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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 22, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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society will go out of their way to avoid boeing aircraft altogether. yeah. like that. so it continues online right now on a website r t dot com for all across telegraph, odyssey rumble. you can find all these reports just about anyway these days for the meantime. for me, real research and the inside use teams, thank you for joining the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the syrians, the beginning of its history. the united states of america has officially declared this driving for freedom and people's rights to happiness. however, in reality, having won independence, american colon is tested for the total extermination of the indigenous population of the continent. american indians were deprived of their land. local residents were driven into reservations given the worst agricultural territories, while the best land was appropriated by white colonizer, the strongest blow to american indian tribes,
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was the extermination of bites of native americans lived by hunting these wild animals. colonists slaughtered the bison, and in fact, made them nearly extinct. every buffalo dead is in india and gone and said, colonel richard dogs, a veteran of the bloody and vicious indian wars cynically the indigenous population was simply exterminated us army general phillips sheridan express the evidence of this policy in the infamous words, the only good india is that dead indeed, the genocide of native americans of north america got led to a demographic catastrophe. the exact number of deaths is still unknown, but the number of victims is in millions. having been a majority on the continent before the indigenous people make up less than 3 percent of the us population today. the
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the hello and welcome to cross type bullhorn time peter lavelle. here we discussed some real news speaker of the west house of representatives, a republican mike johnson, claims that russia china and around are the next new axis of evil. well, here we go again to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess door to study while we in budapest, he's a pod cast or the goggle, which can be found on youtube, locals, and in marrow cash, we have martin j. he is an award winning journalist and commentator or a gentleman cross that grows in effect. that means you can jump any time you want and i always appreciate it. all right, let's start out with georgia in budapest. of course, the funding for ukraine passed as we,
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you all 3 of us expected all along and, but before we get to that church, what's going on with this axis of evil? i thought we had retired, that ridiculous concept after the failed comp, low interventions in the middle east. it's suddenly of come is come back by this peculiar guy named mike johnson. what do you make that it's well, a piece of the expression is a level of retired. um it, it is true, is it else a has it that who maybe you vote for in the united states? you always have john mccain in power and so it doesn't matter. john mccain may lose in 2000. you like george w bush, and i think john mccain program same back obama defeats john mccain, john mccain still empower. so now what we've got is this apparently magazine like which is what
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a dollar trunk goes in. megabyte so essentially presided over the most massive transfer of funds, obviously to the us military industrial complex, but also to your brains all the gods, the mass of a transfer of funds to a israel, as he presided over a kind of a pop 3 overall mind of of, of the restrictions of civil liberties restrictions on freedom. so tick tock that's selected there ought to be burned in the 9 months time. um, supposedly, uh, there's going to be a seizure of, uh, russian solver and assets in the united states. so essentially it is a complete wish list of everything that the deep, se, the military industrial complex, the democrats, whatever the saw. and the one thing that the republicans had wanted,
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which was both to secure it. and i was able to see they didn't get it. so i don't of the else thing. the previous ineffectual speaking look out they, they got a version of how much was because it, but actually a more competent version of it because it, because he actually pulled off what because he failed to pull up. this is a total own go by of the republicans in election. yeah. it's extraordinary martin, but you know it's, george is absolutely right. no matter who you vote for you get john mccain. but john mccain's, vision of the world always ends in catastrophes waste of money. and that is a and the diminishing of a reputation around the world. it's. it's like a information loop that just goes around and around and around. there's no learning here whatsoever. martin, i think that there might be something that i am from, from a humble capability of let's go out of this. um, yeah,
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i think perhaps we're letting, but some, what you described is really a catastrophic failure of the us foreign policy. you know, in the, at all times and unprecedented, i would say, so i think there is something to them that you know is that, is that we, we are learning it, but they are not learning. and then we have, we have phone was informed, was over expensive um, in the short term and long term. but um i, i sympathize with the republican somebody else because they take just point to heart and it must feel for the republicans, the best hop. both houses now are basically a democratic majority and it won't happen, but this guy was absolutely extraordinary to 1st as through the last moment. what he paid off was he offered a deal, has the mine bubbles in to, but some from the democrats side, from the button come. it doesn't look like it losing stuff because they must be asking themselves, look, you know, in 6 months time, how many more reports we have to deal with the russian responses. can we, is, can we throw more in a, um,
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bundles of cash on the floor just to keep this plan going for another 6 months, 9 months, you know, until the election to arrive. but because i think that's the way they must be looking at a lot of republicans on in the trunk comp must be thinking, well, that's really the last show that is the last book. you never lost all of us going to be sent to this discount for 2nd country. if it was over there, that's the with the or you have the sunk cost file. let's see. you know, we've already invested so much we can have to keep though. it's george. let me go to george george. i mean, i, i'm, i, i find it, i'm, no, i'm thinking about it because a majority of the republican base is not a go or a 3 against these foreign aid packages, with the exception of israel. israel is always an exception, but george, in an election year it is a shortly and, and it just shows there when, when you're in the grip. oh, based on kind of an 80 ology, then your own self interest on how to go. by the way,
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side of what happens over the, over the last 10 days was the cool x, although i guess so the emulation by the republicans, they lost the key issue that they would have have going into november, which was these of vitamins was buying the united states into several very, very dangerous conflicts. he doesn't know how to get out of them. and we, the republicans on the leadership of donald trump can bring these was to an end that was prompts issue. and trump throw it away because try in dos what mike johnson did and what my johnson date was. so good. and i by whose agenda so by me will be back on the rose garden sometime late to the next week. and um, that you will do the signing well the republicans will be behind them, clamping him to a direct, right. but by now trump doesn't have an issue. i think trump us now see the deal.
