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tv   News  RT  April 19, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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or the call will leave india, the most populous country, the fastest growing economy. for the next 5 years. we bring you a special election coverage over the next 6 weeks as the premium people, both also i had vis use our rushes, foreign minister at pushes back against the western narratives on ukraine. does most school promotes piece of thoughts instead of continued fighting on the us an ally seats the faith russia on the part of this reflects not so much of religious attitude as i can eat and history. they're not hiding it anymore. they go to johnston, who set that equal length pressure when will be the end of market,
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just the random calls. it's retaliatory strike on israel last weekend. unnecessary show of force coming as the, as nomic for a public braces for a large scale i. d. s. response the revenue you're catching the program from today across the world. welcome to the global news roundup. here on our t people in the world's most populous nation are taking to the polls. india is a general election will be held in 7 stages over the next 6 weeks. would polls now clause following the 1st day on voting on r t. how special coverage of the major event of the
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what close to $1000000000.00 eligible voters can have there say that there's more than 10 percent of the world's population. the election drops off on june 1st with the results to be a 9 to 3 days after that this friday voting took place across the 21 in the states on the big numbers keep coming. the large scale election requires more than a 1000000 polling boats, and over 15000000 workers to oversee it's off. now the ballot is taking place in many remotes areas. so some pulling machines must be carried there on the horses and even elephants. voters, by the way, have indelible ink apply to the index fingers to avoid fraud. that is the method being used when the world's most elevated pulling booth is located as far off as 4650 meters and the himalayan mountains around 18000000 people
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are voting for the 1st time ever. here's what some of them told us about their expectations as a 1st name or thursday, you ready to oversee. i vote for the one who is a guiding the me that if i am working for them, whatever they're seeing before getting elected to david obviously promised to abide by the item davis pursued or those demands. my suspicions on the main body would read that to make and the more the manufacturing sector is basically 2nd, the 2nd and i do my job opportunities to be created for the new york state and, and don't see pro force. and because there's a lot of intelligence that are pretty much scammed, so that's right, i guess, you know we, i think they're good, wonderful job. what are you want them to focus more on the health care sector? otherwise, i think everything they are actually doing fine. i believe to be involved in education must be and so, but uh,
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overall development well let's go through the 2 main coalitions, competing for control all the countries problem. and on post all of prime minister, the national democratic airlines comprised of 38 parties, is led by the ruling bgp and incumbent premier neuron, dra moody on the other side is the national development inclusive alliance, consisting of 26 opposition parties. not block is led by the indian national congress party, with the group spearheaded by roll again, the sound of the former pm, rajiv gandhi. know the opposition occurs, the incumbent government of violating democratic principles, including media and really just freedom. something new. dally has repeatedly denied our teeth ranging sharma has been covering for us the 1st day of the nation's
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electric. are the big is democratic exercise in the wall. it is on the way he already india, as a 1000000000 people will will. oh, well, the next 6 weeks, the 1st phase of the election started to dig around, 100 in 2 constituencies will bolting all over the full $543.00 total falling when fi constituencies that will number again, will be played on now clause. it's not just the was biggest elections, but it's also one of the most expensive elections in the was some estimates see that around 40 really. and those will be spent by political socks these 2 waters. but really waters and india all smart. i'm the know who they want to vote to accept joe island middle who was in the us plus prime minister t $13.00 election. seattle nor the prime minister and be had very popular prime
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minister that on the was a very popular prime minister. but she could not been 3 election, see metal rod, you've gone the, is it on this sunday? was a very popular family stay. let's see. good if we did in the next election which you faced. so in that way, with being started, if i missed and none of them would be beat, it prevents election and he becomes a family sort of india for the 3rd time, which is very likely to be emerging. the scene that he was likely to be measured by mr. moore, the a site, the 2 numbers he says, bgp started at the store will be on 370 and for n d, he has set that out to get to 400 given by the going by the current mood of the people. and how people are likely to support different quarter to get back to you. i'd neither see bgp reaching 370. not in be reaching anywhere close to $400.00. but yes, to 72 is a magic number. if a party gets 27273 seed, you are late, you will be performing. the government then started,
