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tv   News  RT  April 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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or the headlines one of the international as you creating a troops tool, a couple offices on the front of the russian army and volunteers approach sedona public. it does come as washington ships even more military aid and cached a key of the landscape pleasures bottles be ok. israel to military intelligence chief, calling it quits over the idea of failure to protect the nation on october. the 7th comes out 70 hours cap on it. is under pressure to take responsibility for the attack and potentially step down on yet another we'll kind of go find out the boeing jet line. and mid at this time is your hand is for the, the latest task, admiring the safety reputation of the manufacturing guy on the
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we are looking busy for this hour as we all live and worldwide from moscow. it's so good to have your company by the way, starting at this hour now straight to the battlefield front lines. it's where the russian army has gained full control over the village of the noble but high left cut off from the phone, its republic. it's also confirmed by the russian ministry of defense. a troops of also repelled 3 counter attacks repeatedly resulting in ukraine losing over 400 military personnel and nearly a 1000 vehicles. meanwhile, near the settlement of a gold, i've tried about the $25.00 as all fatality and soldiers killed along with a taken off with a so if you had made self propelled howard, so are we on the sign in one single day, 240 ukrainian drones went down and made the russian advances that washington is still pumping vast amounts of military aid in the key of i made continued vows by the ukranian president that his forces will make games. so that on saturday, the us house of representatives approve spending it of $60000000000.00 on the
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conflict despite minneapolis saying is simply will not change the situation on the front line. no, definitely. however, a majority of republicans voted against the bill, which had been deadlocked on capitol hill for months. you see the united states tax payer has already sent $113000000000.00 to ukraine. and a lot of that money is on, accounted for you. claim is not a member of nato, but the most important thing due here in washington dc is though we have to spend americans harder and tax dollars over to ukraine a keep the money going to continue to murder ukrainians. wipe out an entire generation of ukrainian man, 2 and a half years end of this war. we still don't know what success looks like. is it cry me a, is it all of the don't boss is a hold what you got? we don't know. we just can't afford it. yeah, well i basically saying the quiet part out loud for my c i a, unless larry johnson says the such huge aid packages,
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basically stay in america the cropping up the military industrial come. let's understand what's happening with this funding package. the money that was appropriated for the voted on by the house of representatives. the vast majority of that is stain in the united states. it's not actually go into ukraine, it's being described as a, let's fund ukraine bill. but this is really very misleading because the money is going to us defense corporations, wallace described as pro ukraine funding. it truly is not going to make any difference whatsoever to ukraine on the battlefield. the united states has in the process of trying to come to grips with losing its supremacy. it's losing its place of, of dominance in the world. and it's, it's really, it's
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a self inflicted what i thought it could destroy russia by imposing the sanctions and backing this proxy war with ukraine against russia. and then the process is basically reawakened of the powers of russia as a superpower. and resulted in the brand new relationship of solidarity and cooperation between russia and china. something that really we haven't seen and you know, 7080 years. and while washington does this dish all cash or weapons full conflicts overseas, the state side, national debt is just going past the rubicon for show this year. the and all the us spends on interest alone will surpass the entire defense budget that's according to the congressional budget. office and british economist, a nail ferguson explains that history has shown the financial burden america carries is not a good sign of what is to of any great power that spends more than that service
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interest payments on the national debt. the non defense will not stay great for very long truth hops, books, pain, true of on. so you own raising fronts. true of the ultimate in pine, true of the british empire. this lower is about to be put to the test by the us beginning this very year. us fiscal policy is on a completely unsustainable pos. last year to a point, 2 trillion dollars was spent around the world of defense spending, america leading the way with his military budget last year. so passing $900.00, bailey and republican say, well will money he is send. the key of the us national debt is rising. every single 2nd. this new spending, $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending minute go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and by the way,
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while i was speaking, we have added another $5500000.00 to the national debt. yeah, we have got to talk more about this with the host of the conservative daily protocol. some jo open now joining us a live analogy international. joe, i just call and get my head around these numbers anymore. you know, i tell you to, it's almost like it feels to be like every couple of weeks. i'm announcing a new, a package being announced and sent the kid. i mean, that's what it feels like. it's almost like round home, stay here, your thoughts just off the top of your head, your thoughts on this latest trunk of what 60 bill, joe? yeah, it's not going to change the outcome at all or you, you can change the outcome or if you're not looking for a solution, they're certainly just trying to service the symptom, which is, is creating this, me grinder. and frankly, the alignment and the weakness in the united states is, is clearly shown. the house of representatives was, was waving ukrainian flags in the halls, not, not the american flag,
