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tv   News  RT  April 20, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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but yes, the, the deep 7 release is a new plan to help you. crane by curbing rushes energy revenues. but the figures show tire, pin dependence on russian. alan g. chad that demands us troops leaving air base and the country. and that's and a letter by the african nations air force chief becomes the 2nd nation in this, the whole region to give the boot to us military. i for need air to this time sheet and see taking place here. most candidates are going to be one of the main parts of the movie. and our correspondence gets a closer look at indian film making in central moscow with a movie set to hit the big screams in september the
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you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. the group of 7 countries has dropped a joint communique aiming to bolster ukraine's air defense is by cutting rushes energy revenues and confiscating its frozen assets. over the past 10 years, western countries have imposed increasingly har sanctions on russia. but moscow still remains a top global supplier of gas oil and disliked minerals and mining operations. for example, in 2023 alone e u countries doubled in ports of russian nuclear fuel compared to the year before archie, contributor rachel marston digs deeper into the reality of your, your ups ability to curb it rushes revenues of the g. 7 foreign ministers. nothing copy italy this week and was a big items on the agenda was dropped a level letter to their girlfriends,
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ukrainian president vladimir zalinski. the basically consisted of telling off the rest of the entire world outside of their, the plumber, that still has no divided by their demands to stop buying things from russia. we will continue to apply significant pressure on russian revenues from energy and other sectors. we call on all countries to reduce their imports from russia, which are supporting its war. we will continue to take steps to tighten compliance and enforcement of the oil price cap. we will respond to price capt violations including by imposing additional sanctions, measures on those engaged in deceptive practices while transporting, rushing oil. so they're sticking it to put in by using their own citizens as blue dollars, basically sticking it to those citizens, right in their cost of living with no one's insight to high inflation as a result of energy being factored in. to the cost of everything in the supply chain, and by sticking it to their citizens, they figure they're sticking it to pretend. and now what they're saying is that
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they're going to crack down on that, the dirty cheaters, violating the price cap of $60.00 a barrel for russian oil that they impose basically through peer pressure like in high school on there. the club of allied nations back in december 2022. so this is the same price tap that a bunch of countries have been conveniently lapse about by purchasing oil from 3rd countries like india. for example, oil that just may have had a russian identity before it immigrated to india, then mingled with other oil molecules there and then have the absolutely nerve to just come ashore and they, these western nations like for example, european countries where citizens are supposed to be sticking it to coach and by taking short showers, going on almost 3 years now. so all these g 7 countries signed onto this level letters is the last few of the same time playing footsie under the table with russia. g 7 number japan, for example, hit a 7 year monthly record of russian liquefied natural gas imports just last december
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. and just last month, those in ports were nearly 43 percent for december of 2020 to talk you as foreign ministry said earlier this week, the japan on was staying the course on joint oil and gas projects with russia on stock to lean islands that are critical which enters security. the meanwhile for all the noise they make about sanctions violators and band cap violators. it's not like they stopped importing gas from us or they just replaced their russian pipeline gas. it works with russian l. n g, a $1000000000.00 worth of russian architect liquefied natural gas into the every month to be exact. in 2023, the block was actually still importing 15 percent of its pipeline gas from russia. well, that's down from 45 percent. that russian gas comprised of its imports before that conflict in ukraine. it's still my tongue as a bit of a shock to people who are actually listening to brussel brag about how they were
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taking it, by depriving of energy revenues that they were still importing any pipeline gas at all. now add to that the n g o global witness reporting last year that the you really just pivoted to importing russian liquefied natural gas. since the pipeline gas with russian elegy imports into the you jumping 40 percent since the onset of the conflict, even more than in each of the previous 2 years. yes, no one told french president a menu and my call back in march of 2022. sounds like people using rushing gas to heat their homes or cooks and by gets in france may as well be personally carpet bombing ukraine sort of policy. finally, russia has already started to cutoff gas supplies by closing the north stream. one pipe line of work that's a very clear message and they will use gas as a weapon to view the said we will need do without russian gas completely. they don't continue so fast forward to present day by the way,
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french elegy from russia is up 75 percent in the 1st few months of this year compared to a year ago. and remember a few months ago that michael said he expected a gary in prime minister victor or a bond to act like you european when toms, do you craze interest and fall in line with the establishment agenda? well, it turns out that it's france and not hungry. that was actually russia's top customer for elegy last february. not sure who's been taking all the long, hot showers in france, but the country is paid 600000000 euros to russia for gas supply so far this year. as for germany, it's been getting russia gas from its neighbors kind of like if your next door neighbor came over with a jerry cam and hose and took the gas of your cars. take while complained a what into moral dirt bag. you wearable who use sites, reading it out, and the netherlands and belgium being the dirt bag dealers are brushing gas in this case. anyway, it's average germans, we're paying for the price,
