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tv   News  RT  April 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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of the whole will lead to india, the most populous country, the fastest growing economy. for the next 5 years, we bring you a special election coverage over the next 6 weeks as the premium people vote. holes of this, our rushes form and is the pushes back the west. the narratives on ukraine is most start to promote peace talks instead of continued fighting for the us. then to finalize, wants to defeat flush the all the possible feel if there's a this reflects not so much of religion to attitude as i can eat. and he's there, they're not hiding it anymore. they quoted johnson cosette that the full address when would be the end of our head. generally, ukraine's military intelligence chief questions to carry out the most strong phone
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civilians in russia following a string of deadly terror attacks that to the west and sponsors have done nothing about the a very well welcome to you. this is on the international coming to live from las go with the latest world news update is great to have you. all lies on india as the well, it's the most populous nation takes to the polls. the general election is being held in 7 stages over the next 6 weeks. posts of now closed in the 1st day of voting and where we knew all special coverage of the major event of the well, they see it. india has nearly 1000000000 eligible voters. that's more than 10 percent
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of the welds population. the election wraps up on june 1st with the results to be in those 3 days later on friday, the voting took place across 20. well, in states of india, a large scale election requires more than a 1000000 posting periods, and over 15000000 work has to waive a said all those things taking place and many remote areas as well. so some posing machines have to be carried back on horses as even elephant verses have indelible inc applied to the index fingers. a method used to avoid fraud. the world's most elevated, posting booth, is located as far up as 4650 meters in the himalayan mountains. and around the $18000000.00 people will be voting for the 1st time as a we spoke to some of them and also about the expectations as the 1st name or darcy ready. obviously i voted for the one who is guiding the me. that if i'm working for
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them, whatever they're seeing before getting elected to david, obviously promised to abide by that and davis pursued, or those of on my suspicions on the main body would read that to make. and the more the manufacturing sector is basically. secondly, i do my job opportunities to be created for the new york who they can and don't slip for person because there's a lot of intelligence that are pretty much scammed. so that's divided, i guess, you know, i think they're good, wonderful job. what are you want them to focus more on the have gets a sector. otherwise typing everything they are actually doing fine. i believe, to be involved in education must be and so, but uh, overall so let's take a look at the choices. so 2 main coalitions, a competing for control of the countries, parliament and prime ministers post. the national democratic alliance,
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comprised of $38.00 parties, is led by the ruling and barbara t. as in off the pot to policy unencumbered and premier, and arrange a movie. on the other side is the indian national developmental inclusive alliance, consisting of 26 opposition policies. now that block is led by the indian national congress party, with the groups spearheaded by russell guns a or let's go live now to seize, especially studio in the heart of the indian capital in new delhi of correspondent vengeance chalmers, the with the latest on the elections runs on over to you, a thank you and the key, the big is democratic exercise in the wall is a new way he already media as a 1000000000 people will will. oh, well the next 6 weeks, the 1st phase of the election started to dig around. 100 in 2 constituencies will voting also the full $543.00 total following $1.00 fee constituencies that
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will number game will be played on now costs. it's not just the was biggest elections, but it's also one of the most expensive elections in the was some estimates say that around 14 really dollars will be spent by political socrates to water. but really waters and india all smart. i'm the know who they want to vote to now to rick the indian elections and how they going to unfold in the next few weeks with me as political analysts, village children. thank you so much for all for joining us, philip jordan. now my 1st question to you is the, this is an election. that's the was watching. do you think that a victory phone during the movie i'm his political party b, j. b is almost salt and at this point of saud consecutive a rare historic waiting for him at the moment,
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the numbers look to be in their favor in the favor of 2 things. one, a definite election design. and secondly, a result which would go in favor of the b b. now. and the wonderful thing about the elections, even at least, is that you, you never see die. it's never over. the last feeds is counted. remember that india has 543 seats with jobs currently. in please, most people don't know that there are 2 more seeds which actually belong to the, to what is defined as punk is donald, if i guess from you. but 543 seats are in p to the millions most people are working . and they're not telling you which way they're working. so the surprise element will be on the 4th of july. mm hm. now this,
