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tv   News  RT  April 22, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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this is the quality you as opposed to another $9.00 to $5000000000.00 for 3 major practices around the world in ukraine, each one and tie one. so i'll need to members one base know and inside for the complex america is making a terrible mistake. and we have to tell the world the truth. someone really wants a big war and no, it's not us. a terrible war is approaching. i take care of my neighbors, the palestinians. i really do care. he breaks my heart that they have been drawn into this terrible situation by his wells president, express remorse, full policy unions, but incest, to have. mice is ultimately responsible for the suffering service. me. he claims that there were no innocent civilians in got that one or c s and
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wanting to use one shot with like munition one and he was conducting does humanitarian at old. inside the account of the red crescent confirms and medical work. it was. busy in an id of rate of, of westbank refugee camp. all the apart, emetics were denied access to the besieged area, the white continuing, i call back to the latest trends shaping the world right now. this is our team to national i a michael quarter in the us congress has passed to legislation to send you to $100000000000.84 major practice around the weld in ukraine, israel and taiwan. but native member state hungary is wary of the move. say you're a brisk beings. father dragged into a war with no end in sight. in brussels today, there is
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a pro majority. the mood in europe is, will like politics is dominated by the logic of all. this is a volt, tx of all that contract europe, into the depths, brussels is playing with fire. america is making a terrible mistake. and we have to tell the world the truth. someone really wants a big war and no, it's not us. a terrible war is approaching and the warmongers in slovakia are applauding it. we are arming the whole world. we are on the brink of destruction. of global defense spending reached the record to point to a trillion dollars last year. natal military funding was about half of that total. other us remains the biggest spend with its military budget last year. so passing $900000000000.00, i think to respond and he goes down of has details here. following months of bi partisan bickering, the republican house leadership finally caved into the democrats agenda initial at the age of $311.00 and the days are $112.00. the bill is past
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one. building the washington is just 2 steps away from splashing tens of billions of dollars worth of military aid on ukraine. israel anti want both the senate and president biden are expected to green like the measure without much deliberation on that part and douse with gasoline. the fiery tornadoes of 2 raging was well prepping the fire pits for us said in the bill, ukraine has seen the most in fighting on capitol hill house speaking, mike johnson drew much higher from his fellow republicans for plowing ahead with the vote to send a more american tax payers money to the torres, the corrupt figures in key. if you see the united states tax payer has already sent
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$113000000000.00 to ukraine, and a lot of that money is unaccounted for. you claim is not a member of nato, but the most important thing due here in washington dc is all we have to spend. americans harder and tax dollars over to ukraine and keep the money going to continue to murder ukrainians. wipe out an entire generation of ukrainian men, 2 and a half years into this war. we still don't know what success looks like. is it cry me a, is it all of the don't boss is a hold what you got? we don't know. we just can't afford it. this new spending. $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending. mean it go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and by the way, while i was speaking, we have added another $5500000.00 to the national debt. say,
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republicans have been clutching to the recent majority in the house, hoping to leverage that influence. they give the democrats of vote on ukraine aid, and then return on get a wind on the domestic front types in, in the us border. no one that mike johnson faces an als to buy his own body off to flushing all that down the drain and sending billions of dollars to. well, that's actually quite interesting to who exactly is all this money going see, but it was the last is, legitimacy expires in less than a month off the he canceled this year's presidential election. it has to hold for you and say relaxed because i have this one obligations under the statute on the, under our conventions. and it will do so. of course, there are problems because as long as you have martial law, you'll govern your constitution does not allowed to have elections. so you have to find a solution that is not up to us to say how to do it. but of course,
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ukraine has to organize free and fair election. i cannot think of a better symbol for ukraine then to hold free and fair elections during the course of a war. elections would not only be seen as an act of defiance against the russian invasion, but an embrace of democracy and freedom. it's no formality. your following may 20 or facility is key, becomes both a dictate the under use of power with billions more dollars heading straight for his buckets. there's nothing. i don't think that the house of representatives as uh, considered. and that has to do with the true legality. illinois, the right, what's happening here with respect to sending additional funding to ukraine, the 2nd row i, the idea that we're sending on the to, for money to support democracy amendment is a bar. and the fact that those elections have been canceled is disapproved for that . um, there is nothing democratic today about unfortunately, and so, you know,
