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tv   News  RT  April 22, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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wired never broke the free spirit of the indians and their will for resist the loss of the forces makes other gains and that then you have to region how they columns as a washington and finally gives a grid lodge to yet another method mandatory a package. do you have a following constant, please? for help from the praise president is up and we feel for the westerners are dangerously tutoring on the brink of a direct to military clash between nuclear powers, which is fraught with catastrophic consequences. russia and foreign minister, a warrant of a wells tutoring on the bridge of nuclear idea, nation is to the west, keeps up. it's policy to defeat moscow by any means at the top. given times for boeing has a tile falls off one of its subjects into how does,
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but it's the latest tracy's cap for the savings at jobs and john, it from the ad profit manufacturing giants. the product is all it's international, reaching you from the russian capital. well come to the latest updates. i a michael watching. right now we start this out with the latest from the front line buffalo fields where the russian army has gained the full control of the village of novel, mikhail, of god. in the den. yes, the republic and that's, according to the russian defense ministry. troops have also repelled the 3 counter attacks before the resulting in the train losing 410, many troop personnel and 9 vehicles via the supplemental flag girls 25. as all the soldiers were also killed along with a soviet made self propelled, which added $240.00 ukrainian dro and his were also down in the single day.
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so now i'm at the mounting losses. the trains also battling with the problem of all smuggling 2 police officers had been shot after a pair of soldiers. they had stopped at the road. yeah. check point. open fire. and then one of the officers later died, ukraine's interior minister confirmed this suspects had a full of weapons in the vehicle. let's not cross live to i see no corresponded morag, guys, do you have what is good to have you join me now. what exactly do we know about this incident? well, this was an incredibly resident case throughout you grade. this is to little it says to a service member as a father, a father and son, jude, who opened farm during a check put
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a stop. who opened fire on you paid in police and also the refusal to show what it is that the ball was in the truck and it but it was that way. they were transporting ammunition grenades. they've already said way the grenades in books is dumped in the grades. want on the k to investigate is and time is now working at the side as for the width and with what job placement with shots. at the moment we understand why the gun is the motive weapon has already scream, recovery supplies. now, what's, what makes these particular case stick out to also the, the fact that the, these are you credit sub has been firing on police offices during the routine stop . is that this happened in virginia, it's a region which is again bordering moldova. and this is off the allegations which you don't have. have a piece of good have appeared repeatedly over the past uh over the past 2 years.
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that's all west the non supply to create a big traffic down the country. uh and uh, winding up in the uh, in the hands of criminals all over the world. something to do great denies. today's not a single case of on smuggling outside ukraine has been recorded. at the same time, we must take into account such risks. we planned to continue corporation and exchange of information, both with e u. agencies member states. now we're working with our partners to develop a joint action plan for preventing and encountering illegal arms trafficking, which should strengthen the units of the ministry given time, little fast system to respond to such risks as this credit in statement is by all accounts untrue because they have been repeated incidents in europe in uh, from the pentagon of investigation in need of those on supply to get out
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of the houses of the intended recipient. now the pentagon even has a report on the subject of this report. those shows the journalist at the end, if they say they have new ways of guaranteeing that those up and up in the, in the hands of you credit. and so just because at the end of the day, they called guarantee on the ground that they reach their intended recipient. the office of defense corporation keyboards, unable to conduct requests and use monitoring of the military equipment. the united states provided to you crate and the financial year of 2020 to the inability of the personnel to visit the areas where equipment provided to ukraine was being used or stored significantly. haven't put the o d. c, cabs ability to execute the monitoring of the,
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the more a number of done the some have come about showing you, you know, for example finding you could probably the japanese javan and, and the tag me solves, listed on, for example, the doc. net, the, uh, the, the underground sort of into that uh, from that they can be bought by any bought one of the world uh, with crypto cards. and we have hard time and time again that these weapons off flowing out of your credit. pulling romania, other countries on the border were being flooded with weapons where you were shipping for the war to ukraine and other words commanders of various, you know, i don't, i don't know what level of often it was in general was it was colonels and others who were given a shipment of some weapons when personally re sell them or retail them back into