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this is the number of games as well as 543 seats that are grabs. no, marines more the his political counseling also has been, is bought char so far, which translates to this time over 400 seats. that's a very, very ambitious target. i don't think it's a necessarily docket. what do you need this blue, 72 to less highlights. why is it playing with the 400 number he's playing because of the simpler 5, monday morning. has a sense of, of the mnemonic gives. what does guard up beyond your reach? so i'll get lucky what goes to work with me. and it gives the public a reason to see that every work go in and look children you are the political out. elizabeth, you are also an image of google. so how does the code here know range or more the
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somehow she's managed to found the image as a follow for the global leader, but also within the country when you looked at the gender politics here. so women seem to like mr. movie, he's the module man. who's, who's able to create that image for himself? do you think it's the ward? what do you also think it's the image of learning, the more, the, the, the walking here. not just because i'm in the musical region, but because of the fact that this is how indians behave, dig, that'd be good towards cricket. dig the behavior words while you were there are reasons of the day heels, the heroes of put on to offend this to much like we are doing at the moment. and they actually believe that that's what they're working for. the image is what they're working for, not necessarily the reality. so not in the role these global image is having a huge rub up to date on the liquid which has, which doesn't have
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a passport. but the for you, 6 years of mine who made india stand stall of the comment to nations, the more the it may just something has been crafted and to rated over a period of not just the boston hughes. but i think over the last 68 years of when he was chief minister. so here is a man who understands the need college of futile was i'm, he's cross put it in such a way that the image is bigger than the man. and the image is something that the fuse to, to audiences which bathroom the most unique one, which is women. and the other is plus time workers. they feel that goes on that also norion's movie has style to doing that image. he styles it on his success when you look at his political campaigns now, wherever he is going,
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where he's holding riley's, he's constantly talking about india all being the 5th largest economy and so on, so forth. what do you think the indian elections for this long? they've really been about cost and community and religion and you know, all of that formulation and combination. do you think now for all to see some how has come to play when the water goes and costs that was, i think it's the i need to of indian politics. it isn't much more than that. my belief is that the in the mean and the word as seen this diamond dime, again, that state elections with this engine election cost is primary. now, religion is brought primarily and then a whole bunch of local reasons. yes. and for the 1st time, i would think, and this is that is there more of these success as it work. he has be able to bring
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the global image as a factor in domestic bulk and talking most of the global image. india also has now seen as a balancing forces still us because of india's strong ties with more school. and it's continued engagement for the west. india is now looked at as a mediating force as well. and do you think that that is something that also makes the indian elections very interesting this time since the wall is what changed it very closely for me. um, i think that india is primarily seen by most of the globes as the best option for us china plus one strategy. the fact that it is friends with moscow and that russia has traditionally been such a huge part of what the indian uh, creating community, the defense community, the think style community, the greens community deals with is a huge. but i imagine the fall of this has because for the rest of the word
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tying up as one of the buttons and 14, yet the fact that it has a was eyes kind of a hand hoarding relationship was actually a means a lot. also when you talk about india as a follow for global voice, but also the voice of the global solved and so on, so forth. and the name, the warranty also talks about, you know, he's, when you talk about his plans, he's not talking about a 50 plan. he's talking long don. he's talking about making in the developed country in 2047. do you think that the pgp is here to say, give them the facts and this is what when i go and report from the ground to different states this people, one thing people are constantly seeing is, is saying you're not more than who the opposition is. so weak to my mind,
