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tv   News  RT  April 20, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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but yes, the us is reportedly fails to make a new deal with the geron, a grease of withdrawal troops on the west african country, which is turning to other nations like russia as outside powers. and this the whole region plus group and done the training and to strike that killed the russian world, correspondence court and get the evidence of kids terrorists. nature. also this on the needs to tell us to music killed during a 2 day is waiting rate and the occupied with funk. but tons of mid escalating specimens. construction in the area also speaks to a palestinian who has received an eviction notice from the b. it's raining in front
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of my children's. i fear this every day they would read my house for asked me in front of my children, my mother, my father, the bidding, the insult throwing me on the street, the the very welcome you watching auntie international with the latest we'll do is update just good to have you with us the ministration officials have reported the concerns that move and a 1000 american troops of packing up to leave the ship us off the washington and fail to agree on a new security to deal with naomi. and these area and governments showed the americans to do last month, ortiz, africa, correspondence, and olivia congress has no on the basis of sources from prison to by those administration. reports suggest that more than a 1000 us troops will leave me here in the coming months. the withdrawal will, will begin in the next few days and will take months to complete menu of the u. s.
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military plot and pass are now posted in the z space and at these $2.00, oh $1.00 is the way they have been in active since the that's as opposed to prison mohammed the zoom and installed the new leadership last year july, the decision to withdrawal follows the announcement last month by the medicaid government, often am the and the subsequent talks between the parties that we also learned from these developments is that according to a state department schools that the deputy stip retreat occurred to campbell told the needs to be in prime minister. i need, in the mean vein that the united states does not agree with the country to turn towards russia and he runs to a possible deal funded rainy and reserves. and the failure to talk to the polk to return to democracy. it also remains, so that's on march, the 16th of this, yes, the military government in the j interrupted immediate effect, the military cooperation agreement signed with the united states in $2212.00. the
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announcement was read in a speech broad costs and national television by calling in a month to optimize spokesperson avida supreme power. currently, the spokesperson defined the you estimate as his presence as illegal and in violation of all constitutional and democratic rules. plus, i need to go see the, the american presence of the territory of the republic of news here is a legal, it violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the silver and people, notably. so it's elected officials to be consulted on the installation of a, for an army, and that's territory. the government of new year taking into account the aspirations and interest of its people. besides was full response ability to denounce was immediate. the facts of the agreement relating to the status of military person of the united states and similarly and employees of the american department of defense in the territory of the republic of news here. not only that, according to the army, the agreement itself, which was the um,
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you need lots of really imposed by the united states. the through a simple verbal note in july 2012 is, is it to me and i'm just, and it's exactly from that kind of information where you can tell that to me is it has been a gains permanent foreign military presence on its territories for quite some time but the u. s. has been hanging on to the last and best contact, timorous outpost in west africa, hoping for some sort of turn off events on why it's seen you to, to blame russ. yeah. for the, for you to be racing on the african continent. the russian federations uh narrative drowned out the us government in the past years. they were excel in the russian federation of stoked a lot of the instability across this will help. they did this through misinformation this information campaigns. so i see how we will double down in our
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efforts is through our own information campaign. but mass flip our assurance efforts. a russian federation is really trying to take over the central africa as well as the ssl within africa. the russian federation wants to establish a ground game that resembles a start se partnership program, but it doesn't have the values and doesn't have the values, the democratic values of, of what we bring sides. i just the intrinsic values for stability, security and security, security and prosperity with our african partners. but they do that you is expect taishan to, to rebuild the relations. do that to say, yeah, as even with the you is, the pentagon has been criticized for a band and then you've sold just shape. and it was a previous to be revealed that to you as senators from both the parties of congress and not even the way that the us soldiers in the z. and they were not aware for quite some time. and in the move that for the risk,
