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tv   News  RT  April 21, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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that but yes, the us house of representatives of proves a total of $95000000000.00 in aid to israel, taiwan and ukraine. although most republicans oppose giving to you have more money thing america account of for that's also a head on the program. the least 20 civilians are alleged has been killed by an idea of strike on our residential area in southern 1000. coming just hours after the us congress passed the $17000000000.00 aid package for reeseville. we have all the jobs rage in the country and made reports that washington is preparing, says function, an idea of unit for the very 1st time over human rights violations,
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the revenue, we're catching the program from today or run the world. welcome to our moscow studios on the news hour on our to the us house of representatives this weekend grunting key of an additional $61000000000.00 war chest. notably, however, most republican congress, members of for city or post the bill, which cut of implications for ukraine should donald trump, when november's presidential election, rushes foreign ministry spokesman also slammed the motion, saying it on the other pass bills will only fuel more unnecessary violence around the world, or the us allocation of motor a to ukraine. these drilling tie one will aggravate global crisis, military 8. so the key regime is a direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. males for a to tie. one is the name to syrians in china's into another says, no to
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a to israel is a direct pass to an unprecedented escalation in the region. so the us house of representatives, after months of gridlock, has finally passed the a deal to ukraine. $61000000000.00 now all amendments and there were some rather creative amendments that were proposed. all the amendments to the bill were rejected and the bill passed now it's been passed with the intent to rebuild arsenals. there was $95000000000.00 in total. that was given for 4 and 8 as they separated the ukraine aid, the taiwan aid and the aid israel. mike johnson, who became the republican speaker of the house of representatives, had pledged, unlike his predecessor that he would not bring this bill up. you would not bring it to about, but he changed his mind and i guess on the terms that this was alone. he was okay to go along with it. not. busy democrats voted against the bill,
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but the majority of republican congress members did. that's quite a divide when it came to grant. and there was a lot of outrage from, from republican members of congress. they felt that this was not in the united states entry is now leading. the charge was marjorie taylor green, the representative of georgia, and she was seconded by many members of her party. rather intense speeches were given prior to the voting. you see the united states tax payer has already sent $113000000000.00 to ukraine. and a lot of that money is on, accounted for you. claim is not a member of nato, but the most important thing due here in washington dc is though we have to spend americans hard earned tax dollars over 2 crane a, keep the money going to continue to murder ukrainians. wipe out an entire generation of ukrainian men, 2 and a half years in to this war. we still don't know what success looks like. is it cry
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me a, is it all of the don't boss is a hold what you got? we don't know. we just can't afford it. this new spending. $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending. mean it go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and by the way, while i was speaking, we have added another $5500000.00 to the national debt. now the previous speaker of the house kevin mccarthy was ousted when he made what man described as a secret or back room deal to try and go forward with funding for ukraine. and now thomas massey and marjorie taylor green to outspoken republicans with post day do grand say they want the same thing to happen to mike johnson does a they say he was replaced that he replaced kevin mccarthy and was brought into office to oppose this kind of deal, he made this kind of deal and they want him,