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but ukrainian flags. and that should tell you everything we didn't know about the people that have been installed inside of our government at nearly every level, every level, if i had to take to, to give you an outcome based on the agreements and the conversations that i'm having with people inside of government, i would tell you this the united states is going down this path on purpose. they are literally doing this in order to destroy the government and the country from within. i think that somewhere along with and they made a deal with the devil and it's not just the united states and whether they're out there, parenting the axis of evil. you can almost just taste or see you can see with your own eyes, the axis of evil. ready building up just right here in the united states. yeah, i mean, you know, it's, it, is it incompetency or is it by design your leaning towards it's by design. i thought a lot of people out there, joe, talking about some sort of internal demolition job
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a in the making here. but let me get back on track if i come for a set because regarding this for an ideal, let me for months. the speaker mike jones, so he seemed to be doing everything in his power to prevent the far and a bill from reaching the floor. then all of a sudden he's talking about doing the right thing. the bills, but before the house, it's suddenly approved. sorry. why such an about face on that john? as well, it's not just an about face, it's an about face in the face of the american people. but regardless of what a democrat or republican, you don't support what is happening with this, these 4 enables we can't even take care of our own countries. we have degradation at every level from education all the way down to fentanyl on the streets. we have an open border. busy sides, i mean, frankly, the american people just don't have an appetite or what's happening. so he's not just turning his back on the, the republicans, he's, he's joining this establishment unit party. and in large part of it's, it's as if he looked as if he was going to be that resistance, get into that position, watches other republican leaders left the house,
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giving back control to the democrats, and then finish the job for the, for the establishment. and that's the easiest thing. the american people love that time. a establishment uni policies. that's a b unity. right? that nailing it right there on that head. well, what do you, what do you think? joe and johnson flew down for a meeting with trumpet mar, logo is where the former president said the speaker was doing quote, a very good job. he then had headed back to washington just days later before and i bill good before the house. maybe i'm clutching at straws. is there any coincidence that or no, i can't imagine that president trump would use that as, as foreign policy. i just can't. i can't imagine that he would uh negotiate with the devil itself. now. yeah, i could be wrong. it just all could be could book you theater. and it could be all just one manufactured environment in order to basically look as if the disaster happened quite by accident. but i can't imagine it would. and, and president trump has not actually said a word about what is happening with them passing this, this
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a bill. the reality of it is, is it that 8 will never even reach ukraine. it'll be laundered a 100 times till tuesday and given to other nations and other individuals and. and frankly, you can say that the joe, that sounds a little bit conspiratorial, and i will tell you, well, we haven't been wrong yet. yeah, no, that's not guess won't. you, i'm not going to tell you that's how it's conspiratorial because i've been seeing these reports. i mean, ever since it's kicked off, we'll go back to the 2014 us find out in this to an orchestrated my dad coup. it's like booting said basically ages ago you break it buddy, you'll buy it and the us boat ukraine a long bloody time ago. the problem is, as you say, the amount of money going that, you know, what doesn't stay in america. the prop, the military industrial complex goes to line the pockets of what is extreme life corruption across the rod, the in ukraine. i mean, before, before the us, the auction, it might on to happened years ago, the western press used to call ukraine the most corrupt government in the world. they used to call it that. but then when old they started the whole narrative
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shifted. i mean what, what, what do you think him i, i know it's a, it's an election. yeah. biden's. you know, he's easy is really door to read these days that you think that just trying to hold onto your credit until the election happens. and then, and then come what may cause it would look so bad for a collapse on biden's watch. i don't know. what do you think just that, you know, i think it's actually much more devious. and that the intellectual honesty that we have in the united states and the institutional right that we face is very, very evident. and right now they're just trying to hold on to power and the, the, the mass amount of chaos that we're seeing in the united states. if you look at it a bit by design, let's say that we're right about it being by design chaos, weber's the, not the people. and so you have to look at this from the perspective of, with all this stuff is going on and propping up ukraine and not respecting the sovereignty of other nations. keep in mind, we've been doing this for decades. we've been affecting and, and pushing color evolution of the nations for decade. yeah. with impunity and it's
