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tv   News  RT  April 19, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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for years of today, let's get to those, i'm a little better. the girl will leave india the most populous country, the fastest growing economy. for the next 5 years, we bring you a special india, the election coverage over the next 6 weeks, as the premium people vote. also ahead this, our rushes foreign minister and pushes back against the western narratives on ukraine as moscow promotes peace talks. instead of continued fighting from the us. and all i seek to defense, russian on the top of this reflects not so much of religion to attitude as diagnostic, and he's there. and they're not hiding it any more for the, for the johnson who said that people left russia. when would be the end of work, a jump under random calls. it's retaliatory strike on israel last within the necessary show of force coming as the as nomic republic, braces for
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a large scale idea. first of all, we report from to rob, where locals are raleigh, and in support of their government. people say, waterfall is as well as long as it was full, the targeting for warranty and military figures. so the current situation remains on a nice as the broadcasting from must go to the world. this is your archie. hello, and welcome to the news. our people in the world's most populous nation are taking to the polls. india is general election is being held in 7 stages over the next 6 weeks, with polos not close following the 1st day of voting on r t. how special coverage of the major event, the, the
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more close to $1000000000.00 eligible voters will be able to have their say that is more than 10 percent of the summit. the election wraps off on june 1st with the results to be announced 3 days after that. well, this friday voting took place across the 21 in the, in states on the big numbers. keep coming. the large scale election requires more than a 1000000 bowling boots. and over 15000000 workers to oversee it all while the pilot is taking place in many remote areas. let's take a look at some all of them so that some pulling machines must be carried their own horses. and even the elephants talk about pulling out all the stops at voters, by the way up here we're seeing fingers, indelible ink being applied to the index fingers. a method used to avoid fraud and
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also the world's most elevated, pulling booth is also being used at located as far up as 4650 meters in the himalayan mountains. while around 18000000 people are voting for the 1st time. here's what some of them told us about what their expectations are as a 1st name or darcy. very obviously i voted for the one who is a guiding the me that if i'm working for them, whatever they're seeing before getting elected to david obviously promise to abide by that and davis pursued or those demands. my suspicions on the main body would read that to make and the more the manufacturing sector basically. secondly, say i do my job opportunity should be created for the new york who they can and don't see proportion because there's a lot of intelligence that are pretty much scammed. so that's why it, i guess, you know, i think they're good, wonderful job. what are you or do you want them to focus more on the health sector? otherwise, i think everything that they are actually doing fine. i believe to be
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involved in education, most people but uh overall. so who was actually bustling in? odd. well, there's 2 main coalitions competing for control of the countries parliament and post of prime minister. the national democratic alliance, comprising of 38 parties, is led by the ruling bgp and incumbent premier near rendered moody. the other side is the indian national development inclusive alliance. 26 opposition parties here that block is led by the indian national congress party. by the way, the group is to be, are headed. another big name in india, but i will gun the song, the former pm. rajiv gandhi. well, the opposition accuse is the incumbent government of violating democratic principles, including media on freedom at religious freedom. so that's
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a charge new deli castleguard at the denies. what ortiz, when june, charlotte has been covering the 1st day for us of the nation selection. the big is democratic exercise in the wall. it is on the way he already india, as a 1000000000 people were world. oh, well the next 6 weeks, the 1st phase of the election started to dig around. $102.00 constituencies will bolting oliver, the full $543.00 total fall and $1.00 fee constituencies that will number again, will be played on now clause. it's not just the world's biggest elections, but it's also one of the most expensive elections in the was some estimates say that around $14000000000.00 will be spent by political socrates to water is really most as in india of thought. i'm the know who they want to want
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to. i don't think of water going to be moved by what is happening in the that's the world in terms of geo politics or conflict, a lot of this or that. some people, what exposure they've asked where interest in the business or otherwise. therefore, they are sensitive to these trends. bodies have very, very, very small minority in the heartland of india, where the voting is there. not even aware all of these things are you using the u. k. in conflict or what is happening with the one who is alive or in the south. china see this and that know they will vote on hardcore bread and butter issues. uh, development issues. but let me tell you something as well. so the 17 also dick and dice, political parties in india, how many of the engine i just and just to the was ordered as democracy. we sort of
