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tv   News  RT  April 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the top headlines right here and i'll show you the national as ukrainian troops tool, a couple offices on the front as the russian army of bonds is across the don't ex republic. it comes as washington ships, even more military aid and caustic t, as, as the landscape clutches bottled peeled gates. israel's military intelligence chief coals, it quit. so for the idea of failure to protect the nation back on october, the 7th coming size netanyahu's cabinet is under pressure to take responsibility for the attack and ultimately step down. and another wheel comes off a boeing jet lineup made at basically this time. and your highness, but i guess that like a scab mazda safety reputation of that, and manufacturing giant,
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those details up and coming the so i, we are just about talking 8 pm here at most. go onto the international is live and world wide, your storage kicking off right now. so i was talking of a solid delay, very like it's not from that of the front line of the battlefields by the russian army has gained full control of the village of north of the heil of cards in the abundance republic. it's also, according to the russian ministry of defense. a troops of also repelled 3 counter attacks. as we understand, it cried last over 400 military personnel at least 9 vehicles. i mean, well then the 2nd month, all the pretty good. i've got about 25 as off battalion soldiers were killed along with a soviet made self uphill pallets. a $240.00 ukrainian drones will also down in a single day. now, amid the russian advances that washington is still pumping full,
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vast amounts of military aid in the tier summit continued vowels by the crating unprecedented. his forces will make me consider games out today. the us house of representatives approve spending another $60000000000.00 on the conflict is by minneapolis saying it simply won't change the situation on the frontlines. nobody. however, the majority of republicans voted against the bill, which had been deadlocked on capitol hill for a month. you see the united states tax payer has already sent $113000000000.00 to ukraine. and a lot of that money is on, accounted for you. claim is not a member of nato, but the most important thing due here in washington dc is though we have to spend americans harder and tax dollars over to ukraine and keep the money going to continue to murder ukrainians. wipe out an entire generation of ukrainian men, 2 and a half years into this war. we still don't know what success looks like. is it cry
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me a, is it all of the don't boss is a hold what you got? we don't know. we just can't afford it. this new spending. $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending. mean it go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and by the way, while i was speaking, we have added another $5500000.00 to the national debt. yeah, we'll gauging precisely that with a former c r a, unless laurie johnson here, he basically says that such a huge a packages are basically stay domestically in the united states. the only propping up that of the military industrial complex. let's understand what's happening with this funding package. the money that was appropriated for the voted on by the house of representatives. the vast majority of that is staying in the united states. it's
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not actually going to ukraine, it's being described as a, let's fund ukraine bill. but this is really very misleading because the money is going to us defense corporations, wallace described as pro ukraine funding. it's really is not going to make any difference whatsoever to ukraine on the battlefield. the united states is in the process of trying to come to grips with losing its supremacy. it's losing its place of, of dominance in the world. and it's, it's really, it's a self inflicted what if thought of it could destroy russia by imposing the sanctions and backing this proxy war with ukraine against russia. and then the process is basically reawakened of the powers of russia as a superpower. and resulted in the brand new relationship of solidarity and
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cooperation between russia and china. something that really we haven't seen and you know, 7080 years. so that's why the ongoing legal aid flowing into the key of question is clearly still remaining about where all these weapons are ending up. i'm key of says there's never been a single case of smuggling. but a court hearing has been held today against 2 soldiers to open fire off of that vehicle was stopped at a police road block. the car was later found to be packed with weapons. as i've seen a correspondent now investigating this is balloon the to an incredibly relevant case . and you crave a father and son do active service members, members of your credit. um, forces opening fort worth, a foreign exchange between police officers and them during a routine traffic stop. and this is far off from the front lines hundreds. 1 of
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kilometers in the region bordering moldova, when they but it was that way. they were transporting ammunition grenades. they've already said way the grenades in books is dumped in the grades. want all the k to investigate is and time is and now working at the side as for the width and with which i'm placement with shots at the moment we understand where the gun is, the motor weapon has already being recovered. so many critical details are missing . there isn't much information about where they could potentially be taking these boxes of, of grenades and i mean, nation great is all through and the blankets will time censorship. some of these details may never much, but i mention that this will happen to minutes, a region which photos will go, but the, it again raises the question of where you can, you know, and supplied by the west, paid for by watson tax, pays where they are ultimately and dig up ukraine to this day maintains that,