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the black. and the dark market says one case in which a british couple, well arrested and suspected of trying to smuggle uh, so cool boss. stump bunk, a bottom piece of rocket propelled grenade from ukraine into the united kingdom. that was also an investigation in fit and then conducted in pin which problem with criminal organizations to manage to, to, to lab weapons which was applied to guide in which was somehow smuggled out of that and into fin the which is quite some distance away, which doesn't even bold, you credit. so these remains an urgent problem with 2 men to your credit themselves is now shooting, police officers fall, fall from the front flood. oh wow. smuggling again, by uh, according to statements by the federal government smuggling grenades and ibm nation . he's a boring side right,
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hard to correspond them or i guess the bringing us up to speed the thank you. now the fear of arms modeling not doing nothing to dublin washington desires to feel the conflicts further on saturday is huge. a huge package past the major cargo on capitol hill. nearly $100000000000.00 will go to 3 major crisis around the wealth of the. ready us remains the biggest was spend there on the planet. it's management budget last year. suffice. kolosso $900000000000.00. our d z goes down of has this story. the following month. so the bi partisan bickering, the republican house leadership finally caved into the democrats agenda on this for the age of 311 and the days are 112. the bill is past the washington is just
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2 steps away from splashing tens of billions of dollars worth of humidity aid on ukraine, israel and taiwan. both the senate and president biden are expected to green light, the measure without much deliberation on that part. on dallas, with gasoline, the fiery tornadoes of 2 raging was wild prepping the fire pits for us said in the bill. ukraine has seen the most in fighting on capitol hill house speaking mike johnson drew much. i a from his fellow republicans for plowing ahead with the road to send a more american tax payers money to the torres, li, corrupt figures in key. if you see the united states tax payer has already sent $113000000000.00 to ukraine, and a lot of that money is unaccounted for. you claim is not
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a member of nato. but the most important thing due here in washington dc, is though we have to spend americans harder and tax dollars over to ukraine and keep the money going to continue to murder ukrainians. wipe out an entire generation of ukrainian man, 2 and a half years into this war. we still don't know what success looks like. is it crimea? is it all of the don't boss is a hold what you got. we don't know. we just can't afford it. this new spending $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending. mean it go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and by the way, while i was speaking, we have added another $5500000.00 to the national debt. see republicans have been clutching to the recent majority in the house,
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hoping to leverage that tensile ins. they give the democrats of vote and ukraine aid, and then we're to and get a win on the domestic front. tied, sending the us border. no one that mike johnson faces an hours to buy his own body off to flushing all that down the drain and sending billions of dollars to. well, that's actually quite interesting to who exactly is all this money going save, let him or is the last is legitimacy. expires in less than a month off the he canceled this year's presidential election. it has to hold for you and say relaxed because i have this one obligation under the statute on the, under our conventions. and it will do so. of course, there are problems because as long as you have martial law, your govern, your constitution does not allowed to have elections. so you have to find a solution that is not up to us to say how to do it. but of course, ukraine has to organize free and fair election. i cannot think of a better symbol for ukraine than to hold free and fair elections during the course
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of a war. elections would not only be seen as an act of defiance against the russian invasion, but an embrace of democracy and freedom. it's no formality. your following may 20 or facilities key becomes both a dictates, a under use of power with billions more dollars heading straight for his buckets. there's nothing not. i don't think that the house of representatives as a considered right that has to do with the true legality. illinois, the right, what's happening here with respect to sending additional funding to ukraine, the 2nd row i the idea that we're sending on the to for money to support democracy. ma'am, it is a bar and the fact that those elections have been canceled is disapproved for bath . there's nothing democratic today about unfortunately. and so, you know, we continue to fund the, you know, this concept there,