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we continue to fund the, you know, this concept there, and it's not going to be fruitful for ukraine. and that could be only the beginning . another bill has started to unlatch the door on russia's frozen for an assets and could allow the us to seize them and well send to cave. now pro palestinian activists tried to get the please had inside us congress as the house voted on aid to israel. i'm to, i'll send you an american, i my family from the i've lost many of my cousins, aunts and uncles as, as i'm here to fight. however, i can as a policy in america, we've tried very, very hard again, been coming here everyday for 3 months now, trying to lobby against that fight against it. while it all fell and that fee is more than $34000.00 people have been killed in gaza over the past 6 months,
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including more than $13000.00 children as the death to announce daily the us the drawers move and move flack as it remains. israel's biggest supplier, the new bill allocates $26000000000.00 extra for israel with only a fraction of that number designated for humanitarian needs. all of us have seen the tragedy of gaza. we have seen how prime minister netanyahu, whose government has used american weapons to kill indiscriminately, to force famine over 25000 women and children dead. tens of thousands of them, missiles and bombs levied on innocent civilians. and when we see it, we have to decide what we're going to do about it. are we going to participate in that carnage or not?
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i choose not to prime minister netanyahu has been reckless of his actions have not led to the release of the remaining hostages. he's ignored the police of a family of hostages. he's ignored the police of the president of the united states . he's ignored his own people. now who doesn't support the united states position of a 2 state solution for peace. he doesn't respect urges now to invade rafa. he disputes with the us in a groups upset about famine taking over in gaza and he launched attack and i ran after the white house told him not to if he's not listening to us on matters of international security, how can he be trusted with more offensive weapons enough is enough. if president vital signs a be or given benjamin to, to know his government and not a $17000000000.00 in unconditional managed refunding. that hotley's decision. good mike, the point of no return for what remains of the wide. how is this relationship with the american most and can you see and all the americans oppose to the genocide and
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gaza critics annex pads have also been cooling on joe biden, citing a famine in gaza as the reason he might be simply breaking the loo in case he signs the bill. reality though is closer to this being rather a match. so when no tiff. now, a cherry on top of this war mongers faced a bill to spend just over a 1000000000 on countering china is influence overtime. want a washington to it's militaristic efforts on the back button at least for now. most of the package is targeting chinese influence on the island of something big june, well, expected. the united states is good to teasing age as a bogging chip. and using captain stick to force developing countries to do what they say, which results in a serious lack of coherence in this age policy and undermines the sustainable development of recipient countries in a simultaneous blow. the house also voted to band to talk unless the chinese parent
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company by dunst it agrees to sell its us operations. the bill is on its way to be soon side into ceiling. what is perhaps the world's biggest, institutionalized, financial cool. towards the end of 2023, it seemed america's apparatus. so for and military spending had malfunctioned, its funnels often buff to rights, but the cogs seemed jammed. evidently its engineers weren't actually a lloyd string. they have all the gays and the pipeline of military aid flows, once again, with the vigor. as the machine rock falls with a relentless need deadly rhythm. and increasing risk of nuclear war. and that's a warning from roster stop by say get a lot of he says that the you as a success to with inflicting a strategic defeat on moscow as and is pushing the well to the break. the sewage,
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this, the sure east method, the city leads. today the united states and its natal satellites are still obsessed with the idea of inflicting a strategic defeats on russia and are ready to continue to fight against our country until the last ukrainian. at the same time, the westerners are dangerously tutoring. on the brink of a direct to military clash between nuclear powers, which is fraught with catastrophic consequences of particular concern is the fact that it is the trio of western nuclear weapon states that are among the key sponsors of the criminal key of regimes. and the main initiators of various provocative steps. within this we see serious strategic risk leading to an increase in the level of nuclear danger. less cross live to id curse, but then why my age of for more details or might do to have you join me now? can you tell us more about what the russian for administer sat in his speech?
