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tv   Documentary  RT  April 21, 2024 4:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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to it's illegal campaign and you could slow up here, but in a rock, i've gotten this on libya. how it enables us to visual amick states. now, how it piles ukraine high with arms. that is something seen by many, including the global science as being the problem, solid even sky reporting for all the info grades. so it'd be a exactly a quarter of a century ago. nato forces begun bombing bell grade for $78.00 days and nights to discover what that was like for the people who survived to stay with our t as we continue our special coverage in the coming days. the a fascinating look next and another side of the 20 year long vietnam war, seen from the point of view of 6 via kong veterans. there are stories. the details
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of which i want to point out are not for the faint hearted total moments. the of the man, the northern tabs we have now. you said you know why
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why, why one being can you labeled on monday? the only problem that we can tell her to the land on the, on the, on the, the
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god, the the, the, the, the, the, the
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with the, the young lady, the pain on, uh oh i the you take on the i can do most the day. i'm come with a couple of people don't know. maybe the hot hers you and your mind. you call when
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you go to the iphone. doing them down normally
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like, you know mad goes to the co go no. yeah, go go, there you go. no co gilroy, my whole nothing to do. come yet to resolve that. yeah. they love the the way i might have to
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let me do that. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah, yeah. come royce samantha. yeah, i know, i know bad mazda lets see on monday that if there was no plan the, that sounds a lot coming to my, you know, long time basically now the lobby going into the house.
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i got a number, you know, let me, let me do the b and how much is uh, 902 dies elementary by the way, then. yeah, yes. on the side you could please give me a mountain cancer and the company to come off is on. i guess, yeah, like i'm yeah, that's not let me up when you're on the bottom to get in when the phone call, he has gone yet telling you the comments. i pulled down my phone to get it on your phone call. yes, i need all my design, the new box and coughing. that sounds halfway down
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since the google on slot began in the late 19 fifties, the republic of vietnam has had a little trouble in retaining control of the great urban centers. about the central highlands, the long zone quarterly euro are a mazda, most largely jungle covered region. remarkably like those mountains, regions, and spain for the term gorilla was born. here. everything favors a lightly armed, fast moving, irregular, and it is here that the struggle for vietnam, like ultimately decided into this remote almost impenetrable region. the communist of north vietnam have infiltrated a steady stream of agitators, terrorist and professional gorillas. no. oh, really? we have to be paid was
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paid by the dot net. thank it's yeah, well, you know how we know you can for me. yeah. so some way i know, let me know mile my m. i know i hate to something does know the the the know the
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. yeah. the movie was that what we get? no big deal with that. oh well you, how long the young guy that's gone west. awesome. that'd be the name that we have. the no, no, no no, no no,
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no. p. small just on the cost of the house flat. now we have quite a stand on my feet though that nothing. how quiet, wow you, if you think you may have that i could do math, but they said that it's the
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increasingly now americans are functioning directly in the fight for freedom in this far, far on the corner here. and as president johnson has pointed out, it is up to us. we intend to convince the communist that we cannot be defeated by force or by superior power.
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i have asked the commanding general general westmoreland once more he needs to meet 1st mounting aggression. he has told me and we will meet the black of the the
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dns of the new choose good as been choose for many centuries. the way that they made best acute did once bullshit games oppressed and nobody can know it seems that the bodies to me on smoking by the same the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, my, the young ladies, i know that you know, got it. all right. yeah. for the way what a hi ma'am. how so
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the so you know, because they know they move crane by 11. 0 yeah. well no. my check stub quite how and nbc yeah, yeah it's, i'm day waiting to get
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the me of the the
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. 2 the in
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the of the cute on the local side, comma, headed on if i get my
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$4.00. malia. so i'm really now says late late of the day. how hold up that i'm you low think i'm with them, no money to buy a home. you have to come by, but they're not on the sound right now. we know people uh, woke up. yeah. i'm well, yeah. when it came down right in a couple few that time will you be making that bill pay? i'm not allowed down with the one the number. the new weight seems to be coming down one another. the how we invest people that just of into
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the wiping, the what, the name of what the call center for gum leon or know who comes on the holiday night? if you come down late? no, don't we have all the yes. yes. those are not the way to
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the time. yeah. yeah. okay. so when do you at the end of january 1968 by dawn with a live with a festive experience. and everyone prepared for the test for the people of vietnam is both a joyous and sacred time of the year. this was to be the 1st spring of the 2nd republic of vietnam, the ted cruz proposed by the communist. the north vietnamese seemed to promise the people of safe holiday for you from the ever present. anxiety of war leaves the new year, families over there and i prayed that he might be restored to their home. this year. however, the traditional fire tankers of the 7 celebrations became the play over
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the of the me
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all day guy from the corner. right. you did the pretty good thing get and i bumped on black looked when i completed the boat, don't weigh more dollars. oh, my god, stop them. yeah. the way it like i'm go probably a good time really a young lady does all that job get hold on the card and my knee for both. yeah, sure. yeah, no, no, no. come on the
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wait to let you know. that's right now. so i do that stuff in the past when you might not take it kind of some phone number here. yeah. certainly not the number they have to really know crazy. and then he took the class, come up the, it's
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the wave on the 10th floor and then the call that corner. no, no, no, no. you might, you know, how high the i met with, you know, you might go back to a new look of and then we go back to 99.
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my moving the yellow the of the
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guy who did all i'm ended phone to the the, the out probably her well the store. okay. the model girl to i got you. no problem. seem to them out of the know the same documents. yeah. side of the drive i showed my brother through, he was sudden to help people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being saved. well i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago. police. it'd be gang chicago is what i can give you a photo of that police. you lose your life as another crime. say another this could have been
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a doctor or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here. the for headline stories, this are the us house of representatives approves that total of $95000000000.00 in aid to israel, taiwan, and ukraine. although most republicans oppose giving the more money, saying americans, founder port is also a head on the at least $20.00 civilians are alleged to have been killed by an idea of strike on a residential area in southern galvan. coming just hours after the us congress passed the $17000000000.00 a package for israel, the desired page in the country, and made reports that washington is preparing to sign to the df unit for the very
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1st time over human rights violations in the west. and the russian m o. d confirms its troops off secure yet another settlement and that done yet. script public pushing back you printing and forces would be would freed things from the it's midnight in mombasa, intel of eve on here in most go welcome to the global use roundup. on our, the introduction the us house of representatives has granted kid a $61000000000.00 a war chest, notably however, most republican congress members officially oppose the bill which could of implications for ukraine. should donald trump when november's presidential election with russia's foreign ministry, spokesman also slammed the motion, saying it's another pass bills will only fuel more on necessary violence around the
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world as the us allocation of motor a to a crane these drilling tie, one will aggravate global crisis mailed for a to the key of regime is a direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. males for a to tie one is a need to syrians in china's into and the list says those are a to israel is a direct pass to an unprecedented escalation in the region. so the us house of representatives, after months of gridlock, has finally passed the a deal to ukraine. $61000000000.00. now all amendments and there were some rather creative amendments that were proposed. all the amendments to the bill were rejected and the bill passed. now it's been passed with the intent to rebuild arsenals. there was $95000000000.00 in total that was given for $4.00 and $8.00 is they separated. the ukraine aid, the taiwan aid and the aid israel. mike johnson, who became the republican speaker of the house of representatives, had pledged,
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unlike his predecessor that he would not bring this bill up. you would not bring it to about. but he changed his mind. and i guess on the terms that this was alone, he was okay to go along with it not. busy democrats voted against the bill and, but the majority of republican congress members did. that's quite a divide when it came to grant. and there was a lot of outrage from, from republican members of congress. they felt that this was not in the united states entry is now leading. the charge was marjorie taylor green, the representative of georgia, and she was seconded by many members of her party. rather intense speeches were given prior to the voting. you say the united states tax payer has already sent $113000000000.00 to ukraine. and a lot of that money is unaccounted for. you claim is not a member of nato. but the most important thing due here in washington dc, is all we have to spend. americans harder and tax dollars over to you crane a,
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keep the money going to continue to murder ukrainians. wipe out an entire generation of ukrainian man, 2 and a half years into this war. we still don't know what success looks like. is it cry me a, is it all of the don't boss is a hold what you got? we don't know. we just can't afford it. this new spending. $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending. mean it go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and by the way, while i was speaking, we have added another $5500000.00 to the national debt. now the previous speaker of the house kevin mccarthy was ousted when he made what man described as a secret or back room deal to try and go forward with funding for ukraine. and now thomas massey and marjorie taylor green to outspoken republicans who opposed
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a due grand say they want the same thing to happen to mike johnson. they, they say he was replaced a, he replaced kevin mccarthy and was brought into office to oppose this kind of deal . he made this kind of deal and they want him, alistair, so we shall see what happens next. i'm concerned that the speakers kind of deal with the democrats of fun for mores rather than to secure a border. how did a bill that was intended for veterans that came out of the house become a bill that may bring us to the brink of war, at least 3 places on the globe by sending a 100000000000 dollars to military contractors. how if you creating officials reacted to the bill being passed, the ukrainian president has already responded in kind with, great, thanks. he personally bank speaker of the house mike johnson for making the deal that he promised not to make. we add a message from zelinski that might have online, but let's also recall a statement made by the ukranian president
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a few days prior to what i but that we suggest that this is not a secure leticia. then this is pure politics and to be honest, it is a shameful, the world is just a shameful democracy for everyone who owns it, talks about democracy. well, if congress takes and divides the sites of tool that has happens in twos, right? and you credit in parts, that means this is an election issue in the united states. now 23200000000 of the a will be used to restock ukrainian weaponry. $11300000000.00 of the aid will be provided for the training of ukrainian troops by the united states and $61000000000.00 in total has been allocated by the us congress to provide to ukraine to continue the conflict at this point. uh, there's a lot of anger on the republican side. there's a lot of anger on the democratic side that took so long and it appears american
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politics is much more polarized than it has been in quite some time. the very big disagreements about u. s. foreign policy and how american taxpayer money ought to be spent or us corresponding caleb not been speaking to me earlier. no senate candidate for new york state. diane sar told artsy that instead of using the cash for developing the u. s. washington prefer suspended on global conflicts, and i think there's probably more going ons and needs to be, i don't know if it's related to the lumen blow out of the trans atlantic financial system. i find it frankly embarrassing that the congress would spend so much time and effort, debating policies which are going to inflame the world, which don't help the united states and have consequences which i would find horrific. i would not want on my conscience if i were a member of the elected body,
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so i'm not sure it probably has to do with election cycles and uh, primaries and all kinds of factors that are not obvious. it's not going to change the situation. now you might ask, how could a $174000000000.00 affect the lives of the american people? could we not repair our railroads? could we not do something about water management power management, there would, would have some real used, or if we wanted to do real reconstruction, that would raise the standard of living. but that's not the game. when you fall into the mindset of m. fire. everything has to be looted, it said devolving spiraling collapse and where ultimately the, the empire economy begins to cannibalize itself. and i think that's really where we are. and it's, it's a terrible tragedy because that's not the purpose of the united states. i don't think anything we've done with these. it'd be ukraine has been about ukraine. i
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mean, they've only suffered from this so weird spent sending money to american military contractors in order to torture the nation and people of ukraine. i think americans perhaps aren't that aware of that, although many of them have a sense of it, it would be one thing. you know, i make the argument that we should spend money going to the moon. we don't spend the money on the moon, we spend it here, and it does boost our sp enough technologies and the american workforce. this is like some kind of sick per version of that because it was a busy day on saturday. us congress members also approved $8000000000.00 to quote cultured china. a large part of that some will go directly military a to taiwan, which paging so considers its own territory. chinese officials less start at washington, the head of the vote on capitol hill. the united states is good at using 8 as
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a bargaining chip and using care and stick to force developing countries to do what they say, which results in a serious lack of coherence. and it's a policy and undermines the sustainable development of recipient countries and was canadian political level as alex reporter fee says beijing should consider get this sending weapons to some american island to give washington a taste of what it's doing with taiwan. or once again wake up america, i mean, the taxpayers of america must be furious today. i guess there's jubilation and celebration in the streets of israel in the streets of kiev, and well, also in china's province to tie one. now, if we look at this from, you know, a practical point. why would america, who has uh, you know, is $12240.00, not a, compiles and paid from tie. one feel that it is necessary to come over with representatives to aggravate, poke fun at the, you know,
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the chinese government and say, hey, well, we're at it. let's raise a $8000000000.00 of our us taxpayers, money to arm your island against yourself. it's, it's absolutely crazy. we have to, you know, hold the american government accountable here wouldn't be americans except chinese representatives to fly into i don't know, new york manhattan and meet with local government officials there and say, hey, you know, we're in the mood to bring a $1000000000.00. a chinese artillery in arms and put them on your island. eric as well. maybe we think washington is a threat to you. well, the big figures didn't. then there are the us congress also passed a $17000000000.00 aid package for israel. how much was quick to strongly condemn the move coming it made the devastating war and gals that just hours after the us. how is signed off on the bill? israel bomb the southern most gals in the city are put off or killing at least
