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tv   News  RT  April 21, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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to the the us house of representatives it proves a 95000000000 dollar aid passage to as well as high one the on the crate with elastic getting 60000000000. so more than half of the house republicans a oppose the news. they say the us cannot afford is ready soldiers subject civilians to, to chat on sexual abuse. thus, according to the latest reports of the un revenue agency for palestine that released some harrowing testimonies as best as the garage from the video that went viral. and this is what's left from the white car, several part in the footage of the owner shared the materials from he's just to keep the cameras with us. it's refused to talk on camera, fearing for his life and more attacks. ccc,
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the camera shows is ready stuff is throwing stones at a car owned by a palestinian as id of soldiers worked on other citizens living in the west bank. se chad, the stories with as of daily violence. 5 cents the this week. leon, i'll see you international bringing you the latest world news on the face, along with a round up the stories the shapes, the week, a very warm welcome. speaking on top story, the us house of representatives, as it proved, spending over $60000000000.00 to keep the ukraine conflicts going. notably, however, most republican congress members voted against the bill which had been deadlocks on capital hill and his previous expiration for months brushes, foreign ministry spokeswoman slams the motion saying it's under the pos. both bologna feel more unnecessary violence around the wells in the us allocation of no
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to a to ukraine. these drilling tie one will aggravate global crisis military 8. so the key of regime is the direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. males for a to tie one is the name to syrians in china's into and the list says those are a to israel is a direct path to an unprecedented escalation in the regions of us house of representatives. after months of gridlock has finally passed the a deal to ukraine, $61000000000.00. now all amendments and there were some rather creative amendments that were proposed. all the amendments to the bill were rejected and the bill passed now it's been passed with the intent to rebuild arsenals. there was $95000000000.00 in total that was given for $4.00 and $8.00 is they separated. the ukraine aid, the taiwan aid and the aid israel. mike johnson, who became the republican speaker of the house of representatives, had pledged,
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unlike his predecessor that he would not bring this bill up. you would not bring it to a vote, but he changed his mind. and i guess on the terms that this was alone, he was okay to go along with it. not one democrats voted against the bill. and but the majority of republican congress members did. that's quite the divide when it came to grant. and there was a lot of outrage from, from republican members of congress. they felt that this was not in the united states entry is now leading. the charge was marjorie taylor green, the representative of georgia. and she was seconded by many members of her party. rather intense speeches were given prior to the voting. you see the united states tax payer has already sent $113000000000.00 to ukraine. and a lot of that money is on, accounted for you. claim is not a member of nato. but the most important thing due here in washington dc, is though we have to spend americans harder and tax dollars over to you crane and
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keep the money going to continue to murder ukrainians. wipe out an entire generation of ukrainian men, 2 and a half years into this war. we still don't know what success looks like. is it cry me a, is it all of the don't boss is a hold what you got? we don't know. we just can't afford it. this new spending. $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending. mean it go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and by the way, while i was speaking, we have added another $5500000.00 to the national debt. now the previous speaker of the house kevin mccarthy was ousted when he made what man described as a secret or back room deal to try and go forward with funding for ukraine. and now thomas massey and marjorie taylor green to outspoken republicans to oppose de do
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crane say they want the same thing to happen to mike johnson. they, they say he was replaced a, he replaced kevin mccarthy and was brought into office to oppose this kind of deal . he made this kind of deal and they want him, alice did. so we shall see what happens next. i'm concerned that the speakers kind of deal with the democrats of fun for mores rather than to secure a border. how did a bill that was intended for veterans that came out of the house become a bill that may bring us to the brink of war, at least 3 places on the globe by sending a 100000000000 dollars to military contractors. how if you creating officials reacted to the bill being passed, the ukrainian president has already responded in kind with great, thanks the personally bang speaker of the house, mike johnson for making the deal that he promised not to make. we add a message from zelinski that might have online, but let's also recall a statement made by the ukranian president
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a few days prior to what i but that we suggest that this is not a secure leticia. then this is pure politics and to be honest, it is a shameful. the world is just a shame for democracy, for everyone who owns it, talks about democracy as well as congress states and devise the site of tool that has happens into his rod and you credit and parts. that means this is an election issue in the united states. now 23200000000 of the 8 will be used to restock ukrainian weaponry. $11300000000.00 of the aid will be provided for the training of ukrainian troops by the united states and $61000000000.00 in total has been allocated by the us congress to provide to ukraine to continue the conflicts. at this point, there's a lot of anger on the republican side, there is a lot of anger on the democratic side that took so long and it appears american politics is much more polarized than it has been in quite some time. the very big
