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tv   News  RT  April 20, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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by the same will bring the the us congress green lights, another $60000000000.00 plus for ukraine, the spiked, the majority of republican heis members this saturday, opposing the bill. also coming off on the for the, an overnight is really striking on the residential building in the southern galvan city of hold off 5 kills at least 9 people. they think 6 children, according to local authorities. also, the, and at least 2 palestinians are killed during
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a multi day id at the rate in the west by happening in the down accelerated construction of this really settlements in near the, across the world around the clock. this is your r t international. let's get straight to our top story at 11 pm in this the us house of representatives was approved spending over $60000000000.00 more dollars to keep the ukraine conflict going. notably, however, most republican congress members voted against the bill, which had been deadlocked on capitol hill and its previous inspiration for months. the on this about the age of 311 and the days are 112. the bill is past one voting for us.
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ok. yeah, lots of applause there. well, let's go live now to are us corresponding care with my wife in, in new york. caleb, i can't help thinking of that infamous description of fighting to the very last ukrainian and not jessica be stopped to the tune of what tens of billions of dollars have been full day in congress as well. the us house of representatives did vote in favor of giving aid to ukraine and they passed $95000000000.00 total in for an aide. now the way that they were able to make the deal with some republicans that eventually got the packages past was a separate a to taiwan aid to israel, as well as a to ukraine in separate bills. now, the $61000000000.00 for ukraine is set to rebuild its arsenals and its in the form of a law. ukraine is expected to repay it in terms set by the president united states
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. $8100000000.00 was spent and approved for the government on taiwan and $26400000000.00 was approved for aid to israel. now, gridlock has been going on for quite some time. mike johnson, the republican speaker, the house replaced the previous speaker, promising not to do what the previous speaker had done and tried to make a deal in order to pass this a. now, a number of mog or republicans did a how passing this aid on were very, very opposed to it and are loud the opposing it. in addition, there was a faction of democrats with ho's providing aid to israel. but overall, the $95000000000.00 of foreign aid was passed and just looking at the numbers as regards the ukraine bill caleb not. busy democrats voted against the bill and but the majority of republican congress members did. that's quite the divide. indeed.
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well, we had mago republicans, including marjorie taylor green, leading the charge to a pose. the aid package to ukraine. here is some of what we heard from the republican side of the aisle giving their case for opposition to this bill. as you say, the united states tax payer has already sent $113000000000.00 to ukraine. and a lot of that money is unaccounted for, you claim is not a member of nato. but the most important thing due here in washington dc, is all we have to spend. americans harder and tax dollars over to ukraine and keep the money going to continue to murder ukrainians. wipe out an entire generation of ukrainian men, 2 and a half years into this war. we still don't know what success looks like. is it cry me a, is it all of the don't boss is a hold what you got? we don't know. we just can't afford it. this new spending. $60000000000.00 is
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designated as emergency spending. mean it go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and by the way, while i was speaking, we have added another $5500000.00 to the national debt. now in addition to those republicans that did a power. ready as a do ukraine, there was a small faction of democrats who did oppose a to israel. here's what they had to say. all of us have seen the tragedy of gaza. we've seen how prime minister netanyahu, whose government has used american weapons to kill indiscriminately, to force famine over 25000 women and children dead. tens of thousands of, of missiles and bombs levied on innocent civilians. and when we see it,
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we have to decide what we're going to do about it. are we going to participate in that carnage or not? i choose not to prime minister netanyahu has been reckless, as his actions have not led to the release of the remaining hostages. he's ignored the police of the families of hostages. he's ignore the police or the president of united states. he's ignored his own people. now who doesn't support the united states position of a 2 state solution for peace. he doesn't respect urges now to invade rafa. he disputes with the us and age groups upset about famine taking over in gaza and he launched attack and i ran after the white house told him not to if he's not listening to us on matters of international security, how can he be trusted with more offensive weapons enough is enough. now the previous speaker of the house republican kevin mccarthy was forced to step down by
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republicans were outraged about his making of a deal to pass this package. so it appears that tom is massey on some of the other republicans now would like to see mike johnson step down after today's passing of the 8 packages. thomas massey was particularly fired up against the bill. here's what he had to say. i'm concerned that the speakers kind of deal with the democrats of fun for mores rather than to secure a border. how did a bill that was intended for veterans that came out of the house become a bill that may bring us to the brink of war, at least 3 places on the globe by sending a 100000000000 dollars to military contractors. so the fate of mike johnson, the speaker of the house, who went back on his word to pass a do crane remains in question killed, kia, have has been expecting the money to come through for months. how have you creating officials reacted to the bill being passed to what we already heard from zalinski.