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the presence of the us military in another country, in the whole region. chad authorities of threats and these to cancel an agreement which dictates the move off um us submitted to personnel inside a copy of one of the data states to the present submitted feet, or rather the french embassy and had circulated on the ex apple outlining house seat of a stuff the mom seen you is to provide the, the rich an agreement and justification that to you is forces that should be on the ad. you could say database in the mean, not the stakes at the moment, a car going to very high in every parts of the african continent, even though the u. s. is that it is pushing to continue. it polices in africa and exploring options of so new security agreements with other speaking countries. but also the climate on the african continent tells a very different story to that. a washing will correspondence with kilowatt, performing his professional duties, filming the reports about the conflict and ukraine. 70 on the remains. death caused
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the reaction for many, including the united nations, which said that condemns the killing of june of this. russia's foreign ministry said the attack was delivered to approves the terrace nature of ukraine, where we go this target to the cold blood. it's not over john, less does. another confirmation of the ald, which service nature of visit landscape regime, which has opened the rio hunt for russian representatives of the mass media military come on this public figures. who with their reports, comments and publications reveal to choose to the world community present indisputable facts about the crimes of the militants. of the key appraising, say, bill was a war correspondent of, from the 1st days of the special military operation we, we met multiple times. we worked together with samuel and he was doing to this to me on the some of the journalists who proved beyond a doubt. it's no small risk to themselves, but ukrainian soldiers,
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ukrainian military was talking to journalists specifically going all the way to target boston. done this and demonstrated this when he, his team, which only because it by you create it. i'll tell the remote task. so they would move away. the artillery would, would follow the last. so the left to the right. we'll to so the, for the publish whether you play the inside you get out. so just on the crazy inside to people and say that they knew that these were drug listened, that they were targeted enough and they would correct thing artillery for us to kill up off, so that russian, john, this predominantly choose to dispense with blue, bought the almond where a couple of flies try to melvin with the military because that is less risk. the russian foreign ministry is cut off and said that this incident again demonstrates the ugly terrorist nature of the landscape. regime which has called this is douglas,
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which is going out of its way to target active as women as well as men who never never held the weapon in their, in their hands. saying that this is all in the interest of you guys. and i justifying it as much as legitimate means of waging war. the russian prosecutor's office says that they will establish every one responsible for this incident and will do everything to bring them to justice to the lease. now where are these 2 palestinians have been killed in classes with these weighty forces in the west bank? that's according to the local health industry. the 11 palestinians were also reportedly injured on several homes, destroyed steering the rate, which is where the forces launched on friday, close to the city of the to com corn and get
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a counter terrorism operation. they are the say, several militants were eliminated. well, 9 is where the soldiers were wounded, according to the palestinian prisoners society. 30 people were detained by the x rays, and the last 2 days off of them were taken from my local rescue. g camp where kasha is ongoing for the city of officials have quoted an unprecedented assaults. the the, what do you mean? i think this is the 3rd day is being cushion in the notions comes from the city of to car. i'm in general. the scale of it may be equivalent to or slightly mold in the 2002 in cushion. it seems that the israelis really wants to sign into the palestinian resistance in the west bank, specifically in the camps and northern west bank. well, the, it is a very difficult situation. siege on the new ships. camp is still ongoing. often more than 40 to august, there are large numbers of dead people line on the streets and many wounded, but ambulances have not been able to reach until based on in the current. and what people have told us, there is complete destruction of homes shops,
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the electricity grid, this huge, then what's a network and the infrastructure. the reason cousin is unprecedented. even 2002 and compared to previous incursions. the russ, not this, on the rooftops, death squads, special forces deployed. it's a real war. no one knows what is happening in the camp until this moment. is well how sped up some construction in east jerusalem after the war broke house in garza, as the holdings were recent, gaudy and optical publication came as 3 families and the shakes to run neighborhood in east jerusalem received eviction notice is older. as by the traverse of the magistrates calls all say, spoke to one of them, a highly yet highlighted with the renewal of a 9 and 48, the evicted 531 villages, and most of it our children, women, and elders. unfortunately, there were no cameras, there was no such technology back that i met them. but today the world watches guys are being killed live on here and does nothing about it. you owe me. there's no sense of security. every day we have a catastrophe, like not every day we have
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a sudden back like the knox, a word 96 to 7 and day by day it gets worse. and i've been living here for 50 years, settlement, and then a settler comes and evict me from my home. and that's who buys my place, sophia. and then hosted one still down and they're taking our homes from uh you won't be going out. children in front of the world. how should you feel? i mean, is there just a crating? i was saying to this, like the all x a mosque and of the church of the hall, the simple car. that's very difficult to express the sadness inside me. we'll leave it every day in the threats we're facing every day and you especially meet with us part of the companions. i started at the time of the of, of creation of the i was always family me. and of course, they threw them on the street in front of my children's eyes, the fear that every day they would rate my house for asked me in front of my children, my mother, my father, the bidding, so the insult and throwing me on the streets close up in a day, the whole world, all eyes are turned towards the garden. i'm in the united nations and this fake
