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tv   News  RT  April 20, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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the, the u. s. reportedly fails to make a new deal with louisa allegories to withdrawal troops from the west african country, which is tony to other nations like russia to help find terrorism into saw how regions most of the condensed ukrainian loans drawing back showed a russian war correspondence point to get evidence of p as a terrorist nature. also this out, the 2 palestinians are killed during a 2 day is waiting, waiting occupied. westbank comes amid escalating settlement construction in the area also speaks to a palestinian who's received an eviction notice from b is wally government. in front of my children's eyes,
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the fear that every day they would read my house for asked me in front of my children, my mother, my father, the buildings themselves, and then throwing me on the streets, the hello and welcome you watching auntie international with the latest world news on the day to split, to have you with us on top story of us, our u. s. i ministration officials have reports and they can fund that more than a $1000.00 american troops of packing up to leave nisha as long as the washington fell. to agree on a new security deal with naomi and these area and governments show the americans, but don't last month. all seek out, he's africa correspondence. none of a congress has moved this house for us on the basis of sources from prison to by those administrative reports suggest that more than a 1000 us troops will leave music in the coming months. the withdrawal will, will begin in the next few days and will take months to complete menu of the u. s.
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military personnel posted in the z, a space and at these 2. 0, one is the way they have been in acts of since the that's deposed to prison mohammed the zoom and installed the new leadership last year july. the decision to withdrawal follows the announcement last month by the military government, often am the and the subsequent talks between the parties that what we also learned from these developments is that according to a state department schools that the deputy stip retreat kurtz campbell told the needs to be in prime minister, i need in the mean vein that the united states does not agree with the country you turn towards russia and he runs to a possible deal funded rainy and reserves. and the failure to talk to the polk to return to democracy. it also remember that on march, the 16th of this, the, the military government in the j interrupted immediate effect of the military
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cooperation agreement, signed with the united states in $2212.00. the announcement was read in a speech broad costs and national television, by calling in a month to optimize spokesperson avida supreme power. currently, the spokesperson defined the you estimate of his presence as illegal and in violation of all constitutional and democratic rules. plus, i need to go see the, the american presence in the territory of the republic of news here is a legal, it violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the silver and people, notably. so it's elected officials to be consulted on the installation of a, for an army, and that's territory. the government of new year taken into account the aspirations and interest of its people, the size was full response. ability to denounce was immediate. the facts of the agreement relating to the status of military person of the united states and similarly and employees of the american department of defense in the territory of the republic of new year. not only that, according to them, the, the agreement itself, which was the,
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you need lots of really imposed by the united states that through a simple verbal note in july 2012 is, is it to me. and i'm just, and it's exactly from that kind of information where you can tell that to me is it has been a gains permanent, foreign military presence on its territories for quite some time. but the u. s. has been hanging on to the last and best contact, timorous outpost in west africa, hoping for some sort of turn off events on why it's continued to blame. russ. yeah, 4052, racing on the african continent. the russian federation. narrative drowned out the us government in the past years. they were excel on, the russian federation of stoked a lot of the instability across this a hell. they did this through misinformation, this information campaigns. so i see how we will double down in our efforts is
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through our own information campaign. but mass flip our assurance efforts. a russian federation is really trying to take over the central africa as well as the ssl within africa. the russian federation wants to establish a ground game that resembles a start shape partnership program, but it doesn't have the values. it doesn't have the values, the democratic values of, of what we bring sides. that is the intrinsic values for stability, security and security, security and prosperity with our african partners. but the you is expect taishan to, to rebuild the relations. do the to say in the, as even with the you is, the pentagon has been criticized for a band and its soldiers in shape. and it was the previous to be revealed that to you is sensitive from both the parties of congress and not even the way that the us soldiers in the z. and they were not aware for quite some time. and in the move