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which has been said by 5, mr. moore the is too high. and from what is likely to happen in 2024 look. so by let you know, we are of course, closely watching the events of the in full in india with hundreds of millions of citizens taking to the polls to choose their next leaders r t dot com has the full schedule of the election as well as many of the details and analysis, 2 of the ongoing boats and here on air throughout the day. i'm in the coming weeks we'll continue to bring you special coverage of india's parliamentary elections. which road run until the very 1st day of june. the foreign minister, a circular for all file, shared his view on this found off between law school on the west,
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in an interview to a select few russian journalist r t editor in chief margarita simonian, most among them, the gosh vision, one solution adds up the every day we have from the west that they will not come down until russia is strategically defeated. and every day, more moves threatening to become, as it was mundane, more and more terrible to everyone tells us johnson and the others that if we don't win on the battlefield on waste, any cost. this will put an end to the head, germany of the west, which means and never use the west in general as it is under most it will smells like a big pool. i do not know what nuclear weapons and they smell like god forbid i find out. what do you think about it? is there such a prospect of where you will get to those? right? it's doing good. this reflects not so much of religion to attitude as agony and hysteria. they're not hiding it anymore. you quoted johnson cassette that you for a blood pressure when would be the end of our head gemini used as well. but this is just send that to you in, in an international court of justice,
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guilty of violating the main principal of the un charter on the sovereign equality of state. and i think the international court of justice should pay attention to this. there, lot of statements in the same thing. we lose our influence in russia. we'll work with china, north korea, and syria to make this world. this does not reflect or something else with quite the contrary, reflects their understanding of what is going on. they call it a battle to preserve their jeremy, no longer shining away from it. but this is simply the formation of a new multiple order and an equal justin democratic world. or the 1st thing is that the journalist asked him of that, of course, was ukraine. and one of the central points they wanted to know more about was at why did piece talks breakdown in ukraine very soon after the start of the military operation of a 2 to 3 weeks afterwards at peace thoughts around the table. there was talks in bell rocher, the results in istanbul now, and the pulse were progressing. and he was asked if it was a russia's priorities were and the talks. and he mentioned that you know, discriminatory laws against motions in eastern ukraine and don't boss on the claim
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. be it would be removed and he also is categorical in suggesting that it was the you case. and it's united states to a range. you claim, even if you like. let's, let's show up 1st, let's talk about what goals and why, and what terms are ready to negotiate. first of all, as they're present constantly reminds us, we always prefer negotiations to fights and wars. and yes, we had experience. we mediately agreed with ukrainians, realizing that they were playing with the bombing of don boss and with the promotion of direct methods of genocide against russians on their own territory. and they offered negotiations $2.00 to $3.00 weeks after the start of the special meals or operations to which we agreed. there were several tourists, but as well known in belarus, that online and finally we arrived at east symbol where ukrainians put their proposals on the table for the 1st time. after some discussion, these proposals were accepted. they also contained an obligation to repeal national laws to discriminate against minorities, especially russian ones, and to cancel support from movements that glorified and relied on the ideal of nazis, and were condemned by the end to end book travels and working down by the november
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tribunal. as for the territorial side of the matter, just the day before yesterday for the 1st publish such memoirs, but they are very, very clearly aimed at just to find themselves. i'll explain why. now for in the 1st world of the united states and britain details of landscape not designed but allegedly not because they wanted to continue the world with the hands of the ukrainians and exhaustive russian federation and disorder, russian civilians. but because they saw the proposal contains the formation of a group of guarantors of ukraine security with the participation of russia and china. but also with the participation of the west, it became wary, and there was an amazing reason why the beginning where yes, well, they will sign it now, but suddenly, disagreements will not be fulfilled again. and someone will attack ukraine. suddenly frustrated, self will attack your brain and then we'll have to fight with russia as the guarantors of ukraine security. we don't want that. it doesn't make you think that it doesn't, it, it how many lives and the suffering they could have been saved. if those pay stubs how that works out for them anyway to a positive note. now, because the rebels i spoke about of the panos buses, partners, people,