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he was among the 1st to speak up banking the united states for the aid package and specifically packed the site thinking mike johnson for making the deal. now it's important to recall the words that came from zalinski. he just a few days prior in his interview with cbs in the united states. here's what he said. so what i thought that we suggest that this is not a secure leticia, then this is pure politics and to be honest, it is a shameful. the world is just a shameful democracy for everyone on the talks about democracy. well, if congress takes and divides the sites of tool that has happens into his role and you credit and parts, that means this is an election issue in the united states. now, $23200000000.00 of the 8 allocated for ukraine. we'll go to us weapons that will be to replenish ukrainian stockpiles of weaponry and facilities. in addition to that $11300000000.00 will be used for the training of ukrainian troops
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by us military forces. so it's not going directly to ukraine. it'll go to those training the troops to those weapons manufacturers, but overall $61000000000.00 for ukraine as part of $95000000000.00 overall passed in for an aide by the us congress. with a breakdown of those votes in congress ortiz came up not been reporting from new york. well, let's discuss some of the points raised there at by kayla with political unless filmmaker showing stone, also in the u. s. shown good to see you today. i put the overall point you 1st because the previous version of the us foreign a bill was stuck in congress for months. know the separate bills because they were broken off were passed really quickly just days after being pitched on capitol hill . your thoughts on that aspect?
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yeah, that's, it's some strange procedural things that they, that they figure it out. finally, how to, i guess they had to separate the bills in order to, to get the boat. so they needed a scale. it was pointing out, some democrats were opposed to these relates some republicans opposed to the right to the ukraine aid. so in order to get the vote as needed, they had to separate them. but um, you know, again it's, it's, it's, it's interesting because i think so much of the, of this narrative, right hinges on the idea of keeping the perpetual war machine going, the narrative of, you know, we have to protect ukraine from, you know, russia, if you know if this, if we don't send the 60000000000 to presume, prolong the war. and then, you know, for example, the narrative gets expose, that russia is not really trying to take over q of, and basically march into europe. you know, i think that whole narrative gets blown up basically, if they don't pull along this war. so there was an, i think there was some level of urgency around, you know,
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around the brain. aid obviously is real. you know, the same story. it's like, you know, we have to support our ally, israel no matter what. so, you know, the, i think the real surprises taiwan being thrown into these a package of almost 10000000000. when again, i mean one of the main issues the trunk brought up with the, with johnson and you know who voice was, they should be loans the should, that should not just be, you know, billions and 1000000000 dollars of, of us taxpayer, a wire. these countries borrowing, especially israel and taiwan with the funds to do so. and what is going on as to how we preparing, or we basically comparing ahead with the expectation of conflict in taiwan upcoming . yeah, yeah, interesting point about the borrowing because that just the point i have to review is maybe about the loans that being given to ukraine. it's less than one 6th of the actual money that's going so, you know, the vast majority is going at without any kind of money being paid box. what you meant in those countries, which are ag,
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getting the bulk of this money shown at despite a proving a total of $95000000000.00 more dollars in foreign aid. congress members voted down in a separate build on border security in the us itself. how is that going to go done with the american people, particularly in an election year? a mean again what, what they call, you know, mag or republicans? i think it's kind of silly. just even say mag republicans because again, you know, with 75000000 people loading for trump and 2020. that's more than just mag or republicans. that's just, i think people who are patriotic, who recognize that. so, you know, we prefer to focus on, on american domestic issues and, and not sending hundreds of billions of not trillions of dollars when it all adds up, you know, overseas, do it to, to foreign countries that don't us. and then ways that don't necessarily help the american people. so again, i think that this is the idea that the border was always tied to the aid package
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and that's why they couldn't get it through. right. so they were trying to blame it on, on trump was blocking republicans, but the truth was that the border issue was being tied, you know, by democrats due to foreign aid. well, obviously, you know, the democrats and the global as got there, got what they wanted. they got the for need done. um, now i yeah, of course i think the american people are going to are going to be very angry if there is not some kind of a plan to address this border crisis at when it comes to the ukraine ad bill. it's a very divisive issue for the g o p. clearly today we saw that in stark and measures because high speaker mike johnson, he's the focus for many republicans as most of the party voted against it that he bought on before that he didn't to know a flip flop is a political crisis brewing and congress as i would expect the same way that mccarthy. i think kayla mentioned mccarthy was ousted uh previously uh on the on