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that for the risk, the presence of the us military in another country, in the whole region. chad authorities of threatening to cancel an agreement which dictates the rules off um us submitted to personnel. instead, a copy of one of the dates has been to the present submitted feet, or rather the french embassy and had circulated on the ex apple outlining how seat of a stuff democracy you is to provide the, the rich, an agreement and justification that to you is forces that should be on the edge. you could say it'd be in the mean not the stakes at the moment, a car going to very high in every parts of the african continent, even though the u. s. is that it is pushing to continue. it produces in africa and exploring options of scrolling, you security agreements with other speaking countries. but also the climate on the african continent tells a very different story to that. a russian will correspondence with kelly while performing his professional duties. still make
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a report about the conflict in ukraine, samuel and i read means death caused a reaction for many, including the united nations, which said it condemns the killing of journalists versus foreign ministry said the attack was the nipple words improves the terrorist nature of ukraine. where we go, this target to the cold blood. it's not over. john list is another consummation of the width service nature of busy landscape regime which has opened the real hand for russian representatives of the mass media military come on this public figures who with their reports, comments and publications reveal to choose to the world community present, indisputable facts about the crimes of the militants, of the key appraising, say, bill was a war correspondent of from the 1st days of the special military operation we. we met multiple times, we worked together with samuel and he was doing to this to me on the some of the journalist who proved beyond a doubt. it's no small risk to themselves. but you crazy and so just ukrainian
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military was talking to journalists specifically going out of the way to target busch and done this and demonstrate that this when he, his team, which only because it by you create it. i'll tell the remote task, they would move away, the artillery would, would follow the loss. so the left to the right. we will to so the, for the publish whether you play the inside. so just on the crate inside joe king and said that they knew that these were drug listened, that they were targeting them, and they would correcting artillery 5 to kill up off so that russian, john, this predominantly choose to dispense with blue, bought the almond, where a couple of flaws, try to melvin with the military because that is less risk. the russian foreign ministry has come out and said the least incident again demonstrates the ugly terrorist nature of the landscape regime which has targeted douglas,
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which is going out of its way to target active women. as well as men who never never held a weapon in their, in their hands saying that this is all in the interests of ukraine, and i justifying it as legitimate as legitimate means of waging war. the russian prosecutor's office says that they will establish everyone responsible for this incident and will do everything to bring them to justice, to the middle east. now, where are these 2 palestinians have been killed during fighting between his way the forces on the local fights? as in the occupied westbank, as, according to the palestinian health ministry, the 11 people were reported he left injured and several homes destroyed during the raid, which is where the forces launched on friday toes to the city of to come according
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to the palestinian prisoners society. the taylo clothes were arrested in the last 2 days of res, with halls taken from the refugee complex flashes of still continuing. local officials bo counts against the waves labeling it unprecedented. the do. what do you think this is the 3rd day is being cushion diminution. this comes from the city of to car. i mean general, the scale of it may be equivalent to a slightly more than the 2002 inc cushion. it seems that the israelis really wants to sign into the palestinian resistance in the west bank, specifically in the camps in northern west bank. well, the it is a very difficult situation. siege on the new ships camp is still ongoing, often more than 40 to august. there are large numbers of dead people line on the streets, and many wounded ambulances have not been able to reach until this moment. they come to what people have told us, there is complete destruction of homes shops, electricity, greed, the huge. then what's a network and the infrastructure. the reason cousin is unprecedented in 2002 and
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compared to previous incursions. the russ, not this, on the rooftops death squads, especially forces deployed. it's a real war. no one knows what is happening in the camp until these moments the you as well has fed up settlement construction in east jerusalem after the war broke housing dancer. as according to a recent guardian article, the publication came as 3 families and to shake the wrong neighborhood in easter wasting them received the eviction notices. oldest by the jerusalem magistrates cooled off a spoke to one of them, a highly yet full household with the value of a 948. they evicted, 531 villages and most of our children, women, and elders. unfortunately, there were no cameras there. no such technology background and nothing, but today the world watches guys have been killed, live on air, and does nothing about it. you owe me. there's no sense of security. every day we have a catastrophe, like not every day we have a sudden back like the knox, a word 96 to 7 and day by day it gets worse. and i've been living here for 50 years
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. and the settler comes and evict me from my home, and that's who buys my place. sylvia and an hosted one filled out and they're taking our homes from us. you won't be going out. children in front of the world. how should you feel? i mean, is there just a crating i was saying to this like the i'll x a mosque and of the church of the whole, the simple car that's very difficult to express. the sadness inside me will leave it every day in the threats with facing every day you especially meet with us part of the companions. i started at the time of day of collation of the algo, a family be a noun. of course, there's 2 of them on the streets in front of my children's eyes, the fear that every day they would rate my house for asked me in front of my children, my mother, my father, the bidding, so the insult and throwing me on the streets of the whole world, all eyes are turned towards, got them in the united nations and the speak world, this hypocrites talk about the security council, and then america comes and use that to me to all the how do you feel when you see
