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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  April 21, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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the, the the, the
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the, the welcome to was a part, as can it shared remark more than a century ago. everything is learned in comparison with the prospect of a full scale form between israel and iran. humanitarian disgusting cause a suddenly seems like a crisis of a 2nd or perhaps even a 3rd order is the possibility of an interest state more in the middle is likely to deflect from the ongoing loss suffering and gaza. i'm going to be a deliberate strategy to redirect the global spotlight out of the global purchase
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as to discuss it. i'm now enjoying viable for it to say if a member of the is really part of the class that's representing the left wing airplane. george at had dashed talk party, mr. cust seaford, great to talk to thank you very much for being available. thank you very much for having me. now you've been an outspoken critic of beings really offensive, engaging and supporting the south african motion to pursue this issue. legally, at the international court of justice, which i know led to sofa on successful efforts to impeach you. and i want to start by asking you for your personal impressions of what it's like to be a sort of uh, contemporary dad the against the glass. i must say that it's not the easiest thing on it, you know, a, the, out of some, you know, a limitation and also to that i have to face. but the,
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you know, way we have to do so because i see may start the 1st and foremost of this tiger in the name of justice and full justice. any might be adjusted this universe that it has no color, then he tells no nations. so my strike of full justice is full, but it's dean is and he's very like a you know my, you will need to color. i was know to say enemies. we seem to use a parliament. and these are the society at large a lie to days room is eyes to be in to a, even sometimes people that i, me and they of course, they legitimize me by saying that the, my, i am, i'm going to use that i a, you know, a same page with the do, this is definitely a wash of course. i am committed to justice and as a consequence,
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i'm also committed to just this full my paper. these are at least so my so i believe is supposed to be, it probably seems a little bit a shipment, but i see me. i mean dependence is a product of i started full just it, but it is also as i seek justice for a visa is because i think the ending of the war and the bloodshed. but a shame may be achieved only by 1st thing in the better age. there is the interest, so these are the people as well. you mentioned to your political arrivals and i heard that in previous interviews here, described them as the mfc on and bigots who actually believe that that policy is suppose to bring about the coming of the messiah. that the, their fundamental list and the mirror image of how loss if so how do you think they understand the messiah and what the values that messiah is supposed to
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represent? first of all, it is to offer you many of the means to them about these. they will function stepped up out of the score at least, and then government auction lead a. i think the other doubt file they have filed from being the majority, b as a public. unfortunately though, very powerful visa being its own, you know, especially. and then they come to the state of the moment and for them a, you know, life of human beings including these are the austin. she has left a lot of publicity is a life of human beings including these ideas such as because of that, the attempt to neglect that even to mock the follies literally and explicitly. it is because they see the bluffs of paper no more damaged. you even the wheels of the coming of the messiah. now i do not know how they can see there,
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or see the messiah. but the money in my life, you have to go there. because if there isn't messiah in there may be messiah existed in they would have endorsed such a blood test. so if that close is a serious question of to the justice and send it to you, of such messiah and they, that's what i can say. mind you my, i will pretty gay shit and i were multiplication whether we'd be leaving goods or not. is a little big situation, as i said before, is do justice and human beings all human beings, and one that makes a distinction between human beings, according to one's kendall or national knowledge, the color of the scheme except, well, if some of them make such a distinction that one is it seriously the
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same time mister cuz they are there are certain sort of obligations before your countries put patio to induce an i'm in a very difficult situation here. uh ethically because uh my country is also a tour of its neighbor. although i believe that the roof is conducting its war in a different manner, more of a strange manner than israel. and i would say the comparison of death tolls a test to them. but in any case, it raises the issue of proportional defense and appropriate targeting. how do you understand israel's right to defend itself in spirit, wrong protector? honestly, minutes to the interview with you. i yeah, i see the peace side of the song state is that i to defend itself. i also said very clearly you have 2 days ago that the you, i am a talk on is what i was told the jimmy could make an unacceptable because he tried with a disorder. and if the and the live to silver entity and security over use way.