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a similar issue around um you know, his loyal to basically his, his honesty to, uh, to the, to his, to his republican colleagues into the agenda is that, that they promote in this case um i think the expectation from johnston, i mean the specially, i know he went to basically see trump, i think about a week ago or something, and trump endorse them, which help so obviously from his perspective because marjorie taylor green already was putting forth this idea that they're going to try to oust them. but i think after this, uh, this massive aid package they got pushed through thanks to johnston, really reaching out to the democrats and then uh i, i think that his days are numbered. it almost got lost in the figures. we're talking about but separately the highest past, the bill that will allow washington to confiscate billions of dollars worth of russian upsets sitting in us banks on funds for them to ukraine for reconstruction,
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aptly named say maybe ironically, at the repo i am, that would be quite the precedent wouldn't that most of it was said, it's going to month to nothing less than robbery at the e. u is against it as well. and it could potentially be a violation of the us constitution. what's the thinking behind that of the thinking is that, you know, the us is, is basically pretending to be operating under rule of law, but consistently, basically recreate the law. and as we see, i mean, look we, we see it every day. it's, it's, it's the, the nature of the, you know, the rules for the rules for the not, for me. it's the is the, is the war against trump and you know, the something, you know, the, the lawsuits against them that only apply to him not to other real estate developers in new york. i mean, it's like, it's really wild, right?
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we are in this, in this very brazen, lawless time and a sense where you haven't been at doherty's are basically, you know, using the court systems. and they're using this notion of law to do what they want . i mean, i think it already started with the seizure of assets of russians abroad. if i recall, when they're ukraine conflict started that all ready basically set up, set a precedent for this. i'm not clear in terms of what level of, you know, any russian does. it basically means using any russian nationals. i mean it's really pretty crazy to go in that direction of simply seizing people's assets because they, you know, there are national in the country. um, you know, we, uh, again we, we can't be surprised by how extreme those the law fair is when it comes to this government. it's like sort of what ramifications this might have. so, i'm showing another point that, that's interesting. here we saw the, the, the applause in congress after those bills were passed. it seems as if lawmakers
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just equate money with victory, particularly when it comes to ukraine. and you've got more than a $100000000000.00 already spent by the key of going to key of but ukraine clearly not winning on the bottle of field, so do billions really turn the table. and i, i can't imagine that they will. there's only so much that can be done as far as man power is concerned when it comes to ukraine. i don't think that they have the manpower to, to feed russia. but it seems that as i mentioned before, the idea of perpetuating the narrative perpetuating the more recently um, i think it was blinking of the secretary of state dimension. the, the idea of the ukraine will become part of nato. and these, this basically is an escalation, as we know, that was one of the big issues that, that put in a voice for over a decade. and if, if that's the case that the,
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you know, we're basically going to try to escalate this thing then. and then it just really leaves the question of where does it end? does it end with nato getting involved? which brings the western world into the war because at least that it's not like sending billions and billions more of armaments is going to mislead. turn the tide . i guess the at one level is they big and bleed. russia by prolonging this, you know, as has happened, may be enough. janice, that in the eighty's, but yeah it's, it's very, it's very concerning, obviously to see us trying to escalate against a, a nuclear power. the whole list on the screen rights are showing this don't live in that program shown, appreciate your tech f. thanks for talking to us so quickly after this development as well. today course. now as israel years off for expected invasion of the southern most gals and city of what off of the area is