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$22.00 civilians. according to local officials, the, the 18 children are reportedly among the victims. the gas and health ministry said the idea has killed more than 50 people just this weekend. the latest strikes left in several residential buildings and the death tool is expected to rise as local 6 through the rooms in search of bodies is realize gearing off for a full scale round invasion of an offer where i run one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering and shocking discovery has reportedly be made in the neighboring gals and city of town. eunice, some 200 bodies have been on the earth in a mass grave. i'd side a hospital there, according to local media. these really move, the tree recently withdrew from the medical facility after occupying it for months . palestinians are not flocking to the scene and hope of finding the remains all
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the missing relatives. we heard from some of the 3 bun holly i'm, i've been here for 5 days trying to find my brother's christmas, and we've been exposed to things that will be in our memories forever. we don't want to continue coloring is also what did they do to suffer through a little bit this morning about okay, that's the last week i came to our house model. need to see it destroyed in if my friend told me they're a mass graves at nasa hospital. so i've been coming there for 5 days to find my son to see him, but i don't see me and he hasn't been identified. yeah. one of the bodies are all piled up that was just like the book, the names that i didn't, the full these words great. some of these with god and 2nd, greenland, that's how people will force to big grey said to bury the dead them because these really all me have come up with the coughing and now i'm well, every human being should have their own great uncle. but of the 3rd straight day of classes has also been seen in the west bank. it follows the killing of more than
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a dozen people in this really raid on the north shelves. refugee camp on saturday, according to the palace, daneen, red crescent, among the dead was a part of medic who was shot while trying to help the wounded. the idea of reportedly use drones, an armored vehicles to clear the come. here's what locals set about the situation. and this is the 1st time in our history that we've seen such destruction, such devastation, such criminality. we've never seen or heard of anything like this. i've only heard of gaza and this is the 2nd garza, this has to come guns and number 2 was triple destruction. of home depot, however, we haven't had electricity. wilton, since the camp was stormed, the electricity has been passed off. we have children, they need to move, they need to eat. we have run out of the bread and milk. i read this on 5 of my children live in these house, and each of them has a floor the on and demolish them. old i was visiting my son's house in and out of the area of the camp on thursday nights when these happened. and people told me it
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has been demolition. well, we heard from palestine reg, present in society spokesperson about far as like, who's based in the west bank. she confirmed the death of the volunteer from the a group on the cues, the adf, all denying part emetics access to the besieged area as 101, b, or c s one. and to use was the chart. we'd like a musician. what he was conducting does a miniature in the room inside the account, and we've got thousands of goals, friends, and as is safe, people in addition to others were injured. and we asked for a couple of hours. we were completely denied to reach them because of the completed. so need to see all the cam on an even is there any forces is taught arrow to teens a once over the teams for more than half an hour before these things are on the, on the,
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on our move them to transport the wounded people. since the beginning of the world, that one does the history and i have been systematically tracking the health care system. i'm haven't sure there's some mail despite the fact that you minutes radians and health care workers shouldn't be respected, add ons and protected 17 p r c. a numbers how big jewels since the beginning of the water on by so the kind of standard trends and continued to call on the international community to have an urgent action to put more pressure in order to have occurred windows. so you fired back with no fees, and so stay in the military and access to all areas of casa and what is going on for more than 6 months. it is almost up to that we have senior civilians being taught and targeted. there is no aspect of life involves. uh, we're talking about this significant destruction also begins homes where more than
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70 percent of civilians, home in the us, the have been destroyed. most of the population i know internally displaced. they are living in tens or a school lacking doctors to pull to water as when i am education us. israel's president has claimed he regrets the suffering of johnson's who, being bombed by the idea for the past 6 months. but isaac hertzog lay the blame squarely on from us over its one day terror attack on october. second, i take care of my neighbors, the palestinians. i really do care. it breaks my heart that they have been drawn into this terrible situation under the terror from us in the gaza strip, but they initiated this attack. they killed, kidnapped, dismembered, and burned innocent civilians. and it is such a tragedy that how moss has brought upon the palestinian people. and we got
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reaction from his really active this aisle rosenberg, who sees the president's lisa statement, actually flies in the face of his own previous restoration on the war as it is. some of the presidents have so himself said that there are, there are no innocent people in gaza, essentially giving the okay to the targeting of all godson's all civilians, all people in that stretch of lands. and now, naturally i see, well, find somebody else to accuse never themselves, never taking responsibility is rarely fed, especially high ranking is where it is rarely officials, they know the situation and because they know the number of deaths and they, they don't really believe the propaganda. they uh, they use facing the outside, they're supposedly doing everything. they tend to limit civilian casualties.
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they're either responsible themselves or very well aware of how is real is creating the current situation and gauze us as targeting civilians, the, the, the mass hunger and so they are willing parts and central parts and elements of this ongoing side of the crimes or even the genocide, they know this and, and, but they must deny it because to not deny the monthly with the legal case already on the going on is politically suicidal and maybe even dangerous for that. personally. now, washington is preparing it to sanction on is really military unit for the very 1st time. that's according to media reports, citing us state department officials who say action will be taken against the nets . include a battalion over human rights violations in the west. but now there's still to be confirmed move, sparking i'd cry in israel. the sanctions must not be imposed on these real defense
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forces edit site. and when our soldiers are fighting the monsters of tat right of intention to end all sanctions on an idea of heat, it is the hides of absurdity and the moral load, the government headed by me, will act as an old means against these modes. sanctions on our soldiers is a red line minister gallant, and must immediately back into julia who if not, we will take them in as great heroes. 2 years ago, washington began investigating the idea of battalion writs involvement in violence against palestinians. recent media reports say about a special state department panel recommended that the us should sanction is really electra units about top incredibly accused of human rights abuses. with us the by thought earlier in the week. america's top definitely not pledge to take action soon. think you're referring to the so called late a law and our work under that. so this is
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a very important law and it's one that we apply across the board. and when we're doing these investigations, these inquiries is something that takes time that has to be done very carefully, both in collecting the facts and analyzing them. and that's exactly what we've done . and i think it's fair to say that you'll see results very soon. i made determinations, you can expect to see them in the days ahead. lynette. so yeah. who died? battalion operates in the west bank. it was formed as a special unit for ultra orthodox jewish soldiers known as hard ready. the us sanctions in question would deny those as really troops access to the american arms training and any other assistance. well, we discussed the case with yankee farber. now journalist, i'm a former member of that very idea battalion. he questioned why the us isn't
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focusing on its own track record of devastating military interventions instead of scrutinizing issue. as i wonder if america is investigating and american all me after day only and child and they only involved and they are responsibility for kidding. probably hundreds of 1000 innocent civilian so around us it's gonna be some it for me, i'm on i maybe some of the country. so i think even america support fee for the never thing. they all the last people to judge other it, you know what a folder, especially a, my df about everybody knows if something is wrong and particularly is why the all me and the really all means investing, i can get, i don't know, maybe wasn't his by then needs vote meets or people to vote for him in michigan because really, you know, many, many moves and people hate and invite them because it's a full sales was. so you know, a games of what from, from one, from one side underneath. he punished the form and the other side. this is american . i think it's more like a good american setting these right as well. if you don't stop watching,
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you will solve those. we're going to punish you. so unless, if you will, that was like really easy to pick on them because then you have some say, hey, you know, background, but the, you know, problems, but then again, the last time to have everything was in 2022. since then, the idea is this something about it we can see in the last 4 were you looking happen? and yeah, this is the way i'm, oh gosh, you know, they switched and then if you don't do anything they polish you. i don't think they used to be ready with relation come view wound. well then it's easy because, you know, in the last few months the very, the government and these ladies and the american, the government didn't do so went together only when he killed one, only when he go through you long. so the american, of course helped us when he comes to politics, the situations americans are not very happy with these ladies. i don't think you to be with them. it seems not as well. israel's opposition leader has also labeled. they reported us sanction, find a mistake. but you're lucky,
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shifted the blame for the id f unit track record to the incumbent at national security minister, as well as the finance chief, claiming they are not interested in pacing the west bank we spoke with it's really human rights commented or youngest in public who said it's senior idea of commodities who should be the ones held the comfortable for violations by their trip as it is high time for it, for them to be sent for 4 days for the army to be sanctioned for these things. but i find it odd the thinking that a specific unit is removed from the operational logic of the rarely army as a whole. a single unit cannot operate outside the policy. the dates are in the arm and it's a complete misunderstanding of how the through the military military works. what does that mean? that the single unit is being sanctioned? is this unit operating on its own?
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is this unit not part of the it fairly army. if that unit, not implementing a fairly policy, how does that work? what is the logic behind the sanctioning a single unit? i mean, i welcome dimensions of course, but what is the logic behind sanctioning a single unit with obviously, if the policy of to is really army and is really government for decades to or press the thing is to deny their, their, the, to they not they, they night in their basic rights and to implement a system offset their colonialism in the starting, what we see time. and again, if the is really army destroying the listing in communities and destroying the lines of hosting and storing 15 in communities, meeting genocide in the community, ethnic cleansing in the with band. and this is not some isolated incidents of the specific cases of robin and those that fall far from the tree. so these are
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the intrinsic, paul, this is the interesting policy updated. really army, an update for the government. all right, turning attention on the program now to the conflicting ukraine and don't boss russian forces have secured the village of bog down off in the done yet, republican, the russian defense ministry stays the site was secured by units of its southern combat group, retreating, ukrainian troops, tried to country attacked twice, but were repelled. according to moscow and odds key, i have lost at least $414.00 soldiers and just the past 24 hours of fighting in the area are senior correspondent, the rock as the of can tell us more from the ground. the collapse among you credit defenders began on the 19th of april where they began to leave the positions which they had defended vs the resist the one of the tax,
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but they began abandoning that and so just to heavy egypt. so just those who put these uh will gals will leave by themselves and mobilize many have be now, take it as prisoners of war, but by russian forces. they all being all being treated for the new influx of gold, which is just outside the box. just to the north of it, the russian forces of the rest of the russian flags force the russian flag above the ruins of bucks out of bases. especially bad news. the great, because this means a pull out the sold for 3 directions on the charts of yacht, which is the last one for the last major. you paid and strong put outside of box, which is where you cause the value gradient defensive operation for box. what happened again, this is going to be difficult, baffled because it is elevated, tests of yard itself as well as easy to fig. settlement for the pri will population
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of 12 and a half 1000 people. but again, these, this was a slew of losses territorial concessions by you fred. since the full of, of dave or i something else to tell you if i today moscow has hosted on meeting a 5 political groups for molto, but the greeted team off against their country's pro we, you government, the opposition functions have created a joint block that's being bought by russia, the groupings leaders say they're aiming to on say to incumbent my a sunday in october's presidential election. just sitting there on happy with her push the slush ties with most of you in favor of brussels. adobe top court recently green list that proposed referendum on the countries, but to join the youth, we heard from him shore the most open opposition figure whose spear heading the new coalition. so wasn't, was that what we have created
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a blog to when the presidential election and the referendum on the look session west tries to turn moldova into a testing ground for military operations and saturate our citizens with weapons. without asking the west, does all it can to fill our country with migrants. freedom of speech is completely absent in moldova, 13 opposition channels have been closed. this year, all opposition leaders are under arrest. the west acts aggressively and harshly. those opposition to forces and parties that are ready to fight for mold over to the end. having gathered here and i am sure that we will succeed, we see our future on a common platform of social and economic cooperation like the commonwealth of independent states. i am sure that more than 60 percent of mold douglas population supports us, and i am sure that the referendum on my bill was membership and that you will be in our favor in favor of common sense. we have already seen criminal cases, arrests and many other things,
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and i'm sure that this will go on all our parties. consider rush out a friend, a partner, and they close associate. today we are asking rush out to help us in our struggle for survival. i am grateful to russia for giving us the opportunity to meet here. it is important. it's worth a lot because a friend in need is a friend. indeed. okay, to a developing story. now in the middle east, this our at least 5 rockets. how being fired from northern iraq out a us military base bouts illegally stationed in neighboring syria. that is, according to our rocky security sources, cited by the media. just some details on this. they said that the rockets were launched from a lower rate that the leisure burst into flames. apparently a retaliatory strike by american war plains, or rocky security forces are reportedly trying to hunt on the perpetrators of the miss. i'll talk and it comes just in terms of timing
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a day after the iraqi prime minister return from talks with us president biden in washington. it is the 1st attack we must point out on american military positions in the region since february. not shocking under reverence. that's just the host. we never quite know what an episode of ortiz explosive new show must go. mules will entail. but we don't have to wait too long to find our chaise up. next stick on the . i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show you live in just a patient. we should be very careful about personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create
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a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme and the robot must protect his phone. existence was on the russian states. never as tight as on one of the most sense community. best of all sun set up the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will fan in the european union the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the r t spoke neck,
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keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center for question. did you say steven twist, which is the the portraits of the month? if you start, i will talk to me soon. so immediately central. i'm gonna send you settings. probably some great things. i'm really familiar with the computer.
