liam called square if he was about as well as that stated push for regime change in iran. so benjamin netanyahu testified in the us congress in 2002. it is before
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we and they did a rack and he said, quote, there was no question whatsoever that saddam hussein is seeking and is working. and as advancing towards the development of nuclear. ready weapons, he then went on to say he was hiding nuclear facilities underground. we now notice was a lie. one that many us service members, an innocent iraqis paid the price for danielle, who in that same congressional hearing goes on to say, obviously we'd like to see regime change, at least i would in a ran. the question now is, what is the best way to proceed? it's not a question of whether you'd like to see if we can change and around, but how to achieve it. so my 2 questions for you are one, how can we trust somebody who go to our country into or interact based on false sites and to given this weekend's advance? why are we confident he won't do the same thing with a rand given he's been calling for us to an accurate name change in that country for 20 years? i'm sure i fully understand your question. so that's not discussed. this with
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the grades and reporting liam called square of himself. thanks for joining us on the program. it's good to see. so we just play to small fragments have been done. patel's respond, see or challenging question. what else did he have to say? so what, what, what do you, we've set it 1st was also thanks for having me on. but what do you, his 1st response was kind of along the lines of, well, there's many people in the israeli government, so we support israel. that doesn't mean we're necessarily endorsing a particular person, but obviously we're talking about benjamin netanyahu, who is not only the prime minister, but he's been uh, on and off, but basically the prime minister for over the last 20 years. so he's clearly the most powerful and influential person in the is really government, he's that top decision maker of these really government. so that the answer was just kind of absurd. at the end. he said, you know, we don't see more with a ran to which i said, you know, but we have this blanket. what do you know?
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what is the ran response to israel? because israel has vowed, with striker ran and last night we might have just seen that happen. mm hm. and then he said, well, we have an iron clad commitment to israel, so the us is currently holding this kind of contradictory position of, well, we don't want to have a word with iran, but we're gonna back israel when they're attacked. so, and obviously if we let israel, if we say that israel is going to feel confident that it can keep attacking or ran because it knows that the u. s. you know, the largest nodes are in the world who's going to come to his rescue, wants to ran inevitably response. so you know, i'm very worried given netanyahu's position that this has been a rope for us and to yet another. we're in the middle east and did you expect to get more answers though, from the state department of giving us officials of a habit of dodging hardboiled questions. we were told, surprised by mister patel's reaction. uh no, i was not surprised. i mean that hit his initial responsive. well i just don't
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understand the question. that's kind of a new one, but that's kind of what they're paid to do at all. that was the state department, but i mean, they're the pentagon. i go there a lot of the white house. i haven't gone there yet, but that's kind of would. what governments folks people are, are paid to do is to kind of fly in an obscure and kind of just say anything that won't make news headlines that make them look bad. so that's, that's really what their pay to do. and, and, you know, our job is reporters is to try to get any get anything we can call them on have prophecies, things like that. so no, i wasn't too surprised. i suppose the fair is, you know, with the 2003 invasion of iraq notoriously carried 1000 drug falls pre tags. and no one actually held accountable for that. were years of history is going to keep repeating itself. do you think that's a yeah, i mean that's the seer. uh that, that press briefing i was referring or the congressional hearing with netanyahu in
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2002 that i was referring to. people can go watch. i mean it's like 2 hours long and netanyahu says, in no uncertain terms, he says, i think the us out of harm's way should over pro saddam hussein's regime. and he gives all these reasons. you know, he's very charismatic when he talks and he says explicitly, he's hiding nuclear facilities under ground. and he's, you know, he's saying all this and then we did go in and beta rack and that was, that was never proven. they never found anything like that. i think the most that they found were defaults chemical weapons facilities from the but the soviet union had built way back in the day that it wasn't even clear saddam was using those are rehabilitating. and so we did not find weapons of mass destruction that i've seen. our own government lied us into that more like the bush administration did too. but netanyahu was right there at the helm of that. and a lot of the bush administration guys, like the founding neo con group called project for america,
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new american century. a lot of those guys were hard for science so. so a lot of the rationale for starting the rack or was to help israel in the 1st place . so israel has dragged us into multiple wars and it, i mean, i hope not. i don't know what's going to happen. i don't know how i ran is going to respond to whatever happened last night, whether that was israel. but it looks like it might happen again. and people in the us seem kind of a sleep to that notion. and i wish more of reporters would add pressure because i think it's, it's certainly wouldn't n yahoo once is a war with iran and he wants the us to fight it for him. so what sort of is ready? it's how do you think it wrong should be bracing for and do you expect us to get it directly involved? anything that's likely. um, so the us has said, you know, we're not getting back any sort of offensive attack, but we are going to bass any stripes on his rarely territory. but it's,