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coming under. i'm increasing number of our strikes. one of the latest attacks hit a residential building claiming the lives of at least 9, including 6 children. that's according to the dozen and civil defense agents in the, the re, relative sourcing here mourning the loss of loved ones with scores of bodies taken to a local morgue for identification. civilians are also sifting through the ruins of buildings destroyed by the idea of at least 2 r strikes have reportedly hit the rough us since friday. around one and a half 1000000 palestinians reported the sheltering in the city which had previously been declared. you may recall a safe zone, 5 years, really military people on the ground, se there's nowhere left for them to hide the neighborhood to the house and building about them. but it's in the symmetry was not sped from the building. these rough
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off, which they say is safe bodies place to have to have no words. so striking them with to roll kids why, why walked in these children do? what did they do is that was sent in here when they're of swans, is that all the want? all these, these done is targets. they were sleep safe and sound, all of the killed, the women and children. these are state crimes. there is no country in the world that is committed such crimes, nothing like what's happening here. this never happened in history. so across in the west bank at least 2 palestinians help being killed in flushes with as really forces according to the local health ministry. the, the around a dozen palestinians were also reportedly injured and several homes destroyed during the raid, which is really forces launched on friday, close to the city of to caught them, calling it to
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a concert terrorism operation. the idea of a several militants were eliminated while 9 is released, soldiers were wounded. according to the palestinian prisoners society, 13 people were detained by b. it's released over the past 2 days. off of them were, sees from a local refuge account where clashes are ongoing, palestinian officials have called that unprecedented system about that good. what do you mean? i think this is the 3rd day is being cushion and then notions come from the city of to car. i'm in general, the scale of it may be equivalent to a slightly more than the 2002 inc cushion. it seems that the israelis really wants to sign into the palestinian resistance in the west bank, specifically in the camps in northern west bank. well, the, it is a very difficult situation. siege on the new ships. camp is still ongoing. often more than 42 hours, there are large numbers of dead people line on the streets and many wounded, but ambulances have not been able to reach until this moment. they come to what people have told us, there is complete destruction of homes shops, electricity,
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greed, the huge, then what's a network and the infrastructure. the reason cousin is unprecedented in 2002 and compared to previous incursions. the russ, not this, on the rooftops depths, quotes especially the forces deployed. it's a real war. no one knows what is happening in because a bunch of these moments. meanwhile, 2 rallies of converged into a mass protest in tel aviv of thousands of his release. once again, cold on the prime minister to resign, the people are furious that benjamin netanyahu has failed to secure the return of all the hostages from gal. so there was rallying one to snuff election as well in the hope it will assure, and the new government police were quick to bar at gate street surrounding the valley. as the latest in a series of demonstrations against mister netanyahu, some of which turn violent with at least 7 people reportedly left dead after
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incidents in just the past. 2 days of the israel's foreign minister has made some very old diplomatic comments about the turkish president who's hosted the leader from us in this done both for talks the must and brothers who the lines rape no to this equation, bodies and bone incense, shame on you as are gone, well let's go live now to us to go on speak to our correspondent. yes. say, nick and yes, inter key has been at attempting to mediate a new ceasefire for jobs that but israel's pop diplomats clearly doesn't seem to approve. tell us more. are going to israel's foreign minister doesn't just disapprove of the meeting, but disregards all of the important statements that were issued by the turkish president as well as how much the leader is smile,
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honey. and one of the fundamental reasoning behind the meeting was of course to discuss a number of issues. first and foremost was a great deal of is really a tax on the power steering and people another being the facilitation of humanitarian aid into gaza. as well as ensuring a long lasting pace, whether we're talking about a 2 state solution or other factors that could come into the equation. one of the most important factors that was discussed as a result of this meeting when the 2 leaders met was to discuss the prevention of a broader conflict within the region per person and are doing also issued a statement. as a result of that meeting, any focus on a number of issues that he deems is very important us lender use for a brief moment. you know, the president add the gun, stated the israel will definitely pay the price for the persecution of the palestinians. one day talk, you will continue to tell about domestic goes against garza, on old grounds. all efforts are being made to establish an independent palestinian
