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tv   News  RT  April 22, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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a we discussed some real in the, the size of this was the u. s. a. prove another $95000000000.00. the 3 major quite scenes around the world and you create is one and 5 on sunday to and my little lives and know and insights for the confidence america is making a terrible mistake. and we have to tell the world the truth. someone really wants a big war and no, it's not us. a terrible war is approaching. i take care of my neighbors, the palestinians. i really do care. it breaks my hearts that they have been drawn into this terrible situation as a private event for us is remote policy is one instance how boss is ultimately responsible for this suffering pain with a kind of that with no innocent something in the program or
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c s 12 years plus a shop would like any addition where he was conducting a humanitarian arrow look inside the account. the policy and red crescent funds they met at the local was killed in an idea afraid of west franklin refugee on campus. other permits. we did not have access to the seats area, the fly from our international news center in moscow. this is all to you. welcome to the global news out. so us congress has passed legislation to send in any $100000000000.00 in aid for 3 major crises around the world. and ukraine is a, i'm filing, but named so member of states hungry is wary of the move saying you have risk being further drives into war with no and insight in brussels today, there is
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a pro well majority. the mood in europe is, will like politics is dominated by the logic of all. this is a volt, tx of all that contract europe, into the depths, brussels is playing with fire. america is making a terrible mistake. and we have to tell the world the truth. someone really wants a big war and no, it's not us. a terrible war is approaching and the warmongers in slovakia are applauding it. we are arming the whole world. we are on the brink of destruction. level defense funding lease a record to point 2 trillion dollars last year. nathan mentioned funding was about how well that title view as a roommate is a, be a spend the was it somebody to budget last year is a passing $900000000000.00. all the st correspondent, english, that a has the details. following months of bi partisan bickering, the republican house leadership finally caved into the democrats agenda, initially at the age of $311.00 and the days are $112.00. the bill is past
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one voting for mrs. washington is just 2 steps away from splashing tens of billions of dollars worth of military aid on ukraine, israel and taiwan. both the senate and president biden are expected to green light the measure without much deliberation on that part and douse with gasoline. the fiery tornadoes of 2 raging was wild prepping the fire pits for us said in the bill, ukraine has seemed the most in fighting on capitol hill house speaking, mike johnson drew much higher from his fellow republicans for plowing ahead with the vote to send a more american taxpayers, money to the torres, the corrupt figures in key, if you see the united states tax payer has already sent $113000000000.00 to ukraine,
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and a lot of that money is on, accounted for you. claim is not a member of nato, but the most important thing due here in washington dc is though we have to spend americans harder and tax dollars over to ukraine and keep the money going to continue to murder ukrainians. wipe out an entire generation of ukrainian man, 2 and a half years into this war. we still don't know what success looks like. is it cry me a, is it all of the don't boss is a hold what you got? we don't know. we just can't afford it. this new spending. $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending. mean it go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and by the way, while i was speaking, we have added another $5500000.00 to the national debt. see republicans have been
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clutching to the recent majority in the house, hoping to leverage that to influence. they give the democrats of vote on ukraine aid, and then return on get a wind on the domestic front touch any the was bored to no one that mike johnson faces an als to buy his own body off to flushing all of that down the drain. and sending billions of dollars to well, that's actually quite interesting to who exactly is all this money going see, bloomers. the last is legitimacy expires in less than a month off the he canceled this year's presidential election. it has to hold for you and say relaxed because i have this one obligations under the statute on the, under our conventions. and it will do so. of course, there are problems because as long as you have martial law, you'll govern your constitution does not allowed to have elections. so you have to find a solution that is not up to us to say how to do it. but of course,