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finally coming home to roost. the american people are waking up to it and you're seeing this unification happened kind of uh at, at the grassroots level that the frankly is short scare of them and i know they can see it. and so we're, we're looking at it, i hope that president trump does make a difference, but i don't think a difference is going to be made until the american people finally take a stand much like poland did in the 19 fifties and say, look, we're no longer willing to work for an establishment or a apparatus, it is rod to the core doing harm to people, not just the united states, the people around the world, and then basically never acting in the interest of the american people. i mean, literally look at inflation. look at the infrastructure i could go on and on. jo, big fun, if you work, by the way, joe opened his host with the conservative that he pulled cost live here on out to you. thanks a lot, but we'll see you soon. god bless you. thank you. so the intelligence chief of the is riley defense both as well. he's quit one of this in the wake of a mass attacks october the 7th. he is basically the 1st senior military figure to
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step down over the atrocities which of course was the deadly day and deadliest, as you say, in many, many decades. for his man, of the intelligence division under my command did not live up to the task we were entrusted with. i carry that black day with me ever since day after day, night after night. i will forever carry with me the terrible pain of the war. now, after more than half a year has passed, and at the same time as the investigations begin, i wish to end my position and retire from the idea of the idea of military intelligence chief, our own hello eva is indeed the 1st high profile official to leave his post following have massive attack on southern israel. on october, the 7th last year went around 3000 militants, minutes to cross into israel. from the gas was 3 killing mold and 1200 is really is military and civilians and taking hundreds hostage leave are resigned earlier on monday when he sent a letter to the army is chief of staff explaining his reasons and his
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disappointment. the army accepted the resignation, thinking major general for his almost 40 years of service and the idea of and significant contribution to these real security as both combat soldier and come under the same day. by the way, the resignation became public and you survey was published by the israel democracy institute, showing that 62 percent of his role is both in jewish, an arrow of respondents among them. believe it is time for those responsible for the sailors of october. the 7th, to leave their positions, leave his resignation, does not come as a surprise, i have to say since the beginning of the war, he took responsibility for the failure of his department, but was supposed to gather information on the enemy, in this case, the mass. but failed to prevent all predicted here as well, to leave a subs back in october in all my visits to military intelligence directory units.
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in the last 10 days, i sat down and stressed at the beginning of the war was an intelligence failure. we failed in our most important mission and as the head of the military intelligence directory, i bear full responsibility for the failure, however, was not the only official to say he bears personal responsibility for the deadly attacks by him us in october we heard that from the had of his real security agency, sion bad and idea of chief of stuff to leave his resignation now is not surprising for yet. another reason is real, has already started any investigation into the negligence of the military, including the military intelligence unit, but led to the events of october, 7th and leave is probably interested in focusing on the pro and build his defense rather than run the department that will be in the spotlight of the investigation. it is a pass over even is ro and the move hasn't grabs. that's much attention. however, they had of the country's opposition. they make a comment,
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welcoming the resignation and saying the prime minister, antonia who should follow her, leave his example, claim responsibility for the sailor to protect israel and resign alone with authority comes heavy responsibility. the retirement of the head of the management intelligence direct rate is justified and honorable. it will have been appropriate for the prime minister need on yahoo to do the sign. one can i sub member from lucky's party later said that nathan, yahoo must resign immediately regardless of what the investigation into the events of october the 7th finds out. we heard a lot of that from ordinary israelis to i have to say demonstrations calling on prime minister to resign. mass of rail is happening across israel on a weekly basis. in the last 6 months. the tests are, is, are angry and frustrated with how is really forces fails to protect the country. citizens back in october and how the are for which is deal with the situation now with the war in guys. intensifying people from both sides dying,
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but hostages still remaining incompatibility with the fate. i know, i think the thoughts that we need the, the printed b b to go because the one the way because you, the office volume can about the house is he's damaged about meanwhile, natania who hasn't commented on her leave as resignation himself, nor did he ever make a comment about his potential resignation on the opposite. recently, prime minister talked a lot about the needs for people of his real, to be united, not divided to when the war gains from us and to survive the international pressure with him. apparently believing that he is the right person to be that united force for these really society. and these hard times that we've been discussing the story
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on the angles with a number of guests, including his riley based political. i left him john list, i'm in oregon. now he says that the military intelligence chief stepping down probably just the tip of the iceberg. you've been suggesting that nothing yahoo may be forced to accept the very same fact. the right after the october 7 attack and massacre. several of the military and security chiefs have already announced that they see themselves as responsible and the comfortable and being publication was that in due course. once the heavy fighting is over, they will resign. it took them another 6 months and the what stopped today is the beginning of an avalanche of resignations. they were obviously uh, negligent they were guilty of complacency, is obvious. and expected that the, the chief of general stuff, general a levy and the southern command,