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them raping all girls going women, good entering hospitals always go and doctors go into tennis and then how would you feel is really government has a program for is various along with yeah, i'll just my house all the how this is really government doesn't one piece or the 20 about a city and state these really government only wants a jewish state with well, how to send me you. according to the article, set them in building across the east jerusalem has accelerated with these rarely governments standing behind all the largest projects. moving 20 projects with thousands of houses are in the pipeline. continuing expansion of it's ready specimens is regarded as illegal on the international norm. but as well, disputes this earlier this week that you're wasting, the magistrate court ordered the eviction of the way palestinian families from the homes. according to the ruling they're expected to vacate the house before july. the reports say the house includes 3 apartments. the 20 members of the 3 families
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live in salt lake. the apps whose family also go to an eviction notice says he funds to appeal. i love to see despite all the pressure in jerusalem, i see that house demolition some of the tasks of our homes and the consist occasional lens before the taxes from all aspects, all remained stuff their case didn't start recently when they started 50 years ago and there's really rabby claimed about this land in the year 80 and 76. so we don't need an excuse to kill palestinians and they don't need an excuse to expel palestinians from their homes. how much of the citizens were ready, stuff, they weren't under the table. and today they brought them all the noise, our own garza, and today they explore that opportunity to do whatever they want and separate us from our land open at their convenience. will appeal to the central port is the baseboard cannot enter fee after the supreme court decision. and god willing will confirm rolling to free is the decision until the ownership of the land is proving what they are
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a government of extra money. so maybe there's nothing on them do it or unlikely for this govern. so i got to use to go back thing down to say and do something in the back. i mean, but things are changing in the world to them as the magic is strongly against them . additionally, or so, all the claims were complete lives they used to say are now exposed on the table. and so i thought approving that we are proud of my head. we have been under oppression for a 100 years and one on the saddle of tears, beauty filings and foolishness of this visual. and so i say the future is hours if he's good, while patients can be beautiful, we've been hearing this times. we should not be building it when i'm on the latest wait here, briefing and washington state department specs person has declined to answer a question by the grace an outlet reporter liam called squared, who asked about as well, stay to push for raising, changing around. so benjamin netanyahu testified in the us congress in 2002. it is before we invade interact and he said, quote,
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there was no question whatsoever that saddam hussein is seeking and is working. and as advancing towards the development of nuclear. ready weapons, he then went on to say he was hiding nuclear facilities underground. we now know this was a lie. one that many us service members, an innocent iraqis paid the price for danielle, who in that same congressional hearing goes on to say, obviously we'd like to see regime change, at least i would in iran. the question now is, what is the best way to proceed? it's not a question of whether you'd like to see per diem changing around, but how to achieve it. so my 2 questions for you are one, how can we trust somebody to go to our country into or interact based on false sites. and to given this weekend's events, why are we confident he won't do the same thing with a rand given he's been calling for us to an actor's name change in that country for 20 years? i'm sure i fully understand your question. as we discuss this with the grazer, and we'll pull the liam called squared himself, who stays the on. so he got was observed on the us as given, gives well,
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a blank check to respond to strikes on his territory. well, backing them in defense. his 1st response was kind of along the lines of, well, there's many people and he is rarely governments that we support israel. that doesn't mean we're necessarily endorsing a particular person. but obviously we're talking about benjamin netanyahu, who is not only the prime minister, but he's been on and off, but basically the prime minister for over the last 20 years. so he's clearly the most powerful and influential person in the israeli government. he's the top decision maker. of these really government. um so then the answer was just kind of absurd at the end. he said, you know, we don't see more with a ran to which i said, you know, what is a ran response to israel because israel has vowed to strike randy might have just seen that happen. and then he said, well, we have an iron clad commitment to israel, so the us, i said, you know, we're not going to back any sort of offensive attack, but we are going to bass any stripes on his rarely territory. but that's kind of