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countries that they do have a good relationship with me. one of those key partners, of course, is china. china has the back to back, but russia since early on it's refused to implement sanctions. it's refused to play the game that the west has demanded to do so. and interesting. the associate level of also mentions china is a suggestion around a piece plan for ukraine. he also says that russia is amenable to that plan, and that's the key reason that russia sees the chinese view point as more realistic and as a more pragmatic view on the solving the problems in your brain is that the china has a pragmatic view that a history has to be considered just on the the chinese position, which we respect back in february, last year they formulated their 12 points. and now schultz went to seasoned team and not very decent police at that session pin supports the peace conference in switzerland. the chinese position is that we must 1st understand the root causes of
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the crisis. it is necessary to abandon the mentality of the cold war when we considered each other opponents. enemies is necessary to clear a subscribe to the need to look for solutions that will take into account the balance of interest in the field of security and ensure the indivisibility of security. this has a completely different approach. china, the latest statement and municipality, and all the colleagues. and we also advocate the convenience of a conference that will be acceptable to russia and ukraine. this means that we must not start with the last these formulas. it should be move to side if they want. this is the grid of quality of the chinese people, while russia is betrayed as somebody that does have one piece. i mean, even on the global stage it's, it's russia that's looking for the escalation in the middle east. the escalation when it comes to play one and actually the escalation and ukraine, as you can see, there were willing to attend the talks, but it was the west to pulled your brain away from those thoughts. he described the western leaders as in some ways, you know, absolutely obsessed with this conflict. this idea that they can inflict
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a strategic defeat on russia seduce the officer, gave you to reach a question. let's go back to you were kind of explain this extreme hysteria. there were simply no other words to choose telling your pin countries the trash as well to attack the recess. your threats, what do you think? what do you think of them? i believe it is. you could say a paranoia and forget about it, but this, in my opinion, is more cunning flat, desperately need to get money out of their parliaments to continue the war. in united states, you can see how they have already cooled down. i don't know how the world will and now the drama this weekend on the consideration of 3 different bills, including on ukraine, but now the most sell us ones who advocate the continuation of bumping ukraine with money and weapons are the europeans. charles, for example, who considered himself a leader in providing assistance ukraine. emma crohn is militants and all the small countries, the baltic states, the czech republic. hey, me for state satellites, state satellites. yes, there are several considerations here. firstly,
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they are being union believes that it has already all these burrell sholtes, or as what wonder line there already. so unequivocally rude and in general, having already caught up a path, declared the atrocities anatomy that it must be destroyed. not allowed to win to save you create. they'll just be finished as politicians if they change this rhetoric. secondly, they need to give money to explain why they have already deprived or population of cheap gas to pipeline oil. why price of jump wide industrialization is taking place as a result of sanctions? and even from their point of view, they conference, the conflict, they all have a choice in a month to $3.00 for their national election. so that your opinion, parliament and a huge number of you countries, but i think the opposition will not meet the chance in any case to show what their policy has led to in terms of social economic consequences. but if they suddenly stopped his stories about our plans through techneto, but if they suddenly stopped as far as about our plans through the tech nato chat has become the latest nation to show washington the door engine. mina has told the
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us to withdraw its troops from an army base in the central african country. the champion or force chief say's the american presence is no longer legal. as just air force has ask the americans to provide the documents or but that's what agreements just to find the presence at a g co say advice in response to 2 agreements screwing on logistical support and the personnel between our 2 states. but shots, as voice did not receive justifications or the us presence, just as the force of the us defense at the shift to immediately stop the activities at the g cause a base. while us officials have not yet responded to that statement, the base in chat is one of washington's last remaining military outposts in central africa. around a 100 american troops are reportedly stationed in the nation, andre, by lawful agreement, that child has not threatened to scrap comes us. thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets and neighboring nature in support of last month's decision by