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disagreements about u. s. foreign policy and how american taxpayer money ought to be spent independent us. so that's kind of a don says that instead of using the cash for developing the us, washington prefers to spend its own global conflicts. i think there's probably more going on than me see, i don't know if it's related to the lumen blow out of the trans atlantic financial system. i find it frankly embarrassing that the congress would spend so much time and effort, debating policies which are going to inflame the world, which don't help the united states and have consequences which i would find horrific. i would not want on my conscience if i were a member of the elective body, so i'm not sure it probably has to do with election cycles and to i
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primaries and all kinds of factors that are not obvious. it's not going to change the situation. now you might ask, how could a $174000000000.00 affect the lives of the american people? could we not repair our railroads? uh, could we not do something about water management power management, there would, would have some real use, or if we wanted to do real reconstruction, that would raise the standard of living. but that's not the game when you fall in into the mindset of m. fire, everything has to be loaded, it's a devolving spiraling collapse where ultimately the, the empire economy begins to cannibalize itself. and i think that's really where we are and it's, it's a terrible tragedy because that's not the purpose of the united states. i don't think anything we've done with visa b. ukraine has been about ukraine. i mean, they've only suffered from this so weird spent sending money to american military
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contractors in order to for the torture, the nation and people of ukraine. i think americans perhaps aren't that aware of that, although many of them have a sense of it, it would be one thing. you know, i make the argument that we should spend money going to the moon. we don't spend the money on the moon, we spend it here, and it does boost our spin off technologies and the american workforce. this is like some kind of sick per version of that. because western forces have secured the village of, of bulk, then all is gonna end the don't. yes, people who is a public, according to the russian defense industries, daily report, the settlement of above to north go was secured by units of the southern group of troops to cancel, attacks by ukrainian forces of also being with post in the area. kids losses in the direction a loan amounts to $440.00. so the cost
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is so, and they spent the day in the west bank with more than a dozen people killed. and it is wally weighed on the nation's refugee time. they've had a city in wordpress as opposed to at least 14 people have been killed and it is re weighed on. but the rest of the time for renewal of the, of the tide westbank among the was a power magic. he was shots for trying to help the wounded. it's reported that idea . here's drones is on the vehicle was declares accounts medical crews are working to evacuate casualties from the sides. but it's reported that the ideas present i have access to them is what locals said about the situation. and this is the 1st time in our history that we've seen such destruction, such devastation, such criminality. we've never seen or heard of anything like this. we've only heard of gaza and this is the 2nd goal. so this has become gods, and number 2 was triple destruction of homes and people. however, many goals and civilians have been subjected to bruce, so abuse allegedly including sexual violence and torture. while it is rarely,
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military detention, as according to a new report from the un refugee agencies of palestine, which has released some harrowing test and many testimonies of civilized detainees, reported ill treatment during the different stages of the detention released detainees included men and women children owed to persons, persons with disabilities and the injured in sick, all of whom were subjected to similar forms of ill treatment. the message of ill treatment reported by dead tiny ease included physical beatings, threats of physical hum, insults and humiliation. such as being made to act like animals or getting your in a to don't use of loud music. a noise, deep evasion of water, food, sleep, and toilets. denial of the right to pray and prolonged use of tightly locked 10 cups causing open wounds and friction injuries to they will pull say is more than
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1500. the chinese were documented as released through the column of the southern crossing point with as well. i think it was $43.00 children, and they see for women detainees that all the items were confiscated, including documents and money, and generally multiple times, the head all the palestinian commission on prisoners bronze, the situation, kansas for the general and the crimes being committed by the occupation against her people are unprecedented. and so are the ones against our prisoners. we're dealing with a new version of the occupying state with its new vision and strategies. this means that we're facing a new era struggled with his occupation. this state that is led by a group of terrors, fascist horror. not ashamed or afraid of anyone in their legislation, officers of crimes, with in a form of killing destruction. bomb and starvation and siege or so was prisoners space inside the occupations present. salma. they made me sit on something like a hot metal, so you're gonna have felt like fire have burns. the soldiers hit me with their shoes and my chest and use something like a metal stick that had
