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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  April 22, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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the, the most protect this phone existence was alexis, the the, the
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many people including my grandmother and everyone would say this guy was like a month. the machines work for themselves. and they worked very hard. i started working hard for i better respected, but i see that 11 months they became larger than the mex exchange, which was bad for wondering years public from best buy is that's the 1st time the circumstances and that's what they come us real where they can see the hello and welcome mom on no problem, kid in the ever evolving landscape of the 21st century. the focus no more than it is on india park. my guess tonight, the indian business exec do and one of the founding members of national stop exchange. he's known as the father of modern financial dividends. well come, actually is trying to create honor to be in front of you. you came to the city,
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cut the 9 years back with a smaller box. i think all smartphone buys or even village wise. they start from home with the smart drum bobbies, rather drunk, drunk ice cream, you have to study a number that payment, those car bomb bay. yeah. and that was 1985. mm hm. and i think the bait was turned in september. okay. it was raining cats and dogs, and i am from a city called and i bought the rich valley head that ends those space and right. and so this rain did not stop for almost 2 or 3 days. and i came up with a dictionary. me to convert the english and but what did i be, which was my language and i started and was rather moody and i and then so i went to school that initially started in 5th standard. so when i came to the city, i am the fed. i know much more than what the president is talking, but because i can't speak english. so he is,
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or she is able to get motor pension. we are the only one graduate in our whole family. so i asked him, i said to either the, how do i it's beginning and hit by talking and deciding. so i decided that from 4 to 6, i'm only speaking english, and you were telling me about your family, about your father, about your mother. she was an economist and, and she did not take a promotion because she wanted to be and i'm the father had her traveling job. basically my religious at own party kilometers from the mountains. pretty much part of him. but those days that are still far and better from a really my father was from the village. my mother had stayed in the city and started otherwise, the ladies would not printing those space. my 500 migrated, load product number to the long distance, no space. it was an engineer, you'd be jim engineer because i'm getting by struggling
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a lot because they read from a very low strata of society and then both of them started doing jobs and they then they got mattered. um and then i was born in a joint family in one room probably. and so we moved to another rented base. i me or my son got his 1st off from california to buy some. it's not the supplement, the extra me you had a brilliant man academy. equally otherwise also i never got more than 30. it doesn't much in my life. really. i was never brilliant and i still am not. i'm just a happy go lucky guy with no, but us 1000000 breast sort of know things to add to this childhood. i became stipend and it's just ok. many people including my grandmother and everyone would say this guy was like a monk when he grows up. when i was a good student, not brilliant, but not really, i didn't even class and very not also not having any ambitions in life of then i can just come on by the end. it was my 1st austin dave and he went out there to
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fill in the form saying what day that what i did hobbies and i go to sleeping, sleeping. yeah, redemption has worked for themselves and they worked very hard. i started working hard for about id when i joined for engineering and i didn't know english and so i could learn more of it. that's what i like. yeah. awesome. and that's what of course. and so i started becoming friendly, but i'm slowly invest in everything. and slowly i realize that i called i just helping organizing events. i became a kind of a guy who started searching for some respect and probably in the prospect. and that's how i became interested in my mind, prospecting in organizing things, which are very good studies, people like me used to call or since. and i saw that is not going to make sure that the association. so it's a 3 or 4 years to learn a little bit of english and what the vision of what they passed out in time, which was like a miracle. and i thought, i'm not a good engineer. so i should go for management because i couldn't manage people and
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despite taught so, so i do with the exam for i am and i also do exam for the engineering masters because i just went to try to apply every man one principal. i always had this that you're prepared or not, whether you are so afraid that not your forgive any exam, i ended up digging interesting courses and um, embed problems or something which i like the economics i like. so i started reading magazines and newspapers and all, and by the time it was time to get a job, i was selected for b a, b i. there was a financial institution call industry, the bank of bank offering debt, which is now considered self into id. be a bank, pardon? it used to be the largest institution offering the or those times the job that job was basically to do project financing. okay. when you find on flowers, where you at the time i was 23. okay. my 1st salary was 3000 rubies. i drained as