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that country's government to suspend a security part with the u. s. and order it strips to leave the military rulers, albany. sure, molly burkina faso of old cut ties with western powers. instead, turning to moscow for security cooperation, a russian military cargo plane recently transported the team of instructors and equipment to assist the nigerian army with counter terrorism efforts. but it was a pleasure to welcome onto the program. most abraham executive secretary of the african legacy foundation grouping and the former spokes person for the new america at delphi. and the being government good to see use are at 1st news. your no charge ordering american troops side. what's your assessment? all of these developments under timing as well. and this is a wonderful continuation. i read a weight kidding. of african liberation,
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spit. it goes back to when africans took our weapons and political struggle to liberate their lands. for on the occupation by weston forces and as early as the fifty's and sixty's. now africans realized that to gain full sovereignty until truly have control over their natural resources. the economy is politics. they must get rid of old phone and manage the presence. weston corporations. that's controlled, a freak, any economy, the politics, even media. and this is not a southern thing. this has been boiling up up for the last 10 years. at least, i would claim, since the destruction of my home country, of libya in 2011,
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which made many african nations realize that you simply cannot have peace on the understanding with the west, which libya tried to do the west. as soon as you tried to gain control of your economy, fuel natural resources, if you're only if you're gold, the west would come with power with force to take it back. i visited chides in 2014, the last time i saw it was my own eyes that even showed the officials were discussing the possibility of getting rid of old 40 minutes. repetitive of that time. of course, it was the french and the french still have the big presence and shots. and i think it's that it's next step for the chevy and government to talk to the french about the possibility of withdrawing the forces from there. just sticking with the american troops for a moment at the been operating under a so called mt turn mission in the part of african many years they've been doing
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not, are attempting to do that. what have they actually achieved? this is the ironic thing is meant nato, a balance of the same script. now, every time in africa and then with the least in the asia, they themselves are the ones who found it and created these fundament that a steel them and they, on them, they gave them weapons, they funded them from afghanistan and iraq, to see the and in the case of africa, libya in 2011, with the admissions of the nato command that they gave sophisticated weapons training. i'm finding mention funding to the is that, i mean, i need to be enrolled in order that to a couple you get off on the of course say this was justified a small that even meaning federalism to bring a big eve of meaning that duffy and this finance should funding
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a training team the into the soft had region. chad is the heart of that. i'm from child, the nicer to natalie. i'm book you know, 5. so a problem stand face by african countries up to this moment. and then of course the west comes and says, we want to protect you from this program, allow us to have minutes of prisons. so the creates the problem, they find it and then they come in with a big, you know, power to solve. the reason, of course, what did they want is to take the control of the economy of the resources of the geography and complete the globe. and wars from other people, his lands color put the point you though, that french troops and diplomats, we know they were recently kicked out of several african countries. those nations in question have a painful history. the with friends being a former colonial power on like the us in that part. so just to expand of what you're saying,
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why is washington becoming increasingly on popular in the part of the world? and again, i think, and this is, this makes me as an african and as upon a frequentist, makes me very heavy. there is a new awareness, a new color shot of liberation, spreading cold over africa. the reasons are very material, meaning they are linked to the livelihood of people, africans who campaign for decades against local corruption, for democracy and human rights, they even got involved in gay rights and jen. so right now they realized that all of these matters are secondary to the main issue, which is gaining control of your own destiny as an individual, as a nation. and they, and the lives of that in order to move ahead with the development, economic and political developments and africa,
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africans need to have the power to do that. and then times that defy what is in the hands of the french companies, british and american military forces. us, of course, as you would expect and headed to the community did as a project in africa, from the british. and the american corporations now are rubbing africa dried. you can check many detailed research and study is done. the most of the biggest. and the most famous one is actually a british academic for the button in 2016. which showed in details of how more than $140000000000.00 uh us dollars i was, i was just a freaking annually. just out of the natural resources, direct goals, the oil and gas and i and so as we can see lives find that, hey, listen, yes, i want democracy. i want the human rights, but i wouldn't never be able to achieve all of this. if i the whole time,