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walk through these democracy to that as well. citizens don't have a choice. is either republicans or democrats, that's it. and even the most of that, if you read what is the state, will be in dental view, us no more because it, it all depends on 7 states or the rest of the states has given me the democratic republicans now compared to that, we look at the look at of a democracy, the extremely sensitive about any individuals in the election process, but to the best to even official statements, like in the case of germany and the united states, picking up the cause of opposition, politicians and defending another elections. so i don't, i find it very disappointing that the washington voted new york times of the economy is to financial times the whole targeting in indian democracy instead of looking at the positives already. the fact that if engine democracy successful, then democracy in the world is successful. when we talk a month before that if they what we're saying is that the ships and follow back up
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. because since 1945 should be reflected in good global governance in the united nations with financial and political institutions, that it should be most base for a country like india. we had an older, civilized, isn't 16 of them. vanity a timing democracy. like, why can't we have create a say in how the words are govern itself and the principal going to be shouldn't be govern because we see a lot of double stand a lot of double standards and off. frustrating of all kinds of weird, closely watching the vote in india where hundreds of millions of citizens will have their democratic say over the next month and a half or 2 comb. how's the full schedule of the election, as well as plenty of detailed analysis of the ongoing products? and here on there throughout the day on, in the coming weeks, we'll continue to bring you special coverage of india's parliamentary elections, which will run until the 1st day of june.
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the a to another offer a headline, stories for administer a circular for all 5. shared his view on this standoff between moscow in the west, in an interview to a select few prominent russian journalists, ortiz, editor in chief, margarita simonian, was among them. a gosh, busy solution adds up the every day we have from the west is that they will not come down until russia is strategically defeated. and every day, more and more just the front end become as it was mundane, more and more terrible to every one tells us johnson and the others that if we don't went on the battlefield on waste any cause. this will put an end to the hedge and many of the west, which means and never use the west. some general as it is to understand will settle,
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smells like a big pool. i do not know what nuclear weapons and people who smell like god forbid . i find out what do you think about it, is there such a prospect of where you will go to those? it is doing good. this reflects not so much of religion to attitude as agony and hysteria. they're not hiding it anymore. they quoted johnson cassette that you for left russia when would be the end of our head generally used as well. but this is just send that to you in, in an international court of justice is guilty of violating the main principal of the un charter on the sovereign equality of state laws. and i think the international court of justice should pay attention to this. there, lot of states and seeing the same thing, we lose our influence in russia. we'll work with china, north korea, and syria to make this world. this does not reflect her self doubts with quite the contrary. reflects to our understanding of what is going on. they call it a battle to preserve their jammy, no longer shining away from them. but this is simply the formation of a new multiple order and the quote with justin democratic world, or the 1st thing is that the journalist asked him of that, of course, was ukraine. and one of the central points they wanted to know more about was why
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did piece talks breakdown in ukraine very soon after the start of the military operation of a 2 to 3 weeks afterwards. at peace thoughts around the table, there was folks in bella rush, there was talked in istanbul now, and the pulse were progressing. and he was asked if it was a russia's priorities were on the talks. and he mentioned that, you know, discriminatory laws against motions in eastern your brain and dumbass on that fine me, it would be removed. and he also is categorical in suggesting that it was the you case and do united states for to a range you claim. and if you like, 1st of all, as their present constantly reminds us, we always prefer negotiations to fights and wars. and yes, we had experience, we mediately agreed when ukrainians realizing that they were playing with the bombing of don boss and with the promotion of direct methods of genocide against russians on their own territory. and they offered negotiations $2.00 to $3.00 weeks after the start of the special military operations to which we agree. it's just the day before yesterday for the 1st published such memoirs, but they are very,
