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tv   News  RT  April 20, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be the the g 7 release as a new plan to help you frame by curbing rushes energy revenues. but the figures show hi your independence on russian l. n. z. chad demands us troops leaving the air base and the country that's in a letter by the african nations air force cheap. it becomes the 2nd nation in this, the whole region to give the boot to us to military avenue shared at the same. i just want to give you a sneak peak of things if you could give me one of the cost of the movie and our correspond, it gets a closer look at indian film making in central moscow with the movies set to hit the big screen in september the
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rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international. the group of 7 countries has dropped a joint communique aiming to bolster ukraine's air defenses by cutting rushes energy revenues and confiscating it's a frozen assets. over the past 10 years, western countries have imposed increasingly harsh sanctions on russia. but moscow still remains a top and global supplier of gas oil and select minerals and mining operations. for example, in 2023 alone e u countries double the imports of russian nuclear fuel compared to the year before our to contributor rachel marston, things deeper into the reality of europe's ability to curve rushes, revenues of the g 7 foreign ministers, nothing copy italy, this week and was a big items on the agenda was dropped a level letter to their girlfriends. we ukrainian president vladimir zalinski. the
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basically consisted of telling off the rest of the entire world outside of the quote that still has not abided by their demands to stop buying things from russia . we will continue to apply significant pressure on russian revenues from energy and other sectors. we call on all countries to reduce their imports from russia, which are supporting its war. we will continue to take steps to tighten compliance and enforcement of the oil price cap. we will respond to price capt violations including by imposing additional sanctions, measures on those engaged in deceptive practices while transporting, rushing oil. so they're sticking it to put in by using their own citizens as blue dollars, basically sticking it to those citizens, right in their cost of living with no one's insight to high inflation as a result of energy being factored in. to the cost of everything in the supply chain, and by sticking it to their citizens, they figure they're sticking it to pretend. and now what they're saying is that they're going to crack down on that, the dirty cheaters,
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violating the price cap of $60.00 a barrel for russian oil that they impose basically to peer pressure like in high school on their little club of allied nations. back in december 2022. so this is the same price caps that a bunch of countries have been conveniently lapse about by purchasing oil from their countries like india. for example, oil that just may have had a rushing identity before it immigrated to india. then mingled with other oil molecules there and then have the absolutely nerve to just come ashore and they, these western nations like for example, european countries where citizens are supposed to be sticking it to coach and by taking short showers, going on almost 3 years now. so all these g 7 countries signed onto this level letters as well and see what the same time playing footsie under the table with russia g 7 number japan, for example, hit a 7 year monthly record of russian liquefied natural gas imports just last december
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. and just last month, those in ports were nearly 43 percent for december of 2020 to tokyo. as for ministry said earlier this week, the japan was staying the course on joint oil and gas projects with russia on soft to lean islands that are critical which enters security. the meanwhile, for all the noise they make about sanctions, violators and band and count violators. it's not like they stopped importing gas from us, or they just replaced their russian pipeline gas. it works with russian l. n g, a $1000000000.00 worth of russian architect liquefied natural gas into the every month to be exact. in 2023, the block was actually still importing 15 percent of its pipeline gas from russia. well, that's down from 45 percent. that russian gas the price, if it's in ports before the conflict in ukraine, it still might come as a bit of a shock to people who are actually listening to brussels. brag about how they were sticking it to put in by depriving an energy revenues that they were still
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importing any pipeline gas at all. now add to that the n g o global witness reporting last year that the you really just pivoted to importing russian liquefied natural gas and stuff. pipeline gas with russian elegy imports into the ege of the 40 percent. since the onset of the conflict, even more than in each of the previous 2 years. yes, no one told french president a menu and my call back in march of 2022. sounds like people using russian gas to heat their homes, their cooks and by gets in france, may as well be personally carpet bombing ukraine sort of policy. finally, russia has already started to cut off gas supplies by closing the north stream. one pipeline of work. that's a very clear message and they will use gas as a width and the will that we will meet do without russian gas completely. they don't clean so fast forward to present day by the way, french elegy from russia is up 75 percent in the 1st few months of this year