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no. me? yes. it for essentially the to the sale be the name is the, at the was the, the motion to do with it and you think you should get us the book which and such as sending. i don't thought a soup. inducing that to, to see the purpose pass through. so the, the welcome to pass the full board here. we discussed some really you know, it was name to get to that aspect of the speech investor to, you know, she said, hey buddy, how much are you with that gives you that. yeah. it's just our stuff for us to do a number of us, a lot of storage would have done that for just interest more because what i
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no longer wish to live for production, the for english, the rest the books or the or just in the on the money on the phone with the police, i'm a put a foreclosure and i think that that of us there's over 20 minutes for us. government much less noisy. yeah. i mean the only, so i'm spending, if i need to. okay. and so, especially with the combustion from we're signing the style interest, there's a couple of thoughts or choice essentials to the team, almost finished satisfied, amethyst's honestly,
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the worst so bye the the hey everybody. welcome back to the most cool news on shay bows. and as usual, we're going to be lifting the lid on some of the stories that the main stream media would rather were left exactly where they are in the dark and talking to the darkness, the big awful, that central beautiful multiculturalism isn't a bit of trouble. it's actually the rotten apple and the mirror of new york has
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decided much like sleepy jody last week that the new york is the center of every city in the world. but it's a dirty, dangerous place. much like in the 19 seventies and in the 1980s. it's not a place you want to hang around in a nice crime is often to be 33 percent in certain areas, and it's doubled in almost a year. look at the subway. it's incomplete. now even the poor, old uh, good samaritan, that tried to make an effort to help a poor dude on the street. he got what was coming to him, not a reward. another little meddle, not a slap on the back. you got a slap in the face, run it, they're both. so this do comes up and he puts his coat over this homeless guy. it tries to give him a bit of assistance. guy gets up to find them. a hold on the a tank of them. he's given them a new york case, and that's a punch in the face. check this out. all boom. so knock some out. it takes his coat and probably takes his wallet to. it's like something out of a larry david,
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you know, would you like to be to in the music here? boom, boom, boom, done. a lot of data is just awful. look at this. so even the good guys are getting robbed for trying to help the bad guys who turn out to be the really bad guys. new york's in a hell of a deep trouble right now. so as you can see, it's pretty dangerous in the old rotten apple. other, the big apple left us into the mirror actually telling us that all is well in a bite and non likely kind of way. that's room to be one knows that new york city is the app is of america is the symbol of america. she is the king of america, the soul of america. we ought to tell or be of america. tell a v. what are you killing everybody in the massachusetts? what do you mean to tell of the we all the lima of america, new york city is mess mexico. city of america. this is the w of america. what is the, what is the job or what does that do? where and it's like a straight jacket, maybe you should be in
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a straight jacket. and of course when you see this poor dude on the street getting up in time for me to go to try to help him and such a kind of and homely way. it's not surprising. new york is now absolutely flooded with illegal migrants. immigrants it's, it's a real crisis for the city. but guess what new york has decided to do? yeah, they decided to give a contract to some of the pushes, hotels in town for 77000000 dollars come on in the doors open. so while that's happening, you have to ask yourself a good a wall even help. now this famous wall that we think of the building in the south, because uh, it seems that uh, the 2nd edition of shaving ryan's privates, it's not a porn is happening over on the other side of the states in california. run the video, check this out. this is absolutely insane. so the immigrants have no sort of adapted the game. and they're doing a full on beach landings. check this out. look at this. this is california in the
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united states that city in st live in saturday. and interestingly, at the ever enterprising american spirit, you know, the, with the american dreams disappeared, where's the car to pick them all? it's beautiful. and when they get to new york, $77000000.00 worth a nice, cozy hotel rooms. now, talking about california and people getting an easy run of it when they arrive in your country, back home in ireland. as you can see over my shoulder, we're spending a $1000000.00 a month to look after tar ross and mister chefs yokes kittens, cats, dogs, and ponies. check it out a $1000000.00 a month, and you never had a so good. i'm me while over a washington, while the beach is a being stormed on this americans in new york are getting the crap kicked out of the guest, who's doing a little task, little g. a good bit of a booby r o paul site show bob's nice. the one of the thanks joe biden is an absolutely stellar,
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sharp minded man who can run marathons. yep. our old friend. and she's dancing. she's dancing with joy. oh, sleepy joe is probably lost out in the garden trying to find his way in. oh, go. but she's getting down to the beat, the booby is on. check this the per dude in the middle. he sold backers, but it all look like when you're at a wedding and you may dance, look jesus out. somehow. nobody's watching, check and look good. not a good look. she's such a freak show. i mean, this woman is the most diluted creature i've ever come across and my whole life. so she's in the right job. i'm well, jean pierre gets down to the rhythm of a crazy beat in the white house press room. other people are getting down for different reasons. and the reality on the streets of the united states is completely different. and the light and the live in data they the, the presented,
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the apocalypse. people are getting down to a different b. i remember a 108000 people last year died in the united states, drug overdose. us check this free try. i mean this is like something out of the exorcist. right? i mean this is just freaking. i mean these are these new synthetic drugs that are floating into the united states. you know, so they kind of keep the immigration out and they can keep the drugs out and on the streets or me, americans mind they're paying with allies on believable, scary, usually you expect someone to come along with a crucifix and just go. it's just it's like, oh i got holy water like you know? oh oh it's not good. so the density of fruitcakes continues in the white house press room. the dance of this on the apocalypse,
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gets down to the read them out on the streets and you go remind yourself that in film and back in 2020 they also have some ideas about done some kind of freaky ideas, a big guy, but that's, that's, that's our interpretive dance could actually protect you from being raped by the immigrants. is just ridiculous. you know, a guess how much that costs? yes. you know, what would you say a couple of 100 books, a video camera and throw away phone. no cost to a half $1000000.00 euros to produce that video. so as you can imagine, rapes collapsed in finland. this interpretive dance protected women from those horrible immigrants who are attacking the wrong rapes actually increased the following year by 29 percent. and that includes the $416.00 child rapes, but maybe a protected people, just like those dancing doctors and nurses and for him and did during colbert and stain on the theme of the dance of the crazies. over in poland and europe,
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the premiums have decided that they're going to also emphasize their anger and anguish about the ongoing war against the evil russians by dosing themselves in poster paint and throwing mints around a square impala. as you can see in this video when we run it, there's also a do trapped in a cage. what's he doing there? that's all of the why is the do it in the cages this the cracking in recruiting policy? they loved the blogs, they loved the goods. they loved the old, the dosing. the flag in the l at cream is in the old clara, and of course the per do trapped in the cage in poland is probably safer than most men of military service agent. and ukraine, who are getting a different type of interpretive dance performed on them by the commissars, dragging them off to the front. check it out of the thing with joy. look your soul
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delighted that they're heading off to die for sleeping joe. the knock off your 1st live on to life, check it. look. even laurie's vines, ice cream folks, you name it, we can get you to the front. left or drivers, challenger drivers, now f, 16 pilots? oh, the joys. meanwhile, the european union is giving refuge to probably a 1000000 men of military service age who are in your, of completely legally because it is a legal for amount of military service aged to leave your brain. and it looks like it's going to be a lot more and ukraine with even the little kids, the hit, the you can or the, the, sorry, the younger ukrainian generation already beginning to play as a drag me off to the front. it's a version of hide and seek, where you eventually get found and sent out of the of the ship. so. so this is your training kids. it's very sad,
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really. they actually imitating what they see their superiors doing it in the states. we're just pulling the forward dude off to the front in an imaginary way. and of course, while the you have ukraine, play at the drag me off the phone to die. the knock off your presidency. lensky is also giving out a bit. he's not happy. you're not happy that the americans saved israel when you should have saved me. it's also unfair if you can shoot down all the hanging besides, why don't you shut down all the russian lines around it. this is a demonstration of allies not on paper, but in the air, not on paper, but on the ground or in action. yes. and this is an important signal to every one of those ice cream is a totally normal. i mean, ukraine defends that sky by itself. yes, so you definitely we have allies who supplies with this or that equipment and we do have a deficit and not the most important thing is that israel was not defending by itself . so meanwhile, the knack of yours giving out about not getting help and his powers on twitter novel, no actual friends,
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a organization also how to complete meltdown. check it out. they were freaked out that the americans and the brits were shooting down a rainy and missed. so i was like, it was a turk issue. and meanwhile, they're letting a lot of ukrainian cities get turned into a school. so as an awful boys have a meltdown about this and never the book collapse, the ukraine, which is a slow motion car garage, it seems to everybody to can read some interesting for each has a merge to. it's allegedly created by artificial intelligence, but sometimes the stuff the boys create is pretty cool. check it out where to familiar faces. practice their old see kyle, run the videos are great. so this is hold off schultz. r o paul from deutschland to t shirts. he's built out of it maybe more clumsy, given this lesson from the old. took his ankle. i think that's our old pal. to
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knock off your. this is the landscape, of course, uh what, what a visit to the most of them use be without visiting and chatting to our old pop. all the men and dresses. one in particular has decided that he would like to pee in the ladies bathroom and watch the sausage and vegetables between friends. well, it can be quite a lot actually. that's one of the lots on so he's a transgender, but he's a transgender woman. dressed up as an ordinary guy who's decided as he wants to add, let's say, drained a snake in a lady's toilet. welcome to the world. of course, our old friend, sleepy joe, who knows exactly where he's from 17 different countries and culture. and it does know where he is. he also proclaimed easter a transgender day, i think, as well recently, but someone very innovative online has created
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a wonderful little sketch of our policy page. oh, i see property, which is you could be as a transgender lady. let's welcome the video. all right, one. so i agree. we're getting ready to house. i'm few home like this where you are gone. this is this evaluating the reading is with pulled light, of course. and i oh uh my wife's set. oh felicia. happy friday. it's terrifying. that's what even more scary than the access to stuff on the street and sticking with, oh, go sleepy joe. have you got a bit of breaking news? apparently, a israel is about to bomb itself and attacked one of its uh, biggest cities, its 3rd largest city, president biden has announced and pleaded with tel aviv do not attack haifa. no, don't do it. check the video and i made it clear to is really don't move on high for
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me is just not. i mean i made it clear it was really just don't, i don't go are really good. when was the have made it clear to it's important to take most go don't do it. how do we get to the place where, you know, to decide cheeseburger just invade russian? nothing like is it happens is one or 2. i mean, this guy is in charge of the nuclear code. you've got the briefcase. i mean a cheese is he gets the right city wrong that day it's going to be, we're gonna have complete jo from was sleeping. joe decides that he's urging the, as rarely is not the bomb themselves in haifa. you might remember this, do the good old jake sullivan. the same guy who told us that i'll kind of was on our side the syria a just last year. he told us that the middle east was quieter and more peaceful than it. it'd be in 20 years in 2 decades. check this in the middle east region is quieter today. then it has been in 2 decades quieter today than it has been in 2
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decades. 16 countries involved in the conflict of rain radians a bombing israel. and the brits are shooting down rainy and drones. the americans are launching their defense missiles. everyone's freaking out over there. nothing to do with the fact that the c i a, the brits overturn the only the democratic government in the middle east of assignment around and i think for each for nothing to do with the, the stuff there. i mean, well jake was telling us all is well in the me least while the whole place goes to his boss seems to be taking the long way around in the garden chick about all sleepy joe was kind of following forward there looking up. wow. he looks like some sort of robotic figure at the moment of what's, what's the problem for the self compel ground that he looks like some sort of robotic figure and actually uh, boston dynamics. the a very famous robot maker have just released images of the bite and bodies, basically jo, without his skin on before he goes to bed. having a stretch check,
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and we'll hopefully tom this is joe minus his team who is a party, the 1st of all, but i can stand up after falls over. so maybe it's not. so by the end of course, we have to visit our all pals and deutschland, and some of the customers are very unhappy and ukraine. portal almost. doub overall is most upset because he invested a ton of money in price on a ton of money. go rob from pearl on of rooms, one of the biggest gambling companies in ukraine. he's quite a guy. and unfortunately,
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he is alleged this week in the financial times of all places that the presidential office of ukraine desktop boyfriend, the knock of york to choose so happens to legalize ukraine's very strict gambling laws in 2021. and suddenly on, off comes in and he gets pick pocketing to the tune of about $10000000.00 coaching. so that's the end of the tonight show. it's all been a bit music, the rhythm as people dance their way to the lunatic asylum. and we'll be here next week to my mind goes blank. now, to my mind's going out with what i can find out what's going on. i want to know stock
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is going to buy my grandbaby right. what the hell of i do here? 100 and the fine arts aide talk purpose is a get used to like variable the, the world's largest democracy votes, the rest of the planet watchers in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. what, who will be the power behind it?