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and it's not going to be fruitful for ukraine. and that could be only the beginning . another bill has started to unlatch the door on russia's frozen for an assets and could allow the us to seize them and well send to cave. now pro palestinian activists tried to get the, please hud, inside us congress as the house voted on aid to israel. i'll send you an american on my family from the i've lost many of my cousins, aunts and uncles, as, as i'm here to fight. however, i can as a policy in america, we've tried very, very hard again and coming here every day for 3 months now, trying to lobby against that fight against it. while it all fell and that fee is more than $34000.00 people have been killed in gaza over the past 6 months, including more than $15000.00 children as the death tool. mountains daily the us
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the drawers more and more aflac as it remains, israel's biggest on supply. the new bill allocates $26000000000.00 extra for israel with only a fraction of that number designated for humanitarian needs. all of us have seen the tragedy of gaza. we have seen how prime minister netanyahu, whose government has used american weapons to kill indiscriminately, to force famine over 25000 women and children dead. tens of thousands of them, missiles and bombs levied on innocent civilians. and when we see it, we have to decide what we're going to do about it. are we going to participate in that carnage or not? i choose not to prime minister netanyahu has been reckless, or his actions have not led to the release of the remaining hostages. he's ignored
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the police of the families of hostages. he's ignore the police or the president of united states. he's ignored his own people. now who doesn't support the united states position of a 2 state solution for peace. he doesn't respect, urge is not to invade rafa. he disputes with the us in a groups upset about famine taking over in gaza and he launched attack and i ran after the white house told him not to if he's not listening to us on matters of international security, how can he be trusted with more offensive weapons enough is enough, if president by them signs a be or given benjamin netanyahu, his government, and not a $17000000000.00 in unconditional ministry funding. that hardly decision could migrate points of know its own for what remains of the white house. this relationship with american muscle can you see, and all the americans oppose to the genocide and gaza. critics and ex pats have also been cooling on joe biden, citing a famine in gaza as the reason he might be simply breaking the loo in case he signs
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the bill. reality though, is closer to this being rather a match when no tiff. now a cherry on top of this war mongers faced a bill to spend just over a 1000000000 on countering china's influence over time. want state of washington to it's militaristic efforts on the back button at least for now. most of the package is targeting chinese influence on the island of something big june. we'll expect that the united states as good that using age as a bogging chip and using captain stick to force developing countries to do what they say, which results in a serious lack of coherence and this age policy and undermines the sustainable development of recipient countries in a simultaneous blow, the house also voted to ban fit talk, unless the chinese parent company by dunst agrees to sell its us operations, the bill is on its way to be soon side into no ceiling. what is perhaps the world's
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biggest, institutionalized, financial cool. towards the end of 2023. it seemed america. zip pereta. so for and military spending had malfunctioned, its funnels often, buff to rights, but the cogs seemed jammed. evidently its engineers weren't actually lloyd spring. they've all the gays and the pipeline of military aid flows, once again, with the vigor as the machine rot souls with a relentlessly deadly rhythm. i'm increasing risk of nuclear war and that's a warning from russia stop diploma. say to get logged off. he says that the us obsession with inflicting a strategic defeat, the moscow is pushing the well to the break. a sewage this a shot. he's not the sky city leave today. the united states and it's natal satellites are still obsessed with the idea of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia and are ready to continue to fight against our country
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until the last ukrainian. at the same time, the westerners are dangerously tutoring. on the brink of a direct to military clash between nuclear powers, which is fraught with catastrophic consequences of particular concern is the fact that it is the trio of western nuclear weapon states that are among the key sponsors of the criminal key of regimes. and the main initiators of various provocative steps. within this, we see serious strategic risk leading to an increase in the level of nuclear danger . and he's welcome to speech at the called spread as the russian for him and a survey love, prov, talked about the dangers of nuclear use and he has the quite interesting points to make. i mean he talks about the west and the, the west and how they're still obsessed with this idea of having rushed off lose on the battlefield to the point where they're creating these advantages for them by
