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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  April 21, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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to us submitted to personnel in charge of a copy of one of the letter states to the freight they submitted feet, or rather the french embassy and had circulated on the ex apple outlining house seat of a stop. the mom, seeing you, is to provide the, the rich, an agreement and justification that to you is forces that should be on the as you could say, database seems to me, not the stakes. at the moment a conference. he's very high in every part of the african continent, even though the you, it is, it is pushing to continue. it polices in africa and exploring options for new security agreements with other speaking countries. but also the climate on the african continent tells a very different story to that. always start to retire to new jerry and diplomatic paula, colorado who said new share is defending its territory and sovereignty, which is why the us military has been asked to to leave. the most book says, i don't think there's your interest thinks about whether or not americans would like to leave the country. we have responsibility to defend our territory and to
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some of the full extent of our sovereignty. that is why we have asked the americans, like all the countries involved, to vacate the territory of new year for open to whoever wants to work for this. but today, nobody can stop us from corporate can, with whoever we want to cooperate with will defend the interest of our people. i don't think there is a direct link between the share and chance decision. but perhaps the different kinds of events have coincided in a way that prompted the authorities in the 2 countries to react in this way. definitely the same reason sled to the same consequences. perhaps the logic of the champions was the same as ours. and they decided to reduce some with excessive foreign presence when their territory united for peace. those were the words of former us president bill clinton, that marks the beginning of nato's a bombing campaign in the former yugoslavia 25 years ago. the alliance rains down tens of thousands of bombs and missiles killing hundreds of civilians and was try it out until the yugoslav army withdrew from coast of them. what follows is our special coverage of those events and the mark they left on history and on the lives
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of locals. the way i can protect thousands of innocent people in the to the fuse a powder tag at the heart of bureau to stand united with our allies for feed my generation. never to see those see in your at the tomatoes bombing efforts weren't only limited to military targets. on april 19th, 1999 large explosions were heard at dawn in belgrade as airstrikes hit petroleum refineries and chemical plants, government buildings, and other civilian infrastructure across the country. were also attacked, nato officials subsequently defended the blocks devastating assault and also blames
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the downfall of european security on russia with more on the legacy left behind. here's our twos, charlotte davinsky in belgrade. nature's aggression against what was then you could slow off a more significant turning point in world history. the so called rules faced international old was smashed with the alliance, engaging in military force with that the approval of the un security council. now that action still has run this occasions to this very day. this was the 1st time they to completely violate his phone. 3 to that 3 to is a copy on the un charter adage point $5.00 to $5.00. that is one of the members are attacked. the other screen, it has nothing to do in yugoslavia. it has nothing to do in your brain. it has nothing to do in your rack or anywhere else. an organization not for 25 years
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operates that gains. its own 32 should be investigated. what happened in the lead to 1999 has many power levels with the crating conflict now and while the west states russia is attacking the coal principles of the you and show it to us award. the president put an open lead declared from the outset is named at erasing ukraine from the map as a sovereign country. the way ignores the fact that as part of nature, it has repeatedly done this itself. the best example of what is, of course ukraine, because when one nato tells the world, oh we're just helping ukraine defend itself. young sheldon, but the nato secretary general has admitted the need. so has been in ukraine actively involved in ukraine bombing training. ukrainian forces since 2014 nathan knew exactly what he was doing. this was an academic i should pay
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in the former yugoslavia. nieto is accused of committing crimes. you are going to be so this yeah. maybe mold and free. yes. yes. they keep telling us that it was justified that they had to bomb us for us like but then in the next sentence says they tell us that they sorry for some bland as meaning assess son. yes. and other children killed a nato bombing in 1999. the one they tried to tell us is no, we not sorry, because we've done our job ripping apart. so the nato has consistently rejected those claims, rushing into office necessary or collateral damage. yet at the same time, it accuses russia, mortality, preston, tooth and is failing in ukraine. and he just responding with more brutality waves of deliberate me. so attacks on see this on the civilian infrastructure.