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a management pay me, my bank had bought the housing computers, but nobody used it. and i just come on without them 1st. i was used to do little bit of programming and my already and both of these rep just companies are coming new into india and my bank has been rich and they could buy that. and so in project financial or doors, you know, like a lot of projections for a company, how much they were doing next part of our after 5 years that offer them, you know, so you know, like a millions of calculations to come over that apart. i would put program them, you know, those days for low, best one for, for you now. all right, similar to scarlet excel sheets be i would do a little bit of what do you mean by the sporting and bump it up and take it to my boss? and you would think, why did you come boss, you come off the month so, but you can't really say what's the real good change this but i'm it does by 5 percent of the super sundays. keep you busy. yeah. so he probably wouldn't get there before the next one, but instead of after 5 minutes,
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i'll go back and do it. but i'm saying now this is, i mean if it gets got to get it done, after 5 minutes, we'll try to find mistakes. but there won't be any, it was pick, amended this stuff to exchange. so what happened is i was doing all this was fun loving financing. follow the projects going into both arms checking or checking on, how much this screw costs and how much does buy that it costs and how it works. me being an engineer and i'm be like very excited to finalize and see the projects coming up and go to collect funds back, which nobody wants to pay back once they take the loan. and we've got all the trading in stock market those days because it goes liberalizing sure. and that are based on 1991 and then on my side of us to 1000 bucks. and i'd like, because when you are young, you think, you know, a lot me. so i'd also take a more positions than i could handle. and so when the do do, i should my best scandal coming out the market felt and nice, but i, i think lost 50000 bucks. and so again, i had nothing, no savings,
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but no loss of 50000. and it's quite a bit of it, but quite a bit of those days, right? so at that time, the government decided that they need to set up a completely new action is auto me data and all computerize. and i'll go ahead raise your computers and but the vision of ferndale is like a very big and there is liberalizing. and so that sort of my bank id be a to set up the new exchange for the national stock exchange and bought. i been sort of the story is that they selected the for the best people, they had me and one of them dropped out saying that the stock exchange them by relocation doesn't work. and he had a reputation or associated repetition to protect them to our mission. finally, they wanted to select, the guy wouldn't not be able to say no. so i was just wondering until the job number, what they, what they wanted. i did the vivian norma excited me. so that's where they say look at best buy, looks good, these engineer and he doesn't know the politics. so they put me in to that email 5
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people. finally restarted the and i see that 11 months it became larger than the mex exchange, which was that for 120 years college, almost like a change. 9899, i realized organizing didn't have a plan for me. so i didn't believe i also got a call from land school saying, yeah, that'd be what i'm getting into here. so if you want to join and start something on your own word for new and then they launched the wireless telephony using technological cdm. mm hm. and then that this new shiny, small little mobile phones from allergy and samsung. and they started selling. and they're like 15000000 customers in less than a year of those based telephone. mobile telephone would cost you 16 rupees a minute for incoming and outgoing bought. yes. those are the days and batteries, somebody launched it over like $100.00 out for everybody. yeah, i mean, on the cost of a telephone on everyone's hand by 959899 percent. somebody in the problem voss that
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the billing system was not correct. so people bought the forms, they used to play tennis, but nobody was getting credit balance. and so nobody was paying the bills and then company was going and losses because i was there for a reasonable time. i knew what the issue was. he backed me up for the 100 and i could solve the problem in 6 months. so company which was making huge office of sudden been huge profits in 6 months time. you do have any particular. again, i will talk about dream that this is what i want to become. you were just going to life as it was happening to you. i'm on the board of governors alarm kind of problem and i started, i'm also an advisory board on the school of management, but i are the one thing that i started both gave me distinguish other one is i want . and then the government made me, john, send that off a lot. i've been, we're sure to, into israel about which is one of the oldest then was that that was in 202121. how are we doing economically?