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he will lose the election in november because he doesn't have an issue to run up. this was his issue. this was the issue, the guaranteed in victory in 2016. i am the base candidate. i'm the one who's going to keep us out of the stupid was i'm going to focus on the domestic issues. now he doesn't have that issue anymore because the moment he said, well, these are biden's was the media. you know, every single moment of the day will point out. yeah, but you endorsed, is it your policy? you do? they do that. he's not going to get out of it. i mean, that's what the media do. they gotta keep doing it all the time. you did it, it's your policy though trying to wash your hands of it. and i think that's got to work against him. because well, i mean if he's, if you're just going to get buying this policy, you might have to invite him to do it for you. just yeah, martin may, we had did the mike johnson and then you're a guy not too long ago. he did one interview with glen greenwald, which george and i had discussed, and it was a big civil, libertarian. i mean, and, and very, very much,
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very cautious about government intervention when it comes to the banning or limiting speech here. but he went total swamped, total swan creature and a center of rainfall. he, he has a theory that he knows though, how washington work city mike johnson was taken into this little room by some security operatives. and given the horror show of, if this is all at stake, and you're the 3rd most powerful person in the world, only you can make a difference certainly. and if the center is right, then he took good hook, line and sinker words. yeah, i would just have to take a doses for it for the use of underestimate trunk to utah. so that's what he's saying today. he's famous, you know, and so i think there's always a possibility that if he kind of actually convinced the american public in the last few weeks running up to the election, that the strategy in ukraine has to fee to pull out. they'll spend another dollar. um, he may not have the support he has now in terms of numbers,
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but may well prove very popular, especially if the republicans get the right together. and then media machine is organized and i can actually show the listen 170000000000 dollars of your cash was to go into public day. didn't go into that health good indication, building rice and giving just americans went into funding this machine. and we're losing, even with all that cash, we're still losing that might be resonating notes for a lot of americans particular. so i'm not really sure because george now trump is kind of anointed mike johnson. ok. so he and he has real power. and actually he's taking that away from trump. trump doesn't hold office. obviously trump is a leader of the republican party. but if he's a knowing team of the establishment a party, it diminishes trump during this campaign and completely baffled by this george. exactly opposite because he has anointed um jonathan johnson came to him in model
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like a trumpet and have to see a drug test at a bit busy or you go to see them and just say, that's your problem. i, you know, i've got an election to run about law suits, to fight off. i, you know, you're gonna have to deal with it by a. so i didn't do that. ultimately, you'd have to say that, you know, there has to be like assess the policy of traumas going back to the time that he was present as supporting your brain. so it's, it's just the perception, it's actually the liberals who have put, made completely to create of the story out of whole cloth. the trump is broke. bruton trump is pro russia, trump is on to ukraine. this was all made up. it was never any troops in it. he was the one who changed obama as policy and spot ascending the lease. so military, do you agree? i need to continue to boast about that. he said, well yeah, that was uh, that was just a moment trip a uh abberation on my father. he boast about his oh, i think that's made
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a difference in the statement that he issued on on true social. he says ukraine is important to us. so he didn't, you know, this is all made up 1st of all, by the so the mag supporters like bannon and black m s m b, c. the trump really a to branch off was to wash his hands off. it's no, i mean not, but you know, you look at the rank one of the man he believes in this, and he's therefore essentially thrown away what could have been potentially his best issue. what i think it threw away, martin is to be the piece candidate. okay. yeah, we can, we just kind of move away from a guys a way from your brain. i want he could have had a much more coherent message of why don't we have little bit more diplomacy, why we throwing so much money around? it's not solving problems. it's perpetuating problems the actually, i don't understand the political calculus here instead of getting yourself into the nitty gritty, the minutia of these issues say, look, we need
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a fundamental change in policy that resonated with the public in 2016. who knows what happened in 2020 but it's still there and it's a, it's a lane that he won't take it. it's something i'm really disturbed by martin. we want to take it now. um, but i wonder what does it show and it doesn't matter. now they did, the guy is cast, i think go ahead. yeah. but my just, i mean, you know who, who is this guy? you know, i mean, i think, i think he will assume, you know, disappear um very quickly and people won't even remember who he is or what he said and in a very short space of time. and i don't see him is so particular important. but i agree with chose to trump the problem now. um, but i think a lot just places more emphasis on these 2 candidates to run their actions based on personalities alone. if the, if the policy side stuff the way the way you know and is really, really it really isn't that much to flight about except the economy across which it doesn't say what's in but, and say that i think the trip without affects on what the tool and you know, he,