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ukraine has to organize freedom satisfaction. i cannot think of a better symbol for ukraine done to hold free and fair elections during the course of a war. elections would not only be seen as an act of defiance against the russian invasion, but an embrace of democracy and freedom. it's no formality. your following may 20 or facilities key becomes both a dictator under use of power with billions more dollars heading straight for his pockets. there's nothing. i don't think that the house of representatives as uh, considered. and that has to do with the true legality. illinois, the right, what's happening here with respect to sending additional funding to ukraine. the 2nd row i, the idea that we're sending on the to, for money to support democracy amendment is a bar. and the fact that those elections have been cancelled is disapproved for that. there is nothing democratic today about he unfortunately, and so, you know,
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we continue just fun. you know, this concept there, and it's not going to be proof for ukraine. and that could be only the beginning. another bill has started to unlatch the door on rushes, frozen for an assets, and could allow the us to seize them and well send to cave. now pro palestinian activists tried to get the please hud, inside us congress as the house voted on aid to israel. i'm to, i'll send you an american in my family's from the i've lost many of my cousins, aunts and uncles, and so i'm here to fight. however, i can as a policy in america, we've tried very, very hard again, been coming here everyday for 3 months now, trying to lobby against that fight against it. while it all fell and that fee is more than $34000.00 people had been killed in garza over the past 6 months,
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including more than $15000.00 children as the death to announce daily the us the drawers move and move flak as it remains israel's biggest supplier, the new bill allocates $26000000000.00 extra for israel with only a fraction of that number designated for humanitarian needs. all of us have seen the tragedy of gaza. we have seen how prime minister netanyahu, whose government has used american weapons to kill indiscriminately, to force famine over 25000 women and children dead. tens of thousands of missiles and bombs levied on innocent civilians. and when we see it, we have to decide what we're going to do about it. are we going to participate in that carnage or not?
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i choose not to prime minister netanyahu has been reckless. his actions have not led to the release of the remaining hostages. he's ignored the police of the families of hostages. he's ignore the police of the president, the united states. he's ignored his own people. now who doesn't support the united states position of a 2 state solution for peace. he doesn't respect urges now to invade rafa. he disputes with the us in a groups upset about famine taking over in gaza and he launched attack and i ran after the white house told him not to if he's not listening to us on matters of international security, how can he be trusted with more offensive weapons enough is enough. if president biden signs a, b, or given benjamin anthony on his government and not a $17000000000.00 in unconditional managed refunding, that toddlers decision could migrate points of know, it's only for what remains of the wide. how is this relationship with the american must and can you see and all the americans oppose to the genocide and gaza?
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critics and ex pats have also been cooling on joe biden, citing a famine in gaza as the reason he might be simply breaking the loo in case he signs the bill. reality though, is closer to this being rather a matter of when not safe. now a cherry on top of this war mongers faced a bill to spend just over a 1000000000 on countering china is influence over time. want stay at washington to it's militaristic efforts on the back button at least for now. most of the package is targeting chinese influence on the island of something big june. we'll expect that the united states is good to teasing age as a bogging chip. and using captain stick to force developing countries to do what they say, which results in a serious lack of coherence in this age policy and undermines the sustainable development of recipient countries in a simultaneous blow. the house also voted to ban fit talk,
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unless with chinese parent company by dunst, it agrees to sell its us operations. the bill is on its way to be soon side into no ceiling. what is perhaps the world's biggest, institutionalized, financial cool. towards the end of 2023. it seemed america's up pereta. so for and military spending had malfunctioned. it's funnels often, buff to rights, but the cogs seemed jammed. evidently its engineers weren't actually a lloyd string. they have all the gays and the pipeline of military aid flows, once again, with the vigor as the machine rattles with a relentlessly deadly rhythm. the new us vill fleet claim facies a 6 c $1000000000.00 and a that includes $9000000000.00 in potentially given the loans. lawmakers had them on the the, the money not in just to be given away, but rather went to the country full month. see, i don't,
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this larry johnson says on essentially the funds probably on the us moves industrial complex. let's understand what's happening with this funding package. the money that was appropriated for the voted on by the house of representatives. the vast majority of that is staying in the united states. it's not actually going to ukraine. it's being described as a, let's fund ukraine bill. but this is really very misleading, because the money is going to us defense corporations, wallace described as pro ukraine funding. it's really, it's not going to make any difference whatsoever to ukraine on the battlefield. the united states is in the process of trying to come to grips with losing its supremacy. it's losing its place of, of dominance in the world. and it's, it's really, it's a self inflicted,