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watches almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the dns of the new jews goes as did choose for many centuries, the way that they made best, the cube once. bullshit, games oppressed and nobody can know, it seems that the bodies smoking by the same with the known in vietnam to the vietnam war last, it's almost 2 decades and drained in numerous countries. not any written down, but you don't see it now. why didn't all i'm empty?
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hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to back the south vietnamese on me. i got the not, but the american soldiers murdered resistors mercilessly burned down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals. and lee, by all right, did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yes, yes. that's a ways to the
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right way to let you on the symmetric less was the up or the set though. i didn't stop so little probably focus liam will cover with form or should i have them look at each to look at each tor item that he appears to the prostate and you can just delete that. oh my god, see him. the only 2, but he's getting enjoyed something this kind of the slow. ok, the kind of this. so at least what his last window is kind of that yours might be the kind of a for someone loving it or they have to deal with sure it's play publish mode or not. but it's thoughts. and they've got a know with some pictures, assuming this cause, any problem shorts. the, what is part of the,
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the employee would posted isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present. let's stop without collision. is that spelled out of as the year on march? the 22nd 1943. doing the great petri, i'll take off the shirts and a bunch of flats out in 118. run down the belly, mercy and for the edge of cutting to her, i just jump on the wish. the lower in the fitness center. yes. so the, this one, most of the stuff i'm to pony you to you. $149.00 people died,
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including $75.00 children of age who was practically wiped off the face of the law . new blue loves of the auction control. it was, you know, you will use photos, photos. oh shoot. was hard really. i really usually don't you feeling yes, so the infamous battalion responsible for the atrocity included over $100.00 ukranian nationalists from west and ukraine because of the applicants. all right, and so i'm see what you guys so far as the new e phone, that's a lot of those to you guys, but i assume you're up with a, with them us customers declassified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g b, a better rules jump to light on the atrocity and on so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on oxy,
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the, the us house of representatives approves a total of $95000000000.00 and aid to israel, taiwan, and ukraine. although most republicans in that congress vote a pole was giving key of more money seeing america account afford it. also a head on the program, the at least 20 civilians are alleged to have been killed by an idea of strike on a residential area in southern guns are coming just hours after american lawmakers passed a multi 1000000000 dollar, a package for israel long which i rage in the country and that reports that
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washington is preparing to sanction an idea of unit the 1st time over at human rights violations in the west. and the russian m. o. d confirms its troops have secured yet another settlement in the done yet republic pushing back ukrainian forces who's been retreating from the welcome to r t international. my name's you know neil of 30 minutes of news. news starts not the us house of representatives has brought in key, if a 61000000000 dollar war chest know simply. however, most republican congress members officially oppose the bill which could have implications for ukraine. should donald trump, when the members presidential election, rushes foreign ministry spokesman also slammed the motion, saying it on the other pos, bills will only fuel more unnecessary violence around the world in the us allocation of no to
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a to ukraine. these drilling tie one will aggravate global crisis mailed to 8. so the key of regime is the direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. males for a to tie one these ending to syrians in china's into and the list says those are a to israel is a direct pass to an unprecedented escalation in the region. so the us house of representatives, after months of gridlock, has finally passed the a deal to ukraine. $61000000000.00. now all amendments and there were some rather creative amendments that were proposed. all the amendments to the bill were rejected and the bill passed. now it's been passed with the intent to rebuild arsenals. there was $95000000000.00 in total that was given for $4.00 and $8.00 is they separated. the ukraine aid, the taiwan aid and the aid israel. mike johnson, who became the republican speaker of the house of representatives, had pledged,
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unlike his predecessor that he would not bring this bill up. you would not bring it to about. but he changed his mind. and i guess on the terms that this was alone, he was okay to go along with it. not one democrats voted against the bill. and but the majority of republican congress members did. that's quite the divide when it came to grant. and there was a lot of outrage from, from republican members of congress. they felt that this was not in the united states interest now. leading the charge was marjorie taylor green, the representative of georgia. and she was seconded by many members of her party. rather intense speeches were given prior to the voting. you see the united states tax payer has already sent $113000000000.00 to ukraine. and a lot of that money is on, accounted for you. claim is not a member of nato, but the most important thing due here in washington dc, is all we have to spend. americans harder and tax dollars over to you. crane
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a keep the money going to continue to murder ukrainians. wipe out an entire generation of ukrainian man, 2 and a half years into this war. we still don't know what success looks like. is it cry me a? is it all of the don't boss is a hold what you got. we don't know. we just can't afford it. this new spending. $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending. mean it go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and by the way, while i was speaking, we have added another $5500000.00 to the national debt. now the previous speaker of the house kevin mccarthy was ousted when he made what man described as a secret or back room deal to try and go forward with funding for ukraine. and now thomas massey and marjorie taylor green to outspoken republicans who opposed
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a due grand say they want the same thing to happen to mike johnson. they, they say he was replaced a, he replaced kevin mccarthy and was brought into office to oppose this kind of deal . he made this kind of deal and they want him, alistair, so we shall see what happens next. i'm concerned that the speakers kind of deal with the democrats of fun for mores rather than to secure a border. how did a bill that was intended for veterans that came out of the house become a bill that may bring us to the brink of war, at least 3 places on the globe by sending a 100000000000 dollars to military contractors. how if you creating officials reacted to the bill being passed, the ukrainian president has already responded in kind with great, thanks the personally bang speaker of the house, mike johnson for making the deal that he promised not to make. we had a message from zelinski that went up online. but let's also recall a statement made by the ukranian president
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a few days prior to what i but that we suggest that this is not a secure leticia. then this is pure politics and to be honest, it is a shameful, the world is just a shameful democracy for everyone who owns it, talks about democracy. well, if congress takes and divides the sites off to all that has happened into his role and you credit in parts, that means this is an election issue in the united states. now 23200000000 of the a will be used to restock ukrainian weaponry. 11.3000000000 of the aid will be provided for the training of ukrainian troops by the united states. and $61000000000.00 in total has been allocated by the u. s congress to provide to ukraine to continue the conflict at this point. uh, there's a lot of anger on the republican side. there is a lot of and you're on the democratic side that it took so long and it appears american politics is much more polarized than it has been in quite some time. the
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very big disagreements about u. s. foreign policy and how american taxpayer money ought to be spent or us corresponding caleb and speaking to me immediately after the bills past. no senate candidate for new york state diane sar tool and r t that instead of using the cash for developing the u. s. washington prefer suspended on global conflicts, or i think there's probably more going ons and needs to be, i don't know if it's related to the lumen blow out of the trans atlantic financial system. i find it frankly embarrassing that the congress would spend so much time and effort, debating policies which are going to inflame the world, which don't help the united states and have consequences which i would find horrific. i would not want on my conscience if i were
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a member of the elected body. so i'm not sure it probably has to do with election cycles and primaries and all kinds of factors that are not obvious. it's not going to change the situation. now you might ask, how could a $174000000000.00 affect the lives of the american people? could we not repair our railroads? uh, could we not do something about water management power management there, or it would have some real used? or if we wanted to do real reconstruction, that would raise the standard of living. but that's not the game. when you fall into the mindset of m. fire, everything has to be looted. it said devolving spiraling collapse. and where ultimately, the, the empire economy begins to cannibalize itself. and i think that's really where we are. and it's, it's a terrible tragedy because that's not the purpose of the united states. i don't think anything we've done with visa b, ukraine has been about ukraine. i mean,
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they've only suffered from this so weird spent sending money to american military contractors in order to for the torture, the nation and people of ukraine. i think americans perhaps aren't that aware of that, although many of them have a sense of it, it would be one thing. you know, i make the argument that we should spend money going to the moon. we don't spend the money on the moon, we spend it here, and it does boost our spin of technologies and the american workforce. this is like some kind of sick per version of that. it was us congress members also approved $8000000000.00 to quote country china, a large part of that symbol, go directly and military a to tie one which page and considers its own territory. chinese officials launched the washington, the head of the votes on capitol hill. the united states is good at using 8 as a bargaining chip and using care and stick to force developing countries to do what
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they say, which results in a serious lack of coherence. and it's a policy and undermines the sustainable development of recipient countries or canadian political analysts. alex reporter, fee. se staging should consider sending weapons to some american island to give washington a taste of what it's doing with taiwan. once again, we couple america. i mean, the tax peers of america must be furious today. i guess there's jubilation and celebration in the streets of israel in the streets of kiev. and well, also in china's promise to tie one. now, if we look at this from, you know, a practical point. why would america, who has a, you know, is $12240.00 not to compile some grade from time one feel that it is necessary to come over with representatives to aggravate, poke fun at the, you know, the chinese government and say, hey, well, we're at it,
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let's raise a $8000000000.00 of our us tax payers. money to arm your island against yourself. it's. it's absolutely crazy. we have to, you know, hold the american government accountable here wouldn't be americans accept chinese representatives to fly into. i don't know, new york manhattan and meet with local government officials there and say, hey, you know, we're in the mood to bring a $1000000000.00, a chinese artillery and arms and put them on your island. eric as well. maybe we think washington is a threat to you as well. the big figures didn't stop there either. us congress also passed a $17000000000.00. a package for israel from us, was clicked to strongly condemn the move coming and made the devastating war in gal . so just hours after the us high signed off on the bill, israel bomb the southern most gals in city of what offsets killing at least $22.00 civilians, according to local officials,
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the 18 children are reportedly among the victims. the gas and health ministry said the idea of killing more than 50 people over the weekend. the latest strikes, locked in several residential buildings, and the death toll is expected to rise as local sift through the ruins in search of politics is real, is gearing up for a full scale round invasion of an office where a run one and a half a 1000000 palestinians are shopping and a shocking discovery has reportedly being made in the neighboring dallas, and city of con eunice, some 200 bobbies helping on earth in a mass grave or it's not a hospital there. according to local media. the, it's really military recently withdrew from the medical facility, after occupying it for months, listed in certain, flocking to the scene in hope of finding the remains of their missing relatives. we
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heard from some of, of the, the 3 been highly and i've been here for 5 days. i've been trying to find my brother's christmas and we've been exposed to sons. that will be in our memories forever. we don't want to me, can you tell me right now is also what did they do to suffer through a little bit this morning about okay, that's the last week i came to our house model. oh, need to see it destroyed. even if my friend told me they're a mass graves at nasa hospital. so i've been coming there for 5 days to find my son to see him, but i don't see of me and he hasn't been identified yet. no. one of the bodies are all piled up that was just like the book, the bottom set, the full. these was great. some of these with gardens up in greenland that's. that's how people were forced to big. grey said to bury the dead them because these really all me have come up with the coffin and now and what are every human being should have their own great, you can go potty of the 3rd straight day of clashes has been seen in the west bank it follows the killing of more, the dozen people,
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and then there's really rate on the nurse shelves. refugee camp on sunday, according to the palestinian red crescent. among the dead was a part of magic who a short while trying to help the wounded. the adf reportedly use drones. an armored vehicle is to clear the comp where the alleged militants are hiding. i'd, here's what the local said. i bought this situation. and this is the 1st time in our history that we've seen such destruction, such devastation, such criminality. we've never seen or heard of anything like this. i've only heard of gaza and this is the 2nd guy. so this has become gods. and number 2 was triple destruction of homes and people have a sub alcohol, but we haven't had electricity award. so since the campus stormed, the electricity has been passed off. we have children, they need to move, they need to eat, we have run out of the bread and milk. i read this on 5 of my children live in these house, and each of them has a floor. the army demolished them. old. i was visiting my son's house in and out of
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the area of the camp on thursday nights when these happened. and people told me it has been demolished and what we heard from the palace on red crescent society spokes person who's based in the west bank and the ball far suck, confirmed the death of a volunteer from the a group on a cruise, the id f of denying part of metrics access to the besieged area. one, o one b or c s. and wanting to use was the chart. we'd like a musician what he was conducting is human nature in the room, inside the cab out a week on thousands of pools present as his st. people in addition to others were injured. and we out for a couple of hours, we were completely denied to reach them because of the complaint is right, we need to change the can on an even. is there any forces installed on the teams
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a once over here on the teams for more than half an hour before releasing the surcharge for the week. so since the beginning of the were at one of the district and i have been systematically tracking the health care system, i'm sure there's some in, despite the fact that you minutes already is and health care workers should be respected at times and protected 17 p. c. s, members, how by jill, since the beginning of the water out when boss of dependents under the dress and continue to call on the international community to have an urgent action to put more pressure in order to have a good one. and so you, for your that's what i know, steve and so stay in the military and access to all areas of casa and what is going on for more than 6 months. and that is on boxed up to that we have senior civilians being taught and targeted. there is no aspects of life involves. uh we're talking
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about this significant destruction of to begin phones where more than 70 percent of civilians, home in the i've been destroyed. most of the population i know internally displaced, they are living in tents or a school lacking doctors to pull to water as when i am education, the israel's president has claimed he regrets the suffering of guidance has been bombed by the idea for the past 6 months. but honestly like hurts song made the blame squarely on from us on its one day terror attacked on october 7. i take care of my neighbors, the palestinians. i really do care. it breaks my heart that they have been drawn into this terrible situation under the terror from us in the gaza strip, but they initiated this attack. they killed, kidnapped, dismembered, and burned innocent civilians. and it is such a tragedy that how moss has brought upon the palestinian people. no, i guess. well,
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we got reaction from is really active as i l. rosenberger sees the president's latest statement actually flies in the face of his own previous rhetoric on the war . or it is some of the presidents have so himself said that there are, there are no innocent people in gaza, essentially giving the okay to the targeting of all dozens, all civilians, all peoples in that stretch of lands. and now, naturally i see well, find somebody else to, to use never themselves, never taking responsibility is rarely fed, especially high ranking is where it is rarely officials, they know the situation and because they know the number of deaths and they, they don't really believe the propaganda they uh, they use facing the outside, they're supposedly doing everything. they tend to limit civilian casualties.