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meaningless because if, if israel is, has this blank check to do all these offensive attacks, it doesn't matter for us to participate in those. if we give them this blank check for defense, it's like, eventually a rand is getting a response. the initial, a rainy and australian last weekend with the 300 drones and missiles where he is really intercepted, basically all of them. and the only once we hit the ground, we're kind of in the desert. it didn't really destroy any infrastructure, nor did it kill anybody. you know, the israel sort of taking that as a way, and i think a ran intentionally did not, you know, doing aggressive straight because it ran doesn't seem like it once award. either i, it seems like israel is the only one who really wants these wars. probably some factions, it within the us as well. and i, i'm sick of it. i mean, i'm thinking of like getting dragged into these wars and, and having the us, having me in my country to be blamed as a bad guy for, for these wars of israel seems to like to drag us into the china has lounged up
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coming joint military drills between the us and the philippines in the southeast asian countries. walters aging has moved to manila against becoming what it calls washington's puppets. to talk with, i'm from one to china, strongly opposes the us deploying medium range ballistic missile. so the asia pacific and strengthening forward deployment, a china doorstep to seek you know, less strong military advantage, is the us to earnestly respect all the country security concerns, stop stoking military confrontation, stop onto mining, peace and stability in the region, and take concrete actions to reduce strategic risks, the philippines needs to think twice about would be a catch fall for the us at the expense of its all and security interest, and stop sliding down the wrong path. b, u. s. military has deployed this new mid range, ground based missiles to the end of the pacific region for the 1st time ahead of
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the drills. the will games, which will last, almost 3 weeks. i'll do to start on monday and on china isn't the only country raising the long single polls. foreign minister has expressed his concerns to the moment you have an escalation of tension or collisions or military action in the south china sea. it will immediately impair and impede trade. singapore is interested in maintaining peace and stability in one of the world's busiest waterways, which is what the south china sea is. we spoke earlier to harry walk from the philippines presidential spokes person who says that washington's aim is to suppress china's economic growth and military power. i think the exercise, this is further admitted, the rising. i've already been situation in the south china sea. we should be, we saw through diplomacy now between countries that have conflicting claims to and i let him seem to south san a. see, we note here that the united states is not the one of the 3 mines through the side
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. there was no way of disputes, and neither is america. you've been a signatory to the you in going back to the office e mail. but we also know that the interests of america is the press, the growth of the bottom resign as and you cannot make and military power. and that is why it is using now the philippines as a bond for proxy. why know that it wants to wage against china? and i think the usa is uh, funding changed. i know they need to be engaging in an arm unplug sleep. not which is because very dangerous of the philippines because we don't have the one that have the, any national interest to have art that it's already as of the bible ground for a proxy wire between the us and china. and certainly as even really be know item eps one, to see any filipino light, spit or meeting in the worth of this, that the ball and it really be national interest. the greasing presence of american troops in the area gets press one to us, natural interest sites. they have to be in the race of china as an economic and military power. it's a not so subtle but at the chain that,
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that they are ready to use for stuff. so if and when they are getting better, best will be the most navigation in the south, tennessee. but you see, i think it is also to try and this is that national interest to keep this out to say this, the open through navigation because it is also the same route where it's supplies wrong for petroleum products. so from them you've got these pass through now. so as far as feeding most definitely asian is concerned, i don't think there's any dispute that any country in asia or the states would want that to be open. but that really is the se had demonic tendency of the part of the united states to suppress the rights of china. are they not in states, has been involving other countries in, based on maybe 30 exercise as though they have brought in japan. and they have brought in australia, so they're trying to build some kind of a and then i end against the i'd say not though. um and yep, ironically the. ready the agent of service agent nation. so score is where the
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philippines, as a founding member, has said that they want to increase basement china. and the single $45.00 has expressed dismay, that the philippines appears to be increasing the pension in the area. and that'd be a nice thing that i would thought i thought we'd pick up the bible belt in case of an i'm quite a slick. i think the americans are very think see what they want to happen. they will use the philippines as they are. um, you know, just being growled in case of an important thing against china. and i would say that this is consistent because he started going to purchase the philippines from china precisely for this purpose. but it seems like breaks the balls to get even bigger with columbia or expressing is interested in joining the blog as soon as possible. the country is designed to join brakes was expressed in a joint statement. following a meeting between the brazilian president sounds columbia, anita colombia, is not the only country in the southern hemisphere. timo joining the ever growing bricks blog with that is way low on his way to becoming