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what is in philadelphia? it's basically the demographics, it's young people make sure, so yeah, engaged probably 30 years i would encourage me say nice to become sort of the order because of the one child policy, giovanni's or europe is, or america really become or if you, if other people don't go there are many, there's never the size large countries rip young population. you wanna know what i'm a buyer's buy. quite a coffee. re became very, very technology same unless he wasn't the 1st public in foster care project, which was a big, big and successful and a deal the confidence to indians and other people were getting worked for and then seeing those guys do such large walk millions of transactions and they can manage this, they can manage their order. well, that's why they might till they came and did it well. but what appeared in the i became very, very tech savvy. so if you got a young in demographics and really medium for the next 4050 years,
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the 3rd parties where does of alex get created? what created still been developed gets created basically by people who create new technologies and a new deck ologist and use it for a sort of making life easier. this new prime minister comes and he's, i've asked that lender rolling down as now mobile audience. and he allowed for g to coming 5 is you to come in fast. he also created vision, the not a mobile phone book, basically using id to live on the very literally today, 615000000 new people have joined in getting back in the system in fusty that alone again. the people that are forced to open accounts are using that mobile phones and frustrated. so the median accounts 300000000. if it wasn't been pretty, it would mean probably pop up so many countries. but why right,
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and that type of deal and please give them the exact ocean need to do which people because of his personal brand or especially david, that the young person, not even the order person. yes. who's opening that account. and then he started giving the subsidies are what they got social security in other countries. yes. into that lady's mobile phone, which she can use instantly. amazing. and for me, bad technology savvy mess. uh huh. there is no other country in the way. we just want more the similar situation. so when the board came right over regard according paid the application which all of us had to make the appointment on the mobile phone. yes. but how did the person sitting in the dock dude i he was at the same apartment for himself and his family using the same phone as you have me and remy went back to the hospital at that point in time. it wasn't even direction. but the
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one direction, the, the to edwards is that you got rection the balance of mr. moseley, but you will have access to that level. yeah. but doesn't different story. yes. but just the pure margie, the information that watching lot such that the vaccine also it's been time for him to come and pick is actually it wasn't even exactly the same rex and yet they cannot be a 100 and he will get but of x. and so it is a good you take a look at how many guy you should based a few people to try to get people to. we're not even thinking i can never got them when i was in america and let them know that what was happening. so for me, she changed in the us perspective on how to use the id for company and for the government in spite of it, i mean, i'm scale which nobody had even visualized. that maybe i could do so much, but he had that confidence in for me last 10 years, having so so good in terms of v are basically increasing or to services exports. that is the basically i p a and b b or head board because
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a business process outsourcing, services saving. yeah. but i would advise them goes out of fundraising, but i still don't. why didn't you imagine doing goals? i mean, declared that locked down also. would it be nice? yeah. it in so 70 days at the same long down there to be there from tomorrow. right . and what was the, what do you mean you had? yes. is that the rest of the original stone for nickels is because every large bank ebony large retail company, every large, anyone in the word that in europe or the us or are still yeah that a lot of that box back off is out of here. these people don't go to office night. they were closed on the bank run out of money. yes. people, the forwarding the uh, the retail stores, given hispanic libby, you stop me. people knew that he was going for a battle on board and people started working from home and they became work from home automated for still no worries. yeah, i mean there, it's still very,
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very beautiful for itself. but the deed for the word it brenda lloyd, without anyone's knowledge and that yeah, they were to go to betty bag ma'am. if you had not been able to run better still don't want us back officers. yeah. right. and so for me, the amount of confidence that us mount vernon, even during that period, we also followed us of audio to call in the northern part of india. i would say now nobody came to what i yeah. right. van bag water also. we also want the, what i mean school there and we basically also insured without input as a country that we service the rest of the world. and that doesn't this confidence so much that today a lot of services exports. and what i mean comes is of the 2 largest m owns we are receiving and beat on for quite a bunch of imports because and you are due to finding you bring the code and then send the patrol into the back. so you get probably $1015.00 a battle only right off the finding margins. but when you a service,