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alice did. so we shall see what happens next. i'm concerned that the speakers gotta deal with the democrats of fun for mores rather than to secure a border. how did a bill that was intended for veterans that came out of the house become a bill that may bring us to the brink of war, at least 3 places on the globe by sending a 100000000000 dollars to military contractors. how have you creating officials reacted to the bill being passed. the ukrainian president has already responded in kind with great thanks. he personally bank speaker of the house mike johnson for making the deal that he promised not to make. we add a message from zelinski that went up online, but let's also recall a statement made by the ukranian president a few days prior to what i but that we suggest that this is not a secure leticia. then this is politics and to be honest, it is a shameful, the world is just a shameful democracy for everyone who owns it, talks about democracy. well, if congress takes and divides the sites of tool that has happened into his rod and
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you credit and parts, that means this is an election issue in the united states. now 23200000000 of the a will be used to restock ukrainian weaponry. 11.3000000000 of the aid will be provided for the training of ukrainian troops by the united states. and $61000000000.00 in total has been allocated by the us congress to provide to ukraine to continue the conflicts at this point. uh, there's a lot of anger on the republican side. there is a lot of anger on the democratic side that took so long and it appears american politics is much more polarized than it has been in quite some time. the very big disagreements about u. s. foreign policy and how american taxpayer money ought to be spent. but our us correspond to caleb martin. they're speaking to me earlier. it was senate candidate
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for new york state diane sayer, told r t that instead of using the cash for developing the u. s. washington prefers to spend it on global conflict, and i think there's probably more going ons and needs to be, i don't know if it's related to the lumen blow out of the trans atlantic financial system. i find it frankly embarrassing that the congress would spend so much time and effort, debating policies which are going to inflame the world, which don't help the united states and have consequences which i would find horrific. i would not want on my conscience if i were a member of the elected body, so i'm not sure it probably has to do with election cycles and to i primaries and all kinds of factors that are not obvious. it's not going to change the situation. now you might ask, how could
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a $174000000000.00 affect the lives of the american people? could we not repair our railroads? uh, could we not do something about water management power management there it would have some real used or if we wanted to do real reconstruction, that would raise the standard of living. but that's not the game when you fall into the mindset of m. fire. everything has to be looted it, say devolving spiraling collapse and where ultimately the, the empire economy begins to cannibalize itself. and i think that's really where we are. and it's, it's a terrible tragedy because that's not the purpose of the united states. i don't think anything we've done with visa b. ukraine has been about ukraine. i mean, they've only suffered from this so weird spent sending money to american military contractors in order to for the torture, the nation and people of ukraine. i think americans perhaps aren't that aware of
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that, although many of them have a sense of it, it would be one thing. you know, i make the argument that we should spend money going to the moon. we don't spend the money on the moon, we spend it here, and it does boost our spin off technologies and the american workforce. this is like some kind of sick per version of that. well, it stays stateside on move to tennessee where we can now speak live to international lawyer, klein, preston, fine. we appreciate your time today. you know, i, i made all the, the bills on the billions of money that's being talked about. something i think is being missed from a legal standpoint. how do you expect from washington to justify sending more money to key of considering that the mirror is a landscape presidential term officially expires next month after he refused to hold an election as well. there is nothing not i don't think that the house of
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representatives as uh, considered um that has to do with the true legality of what's happening here with respect to sending additional funding to ukraine. so the idea that we're sending money to support democracy, isan bars' and the fact that those elections has been cancelled is disapproved for that. there's nothing democratic today about right unfortunately. um and so um, you know, we continue to fund so you know, this, this concept there's, it's not going to be fruitful for ukraine. right? yeah. think it's worth pointing out mister zalinski will the fact to be coming on elected. i'm there for legitimate leader of ukraine after the 20th of may find do you think washington understands that in any way?