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but it's all of it could destroy russia by imposing the sanctions and backing this proxy war with ukraine against russia. and then the process is basically reawakened of the powers of russia as a superpower. and resulted in the brand new relationship of solidarity, a cooperation between russia and china. something that really we haven't seen and you know, 7080 years ahead of the day. so as well as them, they moved by the us to send another $6.00 to $1000000000.00 in a t t. the hearing found an interview with american media the some may to minutes each, it was all station didn't explain no plans for any and need to come about presence in ukraine. but of course uh, several and their dollars. how men and women in uniform at the end. this is
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a giving advice. the suppression of the fundamental freedom of speech in nathan, them to say it's an equinox of focus, of the latest episode of going underground with option baton. so now the full episode will ask throughout the day, here on odyssey is an actual that is a quick be an idea of tonight. you come a conflict. but it says if conflict uh around the successful from the view point of nato nations, if they kill lots of people, i suppose so. but i don't think that even nato leaders believe what they're saying, because they continue to move the goal posts. we see them doing that in ukraine where 2 years ago it just was very fashionable to support ukraine, give you kind whatever you wanted. as you mentioned, i live in western europe, and when the conflict came out, it was all over the place, how fashionable it was to save ukrainians, whatever you can do, taking
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a ukrainian refugee, i donated a car seat and some extra antibiotics. i don't know where the heck those things when it was just all the wept out mom groups. what can we do? we're sold her ro x because we're saving ukraine. well, just a few days ago, zalinski signed into law the most or county and draft law. we've seen in modern history the conscription of even people who are no longer physical fit physically fit, he will be dragging them back into medical exams to see if they are in fact a someone that just a warm body. they can put on the front lines to serve the fact that they will be asking people, i mean, in the united states, we had a split over the papers, please law in arizona. we apparently don't mind that it will be happening in ukraine. so, you know, this idea that ukraine is a democracy worth saving, that we need to continue to go into debt for and support so that other people die, but we don't have to. well, it's a joke and you can see that need of,
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they don't believe it. they are just saying it because they're paymasters require it. the owner of the war buys house space and so i'm to see, you know, most sizes for the us involved with anything covered evenings. it should be more f as a brand bows. it may be peaceful supplies, illusion for a lot for it. and other world news pay at our website all to dot com the well well, watson to the high as a model, significant funding phase of the u. s. a may very well end up imposing sanctions against that same organization. the bottom insertion is reports of the planning to impose punitive measures against and the idea of unit operating the west by the use of a few re among is where the officials sanctions must not be imposed on these real defense
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forces at a time when our soldiers a fighting the monsters of tat right of intention to impose sanctions on an idea, a few that is the hides of upset at sea and to morrow low. the government headed by me will act as an old means against these modes. sanctions on our soldiers is a red line minister gallant, and must immediately back into julia who if not, we will take them in as great heroes latavia and report the to the, to be signed the cindy is called and that's uh, yeah. who them, it was, it was formed as a special unit for ultra orthodox and joyce. so this has been implicated and crimes against humanity, including torturing and killing civilians. us essentials would deny those is a to assess, to american weapons training of assistance. active as jonathan products says, all of the ideas should be punished and i think it is high time for it, for them to be sent for 4 days or the army to be sanctioned for these things. but i
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find it on the thinking that a specific unit is removed from the operation of logic of the if rarely army as a whole a single unit cannot operate outside the policies of the dates are in the army. and what we see time in again is really army destroying the steam communities and destroying delights. so 1st the in store and proceeding communities meeting genocide and govern many ethnic cleansing into with bend. and this is not some isolated incidents for specific cases of wrapping samples that so far from the treat. this is the interesting policy updated in the army. an update for the government us move. so on one hand, imposed sanctions on a handful of filters. and on a single unit into is really army. and on the other hand, while it's really is competing genocide in the gutter street providing more and