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there are other power levels to the intervention of nature and you could solve it resulted in a demand for parts of the country. costs are going to be recognized as a sold for an state lands asinique albanians and to this day. so it'd be, has refused to k, even recognize the break away region, despite the constant pressure from nato allies. at the same time, these allies consistently have denied cools by asking the questions and don't boss and quite me to determine that own feature where you know, it's essentially when you use something, helps creating a bunch of independent states that are likely to be in nato allies. nato is suddenly in favor of secession. he's a tax. um, so it'd be a bump. so the prize was console the way through terrorism. co ocean bombing, a state essentially to give up a piece of territory, then it recognizes it. and then they turn around to the, the,
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the, the east of the, the, the residence of the dumbass. you probably much, you've, you've already express fuel will throw a referendum. you have to say in the states that you don't want to be a part of nature claim vixen convention in serbia. and the full document was there was only to keith p. c. such fractions of resulting in decades of tensions in the balkans. the, at this point with nato allies of accused russia, of shattering the peace in europe. it is clear that nato has not done enough. and what russia has done, the shots is the security architecture of europe. it's a great to pill to swallow,
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to recognize when falls into, oh no, to them. a quarter of a century on need to is still refusing to do on the, not just in relation to it's illegal campaign. and you could slow up here, but in a rock, i've done this on libya, how it enables the purpose of islamic state. and now how it piles ukraine high with arms. that is something seen by many, including the global science as being the problem, solid even sky reporting for all the info grades. so it'd be exactly a quarter of a century ago. nato forces began bombing del grade for 78 days and nights discover what that was like for the people who survived it. stay with our t as we continue our special coverage. in the coming days. the
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dns of the new jews goes as then choose for many essentially it's one of them made best the cube ones. bullshit games oppressed and nobody can know. it seems that the bodies neon spoke you by the same with the the
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hey everybody. welcome back to the law school news on shay bowes. and as usual, we're going to be lifting the lid on some of the stories that the main stream media would rather were left exactly where they are in the dark and talking to the darkness. the big awful, that central beautiful multiculturalism isn't a bit of trouble. it's actually the rotten apple and the mirror of new york has decided much like sleepy jody last week. that the new york is the center of every city in the world. but it's a dirty, dangerous place, much like in the 19 seventies and in the 1980s. it's not a place you want to hang around in a nice crime is open to 33 percent in certain areas, and it's doubled in almost a year. look at the subway. it's in complete. now, even of the poor, old uh, good samaritan, that tried to make an effort to help a poor dude on the street. he got what was coming to him, not a reward. another little metal, not a slap on the back. he got a slap in the face,
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run it, they're both. so this do comes up and he puts his coat over this homeless guy. he tries to give him a bit of assistance. guy gets up to find him, hold on the a tank of them. he's given him a new york kiss, and that's a punch in the face. check this out. i'll boom. so knock some out. it takes his coat and probably takes his wallet to. it's like something out of a larry david, you know, we should like to be to and the music here, boom, boom, boom, done. a lot of data is just awful. look at this. so even the good guys are getting rob for trying to help the bad guys to turn out to be the really bad guys. new york's in a hell of a deep trouble right now. so as you can see, it's pretty dangerous in the old rotten apple. other, the big apple lift us into the mir, actually telling us that all is well in a, by the nomic li, kind of way. that's room to be one knows that new york city is the app is of america is the sample of america. he is the key of americans,
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the soul of america. we are the killer of america tele v. what are you killing everybody in the massachusetts? what do you mean to tell a v we are the lima of america. new york city is mess mexico. city of america, this is the w of america. what is the, what is the joke or what is that doing where it's like a straight jacket? maybe you shouldn't be in a straight jacket. and of course, when you see this poor dude on the street getting up in time for me to go to try to help him in such a kind and homely way. it's not surprising. new york is now absolutely flooded with illegal migrants. immigrants it's, it's a real crisis for the city. but guess what new york is decided to do. yeah. they've decided to give a contract to some of the pushes hotels in town for set $27000000.00 come on in the doors open. so while that's happening, you have to ask yourself a good a will even help. now it is famous of all that and thinking a building in the south because uh, it seems that uh,
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the 2nd edition of shaving ryan's private. so it's not a porn is happening over on the other side of the states in california. run the video, check this out. this is absolutely insane. so the immigrants have no sort of adopted their game. and they're doing uh full on beach landings. check this out. look at this, this is california in the united states that city been st live in saturday and interestingly, at the ever enterprising american spirit, you know, the, with the american dream does it, do i mean the car to pick them up for the whole. and when they get to new york, $77000000.00 worth a nice cozy hotel rooms. now talking about california and people getting an easy run of it when they arrive in your country, back home in ireland. as you can see over my shoulder, we're spending a $1000000.00 a month to look after tired us and mister chefs yolks. kittens, cats, dogs, and ponies. check it out, a 1000000 bucks a month, and you never had