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the media, me to be more than ever before is and finally defend defendant on the existence of not in the movie. he's the fall from a wrong which the whole thing rewards, which is not the way that these, if he was constructed. so to say that the b g b field, the steve implies that mr. more easier to stay. we don't know what the list of all these plans are because he's not telling us if you've been to this election, does he go by the rules he has said for him says or does he dropped and you said there was one doesn't know. but one doesn't know, one thing that's without knowing the more the, the be hippy will not be in the 4 position. it isn't today. okay. what i also like to ask you is with the image that india has, is that how does a lot of criticism that we're seeing india elections? i'm not going to move the major be in the weston for us as well. what are you seeing? that's the,
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the reason for that is in one word. it is anxiety, anxiety because they don't know enough about demand. this is id because you don't have a learning and anxiety because his ambitions seem to be supranational. then not confined to just the borders. we don't know where he's headed with that. so that's not something that the, the, the west or any fall for global combined. and they will be comfortable with. and that's okay. is can live with that. all right, thank you very much. the look children for speaking to audi and breaking down and elections. so simply for us. now, of course, over the next few weeks we are going to continue our special coverage on indian elections. it's going to be a very, very hot summer, but also it's going to be very, very hard to politically watch all of the political climate lives that we've been
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speaking to while seeing is that not really the movie and his political body, the b zippy scenes on top of the style of falls as a correlation of what positions bodies they're trying to challenge him. but perhaps what is it possible is that knowing the more the will come back and lead in the all for the next 5 years. for now it's all water. the water. 8 was an over to the studio back in law school, how much they went it and thank you very much. that was on the east winds and charlotte with a deal of cherry, an indian political analyst on found to all the perfect relations peo, agency. thank you for now or which has to be watching the events of the following it. india, as hundreds of millions of citizens take to the polls to choose the next leave is and you can always had to our website all to you don't comfortable the full schedule of the election as well as more details and, and now let's face of the on going back and make sure you stay with us here. one of
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the international throughout the day and the coming weeks is we wouldn't use special coverage of india is parliamentary elections that will run until june the well on the eve. all of those things in india, strong statements came from u. k. foreign secretary, david cameron, who describes the alleged ethnic tensions in india, is states of america as having quote, a click religious pods. we have the riots in iowa area where tens of thousands of muslims who account christians have been prosecuted again. and again, the saying, the minister minister agree that to india as a member of the commonwealth and shooting freedom of believe me at the full front of the commonwealth shots that have been occasions where it's been something that
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we've raised with the indian government. and i think that should continue to be the case. i think it's right to say that we should dine play the religious aspects of some of the strife. yes, sometimes it is a communal, or tribal, or se, but that in many cases a clear religious part of it, and we should be clear by now to save a time or no. so no to the day has closely studied what he called a good report on the indian states, issues written by the court issuing a last last investigation. these how the author's take on last year's tensions and money put violence broke out that nearly a year ago off to a so full tribal solidarity. march was organized by local group. protest is raleigh . they gave the majority, it may take me to see who were demanding a scheduled tried spaces. over $200.00 people were killed and thousands displaced during the class. she's according to local officials,
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fresh finances up to the state. earlier this month when 2 men were reportedly killed, that the indian government stresses as doing everything possible to resolve the situation. and during prime minister a new and remote a has said, quote, a way for resolution can only be found. the 3 piece we had from a rami and the runs on the side. political analyst olsa and columnist. she says, what's the nations of trying to in to fill in india is internal affairs because it's hard for them to accept. so the country has its own independent policies, just been the case, not just what they mean, but also with the european union and also with the us time. and again, this is only one of the incidents that be deemed appropriate to comment on, you know, of which you don't dance from a particularly the reason that they see that the students are colonizing in. yeah. you know, it's hard for them. it seems like the except that you can just come a long way and hasn't robust democracy of its own judicial process. it. i mean,
