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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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the list of the entire body of rick sanchez. i've been reporting news for most of my life. worked at fox cnn nbc. when a couple of the bodies interviewed presidents us also well. yeah. gorbachev. castro manuel noriega. that experience has made me understand that new should be honest and direct and impactful on this show today, speaking of those things, another missile attack and that civilians in belgrade, russia pass lot black rock big in india and the ron retaliates. if that's what you want to call it, i would, honest, direct impact with this is direct impact. the
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i found 2 other guys who are honest, direct and impactful. and before we get into the stories, i want to introduce them to you. here we go, my esteemed panel on this day, as we often use join political scientist, dr. wilmer leon. not a bad golf or by the way, political and covet theater garland mix and a guy who knows his way around different courses. both are co hosts of the critical our on radio. sputnik gentlemen, thank you so much for being here. let's get started here on big story this week. obviously the whole world was wondering, oh my gosh, what are they going to do to retaliate? they did. they retaliated, well, it was kind of a pretend attack on israel this week. they didn't, so by providing a 5 hour notice to the united states, so that the u. s. could have plenty of time to shoot down it's antiquated, drones and missiles. we know that because the iranian source came on this show this
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week and told us that here is a report though, from cbs that says the us will not help is real. even though we actually did help israel. the u. s. official with direct knowledge of the conflict in israel tell cbs news president bite and told prime minister benjamin netanyahu. america will not participate in a retaliatory strike on iran following saturdays drone in missile attack. wilma, i'll start with you. good, dr. because it seems to me that you say we're not going to help you is real. but a match reality. if you shut down all of missiles that they shot and then you'd have to help them, didn't you? you, did you gave them the weaponry? uh you, you gave them intelligence you gave them. in fact, in the beginning you actually gave, gave a run the green light to go ahead and do what they did. because the agreement was me. you don't hit civilian targets. if you only target the, the, the,
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the basis hm. and the, the communication systems that were tied to the attack on you, you're with, in international law. go ahead and do it. so the united states was very, very helpful in, in more ways than to it would seem to me that if we have to, i mean, i'm not here to be a fan of a ron's or anybody for that matter. i'm a journalist and i tell stories, but it seems to me, given what happened to them the week before when israel kept their embassy and assassinated to their leaders, i think it, ron showed a lot of restraint. oh yeah. well, 1st of all, they were justified under international law. they did go to the united nations and they said what they were going to do. and they gave their legal justification for it. i think on iran one and a lot of ways. number one, part of this was a probing attack that they would understand israel in the air defenses. the other part was something was demonstrated and explained that by the way, you just said something really interesting that nobody in the media is talked about in, during that attack. they actually watched where the air defense system missiles but
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shut down their missiles came from and they got a note of all that and that, and not just israel, but because the united states, france, u. k, basically new mean and united states. yes, the us and it's a call the needs of dissipated. so what we saw was this, if you're honest, israel could not defend themselves. the is really military did not defend israel time. it took all of nato to unsuccessfully defend israel from a full probing attack. if 5 hours of warning, right? if there was a tremendous success for rod technologically militarily. and then ultimately we saw that does, does iran, i mean, excuse me, does israel have a military if they've got to get 10 countries to defend it? well, you know, what's interesting, everything that you just said is very different from what the hawks in the more cabinet in israel. i've been saying, they came out and said, we did amazing. did you see what we did?