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a so good on me while over a washington, while the beach is a being stormed on this americans in new york are getting the crap kicked out the guess. who's doing a little dance, a little g, a good bit of a booby, r o paul, a slide show bob's nice. the 11 to thanks joe biden is an absolutely stellar, sharp minded man who can run marathons yet are all friend. and she's dancing. she's dancing with joy. oh, sleepy joe is probably lost out in the garden trying to find his way in. oh, go. but she's getting down to the beat. the booby is on. check this. the per dude in the middle. he sold backers, but i don't look like when you're out here at the wedding and you're may dance, look, it's use and also how old nobody's watching. check and look. good . not a good look. she's such a freak show. i mean,
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this woman is the most diluted creature i've ever come across my whole life. so she's in the right job. i'm well, jean pierre gets down to the rhythm of a crazy beach in the white house press room. other people are getting down for different reasons and the reality on the streets of the united states is completely different and the light and the live in data they, the, the, is on the apocalypse. people are getting down to a different beat. i remember a 108000 people last year died in the united states from drug overdoses. check this freak. i mean, this is like something out of the exorcist. right. i mean this is just freaking. i mean, these are these new synthetic drugs that are floating into the united states, you know, so they kind of keep the immigration out and they kind of keep the drugs out and on the streets, only americans mind they're paying with allies own believable,
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scary, isn't it? you expect somebody coming on with a crucifix and just go it's just it's like, oh i got holy water like you know? oh oh it's not good. so what they've done to the food case continues in the white house, press room, the dance of the zombie apocalypse gets down to the rhythm out on the streets. you go remind yourself that in film and back in 2020, they also have some ideas about done some kind of freaky ideas a bit ago. but does that dance are interpretive dance could actually protect you from being raped by the immigrants? is ridiculous. you know, a guess how much that costs? yes. you know, what would you say a couple of on the books, a video camera, throwaway phone, no cost to a half 1000000 euros to produce the video. so as you can imagine, rapes collapsed in finland. this interpretive dance protected women from those
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horrible immigrants who were attacking the wrong rapes actually increased the following year by 29 percent. and that included $416.00 child rapes, but maybe a protected people, just like those dancing doctors and nurses. and for him and did during cold and staying on the theme of the dance of the crazies over in poland and europe, the premiums have decided that they're going to also emphasize their anger and anguish about the ongoing war against the evil russians by dosing themselves in poster paint and throwing mints around a square impala. as you can see in this video when we want to, there's also a dude fact in a cage. what's he doing there? that's all ok. the reward is the dude in the cages. this to you correctly in the recruitment policy say, look, the blogs, they looked at goods, they loved the old, the dosing,
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the flag in the l, at creams in the old clara. and of course, the per do trapped in the cage in poland is probably safer than most men of military service agent and ukraine, who are getting a different type of interpretive dance performed on them by the commissars driving them off to the front. check it out. all done sing with joy. look there so delighted that they're heading off to die for sleeping joe. the natural, fewer and 1st live on to life. check it. look, even laurie's the vines ice cream phillips, you name it, we can get you to the front, left for drivers, challenger drivers, now f, 16 pilots? oh, the joys. meanwhile, the european union is giving refuge to probably 1000000 men of military service age who are in your of completely legally because it is a legal for amount of military service aged to lead ukraine. and it looks like it's going to be a long more and ukraine with even little kids. the hit the you get a,
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the, the, sorry, the younger ukrainian generation already beginning to play as a drag me off to the front. it's a version of hide and seek, where you eventually get found and sent out to of div that's checking. so, so this is your training kids. it's very sad, really. they actually imitating what they see their superiors doing out in the states. we're just pulling the par dude off to the front in the imaginary way. and of course, while the use of ukraine play at the drag me off to the front to die, the narco fewer president savanski is also giving out a bit. he's not happy. you're not happy that the americans saved israel when you should have saved me. it's also unfair if you can shut down all the hanging. besides, why don't your shut down all the russian lines around it. this is a demonstration of allies not on paper, but in the air, not on paper, but on the ground or in action. yes. and this is an important signal to every one
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of those ice cream is a totally normal. i mean, you cream defense that sky by itself. yes. so you definitely we have allies who supplies with this or that equipment, and we do have a deficit. and i thought the most important thing is that israel was not defending by itself. so meanwhile, while the knack of yours giving out about not getting helped at his powers on twitter, not for know actual friends, a organization also how to complete meltdown. check it out. they were freaked out that the americans and the brits were shooting down a rainy and mr. i was like, it was a torque issue. i mean, while they're letting a lot of ukrainian cities get turned into a high school, so as an awful boys have a meltdown about this and never to book allowed to ukraine, which is a slow motion car garage, it seems to everybody to can read something interesting for each has a merge to it's allegedly created by artificial intelligence. but sometimes the stuff the boys create is pretty cool. check it out where to familiar faces.