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a full fledged member. as well, lia i spoke to stephen cruz head of the african governance on diplomacy program at the south african institute of international affairs. he stays countries wanting to join brakes because of resentments. what was the us and european had germany. the country see something in bricks, they want to join this club. they want to join this place to, to amplify their voices. i don't think any countries are going to join immediately . i think that will be a decision that the heads of state will take towards the end of the year. and we shouldn't forget that full countries joined into having us bug last year at the summit's. a couple of countries in the end decided not to join like sergeant tina and saudi arabia has needs a joint no, not joined. but yes, a lot of countries, a reports of the over 40 have expressed interest in joining the blog. and what is it? what's the special something about breaks that, that makes it so appealing to countries. i'm looking at a well that is will say,
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that is more equitable bricks has been supports of all efforts to reform the un security council to give developing countries more voice. the world is very different to what it looked like in 1945. i think that is sort of directly. i think there's common ideology, uncommon interest that that drives countries to one to be a part of something which seems to be clearly succeeded. i think that's part of the attraction of the countries in the, in the blocks that are applied for the info of us dominance of the international system of europe dominance. and so they have countries that are definitely seeking an alternative and a different way of configuring the world and setting the rules of that wells. and how do you think this is going to affect those countries in the world of viewing the rise of bricks with trepidation? i was in south africa last year when the expansion of bricks was announced. and the us in particular, another western powers. we're looking at a claim nervously. i think there's a, there's
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a lot of negative feeling about it. i don't think it's trying to replace the g 7, the g 20. all of these blocks exist kind of exist, but i think they will be perhaps discovering some until some countries that might have wanted to join. they may be some lobbying, but i don't think really the width is going to be able to do anything about breaks expanding because it's the free will of these countries much, many things, a company here and all the international. we always appreciate the stuff gets check our website on. so you don't console the latest news updates on documentaries as well. i'll be back to the top of the hours of the the
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there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people i've tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also a soon. this is the 3rd world we'll just see, re washington press for. so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to what should i need something living on that have very quick propaganda. you know a price here in new york, i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions ask the better. the answer
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is, will be to video of alleged interviews by an officer today for sheriff's deputy and columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed a student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talking to her who sprained her and initially, you know, i didn't think there's a problem because i knew that she was just as quite a student in the class. someone looked at the police officer and says, here was law enforcement that is worse, clearly attacking, abusing power and it ended, there are others besides, this is what's wrong with the poorly be on discipline. black children, he was there enforcing a lot to meet the crime, to quote, disturbed schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes is usually sources never predict but necessary. a tops people were never gonna change your mind so people will never change their minds about the video. they think i was
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wrong, and that's it. the i'm action or sounds you're welcome back to going under ground, broke out to go around the world from west asia where what some of the cooling of 3rd world war widens limits mass censorship in nato nations of news information. and i'll give me a jump, skim propaganda model and steroids with britain and the us holding yemen in iraq and us proxies. bombing, syria and palestine, i'm loving and expressing this end just never be more difficult. i mean, it stay declining american empire, joining us onto of wiki leaks, tortured in britain, is perhaps that would be more emblematic of the savagery of a dying hedge them on. and i guess today assuming the former boss of the c, i a over him since the 7th of october, a john list,
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all media worker is being killed every 2 days in the gaza genocide alone. and israel is even killing po, it's charles lost as an award winning foreign correspondents. these come and conflict in palestine, lebanon, syria, iraq, to somalia, and every trainer in west and europe is they just broke his soul. just don't go mad about poets and he joins me now from florence initially. a josh good to see you again. um obviously uh there's been so much kidding in gaza just uh this week. well, i guess initially and then west and you are a bit talking about retaliation against iran and a poet in guys, a refund. that area was killed in december of just before we go into the events of this week and will go 3 arguably uh, tell me about soldiers go, go mad, reflect wasn't a soldier, but in world war one soldier as well. but many soldiers were probably he was a very well educated generation, particularly among.


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