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very clearly aimed at just to find themselves. i'll explain why. now for the 1st world that the united states and frequency tells the landscape not to sign, but allegedly not because they wanted to continue the world with the hands of the ukrainians and exhaustive rush me through the ration and distort russian civilians . but because they saw the proposal contained the formation of a group of guarantors of ukraine security with the participation of russia and china. but also with the participation of the west. it became wary. and there is an amazing reason why the beginning where yes, well, they will sign it now, but suddenly, disagreements will not be fulfilled again. and someone will attack ukraine suddenly and frustrated self will attack your crank, and then we'll have to fight with russia as the guarantors of ukraine security. we don't want that. it doesn't make you think that doesn't today how many times in the suffering they could have been saved if those pay stubs how that works out for them . anyway, to a positive note now because the problem is i spoke about and the pond as the bushes pop, those people countries that they do have a good relationship. me. one of those key partners, of course, is china. china's the back to back. but russia since for the young,
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it's refused to implement sanctions. it's refused to play the game that the west has demanded to do so. and interesting, the associate level of also mentions china is a suggestion around a piece plan for ukraine just around the the chinese position, which we respect back in february, last year, the formulated there 12 points. and now schultz went to seasoned team and not very decent police at that session pin supports the peace conference in switzerland. the chinese post mission is that we must 1st understand the root causes of the crisis is necessary to abandon the mentality of the cold war when we considered each other opponents. enemies is necessary to clear the subscribe to the need to look for solutions that will take into account the balance of interest in the field of security and ensure the indivisibility of security. this is a completely different approach while russia is portrayed as somebody that those of one piece, i mean, even on the global stage it's, it's russia that's looking for the escalation in the middle east. the escalation,
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when it comes, if i want to. and actually the escalation and ukraine, as you can see, there are willing to attend the talks, but it was the west to pulled your brain away from those thoughts. he described the western leaders as in some ways, you know, absolutely obsessed with this conflict. this idea that they can inflict a strategic defeat on russia desperately need to get money out of their parliaments to continue the war and united states. you can see how they have already cooled down. i don't know how the world will and now the drama this weekend on the consideration of 3 different bills, including on ukraine, but now the most sell us ones who advocate the continuation of bumping ukraine with money and weapons are the europeans. they're already so unequivocally rude, and in general, having already caught up all path, declares atrocities anatomy that it must be destroyed, not allow twins to save. you crank, they'll just be finished as politicians if they change this rhetoric. secondly, they need to give money to explain why they've already deprived your population of cheap gas to pipeline oil. why price of jump y d industrialization is taking place as a result of sanctions. and even from their point of view, the countries,
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the conflict, they all have a choice in a month to 3 for their national elections to the european parliament and in a huge number of you you countries. but i think the opposition will not miss the chance in any case, to show what their policy has led to in terms of social economic consequences. so again, fascinating language, interesting language. and you can see the exasperation that you know, the west has essentially decided that russia is the enemy, rocher can only say in the account, it can never be sent against in ukraine or anywhere else for that matter. but also a sense that a russia is pragmatic. that the door is open for peace negotiations with those no ghost negotiations have to accept and realize russia's legitimate security concerns and the read the shape always nicky are in an issue earlier now. our rounds president house defended last weekend strike that he ordered against israel in retaliation for the deadly bombing of the uranium pump slit in damascus. but the human eye easy saves his country's response, was a vital show of force. the visa duration became
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a sign of the problem of these logic republic, and pete's armed forces of all these move was necessary. i believe, between any fun and the souls of tribes and pomp of our great country. what bad statement comes it made reports of an a legend as really a tech on around a spokesman for the really in civil space program say read through the worst shelf done over is for home city, which is known for hosting nuclear research site around was being bracing for a large scale response from west jerusalem. one week ago, the islamic republic launched hundreds of drones and missiles of israel, which claims to have shopped most of them down earlier on april, 1st on the earth strike pills, 16 people up the uranium consulate in the syrian capital is real, initially denied responsibility. but later in directly admitted it had targeted the building, claiming it served as a military base for coordinating from saw formations following its retaliation to
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that's at tech around and said, it's ready to head back with much greater force if any of its nuclear facilities are attacked. by the idea of israel's main ally, the u. s. claims it wants to see things comp time for committed to israel security . we're also committed to de escalate to trying to bring this tension to a to a close. well, in um dissipation of is really military action. crowds of a really ends up being voicing their full support for the islamic nations. government ortiz use up to allow the can take us through it in the capital of the country. have changed. riley's after the weekly friday for you to show support to reset the see on israel standing retaliation was possible serious on april review of the response,