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investigative agencies that can do to what is respectable, that i think what really is problematic here is that this is, you know, this is an agenda that you add for of countries that are not involved in this. don't have the expertise or don't have the knowledge, including individual. it's not just mr. david galler, i'm but or to the budget was all to this your boss. you know, he's only been there to 60, in 60 is you cannot even brush up, you know, the surface all of this complex drop is, you know, so the fact that they feel that they're not a officer, but towards the shoddy work and investigative journalism, as they are you know, it's very surprising to us and it, yeah, the farm and assist the guidelines? well, as i said, hays take on the stand off between most go and the west and an interview to a select few leading russian journalists are. these are the 2 in chief margarita
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simon young, was among them. gosh, busy with solution adds up with the every day we have from the west that they will not come down until russia is strategically defeated. an everyday mor morgan is threatening to become, as it was mundane, more and more terrible to f. 31 tells us johnson and the others that if we don't win on the battlefield on waste, any cost, this will put an end to the hedge and many of the west, which means and never use the west in general as it is. and of course, it almost smells like a big pool. i do not know what nuclear weapons and they smell like, god forbid i find out. what do you think about it? is there such a prospect of where you would go to those? are you just doing good? this reflects not so much of religion to attitude as agony and hysteria. they're not hiding it anymore. they quoted johnson cassette that you for left russia when would be the end of our head, germany used to, but this is just send that to you in, in an international court of justice guilty of violating the main principal of the un charter on the sovereign equality. of state laws,
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and i think the international court of justice should pay attention to this. there lot of statements, even the same thing, will lose or influence and russia will work with china around north korea and syria to make this work. this does not reflect her self south, but quite the contrary. it reflects to our understanding of what is going on. they call it a battle to preserve their head. germany no longer shining away from them. but this is simply the formation of a new multiple or will or an equal view, just democratic world or a pleasure. second of all, sit down with top journalists, isn't the only major events in moscow, this friday, representatives from many countries of flux to the russian capital for the new era and new ways. for him, we close up with the dignitary from india. he stays the world to take choose from the booming partnership between new delhi and mosca, a little environment in the debate. we need to recognize that we really need to work hard to put in a lot of this cooperation. and we have to bring new formats, uses stomach dialogue, conservation country, good, losing events,
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enough conflict. we have to work together everything and it can we, those are 2 people. diplomacy, public, the promising both. there is a lot of people do people context small groups in small groups, not just government structures, india and i still have very important role in the body based today because it does show up on the previous history. a 75 is a button that hasn't been wiggins on everything. we have been flicked brothers for 75 years lights on the rest of the world. dalton learn from us. mendota showed her that having either of those, but it's amazing debates, has started the value locked us, that we have to do more moments when you, when we are defensive about that happens with the husband wife as well. but we have all the rest of the lives. and so in jo particular job, we are the only country in the world. we just, i mean some of the, every year we have so many of the government or the commission and bodies at various levels. so you know that volume to be together. this is exactly what the
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order needs to be. ukraine's military intelligence chief has apparently tried to justify fresh attacks on civilians in russia by saying such strikes will make them think twice to bounce back in the kremlin. when you're sitting, say in st. petersburg and you're seeing the war only on tv, you will always be supportive, but people start to get nervous when some facility is attacked near their house, the most co has accused cannibal cust raising multiple attacks on civilians in russia. 145 people were killed in a tire assault on the crocus constant holding mosca on the 22nd of march. previously journalist daddy, a duke now was assassinated in a call bombing. and will correspondence live in petoskey was also killed by a bomb. hayden, it has stopped us. we're going reactions of kias lace has statements on the west and stones on it all from chief editor of the mc. let the news outlets yonkers put, come in we have to ask why they are escalating all the time. these quarterly,
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of course, what they themselves do, as usual, they blame garage from doing and, and, and these, these, these is the nature of this, this quantity between the west and east, whatever the, where do they start to blame of their all purposes of bowers from that for locations are taking a major role in this conflict, why they are doing these because they are desperate to get rochester will get to continue to empower this conflict forward. they don't. oh, going dan, something of what they are doing by themselves. then you are paying union mustang for a quote, the single mock is with teeth to keep its economy competitive. as, according to applying the form, it's holly and prime minister on rico left. so it has presented to me saying if you need us, the gap between the rope here in union with us into