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what sort of precedent it would be setting at by funding on it just in the government and key of a couldn't it potentially just be of you know, other world powers unexcused to do the same elsewhere as well. i think this is just consistent with the um, rules based order, which is uh turn use recently um to describe what our country has done internationally as, as opposed to main according to international law. uh, the rules base order as i understand is, is, might makes, right? and so i don't think there's any more any more analysis on and making decisions in washington the than that we hold ourselves to a different standard and have for a long time. and then we hold other countries and congress. it's hard to say what they understand. um, you know, i can,
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i can hardly guess as to what many of those members in congress understand. typically, based on some statements, i'm making a media from that to might be show a lack of knowledge about history and a lot of many other things. we mentioned that earlier in the program there at pine and not wanting democrats voted against the bell in congress. but most g o p, lawmakers at did add on some of it. would it take a republican in the oval office again to stop us taxpayer money being sent to key of what donald trump have the power to do that the supports at least or i think the problem in washington with a lot of our politics is financial and until and unless there's reform and campaign finance, i don't think that we can predict what would happen because the donors that actually
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lease our government. and that's essentially what we have is a leasehold down, you know, depends on who i want to back. which forced i want to back in. so how much money are they going to get into this, this party, or that far you, this candidate is that candidate and under what financial threats are these representatives operating? that's the truth, determination. the truth to turn back in, in our system. so whether it's uh, you know, president trump, or, or buying or whomever else they really boils down to the money. so the, the, the donor class as a kind of douglas mcgregor calls and they're the ones that determine what happens in washington. and it's hard, it's hard to read the tea leaves on them. you know, there might be more, more exotic and more profitable war somewhere else. and i might take my mind to this room. yeah, i do want to touch on this because it was almost lost in the weeds as well. because
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separately, the us highest pass the bill that will allow washington to confiscate billions of dollars worth of russian assets sitting in us banks, transfer them to ukraine for so called reconstruction. that would be quite the precedent must go a set it with a mind to nothing less than robbery. what's your take on that? well, the majority that money is in european buying some in a european clearing center in belgium. as i understand it, i think only about a small percentage of it is actually in us by ex, but that this is not press and there is no precedent for that. this would be a violation of international law to just essentially steal this money under the current you know, system and we would be, i wouldn't say that it would establish a precedent, but it certainly would harm our license for, for years to come. and it may even backfire on the united states with respect to
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the dog. this might be another reason that countries decide to join brakes or support another system, a monetary system, other than the, the fact a world currency which the dollar is today. this may hit at the heart of, you know, that trust in, in that system by just saying assets illegally from other countries. very, are in this trade rush, you know, thanks so much for your time to by we appreciate it. and on a sunday kline an international attorney, bline preston live from nashville today. thank you. thank you. bye. now us congress also passed a $17000000000.00 aid package for israel. i'm us was quick to strongly condemn the move coming in with a devastating war in gas. it just hours out to the us, how i signed off on the bill is real bomb, the southern wisconsin city of
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a rough or killing at least $22.00 civilians. according to local officials, the 18 children are reportedly among the victims, the gas and the health ministry. so the idea of us killing more than 50 people just this weekend, the latest strikes slots in several residential buildings on the desk to expect it to rise as local sift through the rooms in search of politics is really gearing up for a full scale round and facing of rough or wherever, and one and a half 1000000 palestinians are show things. a shocking discovery was reportedly being made in the neighboring gallows instead of con units, some 200 bobbies. how being on earth in a mass grave. i set a hospital there according to local media. these really military with recently withdrew from the medical facility after occupying it for months while listening to not flocking to the scene in hopes of finding the remains of their missing
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relatives. we heard from some of them in the clear you've been highly and we've been here for 5 days. i've been trying to find my brother's christmas and we've been exposed to things that will be in our memories forever. with how much more can you tell me right now, is also, what did they do to suffer through a little bit this morning about okay, that's the last week i came to our house model. need to see it destroyed in. if my friend told me they're a mass graves at nasa hospital, so i've been coming there for 5 days to find my son to see him, but i don't see me and he hasn't been identified yet. one of the bodies are all piled up that was just like the books are the items that i didn't the full. these was great. some of these with gordon greenland as of how people were forced to dig . grey said to bury the dead because these really all me have come up with the coughing and now i'm well, every human being should have their own great uncle buddy. on the 3rd straight day of classes has been seen in the west bank. it follows the killing of more than a dozen people in on his really rate on the north shore. refugee camp on saturday,
