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tv   Documentary  RT  April 22, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

1:30 pm
the, the template front attempt usually usually when you get to choose fits as k, i does, that's just sort of similar to a lot of up. so let me know if i'm, we're still we that of course they also could i ask you, i sca grading the woocommerce to appear on your, i'm at the end of this message is to, to convict this and you will no longer live as the cousin this will be so it is an
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issue and you'll get a sense conditioning it to them. so it's collusion is this is can do to move from the district the know, lots of us to slip into or find me for a list of things sort of controlled the image. yeah. cache. and the visual has a with a video systems. so for looks that way the the
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envelope case, but if i'm gonna try to just go through just a little you know, the, the pollution from as well. so i've got more on the dish has middle one of your stores here to ginger architectural. now permission understands communicating numbers? communication didn't so vicious. yeah. such a thing. yes. priscilla pursued him. you have with him, he's quite from julia on sunday which listed in your thoughts and then you know, for the look slips. yeah, it's using them though for sure. the guess it's making the most interesting to them that's for women. more than us, male people are interested in putting it on for just lonely. and this wasn't only shameless commodities. almost the just taking a little that control at them in the ocean that i wish the meals names to get to the stage of the last, which is the situation of a finding. the 100 with the kids are going to show us the stuff for us to do it the
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same for the most part of this deal. it's a 1st and last name. well, there's some, i think the shit was in get, and you can but or if i need to know that or which for some doors and punch that it for the for the, for the middle initials to, to, to let me know i something. ready to do with the permission and because of the permissions because of the course that i'm supposed to, the same, giving them what i think visual visual can depending on the exchange and visual pacific ocean, my e. and it shows your degree as board of one total source, the banks to put it in a stack of nash value. so if i turn it down to just interest, most of the gums go lynch. those programs kind. yeah,
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i was wondering how long ago was the value for confusion in florida, and it was to look up with them to tell you to put them. but unfortunately since the solution to example in texas, i've sent them the thing implicitly nimble and showing envelope. and when i put that in the, the previous a 4 digit or somebody should have what i see you, i'm gonna send it in to them. it done with this is a girlfriend. you do between display for leasing with them so much. i really should be sending them spam aging, 1st floor solution solution solution. there's a comp much of the groups or the or distinct, or that's also going to be going to go that's published and it's still going to look for the full causing. and you think that good? what else? additional okay. for the notes for the airplane store is willing to and you have
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yourself comfortable directors of cartoons total more and you folks still the solution for that much. so is a think died that apply to either 3, a new height. it is possible against any period as independent of the samples facility move which they are stuck with for hiking. i'm in a very slow, you know, i was more than that. yes. like they feel as if so the question that you do as a couple switches or phone told me people associated with differential i'm the most of which he was unable to do. so i actually have mr. brain start to close the sample from the ditch. and yeah, cache individual who's a lot of video systems though for looks that way. it's just, i think consumers subsidy. so then it's gonna finish officially the ships almost as
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invoice and trust me. you will have to do something good for posting them that i can get the numbers. yeah, i mean, you always can spend it because it's what kinds of professional combustion most time you can. but the style interest, which cook with a choice, because i choose to my own a team, i'm a spanish, that's what i'm showing. this thing is that engine. a good thing occurs, but that is before you and the interview, i'm going to send the computer would be to move it to bush when difficult for the sucks. plenty of the for you to discuss the shuttle profession this, that i knew pretty much is this cut, there's not order for put in chance for you walk out the citrus the link from virginia to interest. and if there's some foundation, in addition to the other special needs a solution, i don't mind couldn't work a little bit sure thing for but sure. and the pushing it when you to put it as a festus on that and give them the zip code in. uh, what did you,
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what would be william the specialists that up similar to the additional good as new institutions see that, but there's a lot of last thoughts uh which ones are getting pretty boy of what your thoughts list of us because of a couple of things come on, butchered from some new to the yeah, we do know you seem to it, you know that you heard anything any because always just in go come or sniff as always through the personal for me with a chest inclusion there was a have compression. i'm with percentages, so typically i'm still working for some part of this new and you're gonna get super location address. no, thank you she, because of the morning i'm that was live. so i could ask, is it the song tricia? token gold uh, color it's that right is about to do most of its 1st,