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more amunition just recently, just a few days ago, we've been informed that the more arms will be sent to a 3. so this is the parker seat on the highest level that we discussed the case with a young he filed about hayes at hayes agendas and former member of the i the if the tag. and he says, while the highest bid is some misbehavior with them, the and there is nothing out of the ordinary for the is there any way of i one day somebody caves investigating and some of them can all me after day only in child. and they only unfold and they are responsibility for kidding. probably hundreds of 1000 innocent civilian so around you are just going to stop it for me. i'm on maybe some of the country. so i think even america football season. right. and i never think long they all the last people's jobs or the, you know, what a folder,
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especially a my ds about everybody knows if something is wrong in particular, always right. the only thing is really always investing. they can get the idea if it did investigated. the story in that same amount of case really upset was in 2022 an old i'm really kind of thing in mind. died and after you, as i said, you will release it. probably autonomic thought he wasn't, well, he was 80, when there was probably a big mistake the way the full just let them go. i mean, if it's less than one of the walks away. but they did not do anything that caused them to, but he wasn't. well, i mean died, and if this situation could have been different, probably, but there was a mistake. now. i will say something up in front of you is because i don't show how much they know, but it's a few that was probably on every one of the fields and unit a come from families with no idea of background. no parents know,
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but of them for styles, no cause names, no family. so the boys who actually joined the idea of no information about the idea if only when they get to the idea of so it takes time for them to understand how to treat civilians. and i will say there was some, you know, misbehaving, know, and you know, not the way a folder from behave, but if with mold and all the volumes and things so i don't know maybe wasn't as biden needs volt, meet some people to vote for him in michigan, because really, you know, maybe many moves and people hate and invite them because it's a full say was so well, you know, it came to whoever from one to start from one side underneath the funny stuff. on the other side, this is american. i think it's more like a good american setting. these are these, well, if you don't stop watching, you will solve those. we're going to punish you. so unless, if you will, that was like, really easy to become them. because then you have some say, hey, you know, background, but the, you know, problems, but then again the last time to have everything was in 2022. since then,
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the idea is this something about it, we can see the last 4 were you looking happen? and yeah, this is the way i'm a guy. you know, they switch something. if you don't do anything, they probably shoot. i don't think they used to be ready with relation come view more in the world entities because you know, in the last few months the way the government and these ladies and the american, the government didn't do so went together only when he killed one only when they go through you long. so the american of course helped us when he comes to politics the situations americans are not very happy with these ladies. i don't think it would be worth and it seems not as well as president has claimed he regrets the suffering of gaza. most of the bottom is why the idea for the past 6 months, but he laid the blame squarely on homicide as one day to attack against is went on . the 7 books i assume is i take care of my neighbors, the palestinians. i really do care. he breaks my heart that they have been drawn
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into this terrible situation under the terror from us in the gaza strip, but they initiated this attack. they killed, kidnapped, dismembered, and burned innocent civilians. and it is such a tragedy that her mazda has brought upon the palestinian peoples aggressively site with a reaction from is really, as somebody say, i le rosenberg, who was a brothers cairo. and romano contradicts is priced on on the it is on the presidents have so himself said that there are, there are no innocent people in gaza, essentially giving the okay to the targeting of all godson's all civilians. all people we are working, authorizing military may have gone into the rules of international law fairly and unequivocally. it's an entire nation out there that is responsible. it's not true this rector rick about severely. it is not the way where not
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a well not involved. it's absolutely not true, they could have risen up. they could have fought against that even regime, which to cover guys i know who the top and now naturally i see well, find somebody else to accuse never themselves, never taking responsibility is rarely fed, especially high ranking. and as we're as rarely officials, they know the situation and ga stuff, they know the number of deaths and they, they don't really believe the propaganda. they uh, they use facing the outside. they're supposedly doing everything. they tend to limit civilian casualties. they're either responsible themselves or very well aware of how is real, is creating the current situation in casa as targeting civilians the, the, the mass hunger. and so they are willing parts and central parts and elements of this ongoing side of the crimes or even the genocide they know this and,