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we knocked down all their missile. we the that's the worry has changed because it went from initially 90 percent. now it's down to about 84 percent. mm hm. and it's also important to look at how or ron did what it did. they sent the slow old drones in 1st. yeah. then they said in ballistic missile, correct, and all that rate, you're not precision. got it. and all that. and then they say cruise missiles and me and they're collecting data the entire time. and then the united states fleet that was out in the mediterranean when their radar came on and they tied in to the is really radar. mm hm. now ron is reading us radar. so they collect in and so at the end of the day, for as unsuccessful as mainstream media wants this to be a rod, everybody in the world now knows a rod can hit you when they want to,
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where they want show a force and you can't do anything the only the only caviar and all of this is between us and yahoo still needs to both prolong the war and expand the war. and his way of doing that may be wrong. if he doesn't do that, he's going to be not only on elected or not elected, but he could be going to jail. so that's the wild card and all of this, does anybody want to comment on? yeah, i think one of the things that certainly he worries me about along with the wrong for i see he does, but i think his options have been limited by the united states. now he knows he has is options are limited. and the other thing is this one of the things that the israelis have enjoyed in the region is impunity for their actions. they could bomb damascus, they could bomb anybody, they want to. yeah. and never have to worry about leasing, coming back. they don't have that. impunity now they know now if they taken aggressive military action, there was a great potential that they will suffer all ad this. there's been various
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discussions about the numbers of people that were at been green airport leaving, leaving israel. but there is no question. there were some leaving if he were to provoke a much larger response from iran. how was israel going to exist if all of the people that have dual citizenship say, i don't feel safe here. yeah, going, yeah. yeah, there was a lot of people who are thinking about getting out of there right away and they still wanted to even make their living now and is the economy is decimated. that's a great point. there has been speaking of a tax. there has been another attack. this one in belgrade. that's a border town, that's a stones throw away from ukraine. so here it is, and i'll take you through it. the. okay, those are the sirens going off within the last 24 to 48 hours right there in belgrade. the, the, the good news from the russian point of view is because bel garage been hit so many times rush, i put in its own air defense system and almost everything was shut down,
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save one missile. and apparently 2 houses were uh, were destroyed. only one person was sent to the hospital and then they were released from the hospital. but here we have a central ration where it seems, according to a story in the washington post just this morning that the zalinski is being told by the united states, that he should not attack russia because they're worried that if he hits these oil platforms, for example, that's gonna raise the price of oil and it would hurt mr. biden's election chances because that means the price of gas would go up, which is interesting that that's all the united states seems to be concerned about . i would be concerned about starting world war 3 in this case, wouldn't you? absolutely. in fact, we also, i think have to tie that back to what a ron did before the launch, the missiles, they seized a cargo ship in the straits of port moves to demonstrate to the united states that we can shut down the red sea. we can shut down the strength of hormones and now,
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as you're looking at november of 2024 and a in joe biden, who wants to be president? yeah, if you're paying $300.00 a gallon for gas, the likelihood of his re election has moved from very, very difficult if not slim to none. yeah. men could do that wrong, could do that. apparently, the russian, there's a lot of places where we can have, but here's another part of the story, which i think government is fascinating. the lensky is basically telling the west and the united states look, i don't have any soldiers. i don't have any weapons left. i don't have any money left, so all i can do is basically love missiles into russia, and you want me to stop loving missiles into russia and give me more money. you know, i isn't that the best thing is that he's blackmailing us by doing this. that's, i mean, and we're like, i'm probably gonna fall for it. i also think that the zalinski is very concerned for his own safety that he's surrounded by people who are extreme missed, who hate russia. so as he's losing on the battlefield as everything's collapsing
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about around him, maybe the only thing he can do to keep him at bay is some kind of active look. i chose a couple of russians. so guys get off my back for awhile, man. the gentleman we have to remember, and i say this to everyone out there who maybe doesn't know russia hate them like them, whatever. they have more nuclear warheads than we do. you do not use american weapons to lob bombs into russia at some point that bare will wake up and you're not going to like the response. i don't understand why i'm the one saying this as well, or maybe the only one say, well you've got it 1st where you bought it. you have to be very thankful that not only president put in but right. you see has been very reserved gigi and paying has been very, yeah, there's more, was there to that. going to allow themselves to be baited into an action that they have not already planned for. they want to countries that aren't showing restrained in the world right now. is the united states and israel and your great along with