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now i need speech at the conference russian or for him unnecessary. de la prov, talks about the dangers of nuclear use and he had some very interesting points to make. i mean, he did highlight the fact that the us and nato are essentially obsessed with this idea. of having rush, i lose on the battlefield, to the point there, where they're creating these advantages for them by shooting steams as the foreign minister called them. now the goal here for them is no longer for ukraine to win or any other political crisis, but it is to achieve some sort of military superiority. so by creating these new restrictions on the other size, nuclear arsenal, according to the foreign minister, washington and its allies are actively uh, pursuing a number of the sub allies in a military technical programs. now that includes building at a global ms. solve the fence system in combination with how i precision weapons.
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he also talks about the fact that the this. 6 formation of this partnership between the west, the u. k. in australia is a deep concern because he does include the military expansion by nato countries. he accentuated though the fact that a conversation on arms control will take place, but only when the united states finally abandons it's empty russian course. before you do, she's support this most that we didn't the conditions of the allowed hybrid war being waged against us. there was no basis for dialogue with the united states on arms control and in general on issues of strategic stability. a conversation on these subjects will become possible only after the us authorities abandoned their openly hostile and to russian course. i mean, what mr. love rove is talking about here is not really at random because the west
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has shown time and time again, that their goal is to pursue military expansion as much as possible. and as remember that in the recent interview, paul as president, has expressed, is willing less to allow nato to expand even further in sports. let's take a listen. i must admit that when asked about it, i declared our readiness. russia is increasingly militarized, and the can expect district recently has been relocating in some include weapons developers, if our allies decide to deploy nuclear weapons as part of nuclear sharing. also in our territory just drinking the security of naples eastern flank were ready for it . a lot mr. love also spoke about the russian space exploration. what were the main points that he made to me that we need speech? mr. lab, rough stress, the fact that russia is firmly committed to its international legal obligations. and that includes the $90.67 outer space treaty. and he pointed that out after he
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talked about washington, suppose plays on how russia's activities in space are a threat to international security. he went on to suppress. once again, the rush struck consistently, advocates for the preservation of space to be at a place for peaceful activities where all the states are cooperating on an equal basis, ballistic listen to what more he had to say on that a separate but just to say using the united states supported by its allies, continues its propaganda campaign to discredit russia's cosmic activities and our initiatives to prevent an arms race in outer space. their aim is to divert the attention of the international community from the real threats in outer space and to obtain the location of additional financial resources to build up their national military and sprays capabilities. at the same time,
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the degree of absurdity of the anti russian and you windows from washington is without measure. it has reached the point of unsubstantiated accusations of some activity in outer space threatening international security and connected with the suppose it placement of nuclear weapons. there is an issue that we also gave the some examples of how western countries essentially play around with these treaties in organizations. he gave the example of the treaty or non proliferation of nuclear weapons. he said that it has long been used by the us to achieve their political agenda. now, he says that they've been using this treaty to, to achieve everything except what actually the treaty is about. he says that it was used to assert some sort of pressure or even international interventions on countries that they see as a threat to says that they've used it to increase the level of control on the
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nuclear programs of states that are not part of the western block, he also dwelled more on the situation of the comprehensive nuclear test ban tree. he says, he reminded us that back in 1999, the us congress rejected the ratification of the treaty is, is that according to him? well, that was simply an empty excuse and that the us is just not interested in the treaty overall. he did highlight though that the rush site is ready to ratify the treaty once again. but only when the united states does this part as well highlighted once again, the attempts by the was to reformat and change treaties and organizations as they see fit. and this time, he gave the example of the organization of probation, of need, of chemical weapons, where he says that the west have turned this into a structure to achieve their political goals in the middle east. and even beyond to the point where the organization has lost its independence status and you know,