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the birds you say going in any case, the something itself is we urgently need to ensure that germany has cheap energy again. and i wonder why other countries, for example, have no problem in forwarding russian oil or gas. a decent germany does best to by the way, but germany is currently doing it in a particularly stupid and expensive and environmental li, damaging way. we get the oil via india and we get the gas towards the liquid gas by a belgium. it would be more obvious to use the pipeline. then it would be much cheaper. it really has announced that it will replace rushing gas with other countries gas like as a buy signs, for example, by 2025, which actually after by john has been in 40 gas from russia itself since 2022. so it looks like europe will have to police mingling molecules again, in that case the russian foreign minister seems surprised with the lease announcements suggesting that he believes in ports of actually been heading in the opposite direction from his rhetoric to 60 sure. so need the probably claim they
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got rid of the russian gas, but in fact, exports have been growing to many countries, including france and italy. you literally recently had to lead reported to ensure a safe plan to reduce the share of russian gas and their consumption from 90 percent to 0. within 3 years german chancellor schoultz did the same but presenting it as a victory to his voters. so saying, germany has dramatically reduced to dependence on russian energy resources and will soon be completely independent. but nobody mentions the price they're paying for this toys space russian elegy imports also reached a record high in april of 2023. and it happens to send out its supply for re export to italy and france. so it really does look like if the g 7 is out and then as they say about the leasing breaches of the russian energy band, it really doesn't look like it will cost very much for them to travel to
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investigate. they can pretty much just stay home, open up the tomato and have a good book. the internet, national monetary fund, warrens that sancho standing, frozen reserves produced stabilize the entire global financial system to prevent this risk and director of the i, m. s. europe in the apartment offered camer emphasize the need for strong legal justification before any action on seizing rushes and mobilized reserves is taken. the chad has demanded the us leave it to air base and the country, and that's according to a letter sent by the nation's air. force chief, are to know who you can get. it has more. this is the latest in the series, soft stalemate. so cs goes and even outside defeats that have come to horn to america's coal. i'm so cold, the global war on terror, on the african continent. what do we have seen is
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a copy of one of the lead to the sent to the french embassy in tag to circulating on x, outlining how to of a stop. it just means demands that you is to provide the rich an agreement and justification that to you is forces that should be on the edge. you could say a base in the mean that jots air force has ask them every can to provide the documents all. but that's what agreements just to find the presence at a g co say advice in response to 2 agreements screwing on logistical support and the personnel between our 2 states. but shots, as voice did not receive justifications or the us presence, just as the force of the us defense at the sheer to immediately stop the activities at the g cause a base. this development is key, considering that this is the, the 2nd time sheets and the reason to keep america out in lots of this us, the united states was forced to stop in the military operation of a new z. last, i need to go see the,
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the american presence of the territory of the republic of news here is a legal violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the silver and people, notably solely to elected officials, to be consulted on the installation of a for an army in its territory, the government of new year taking into account the aspirations and interest of his people and besides, was full responsibility to denounce was immediate. the fact the agreement relating to the status of military person, all the united states and civilian employees, of the american department of defense and the territory of the republic over here like spoke suppose to the states you back to the agreement is not only profound gmc and it is, but it does not lead to the aspirations and interests of the new jersey and people . because lastly, it forces me to pay both related to tax is an american military aircraft, which must be paid regularly and which cost me shame. in 6th periods, bailey is of a frowns, but then the competence of music when i started to have no information on military activities carried out from american bases in new z. and i'm
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a way of the civilian envelopes feet um pest. so now as well as the american equipment deployed on these areas, soil, it's been clear for quite some time. now that's easy, it does not want a permanent foreign military praise is on, on its territory. even though the u. s. had agreed to eventually withdrawal right now. it had been hanging on to its last best to contact here was outposts in width and africa for quite some time, while continuously blaming russia for its detailed racing in africa, the russian federations, uh narrative drowned out the us government in the past years. they were excel in the russian federation of stoked a lot of the instability across this a hell. they did this through misinformation this information campaigns. so i see how we will double down and our efforts is through our own information campaign.