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that has to be the single incident of weapons proliferation. also have you credit to data, not a single case of on smuggling outside ukraine has been recorded. at the same time, we must take into account such risks. we plan to continue corporation and exchange of information, both with e u. agencies, a member states. now we're working with our partners to develop a joint action plan for preventing and encountering illegal arms trafficking which should strengthen the units of the ministry of internal fest system to respond to such risks. these statements is by all accounts entirely untruthful. the russian side has maintained from the onset the you pay the knobs on proliferation you out of your credit and they all being smuggled. as of you credit into the hands of organized crime. for example. now i've had to go and report as well, but merit those opinion saying that's indeed weapons applied to craig, have ended up in the hands of criminal groups of all malicious and dom traffic. as
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on the traffic is dependent on the said, the it's while big to supply those weapons. is that able to verify the end recipient? because they are on the ground. the face of defense corporation key was unable to conduct required and use monitoring of the military equipment. the, you know, i just is provided to you crates in the financial year of 2020 to the inability of the personnel to visit areas where equipment provided to ukraine. was being used or stored significantly, haven't put the o d. c, cabs ability to execute the monitoring. since the conflict, the got the west supply declared with millions of grenades of a sole thoughtful piece. those hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition full of them. and these old man bootable weapons weapons that are highly demanded for in the mind. moans traffic is and criminal organizations. uh it is,
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it appeared off the 1st few months of the conflict on various dogs at market places . 1 weapons, even javin and miss all launches, sold full and bought by crypto cards. i'm. this is something that douglas have talked about and the have said tom and tell them again because of a reputation or damage. it could be words when you grade. people simply don't talk about this pulling romania, other countries on the border were being flooded with weapons where you were shipping for the war to ukraine and other words, commanders of various, you know, i don't, i don't know what level of often it was in general was it was colonels and others who were given a shipment of some weapons, would personally re sell. i'm or retail them back into the black and the dark market. there have of course being specific incidents such as a boost each couple who was slapped for the fun for trying to smuggle
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a bug go boss stuff, walk you through inches into the united kingdom of the field issue. inforcement officials have come up and said that they have indeed seen signs of weapons from ukraine winding up in the hands of criminals in finland, which doesn't even bother you credit. so it must have been both other countries in the european union and the your opinion. authorities have come out and said that there could be a huge spike in the numbers of weapons smuggled from ukraine into the european union. which again, lends, lends urgency to the problem of weapons proliferation, small arms being smuggled into, into the european union. and these are the weapons that could potentially be used even by terrorists. meantime, a communication tyler in the city of hot coffee and the adults west of ukraine. the report police junk by russian forces will show you some pictures, as,
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according to reports ukrainian at defense antenna complex to being installed on top of that t. v. tyler seconds off of the attack, the video went online, basically showing the up a half of a crashing down to the ground as the smoke rises above. now the intelligence chief of b is riley defense forces has quit in the weight of a hamas that types of october. the 7th. he's the 1st senior village, refigured a step down over the atrocities which was the deadliest day for the country. since its founding of the intelligence division under my command did not live up to the task we were entrusted with. i carry that black day with me ever since day after day, night after night. i will forever carry with me the terrible pain of the war. now after more than half a year has passed, and at the same time as the investigations begin, i wish to end my position and retire from the idea of the idea of military intelligence chief, our own high leave um is indeed the 1st high profile official to leave his post