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world, this hypocrites talk about the security console. and then america comes and used to be to all the how do you feel when you see them raping all girls going women good entering hospitals always going doctors? yep. go into tennis and i told you phil is really government has a program for is 0. so with yeah, i'll just my house all the how this is really government doesn't one piece or another 20 palestinian state is really government only wants a jewish state with well how to send me it according to the school system and building across a series of them has accelerated with the is randy government standing behind all the largest projects. moving twin as a phone jacks with thousands of houses are in the pipeline. the continuing expansion of his wally settlements is regarded as a legal on the international no. but is well disputes this earlier this week the jerusalem magistrate is called all to be a vixen of 3 palestinian families from the hugs. according to the ruling they're expected to vacate the house before july. the report say the house includes 3
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apartments. the 20 members of the 3 families live in salt lake. the paste family also go to an eviction notice. says he plans to appeal i love to see despite all the pressure in jerusalem, i see that house demolition some of the past of our home. some of the confiscation, while lance before the taxes, from all aspects, all remained stuff. their case didn't start recently when they started 50 years ago, and it's really rad, be clean. you bought this land in the year, 80 and 76. so you don't need an excuse to kill palestinians and they don't need an excuse to expel posting ants from their homes. how much of the citizens were ready, but they weren't under the table. and today they brought them all the noise, our own garza, and today they explore that opportunity to do whatever they want and separate us from our land open at their convenience. will appeal to the central port is the baseboard cannot enter fee after the supreme court decision. and god willing,
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we will confirm rolling to free is the decision until the ownership of the land is proven. what have government was meant. they are a government of extra myself or maybe there's nothing on them do it or unlikely for this government. so i got to use to go back thing down to say and do something back to me. but things are changing in the world to them, as the magic is strongly against them. additionally, or so, all the claims that got their complete lives they used to say are now exposed on the table. so i thought of proving that we are proud of my head. we have been under oppression for a 100 years and one on the saddle of terrors. beautiful silence, and foolishness of this page. and so i say the future's hours, if he's good, while patients can be beautiful, we've been hearing this times. we should not be available any when a little a powerful blast at a military base near the rocky capital is left at least one person dead and several others injured. the
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facility is used by a pro, a way to include that space. then a rock not function has a case to us of tiring house. and as strike on the side dependency going to nice on play. while the official a rocky military said it was the big tech, the tech said no war planes or drones in the area, according to some media reports from the ground as well, could have allegedly been involved the to the balkans. now we're an anti government riley has turned violence in the albanian capital with the muller top, polk towels and explosives being thrown at the city hall entrance, the locals, the demising, the resignation of the mass of to rhonda. also, some of these places associates with attained on corruption charges. why have police have quoted and off the area around the building? so testers have been trying to push back to the offices group. the clash has
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reportedly on. so in the, a group of 7 countries has dropped a joint communicate aiming to bolster ukraine's ad defense is by touching russia's energy, revenues, ons, confiscates it gets frozen assets of the past 10 years. western countries have been post increasingly harsh functions on russia, but most go still remains the top global supply of gas or oil, and select minerals and mining operations. for example, in 2023 alone in the country, double the impulse of russian nuclear fuel compared to the year before, all to contribute to rachel moss and dig deep into the reality of u. ups. ability to cub rushes, revenues of the g 7 foreign ministers, matt and copy italy this week and was the big items on the agenda was dropped a love letter to their girlfriends. we ukrainian president vladimir zalinski. the basically consisted of telling off the rest of the entire world outside of here,
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the plumber that still has not divided by there's man just stop buying things from russia. we will continue to apply significant pressure on russian revenues from energy and other sectors. we call on all countries to reduce their imports from russia, which are supporting its war. we will continue to take steps to tighten compliance and enforcement of the oil price cap. we will respond to price capt violations including by imposing additional sanctions, measures on those engaged in deceptive practices while transporting, rushing oil. so they're sticking it to put in by using their own citizens as blue dollars, basically sticking it to those citizens, right in their cost of living with no one's insight di inflation as a result of energy being factored in, to the costs of everything in the supply chain and by sticking it to their citizens, they figure they're sticking it to pretend. and now what they're saying is that they're going to crack down on the dirty, cheaters violating the price cap of $60.00