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absolutely. you know, many years ago, thousands of people to go there was a, a csl code. the marquess. oh, i use. and he had the very, yeah, it really about the patient. he said, as a human being a, i'm a citizen of the, with a small as a, as a marcus or i use, i am a citizen before. so i can say the same, but those should not come in to go to the beach. it does. no, it's going to addiction incomes between being a part for york and the universe of these to into like into the measure of my beach . that's why i've said before, that's for me. so i think for just this is a unique breast of in the nation. we just cross incorporates into this very raised or the very concept to adjust that the rest of these rights. what they've been doing is out of my commitment, which is what the commitment to the. so any property which i am committed to
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standards and commas to codes which my commitment to universal justice does not go to the extra. you mentioned the latest the rain and strikes as violating is really sovereignty of unprecedented in scold. but i would also add the, the they came as a reprisal for an earlier is really attack on the uranium and diplomatic facility, which was also a very notable violation and branch of international norms. why do st vincent national government? what's, what's, what they're saying they are to hear from government, what's trying to save and that initial strike and what their thing they were trying to insure for that with what's the deal with you and what they said, you know, well what they, what would you mean while they treat it after the strike to an easy way and by you on these the only way to achieve beast and stop the bloodshed,
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these by vehicle can i think this over any fuel or states of nations in the engine . so and i, you explicitly expressed minus innovation to say the least of the violation of this, the way that you'll see any of the need on. it'll stalls, i'm nothing people clocks, you know, way people treat the car. so i think the only way to stop the blog ship is by recognizing and respecting this over any deal. organizations that go by the way that should include the recognition of the palestinian and the guy to so we have the got to means ending the few patients in establishing an independent body still state in the side, the state, the $300.00 of the only ways to achieve peace and security for all around the globe, not on, not only in the origin. now i see your question regarding getting it done you all. unfortunately, this fascist fledged foxy's governmental connect on the aus is not following. you
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know, he does not care and he's not acting up on, in the interest of dates in the police side, but the bottom of the interest, mill interest, often with them. yeah. any, be good at all. and that's the, that's the only thing that i have is that, that's why i continuously, it'll be insane. that's the end of the rest of the is the end is, is to get in either of these different governments. that's is the main enemy of these lands before we are talking about anyone is basically mission process. let. let's, let's try to stick with the latest attack and the, the logical winette financial that i'm trying to understand. the reason i'm so drawn to it is because up until the rest of the week the world's attention was on what's going on and guys that but with this latest skirmish between israel and iran,
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that no longer seems like like a number one priority. i wonder if you have any concerns that with this leave is skier, why we came going based on the old and the most attain any way that the national government is actually trying to manipulate the global attention and perhaps deflect from what still is going on in gaza this the, fortunately the is the, the ongoing must occur in godsa, the terms of destruction and best store of children of women. it's important because that was not very, it's not very interested. the international community deflect is, continues for 6 months. if the international community, especially in the united states and the will being you and you were really interested in the well being with the palestinians in the very lives of the but a scene as you've got that that's terrible. assault was over out months ago. but unfortunately, it seems,
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it doesn't really care that much to care about their own interest. so the, so in that sense, i'm afraid that the, the probably stands of the new jews as it goes as did choose for many centuries, where they may best acute at once bookshelves, caleb's oppressed, and nobody cab. now it seems that the palestinian spoken by the same will break down well pressed out keith and nobody cares. now as to what question does no doubt the money place in the government's anthony. i will say that government wants to bill. so ease by that you felt the inc. yep, tension, even if it was in my know what form the ongoing eh, they're the distraction and masika and got that to the situation. a with you the i got i agree with you. now i am schools. it terrified of
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a week of the age of a so called of easily against you on the phone most because the best, the piece over the edge of the ball and beyond. that's what would be a kind of an age that we've ever experienced. go dictates that shouldn't be smoke, they have, it's like a safe. we have to take a very short break right now, but we will be back in just a few minutes. stay tuned. the water is part of the is it a poly would post? isn't the deepest to you of us and in the word part, is it something deeper,
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more complex might be present? there? let's stop. without cases let's go out of as the extra ones, a part where offer to save a number of things rarely can asset. the representative dash tile party. mr. cassim, just before the break, you mentioned that the west only cares about its own interest. but it happens to be that the west of interest, once again, or for the 1st time brother involved here because some western media report and at the bottom administration is involved in a very active diploma scene behind closed doors. trying to make it clear to these railways that they want to avoid any bad. oh, that's with have to draw the us troops and i'm i same person heard that it's