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but mass flip our assurance efforts, a russian federation is really trying to take over the central africa as well as the ssl within africa. the russian federation wants to establish a ground game that resembles a start se partnership program, but it doesn't have the values. it doesn't have the values of democratic values of, of what we bring sides, that is the intrinsic values for stability, security, and security, security and prosperity with our african partners. the pentagon has been criticized even for abandoning its soldiers in new z. would many people asking out as a group of american soldiers, who the defense department officials insisted were in the country simply to james to advise and to assist me is, is minutes. each sudden he gets sent to such a terrible risk, but a match the risk of missing, then they had it missing the plan to carry out or that the missing. and why would the american equipped with the heavy width is the and we looked uh, bullet proof,
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vehicles that in and talked to to retrieve in new dates. exactly that incident that to been re ignited a longstanding argument over the holding and often uptake will afford to buy american troops around the world. even then, members of the congress from both part you said they knew little about the american military presence in these days. the bite and administration in the state departments are engaged in a massive cover up. they are hiding the true conditions on the ground of us diplomatic relations and knowledge under effectively abandoning our troops in that country with no help in sight. i didn't know there was 1000 troops annoyed you. this is an endless will, without boundaries, no limitation on time or geography. we don't know exactly where we are in the world militarily, and what we're doing for you is knows that the war on terror is a big fame. diagnostic task falls from reducing the volume instead of only makes noise about. in fact, the results of you is,
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assistance in africa speaks for themselves as a recent report in the indicated to enough to longer who the diamond is found worse . and then when the u. s. military came in to help the african continent to revealing that to dates from um, terrorism in africa have skyrocketed to more than 100000 pacific during the u as well in terra. and at this point, the u. s. may get salvage something in tad, but if it exists that lots necessarily be a tragedy for chad, the same way it's exist is not a tragedy. sonya z, china has slammed upcoming joint military drugs between the us and the philippines in the southeast asian countries waters. they doing has warrant manila against becoming what it calls washington's puppet. i don't talk with, i'm from one to china. strongly opposes the us deploying medium range ballistic missile. so the asia pacific and strengthening forward deployment,
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a china doorstep to seek your new lot, strong military advantage is the us to earnestly respect all the country security concerns, stop stoking military confrontation, stop onto mine and peace and stability in the region and take concrete actions to reduce strategic risk, the philippines needs to think twice about would be a catch fall for the us at the expense of foot solid security interest, and stop sliding down the wrong path before the us military has deployed as new, mid range, ground based missiles to the end of pacific region for the 1st time ahead of the drills, the war games which will last almost 3 weeks are due to start on monday and the china isn't the only country raising the alarm. single correspond minister has expressed his concerns to the moment you have an escalation of tension or collisions or military action in the south china sea. it will immediately impair and impede trade, single pores interest is in maintaining peace and stability in one of the world's
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busiest waterways. which is what the south china sea is. let's cost live now to harry, real k, former philippines presidential spokesperson. how are we good to have you on with us? and we well know that the south tennessee is a powder tag with all the territorial disputes in the region. washington knows that as well. do you think that us is appearing is in flaming tensions with these exercises? definitely not. i think the exercise, this is further minutes arising. i've already been situation in the south china sea, which should be we saw through diplomacy now between countries that have conflicting claims to. and i let it seem to south tennessee. we note here that the united states is not one of the 3 minus to the side. there is no way of disputes. and neither is america even a signatory to the un convention of denver, of this e mail. but we also know that the inter, this of america is, has the press, the growth of bond shine that hasn't, he cannot make and military power. and that is why it is using now the philippines
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as a bond for proxy. why know that it wants to wage against china? what, what does the philippines stand to gain from these joint military drills? absolutely not because of the dispute involved the islands now can only be resolved either. which of these are legit occasion where both the sign in the philippines need to give express the the consent or through diplomacy? i don't think of escalating the military intentions in the area will resolve the that'd be peaceful. the solution to the problem that highlighting the fact that under the un charter and the basic phrase plays, the use of force is gone and the countries are enjoying the resort to a peaceful means of settling the disputes. we know that the us does names, the military drills fairly regularly, not just with the philippines, but south korea as well. for example, it always provokes the i or of china. how far do you think washington is willing to go with this military power projection in the region?