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a barrel for russian oil that they impose basically through peer pressure like in high school on there. the club of allied nations back in december 2022. so this is the same price caps that a bunch of countries have been conveniently lapse about by purchasing oil from 3rd countries like india. for example, oil that just may have had a russian identity before it immigrated to india, then mingled with other oil molecules there and then have the absolutely nerve to just come ashore and they, these western nations like for example, european countries where citizens are supposed to be sticking it to coach and by taking short showers, going on almost 3 years now. so all the g 7 countries signed onto this level letters as well and see what the same time playing footsie under the table with russia. g 7 number japan, for example, hit a 7 year monthly record of russian liquefy, natural gas imports just last december. and just last month,
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those in ports were nearly 43 percent for december of 2020 to tokyo. as for ministry said earlier this week, the japan was staying the course on joint oil and gas projects with russia on stock to lean islands that are critical which enters security. the meanwhile, for all the noise they make about sanctions, violators and band and count violators. it's not like they stopped importing gas from us, or they just replace their russian pipeline gas. it works with russian l. n g, a $1000000000.00 worth of russian architect liquefied natural gas into the every month to be exact. in 2023, the block was actually still importing 15 percent of its pipeline gas from russia. well, that's down from 45 percent. that russian gas comprise of its imports before the conflict in ukraine, it still might come as a better shock to people who are actually listening to brussels right about how they were sticking it to put in by depriving of energy revenues that they were still importing any pipeline gas at all. now add to that the n g o global witness
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reporting last year that the you really just pivoted to importing russian liquefied natural gas instead of pipeline gas with russian elegy imports into the you jumping 40 percent. since the onset of the conflict, even more than in each of the previous 2 years, yes, no one told french present a menu and my call back in march of 2022. sounds like people using rushing gas to heat their homes or cooks and by gets in france may as well be personally carpet bombing ukraine sort of policy. finally, russia has already started to cut off gas supplies by closing the north stream. one pipeline of work. that's a very clear message and they will use gas as a within the rules we will meet do without russian gas completely. they don't clean so fast forward to present day by the way, french elegy from russia is up 75 percent in the 1st few months of this year compared to a year ago. and remember
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a few months ago that michael said he expected a gary in prime minister victor or bon to act like you european, when it comes to ukraine's interest and fall in line with the establishment agenda . well, it turns out that it's france and not hungry. that was actually russia's top customer for elegy last february. not sure who's been taking all the long, hot showers in france, but the country is paid 600000000 euros to russia for gas supply so far this year. as for germany, it's the getting russian gas from its neighbors. kind of like if your next door neighbor came over with a jerry can and house and took the gas of your cars tank while complaining what into moral dirt bag wherever he was, sites reading it out and the netherlands and belgium being the dirt bag dealers of rushing gas in this case. anyway, it's average germans were paying for the price, the virtue signaling in any case then this including yourself. we urgently need to ensure that germany has cheap energy again. and i wonder why other countries,
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for example, have no problem importing russian oil or gas. germany does this to, by the way, but germany is currently doing it in a particularly stupid and expensive and environmental li, damaging way. we get the oil via india and we get the gas, the liquid gas via belgium. it would be more obvious to use the pipeline. then it would be much cheaper. it really has announced that it will replace rushing gas with other countries gas like as a by signs, for example, by 2025. which actually as or by john has been in 40 gas from russia itself since 2022. so it looks like europe will have to police mingling molecules again in that case the russian foreign minister seemed surprised. this is a lease announcement suggesting that the lease in ports of actually been heading in the opposite direction from his rhetoric to sustain. sure. so the, the probably claim they got rid of the russian gas, but in fact,
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exports had been growing to many countries, including france and literally, literally recently happy lead reported to ensure a safe plan to reduce the share of russian gas and their consumption from 90 percent to 0 within 3 years german chancellor schoultz did the same, presenting it as a victory to his voters. so saying, germany has dramatically reduced the dependence on russian energy resources and will soon be completely independent. but nobody mentions the price they're paying for this space. russian elegy imports also reached a record high in april of 2023. and it happens to send out its supply for re export to italy and france. so it really does look like if the g 7 is adamant, as they say about policing breaches of their russian energy bands. it really doesn't look like it will cost very much for them to travel to investigate. they can pretty much just stay home, open up the tomato and have