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following have massive attack on southern israel. on october, the 7th last year went around 3000 militants, minutes to cross into israel. from the gas was 3 killing mold and 1200 is really is military and civilians and taking hundreds hostage leave are resigned. earlier on monday, when he sent a letter to the army as chief of staff, explaining his reasons and his disappointment, the army accepted the resignation, thinking major general for his almost 40 years of service and the idea of and significant contribution to these real security as both combat soldier and a come under the same day by the way, the resignation became public and you survey was published by the israel democracy institute showing that 62 percent of his rail is both jewish, an arrow of respondents among them. believe it is time for those responsible for the sailors of october, the 7th, to leave their positions to leave his resignation,
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does not come. as a surprise, i have to say since the beginning of the war, he took responsibility for the failure of his department, but was supposed to gather information on the enemy, in this case, the mass, but failed to prevent all predicted here as well to leave a set back in october, in all my visits to military intelligence directory units, and the last 10 days i sat down and stressed at the beginning of the war was an intelligence failure. we failed in our most important mission. and as the head of the military intelligence directory, i bear full responsibility for the failure, however, was not the only official to say he bears personal responsibility for the deadly attacks by him us in october we heard that from the had of his real security agency, sion bad and idea of chief of stuff to leave his resignation now is not surprising for yet. another reason is real, has already started any investigation into the negligence of the military,
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including the military intelligence unit, but led to the events of october, 7th and leave is probably interested in focusing on the pro and build his defense rather than run the department that will be in the spotlight of investigation. it is a pass over even is ro and the move hasn't grabs. that's much attention. however, are they had of the countries opposition? they make a comment, welcoming the resignation and saying the prime minister in, antonia who should follow her leave. his example, claim responsibility for this failure to protect israel and resign along with authority comes heavy responsibility. at the retirement of the head of the management intelligence direct rate is justified and honorable. it will have been appropriate for prime minister need on yahoo to do the sign one. can i sub member from lucky's party later said that nathan, yahoo must resign immediately regardless of what the investigation into the events of october the 7th finds out. we heard a lot of that from ordinary israelis to i have to say demonstrations calling on
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prime minister to resign. mass of rail is happening across each row on a weekly basis in the last 6 months to test or is our angry and frustrated with how is really forces fails to protect the country. citizens back in october and how the are for which is deal with the situation now with the war in guys intensifying people from both sides dying. but hostages still remain incompatibility with the fate. i know, i think the thoughts that we need are the things they need be to go because the once the way because the office buyer can about their house. it is he's damaged about meanwhile, newtonian who hasn't commented on leave his resignation himself. nor did he ever make a comment about his potential resignation. on the opposite. recently,
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prime minister talked a lot about the need for people of israel to be united, not divided to when the war gains from us and to survive the international pressure with him. apparently believing that he is the right person to be that united force for these really society and these hard times. as part of a big job, we're having go there in the program with a is really based political analyst on john list. i'm here at oregon and he says that the military intelligence cheap stepping down is likely only the beginning. suggesting that then yahoo may actually be forced to accept the same fight the right after the october 7 attack and massacre. several of the military and security chiefs have already announced that they see themselves as responsible and the comfortable and being publication was that in due course. once the heavy fighting is over, they will resign. well,
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it took them and now the 6 months and the work started today is the beginning of an avalanche of resignations. they were obviously, uh, a negligent they were guilty of complacency, is obvious. and expected that the, the chief of general stuff, general a levy and the southern command, the chief general single month will resign. s will eventually defense municipal guidelines. and there will be a lot of pressure on prime minister and then you know, to follow. so the fact that these officers are starting to resign has nothing to do because it's on, you know, in fact, they resent he is refusing to take responsibility for his own failures. and if there is any relationship at home, i'm reading about the military ash alone does. and the political rationalism does
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is that it is expected that the public will react with an out right now and demand new elections, so that mcdaniel will be ousted from power. it runs 1st have a direct attack on israel and retaliation for an ass drive when it's considered in damascus, is certainly raised those sorts of speculation about and even broad a war emerging in the middle east. but fact is, israel is extremely limited. response appears to have a more of a pianist on the design more to send a message. so corresponding of reports from iraq as a very brief for a bold response to yvonne's unprecedented strike on his ralph on friday or one. he is at work to news of an alleged is really drawing attack you are in here based. and this one on one of the critical natasha nuclear side is located shortly after it turned out that you're wanting a different systems that intercepted and neutralize the 3 is what are the minute draws, purportedly launched from within one local media then showed that the nation has