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a typical american attempt of trying to have a cake and it's a to being involved without being involved or without bearing consequences. do you think that americans will succeed best time around? uh, do they still have the leverage with nothing? yeah, for him. his people. i think they do. but the question that be question is whether they're really interested in doing so. do we just measure it for the ongoing muscle, caring godsa in the last week? the last few days, especially since that data, but now they will be jewish. a boy in the west bank and the well a and steve, i'll of course love the did the poll gomez, the biceps it is under the auspices. they'll be able to patient, process it against peterson, but it's the new see the west back. i am in town, anything from the united states and the you about the that's but often i don't think that the, the government is that he's interested a to hide or to marginalize. now i'm saying that because the united
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states, the bible himself, was talking for a few months now that the us with nothing very, but i thought that they did this sort of fair enough. but it's fitness in gaza. should that be a degree reduced by the same time? it continues so they can easily end the very same. how's the give the people it doesn't want to be cute. so i'm saying that because okay. he was speaking. he against a and back on a are you on. but i don't know what he's doing in practice because the last 2 months show that there is a kind of a, coordinating, the so not see me. so by this i think you would end up typically, well, i think you're still very antagonizing describing the stay there took mental help us cognitive based. uh, no, i want to be very clear. i,
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i don't want to to say anything about his ends is mentally and that's some of my dentist and i don't know. i wish him good as because like any one else, that's not what i meant by going through these thoughts i he failed to ease activity, not to is it meant that l y ending anything else? can i ask her about this uh, very seam and shop for any of of criticism by the by that and the restriction of that is really allied because i have an impression that this whole uh, the whole point of these very high stakes game uh, from these really side is an emotional blackmail of them. eric comes, don't you dare criticize us publicly or else, but that's just my reading. how do you understand the disposition of been nothing? yeah, from government to these, i mean the united states, and specifically, is that the, the bottom administration, are they playing a game of chicken with washington? and how do see this whole relationship or cindy?
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all says military political symbiosis evolving over the next couple of years or perhaps decades. best of the same jo, these exist to many years. so the case it's not something new a 6 me, you know, it would. ringback he's out of it. i don't know what's going to happen of the election in the united states. a seems may, may change a what they can say is that they at least be a money police, the police pick up and move this to that. and then you always being there doing in the last few months of the consequence of the a 1st year that the fuse or the they exist. if you like a suspension. rest of the piece in a between the 5 she's the most fanatic. the receipts and foxes, the repeated governments. oh, well that's nathan. yeah. that's the only thing that he could talk to you as well,
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by the way, with less than you know, the time to be more valuable and to be more aggressive towards that. but a students indigent on. so that's one side of the question. the other side of the equation is that the, the other week of a president by then and others who probably a one easy way a to know to a, be more aggressive bucks to be less aggressive ends in. but obviously i'm going to stop some of the, a medium of the activities. and this pressure doesn't let them you don't find themselves even. i think this, this pressure isn't the main incentive. you emailed them? yeah, i was behave, yeah. any that says b, a b a is not exactly a quote to it now, and they're having some reports of primarily in the american media and the american
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media close to the by the end of ministration. that the white house has been trying to persuade. the national government to opt for a quote unquote, a limited response on all to respond at all to the is to be rainy and strikes they portrayed as a, as a victory for israel. and because most of the missiles and drones have been into a substance. so there is no need to respond at all, and i want to ask you, what do you think that the limited response can be and does israel have the military resources at this point of time, 4 major action lead to long for a prolonged confrontation of it around whether, you know, at the same time that it, a president abided, said what you quoted, he also was quoted, the police been some of the place to buy it for the last couple of days. the people did not see anything. it is that what it is that besides to acting one way, not through it we, we face again, this kind of a, a, you know, blair or a fuzzy a party c by both nathan,
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you out an invite that so it's very unclear for me a whether the items that the me situation evening sees even mine or the reaction or a know the know the option of to or i just don't know. it's very tough for me to understand because there's so many called the beach chance a not between the different publications, but between the things that we still by the incense and that's, that's why don't think so the, the identity was the feasibility of it as it was quote, and then it gave me different that newspaper as in china is do with the newsletter upside is the way that they might be, for instance, side bill reaction that i do been in meet the you want and they, i really don't know. the only thing i show about is that the best for everyone. well, the agent as a quote for these ladies as part of their digits was, is a,