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the initial period is more than that. i didn't was to them in the age and then go with them for the dental developers. thoughts from that i know and they're they're so excited to to those are good. i knew that as well. yeah. pretty much the grace the worst. and the wedding is reaching us cuz when she gets the vendor, i know can be great. that those that to do should tell it somebody who should send this, but i just, i'm going to if i have to more on the chest, the motion stated systems. i'm clicking in a state of the demo of vision at the time and the this, the to the, to the let us use resemble anybody. another way to the concept is the type of findings fix letting it fall across any. so there's lots of them are stories of so the key is to get the best way of getting the problem. the navigation is no storm with which on them west texas. i think it's eastern. she jago dorsey is
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mostly pursuing english. you must be in the community and those for them of especially and then is the most of the day to go see the best one you do for the name that you said to provide when you're still looking for a little bit slumber flip monthly with george boy, decision, legal, sinus infection, bitch. in winter. so if you can just get the last one, give me a chance. if i could with a whole new flip, dirty summarizing them. what could it be after cutting your to is tied to the interest of both that and that took me longer for me. so it's not that the government. he just don't want to tell him somebody could you face to look stupid
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to for me is the local choice kind of shock assume and there's a door to push forward in it's just html stood us and we didn't know if there was some cable from the young person then it'll be, there's no choice joseph, sent them for mr. ocean. they show up on the waging with them that she almost confusing or difficult question to move on to meet the internal fund. well, and then it personally at the federalist knowledge that the blanket also have permission to, to, to you. forget, as no insurance company to go buy super movers in school. so i'm good for the shots at a short amount of money out of the during the semester. so i don't know, most of the provisional post christian, he said, didn't get to put in with document tracking whatever. and that's uh which, which as changing the assignment science for those and about where you've tried
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changing the to put them on the issue of, i'm not sure what the courses that if one is trust me doing memory is that's cool. cool. well that's built into setting in their system shall go high much. so i'm kind of her if she what that you like you cannot think of the resist by then use that other normally they don't usually i'm ok to i'm not sure. and i think, what are we doing, research chemistry? still it's pushing us for christian. going to email it to think if i get to deal with the thought of it because of which we're going to ask them to do more, to share the crises for them to do more store obviously. so i am at the definitely the ocean partial findings, motion, clark, i'm the regional department of them. what am i to do? but in this and it will kind of a fuck that i'm which the design that are at the get his own it. which to the fiscal tutor, which to the most i can put a sword. yeah. what should the most of the
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senior citizen prepare the mailbox tool, which in the system brings the ship to and i've seen the guns, i think of special. i can, you know that there is pressure because obviously just the brand new customer was moving their stuff to minnesota, which kicked with, i'm a special agent with zillow dash with the system. the folks got the truth that you, me and just to, to the, to the visit of it's sort of way, much like a ship a quick. what about them? yeah, pretty sure. so bad service and like out the other but converted to a new meal, probably better cuz he's been doing this and easiest for me and you're not able to print that extra. so the 1st the tech to go actually because i missed a is a shift towards the summer. so you can ask me that this finish smack up the number to the
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provincial doors for shutoff session. some ways we have special occasional cut, the young to sell for cause which, you know, one of the weights of the look at the piece, the price to price. see me here though. new york stone is that crew of love with them going to same news as should to us for new various. is that the uh, the, is that the, uh, the with tax the world's largest democracy votes, the rest of the planet watchers in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches,
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almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the the
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one instead of oh my god, and see him, you over to the any of your, to the best place to consolidate the of the see what was more of a see is somebody in the on, can you send the, the look at the store item at each store posted on the video as opposed to the and yes, you can just delete the custodian. let's say that enough less. but those are the single to the the
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fullest be from the but the studio should buy was code. yes. yeah. that's cause a lovely me. you call it that way. if i get an e mail to the point on the spot for the new, a new one, but us cousin will let me in the risk level, silver, gold, liam the shuttle. okay, so, so if i could get some of the facilities way to like show the or i just hung up over like really not, but there was that it was almost impossible. it was the mobiles and still video suggestion. interesting story on top of the connection. yeah. that's the little boy, the lowest, mama said number of them, i never got on a special bus 0 except though i get to phillip problem focus the you the, you know what he did, you know,
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but i do not going your lady. some of the will full of well little slips double sided all of the store. and instead of my guys seems to be your to the best coverage setup for the for the 28th monday. but they able to tell them that i'm out of some way above that period to period should be a e, a love, it's true for medium symptoms of course and get it's up to you for your days. at least you still have some fundamental what should be the best thing that i can the do me privately. the oldest is easier on a published sheila. so if you need a shuttle, i put it that way you're putting it was for the new city is a trace go, especially in the kids that are mostly up to the the most to get digital numbers for me. i don't know what's going on with the phone and talk to somebody. yeah.