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state, which is the key to regional piece and to bring lofting peace to the region. to what this statement does not necessarily provide much information, is the fact that truck is present or to and also emphasize a number of important steps that must be taken to ensure the of course, the facilitation of humanitarian aid, the solution for a 2 state solution. but more broadly to prevent this broader region from spiraling into conflict. and what we can safely say is there's a difference in uncovers approach when we take into consideration regional conflicts throughout the years. whether we're talking about iraq, whether we're talking about serial libya as or be john, or even the grant agreement, for example, onto a has typically spoken to parties of said conflicts and talk to them directly invited them to the table and negotiated for the most part mediated between all of these parties that have been inclusive in these conflicts, but the tone in which on color is using a slightly different from what we're used to in his statement,
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present an arrow and also issued a, a emphasized one very important fact. and that is that in order to prevent the region from spiraling into a broader conflict, most or all as i'm a country, should work together on this. and what the general understanding of this statement is that israel and its allies have a firm side support. they have firm support that they have a firm understanding of the developments and the support of course prevents any other negotiations or talks from being facilitated and on to this position on this is quite clear and circuit is taking a lead in this of course, but it is also calling on all other countries to be brought into the fold, apply pressure, not necessarily against israel themselves, but come together in supports of church yet. and the policy and people to ensure that this piece could potentially speaking be achieved or even prevent the uh, the reason from spiraling. and so we brought a conflict. but one more important fact that we must underline here is on code is
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diplomatic approach. of course may or may not fruits any results, but it's also up to the israelis to ensure that they come to the phone to come to the phone, the thoughtful as well. and if is really for ministers statements such as anything suggest that kind of he was not interested and they'd rather just play a war of words. yeah, thanks very much for taking us through the r t z. as in acting in central of the no, a russian war correspondent has been killed while filming a reports about the conflict in don't pass, send me on here means death. so a reaction from many, including the united nations, which said it condemns the killing officer. unless russia's foreign ministry said, the attack was deliberate and proves the quote, terrorist nature of the key of leadership is where we go. this target to the cold blood. it's not over, john, less does another consummation of the width service nature of busy landscape regime,
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which has opened a real hand for russian representatives of the mass media military come on this public figures who with their reports, comments and publications reveal to choose to the world community present indisputable facts about the crimes of the militants. of the key appraising, say, bill was a war correspondent of from the 1st days of the special military operation we. we met multiple times. we worked together with samuel and he was doing to us to be able to move some of them to just to prove beyond a doubt. it's no small risk to themselves, but ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian military was targeting journalists specifically going all the way to target boston. done this and demonstrated this when he, his team, which only because it by you created artillery more towards me. they would move away. the artillery would, would follow the last, so the left to the right. we will to so the, for the publish whether you play the inside you get out. so just on the crate
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inside joe king and said that they knew that these were drug listened, that they were targeted enough and they would correct thing artillery 5 to kill up off to that russian. john. this predominantly choose to dispense with blue, bought the almond, where a cab of flies try to melvin with the military because that is less risk. the russian foreign ministry has come out and said that this incident again demonstrates the ugly terrorist nature of the landscape regime which has called this is douglas, which is going out of its way to target active as women as well as men who never never held the weapon in their, in their hands saying that this is all in the interests of ukraine, and i justifying it as much as legitimate means of waging war. the russian prosecutor's office says that they will establish every one
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responsible for this incident and will do everything to bring them to justice. friday, visit a visit to the going, undergoing studios next to see who options engaging in conversation today, right off the shortest, to bring the i'm action or sounds you're welcome back to going under ground broke. i was to go around the world from west asia. what summer cooling a 3rd world war widens limits mass censorship in nato nations of news information. and i'll give me a jump skin propaganda model and steroids with britain and the us building yemen in iraq and us proxies.


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