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but that's kind of meaningless because if israel is, has this blank checked to do, all these offensive attacks, it doesn't matter for us participates in those. if we give them this blank check for defense, it's like a, eventually a rand is getting a response. i mean, last night i, there were some explosions in that range in city. although i did see some reports that are raining and officials that, that there was no air stripe. um, you know, i don't know. i don't know how they're going to respond. i'm not really like a, you know, military analyst type person. and they say the, the initial, a rainy and a strike last weekend with the 300 drones and missiles where israel intercepted basically all of them. and the only once we hit the ground, we're kind of in the desert, it didn't really destroy any infrastructure, nor did it kill anybody. you know, israel sort of taking that as a way. and i think i ran a intentionally, did not, you know, doing aggressive straight because it ran doesn't seem like it wants to award either
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. i, it seems like israel is the only one who really wants these wars. probably some factions, it within the us as well. and i and i'm sick of it. i mean, i'm thinking of like getting dragged into these wars and, and having the us, having me in my country be blamed as a bad guy for, for these words. it israel seems to like to drag us into thanks for speaking to us today is quite to get your take on things because i'm opposing liam called squared . thank you. thank you. the farm, and it's just like a lot of off how shed his take on the stand off between moscow on the west, in an interview to a select few, leaving russian journalists aussies, editor in chief margarita someone young among them. a gosh, busy solution adds up with the every day we have from the west is that they will not come down until russia is strategically defeated. and every day, more moves threatening to become as it was mundane, more and more terrible. every one tells us johnson and the others that if we don't,
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went on the battlefield on waste, any cost that this will put an end to the head gemini, off the west, which means and never use the west in general, as it is under most, it will smells like a big pool. i do not know what nuclear weapons and they will smell like god forbid i find out. what do you think about it? is there such a prospect of what you will get to those? it is doing good. this reflects not so much of religion to attitude as agony and history, and they're not hiding it anymore. they quoted johnson who said that you for left russia when would be the end of our head, germany used to, but this is just in that to you in, in the international court of justice guilty, violating the main principal of the un charter on the sovereign equality of state laws, and i think the international court of justice should pay attention to this. there lot of statements, even the same thing, will lose or influence and russia will work with china around north korea and syria to make this work. this does not reflect her self south, but quite the contrary. it reflects to our understanding of what is going on. they call it a battle to preserve their had jamming. no longer shying away from that. but this is simply the formation of renew multiple order and the quote we just democratic
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world or the new and the 2nd level. so address the rising j a political role of the brakes and blog when confident wants to join the group is algeria, we sat down with the north african nations, former treasury secretary, ali knew already who said his take on the international push for data will arise ation you know, secret, you know, 5, you see the result is the following. me the failed to create a single bricks, currency, which by the weight does not surprise me. however, they are currently developing a system, a platform using the digital currency, which is based on the occurrences of the central banks of the member states, and which allows for mutual settlement. if the system is not for it again, it is in a process of development. so for in a form of project case, maybe in 15 years it will be ready. but in any case, the issue of creating a single currency remains on the sidelines. and what is the benefit of the big single currency? over the past year, i've spoken to the conferences engineer in in moscow where it was last october and will be tomorrow. and i've also written several articles that have been published,
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including the old you're going to press or advocate the creation of a single unit of account, clarifying the role of this currency. i know that it's not necessary to assume that these common courtesy, which will be created in the future, is occurring in the full sense of toward the break single currency. it will not be able to become either a payment or reserve currency, at least until everyone uses it. the remains only the 3rd aspect and only it will help to ship this goal. namely, the delores ation 100 percent. almost 200 children that ukraine previously accuse russia of a duct saying have been found in gemini cab earlier named come among the children they claimed rusher took from. don't boss is what is that for those in the cast stone regions too? well, ukraine, cold re education counts. who are the german police can spend to all tape and most of the men to germany voluntarily with the legal guardians. as a result of the investigation, we were able to resolve most of the cases regarding the missing persons and to find
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out that most of the persons that were being looked for entered germany with their legal representatives. and that their entry was voluntary due to escaping awards. zone for you. plenty of police also admitted that $161.00 minus was found in germany despite previous accusations against russia. russia is a child, all of its women points that this case as an example of this information by ukraine for a long time. we have been pointing the global community to the fact the ukraine greeted system of miss in regards to children. it claims would have posted to russia. t of mentioned tens of thousands of cases and reported on non existing circumstances. checking the list of children we received through various channels. we see that some of the children have long been at home with the parents or in the all the states and will never even separated from that closest relatives. independent journalist sonya yvonne's. and then to say as many more missing ukrainian children could actually be safely living in.


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