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the chief general finkel, will resign. s will eventually defense municipal guidelines. and that will be a lot of pressure on prime minister and it then, you know, to follow. so the fact that these officers are starting to resign has nothing to do is um, it's on, you know, in fact, they resent he is refusing to take responsibility for his own failures. and if there is any relationship at home, i'm between what the military ash alone does, and the political echelon does, is that if he's expected that the public will react with an out right now and demand new elections. so the 10 year old will be ousted from power and so i made the whitening release turmoil the turkish press it, or not want to visit the neighboring iraq is the 1st time and 13 years. okay, jeff,
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go to the one, discussing a wide range of issues with his counterpart, trade and security, taking top spot because of a key comment from the prominence the other rock. when he filed the reach, it should not be used for someone else's interest. the mississippi, the ceased and not allowing any force to use a rock of territory as a launch batch progression against neighboring countries, just as we sanctify outlands and the northern law and aggression against the rocky sovereignty. yeah, so i'll go much further from the rocky p. i'm coughing. well, i'm not at this time bold as a correspondent. yes. and i can joining us thought 20 past 9 pm. good to see you. yes. and this is a, a long, a way to meet seeing and some pretty putnam and comments being made as well. of course, with baghdad that's been selling american troops now to get out of a country. and america keeps for procrastinating. one might say, what's the latest on how this meeting when, what do you know? yes, and a backup position on the matter is quite interesting for a number of different reasons. but i think that meetings between because the states
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are ongoing, we called at the church president visited earlier today, met with people if you find number sir, discuss for one of the models, retaining 2 traits appear many. and what is the general integrity of the country been territorial integrity? but also i'm coming back to wasn't something you mentioned earlier is essentially the rocks general thousands of the us out because for the better part of whether we're looking at a decade the united states has made promises and the rocky government deals as if the us is not delivering on those promises, and this is what jerk year starts. and it's almost as if i probably spend a capitalizing on this one on open opportunity. and this is where the church president has come out to play open and say that there are a number of issues that we need to discuss about. we do not have that many differences once they get to consideration of the factors that bring us close together with the shared values that we have. and this is where we have the number of opportunities. but one of the most important things that have been discussed throughout the entire day has been the general region and re conflict,
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or at least the prospects of a concept, the region search parts. and i don't, it's quite vocal in his position, but also a rock position and number of other states within the region, neighboring countries with what's back to what piecemeal they're doing and what they're carrying out. so it's been quite recent times and left sunrise to what the church for, as i have to say after his meeting. and our bill moved here, there, set them low developments taking place on the access of israel in iran. increase the risk of the spread and escalation of the war and overshadows the massacre in palestine. are iraqi brothers are negatively affected by these tensions here. i would like to reiterate my suggestion to all relevant parties to avoid steps, to escalate the tensions. so what we're looking at right now is of course a different approach to bunker. this has been the 1st visit in the better part of more than a decade. so uncle his current position is that uh i have something to gain but so we can do as functionally based on these agreements that have been signed. could
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potentially facilitate the establishment of big a rock development road project, which would hypothetically speaking, insure unplugged has access to the persian gulf and there was a stablished iraq as an alternative trade reach that it is real. and this is where things become a little bit more interesting because we do know that israel is currently working on the stablish and we've prayed for it. or we know that the united states has been supporting is real in this context. but uncle expect position and offer to the rockies has been that about like me to do business together. we can do this ourselves and they actually find a number of opinions. i'll just look a rock tar and the you can, you may eat. so what we're looking at is a projection screen, but again, i wonder if it was a different approach altogether. one, that wouldn't be thinking i could stay out of the equation altogether. but the fundamental parking for your husband data i think will take you to consideration development some of the past few weeks. most importantly, with the tax and big twin is really wrong. we understand that you're locked in,
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jordan, have things there aerospace to ensure that the, the conflict does not actually tell them it's what the church present has been undermining and emphasizing over the past few days that you bring this meeting and it was how we understand that people who walk the public areas because the prime minister, this is a problem to say about this, to don a call from me about the issue in to me. it is the importance of the visits of his excellency present. ridge up to you by the gone, comes of the sensitive and venture his time. the region is going through you to the ongoing aggression against the causes trip and the occupied territories. essentially the obvious lot of people who cannot be neglected to own the existence for gordon and jerusalem isn't a slum example. as old as the slum itself. there is a reason for the continuation of conflicts practice in the region. so we urge an immediate succession of the aggression so as a johnston understand that the turkish person is no meaning they want to me and