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compared to a year ago. and remember a few months ago that michael said he expected a gary in prime minister victor or bon to act like he european when it comes to ukraine's interest and fall in line with the establishment agenda. well, it turns out that it's france and not hungry. that was actually russia's top customer for elegy last february. not sure who has been taking all the long, hot showers in france, but the country is paid 600000000 euros to russia for gas supply so far this year. as for germany, it's the getting russian gas from its neighbors. kind of like it's your next door neighbor came over with a jerry can and ho and took the gas of via cars, chang while complaining what into moral dirt bag, wherever he was, sites reading it out and the netherlands and belgium being the dirt bag dealers of rushing gas in this case. anyway, it's average germans who are paying for the price the virtue signaling in any case, then this including yourself. we urgently need to ensure that germany has cheap
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energy again. and i wonder why other countries for examples of have no problem importing russian oil or gas with germany does this to, by the way, the germany is currently doing it in a particularly stupid and expensive and environmental li, damaging way. we get the oil via india and we get the gas, the liquid gas by a belgium. it would be more obvious to use the pipeline. then it would be much cheaper. it really has announced that it will replace rushing gas with other countries gas like as of by signs, for example, by 2025, which actually has a bunch on has been important gas from russia itself since 2022. so it looks like europe will have to police mingling molecules again in that case the russian foreign minister seemed surprised. this is a lease announcement suggesting that he believes in ports of actually been heading in the opposite direction from his rhetoric to see sure. so need the probably claim
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they got rid of the russian gases, but in fact, exports had been growing to many countries, including france and italy. literally recently had to lead reported to ensure a safe plan to reduce the share of russian gas and their consumption from 90 percent to 0. within 3 years german chancellor schoultz did the same but presenting it as a victory to his voters. so saying, germany has dramatically reduced to dependence on russian energy resources and will soon be completely independent. but nobody mentions the price they're paying for this space. russian elegy imports also reached a record high in april of 2023. and it happens to send out its supply for re export to italy and france. so it really does look like if the g 7 is meant, as they say about policing breaches of their russian energy bands. it really doesn't look like it will cost very much for them to travel to investigate. they
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can pretty much just stay home, open up the tomato and have a good luck. the international monetary fund, warren's bad confiscating frozen reserves could be stabilized the entire global financial system to prevent this for us and director of the i, m f. c, your pin department alford camera, and foot size the need for strong legal justification for any action on seizing rushes and mobilized reserves is taken. the chad has demanded. the us leave us air base and the country that's according to a letter sent by the nations air force chief, our to is know who you can get. it has more. this is the latest in the series soft stalemate. so cs goes and even outside defeats that have come to horn to america's cool. um, so cold, the global war on terror on the african continent of what we have seen is a copy of one of the lead to the, sent to the french embassy in tad to circulating on ex, outlining how to of
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a stop. it just means demands that you is to provide the rich an agreement in justification that to you is forces that should be on the edge. you could say a base in the mean that shots air force as ask them every can to provide the documents or but that's what agreements just to find their presence at a g co say advice in response to 2 agreements ruined on logistical support and the personnel between our 2 states, but shots as voice did not receive justifications or the us presence. just add force, ask the us defense at the sheer to immediately stop the activities at the g co say at base. this development is key, considering that this is the, the 2nd country is the reason to keep america out. in lots of this, the, the united states was forced to stop in the military operation of a new z. last, i need to go see the, the american presence of the territory of the republic of news here is a legal violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require
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the silver and people, notably solely to elected officials to become solid as on the installation of a for an army in its territory, the government of new year taking into account the aspirations and interest of its people and besides, was full responsibility to denounce was immediate. the fact the agreement relating to the status of military person, all the united states and civilian employees, of the american department of defense in the territory of the republic of each year like the spokes person stating that the agreement is not only profound. gmc and it is, but it does not lead the aspirations an interest often easier in people because of the sleep. it forces me to pay both related to tax is an american military aircraft, which must be paid regularly and which cost me shame. in 6th period, billions of ca, from then the competence of you said when i started to have no information on military activities carried out from american bases in the z. and i'm a wave of the civilian envelopes fees,