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practice their old see kyle room. the video, the great. so this is all off shots are all pol from deutschland of yellow t shirts is built out of it, maybe more crumbs and give them some lessons of your tooth is ankle. i think that's our old. how to knock off your this is the landscape. of course, what, what a visit to the most of them use be without visiting and chatting to our old pals. the men in dresses. and one in particular has decided that he would like to pee in the ladies bathroom and watch the sausage and vegetables between friends. while it can be quite a lot, actually. that's one of you tell me a lot. so he's a transgender, but he's a transgender woman. dressed up as an ordinary guy who's decided as he wants to add,
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let's say, drained a snake in a lady's toilet. welcome to the world. of course, are all friends, sleepy joe, who knows exactly where he's from 17 different countries and culture that doesn't know where he is. he also proclaimed easter a transgender day, i think as well recently. but someone very innovative online has created a wonderful little sketch of our policy page. oh, i see property, which is you could be as a transgender lady. let's welcome the video, right one. so i agree. getting ready to house. i'm few home like this where you know how i got this is this guy way i 3 days is with told light of course and i oh, but my said, oh, you're also happy friday. it's terrifying. that's what even more scary than the excess of stuff on the street and sticking with, oh, go sleepy joe. we got a bit of breaking news apparently. uh,
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israel is about to bomb itself and attack one of its uh, biggest cities, its 3rd largest city, president biden. has announced and pleaded with tel aviv no, not attack haifa. no, don't do it. tripped a video and i made it clear to is really don't move on high for me. it's just not. i mean, i made it clear it was really just don't, i don't go are the ones that have made it clear to reboot dollar tech most go to do it. now, do we get to the place where you know, to decide cheese manner? yes. to invade russian, nothing like is it happens is war to. i mean, this guy is in charge of the nuclear code. you got the briefcase? i mean a jesus. he gets the right city. wrong on that day, it's going to be well going to have completed joe. some was sleeping, joe decides that he's urging these really is not the bomb themselves in haifa. you
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might remember this, do the good old jake sullivan, the same guy who told us that i'll kind of was on our side the syria a just last year. he told us that the middle east was quieter and more peaceful than it. it'd be in 20 years in 2 decades. check this stuff in the middle east region is quieter today. then it has been in 2 decades quieter today than it has been in 2 decades. 16 countries involved in the conflict. a rain radians, a bombing israel, and the brits are shooting down a rainy and drones. the americans are launching their defense missiles. everyone's freaking out over there. nothing to do with the fact that the c i a, the brits overturn the only the democratic government in the middle east of the assignment around and 1954. nothing to do with the the stuff there. i mean, well jake was telling us all is well in the mid least while the whole place goes to his boss seems to be taking the long way around in the garden chick about all sleepy joe was kind of falling forward there looking up. wow. he looks like some
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sort of robotic figure at the moment the what's, what's the problem for the self compelled round that he looks like some sort of robotic figure. and actually, the boston dynamics, the a very famous robot maker, have just released images of the bite and bodies, basically, jo, without his skin on before he goes to bed. having a stretch check, and we'll hopefully tom this is joe minus, the living thing is a party, the 1st of all, but i can stand up after falls over. so maybe it's not. so by the end of course, we have to visit our all pals and deutschland,
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and some of the customers are very unhappy and ukraine. portal almost doub on all is most upset because he invested a ton of money in crying on a ton of money. go rob from pearl on of rooms, one of the biggest gambling companies in ukraine. he's quite a guy. and unfortunately, he is alleged this week in the financial times of all places that the presidential office of ukraine desktop boyfriend, the knock of york who chose so happened to legalize ukraine's very strict gambling laws in 2021. and suddenly on, off comes in and he gets pick pocketing to the june of about $10000000.00 coaching. so that's the end of the tonight show. it's all been a bit music. the rhythm as people dance their way to the lunatic asylum. and we'll be here next week to my mind goes blank. now,
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to my mind's going out, what i can find out what's going on. i want to know stuff is going to yes my my grandmother. what the hell of i do? 100 and page to find a photographer purposes a get used to like to be able
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the the question of the money. the new political love seeing those words isn't like a new live muscles. if you look on the visual do, while i pull up significantly post on zillow, while it be almost getting used to put value, what do you do? origin. but y'all, tested was done the newest frame on the belief systems to good lou. do what i see these the buses. the little gear limitation says this uh to the, to the most of the
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they are probably higher my little search to store because the model grew. i got you, no problem seeing it all out of in the same documents you guys side of the drive. i showed my brother through he was trying to sell people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being saved. well, i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago police. it'd be gang chicago is like, you'd be a photo of the police. you really think your life as another crap thing. another could have been a doctor. a nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here. the,
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the us house of representatives of prison, $95000000000.00 aid package to israel, taiwan, and duke frank with the latter are getting $60000000000.00 the more than half of house republicans opposed to move. they say the us cannot afford is rarely folder is subject to innocent civilians to torture and sexual abuse. that's according to the latest report of the you and refugee agency for palestine that released some harrowing testimonies of survivors. and that day 3 of general elections in india that will be held for the next 6 weeks. we bring you our special and then election coverage of people across the country test there from the.


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