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somebody saying yeah, hardly any important is that so what do you guy is actually for you? what do i go to wiley or time of that thing? so that's why i have to get to that and the 1st time in my sort of life that i started understanding comics is that there's the 1st time the circumstances and my order bay goodness, real where they come to consensus. i'll bring that up in my childhood. i used to read that the better people they know foundation in color. hyundai. yes, then go over. it happened again the 2nd, what do i had was that it's a large part of and you're still on and then each. hm. and i had that ready and many of her side. what do you that if you don't send before people what a blog bone, what really happened stream, what do you then things that were on the off because in time it was not allowed for upgrades across india. it's reached everyone and bab cleared
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a framework for food in 800000000 people, free of cost, social security, and then in front of me. but it's still telling me that how can we overcome ridge if you're able to feed 800000000 people every day, continuously. for me, there's a social security number, the cable. if you have what you get for coupons, you get house allowance, which are the ones, it's not that i'm going to kind of them do it just a really large number of what, but you know, they couldn't get them better extension the problem from a continue with just having starvation for bits 4045, yes, back and today you are actually having nor stablish. and you had actually treating everyone. tremendous amount of nutrition every day was to be able to come, which will become rich and it was here in our mind, right. it doesn't, we and we need when this person comes, i need to jesus how to do it, right? so for me, 10 years via the stock as abroad. you go anywhere of the day
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of $81.00 and the immigration gone through the as you had an indian lake that is at a spec. today i have a bias of zone. i was, i mean i've been traveling abroad from 1993 on words and i and that i'm, even if you happen to tell me that speak english and i'm going to go because they were thankful, then you're going to do it. yes. and today, it's a different way that i can in some ways what we owe it to him last 10 years as a society we have actually together. or the of us for the age of human history, was from 2020 marks for 2020, to mark. that is the last time many of us that are no 60 yes, but india stood from the difference between a buck is done. i'm love ition, shalem got me and india or scored is minimum. we're managing for skill deficits. we're waiting for, for everyone taking care of that house,
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even giving them some money in the mobile phones every month for all you little bit of ins. and this still not going back up otherwise, you'll see we have not really funding have they ever each of the most lovely shortly for the most part. and we are having a serious issue on the balance of payments, right? but this time has gone back up. they shouldn't govern bankrupt and i'm telling you because they don't realize we think it is. all right. and once we select up, i minister it, yes. you did. yes. yeah. you know, didn't really just the engine right. size they buy. what has happened is not something that would have happened in, not much of the suspect. this is that the hardwell, the common sense, the typically to exit your, comes into play at night. and every box has been big so well that we normally created wrecks in $0.04. we recently purchased from the s y,
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a prime minister of a country comes in, but just read off mr. moody. mm hm. right. because you're done something for him. it's not what that person will do that, right, right. so the spec will, the country is respect to india, right. i have not seen that period of 10 years man in this stock has gone up so much, right? so, and you will see in the, in 2047 and we compete under it is, well, grantsville is only that. gotcha. yeah. so, so have you set onto that? and we wanna reduce those id. it ups protect allows you repeat relative compared to others, but the ones you have is that coming faster and faster. so which means the red color is going to agree. it's repeated faster and faster. right? you must tell me what lucian did it more of alex then it will screw to 10000 years before that. that's the cna 2 years you didn't motivated than what else could the 10000 you have it before that and next for the next 50 years redid motor went and there has been getting less than tell them yes and written. yeah. it didn't kind of
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what the population around 2122 percent of words young population will contribute at least 30 percent off the new value that is going to be $300.00 in the next 25 years make 50 or on of so on. so i want to offer some 8 percent growth, which is what we have done over the last 7 years of buying sick over lifetime. yes, buying good. build on 77, a half and you and now we are looking at that number. if you just projected to add that on for $1000000000.00 economy, because what number do you have actually one and half you have or? hm. so we gotta close to 3.843, and bought it from them right? 2040. so it will become almost $43.00 off um in terms of the, the us dollars in punches in price. but i mean, we had already close the $1500.00, but just the piano numbers. we have $4000000000.00 and we cleared back links. but youngsters, youngsters, and how old that will be $300.00. that's right. of the modern technology. it allows