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um pet. so now as well as the american equipment deployed on the news areas, soil, it's been clear for quite some time now that's miss a does not want a permanent foreign military presence on, on its territory. even though the u. s. had just agreed to eventually withdrawal, right? now, it had been hanging on to its last best to contact here was outposts in width and africa for quite some time. well, continuously blaming russia for its detailed racing in africa, the russian federations, uh narrative drowned out the us government in the past years. they were excel and the russian federation stoked a lot of the instability across this the how they did this through misinformation this information campaigns. so i see how we will double down in our efforts is through our own information campaign. but mass flip our assurance efforts, a russian federation is really trying to take over the central africa as well as
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the ssl within africa. the russian federation wants to establish a ground game that resembles a start se partnership program, but it doesn't have the values and doesn't have the values of democratic values of, of what we bring sides. that is the intrinsic values for stability, security, and security, security and prosperity with our african partners. the pentagon has been criticized even for abandoning its soldiers in new z. would many people, austin, how does a group of american soldiers, who the defense department officials insisted were in the country simply to trade, to advise and to assist me is, is minutes each suddenly gets sent to search a trigger risk time for a match, the risk of missing, then they had it missing the plan to carry out or did the mission. and why would the americans equipped with the heavy width is the and we looked uh, bullet proof vehicles in and talked to territories in new jersey. it's exactly that
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incident that's been re ignited a longstanding argument over the spaulding, and often opaque will afford to buy american troops around the world. even then, members of the congress from both part you said they knew little about the american military presence in the z. the bite and administration in the state department are engaged in a massive cover up. they are hiding the true conditions on the ground of us diplomatic relations and knowledge under effectively abandoning our troops in that country with no help in sight. i didn't know there was 1000 troops in nigeria. this is an endless will, without boundaries, no limitation on time or geography. we don't know exactly where, where it's in the world militarily and what we're doing. the u. s. knows that the war on terror is a big failure in africa, fall from reducing the violence that it always makes noise about. in fact, the results of you is, assistance in africa speaks for themselves. and a recent report in the indicated, not so long ago,
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the diamonds on the african continent is far worse. then when the u. s. military came in to help the african continent to revealing that dates from um, terrorism in africa have skyrocketed to more than 100000 pacific during the u as well in terra. and at this point, the u. s. may get salvage something in tad, but if it exists that lots necessarily be a tragedy which had the same way, it's exit is not a tragedy for new z water levels in the temple river in the russian city of corvette and have started to go down after reaching record highs as the city struggles with ongoing flooding. locals and, and g o is, are doing everything they can to help our kids make them at the child. reports from the scene in the city, oregon is balancing on the brink of being submerged at the moment. level so forth in the temple re with which the c 2 lies. one is a reason to almost can meet us or whatnot, and this is the point of no return because most of the cities dams are 10 meters
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high. more than 15000 people have already been evacuated to safety from the flooded areas from the villages or the side community is just outside the city. many have left their homes with nothing. they need help. they need basic necessities, such as food, water, mad, simple clothes. the government is stepping in, but some groups, such as the elderly or bill since with limited liability need extra help. and jewish like russian red cross will cease to self care to do what they can. because i believe it, even as we requested humanitarian aid from the red cross central office in advance with for actually brought it in and stored. we now have about 200 sets in stock, which we can deliver to people in temporary accommodation centers or other places. we need our psychologist, provide assistance to those affected by the floods i've lived including my whole life, of course flooding. there's nothing new for us, but the level of preparation for this flood was unprecedented. we'll have time to leave after when everything passes. but now we need to get ourselves together and
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do everything that is required of us. so it does not do so. so what are the we have individual aid kits. heads help the victims of the temporary accommodation center. we also have a wheelchair to take liability. people out for a walk help comes from carrying locals and businesses. we would like to say thank you to all the people who donated because now we need to very much for the developers, pretty much the despite all the efforts made, crisis disrupt sleif and to see to many displaced. infrastructure may collapse and logistics and disorder locals increasingly reliant on 8 pulling t as of providing food, water and clothes. but the scale of problems the see to face is much wide and many are willing to help the municipality. this is the year we prepare backs with sand to allow them and the car center plays them. the other them gave them a bridge. his students and volunteers helped to do the job. the task was to prepare 10000 backs and we have exceeded that target almost around the city always needs