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they're either responsible themselves or very well aware of how is real is creating the current situation and god's us as targeting civilians the, the, the mass hunger and so they are willing parts and central parts and elements of this ongoing side of the crimes or even the genocide, they know this and, and, but they must deny it because to not deny the monthly with the legal case already in the going on is politically suicidal and maybe even dangerous for that. personally. surrounding this washington is preparing to sanction. um is really military unit for the 1st every time that is according to media report, citing us state department officials who say action will be taken against the nets . uh your food, a battalion over human rights violations in the west bank. this still to be confirmed. move has sparks and night, crying is really the sanctions must not be imposed on these or will defense forces
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at a time when our soldiers a fight in the monsters of tat right of intention to end all sanctions on an idea. a few that is the hides of up so that to you and to morrow low. the government headed by me will act using own means against this most sanctions on our soldiers is a red line minister gala and to must immediately back in a j a who to. if not, we will take them in as grades heroes. 2 years ago, washington began investigating the idea fatality in over its involvement and violence against palestinians. recent media reports say about a special state department panel recommended that the us should sanction is really military units that have been credibly accused of human rights abuses. when asked about that some days ago, america's top definitely not pledge to take action. so i think you're referring to the so called lay, he's a law and our work under that. so this is
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a very important law and it's one that we apply across the board. and when we're doing these investigations, these inquiries is something that takes time. that has to be done very carefully, both in collecting the facts and analyzing them. and that's exactly what we've done, and i think it's fair to say that you'll see results very soon. i made determinations. you can expect to see them in the days ahead. the next the you who died battalion operates in the west bank. it was formed as a special unit for ultra orthodox, also known as hard ready to wish man to serve in the military. the us, sanctions in question would deny those as really troops access to american arms training and any other assistance. or we discussed the case with yankee farber, a journalist, the former member of thoughts, very idea fatality. and he questioned why the us isn't focusing on its own track record of devastating military interventions,
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instead of scrutinizing israel. i wonder if america is investigating and american all me after day, only in charge of the owing falls under the responsibility for cleaning probably hundreds of 1000 innocent civilian. so around new york, it's gonna be some it for me, i'm on maybe some of the country. so i think even america's the, both these were and i never think they all the last people's jobs. other eh, you know, what a folder, especially a my ds about everybody knows if something is wrong in particular, i always write the all me and they really always investigate and guess i don't know . maybe wasn't as biden needs vote meets, or people to vote for them in michigan because really, you know, maybe many moves and people hate it by them because it's a full say it was so, you know, it came to what, from, from one to start from one side underneath the funny stuff. on the other side, this is america. i think it's more like kid american sending these writing these. well, if you don't stop watching,
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you will solve those. we're going to punish you. so unless, if you will, that was like really easy to pick on them because then you have some, a, a, you know, background, but the, you know, problems, but then again, the last time to have everything was going to fall from 22. since then, the idea is this something about it, we can see the last 4 were you looking happen? and yeah, this is the way i'm, oh gosh, you know, they switched and then if you don't do anything, they probably shoot. i don't think they used to be ready with relations, can view wounds mold and it seems because, you know, in the last few months, the very, the government and these ladies and the american, the government didn't do so went together only when he killed one only when they go through you long, so the american, of course helped us when he comes to politics, the situations americans are not very happy with these ladies. i don't think you'd be worse than it seems now. as well as rails opposition leader has also labeled the reported us section planned a mistake, but the audrey lot pete shifted the blame for the idea from units track record to
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the incumbent and national security administer as well as the finance chief. they mean they're not interested in peace in the west bank we spoke with is really human rights common to you. i live in paula. this is it's senior idea of commanders who should be the ones held accountable for violations by their troops. it is high time for that for them to be sent for 4 days already, armies to be sanctioned for these things. but i find it odd this thinking that a specific unit is removed from the operational logic of the rarely army as a whole. a single unit cannot operate outside the policy, the updates are in the arm and it's a complete misunderstanding of how the 30 minute the military works. what does that mean? that the single unit is being sanctioned? is this unit operating on its own? is this unit, not part of the if the army, if that unit, not implementing it fairly policy? how does that work?
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what is the logic behind sanctioning a single unit? i mean, i welcome dimensions of course, but what is the logic behind sanctioning a single unit with obviously, if the policy of to is really army and is really government for decades to press. the nice thing is to deny their, their, their, to they, not, they, they not in their basic rights and to implement a system offset their colonialism in the starting, what we see time. and again, if the is really army destroying the listing in communities and destroying the line . so 1st the and started posting and communities meeting genocide in gather community ethnic cleansing into with band. and this is not some isolated incidents or for specific cases of robin and those that fall far from the tree. so these are the intrinsic, paul, this is the interesting policy updated. really army,
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an update for the government. all right, let's turn attention now to the conflict in ukraine and don't boss russian forces have secured the village of, of delegate in the then yet republic. the russian defense ministry stays the side was secured by units of its southern combat group retreating, ukrainian troops tried to country attacked twice, but were repelled. according to moscow, it adds key of last, at least $440.00 soldiers to fighting in a 24 hour period in that area are senior correspondent, but i'll go see if can tell us more from the product. the collapse among you've created, defend, this began on the 19th of april where they began to leave their positions, which they had defended vs the resistance of the tax. but they began abandoning that and so just heavy egypt. so just those who put his uh will gals will lead by
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themselves a mobilized many have be now, take it as prisoners of war, but by russian forces. they all being all being treated further north in bucks on a field which is just outside the box. move just to the north of it, of the russian forces of a rex is the russian flag force that the russian flag of the ruins of bucks out of gonna be his especially bad news. the great, because this means a pulled out and sold for 3 directions on drops of yacht, which is the last strong point. the last major you create in strong board outside of box, which is where you cause evaluated defensive operation for box. what happened again, this is going to be difficult, baffled because it is elevated charts of yacht itself, as well as it is easy to fig. settlement for the pre will population of 12 and a half 1000 people. but again this, this was
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a slew of losses territorial concessions by you fred. since the full of of dave now in moscow has hosted, i'm meeting of 5 political groups from moldova and have a great the team off against their countries, pro e u government. the opposition functions help create as a joint block that's being backed by russia. the groupings leaders say they are aiming to own st incumbent, my son do in october, his presidential election, sitting there on happy with her push to slush and ties with must go in favor of brussels, will do best top court recently. green let's i propose referendum on the countries paid to join the we heard from ensure the mold, open opposition figure who spear heading, then you call a. she said she wasn't. was that what we have created a block? so when the presidential election and the referendum on the look session on the west tries to turn moldova into
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a testing ground for military operations and stature rate. our citizens with weapons, without asking the west, does all it can to fill our country with migrants. freedom of speech is completely absent in moldova, 13 opposition channels have been closed. this year, all opposition leaders are under arrest. the to the west back is aggressively and harshly those opposition to forces and to parties that are ready to fight for him. i'll go to the end, have them gathered here, and i am sure that we will succeed. we see our future on a common platform of social and economic cooperation like the commonwealth of independent states. i am sure that more than 60 percent of molto was population supports us and i am sure that the referendum on my bill was membership and that will be in our favor in favor of common sense. we have already seen criminal cases, arrests and many other things, and i'm sure that this will go on all our parties. consider rush out a friend,
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a partner ended close associate. today we are asking rush out to help us in our struggle for survival. you. i am grateful to russia for giving us the opportunity to meet here. it is important, it's worth a lot because a friend in need is a friend indeed. well that is our last for an hour, but do keep across the very latest developments today by checking out our socials, wherever you see that green and black r t logo give it
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a follow to buy the hello and welcome to across the full board. here we discussed some real in the the, the welcome to was a part, as can it shared remark more than a century ago. everything is learned in comparison with the prospect of a full scale war between israel and iran, humanitarian disaster, and as
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a southerly seems like a crisis of a 2nd or perhaps even a 3rd order is the possibility of an interest state. more in the middle is likely to deflect from the ongoing loss suffering and gaza. and would that be a deliberate strategy to read the rug, the global spotlight out of the global purchase as well? to discuss it, i'm now enjoying bar of work, a safe and member of the is really part of the class as representing the left wing airplane. george at had dashed tom potty, mister cas safe. it's a great to talk to thank you very much for being available. thank you very much for having me. now you've been an outspoken critic of beings, really offensive engagement here, supported the south african motion to pursue this issue legally at the international court of justice, which i know led to sofa on successful efforts to impeach you. and i want to start by asking you for your personal impressions of what it's like to be a sort of, uh, contemporary dad with the,
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against the glass. i must say that it's not the easiest thing on it. you know, a, that of some, you know, a limitation and also to that, that i have to face. but the, you know, way we have to do so because i see my start the 1st and foremost of the struggle in the name of justice and full justice. any might be adjusted. you and your grandson . it has no color. then he says, no nations. so my struggle for justice is full, but i still have the needs very like a, you know, my political arrivals, not to say enemies. we seem to use a problem. and then the xhylia society at large, the right to there's room is eyes to be in to a even sometimes team is that i, me and they, of course,
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they legitimize me by saying that the, my, i am, i'm very, is that i, it, you know, is same page, where did you this is totally up watched of course i am committed to justice and as a consequence, i'm also committed to justice for. busy all my people beside these. so my struggle is supposed to be it, but it's still a bit a shipment, but a senior, i mean dependence is a product. if i start with full just if, but it is also, as i seek justice for a, these are these because i think the ending of the war and the bloodshed, but a shame may be achieved only by participating in the better age. there is the interest. so these are the people as well. you mentioned to your political arrivals and i heard that in previous interviews here, described them as the mfc on and bigots who actually believe that that
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policy is supposed to bring about the coming of the messiah. that the, their fundamental list and the mirror image of how loss. if so how do you think they understand the messiah and what the values that messiah is supposed to represent? first of all, it is to frame many of the meanings to them about these ill, fox, jim stepped up out of the score, at least, and then government option b a. i think the other doubt file they have 51 being the majority b as a property. unfortunately though, very powerful visa, phoenix on you know, especially, and they, they come to the state of the moment and for them a, you know, life of human beings including these of your sponges, let that load, the police speed is a life of human beings including these ideas so just because of that, the attempt to neglect that even to mock the follies,