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canada developers, ukraine. yeah, and germany, but the that are the countries that are showing restrict we are not showing was that right now is not showing restrict you. credit is not showing. i mean, obviously ukraine is, you know, uh, you know, it is doing whatever the hell it wants to do. one of the things really quickly richard got always looked at in terms of, you mentioned the money. this is a money laundering scheme. mm. so who makes the missiles, who, you know, the 11th. oh yeah. yeah. so it's, it's, it's a money laundering scheme. you know, i, i would add something to go ahead to it. it's important. look, if you read a book called conjuring hitler, you find out that the west created the nazi war machine to go after the soviet union, the soviet union. they created a faster state. now they've created what is become too fast to states, ukraine, and israel, and just like they, they is it 1st crash the state got out. and when you create a fashion state, at some point they get out of control. and that's what's happening. both of these are irrational, they're out of control just like the 1st when they create it. and yeah,
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that's fascinating, that you would say that and you're not the only one saying. and then of course, just for saying that you're going to be accused of being an anti semite. again, this next one is just too easy. it's about the number one chicken heart in the entire world. certainly the entire country. a guy wants to send our kids to fight in wars with russia, china, iran, cuba then as well. and of course, he himself has never fought anywhere. he knows a lot about geo politics, but cnn thinks he is. mustache makes him just so hot. they have him on almost daily over there. so i don't even need to tell you what i'm talking about because you're going to know right away here it is. and you've said you're going to ride someone in in november. that's what i did in 2020 and i'll do it again. this november. who did you ride in in 2020. you've never revealed that before. well, uh, i might as well say it. now i voted for dick cheney. wow. and i'll vote for dick cheney again. this november, oh my god, but i'm boom,
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isn't that just perfect? who do you want to know what else i want the guy who started the last most disastrous war in the history of our country. that's who mr. war hawk wants in the white house. this is a money laundering the oh, yeah, the guy who was also the president of he was really depressed the united states also by the way, owned or was the ceo of one of the biggest war contractors in united states. and look you out of our look at and look at the value of halliburton before versus after that. that's where you, that's where your tax dollars are going. and that's why your tax dollars are going there. and he went from being a guy who made maybe a $110000.00 a year was a congressman to one of the richest man in the country. correct? well, i would argue here in 2020, he voted for dick cheney, and he got it. george a go back just to explain it to in fact, victoria newton. what dixie and he's assisted. wow. a by and went out and brought
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in a whole bunch of the same people that dick cheney had. so he got dick cheney. why wouldn't be vote for him? a 2nd, so that's actually probably a pen. you know what i i didn't think about he's right. he's absolutely. he's right . the rock obama did it on the finance side. yeah. and a good boy. yeah. mama did it on the finance side. and joe biden did it so, so in the middle, it's, according to you gentlemen, our last president of the united states have been dick cheney, dick cheney to jenny to turn it in. okay, we're, we're going to be back in just a minute or so i gotta be, i gotta show you something else which you're gonna have. so literally, i think it's fascinating, it's india. and to huge corporations to, to say the least cash flow and black rock, they don't get much better than that. they have just for billions and billions of dollars into an economy that's already headed to the moon. economically speaking, we're talking about india and we'll do so when we come back the
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valley, her, my little sister store. okay. the model girl that i got you, no problem seem to them out of the know nothing documents yet side of the drive. i showed my brother through he was cited to help people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well, i guess i lost my list of the outcome of chicago police. it'd be gang and chicago is like, you get for the police, you lose your life as another crime. say another could have been a doctor. a nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here the
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all right, here we go. welcome back. this is direct impact. i'm rick sanchez. and now let's talk in the gentleman how about it? india seems prime to re elect the neuron. the moti. of course. uh, that's gonna take about 7 weeks. it's a heck of an election. they have over there, starts this weekend if the economy has anything to do with it, he is a show in, i mean, i started putting together some numbers when i started looking into the indian economy 1st. let's look at the chart that shows there where they're gps, they, they're the blue line. now obviously everybody knows that china is through the roof, right? well, china is the orange line. the blue line is india, so they've already beaten them when it comes to it. now obviously, when it comes to manufacturing, when it comes to tack, when it comes to chips, you know, china is still, i have of india, but they really are getting ready to become the 3rd biggest economy in the world. they're 5th right now. meanwhile, black rock, the biggest company in the world,