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nuclear facilities had remained us case in quote, comped as well thrown from inside iran that didn't have destructive unexplored. just paula, when they came up, when i read as they were, shut down some explosions that i could had to do with the ad defend strikes that said the 3 drawings in each by hon. it's still unclear whether it was israel's ultimate response. this is by no means on par with the fire we flags made earlier by the idea of warning to target. it was nuclear facilities experts such as the this could be a precursor to a larger action, however, is really on western media. try to send specialized basic conclusive response something which part for the q wolf, anyone and as well, the disparity between to of was large scale missile on joint assault. a couple of eves limited reaction is to the talk of the town. some of the social media buzz marketing as well as underwhelming response, initial fears, other robust pronounciation that sent a chill down the spine,
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gave way to jokes. the officials also down played disagree because of the attack. will psalm expressing surprise at all the fuss about a major retaliation, only to see a relatively small jerome strike unfold. and then i'm gonna do the operation, maybe see, and as an attempt to show that the seats destroyed to run through media, money, pollution, and psychological tactics. it could also be a spine efforts to identify iran, security bugs and defense vulnerabilities. what's clear is that israel is trying to how to put trade edits promise response to runs attack. and this is ridiculous about all observers interprets as well as measured strike as this 4 digit signal
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that it's 6 to avoid water complex with one. if this is the case, this approach appears to have paid off, as there is no sign of difference pledge or force fortelli ations. if want 8 officials have indicated that they do not view these ready action as warranting retaliations. let's say that's what happened last night. of course not a strike, but did any other country tell you something was happening and they were going to invade your aerospace and attack possibly when you're basis to try a free, you know, various they're, they're like some more like toys that are just isn't play with not drones, the if most of horse telling us before it happens. here's what tell you stories 5, on april, 13th marks of civil service to milan, 22 as well. one drive away. engaged in a shot or more, the other side had been interested in a direct confrontation now as well as targeting of it was diplomatic compound in damascus. all through so dynamics many perceive
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a sure for them power balance in favor of as long as it was not expected in the face of there was assault on his route when it was seizure of initially the cargo should happen. the persian gulf was thought to beat everyone's ultimate response to his well, there was unleashed a waiver for us, but as long as response escalated, those threats to prove to lack stops. this one is males was from allies, did help. it with alton was missiles on april 13th. they normally refrain from endorsing, as well as with highly to reactions us secretary of state antony blinking, emphasized america's non involvement. and as well as drones tri county was clearly signaling a desire to steer clear of the conflict. the united states has not been involved in any offensive operations. what we're focused on, what the g 7 is focused on. and again, it's reflected in our statement. and in our conversation is our work to de escalate tensions. elevated the impacts of care on strike, which eventually as well as killing of fi
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r g c members in syria and reminded to us that there was red lines cannot be cross putting this in the context of the ongoing is waiting for further pull. sir, there was a sense accessing, challenging as well, and it's western allies. while turning this full on the audio, just got some, a random pictures to show you here on the program as a severe flooding. us head, southern china report leaving at least 4 people dead and at least 10, missing the pictures right here, really speaking for themselves, you're looking at a grand gong province, a boat. so essentially, now the only way to transport around the area, according to local media, more than a $110000.00 people have been evacuated. the disaster basically exacerbated by the fact that much of the region is located in low lying areas
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that are coming apart of a seems a small bad news. but boeing, one of his planes, has been forced air for tundra to join his bug off the. well this time one of his tires fell off during take off of the plane was on. it's a way to cape town with the incident to code. this video right here is trying to buy me the plane made a successful emergency landing. now it comes as this us aircraft, john is taking a hammering in the press and the mock is because it's basically being accused of cutting corners to land itself. big of profits can you imagine potentially putting helpless lives at risk? as our correspondent now explains the planes running off the taxi ways paneling falling off mid flights, windshields cracking and scores of injuries just last month. owings reputation continues to fall deeper into the gutter with the new revelation that the company has faced 30 to whistle blower complaints. over the past 3 years, it comes just days after one of the companies engineers turned whistleblower took to the senate floor and accused his bosses of cutting corners on the production