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the best use you said the government to be in the lab was not going to act up to, to dots. do is do is, let's move forward to peace. stop. we meet the, the, every option, option 3 options, you know, my optima guntee said i fully and i with them. everybody blinds. well the only thing you're starting to pay out for me is my husband gotten to a police at this point of time. and i do want to ask you about this because he's been sort of uh, using these right wing sentimental growing up and a is really a society here very shortly here. you described him as a, as a fanatic, but i think he was a very experienced and very shrewd petition. and do you think he can afford himself politically, legally, to or sort of what they want to de escalate? glad to look neutral and not be, you know,
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gearing out for more military action. but i think these are forbid, there is a possibility. i mean, we can do that. i, i do not accept that these are kind of the, you know, making these channels something like that. i totally believe that the last, it's totally in the last few months. let's not forget the piece of responsibility. you best store for their own going a lot. the 3 of the societies, it'd be facing easily responsible for so many fails in our friends. you could imagine a, you know, in defense economy, a party diesel, whatever you can think about the face, everything face to face time after time after time. is it by the way, these are be the designers love. so it's nothing patricia you might do is a cycle box. and who lost a he said he wasn't so couldn't still mental emotional, not a doctor's to say that the big, big goal was the ends. eh,
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psycho particularly as, as well, but the was that i should know in choosing the beams to achieve these goals. now we lost that this way is our cost. if it's a 3, they only about half a person, one way or perhaps about the largest enrollment. i'm concerning both israel in the united states because it looks like they are both of these countries massively losing the economic political social advantages. that's how they have managed to accumulate over decades and over here as they're, you know, expanding and on some very outland ish and in humane proceeds. don't to agree with that. i totally happy with it. so depressing that issue with them. you know, just right to answer your question because you asked me about that then you know, personally, but they don't do that stuff to personally issue. and it's not that we cannot put the old blame on it. but you know, it's very interesting because today in the in i outlets newspaper and there was
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a, an article that claimed that the neo is not the responsible for the escalation, especially as far as the occupation was concerned. but he is a byproduct of the occupation. i totally agree with that. the occupation of $9067.00 is the see the of the, the most of the eh, disease is very society is been going so especially being in the last few months and it's a new oh, it's only one of those diseases. i totally agree with you. in the united states, the administration's eh, being supporting the ongoing occupation in practice. everyone seems a new patient gets there seems to be have done, john. so an opportunity now there was not even one president was seriously challenged the occupation. so in dot says like, put to match the blade to the on going bloodshed that everybody stop is want.
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especially the 1st thing is, but these are at least do i put them out to the blame all the different them these patients into like to stay. it's absolutely okay, mr. garcia in a few minutes then we have left. i want to ask you an impossible question to answer, but the still, how do you see the situation if not resolving itself, then at least moving in a slightly more peaceful direction. yes. say, of course the suffering is the manual. the 1st thing that people, but let's not forget that they have more than 1000 these ladies, but it would show up by how much do one segment of october. and as the $150.00, if we is there any hostages dying in the town, it will cost us. so what should to be done to must be what should have been done months. the goal is to release the hostages and got the means and they'd be very, very, a brief press. the wall should be stopped now. your own
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hostages should be released. got the sewage to be repeated. and the most important thing, you know, the to prevent the ongoing blad shit, and then other my 2nd is to begin with the serious motion towards to piece and talk necessitates seeing anybody they should be able to patient. the siege must be ended by the seeing of people using died to do his independence and silver. anything, even though it's always the people we look to find in june 9067, we must do it now. that's the only way to save the lives of or people involved. but it's being as easy as you get chance to then yes and on and and, and beyond that, because if we don't stop it now, i'm afraid that we are facing. we are on the brink of it kept us still feet that we have beginning and then it, and they've got the ship individual now is option in war,
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but the may easily escalate. was it where the goal? we must scope it. it can, it is stop a bit, but we, we do office chair as far as we can. we have 2 week, but we do need the international community on the peace side, not on the side. you want to stay in a site on the site or if it gets if we have to leave it there, i really appreciate your time. thank you very much for being with us. i thank you. the best bless. thank you. let's also get to base and thank you for watching hope this era, again, on walter parts the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the us house of representatives it proves a total of $95000000000.00 a day to is well, a taiwan and you pray for that. and those republicans oppose giving. he has little money, they get something america, kind of a cold russian troops take yes. another settlement and they don't. yes. for public pushing back q quite in full say as you're seeing were treating somebody is ready. so things have supported on sexually abused civilian detaining, as according to the un refugee agency, the palestine, which would east some higher wing. testimonies of to the 5 and


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