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he cannot make the development control of my destiny, control control of my natural resources on my that is, this seems particularly significant because we mentioned earlier the countries of nature and molly burkina faso, all military leaders, cutting ties with western nations at no, molly, however, which is a slightly different case of course, does not, not open the door. and they said to, to perhaps other african nations thinking or on the fence before and about whether or not that they wanted us troops on their land at will a domino effect of silver moves, not know of per what do you expect to happen? what from a practical policy kind of the point of view, we don't need a big more appropriate us a few different countries to join in this moment of liberation but cannot fast so nice to chat. molly, these are important countries, but they are on the smaller side, we need a big country such as nigeria,
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and such as south africa to support this movement and be involved. so the african union, this movement is very and is just in that it's not according for war or conflict, it's calling for the rights of africans on african nations to control their economy . the banks that go there and, and there. and to free africa from folding military presidents, no one in their right mind and kind of pose that on i think south africa nigeria in north africa, egypt and i, julia should up civically and fully support this movement. it will bring only a good things for all the africans. very interesting, as always, thank you for your time today. lisa, abraham, executive salary of the african legacy foundation, grouping on the former spokesperson for the new market, delphi libyan government. many thanks,
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a it's now around the president house defended last weekend strike fence. he ordered against israel in retaliation for the deadly bombing of the uranian consulate in damascus and bought him or i use the saves his country's response was a vital show of force. in the visa duration became a sign of the problem of the slunk republic and beats on the 1st of all, these move was necessary probably between any fun and the soles of tribes and the top of our great country. okay, let's go through this because that statement comes in mid report. someone alleged is really attack on around a spokesman for the uranium civilian space programs. safe. 3 drones were shocked on over a 100 city, which is known for hosting nuclear research sites around has been racing for a large scale response from west regional. one week ago, the as lumnick for a public launched hundreds of drones and miss silas of israel,
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which claims to have shop most of them done earlier on april 1st, the nurse strikes tail 16 people up the uranium consulate in the syrian capital is real, initially denied responsibility, but later in directly admitted it had targeted the building, claiming it served as a military base for coordinating some mass operations. following it's for tele, ation to about a talk around said it's ready to hit bock with much greater force if any of its nuclear facilities are attacked by the idea trails mean along the u. s. plains. it wants to see a de escalation. we're committed to as real security. we're also committed to de escalate to trying to bring this tension to a to a close. well, we spoke to political level listen visiting professor up to it on university to heat. a savvy who sees that around itself is not interested in further escalating
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the ball. a type of situation i think is really arc, strictly speaking, are not in the position to conduct such attacks regardless of the statements that they are making. but let's just keep in mind the amount of touch upon that question, but let's just keep in mind. iran does not, is not interested. that's all in further escalation of the situation and has said that because for several times for several reasons is really are not going to do so. i think 1st the previous attack, the retaliates move on was limited. but the next it's happened is not going to be that limited experience be certainly extended is was to retaliate to be attacked was part of eros capacity. but yeah, to around have been saying that this thing to use full options. uh, full range of choices boutique. i missed a capacity of its me size and drawers and not to do is transfer you boxes to respond if any attack takes place and for the last attack,
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if you remember detox booth outside that these really conducted it to some nearly to 2 weeks. if i'm not mistaken to respond, but you're honest saying that this time to respond is going to be immediate. and last but not the least, iran has already tested the defense capabilities of these really. so there is some experience and this really is are in there that there are also the state of the art technology and in the rose my size. so with that said, i think only know at the are saying that they have the same tension to target significant places in a run, including that size or other no fear size bed, whether or not to expect to be translated into action remains to be seen. and this still looks very vague and finally, this use our representatives from many countries have flocked here to the russian capital for the new era,
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new ways for and the platform at put together to exchange ideas. we caught off with a dignitary from bothering saves, you know, from measures like sanctions. here we do not work in the emerging. we'll see portal world. as we are in your head. i need to find a way to go whatever one as, as a nation. and instead of going for water, you can go for that or that is big, big for everyone to products is a global initiatives for a long time. we have small things nation ship between east sanction. so i think this one no to.


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