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more because of which form or should i give them my yeah, for michelle, not much less. i looked across the q federal agent way to stop by the person that i didn't know what the good each of us on the ceiling is. what i need them. i need will be able for you to what i need was pointed with someone there recently where i stay in the, to the full of deal with a fix here when the were for some of the, the war for on this. yes, i said that it says cable with them and it says keep the on the form. i should probably put the police with courtney. consider when the but the deal navy on from chicago. it's the thumb, keep the flip flops. it took us to give them the, they did the, we mean says keep a loop of product, but it's probably in the bumps. this facility, it only means it says good for the solution through a lot because there's
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a scale where she needs to learn how to do the sure use them. so that seems pretty far out of prostate. sure, nimble with us. those lights see, tell, this is a fix or seem it doesn't mean it's good. by the way up, we're conditionally up to the chain. you can you twist quite a sabbat? which equation? which in the says low i see a pretty low flaw. bringing wise to be able to take him to quote, east of take wish of june of the source contract, put the levels pretty much like he's finished. i'm sure to say limits. mil was one, this is salsa that we're going to we just use simple model. it's the most of the problem with one schedule. we need the kind of this. so at least we'll just last to
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deal with kind of that goes to columbia and we deal with the deal. it's from the lady and it was a yes plus the completeness. each living only, what was the use plus the piece a couple of it's got he was at, i bought the, here's a little different data showed of somebody. here's a less is for somebody to split the physics and the expedited, but i to land massages to a uh, let's do a voyage. so with all the superior law levels, lashania, and yes, you the idea of the pacific beach, he goes to the thing, gives a sheets a video for them. but also the students who will be skipped costumes. they should less q issue for the 5th chapter. they ship them oscar with to pretty well for you . that's supposed to be the cost saving until yep. so you can just say, you know, when it comes to it that i've saved up with more of, with both the lower left for the but as it gets to more of potentially physics
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keeble, there's a lot that see where things fingers go to both of these concepts, 16 waiting to go in and critical. other words, but you might get what i choice the by the postal. what is some boys? me said 0. solve some of just the simple there's. there's a couple days nippy with lisa with are easy to easy. simple. the comb coverage, if they kick most of the clips, the last you broke the some of the more force me what's more it was it was a movement constant about 70 money. it was a little by little come down to some of the for mission with those that's a little, you know, in a pretty much the, because of the thoughts of a lovely or that's a deal. we're sure it's play publish source to learn more or less blood its thoughts say maybe i don't know what it looks like. a chair. it's a sleeping list because any partial flu focus sites, twitch, congrats, just daughters with me. it's of the stress shouldn't level loss kind of down way w to just come back to us for, for you. mccullough gave me your thought,
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silas generation has come from tech, corporate and most lecturing. you uh, so this uh, when did you miss ladyman? we find you ever when the little guy with stay on the says, why anyway? so where's the land to be there? and because i think there's a land funding source from you, patricia visits makes wimbeles can research to used, but it will make, consider that level the more you there so that you have listed in the cover, they'll be less content that again, it will be sheets. i go to them by you to split the moist dave with much stumble. is this gimme a multiple kind of model extort living? yeah, so it doesn't actually living at the most kind of
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a case with me on the so as this of see and my colleague is kind of like there was a new book with a couple of paper to let me, let me do it with the problems with pretty cheap for somebody, that's what good evening your highest living in the midst of the question was still killing sale, which i did notice like children with swift kind of level advertising because there's only one that used to double check listed for those i supposed to upset, we could hear the middle school community as of the, the trouble of those problems. for the slowest we study, just california through some of the woods. let's go to, uh, the most of the seals in the corporate. and quite a, some in a mobile choice for you. and man certainly does love that up or to protect it while other this touch the button give us the book and most of the 1000 children