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a small nail on the side. they asked us to drink from the toilet and made the dogs to attack us. there were people who were detained and killed. maybe 9 of them. one of them died after they put the electric stick off his anus. he got so sick with a warms coming out of his body and then he died. the us, the soldiers displayed on me saying she's a, she's from gaza. they would bid and us as we moved and saying they would put 5 owners sensitive parts. they pulled us beat us. they took us into boss to the demon, present up to 5 base and male soldiers to call for. i had jobs and they pinched us and touched all bodies, including our breasts. we were blindfolded and we were feeling them touching us, pushing our hats to the bus. we started to squeeze together to try to protect ourselves from the direction they said. they told the soldiers to take over their shoes and slip our faces with them to a hospital and the southern most gloss in the city of rafa is now tracing
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palestinians, released by the is where the defense forces shows were in or among those with the power and signs of torture equipment. the 150 detainees were tons of gauze, one monday, through tower. i'm sure long crossing with as well. they've been speaking else about the alleged abuse. they suffered at the hands of the idea inside the prison. my legs got infected and i asked to be hospitalized, but these realities were stalling. and finally, my legs swelled up the lot and turned to blue. and i underwent 2 surgeries to clean up my leg, but to no avail that she by medical center, they said my leg must be amputated because my life was in danger. i was treated very badly all the time. i spent 15 days there, but it felt like 50 years whitfield has these childs made to be shot at in prison and tortured what full since he made these unarmed. and he isn't a member of mazda or islamic jihad. el seen and children were denied leaving their child to us were the human rights organizations on all way to preexisting
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we were beaten and tortured inside the prison were also told shirts were not allowed to speak or move. otherwise they punished us by spraying us with gas or releasing dogs on us every 3 days they would release the dogs out the prison us and beat us costly and the randomly were leaving. and how doing the 50 days response in prison. all the prisoners and wants it to be released. they want it either to be does all release, but never to stay in prison. any reports by human rights watch days is rarely sac lives in the west bank. with the help of the army have up footed 7 communities on displaced many palestinians of the region since october last year. a father from duma, as how in the west bank describes the terror of being unable to protect his family and children from a violent attack by setlist. the asylums, the most difficult feeling in the world is when you're unable to protect your children. if your children are crying in front of you,
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and you're unable to anything about it, that's the most difficult feeling in life. settlers attacked our house and i couldn't do anything. 2040500 settlers. if not more, they attacked our house. they tried to burn the house down with gasoline. i mean, these are my children. what is their fault? what followed them? there's justifies what they experience. i mean, they did not sleep all night from nightmare and bad dreams. every now and then they start talking about the settlers. i don't know how can i help them and we're open in the season, at least, bureau chief marie if a notion of downs into a not that violent attack by sadness that was boxed by the idea. a young jewish settlers covering their faces tokens front of a garage and a palestinian village. then 2 of them enter inside one's flesh a car with flammable liquid and other one sets it on fire is rarely soldiers cold on the same video. stay behind. clearly aware of what is going to happen and do nothing to stop the use when the job is done and the settlers leave,
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the soldiers give them cover. at one point they start shooting at on, on, by the state in throwing stones, as could be seen on another video film from a different angle. we've come to the scene of the attack to find the place full of dramatic reminders . torched vehicles broken windows, bullet casings and terry find residents. this is the garage from the video that went viral and this is what's left from the white car set on fire and the footage, the owner share the materials from hasty ctv cameras with us. its refused to talk on camera, fearing for his live and more attacks. we met several people whose property houses are cars, were damaged by settlers. all too scared to be filmed. these men live in across the street from the garage was the only one who agreed to talk on camera. the on the set. on saturday, around 9 o'clock settlers came here,
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threw stones on the street and scattered garbage bins and tires. closing the street, there was a funeral procession that was stopped here. so people asked to open the road to let the funeral pass. they opened the road, but after the settlers left they returned set a neighbor's car on fire inside the garage and then started breaking into houses. they broke all the houses windows, including this balcony, that one and another at the back of the house. they were about 60 to 70 settlers. we don't know their names or even recognize them. mothers are or how it was the funeral of a palestinian field and its home from the day before. the westbank has been a hot bed of conflict between 2 secretaries and stands for decades with disagreements of land resources and political southern to the most recent ways of finally started officer a 14 year old jewish boy from an illegal outpost, was found dead repeatedly the stabbing injuries before any police investigation, settlers took some more into the wrong hands. attacking dozens of nearby