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line. are these points say right now i would not. you know, it's like an earthquake. you know, it, the big are quite as common, but when, when that hits the building that, you know, you, let's say if you're talking of a building, have to be prepared to accommodate that type of a, let's say shakeup. you know, it has to be built properly. right now. remember that i've seen the airplanes are allowed being built per spec and per require. i literally saw people jump in on the pieces of the airplane to get them to aligned. i call of the cars on the effect among other improper methods. the aerospace giant attempted to once again whitewashed the situation. this time was the last minute twitter post according to solid for though when he raised his concerns to management, he was met not with understanding. what's threats, similar accusations of retribution were voice that a separate senate committee hearing they hear speak up if you see anything that's
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on the safe. but what they see is that if they do speak up, they give very little feedback. and if they insist they may find themselves on the short end of the stick next time raises or bonuses, or, or, or job transfers come up. or even worse, the doctor's allegation seem even more convincing. when we consider the story of john barnett, a former bowing employee who also cried fowler mysteriously died last month, apparently from a self inflicted wounds. just as he was gathering t evidence to present in a lawsuit against his former employers. l. as in charles, pushing by defects to our suppliers, well, i'd say can attain before inspectors. spirit arrows systems to inspect the 41 section before they send its charles. and we found $300.00 defects. some of them were significant needed engineering intervention. what are these are the charleston most senior managers only we had found so many dfcs and he was gonna take the next
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trip southern extra or you went on so 2 of my inspectors and when they got back, they were given accolades. the only plan in 50 dfcs for its part boeing rejects these accusations that it retaliates against concerned employees and even says it's making it easier for its workers to file complaints moines, increase the promotion of the speak up reporting system result in the more than 500 percent increase in the number of submissions during the 1st quarter of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. increased reporting of the sign of progress stored or robust reporting culture. all the while safety incidents continue to go through the roof with boeing, struggling to fulfill safety orders by airlines. after 2 deadly 737 crashes in 20182019. then in march of this year alone the paddling flew off of $1737.00 mid flight. another had its windshield cracks and 50 people were even injured after being thrown around the cabin of a $78079.00 during
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a so called technical event. it all seems to add credibility to the damming accusations of the former. boeing engineer, who spoke to the senate alongside solve for the department of justice and f. b. i relied on this landed results of the 1st max accident investigation to develop the legal and unjust deferred prosecution agreement. dentist b chair reiterated the congress that boeing has said there are no records documenting the removal the alaska airlines store. this is a criminal cover up records do in fact exist. i know this because i've personally passed them to the fbi. i to make matters worse for the company. stocks have dropped 35 percent this year, making boeing the 2nd worst performing company on the s and p 500 index. these are the same people who want to make flying cars by 2030. it's an idea that was more than crazy enough to bring out the internet. trolls no tags. they can't even make reliable fine planes yet. will the doors and windows full off?
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i want to know thank experience. they already protected flying doors. hail, know if it's boeing, then i'm definitely not going. do you want a secretary of state to had a problem with his bowing plane twice already and even had to travel by car? so it's potentially lease old technical failures continue to pile up. it's likely more and more people from all walks of society will go out of their way to avoid boeing aircraft altogether. that's really scary, stuff right there from done caught up while i run out the program. here with a quick side note here on how to international the circled resistance access forces . they've resumed attacking american bases, the middle east region. that's washington continues to suicide, procrastinate withdrawing his troops from iraq. this 5 by dad's ongoing requests to leave. so rockets were fired from a roth targeting us assets illegally. of course, in syria. this is all the international, the back soon,
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the temporary prompted to interesting and here's the thing. it's interesting because there's k, i know that's just sort of similar to a lot of upside, even though it's almost the end of the course. they also could i ask you, i sca could, i know what to tell them, you know, i'm uh, at the end of this message is to,


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