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literally inexpensively. it is because they see the blocks of paper, no, are more damaged, you even the wheels of the coming of the messiah. now i do not know how they can see there or see the messiah, but the my, in my life, you have to go there because each day that isn't messiah in there may have been messiah existed in they would have endorsed such a blood test. so it got closed as a serious question of to did just test and send it to you of such a messiah. and they, that's what i can say in mind. you know, i will pretty gay shit. and i were more of a big should whether we'd be leaving books or not. is it no big action, as i said before, is do justice and human beings all human beings and one that makes a distinction between human beings, according to one's gen,
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dale or national knowledge, the color of the scheme, etc. well, if some of them make such a distinction, that's one is a serious. so why would that be the same time, mr. cus? if they are there are certain sort of uh, obligations before your country is put. patio to dirt is an i'm in a very difficult situation here. i think going because of my country is also in the war with its neighbor. although i believe that the rush is conducting. it's more in a different manner, more restrained manner than israel. and i would say the comparison of death tolls a test to them. but in any case, it raises the issue of proportional defense and appropriate targeting. how do you understand israel's right to defend itself? is spirit wrong protest and its limits to the interview with you? i think of the peace side of the saga state the i to defend itself. i also said
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very clearly you 2 days ago that the you, i'm in a talk on is what i was told the jimmy could make an unacceptable. because it, why would a through the so really the, and the live to silver entity and security are based way. absolutely. you know, many of the go thousands of people to go there was a, a csl code, the mako, so i use. and he had the very, yeah, in about the patient. he said, as a human being a, i'm a citizen of the, with a small as a, as a mock was old. i use, i am a citizen before. so i can say the same, but those should not come in too quickly. make sure there's no email that's going to addiction. incomes between being a part for york and the universe that he's going to like into the last on the beach . that's why i've said before, that's for me, it's fighting for just as is a,
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you need this the in the nation. we just cross incorporates into this very race or the very concept to adjust the theme that has to be right. what they've been doing is out of my commitment, which is what the commitment to the so any property which i am committed to standards and comes to tests, which like when we went through universal justice does not go to the extra. you mentioned the latest the rain and strikes as violating is really sovereignty um, unprecedented in school. but i would also add the, the they came as a reprisal for an earlier is really attack on the uranium a diplomatic facility, which was also very notable violation and branch of international norms. why do st winette a national government? what's, what's, what they're saying they are to hear from government, what's trying to save and that initial strike and what their thing they were trying
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to insure for that with the do with, to, in what they said, you know, what they, what would you mean while they treat it after the strike to an easy way and by you on he's the only way to achieve based and stop the bloodshed, these by jacob lising this over. and if you all the states of nations in the engine . so and i, you explicitly expressed minus innovation to say the least of the violation of the subordinate, you'll see any of the need on it. of course i'm nothing people correct, you know, way people treat to go. so i think the only way to stop the blog ship is by recognizing and respecting this over any deal organizations about by the way that should include. ready recognition of the palace theme and the guy to so grab it, they've got to means ending the occupation and establishing an independent palestinian state in the old side, the state of $300.00 out of the only ways to achieve peace and security for all
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around the girl, not only, not only in the ridge, you know, i still guess regarding getting it done. you know, unfortunately this fascist full fledged talk is governmental connect on y'alls is not following or does not care. and he's not acting up on in the interest of dix it be pretty nice. but the bottom of the interesting metal is often it them. yeah. any, be good at all and that's the, that's the only thing that lives there. that's why i continues to be, it would be insane. that's the end of the rest of the is the end is, is to get either of these therapy governments. that is the main enemy of these labs before we are talking about anyone else. but basically, mission process let, let's, let's try to stick with the latest attack and the,
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the logical winette financial that i'm trying to understand. the reason i'm so drawn to it is because up until the rest of the week, the world's attention was on what's going on and gaza. but with this latest scrimmage between israel and iran, that no longer seems like like a number one priority. i wonder if you have any concerns that with this latest skier, why we came going based on the old and the most attain any way that the national government is actually trying to manipulate the global attention and perhaps deflect from what still is going on in gaza. this fortunately i is the, the ongoing masika in regards to the terms of destruction and best store of children of women. it's important because that was not. ringback very, it's not very interested, the international community deflect is, continues for 6 months, even international community, especially in the united states. and they were being you and you were really
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interested in the well being with the palestinians in the very lives of the but a scene as you've got that that's terrible assault was over out months ago. but unfortunately, it seems that don't really care that much more care about their own interest. so the, so in that sense, i'm afraid that the, the probably stands of the new jews as it goes as did choose for many. essentially it's where they may best acute it once bullshit, games oppressed, and nobody cab. now it seems as if i spoke you by the same, will break down with west cube. and nobody cares. now as to what question does, no doubt the money police and the government's anthony, i would say the government wants to bill. so he's by that you felt inc. yep. dish.
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and even if it was a mine, the one on the on going eh, they're the destruction and masika and got the don't the situation a with you the, i got, i agree with you. now i am schools. it terrified of a week of the agent sold court of easily against the von fits for most because the best, the piece over the edge of the ball and beyond. that's what would be a cognitive stuff we've ever experienced before. dictates that shouldn't be smoke the head, it's like a safe. we have to take a very short break right now, but we will be back in just
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a few minutes. stay tuned. the the extra ones, a part where offer to save a number of things rarely can asset the representative dash tile party. mr. cassim, just before the break, you mention that the west, the only cares about its own interest. but it happens to be that the west of interest, once again, or for the 1st time brother involved here because some western media report in the biden administration is involved in a very active diploma scene behind closed doors. trying to make it clear to these railways that they want to avoid any bad. oh,
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that's what have to draw the us troops. and i'm, i same person for that. it's a typical american attempt of trying to have a cake and it's a to being involved without being involved or without bearing consequences. do you think that americans will succeed based time around uh, do they still have the library with nothing? yeah, for him, his people. i think they do, but the question that be question is whether they really interested in doing so do we just measure it for the ongoing muscle, caring godsa in the last week? the last few days, especially since that data, but now they will be joyce, a boy in the west bank and they will a and steve out phone calls love the dead, the po going to spice. if it is under the auspices, they'll be able to patient process against peterson, but it's the new see the west back? i haven't had anything for the united states and the u. about it's that's but often the other thing that they, the government to present is interested
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a to hide or to marginalize. now i'm saying that because the united states, the by themselves was talking for a few months now that the us with nothing very, that i saw that day that this total fair email sent. but his fitness in gaza should that be a degree reduced by the same time it continued so the diesel and the very same. how's the key to the people? it doesn't want to be cute. so i'm saying that because okay. he was speaking. he a, against a and back on a are you on. but i don't know what he's doing in properties because the last few months show that there is a kind of a coordinating decent on seeing me still by this. i think he was in a david see, well,
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i think you're very and here's the thing describing the state or took mental help. it's cognitive. but uh, i want to be very clear. i, i don't want to to say anything about his ends is mentally, i've got smoked my dentist and i don't know, i wish him good else. of course, like any one else. that's not what i meant by going through these thoughts i he failed to ease activity, not to is a mentor as well. any anything else? can i ask her about this uh, very seam and shop for any of of criticism by the by that and the restriction of that is really ally because i have an impression that this whole uh, the whole point of these very high stakes game uh, from these really side is an emotional blackmail of the americans. don't you dare criticize as publicly as, but that's just my reading. how do you understand the disposition of the nothing yeah, from government to these, i mean the united states and specifically, is that the, the, by the ministration?
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are they playing a game of chicken with washington? and how do you see this whole relationship or cindy? all says military political symbiosis evolving over the next couple of years or perhaps decades. best of the same. you know, these exist to many useful dictates. it's not something new. a sick me, you know, everything is out of it. i don't know what's going to happen of the election in the united states. a things may, may change a what they can say is that they at least be a monday police. the police pick up and move this to that. and that then you always being there doing in the last few months of the consequence of the a presto. that the fuse or the they exist if you like a suspension, rest of the piece in a between the 5 she's the most dramatic rate seats and
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foxes that we've seen, these governments. oh, well that's nothing. you know, that's the only thing that we could talk to you as well, by the way, with list at the time to be more valuable and to be more aggressive towards that, but a students, entities on. so that's one side of the question. the other side of the equation is that the, the other week of a president by them and others who probably a one easy way a to know to a, be more aggressive bucks to be less aggressive ends in that obviously even to stop some of the, a medium of the activities and this pressure doesn't let them you don't fly themselves even. i think this, this pressure is the main incentive you in that them. yeah, i was behave, yeah, any thoughts says the adf is not exactly a quote to it now,
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and there have been some reports of primarily in the american media and the american media close to the by the end of ministration that the white house has been trying to persuade the national government to opt for a quote unquote, a limited response on all to respond at all to the is to be rainy and strikes they portrayed as a, as a victory for israel. because most of the missiles and drones have been into a substance, so there is no need to respond at all. and i want to ask you, what do you think that the limit is response can be and that is a real have the military resources at this point of time for a major action lead to long for a prolong confrontation of it around whether, you know, at the same time it a president, a bite and said what you quoted he also was quoted the police and some of the rest the day it for the last couple of days. the people did not see anything if you, but what if, if he decides to acting one way, not do it. we, we face again,
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this kind of a, a, you know, blair o a fuzzy, a party c by both nathan jo, ann invited. so it's very clear for me a whether the items of the me situation evening sees either mine or the reaction or a know the know the option of to or i don't know, it's very tough for me to understand because there's so many go to the beach chance a not between the different publications, but between the things that we still buy themselves and that's that's why don't think i still do the identity with the piece i have a is. it was quote, and they gave me different that newspaper as in china is do with the newsletter upside. that is the way that they might be. for instance, side bill reaction that i do then immediate the you want and they are really don't
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know. the only thing i'm sure about is that the best for everyone. well, the agent as a quote for these ladies as part of that edge, it was, is a, the best is it said the government to be, that was not going to act up to that's, that's really interesting. let's move forward to peace. stop with the military. every option, option, reactions, you know how to montgomery said i fully and i with them every by the blinds while we're the don't think mr. nathan. yeah. for me, it's my husband gotten to a police at this point of time, and i do want to ask you about this because he's been sort of uh, using these right wing sentiment growing up. and they is really a society very certainly he describes him as a, as a fanatic, but i think he has a very experienced and a very short blush. and, and do you think he can afford himself politically, when we go into sort of what they want to de escalate?