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palestinians villages. the violence must stop. civilians are never legitimate targets. we call on the far it is to take measures to protect all communities from home. um, we urge israel and the palestinian authority to do everything possible to de escalate tensions. the international community condemned violence earlier, washington sanctioned a number of jewish outposts and the you announced the plans to impose visa bands and assets freezes on successors in an attempt to regain this round regression. policemen and many other palestinians believe it will make little difference. the settlers and the jews don't care about anyone. i'm just saying generally about the jews, the settlers, the army, and everyone. they don't care about the international community or anyone else. they do whatever they want. it could be a good start, but they are not going to change anything in reality. so these really army commented on the garage incidents a, the way soldiers acted in the footage does not correspond to the armies values and
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orders. the adf launched an investigation promising to deal with the military accordingly, and it didn't take long before which waste it's conclusion. after investigating the incident, it was found that the situation in the video was taken out of context and does not reflect it in the correct way. in the area in the video, friction developed between is really and palestinian citizens were mutual stones were thrown, the force at the point, worked to diffuse the friction, and minimize the damage to all citizens. the soldier in the video is an operational driver, not a fighter. who tried to talk to the citizens who set fire to the vehicle, offered a safe member of these really parliaments for they had josh parting standing for jewish era partnership and equality. and jew himself send an urgent appeal to the country's defense minister. and the idea of the chief of stuff, if this is attempt is not going to be investigated. and they set little said they and the sold yes, i'm not going to be jobs. then i have no other choice but to appeal to the national
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national institutions. i hope that they really ex, solve that problem and stop with those kinds. but i must say that i'm not really a hold for the about that. just a couple of hours after this interview wasn't included. the news came in about 2, all their palestinians killed by gunfire in a fight was due, settler was in the east and west bank. police launched an investigation which tiers on the it's results just like it to us with numerous previous probes will hardly stop the violence will bring those responsible to just as rafe and ocean off from palestine. well, thousands of people to the street. so whenever they live in support of palestine on sunday, for us to the in crowds gather days, even the show of support in gemini reports of classes with police and staff with arrest in spain, processes for an immediate c, sorry and gone for while in monroe. cuz hundreds, close to the us,
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close to that same tacit blanca. so it says to get gays continued on supplies for as well. these are public demonstrations from the i just have that in front of us. house of representatives of freezing is another $95000000000.00 package of support to israel. ukraine, anti wong, which includes large portions of money going to most military operations. not drones, toys, children play with. that's how it wrong store. i'm going to sit down place the is wally, you a the a talk that iran successfully intercepted on the city of it's behind on friday, which is known for having a nuclear side. it was, i say it's what happened last night who had a strike. but did any other country tell you something was happening and they were going to evade your air space and attack? possibly when your base is part of the test free, you know, various there they're like some more like toys that our children play with, not drones. the 1st on horse telling us before it happens,
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it runs it retaliatory struck on as well last, such as a left most states in difference. but despite the fact that we're totally ation did not cause any civilian casualties on line this way, these twice on the wrongs called z like earlier. several countries quickly condemned a wrongs options, including the british prime minister that we have condemned the wrongs reckless and dangerous barrel, which is ms. solves against. is right on site today and is wrong, absolutely has the right to self defense. but as i said, to punish the netanyahu when i spoke to them last week and will generally significant escalation is not in anyone's interest. what we want to see is called, that's profile, across the region, strong with from the previous prime minister when it comes to around retaliatory strikes, which cools no casualties. but when it comes to is always attack on the writing and culture in damascus. which 16 were killed, stony silence turner on 5 hundreds of drugs that can be solved in response to the attack on its diplomatic mission. with many side note on has the right to defend
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itself. turning the words of the west when it comes to israel back against them. but despite giving free days notice of the impending attack, which the united states denies the collective west as lined up to condemn or on the attack on these really territory the run launched tonight because i'm justifiable and highly irresponsible canada unequivocally condemned that runs airborne attacks against israel and the arabian regimes disregard for peace and stability in the region. i condemn in the strongest terms the unprecedented attack launched by a round against israel, which threatens to destabilize the region. but the reaction from persons on the like to foreign minister. no, david cameron has led to charges of hypocrisy in an exchange with scott and use a pull to kill you. burly. the former prime minister described arrives of tax. i've reckless. while conceding the britain would respond with a strong action. if one of his own contracts was attacked with britain j,