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a good book. chinese, the dish agent paying as a now say major of a hole in the military and creating a new ami information support full switch. what will be responsible for dealing with high board will fast the announcements was made of the ceremony and badging on friday. the president stated that china must prioritize the development and so this armed forces todd wenzel, j, soon as the creation of the information support force is a significant decision made by the c p. c. central committee and these central military commissions as part of the broader effort to strengthen the military of this initiative, signifies a strategic advancement towards establishing a new service frameworks and enhancing the modern armed forces system tailored to try and use the tribute since it plays a crucial role in expediting the modernization of national defense and the military effectively enabling the people's liberation army to fulfill its duties in this new
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era. well, let's discuss this live now with on a ton. get a senior fellow at the tire institute. things hung on founder and chairman of china, cities, blue book, consulting. many thanks for joining us on the program today is very nice to see. first of all, i'd like to ask you for your assessments of this move to overall the chinese military. a well, it's not a complete overall, the chinese military. they still have 4 main entities, the army, navy, air force and rock it for us. this is a support function that's there and it really is responding to this kind of higher hybrid warfare concern. there's a lot of changing tech in warfare. we seem to, you know, how information needs to be coordinated and used in any kind of situation and how conflicts are now being way in a webinar used, especially from west, in terms of both of the, the known media and also the, you know,
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the social media so it's, they're responding to changes, but this is not a complete reorganization has been, has been put forward by a many news entities. yes, yes, we've seen them and it fits those comments and us is ramping up. it's the military presence in asia and conducting these joins rose with the philippines as well. to what extent do you think the best best of what i was trying to was doing now is a direct response to that? well, very much so i mean the u. s. is webinar izing information and this information and they, they, i recently was reading report where they were talking about how they expected china to do exactly what the u. s. has done in terms of, you know, using national endowment for democracy. you know, the non profits to spread this information or to actually try to create regime change use of n g o's in terms of, you know, spreading this information or attacking the country. so, you know, they,
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they're using this word high quality development. people often wonder what that means, but it really just means that they're responding to the technical, logical differences by trying to invest and understand the new technology that's coming. you know, remember, remember we're looking at an asymmetrical world. the united states with all its military might, was not able to, to feed 40000. um, you know, moved to hi dean. uh, can i tell a banner should say uh in afghanistan and had to leave. and you know, you see right now, you know, there's, they're shooting down, you know, for $5000.00 drones with half a $1000000.00 missiles and that a symmetry can't continue forever. and uh, we touched upon it earlier, but the big western media outlets had been with they have been closely comments and then close the what, what single these recent developments and the chinese military, what do you think that's so interested? well, i mean, this is part of the, this, the thing that i,
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the us that commonly will accuse others of doing exactly what it's doing in your previous story. you talked about the hypocrisy of, you know, the you saying, and the g 7 saying, oh, you know, you can, you can't use russian oil. and meanwhile, u. s. has doubled its order of yellow ok from russia and everyone else is using russian oil and gas. although in some ways of circumventing their own rules, but just adding costs to the consumers. you know, tracking china is in a situation where it has to respond to what's going on out there. and the information seems to be things you know, you have to in taiwan. it is not just the fact that they're sending advanced weapons there and, and permanently stationing quote, advisors or trainers they are from the military us military. they're also, you know, enhancing um you know, the, the, the contacts of high level contacts and also trying to play this game where, you know, we never, we never really agreed that taiwan was part of the one china policy while at the
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same time saying, we adhere to the one china policy. so as, as information becomes weaponized, china has to respond and they have to make sure that their armed forces are prepared to respond to anything that the us is throwing out at. which increasingly is more complex, you, you see what's going on and those yano with the us trying to move into areas. it is ignored for many, many years, are just used as a nuclear test. so now of a sudden they're concerned about the child's route and they want to have base more bases in the $400.00 they already have surrounding china. and this is, this is something that obviously, you know, basing has to respond to and how it, how can we figure out how the us, how speaking my jones and branded china, along with the rush wind around is part of a circle, the axis of evil. what do you think uh, what, what, what do you think weston politicians allow themselves to use that one going west rake well, i mean if you talk to.


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