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according to the palestinian red prison. among the dead was a part of medic, shots. and while i'm trying to help the wounded, the idea of reportedly used drones an armored vehicles to clear the account. you're still at the local setup at the situation. this is the 1st time in our history that we've seen such destruction, such devastation, such criminality. we've never seen or heard of anything like this. i've only heard of gaza and this is the 2nd guy. so this has become gods, and number 2 was triple destruction of homes and people have a sub alcohol, but we haven't had electricity a waters since the campus stormed. the electricity has been cut off. we have children, they need to move, they need to eat. we have run out of the bread and milk. i read this on 5 of my children, least in these house. and each of them has a floor, the army demolish them. old i was visited my son's house in and out of the area of the camp on thursday nights when this happened and people told me it has been demolished and something else running all day as washington is preparing to
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sanction. um is really military unit for the very 1st time. that's according to media reports, citing us state department officials who say action will be taken against a net. so you crude a battalion over human rights violations in the west bank. the still to be confirmed, the test parking lot probably in israel sanctions must not be imposed on these or will defense forces at a time when our soldiers a fight in the monsters of terra, the intention to impose sanctions on an idea, a few that is the hides of upset at sea and to morrow load, the government headed by me will act using all means against base. most sanctions on our soldiers is a red line minister gallons and must immediately back into julia who if not, we will take them in as great heroes a well, 2 years ago, washington begun investigating the idea of battalion over its involvement in violence against palestinians. recent media reports say that
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a special state department panel recommended that the us should sanction is really military units that have been credibly accused of human rights abuses. when asked about that earlier this week, america's top diplomat pledge to take action soon. think you're referring to the so called lady law and our work under that. um, so this is a very important law and it's one that we apply across the board. and when we're doing these investigations, these inquiries is something that takes time that has to be done very carefully, both in collecting the facts and analyzing them. and that's exactly what we've done . and i think it's fair to say that you'll see results very soon. i made determinations, you can expect to see them in the days ahead of the net sign. your food that battalion operates in the westbank. it was formed as a special unit for ultra orthodox jewish soldiers. the us functions in question
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would deny that was really troops access to american arms training. and any other assistance with my colleague nicky are in discuss the case with the yankee farmer who is her ready journalist and former member of that very same idea. battalion, he asked why the us isn't focusing on its own track record of devastating military interventions instead of scrutinizing is. and i, one day somebody caves investigating and some of them can all me after day only in child. and they only polls and they are responsibility for kidding. probably hundreds of 1000 innocent civilian so on. do you have any style it for b, m on i maybe some of the country? so i think even america support fee for the never thing long. they all the last people's jobs, other eh, you know, what a folder, especially a my ds about everybody knows if something is wrong and particularly is why the all
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me and the really all means investing, i can get, i don't know, maybe wasn't his by then needs vote me so people to vote for him in michigan because really, you know, maybe many moves and people hate and invite them because it's a full sales was. so, you know, in terms of what from, from one to start from one side underneath the funny stuff. on the other side, this is america. i think it's more like good american setting these readings. well, if you don't stop watching, you will solve those. we're going to punish you. so unless, if you will, that was like really easy to pick on them because they have some say, hey, you know, background, but the, you know, part of this, but then again, the last time to have everything was in 2022. since then, the idea of this whole thing about it, we can see the last 4 were you looking happen? and yeah, this is the way i'm, oh gosh, you know, they switched and then if you don't do anything they polish you. i don't think they used to be ready with relation come, view wound hold. and it seems because, you know, in the last few months, the very, the government, then these ladies and the american, the government didn't do so went together only when he killed one,