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but as well the one with the mouse good part of the people you're holding by who's expressing why the to it for the publishing, as well as all of these days, the act of self, it has to be useful when it goes to the wrong place. the vision, you know, i mean, reveals the reasons for a minimum power more capable, ballistic missiles cannot be intercepted by the iron don't. the western world was nuclear activities. this part of the destruction confirm a whole nature of the country is comic programs. everyone has never brought up any
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prospect of using a nuclear weapon, but it seems but as well as well to resort to some people say, well what is this? what else follows as it was the 1st should pull the trigger by targeting iranian military figures. so the current situation remains on a nice edwards, is where the officials waiting. there are next exchanges between the 2 sides. once vision and course change reflects that could potentially regional call ford essentially continue to wise on track with just on the lot or point. we spoke to political analysts and visiting professor a to around university to head. a savvy who believes that around is not interested in further risk living. the follow type of situation i think is really, is, are strictly speaking are not in the position to conduct such attacks regardless of
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the statement that they are making. but let's just keep in mind them by the thoughts upon that question, but let's just keep in mind. iran does not, is not interested. that's all in further explanation of the situation and has said that because for several times for several reasons is really are not going to do so. i think 1st the previous attack, the retaliates move on was limited. but the next it's happened is not going to be that limited. it's going to be certainly extended is, was the retaliatory attack was part of eros capacity. but yeah, to around have been saying that this thing to use full auctions uh, full range of choices boutique. i may say capacity of as me size and drawers and not to do is transfer you boxes to respond if any attack takes place and for the last attack, if you remember detox booth outside that these really is conducted into some nearly 2 waves. if i'm not mistaken to respond,
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but you're honest saying that this time the to respond is going to be immediate. and last but not the least, iran has already tested the defense capabilities of these really. so there is some experience and these are in these are in there that there are also the state of the art technology and in the rose messiah. so with that said, i think only knows that they are saying that they have this intention to target significant places in a run, including net tabs or other no fear size. but whether or not it started to be chest made it into action remains to be seen and it still looks very vague. now i must go have slammed washington for being the only power to veto a policy science bid for a full membership of the united nations rushes ambassador pointed out the isolation, the u. s. has found itself in. it saves so much water, but it seems the goal of the u. s. system to break the will of the palestinians to,
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to make them unconditionally submit to the occupying power, to turn them into sermons and 2nd class citizens, or perhaps even eradicate and expelled them from their native territory. such a policy only produces and the opposite effect. today, the vast majority of the global community supports palace science application for a full membership in the world organization, the sufferings of peaceful palestinians resonates in the hearts and souls of millions of people who report well after half a year of war in guns of the palestinian case for a full recognition well supported by 12 part of the 15 members of the un security council. the u. k of switzerland, upstate palestinian authorities launched our top the american veto on israel dismiss global support for the proposed bit. as several members express the view that the admission of the state of palestine to membership in the united nations
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was a political matter rather than a technical or legal requirements. in other words, you on charter, be damned international law, be damned. they're just m 2 words on paper rights, do you and is no longer a both multilateralism. sadly, it is no committed to multi terrorism. the security council terror pays off its shameful yolanda and for samuel philip to see how good this recognition and this membership and international peace and security. this question, ladies and gentlemen, we ask specifically to the united states and other countries that oppose granting the state of palestine full membership at a time when they recognize israel, which is the other party in the is really boasting and conflict, and has granted easily a full membership of united nations and to those to say that recognizing the policy, the instate must happen through negotiations. and now through un resolution me or washington had actually being lobbying other powers to reject the palestinian push