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are blessed to go and escape. literally a couple of things in mind that you through the, the so with the solution, the issue, i won't be able up. some of the clamp smoke at all. see if there's a man cut them on the move thing. yeah. do you mind that sort of search? it was the one almost got them on the floor with the shapell. get another quick hold up in the system. you have a good day. yep. okay. i thought it was quite loretta chest of the sort of wireless or less colorful, a couple of little tapes what the effects and what each of those eventually good reasons to raise such as he used to initially know that i'm quite legit. it's just the over the for the, for the, which i didn't really on the sit only pretty up to me personally. these 2 people probably pulled up still edition, but i think next door was limited to there's
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a much more affinity skip sale. so, so with the man is the zillow, with all emotion, a deal with that other pulse which i was to pump the good news. see, see what other they were suppose to is there to shoot you a system in the predicate and see whole grew up with a little scope and instead of bit drivers perpetual of sales to stick with the productivity for, for us to be able to connect to this uh, new product, but for the get the machine, the issue is valid. gave you just some sort of a new order. like you said, that i have to populate momma voice mail. she may reach the city. yep. no, because the name was i mentioned the phone with a ring in the machine to find out what's going on the stairs are this nearly a story about who the settlers are? i'm actually up really, really is a motion or you know, somebody at 100. that's
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a lot 6. last you see a problem, but i didn't the formulas able to schedule was so sound or a forklift stage when you walk along the way it's the model, have to be taken to keep a pull, some place to be able to open your specifically the floor. i knew you less than that we really the promotion or this, but i just, i did see for don't go to expose the initial shock with i'm, she really give a piece of the nation are comfortable pushing and it's on the, the when you have to die you with a sure to the they don't money for much could well then they will still yep. to find the way more severe. but also was that they showed that the machine was made so much. and so i was able to scroll for the disability to go, mom was, i'm with, you know, i to mama for long smart the old, my mama in the garage, a cousin, fuck prostate, whatever, all what the specifics. now what issue of your,
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of samuel the blood? is that a valid mobile a what do you my new york trip? so the find? yep. manual for yes or is it considered you don't, that's just a name near the middle in the use of symbols, which is human symbolism. if any other symbol kind of meant to him with butcher was that in? yeah. nick i q let you in the method of we for the training of a lacrosse. please postpone and let's say that nothing actually doesn't mean by sticking with this by nelson and go cook with the lawyer. you've got them fix 0 and it will start off with a lot of these marks and then we'll see it was more of a see let that work. the prospect for this really need the image, the
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the way the discovery of the new world was at the end of the 15th century, there appeared atlantics, laved ray, the slave traders from european countries started building fords on the western coast of the african continent to transport the african inhabitants to america to be forced into hard labor until the middle of the 17th century portugal headlight. the main role in the said process business been great britain, france and the netherlands took the leadership for this fan of 400 years of legal and illegal slave trade. about 17000000 people were forcefully shipped across the
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atlantic. not including those who died on the way due to unbearable living conditions. modern historians estimate that for each slave ship to america, there were 5 who died while captured during transportation and cruel obliteration of rebellion. this roof was the whole phrase practiced by the leading european countries, took away tens of millions of african lives. the organization of united nations class advised the trends atlantics laved rate, as one of the greatest human rights abuses in the history of humanity. this is the biggest act of deportation of people ever seen by mankind. the hello and welcome to across the board. here we discussed some real in or
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the headlines. one of the international crating and troops tool couple offices on the front of the russian army and volunteers across the donuts republic. it does come as washington ships even more military aid and cash, the key of the landscape, pleasures and bottles be ok. israel to military intelligence chief, calling it quits, over the idea of failure to protect the nation on october. the 7th comes out 70 hours. kaplan is under pressure to take responsibility for the attack and potentially step down on yet another. we'll come back. i'll find out that boeing jet line in mid, at this time in china is the latest task admiring the safety reputation of the manufacturing guy in the.


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