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and, but they must deny it because to not deny the monthly with the legal case already going on is politically suicidal and maybe even dangerous for that personally. the other day of classes has been seen in the occupied west bank. it follows the ceiling of more than a dozen people. and is there any rate on a refugee camp on site today in advance coating? surpassing or requesting a organization. now mom and dad was a paramedic who was son while trying to help with the wounded. the idea of people, the clothes and all of the vehicle to create a come on claims that minutes. and so the hiding that we had from this both of us and, and for the past the, anyway, present society not by the 5 stuff faced in the west buying st. confirm the death of a volunteer and said that the idea of denied other power moves access the besieged
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area one over in new york. and one and 2 years was the chart. we'd like a musician where he was conducting his humanitarian idol inside the account. and we got thousands of calls from the as is st. people in addition to others were injured . and we out for a couple of hours, we were completely denied ounces to reach them because of the complaint is right. you need to change the cam on an even is there a forces is stopped on the 10th a once over here, rough teams for more than half an hour before the leasing there on the, on the, on our with them to transport the wounded people. since the beginning of the world, that one does the history and i have been systematically tracking the house or system. i'm haven't sure there's some mail despite the fact that you minutes radians and health care workers shouldn't be respected at homes and projected 17 p
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r. cs numbers, how big job since the beginning of the water out on the boss of dependents under the dress and continue to call on the international community to have an urgent action to uh, put more pressure in order to have occurred when sees a buyer that would allow save, and so stay in the military and access to all areas of casa and what is going on for more than 6 months. it is almost up to that we have senior civilians being attacked and targeted. there is no aspect of life involves. uh, we're talking about this significant destruction also begins homes where more than 70 percent of civilians who mendoza, i've been destroyed most of the population i know internally displaced. they are living in tens or a school lacking doctors to pull the water as when i am education a
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massive fall, i haven't run into that a landfill and in the is capital raising concerns about toxic smoke billowing into the city. now they do this show parts of the bays as $55.00 is baffled against those times throughout the light. authorities have activated the incident to a balance of fault. i'm dry whether it was probable substances at the sides. environmentally. if those have issued warnings about the toxic smoke and other associated health concepts, tell the news that the agent of the us a call from macon boeing has taken a nose dive. the company is a choose of privatizing his own profits, while neglect thing, safety concerns leave aside has had a hearing to address claims that the manufacturers green line as well could quote for a popped me there. i'll take the car so the don't quote. so as the story, the planes running off the taxi ways,
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paddling falling off mid flight windshields cracking and scores of injuries just last month, billings reputation continues to fall deeper into the gutter with the new revelation that the company is faced. 30 to whistle blower complaints over the past 3 years. it comes just days after one of the companies engineers turned whistleblower to the senate floor. and the cutest bosses of cutting corners on the production line. are these points say right now? i would not. you know, it's like an earthquake, you know, it, the big are quite as common. but when been that hits the building that you know, you, let's say if you're talking of a building, have to be prepared to accommodate that type of a, let's say, say come, you know, it has to be built properly. right? now remember that i've seen the airplanes are not being built per spec and per require. i literally saw people jump in on the piece of the airplane to get them to aligned. i call it the cars on effect,
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among other improper methods. the aerospace trying to attempt to to once again whitewash the situation this time with the last minute twitter post according to solid for though when he raised his concerns to management, he was met not with understanding what's threats. similar accusations of retribution were voice that a separate senate committee hearing they hear speak up if you see anything that's on the safe. but what they see is that if they do speak up to, they give very little feedback. and if they insist they may find themselves on the short end of the stick next time raises or bonuses, or, or, or job transfers come up. or even worse, the doctor's allegation seem even more convincing. when we consider the story of john barnett, a former boeing employee who also cried fowler mysteriously died last month apparently from a self inflicted wounds. just as he was gathering t evidence to present and a lawsuit against his former employers. i wasn't sure.


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