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only when he go through you long. so the american, of course helped us when he comes to politics the situations americans are not very happy with these ladies. i don't think it would be worse than it seems now. united for peace. those were the words of former us president bill clinton, that marked the beginning of nato's bombing campaign in the former yugoslavia $25.00. 8 years ago. the alliance rained on tens of thousands of bombs and missiles, killing hundreds of civilians, and was carried out until the you can slop army, withdrew from cost, civil. what follows is there a special coverage of those events on the mark left on history and on the lives of looks. the way i can protect thousands of innocent people in the to the fuse of powder, to get the heart of bureau to stand united with our allies for future
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generations. to see those see in your, at the nato as bombing efforts were not only limited to military targets on april 19th, 1999 large explosions were heard. at dawn in belgrade as earth strikes, hit petroleum refineries and chemical plants, government buildings and other civilian infrastructure across the country were also attacked. nasal officials subsequently defended the blocks devastating assault, and also planned to dine full of european security and russia. with more on the legacy which was left behind. here's our t, charlotte, tube, and ski in belgrade of nature's aggression against what was then you could solve
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the a more significant turning point in world history. the so called rules faced international owed was smashed with the lines engaging in military force with that the approval of the un security council. now that action still has run this occasions to this very day. this was the 1st time they to completely violated this phone 3 to that 3 to is a copy of the un charter adage point 5. so you can find that each one of the members are attacked. the other screen it has nothing to do in yugoslavia. it has nothing to do when you find it has nothing to do in your rack or anywhere else . an organization that what time do you 5 years operate expect gains its own 32 should be investigated. what happened in the lead to 1999 has many power levels
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with the crating conflict now and while the west states russia is attacking the coal principles of the you and show it to us award. the president put an open lead declared from the outset is named at erasing ukraine from the map as a sovereign country. the way ignores the fact that as part of nature, it has with pieces we've done this itself. the best example of what is, of course ukraine, because when, when nato tells the world, oh, we're just helping ukraine defend itself and show them the nato secretary general has admitted. the nato has been in ukraine actively involved in ukraine bombing training, ukrainian forces since 2014 nathan knew exactly what he was doing. this was an academic rush of hey, in the full money you could slow up here, need to is accused of committing crimes. you're going to be so this yeah, maybe mold and free of us. yes. they keep telling us that it was justified that
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they had to bomb us for us. like but then in the next sentence says they tell us that they sorry for some bland. this recess sign. yes. and other children killed and may type bombing in 1999. the one they tried to tell us is no, we not sorry, because we've done our job ripping apart. so the nato has consistently rejecting those claims and rushing into office necessary or collateral damage. yet at the same time, it accuses russia, fatality preston tooth and is failing in ukraine. and he just responding with more brutality waves of deliberate me. so attacks on see this on the civilian infrastructure. there are other power levels to the intervention of nature and you could solve it resulted in a demand for parts of the country costa, but to be recognized as a sold for an state lands asinique albanians and to this day. so it'd be,
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has refused to pay even recognize the break away region, despite the constant pressure from nato allies. at the same time, these allies consistently have denied cools by asking the questions and don't boss and quite me to determine that own feature. well, you know, it's essentially when you use something helps creating a bunch of independent states that are likely to be in nato allies. nato is suddenly in favor of secession. he's a tax. um, so it'd be a bump the prize, kosovo way through terrorism, co ocean bombing, a state essentially to give up a piece of territory, then it recognizes it. and then they turn around to the, the, the, the east of the, the, the residence hall, the dumbass. you have a much you've, you've already express the a will through
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a referendum. you have to stay in the site that you don't want to be a part of nature, claim victory intervention in serbia. and before that in both me it was only to keep the peace such fractions of resulting in decades of tensions in the balkans. the what this point, this nature, allies of accused russia of shattering the peace in europe. it is clear that nato has not done enough. and what russia has done, his shots is the security architecture of europe. it's a great to pill to swallow, to recognize it wasn't false in to not to them a quarter of a century on need to is still refusing to do all of the, not just in relation to it's illegal campaign. and you could slow up here. but in
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a rock, i've got a song, libya, how it enables us to visual amick states. now how it piles ukraine high with arms? that is something seen by many, including the global science as being the problem, solid even sky reporting for all the info grades. so it'd be a exactly a quarter of a century ago. nato forces begun bombing bell grade for 78 days and nights to discover what that was like for the people who survived to stay with our t. as we continue our special coverage in the coming days. the a fascinating look next and another side of the 20 year long vietnam war seen from the point.


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