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using some cheating schemes of according to the form is ser washington and his allies are actively pursue in a number of the civilized, the military technical programs that he did accentuate. so that a conversation on arms control will only be possible was the was a vengeance. it's empty. russian, of course, before you do she supposedly from us, but we didn't the conditions of the all out, hybrid war being waged against us. there was no basis for dialogue with the united states on arms control and in general on issues of strategic stability. a conversation on these subjects will become possible only after the us authorities of band, and they are openly hostile and to russian horse music or what the russian foreign minister is talking about is not really at random. i mean, the west has shown time and time again that the, their goal here is to expend, militarily as much as possible. the polish president has expressed,
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is willing less to essentially allow nato to expand even further east towards i must admit that when asked about it. i declared our readings. russia is increasingly militarized in the can expect district. recently. it has been relocating it's nuclear weapons developers. if our allies decide to deploy nuclear weapons as part of nuclear sharing, also in our territory to strengthen the security of nato's eastern flank, we're ready for it. now it needs to be the rush of 4 minutes, the survey levels of stress. that's rough size, firmly committed to its international legal obligations. if he pointed that out, after he talks about washington's false claims, talking about how russia activities in space are a threat to international security. so sharpie, but just to say using the united states, supported by its allies, continues its propaganda campaign to discredit russia's cosmic activities and our initiatives to prevent an arms race and outer space. their aim is to divert the attention of the international community from the real threats in outer space and
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to obtain the location of additional financial resources to build up their national military and space capabilities. he highlighted that russia consistently advocates uh for the preservation of space to be for a peaceful activities of all stays on an equal basis all in all. he does say that in order to prevent further degredation of the global situation, it is necessary to have a conversation from both sides. at least 5 rockets were launched from a rock towards the us military base in north east of the syria last night. and that's according to, to the rocky security sources of the attack is before us against us forces since early february it comes out very seems blast that the military base a new rock on saw today which killed a member of a new rocky security force that includes a run back group, while the us led coalition has been accused of multiple valuation and syrian space
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in a period of just 24 hours. the vision of the so called international onto territories to call we sion, led by the united states, continues to create venture situations in this course of syria flying in violation of the confliction protocols and twilight and syria, an air space. all these lovely christmas then sidney drive, cuz use a lions of a run back groups has claimed most of the recent attacks on us forces. the pentagon still has around 2500 soldiers stationed the new rag in nearly 900 across the border in syria. replacing the names of the american occupation sometimes with the coalition and other times with sustainable security partnership or others has no value as long as they are occupying forces are entrenched on the chest, a wounded wreck, violating its sovereignty, violating its aerospace and controlling the security decisions in it,
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like their dominance or joint operations and other security junctures. right, let's plus cross live to stevie a saw here in a john listed political commentators specializing on american interest in the middle east. if it is good to have you join me right now. i've been us been using syria on the fire for the 1st time since february. are you surprised? let me answer that 1st. the 1st of all, i am not surprised because the united states had a big role in the, in the attack on the iraq, the base salma cousins based out of hushed, i'll shall be in iraq. they have, they had that the girl and supporting and helping the israelis again, uh and data attack on iran and everything. that's how it does is it has been doing in the region and in syria or in your dogs or against your on it is being a health and supported by the united states,
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especially when the health and supported the israel and shooting down to erie, new muscles they, as i said, the attack the other day on the, you're off the military base, the has to shabby submitted database and the others. so the agreement that was done to prevent york from being hit and targeted or occupied, the more than it's already occupied. it's, it's broke that agreement between the rocky side and the us, the, it broke. and this happened while the iraq, you prime minister was in washington dc. so they did not suspect the log did not suspect the prime minister of you're not going to is not just fix the problems the, the, they all can. you saw the soil right down the, in the 1st place. what justification or perhaps legal grounds are there for the us to keep troops station that there is no, well, there is no legal. they are a legal,