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glad to look neutral and not be, you know, gearing on some more military action. but i think these are forbid, there is a possibility. i mean, we can do that i, i do not accept that these are kind of the, you know, making these channels something like that. i totally believe that the last, it's totally in the last few months. let's not forget the piece of responsibility. embarrassed or for their own going a lot. the 3 of these societies, it'd be facing easily responsible for so many fails in our friends. you could imagine a, you know, in defense economy, a party diesel, whatever you can think about the face, the face to face time after time after time. is it, by the way, these are be the designers work. so it's nothing patricia you might do is a cycle box and who lost
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a he said he wasn't so quick. instrumental industrial now is to say that the, the big big goal was the ends eh, psycho particularly as, as well. but the was that i should know in choosing the beams to achieve the scores . now we lost that this way and this our cost, if it's a $3.00 they only about and that's half a person lawyer or perhaps about the largest enrollment. i'm concerning both israel in the united states because it looks like they are both these countries massively losing the economic political social advantages. that's how they have managed to accumulate over decades and over here as they're, you know, expanding and on some uh, very outland ish. and in humane proceeds, don't you agree with that? i don't you happy with it so depressing that issue with them. you know, just right to answer your question because you asked me about that then you know, personally, but they don't usually do. that's not the person the issue. and it's not that we can not put the old blame on it. then you know,
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it's very interesting because today any in our newspaper and there was a, an article that claim that victim jo is not the responsible for the escalation, especially as far as the occupation was concerned. but he is a byproduct of the occupation. i totally agree and we thought the occupation of 9067 is the see the of the, the most of the eh, disease is very society is been going so especially in the last few months and it's a new oh, it's only one of those diseases. i totally agree with you. in the united states, the administration's eh, being supporting the ongoing book, you pasted in practice. every what seems said the patient gets there seems to be have done john. so up to now, there was not even one president, seriously challenged the occupation. so in god says like,
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put to match up the blade to the on going bloodshed that everybody stopped as well . especially the 1st thing is, but these are at least 2. like what am i to, to blame all the different w stations and do like to stick? it's absolutely okay. mr. garcia, in a few minutes then we have left. i want to ask you an impossible question to answer, but the still, how do you see the situation? it's not resolving itself done, at least moving in a slightly more peaceful direction. a s a, of course, the suffering is the manual. the 1st thing that people, but let's not forget that they have more than 1000 these ladies, but bush out by home, us 2 on the 7th of october and they're still 100 percent. if we is there any hostages dying in the diamonds or collapses? so what should to be done to must be what should have been done. months, the goal is to release the hostages and got the means and they'd be very, very,
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a brief breast they will should be stopped. now, the old hostages should be released got the sewage to be repeated. and the most important thing in order to prevent the ongoing blad shit and then other my 2nd is to begin with the serious motion towards to piece and talk necessitates seeing anybody they should be able to patient the siege must be and that the but a senior people, he's entitled to his independence and silver. anything even though it's always the funeral to bite in june $9067.00, we must do it now. that's the only way to save the lives of our people involved, but least seeing as easily as you get a chance to then yes and on and and, and beyond that, because if we don't stop it now, i'm afraid that we are facing,
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we are on the brink of it kept us still feet that will be gaming. and then in these option, individual now is option in war, but the may easily escalate was a where to go we must scope it. it can, it is stop it. but what we, we do office chair as far as we can, we have to week, but we do need the international community on the peace side, not on these. i do want to spend a site on the site or if it gets if we have to leave it there, i really appreciate your time. thank you very much for being with us. i thank you. the best bless us. thank you. let's also going to base and thank you for watching hope this era again, on walter parts the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the us house of representatives approve the total of $95000000000.00 in a to israel, taiwan and ukraine. although most republicans in the congress vote opposed giving to you have more money saying america account afford it. also a head on the program. the not least, 20 civilians are alleged to have been killed by an idea of striking a residential area in southern guns that are coming just hours after american
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lawmakers passed a multi $1000000000.00 aid package for as long as i bridge in the country and made reports that washington is preparing to sanction an idea of unit the 1st time over at human rights violations in the west. and the russian m. o. d confirms its troops how secured yet another settlement in the done yet republic pushing back ukrainian forces who being retreating from the welcome to r t international. my name's you know neil of 30 minutes of news news starts now. the us house of representatives has brought the key of a 61000000000 dollar war chest, notably, however, most republican congress members officially oppose the bill which could have implications for ukraine. should donald trump, when the members presidential election,
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rushes foreign ministry spokesman also slammed the motion, saying it, and other pos bills will only fuel more unnecessary violence around the world. as the us allocation of motor a to a crane these drilling tie, one will aggravate global crisis mailed for a to the key of regime is a direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. males for a to tie one is ending to sealants in china's into another says no to a to israel is a direct pass to an unprecedented escalation in the region. so the us house of representatives, after months of gridlock, has finally passed the a deal to ukraine. $61000000000.00. now all amendments and there were some rather creative amendments that were proposed. all the amendments to the bill were rejected and the bill passed. now it's been passed with the intent to rebuild arsenals. there was $95000000000.00 in total that was given for $4.00 and $8.00 is
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they separated. the ukraine aid, the taiwan aid and the aid israel. mike johnson, who became the republican speaker of the house of representatives, had pledged, unlike his predecessor that he would not bring this bill up. you would not bring it to a vote, but he changed his mind. and i guess on the terms that this was alone, he was okay to go along with it. not one democrats voted against the bill. and but the majority of republican congress members did. that's quite the divide when it came to grant. and there was a lot of outrage from, from republican members of congress. they felt that this was not in the united states entry is now leading. the charge was marjorie taylor green, the representative of georgia. and she was seconded by many members of her party. rather intense speeches were given prior to the voting. you say the united states tax payer has already sent $113000000000.00 to ukraine. and a lot of that money is on, accounted for you. claim is not
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a member of nato. but the most important thing due here in washington dc, is though we have to spend americans hard earned tax dollars over to you, a crane, and keep the money going to continue to murder ukrainians. wipe out an entire generation of ukrainian men, 2 and a half years into this war. we still don't know what success looks like. is it cry me a, is it all of the don't boss is a hold what you got? we don't know. we just can't afford it. this new spending. $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending. mean it go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and by the way, while i was speaking, we have added another $5500000.00 to the national debt. now the previous speaker of
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the house kevin mccarthy was ousted when he made what man described as a secret or back room deal to try and go forward with funding for ukraine. and now thomas massey and marjorie taylor green to outspoken republicans who opposed a due grand say they want the same thing to happen to mike johnson. they, they say he was replaced that he replaced kevin mccarthy and was brought into office to oppose this kind of deal. he made this kind of deal and they want him, alice did. so we shall see what happens next. i'm concerned that the speakers kind of deal with the democrats of fun for mores rather than to secure a border. how did a bill that was intended for veterans that came out of the house become a bill that may bring us to the brink of war, at least 3 places on the globe by sending a 100000000000 dollars to military contractors. how if you creating officials reacted to the bill being passed, the ukrainian president has already responded in kind with great, thanks the personally bank speaker of the house mike johnson for making the deal that he promised not to make. we had
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a message from zelinski that might have online, but let's also recall a statement made by the ukranian president a few days prior to what i but we suggest that this is not a secure leticia. then this is pure politics and to be honest, it is a shameful. the world is just a shame for democracy for everyone who owns it, talks about democracy. well, if congress takes and divides the site off to all that has happened into his rod and you credit in parts, and that means this is an election issue in the united states. now 23200000000 of the a will be used to restock ukrainian weaponry. 11.3000000000 of the aid will be provided for the training of ukrainian troops by the united states. and $61000000000.00 in total has been allocated by the us congress to provide to ukraine to continue the conflict at this point. uh, there's
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a lot of anger on the republican side. there is a lot of anger on the democratic side that it took. so long and it appears american politics is much more polarized than it has been in quite some time. the very big disagreements about u. s. foreign policy and how american taxpayer money ought to be spent or us corresponding caleb and speaking to me immediately after the bill is past no senate candidate for new york state diane sar tool and r t that instead of using the couch for developing the u. s. washington prefer suspended on the global conflicts, as i think there's probably more going ons and needs to be, i don't know if it's related to the lumen blow out of the trans atlantic financial system. i find it frankly embarrassing that the congress would spend so much time and effort, debating policies which are going to inflame the world,
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which don't help the united states and have consequences which i would find horrific. i would not want on my conscience if i were a member of the elected body, so i'm not sure it probably has to do with election cycles and uh, primaries and all kinds of factors that are not obvious. it's not going to change the situation. now you might ask, how could a $174000000000.00 affect the lives of the american people? could we not repair our railroads? uh, could we not do something about water management power management, there would, would have some real used, or if we wanted to do real reconstruction, that would raise the standard of living. but that's not the game when you fall into the mindset of m. fire. everything has to be looted, it said devolving spiraling collapse and where ultimately the, the empire economy begins to cannibalize itself. and i think that's really where we
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are. and it's, it's a terrible tragedy because that's not the purpose of the united states. i don't think anything we've done with visa b. ukraine has been about ukraine. i mean, they've only suffered from this so weird spend sending money to american military contractors in order to torture the nation and people of ukraine. i think americans perhaps aren't that aware of that, although many of them have a sense of it, it would be one thing. you know, i make the argument that we should spend money going to the moon. we don't spend the money on the moon, we spend it here, and it does boost our spin off technologies on the american workforce. this is like some kind of sick per version of that. that was us. congress members also approved $8000000000.00 to quote country china. a large part of that symbol go directly and military had to tie one which page and considers its own territory.
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chinese officials launched the washington, the head of the votes on capitol hill. the united states is good at using 8 as a bargaining chip and using care and stick to force developing countries to do what they say, which results in a serious lack of coherence. and it's a policy and undermines the sustainable development of recipient countries. or canadian political analyst, alex reporter, fee safe beijing should consider sending weapons to some american island to get more sinks in a taste of what it's doing with taiwan. once again, wake up america. i mean, the tax peers of america must be furious today. i guess there's jubilation and celebration in the streets of israel in the streets of kiev. and well, also in china's promise to tie one. now, if we look at this from, you know, a practical point. why would america, who has a, you know,
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is $12240.00 not to compile some grade from time one feel that it is necessary to come over with representatives to aggravate, poke fun at the, you know, the chinese government and say, hey, well, we're at it, let's raise a $8000000000.00 of our us taxpayers. money to arm your island against yourself. it's. it's absolutely crazy. we have to, you know, hold the american government accountable here wouldn't be americans accept chinese representatives to fly into. i don't know, new york manhattan and meet with local government officials there and say, hey, you know, we're in the mood to bring a $1000000000.00, a chinese artillery and arms and put them on your island. eric as well. maybe we think washington is a threat to you as well. the big figures didn't stop there either. us congress also passed a $17000000000.00. a package for israel from us, was clicked to strongly condemn the move coming and made the devastating war in gal
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. so just hours after the us, i signed off on the bill, israel bomb the southern most gals in the city of what offsets killing at least $22.00 civilians, according to local officials, the 18 children are reportedly among the victims, the garrison health ministry said the idea of killing more than 50 people over the weekend. the latest strikes, locked in several residential buildings, and the death toll is expected to rise as local sift through the ruins in search of politics is realized gearing up for a full scale round invasion of an office where a run one and a half 1000000 palestinians are shopping and a shocking discovery has reportedly being made in the neighboring gals and city of con eunice, some 200 bobbies helping on earth in a mass grave. oh, it's not a hospital there. according to local media. these really military recently withdrew
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from the medical facility, after occupying it for months, listed in certain i, flocking to the scene in hope of finding the remains of their missing relatives. we heard from some of the 3 bun holly i'm, i've been here for 5 days. i've been trying to find my brother's christmas and we've been exposed to sons. that will be in our memories forever. we don't want to me, can you tell me right now is all full and what did they do to suffer through the? the last week i came to our house model only to see it destroyed in if my friend told me they're on mass graves at nasa hospital sort of thing. so i been coming there for 5 days to find my son to see him, but i don't see his name and he hasn't been identified yet. one of the bodies are all piled up there. well, just like the book, the said, i didn't look at some of the full these ones. great. some of these with god and 2nd, greenland, that's of how people will force to degrade. said to bury the dead them because these really all me have to look at the costs and, and now i'm well, every human being should have their own great uncle buddy. the 3rd straight day of
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classes has been seen in the west bank. it follows the killing of more, the dozen people in, and there's really raid on the nurse shelves. refugee camp on sunday, according to the palace daneen, red crescent, among the dead was a part of magic who was shot while trying to help the wounded. the idea for reportedly use drones, an armored vehicles to clear the comp where the ledge militants are hiding. i'd. here's what the local said. i bought this situation. this is the 1st time in our history that we've seen such destruction, such devastation, such criminality. we've never seen or heard of anything like this rolling heard of gaza and this is the 2nd guy. so this has become gods. and number 2, it was triple destruction of home depot. high above the ball. we haven't had electricity a waters since the campus stormed. the electricity has been cut off. we have children, they need to move, they need to eat. we have run out of the bread and milk. i read this on 5 of my
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children live in these house, and each of them has a flaw. the army demolished them. old. i was visiting my son's house in and out of the area of the camp on thursday nights when these happened. and people told me it has been demolition as well. we heard from the palestine red crescent society spokes person who's based in the west bank and the ball far suck, confirmed the death of a volunteer from the a group on a cruise. the idea of denying part of medic success to the besieged area one o one b or c as one and 2 years was the sharp. we'd like any addition. what he was conducting is a miniature in the room, inside the account and a week on those ends of pools present, as is st. people in addition to others were injured. and we asked for a couple of hours, we were completely denied to reach them because of the complaint. is there any seat
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on the cam on an even is there any forces is taught arrow detains a once over here, rough teams for more than half an hour before they're leasing their own land on our own, them to transport those since the beginning of the world that one does the history and i have been systematically tracking the health care system. i'm sure there's some in, despite the fact that you minutes already is and health care workers shouldn't be respected at times and protected 17 p r cs numbers. how big jewels since the beginning of the water on the boss of the printer, standard address and continued to call on the international community to have an urgent action to put more pressure in order to have a 3rd. when sees fire, that's with no fees, and they'll stay in the military and access to all areas of casa and what is going