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we'll have a better understanding as to what the church president is. gosh, and by god, with the best all the family, if we do know something for sure. and for certain it starts in general on the corporate keeping the cooperation instant phone to continue the church president and a written statement. he said that he believes that in the general approach of the visit and the payments that were signed will be a starting point. but it will cost you a turning point in relation between the 2 countries. it seems for the time being that the neighboring countries within the region are coming together in a different approach than we've seen. over the course of the previous years, we could safely assume that the conflict, the russian constituted by israel would be a leading factor. but we also understand that the general approach of the united states and the promises over the years also facilitate that attract and that shifting policy as well. mm. all right, well i live in assemble right there, just about a half off 9 of the evening off these. yes, and i can manufacture c as in becoming
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a part of the themes. it seems small, bad news. the boeing, one of his planes, have been forced to return to johanna as bug off to one of his tie as fetterhoff during takeoff. a sign was on his way to cape town when he is in the code. this video right here, it's showing the play and making a successful emergency landing comes as the us aircraft. john is taking a hammer ring in the press on the market because it's been accused of cutting corners to get big of profits is potentially putting countless lives at risk. so i'll correspond to now investigates plains running off the taxi ways paneling falling off mid flight windshields cracking and scores of injuries. just last month . boeing's reputation continues to fall deeper into the gutter with the new revelation that the company has faced 30 to whistle blower complaints. over the past 3 years, it comes just days after one of the company's engineers turned whistleblower took to the senate floor and acute his bosses of cutting corners on the production line
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. are these points say right now i would not the, you know, it's like an earthquake. you know, it, the big are quite as common. but when been that hits the building that you know, you, let's say if you're talking of a building, have to be prepared to accommodate that type of a, let's say shakeup, you know, it has to be built properly. right now, remember that i've seen the airplanes are allowed being built per spec and per require. i literally saw people jump in on the pieces of the airplane to get them to aligned a call of the cars on effect among other improper methods. the aerospace giant attempted to once again whitewashed the situation. this time was the last minute twitter post according to solid for though when he raised his concerns to management, he was met not with understanding what's threats. similar accusations of retribution were voice that a separate senate committee hearing they hear speak up if you see anything that's
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on the safe. but what they see is that if they do speak up and they get very little feedback, and if they insist they may find themselves on the short end of the stick next time raises or bonuses or, or, or job transfers come up or even worse. but doctors allegations seem even more convincing when we consider the story of john barnett, a former boeing employee who also cried. fowler mysteriously died last month, apparently from a self inflicted wounds. just as he was gathering t evidence to present and a lawsuit against his former employers. o, as in charles, pushing back dfcs store suppliers, well i'd say can attain before inspectors. spirit arrows systems to inspect the 41, searching for they sent its charles. and we found $300.00 defects. some of them were significant that needed engineering intervention. when i return to charleston, my senior managers only weird found so many defects. and he was gonna take next
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trip. southern extra he went on. so 2 of mine inspectors. and when they got back, they were given accolades on his line and 50 dfcs for its part. bullying rejects these accusations that it retaliates against concerned employees and even says it's making it easier for its workers to file complaints. a buoyant increase. the promotion of the speak operate boarding system resolved in a more than 500 percent increase in the number of submissions during the 1st quarter of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. increased reporting of the sign of progress toward a robust reporting culture. all the while safety incidents continue to go through the roof with boeing, struggling to fulfill safety orders by airlines. after 2 deadly 737 crashes in 20182019. then in march of this year alone the paddling flew off of $1737.00 mid flight. another had its windshield cracks and 50 people were even injured after being thrown around the cabin of a $78079.00 during
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a so called technical event. it all seems to add credibility to the damming accusations of the former boeing engineer, who spoke to the senate alongside solid for the department of justice and f. b. i relied on this landed results of the 1st max accident investigation to develop the legal and unjust deferred prosecution agreement. the mts be chair, reiterated the congress. the boeing has said there are no records documenting the removal the alaska airlines door. this is a criminal cover up records do in fact exist. i know this because i personally pass them to the f. b i to make matters worse for the company. stocks have dropped 35 percent this year, making boeing the 2nd worst performing company on the s and p 500 index. these are the same people who want to make flying cars by 2030. it's an idea that was more than crazy enough to bring out the internet trolls no tags. the can't even make reliable fine twins yet.


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