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that's a problem. your occupation in the east cafeteria. you're occupying the, the east of syria. they are stealing the oil, the resources, the oil, the gas, uh, the wheat of syria or the east of syria, northeast of celia is very rich with a food resources like we, it's very rich was oil and gas. and that is why is there, they're not there for a, for a, for taking the fighting terrorism because it is not they do. they're not doing anything. i can still isn't it just the other day i so it's just a team out of all from us area. and i talked in the, the most and central syria, a tax, a bus, seen soldiers, and killed $22.00 students soldiers, those fighters, it'd be protected by the united states. those throw that goes from a terrorist groups they at one time they called the mice or the other guy. another
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day they called them my go with all sort of the they call them hey, i have to hire old sean. so the united states to keep changing, uh, changing their names. it all depends for how do they want to use them. but they the claim of being in the east of syria. unfortunately, joseph quarterly fought terrorism is a corporation between the russian air force of the ceiling army that will depend more attacks on foreign troops. and can this lead to an escalation from your assessment? i do because actually today the reason is going to an edge of, or when i mean the war a reasonable war. because the there in your are doesn't want to more and syria and iraq and even love on his beloved 8 o one a war. but on the other hand, you have a met, person sitting in tel aviv wants to start the war. he cannot continue,
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the ordering goes. so he is pressuring to cause a, a, a, what was going on a war with syria? what was the wrong? so because so he can stay in power as long as possible because the due date, if the war stops and goes to the, the genocide, i guess that goes up, people stops today. he will go the 2nd day, you'll be put in prison for corruption files and the in another files. so the, so he started to cause the reason war uh, the uranium mines and the stomach assistance in love and on. and then you all are to be patient. they don't want to go to a place where nothing ever wants, but in the end they have to reply and that's what they have been doing and etc. this continuing because until now there is no one working on peace in the middle east. there's 2 sides. israel and the united states on one side and on the other side is iran and the under allies. and they are fighting with each other.
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one side is be patient, the other side, one so more once blood one, so destruction in the region, and it's only for one man, the sake of one man. and that has been human. let them know by the he has been accused of war crimes as well. we have to leave you here. now stephen, this i here in a john less than political commentators, specializing on american interest in the middle east. thank you so much for your insight. thank you. a boeing plane has been forced to return. did you had his book after losing a tire during a take off? the plane was on its way to cape town when the incident occurred. best video shows the moment the play and made an emergency landing it comes, as bullying is being backed at by extreme tapia. let us right now. it has been accused of cutting corners to land itself, bigger profits by the us, and it is looking to clip its wings, argue, correspondent, and don't all quote that takes up the story from here. the planes running off the
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taxi ways paneling falling off mid flights. windshields cracking and scores of injuries just last month. owings reputation continues to fall deeper into the gutter with the new revelation that the company is faced at 32 whistle blower complaints over the past 3 years. it comes just days after one of the company's engineers turned whistle blower took to the senate floor and accused his bosses of cutting corners on the production line. are these points say right now i would not, you know, it's like an earthquake. you know, it big are quite as common, but when been that hits the building that, you know, you, let's say if you're talking of a building, have to be prepared to accommodate that type of a, let's say shakeup. you know, it has to be built properly, right? now remember that i've seen the airplanes are allowed being billed per spec and per require. i literally saw people jump in on the pieces of the airplane to get them
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to aligned. i call of the cars on the effect among other improper methods. the aerospace giant attempted to once again whitewash the situation. this time was the last minute twitter post according to solid for though when he raised his concerns to management, he was met not with understanding what's threats. similar accusations of retribution were voice that a separate senate committee hearing they hear speak up if you see anything that's on the safe. but what they see is that if they do speak up, they get very little feedback. and if they insist they may find themselves on the short end of the stick next time raises or bonuses, or, or, or job transfers come up. or even worse, the doctor's allegation seem even more convincing. when we consider the story of john barnett, a former boeing employee who also cried fowler mysteriously died last month apparently from a self inflicted wounds.


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