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a silver lake on performances is becoming grow bigger and bigger and, and. ready the possibility to reinforce the single market to eliminate defragmentation starting from the 3 left to verse of the door periods and the 3 main leftovers, where energy, telecom and financial markets with a not time member states decide it's not to give to the lord the possibility to integrate them and we are losing competitiveness on the city. this is why the main proposal is to integrate them. well mr. lessons report suggests expanding the idea of a single european markets to less tangible areas such as telecommunications, the energy and finance. currently, those space a franklin said by different national rules that make it difficult to scale up the autonomy and wants to see a savings on the investments union release trillions of your a from private accounts in order to subsidize initiatives across the u. however,
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small publications from brussels and i'll save one state aid just last year, they cried foul as a china doing the same thing. but global markets and also a lot. it was cheaper chinese electric cars. and the price is kept artificially low by huge states subsidies. this is distorting our market and as we do not accept this distortion from the inside and our market, we do not accept this from the outside. so i can announce today that the commission is launching an empty subsidy investigation into electric vehicles coming from china. we discuss that discrepancy with jeff and as a goal specialist on don tripping to angelo juliana, who says that you clearly has to set so rules on the issue as well. this is a to because of west tennessee bulk with each the double standards we can do it.
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but when you do it it's, it's not ok. now we're looking at subsidies. uh, i think it's because the use of losing market share is chinese more competitive stuff. i was reason actually that chinese more competitive there's a very high level of authorization chinese neighbors also cheap, cheaper. and i think we need to keep into account that the, because of the, the energy that the u. s. to purchase in the u. s. which is much more expensive, what china has a cheapest source of energy, especially when he comes to russia. i think in the meantime in the initial term, if this is, this might be a solution for the you to, to, to, to keep the industry to keep the market share. so because otherwise the, on the complexity they need to, to buy, to buy those goods outside and, and probably the jump tendencies of probably the us and especially china. so it's
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about my market protection. so, but it is going against the full fundamentals of this liberal markets, free market economy, and the latest addition of going on the ground with bouncing more times that he's doing by award winning journalist charles gloves to discuss the prospects of the escalating conflict in the middle east is a preview of the conversation, which you can watch in full on saturday, paramountcy international. going back to your book to hear about the horrors of the 1st world war. as expressed by the sultan classes in britain, how long would it take for this region to recover the people of palestine from what the read happening these 56 months? this is not only what's been happening this past expands is what it's going to happen in the next 6 months. i mean there, there is a risk of a major conflict between israel and you're wrong. there's a risk of a further conflagration in dollars. i guess the idea goes into rafa and
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there's a risk of the exit as of a 1000000 or more palestinians until the sign right. does or no, there's a risk of war between israel can because of all are in level, which would mean what is the total destruction of leather and destruction? many is really cities and the, the what we've seen so far has nothing to what we might see in the coming months. it's, it's a terrifying prospect. i think it's, it's, it's worth mentioning that easily obtainable mat, emission in another country. when i've kind of bombed american diplomatic missions in doris, mom and i wrote with us on the hell out of tennessee media, we have to get in here and fight and there's nothing about this is this is a violation. the convention is it is a violation of international law, and it's like, it didn't happen and like the, you're only a missile response was just, you know, some crazy thing. it was,
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i suppose both of us would love it if i could talk to you right now. and then another book, that'd be julie and assigns, giving is a diagnosis of geopolitics at the moment. do you think us on just becoming more more emblematic is case of a press, freedom and secrecy. a song just as a victim of those who want to conceal crime war crush. and he is being punished for having made the available documents that were released to him by whistle blowers from within the establishment that prove it. united states in particular and community war. and he's, he's being punished for that. and he not only being punished for that. and also being used as an example to others so that they don't do the same thing the.


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