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help people who him nearby also come and help us. we always do this so that the nearest houses are not funded. carter says to it's good that some people the one time and took care of the animals someone else calls for help to to rescue animals . we do them out of the village houses while the roads were still dry. no, it's more difficult to do because the water has arrived and we just save them from the water. every day, more people are being evacuated from flooded areas, but the truth scale of the disaster is via to be full assessed. the man has warned over 40 kilometers long wave approach and the cd, but the locals are remain calm and hope that with a joint effort they can overcome. the biggest challenge, michigan has faced in more than history men, which i've auntie, called them now to india, where the 1st phase of the countries marathon election cycle is complete. india, the general election will be held in 7 stages over the next to 6 weeks. and r t is
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hosting special coverage of the major event. the polls in the 1st phase of the 6 week long general election in india closed on friday evening as voters casting ballots across 21 states and the territories. the election commission said the average turn out was 67 percent this here, india has early 1000000000 eligible voters. that's more than 10 percent of the world's population. the elections will wrap up on june 1st with the results to be announced. 3 days later, the large scale election requires more than a 1000000 pulling boots and over 15000000 workers to oversee it all. and direct how he known as the silent village. and john move in cashmere has also found, is boyce 90 residents. born with hearing and the speech apartments also have the opportunity to cast their votes in the elections, people,
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they're mostly voted for basic amenities such as roads, water, education, and health care facilities. earlier we spoke with indian and journalists, a big on the progress of it says, the opposition hasn't addressed issues that concern citizens in a comprehensive way in democracy. it's very, very important, but it's vibrancy, far as far as mazda political means to come out, it's very important that the percentage of footings is high or not, and goes up, you know, so 60 percent is a good average, but it does easily be added by 20 percent more as the elections progress. so we left the track, so do some good sees it is a higher average of the are of, of a different guns. easy was, i just don't see a lot of people who pretends and most of the big news in politics. and these are generally elections of countries. elections. so i, i'm a firm believer and i've been seeing this in seminars and docs for years and years
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. that in india, because of the diversity they should for is be a higher percentage of all things. a very of an election happens. you're not seeing a unified opposition, which everyone wanted to see a new a hope, said that would be the presence of the allies. it's not happening so naturally in, you know, you would, uh, it will be made that means that space naturally floating that even more and that is the atmosphere at the moment. the magnitude of questioning of new opposition has not been convincing. these and this done in this group, i haven't gotten, get into it along his cheat is television program, but he was got, brings of collapse and my mother think i've been to the governing because people got good news and certain issues opposition has the rules has that responsibility just means you know where it is. 6 these 2 categories. yeah,
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there are serious problems as far as economy is concerned, unemployment is concerned. i'm these problems have not been adequately comprehensive lead in a unified we highlighted by the opposition at the latest media briefing in washington state department spokesperson declined to answer a question by the grey zone outlet reporter leon. because grove, who asked about as well as stated push for regime change in iran. so benjamin netanyahu testified the us congress in 2002, it is before we made interact and he said, quote, there was no question whatsoever that saddam hussein is seeking and is working. and as advancing towards the development of nuclear. ready weapons, he then went on to say he was hiding nuclear facilities under ground. we now know this was a lie. one that many us service members and innocent iraqis paid the price for then yahoo and that same congressional hearing goes on to say. obviously we'd like to see regime change, at least i would in a ran. the question now is,
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what is the best way to proceed? it's not a question of whether you'd like to see per diem changing around, but how to achieve it. so my 2 questions for you are one, how can we trust somebody to go to our country into or interact based on false sites and to given this weekend's advance? why are we confident he won't do the same thing with a rand given he's been calling for us to an act resume, change in that country for 20 years? i'm sure i fully understand your question. we discussed this with the grace on her partner, liam conde's grove. himself, he says the answer he got was absurd, and the us is giving his real blanket checked to respond to strikes on its territory well back in them in defense. his 1st response was kind of along the lines of, well, there's many people and he is rarely governments that we support israel. that doesn't mean we're necessarily endorsing a particular person. but obviously we're talking about benjamin netanyahu, who is not only the prime minister, but he's been on and off,