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perhaps in the history of the world, just announced a multi $1000000000.00 deal with them. and then test plus type thing as well. and they announced this that's your thought. john tesla is cranking up for a mega entry into india. senior officials from the company will soon be meeting comments and industry minute stuff use go through reportedly finalize. they've gone towards the investment at operations, a standing, and you've got to give motor credit. you've got to give the lead credit. i mean, what us, what an economy. i mean, they're saying, you know, it's going to be a 10 trillion dollar economy within the next 70. that's not the, these guys are really taking it to the mon, only one. interesting part of the story is china doesn't like what they're doing. china thinks maybe they're going a little too far west. what are the great things about? india has been they've always been able to remain neutral. i am not saying they're not remaining neutral. they're playing with the devil with black rock. so what
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everybody else does? they've got money. they're going to take it. what are you guys? think of this whole china development thing? well, the, the indian development, pardon me. the i in bricks is in the or yeah, yes it is. and the, and so with tesla makes a move in that direction when black rock makes a move in that direction. interesting that to me tells me the directions that in the world economy is headed because the see in bricks stands for china. yes. and so we're, you made a point for sale so fast for you, you made a or as russia. yeah. you made a point earlier if you've got some money. uh, put it in india. mm hm. that to me is a global indication in china is, is saying to, to india, we don't like the direction that you're going. but china isn't talking about overflowing the government. no, china is talking about, we've got to find a way to sit down and work this out. well,
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china is mad because yelling. just went there a couple of weeks ago and gave them. but we talked about this right yelling with over there in the lecture and the chinese, how dare you go into the manufacturing space. we don't want you making electric cars. we're going to make electric cars. so test, but now goes over to india and said, no, you make electric cars for us. and china saying, why are you doing that with them? they don't know anything about this. if you're going to do it, do it with us. so there's only one looks like a little jealousy potential already in china. i know, and now they're really right. yeah. right. well, i think, i think india has to be careful of a fab, the faust in deal when they're dealing with these gigantic sort of areas. big work . yeah, they, these us enterprises because look in the same way that ukraine is on the border of russia. taiwan is on the border of china, cashmere. at some point the u. s. neo cons, we'll say, you know, perhaps we need to arm them and need freedom, etc, like that. so as long as like they did a new grant and the india doesn't get too big for its britches and say we, we want to be independent and sovereign. the neo cons, we'll say, okay, we'll shift some stuff from china. hopefully that will hurt china,
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but at some point in india wants to, you know, exert its independence. they will turn on them and they will start pumping weapons into cashmere. the need so lockheed martin can make some money off of the i talked to a friend of mine, the other day was a very smart ending american and he said he really believes mode. he knows how to play this game very well, and he will remain neutral. do you disagree? he? well, you can only when you can, all you be able to battle. you're going to be careful because you can only re neutral until the united states decides that your neutrality is, is, is offensive to the united states. so, so should they not have done a deal with black rock? is that, oh no, no, no, no, i'm not, no, i'm not. i'm not saying that what i'm saying is mostly moody is, is very strategic. moti is, is very, very clever. but fortunately it's bricks. so he's got china. yeah, it's got russia. they've got his back to they they, they got it, they've got it. just other other port wrote really quick like you guys always say
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you got my back as we always there, but it always good. as the leaders of the black, as a leader of the black panthers used to always say, not violence only works when your adversary has a conscience. china know that russian knows that it's not that they're going to be violence, but they understand that in iran had to exercise their understanding of that. india better understand that to good rebalance the you can nomics versus militarism. yes, because united states response is, is all due to any problem is militarism. these are economic issues. this global situation is fascinating. and there is, it's impossible to have this discussion as you said, without almost wanting to place our needing to place in the right smack in the middle of it. right in between russia and china and saudi arabia and south africa, the rod and all these other countries, or say, hey, we're not going to do it the old way anymore. there's another way, better. i don't know. there's a, there's another way to, if i may, the thing of it here it here is that the indians relations with tiny china are bit