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on for more than 6 months. and that is on next up to that we have senior civilians being attacked and targeted. there is no aspect of life involved, so we're talking about this significant destruction also begins homes where more than 70 percent of civilians, home in the us, the have been destroyed. most of the population are know internally displaced. they are living in tents or a school lacking doctors to pull to water as when i am education. for now, israel's president has claimed he regrets the suffering of guidance has been bombed by the idea for the past 6 months. but honestly like hurts song made the blame squarely on from us on its one day terror attacked on october 7th. i take care of my neighbors, the palestinians. i really do care. it breaks my heart that they have been drawn into this terrible situation under the terror from us in the gaza strip, but they initiated this attack. they killed, kidnapped, dismembered,
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and burned innocent civilians. and it is such a tragedy that her mazda has brought upon the palestinian people. well, we got reaction from is really active as i l rosenberg. they seized the president's latest statement, actually flies in the face of his own previous rhetoric on the war. it is, some of the presidents have so himself said that there are, there are no innocent people in gaza, essentially giving the okay to the targeting of all godson's all civilians, all peoples in that stretch of lands. and now, naturally i see, well, find somebody else to accuse never themselves, never taking responsibility is rarely fed, especially high ranking is where it is rarely officials, they know the situation and because they know the number of deaths and they,
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they don't really believe the propaganda. they uh, they use facing the outside, they're supposedly doing everything they can to limit civilian casualties. they're either responsible themselves or very well aware of how is real is creating the current situation and guides us as targeting of civilians the, the, the mass hunger. and so they are willing parts and central parts and elements of this ongoing side of the crimes or even the genocide they know this and, and, but they must deny it because to not deny the monthly with a legal case already going on is politically suicidal. and maybe even dangerous for that personally. surrounding this washington is preparing to sanction . um is really military unit for the 1st every time that is according to media report, citing us state department officials who say action will be taken against the net
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your food to tell you over human rights violations in the west bank. the still to be confirmed move has sparked and like, crying is really the sanctions must not be imposed on these real defense forces at a time when our soldiers a fight in the monsters of tat right of intention to end all sanctions on an idea. a few that is the hides of upset at sea and to morrow load, the government headed by me will act using all means against these most sanctions on our soldiers is a red line minister gallant, and must immediately back in a j a who to if not we will take them in as great heroes. 2 years ago, washington began investigating the idea battalion over its involvement in violence against palestinians. recent media reports save of a special state department panel recommended that the us should sanction is really military units that have been incredibly accused of human rights abuses. when asked about that some days ago,
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america's top definitely my pledge to take action. so i think you're referring to the so called late a law and our work under that. so this is a very important law and it's one that we apply across the board. and when we're doing these investigations, these inquiries is something that takes time that has to be done very carefully, both in collecting the facts and analyzing them. and that's exactly what we've done . and i think it's fair to say that you'll see results very soon. i made determinations, you can expect to see them in the days ahead. the next the you who the battalion operates in the west bank. it was formed as a special unit for ultra orthodox, also known as hard ready jewish men to serve in the military. the us sanctions in question would deny those as really troops access to american arms training and any other assistance. or we discussed the case with yankee farber, a journalist, and
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a former member of thoughts very idea battalion. he questioned why the us isn't focusing on its own track record of devastating military interventions instead of scrutinizing his real. and i wonder if on medicaid is investigating and american all me after day only in child, and they only unfold and they are responsibility for kidding? probably hundreds of 1000 innocent civilian so around us it's gonna be some it for me, i'm on a maybe some of the country. so i think even america support fee for the never thing. they all the last people to judge other, eh, you know, what, a folder, especially a, my df about everybody knows if something is wrong and you can always find the all me. and the really all means investing i can get, i don't know, maybe prisoners by den needs vote meets or people to vote for them in michigan. because and we know many, many moves and people hate it by them because it's a full sales was. so, you know, it came to whoever from one of the stuff on one side, underneath the funny stuff. on the other side,
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this is america. i think it's more like a good american setting these right as well. if you don't stop watching, you will solve those. we're going to punish you so, and that's okay. well that was like, really easy to pick on them. because then you have some, a, a, you know, background, but the, you know, problems, but then again, the last time to have anything was going to follow him. 22. since then the idea is this something about it. we can see the last 4 were you looking happen? and yeah, this is the way i'm a guy. you know, they switch and then if you don't do anything they probably shoot. i don't think they need to be ready. you of relations can view more in the world. and it seems because, you know, in the last few months, the very, the government and these ladies and the american, the government didn't do so went together only when he killed one, only when they go through you long. so the american, of course helped us when he comes to politics, the situations americans are not very happy with these ladies. i don't think it
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would be worse than it seems. now. what is the rails opposition? leader has also labeled the reported us section planned a mistake, but the entry love pete shifted the blame for the idea from unit struck record to the incumbent and national security minister as well as the finance chief. they mean they're not interested in peace in the west bank we spoke with is really human rights commented and jealous and public. besides, it's senior idea of commanders who should be the ones held accountable for violations by their troops. it is high time for it, for them to be sent for 4 days or the army to be sanctioned for these things. but i find it odd this thinking that a specific unit is removed from the operation of logic of the rarely army as a whole. a single unit cannot operate outside the policy of updates or the arm. it's a complete misunderstanding of how the through the military military works. what does that mean? that the single unit is being sanctioned?
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is this unit operating on its own? is this unit, not part of the fairly army? if that unit, not implementing a fairly policy? how does that work? what is the logic behind the sanctioning a single unit? i mean, i welcome to essentially is of course, but what is the logic behind sanctioning a single unit with obviously, if the policy of the is really army and is really government for decades and 2 or press, the nice thing is to deny their, their, their, to they not, they, they not in their basic rights and to implement a system offset their colonialism in the starting. what we see timing, again is really army destroying the listing in communities and destroying the lines of posting and started posting and communities meeting genocide in the community, ethnic cleansing into with band. and this is not some isolated incidents of
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the specific cases of robin and those that fall far from the tree. so these are the intrinsic, paul, this is the interesting policy updated. really army, an update for the government. all right, let's turn attention to the conflicting ukraine and don't boss russian forces have secured the village of, of delegate in the new republic. the russian defense ministry stays the side was secured by units of its southern combat. group retreating, ukrainian troops tried to country attacked twice, but were repelled. according to moscow, it adds key of last, at least $440.00 soldiers to fight thing in a 24 hour period in that area are senior correspondent. but i'll go see if can tell us more from the product the collapse among you've created defendants. but yeah, on the 19th of april where they began to leave their positions,
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which they had defended vs the resist the one attacks. but they began abandoning that and so just a heavy egypt. so just those who put is, uh will gals will lead by themselves a mobilize many of be now take it as prisoners of will, but by russian forces. they all being all being treated for the news in bucks on a field which is just outside the box. move just to the north of it. the russian forces of a record of the russian flags force the russian flag of the ruins of bucks out of gonna be his especially bad news. the credit, because this means a pulled out and sold for 3 directions on trusts of yacht, which is the last strong point. the last major you create in strong board, outside of box, which is where you cause the value gradient defensive operation for box. what happened again, this is going to be difficult,
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baffled because it is elevated costs of yacht itself as well as easy see thing. settlement for the pri will population of 12 and a half 1000 people. but again, these, this was a slew of losses territorial concessions by you fred. since the full of of dave now in moscow has hosted on meeting of 5 political groups from moldova, you've agreed to team off against their country's pro e u government. the opposition functions help create as a joint block that's being backed by russia. the groupings leaders say they are aiming to own st incumbent, my son do in october, his presidential election, sitting there on happy with her push to slush ties with must go in favor of brussels. well drove us top court recently, green lids, i propose referendum on the countries paid to join the we heard from unsure the mold, open opposition figure who spear heading, then you call it. so what didn't was that what we have created
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a blog to when the presidential election and the referendum on new york session west tries to turn moldova into a testing ground for military operations and stature rate. our citizens with weapons, without asking the west, does all it can to fill our country with migrants. freedom of speech is completely absence in moldova, 13 opposition channels have been closed. this year, all opposition leaders are under arrest. the to the west back is aggressively and harshly those opposition to forces and parties that are ready to fight for mold over to the end. haven't gathered here, and i am sure that we will succeed. we see our future on a common platform of social and economic cooperation like the commonwealth of independent states. i am sure that more than 60 percent of molto was population supports us. and i am sure that the referendum on will do it was a membership, and that will be in our favor in favor of common sense. we have already seen criminal cases,
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arrests and many other things. and i'm sure that this will go on all our parties. consider rush out a friend, a partner, and they close associate. today we are asking rush out to help us in our struggle for survival. i am grateful to russia for giving us the opportunity to meet here. it is important that it's worth a lot because a friend in need is a friend indeed. well, not is there a lot for an hour, but do keep across the very latest developments today by checking out our socials,
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wherever you see that green and black r t logo give it a follow the the hello and welcome defrost of boulevard. here we discussed some real name. oh yeah. yeah. let me about now sometimes when you look in the face, sometimes the,
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the my but not the what? the heck move, happy adult. my, i don't pay my what on the of the is a war of neighbor against neighbor, brother against brother, father against the amendment. get 2 wounded. i'm captured now just what is the legal status of these prisoners who have been fighting their fellow citizens within the borders of their own country?
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do they have any rights or protection against mistreatment? the car we will you back the we don't we got the thing william wade, let the old p i'm run, we're loud now. the labels us and on that and then also we just be the most hey my, they will come mind that we mouth game. i do remember the c i d a and we did the did the and i made the
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the ok, so what about that lab? but we do not over the world that are don't right now we need to we don't send going more slowly but they do not see them face not me. who made
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the man? no, no, no, no no. no, no, no no. no no,
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no. are you guys gonna look through my new email last night? i take it out. a lot of uh like not to cheat. i love the night. i dr. young. well, not the the big out building around. no problem. can i go from there? yeah, no, no, mike, i'm gonna look pretty nice but you know, i get that that higher light the bottom.
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okay. uh what day or night matter. yeah. no problem. bye bye. now i don't know the more the camel man. no, no, no, no, no,
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no, no, no. okay. who for the for the white one the, the the, and the size the time the my as had my pay not the been last hey my sound. so late upside into like that have got an apple that would be
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typing stuff for me that how much i need to go pay my down to man. when you buy it, he was a balance. had to be paid off by not the
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to the to a jeff will waive the long dollars out too late. they all got a little busy don't. uh, i know how much the bought the, the, the, i'm not the my how we all are and how we got on the don't come from
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the 3. well blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. by the way, i know that day my jody don't be what let don't go book. i'm not the only game. i get the fact that god love the food that the the we died in the the 5th and tell me the doodle sound bako died. and the head go down. yeah, i go to the bank, i buy sounds, then the height of down the sound with the, with the bus on the inside the and help along. and i just,
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i felt you only know what that means. the those be with the leading. i'm doing the same. we a lovely song. we'd love to know nothing these old enough to be lovely. look you without a couple things i may do, but let me look at the uh, the units that we always chaplain
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the those i yeah. uh, timeline is 82. 05. okay. the the, the on the oh, well assume that the take a fresh look around is life kaleidoscopic. isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to vision with no real opinions.
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pictures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as but can you see through their illusion going underground? can of the the lady to the new mother. i don't know what the, what i like to leave early in the face. i'm currently own got
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a lot really. i don't know yet, cuz i'm late the day just be all on zillow knew why the delayed in front of the come come late. be yeah. to
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that. huh. safe bogged down? my name is heidi the of the
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the how do you go about forgiving people who did that to your wife if you can, if you can find you more without mobile adult we like go. we go. yeah. we don't know how to navigate good by young to a good thing about a top i love over how loud they 9. anyway, lou c 8. 0 wow. big at all. oh, well, look at those times with i know full control of what the title try to find. you
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might. how do we have him come the it'd be good to move whole. we know that been done for them. but what are you? why do you pay now? now, oh wow, wow. how now the new one. take it and help it out? yeah, yeah. so you're not sure. yeah. ok. what code of people to go back to a 5 day, most of the time, now you come to the paper, but you come pay,
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know who the no choice. i what was done by the don't we do it here we get what they do. do that way. go now the only way it looked at the door sometimes move them into in a good how. what was going to go past the
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man right now then they don't want to be looked on the same problem with the time. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, i'm a new
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way to do you know what a fucked up party you go from paying my lot longer a long can you be able to come really to that was
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what is well, you go do you know what crazy you know, tall, beloved, after not during the good i would video. that's what the the same mind. yes. on sounds. number number, your thought, the, what the movie to get on the mountain to what i'm going to come by and go to my lane the way
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home. so this is the resting place. what i'd like to know is some of your fondest memories of your mom. know who my authority is up with you, if you name and being a hook up with let's say you don't 1000, we all the packing the one time. see how name the little bit on the go. we know know the vinyl home to google. now, all of them down the hill, i named the little thing. yeah. go the my dad he comes over. that's how my mind, you know you, they like go ahead and talk now lou doing the new month. although on the road, i'm not the well how come home town? why i the one now her name level, let's say we got the by life the most. i'm the, i know you're out of order. yeah. you go, we now the lineup. how do we go and talk melody?
7:56 pm
i think you can see if you are welcome, then go ahead and guide by your phone and let me know and you all, what day you will be populated. you will be bob malcolm. boy, why they let that all of you walk on y'alls don't, don't. yeah, i knew i found a leveling with the gum mobile has only the back now go to the lead to the
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a a a, a, [000:00:00;00] a,
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[000:00:00;00] the me, a, a, [000:00:00;00] the release of russian states never is as tight as on the phone in the most sense community best, most all sense and up the in the 65 with the keys 195 and speed. what else calls question about this?
7:59 pm
even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians to day and split the ortiz full tech, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center for question. did you say steven twist, which is the hello and welcome defrost of full horses here,
8:00 pm
we discussed the wheel and the the, the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the the, the us house of representatives approves a total of 95000000000 dollars in a to israel, taiwan and ukraine. although most republicans in the congress vote oppose giving


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