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there was a split in the organization. now, all in all, he did mention that in order to prevent further degradation. and i, you know, on the global of the global situation, it is necessary to have a joint conversations on this, on these issues. and that russia is ready to have these conversations, but not only from its side, but also from the rest of the international community. as well, or wide r t for us, but i don't mind my each. i thank you for bringing us up to speed there. the, the after 6 months of both obama use roles. president clinton's the he regrets the suffering of guidance. but he laid the blame for the conflicts quarterly on her mass. as i take care of my neighbors, the palestinians, i really do care. he breaks my heart that they have been drawn into this terrible situation under the terror from us in the gaza strip. but they initiated this
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attack, they killed, kidnapped, dismembered, and burned innocent civilians. and it is such a tragedy that her mazda has brought upon the palestinian people. the rest of the site is rarely active, as the yahoo rosenberg calls into question. the precedent sentiments as keys had a different stands in the past. it is some presidents have so himself said that there are, there are no innocent people in gaza, essentially giving the okay to the targeting of all godson's all civilians. all people, when working, authorizing military may have gone into the rules of international law very and unequivocally. it's an entire nation out there. that is responsible. it's not true this rector, rick about civilian is not the way where not the where i'm not involved. it's absolutely not true,
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they could have risen up. they could have fought against that even regime, which took over guys 9, a cool the top. and now naturally i see well, find somebody else to a to use never themselves, never taking responsibility is really fed, especially high ranking. and this is rarely officials. they know the situation and gaza. they know the number of deaths and they, they don't really believe the propaganda. they uh, they use facing the outside. they're supposedly doing everything. they tend to limit civilian casualties. they're either responsible themselves or very well aware of how is real is creating the current situation and guides us as targeting civilians the, the, the mass hunger and so they are willing parts and central parts and elements of this ongoing side of the crimes or even the genocide, they know this and, and, but they must deny it because to not deny it,
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vehemently with the legal case already in uh, going on is uh politically suicidal and maybe even dangerous for that. personally, a valdez continues to simmer in the west bank and it follows the killing of more than a dozen people in these ready rate on refugee camp on saturday. and that's according to the policy the and red crescent. now mom and dad was a paramedic who was shot while trying to have the wounded or the idea of reported the youth drones and the i'm of the vehicles to clear the comp claiming the militants were hiding. their other spoke spots and for the policy and red crescent society in the ball. fire sauce says of the par maddox, have been blocked from entering the area one o one b or c s. and one and 2 years was a shop with like a musician when he was conducting his humanitarian idol inside the cab, out
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a week on thousands of pools spent as is st. people in addition to others were injured. and we out for a couple of hours. we were completely denied access to reach them because of the content is right. you need to change the cam on an even is there, a forces is stopped on the teams a once over with the rest, the teams for more than half an hour before these things are on the, on the, on our move them to transport, the wounded people since the beginning of the war at one of the district and i have been systematically tracking the highlander system, i'm sure there's some in, despite the fact that you minutes radians and health care workers shouldn't be respected at times. and projected 17 p r cs numbers. how big jewels since the beginning of the water, one boss of the breakfast under the drums, and continue to call on the international community to have an urgent action to
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uh, which more pressure in order to have occurred when sees buyers. that's what i know save, and so stay in the military and access to all areas of casa and what is going on for more than 6 months. and that is on my step to that we have senior civilians being on time and targeted. there is no aspect of life involves. we're talking about this significant destruction also begins homes where more than 70 percent of civilians, home in the i've been destroyed. most of the population i know internally displaced . they are living in tens or schools lacking doctors to pull to water as when i am education the us across many front, every giant boeing is being battered by stream top gallons right now. it's been a queues of cutting corners to land itself. bigger profits. but a us senate is looking to clip its wings are day for us point and don't know,