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i think the usa is a funding site and i know they need to be engaging in ann arbor club slick. know, which is big, very dangerous. so the philippines because we don't have the one that have any national interest to have art that it's already as a bible ground for a proxy wire between the us and china and certainly as a really be no item. that's one to see anybody. peter live spirit in a war that this, that people, anybody be national interest in washington claims that these military drills actually help improve the security of the philippines button. to what extent do you think those that come at the expense of china security within the 1st place the philippines is involving that they fail to dispute, and yet the united states has been claiming that their concern is on your feet of us navigation. they saying that they are in the philippines because of the commitment to provide iron clad support. the us in case of an i'm a thought and yet they have not the been recognize that really the fact that the claims interest outs and see these mixed legal fluid that the precinct presence of
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american troops in the area is press one to us natural interest as i said, to be in the rights of time as if he could not make a midnight power. given all those territorial disputes in the south, tennessee. what kind of reaction to think we'll see from china if washington does try to cross it's red lines. i think china will, of course, defend the what the standards itself. i said solving the ends of advice. we still have, i resolved that the dispute. it cannot be solved through the use of force, but unfortunately for as long as they us in recess of the vision of the region i buns big becomes almost 80 people who as i said the of these drills have taken place in the philippines before. but what, what's different this time around as well. number one, the united states has been involving other countries in, based on military exercise as though they have brought in japan. they have brought in australia. so they're trying to build some kind of a,
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an alliance against the china. and yep, ironically, the association of southeast asia nation. so score is where the philippines is upon . the member has said that um they want to meet with improve base with china. and the single $45.00 has expressed of dismay that the philippines appears to be increasing the pension in the area and not be alive, saying that our thought authority will become the bible ground in case of an i'm quite a slick. and what about the timing of these drills which start monday, is there anything that stands out to you at all about why these roles are taking place now? i think it's a not so subtle that the child that they are ready to use for us now. so if and when they are getting better, best will be the most navigation in the south, tennessee, but you see it, i think it is also to try this, that that's of interest to keep this outside of the open to navigation because it is also the same route where it's supplies wrong for petroleum products. so from
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that me to east pass through. no. so as far as feed them have them engaged has been saying, i don't think there's any dispute that any country in asia or the united states would want that to be opened. but that really is the say, hedge a monic tendency on the part of the united states to suppress the rights of china. you expect the us to pay any attention to the warnings that are coming from china and now also singapore, which has a robust, robust economic relationship with the us. i think the americans are very fixing what they want to type in. they would use the philippines as their um, you know, jumping route in case of an unpleasant against china. and i would say that this is consist best because he started going to purchase the philippines from china precisely for this purpose. and what do you think china really could do about any of this? do you think they jane might considered like military jewels with perhaps some latin american nation and response to the us actions. but i think china will
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eventually conduct the exercise this with members of the scan itself. no, i am talking about denise malays of vietnam, lawless countries that are closely associated with it now. and that's where the philippines stance, the risk of being isolated as the only american not be in southeast asia. all right, well, if they're hurry, rotate farmer, philippines presidential spokesperson, great to have you on. thank you. thank you very representatives from many countries have flocked it to the russian capital for the new era and new ways for i'm a platform put together to exchange ideas. we kind of push dignitaries who share their thoughts about advert because global cooperation was so i think that today cooperation should be built on a new foundation. we believe the brakes is an opportunity to degree greater openness. why? because there's a feeling that in most african countries partnership is not about equality. we're not on equal terms. the international partner will have this much,
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and the african country will have this much as it is far from a good model. today everyone stands for the opportunity to work with all countries on equal terms, whether it is an asian country or western one, they must cooperate back up on an equal footing. we need mutually beneficial partnerships. survey to have frontier africa has great potential and is rich and resources. we need organizations that would provide us with technologies and help us implement them at local enterprises so that we can develop india, russia, south africa, the u. a. e and argentina represents a kind of fusion of economies that frankly can help us. africa should also take an active part in all this. the russian indian ties are blossoming across many fronts, including so making an indian crew as in moscow to shoots the ends for its film, which is due to come out. the september,