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the hostile nation flattened one of outcomes to that's what we would take. we would take the survey stroll actually and around would say that that's what that is. but what made it, as i said, was a massive attack. so right, right to respond for, they are reacts which is what we have. so what i'm saying now the transit time the attacks they carried i, it was on a very large scale, much bigger than the people sikes response what countries have a right to respond when they feel they've suffered an aggression of course they do, but look at the scale of that response, have those weapons, nothing shows the summary age, but could have been sizes of casualties including southern and gosh, he even went to israel to express his sort of genres he with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the situation is very concerning. it's right to show solidarity with israel. it's right to have made all views clear about what should happen next . but it's clear these rate is all may see a decision to act. we hope they do. so the ways it does as little to escalate this
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as possible. and in a way that, as i said yesterday is, is small off is whether it's tough concern. he may be what he says if miles actions the escalating tensions in the region. in fact, up until now around who showed great restraint, despite, as well as oscillating nuclear scientists inside the country, allegedly eating the us and it targeted. kidding. no, cause i'm sitting tamani watching drunk strikes, some faces in the code this time region of iraq. i'm frequent attacks against variety and forces in syria. by contrast, britain itself has responded harshly, often without justification or explanation. the country going strikes gets a who sees in yemen, in response to the goods actions guys ships in the red sea, which they said was because of the is radio and the supporting galls. a person also by washington in february, when the $85.00 targets was struck, which the us played would lead to the revolution. he called co, designated
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a foreign terrorist organization in 2019. the white house claimed it was just wants to in a tackle to us, based on the board with se, reward, jordan kidding. 3 soldiers which it blamed on iran. britain was happy to agree that you can't. and you asked us that foster lice wouldn't come in on that nations, but we support the ride to respond to attacks. we have long come down to runs to stabilize and activities throughout the region, including its political, financial, and nature, support a number of mates and groups, or some type of procedures. nothing you back in 2018 north dakota night to add strikes to guide syria, claiming without the evidence. it was necessary to further prevent the use of chemical weapons in the country. so need your response, which is what is the escalated tensions in the region. so then the prime minister threes of my forced to just if i have options in the house of commons, deny us pressure. so we have not done this because president trump asked us to do
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so. we have done it because we believed it was the right thing to do. and we all know, washington has received a pump. it support because the, as well as it filed to speak counts as well, striking the writing the an embassy in damascus, or taking a very different approach to it could. it was recent action, i guess, the mexican embassy, you're pretty quick into, you know, condemning the, you know, invasion the mexican embassy in, in an act. that was a very clear, well established, m z. got very here with the what the, this is something that is taking a little bit more time. one dies on that incident. a desktop, a question for britain. i'm washington. i able to strike it will without any consequences, well as well, has the right to defend itself to any cost. but for a rob, it's a case of do as i say, not as i do. in the new episode of worlds, a pause. how is ducks on a boy?
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i spoke to a cast save, cannot sleep number for the head dash, it tells polly's policy about as well as the strategy in the stand off with the wrong or you can watch the full interview will not see throughout the day. here's a quick preview for you. now. he was against the violation of the side is so limited by you. i'm just like i was against the violation of celia, lebanese and you know, so really you might use a and the but i think the also, i think the only way to stop the blog ship is by you recognizing and respecting this over any deal organizations about these fascist, or fledged proxies governmental connect on y'alls is not, following always does not care. and he's not acting up on the interest of the day. it the police, i am, but the bottom of the interest, middle interest, often with them. yeah. the world's attention was on what's going on and gaza, but with this latest scrimmage between israel and the right,
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and i'm no longer seems like like a number one priority. if the international community, especially the united states and the were being you and you were really interested in the well being with the palestinians in the very lives of the but a scene is you've got that that's terrible. assault was over out. months ago. does no dogs did the money police and the government's anthony jose, the government wants to bill. so he's, by that you felt think yep, tension, even if it was in my know what form the ongoing a, the destruction and must have gotten got to the situation a we do the i the united say to a full pay. so is that what it was a full met us president bill clinton that marks the beginning of nature's bowman campaign and the phone we.


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