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you to create, developed by investing much lower, more than what else possible that you are talking may have created large factories to do and have to do that. so what i call it capitalism, with really with capital. right? and many people get funded from venture capital from bi vertically. that is good, big data, quite a lot of capital and probably they don't require but they can spend. but then other youngsters in, in the out what appeared in smaller companies. they bought a lot of brands and they don't have capital exchanges in india. now provide, you wouldn't need to invest in those young people's ideas in front of smaller, small and medium sized print devices where there's of their model coming to the markets or using you want to grow. or if i go to these for that business, then some of them would be the emphasis or the world's april, which also will not have that type of capital. for me, the technology remain, those companies will come and go. yes,
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but the society which is this technology morning over duly add up storage. so new our view is upcoming artificial intelligence is coming. drones are coming. robotics this coming genetic modifications coming. india is the best route. most of the research happen. most of the things that happen today, which are good for the future of the work happening and you have now the 4th largest stock market in the world. now market capitalizing a $4300000.00 us after how many gods i'mma ends up. i'm in the 4th largest market dep having country, you know, 85000000 people uniquely. they started with a separate brand numbers. 85000000 people is a point 5. go to people who are rich, around 50 to 60 days fido subscribed to people who are, how is yours? here's the family or somebody's investing, right? that is 17 percent of in the us population investing. we have still bought a country. yes. to buy dollar into the us, we are, of course, i mean,
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good social security and all even insurance is coming for me, but the pension is coming like the pension and i just want to model all these are coming they, they will have somebody initially cups much solely really make it big, make it good. but imagine what are some interesting in other water parsons business ones and one more to meet a person sitting and see another. a person sitting in the middle guard enjoy high. is it listing a hard on money in a company sitting in salem? and i mean like, you know, i want to visit me, but she has a complete confidence at that time. but she's putting out a 1000 copies $9.00. then what do you makes proffered? best buy me shadow 5 profit will reach out. so it's a great people for you. right? and for me, that's why i call it and that's becoming very trustworthy. mission model. many countries already addressed full of each other. we'll become very, very trustworthy. and then these web account and 3, which trust each other, and then we would just go back to a 100 contributors. young contributes,
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can explore and believe it just now, exposure, baby, just knowledge. i probation of being good things. they do much better than what i am for the next 23 years, but also an extra few years because i think real jobs to become bridge before they become more j not be doing middle income country. i mean, we can certainly, or to be how that times become rich before you come on as it can. it's really been very inspiring. speaking to miss john. it's really very educative. i've learned so many things and i can say on my show that it's been one of the most exciting episodes that we have done. thank you for watching to join me next week. but i know the intimate, just engaging debate and let's talk out of the problem that i wish got the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the revolution of 1789 in france gave hope for the liberation of the oppressed peoples in the french overseas territories. but paris did not want to part with its sources of profit. so 1st sign of the colonization was the uprising of black slaves in haiti that remote island, reduced almost half of all the sugar on the planet. sooner was made by d, as in franchise slaves brought from africa. in 1791,
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they started and uprising against their oppressors. the black swept away the colonial administration and formed their own army. it was led by that charismatic leader francois dominique tucson leveled to are ranked attempts to regain control of the colony were unsuccessful. having comes up, our napoleon dispatched a large expeditionary force to the french, manage the captured to saul loved your by defeats, but they could not suppress the rebels and suffered devastating defeat. on january 1, 18 o 418 declared the independence of the 1st one and the whole latin america. however, freedom was paid for with the blood of 200000 courageous haitians who had sacrificed their lives for the abolition of slavery on our planet. the events in haiti were the only successful uprising of slaves in history when they not only
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through of slavery, but also began to rule their state to the headlines on off the international. as you trade in troops, toll cut the losses on the front of the russian army at volunteers in the public. it comes out to washington ships, even more military, a den cash, the key of the landscape, pleasures and battlefield get israel to military intelligence chief pulled, it puts over the idea of failure to protect the nation on october, the 7th. then y'all was top of the things under pressure to take responsibility for the attack and even stepped out and the other wheel coming off and now the boeing aircraft, as far as the turnaround on a boat, the flight it does right? the safely down to johanna is but the latest scatter is borrowing the reputation of


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