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ahead of thursday's vote at the un bouts. according to li diplomatic cables obtained and released by the intercept investigative bartlett, the us specifically asked malta, which is chairing the security council this month to oppose the proposal. it remains the us few that the most expeditious pos toward a political horizon for the palestinian people is in the context of a normalization agreement between these royal and its neighbors. we therefore, would you not to support any potential security council resolution recommending the admission of palestine as a you and member state. meanwhile, according to another us, the report, washington is fully aware that it's arms sales to israel house violated international law. the country's top diplomats, anthony blinking was a party informed a body shop months ago by a special state department panel, but failed to take any action. the experts reportedly concluded, some members of is really military units of incredibly accused of sexually
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assaulting killing civilians in the west bank. even before october 7th, we got reaction from the deputy chief of the fata central committee. somebody signed them in the city i'm from medicaid is, is that insulated is america. there are literally each other that we can control it . and what is being talked about over the course of the last decades about to see if it's a fusion at through to be another invoice. america is wasting time is by any type is loving the feelings of the international community by talking about those states of america. and is an opportunity for me to send you this little thing for most legit and up there. what the doing is to 20 business specs, one of the needs of people to send in people language and the paying domestic code and stuff. i mean, committed should have the ignition over the input from them. so say if i decide blinking to be and some of the others are mostly but tools that the
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can, the others are many of you. they used to about the sample size, any of them. so for the assigned to come into reading, so i would say, you know, our medicaid is at the model across point. now it has to reconsider its values. the figures you mentioned, the 74000 palestinians with a beam can do the filtering the vacation of the means of flights or for the syrians should stand their testimony to the fact that america is accomplished and the medicaid is giving the blessing. okay, let's turn to africa where the president of botswana has accused europeans of quote, to prioritizing elephants over locals and has threatened to send 30000 of the big animals to germany, the u. k. to demonstrate the dangers of living alongside them, the statement comes and made rising tensions over potential trophy, hunting in port bounds, proposed by berlin. and i get the sense that they think these elephants are bets. i
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get the sense that many seeing these elephants are human beings, and the majority would perceive the value of these elephants us appear to human life and what's one, why don't true for a moment, the experience leaving with them? that's why this offer was made to yourselves to have them in hyde park, a very complex value based policy problem since but so on, i is home to over a 3rd of the continents. alex is a management decisions have major consequences on the spaces as a whole. and it all started earlier this year with germany's environmental ministry flow to the proposal to impose scripted limits on the import of hunting sophie the into the country. out of concern for poaching. presidents i'm gonna put through my system, believes that cause a vase and i have caused the local elephant population to balloon to nearly a 130000. and that hunting the mysterious soul component of population controlled before the giant um animal. at this point, the president says it is very easy to sit in berlin and have an opinion about
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apricots as well as between the 5th, those europeans. if they lived among other funds, like we do, they would respond exactly the same way. perhaps they might be more brutal because they have a much stronger gun culture than we do. move b, as in bob boyd, even so that we can have all try to reduce the number of a low facility, a tibits fees at certain points. but nearly all the methods and ways of doing so have been met with criticism, or rather outright condemnation by your roaches. and what so many or rather the europeans seem to not understand at this point is that the region that has a sustainable, or rather a carrying capacity of elephant. and that to the overall population has resulted in several instances of conflicts between the animals and the people. and in most cases, benefits have been both the village is causing damage to crops, feels the african countries the standing,
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the ground at the open be calling the band a neo colonial, interfere with, with this offering to ride to, to sustain the use of phosphor this to a just thing with this story, we also got reaction from global affairs. i'm a list on commentator victor, a colleague who sees the west either doesn't care or know about the day to day difficulties. the people of thoughts, one on the data content at large face. no one knows your program like you um, switch to rarely on the ticket position of what you direct from the stuff. i'll just say we'll pay you the 1st guides of humor be, which means it is your drugs i 90 miles. jasmine, if you want to be 1st dresser and man. yeah, so you won't be stuck between mazda or mark it is 1st before she won't be 0. and so it be like yours, right? say that it's, it's um, below the fonts more than us as africa,
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the entire from apple vision. another me there. why that and see what it looks like . right. a fascinating look next, on another side of the 20 year long vietnam, more seen from the point of view of 6 v. it's con veterans. their stories. well, they're not for the faint hearted girl begins in moments. they close the the tomorrow. oh yeah. wow. yeah. let me double.


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