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but basically the prime minister for over the last 20 years. so he's clearly the most powerful and influential person in the israeli government. he's the top decision maker. of these really government so you've got an answer. we've just kind of absurd at the end. he said, you know, we don't see more with iran to which i said, you know what of a ran response to israel because israel has vowed to strike randy might have just seen that happen. and then he said, well, we have an iron clad commitment to israel, so the us, i said, you know, we're not going to back any sort of offensive attack, but we are going to fast any strikes on his rarely territory. but it's, but that's kind of meaningless. because if israel is, has this blank checked to do all these offensive attack, cuz of the matter, us participates in those. if we give them this blank check for defense, it's like, eventually a rand is getting a response. the initial or rainy. and a striking last weekend with the 300 drones and missiles where he is really
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intercepted, basically all of them in the only once we hit the ground, we're kind of in the desert. he didn't really destroy any infrastructure, nor did it kill anybody. you know, the israel sort of taking that as a way, and i think i ran intentionally, did not, you know, doing aggressive straight because it ran doesn't seem like it wants to award either . i, it seems like israel is the only one who really wants these wars. probably some factions, it within the us as well. and i, i'm sick of it. i mean, i was thinking of like getting dragged into these wars and, and having the us, having me in my country be blamed as a bad guy for, for these wars of israel seems to like to drag us into the russian indian ties are blossoming across many friends, including so making an indian cruise in moscow to shoot scenes for its film, which is due to come out. the september, our correspondent visited the shooting location in the central moscow. a hi, in the scenes of a film that spring partly short tape in moscow. this is a hollywood production,
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and if you've ever heard of connie would leave and it's huge. it's like bollywood, but it's from south india and the film where all of these trucks behind me head just for it is living up to its name already look races of full time. the reason i was is that so i'm being watched millions of times. the reason this guy, the j, who's the biggest actor in india and send them all the direct to is been cut off who and he's also a huge pool. he told me most go is playing a starring role in the field. most co pays are very important. part in the field and so with the diagnosis of the some of those under major uh, you know,
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uh general events and very the lives is a lot of things and stuff happens here in moscow. so i wanted a very new plays which most of the indian audiences have not seen before. so that's why i chose because every se, bollywood films, they've come have proof of few movies. they've shocked you. but if you go south of india, not lot of films are being shot in moscow or anywhere. and i shift and vis. she says, is this delta much more collaboration between russia and india? culturally? i think it's about time. i think a lot of collaborations will happen because we have a russian culture, the same thing, chan name where i'm from, you know, the so there's a lot of indian kids wants to learn russian and the language and the culture and stuff. and that it is a so, so it's, it's always that it is always being that and uh, i think, i think from know on,
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i think slowly. so that'd be better days to bit better collaborations and you know, uh, closer to collaborations and collaborations in films, movies and debate when i think a lot of happened now. i think it's, it's, i think we've just started it and i'm sure it is going to go along with. i just want to give you a sneak peak of tell me now behind the scenes that shouldn't be taking place here in moscow. this is going to be one of the main parts of the movie. so many is due to wrap up shortly and the film is going to be out in september. it's going to be translated into several languages, including english. and i don't know about you, but i am ready to book my tickets right now. so let's even steven for thing for aussie inlaw skin to stay with us, i'll be back in 30 minutes with that much more news in the meantime, you can always fit as our visit our website r t. com for the very latest breaking news and updates by the
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the door to door or to to just almost the you said i was missing something media from the central gonna send you the settings for some great things. i'm waiting for me on the computer. no. me yes it personally sell the money to the sale be the name is e, as in which the motion to to be it looks like you to sort of get us the bush switches switches to the metal. i thought a soup. inducing the tennessee vegetable past
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the experience of the new jews because as then choose for many centuries, we have been made best acute at once. bullshit games oppressed and nobody can know it seems that the bodies on smoking by the same the the man the.


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