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hairy. but they have very good relationships with russia. and the 3 of them are able to balance that out. as long as the us doesn't come in and try to take advantage of it, which of course we know ultimately the events we didn't quite forgot. barclay will is what we do. all right this week. this is a fascinating story. it caught my eye and i blew it up because i just had to this week i've been watching television and i'm watching these television networks in the united states here in our country where we live. and we, i see that this american dude was arrested in russia. and once again, the media here goes bizarre equipment for some reason. everybody's doing this story for some unexplained reason. every single time this happens. it makes headlines here and it gets on all the national news cast. here's an example. a us citizen living in russia appeared in court today. robert with lin rubbing off is facing charges of traffic in large amounts of illegal trucks as part of an organized group . stuff off the fence is punishable by 20 years in prison. romanoff has been in
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russian custody since the beginning of the year. his trial began in march in january, the us state department said it was aware of romanovs detainment and has no greater priority than the safety and security of us citizens. so here's my comment on that . a gives a damn, who cares that some guy was arrested in russia if the meaning of this country is trying to make it look like russia has draconian drug was which in some cases they do, by the way. um, i got one for you. you ready? take a look at this. there are $800000.00 people a year arrested in the united states on marijuana charges, 90 percent for possession only. so over a 40 year period, now, that's roughly $27000000.00 people have been arrested on marijuana charges. the 7000000 people arrested on marijuana charges 800. the $800.00 uh,
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people prosecuted just so far this year. who are foreigners living in the united states? none of those stories made the news. none of this ever makes the news, but one don't. who's nobody's ever heard of and god bless them. i'm sure he's a good guy. i don't know if he's interested. i don't know if he's guilty is arrested in russia. everybody has to put it on their nightly newscasts. yeah. why? well, because in spite of the fact that president biden says that he respects and defend sovereignty with russia sovereignty, all of a sudden doesn't seem to matter the. b good, they have laws and it's interesting to this guy what they said large amounts of drugs in a conspiracy. um the rest of the anywhere. yeah, exactly. and if he was arrested in alabama, i wouldn't like the news, but he probably wouldn't be just for smoking to joyce, but i had this joe biden promised when he to a, there with the black community was saying, hey, you know, lot of black people in, in in, in, in jail for small amounts of marijuana. can we do something about that? joe barton, when he got elected promise,
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we're going to be criminalized marijuana. we're going to take it all schedule once he's done none of it. so how i ronnie, the guy who went back on his word, the guy who pushed the drug war in the 1st place, what his administration would have the unmitigated gall to point the finger at any other time. you just reminded me of something. what public official in office right now put more people in california who are a young african american males behind bars for smoking a marijuana cigarette than anybody else. and her name is kyla hare, carmella harris. and there is a gentleman come already in prison in mississippi doing a life bit for less than a pound of weight. so bargain and chris, i've rushed off without a little bit of looking at ourselves in the mirror to do what you say. you think? see, this is the kind of thing that i like to point out when most people don't. i think it's important and, and, and i think sometimes it makes us get a better understanding of why we report the new is in this country. it's the way we do. um you guys are gentlemen, you're wonderful. you're smart and it's always such
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a pleasure to have these contacts solutions. we couldn't you want to go one other how far we could? no, we can't. before we go, a 100 provide you of our mission here. it's pretty much simple. we just try to the side of the world. we can't live in these little boxes where my truth is only what i think and what my neighbor and my wife thinks now. i mean truths are everywhere. and that's what we believe i'm rick sanchez and i'll be looking for you again right here. as we provide a rest of the the
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the, the 1st 3rd of the 19 sensor, he was marked by the aggressive expansion of the united states. the americans sought to seize as much territory for settlement as possible. ignoring the sovereignty of the neighboring states and the interests of the indigenous peoples in 1845, washington announced the annexation of mexican texas. and in march, 1846, american troops invaded mexico. however, mexico itself did not have enough means to effectively confront the enemy. besides, it was being torn apart by internal conflicts. the americans manage to turn the tide of the war in their favor. in september 18, 47,
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the us army captured mexico city. mexico was forced to assign a humiliating peace treaty according to wait to get lost 55 percent of its territory. vieques asian of the lands to the united states led to terrible consequences. bloodshed, genocide was committed against the indians in california. during the 1st half century of the american ruled, the number of the indigenous people in the region decrease from 150216000 people. slavery, which had been abolished in mexico long before the united states attacked was restored on the occupied territories. this will later become one of the reasons for the civil war in the united states themselves. nations like individuals are punished for their transgressions. we got our punishment. american president ulysses grant wrote about the consequences of aggression against mexico several decades later.
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hello and welcome to across the full board. here we discussed some real in the, the the
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the the .


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