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quarter has the story. planes running off the taxi ways paneling falling off mid flights, windshields cracking and scores of injuries just last month. owings reputation continues to fall deeper into the gutter with the new revelation that the company has faced 30 to whistle blower complaints over the past 3 years. it comes just days after one of the companies engineers turned whistleblower took to the senate floor and accused his bosses of cutting corners on the production line. are these points say right now i would not the, you know, it's like an earthquake. you know, it, the big earthquake is common, but when been that hits the building that, you know, you, let's say if you're talking of a building, have to be prepared to accommodate that type of a, let's say shakeup. you know, it has to be built properly, right? now remember that i've seen the airplanes are allowed being built per spec and per require. i literally saw people jumping on the pieces of the airplane to get them
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to aligned a call of the cars on effect among other improper methods. the aerospace giant attempted to once again whitewashed the situation. this time was the last minute twitter post according to solid for though when he raised his concerns to management, he was met not with understanding what's threats. similar accusations of retribution were voice that a separate senate committee hearing they hear speak up if you see anything that's on the safe. but what they see is that if they do speak up, they give very little feedback. and if they insist they may find themselves on the short end of the stick next time raises or bonuses, or, or, or job transfers come up. or even worse, the doctor's allegation seem even more convincing. when we consider the story of john barnett, a former boeing employee who also cried fowler mysteriously died last month apparently from a self inflicted wounds. just as he was gathering
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t evidence to present and a lawsuit against his former employers. o. as in charles, pushing back dfcs to our suppliers. well, i've taken a jane before inspectors. spirit arrows systems to inspect the 41 section before they send its charles. and we found $300.00 defects. some of them were significant needed engineering intervention. when i return to charleston, my senior managers only weird balance of many defects and he was going to take the next trip. so the an extra or you went on. so 2 of my inspectors. and when they got back, they were given accolades, vonage line, and 50 dfcs for its part following rejects, these accusations that it retaliates against concerned employees and even says it's making it easier for its workers to file complaints. a buoyant increase the promotion of the speak up reporting system result in the more than 500 percent increase in the number of submissions during the 1st quarter of 2024 compared to
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the same period in 2023. increased reporting of the sign of progress stored or robust reporting culture all the while safety incidents continue to go through the roof with boeing, struggling to fulfill safety orders by airlines after 2 deadly 730. 3 in crashes in 20182019. then in march of this year alone the paddling flew off of $1737.00 mid flight. another had its windshield cracks and 50 people were even injured after being thrown around the cabin of a 7879. during a so called technical event, it all seems to add credibility to the damming accusations of the former. boeing engineer, who spoke to the senate alongside solve for the department of justice and f. b. i relied on this landed results of the 1st max accident investigation to develop the legal and unjust deferred prosecution agreement. the n t s b chair reiterated the congress that boeing has said there are no records documenting the removal the alaska airlines door. this is a criminal cover up records do in fact exist. i know this because i personally
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passed them to the fbi i to make matters worse for the company. stocks have dropped 35 percent this year, making boeing the 2nd worst performing company on the s and p 500 index. these are the same people who want to make flying cars by 2030. it's an idea that was more than crazy enough to bring out the internet. trolls no tags. they can't even make reliable fine planes yet. will the doors and windows full off? i want to know thank experience. they already protected flying doors, hail know if it's boeing, then i'm definitely not going. they want a secretary of state to had a problem with his boeing plane twice already and even had to travel by car. so it's potentially lease old technical failures continue to pile up. it's likely more and more people from all walks of society will go out of their way to avoid boeing aircraft altogether. or when it comes to development varies no more
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trustworthy. upon the then b, g, that's the flex time. most pop diploma has given his conduct bought in popular new guinea and not just the pub med in the pacific island nation are to use rep. they cannot be to pull to has the story. china, it has become one of the pop one who g nice top trading partners alongside australia and singapore. and the chinese foreign ministers. official says that to pop with new guinea conference that by june this year we in to complete a joint feasibility study on free trade between our countries pop or new guinea has also joined the asian infrastructure investment bank. i'm particularly pleased that popcorn of guinea to now directly export agricultural produce to china. a milestone that is close to my heart. i extend my gratitude to the chinese leadership for making this past.


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