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our correspondence visited the shooting location in central moscow, a hi, in the scenes of a film that spring partly short tape in moscow. this is a hollywood production. and if he's not heard of connie would leave and it's huge. it's like bollywood, but it's from south india and the film where all of these trucks behind me here just for it is living up to its name already look races of fools high. the reason i was is that, so i'm being watched 10 millions of times. the reason this guy, the j, who's the biggest access in india and send them off the director is been cut, cut off who and he's also a huge tool. he told me most go is playing
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a starring role in the film multiple plays a very important part in the film. and so with the per diagnosis of the some of those under major uh, you know, uh, general events and ready to realizes a lot of things and stuff happens here in moscow. so i wanted a very new plays which most of the indian audiences have not seen before. so that's why i just because every se, bollywood films income have proof of to the movies that shocked to you. but if you go south of india, not lot of films of being shot in moscow or anywhere. and i shift this, he says, is this still so much more collaboration between russia and india? culturally? i think it's about time. i think a lot of collaborations will happen because we have a russian culture, the same thing, chan name where i'm from, you know, the so there are lot of indian kids wants to learn russian and the language and the
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culture and stuff. and that it is a so, so it's, it's always that it is always being that and uh, i think i think from know on, i think slowly um, it'd be better dies the bit better collaborations and, you know, uh, codes to collaborations and collaborations in films, movies and to begin with, i think a lot happening now. i think it's it's, i think we've just started it. and i'm sure it is a go to go along with. i just want to give you a sneak peak of tell me now behind the scenes of action sequence taking place here in moscow, this is going to be one of the main talks of the movie. so many is due to wrap up shortly and the film is going to be out in september. it's going to be translated into several languages, including english. and i don't know about you, but i am ready to book my tickets right now. so let's even scheme of 4 things. i'll see, inlaw, skid, to stay with archie of next part,
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3 of foreign ministers. target elaborate this interview with russian media outlets in which he discusses current foreign affairs issues by the city of detroit shows. because i wish to mr. lever of you said that the opposition there is going to use this chance to undermine the people whose policy is based on destroying russia. are there any people maybe not clocks or maybe not dogs, but some reasonable people that we could deal with the saving? we're already dealing with someone mean, you mean a unless they have a chance to for instance, take the place of pull around schultz mac or on or other people when you to the god that's it's hard for me to guess because everything is happening in secrets. these people are not elected, they are appointed by small groups. and this goes for the european commission. and the european council is much that's how the high representative for foreign affairs and security policies are pointed to. we are never against the contacts with any political players to be able to,
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especially the ones that are part of the system taken. for instance, marine la pens, party, the or alternative for germany and other movements that are not so prominent is, can take national for raj, for example. this is a british politician who's participating very actively in the promotion of conservative groups. they have just held a legitimate conference in brussels, which is a regular events in the head of the local district in brussels. shut down the event after 2 hours, despite it being a legitimate for him, attended by victor or band natural for raj and other conservatives. when he came there with the police and said that it had to be shut down and you had the wrong zip with the golf, the tires. oh style the yes, the guards are tired and he claims that they are extreme is supporting extremist ideas. this is an example of western, haven't congress, they are sure of. they are impunity. dominance and secure your name does not one alternate. different germany started getting additional points according to opinion
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polls. they were accused of being russian agents. 2 germans were cards who apparently spied and prepared terrorist attacks against american military bases in germany. and some enterprises that ship weapons to crane 2 people were apprehended in parentheses. and let me also know it was a good an hour in baset or with someone. they told him that there were 2 people arrested that to be to so they could easily find this needle in a haystack. literally, we would compare this to the north stream, terrorist attack, which was an extremely lucrative initiative from germany. this took several months of preparation. involved naval and air forces of many nato countries. and the information about this is public now or something. nobody notices, as opposed to 2 citizens who allegedly were in the process of repairing an act of terrorism, which they were found immediately to the accusations that opposition parties are gaining momentum because they are supported by rush around through various means, including legal ones, are very telling we used to say that.


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