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people will associate him with his friends and as a lease doing very well, but hold that thought i'd have to go to a hard break of after that hard break. we'll continue our discussion on some real new stake with our to the high acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do they have the state department, the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you
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the the welcome back to prospect bull horns on peter lavelle remind you were discussing some wellness squared. let me go back to you again. i mean it, these, the series of bills that were passed about for an of um, for him funding a, you know, we're going to israel guys. i tie one. um, uh, um and you know, banning of, um the tick tock here. it seems to me with, with the republicans joining in on that they lose their leverage on so many different things for, for example, a funding is real well that's already been passed in a vital signs that what kind of leverage has. so you have the money is going to keep going. i mean, you get you giving up so much leverage and power that the us has and it by bypassing these bills and signing these bills. well, israel's already been paid,
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they're not going to listen me. yeah, well did they ever so yeah, i think come if, well, i mean money money gets people's attention it. don't you think it's, it's it's, it's a summary of yes it does for a short period of time. but i think the lessons look in that we will to now, to pretty to so i really for the last few days with this circled attack on the run by israel, which supposedly isn't going to have any representations we hope. but coming back to trump and by the new know, i'm just confused to 0. i mean, i just, i can't see now what the real issues will be. now when these 2 trash you have to head. but i, i do think that some of the things that really gets me about trump, we should never forget that. so was enjoying his campaign. he showed us that he really was very uncomfortable with a woman who was very uncomfortably us, presidents. i shouldn't be having any was around the world. you know, they stayed. i'm a little cyclists in america. i'm just
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a supreme leader of on forces or something, something like that. you're, you're telling me picture. i'm sure i learned from a 100 that totally selecting, don't sit well as having a soul, unless the only hope that we can have is that he will still present himself to the american public as somebody is going to deal with these will title. i'm just also, and i think that's what we've already done with it. well the, you know, you're training now. you know what, what those $61000000000.00 by you. i mean it, it, i think it was in time. definitely some time. but even with that money we seen with a miscalculation with the corruption, was the incompetence, you know, with the ineptitude of a salute sky. and there's all me, we've seen still, the rush of pushes for what versus still has games to my. well, i mean, for me, it's a, it's really not that, that the all or some, because they've got the, the, the campaign in, in ukraine is going in one direction and we'll just continue going in that
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direction. okay. it's, it's not, it's not really the dollar amount for me, george, it's the fact that you give a leverage. okay, so what, what, what has happened here is that instead of trump the unifying the party and now you know, you, it's trump, and his mag of supporters. and you have that republican establishment, that chasm is getting larger, not smaller george with it. that's exactly right. either and that's really the point because what has happened in recent years and the may be through trump's 2016 campaigns assembly republican positive as much as the polity of the piece and the body against big government, against the military, against the intelligence services. i am in favor of the civil liberties. i mean it's not that i'm usually to essentially republican, but it was going back to it's free world war 2 guys against the old you know the coast. uh well go to uh coldwell establishment. the same thing. but now this
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thinking has prevailed against the g o, b, a. so now they, they lose that important issue which they could have at least one over. um, people who, you know, who might not naturally be voting for republicans, but this, but they just thought so killed by the biden regime, you know, an embracing all of the ideas of the deep se, then the village of this, our work, and at least the republicans are against this, and so even though they've, they've lost that liberty, mike johnson, you change these view. why? because of a briefing by the intelligence services. well, let's see, is that the intelligence services that you've been accusing now for several years of tried to topple donald trump, the people who were trying to um, but in that asylum, cool. in the united states that were trying to essentially kick out the elective lead to your site. you setup all of these committees to investigate government abuse of government weaponized ation of government. that gets your political bonus
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. you mean that intelligence service you set down and you thought, oh, well, i better believe that in all the weapons of mass destruction and all of that in the bushes you mean villages, services both ways. so you've lost some leverage and i think that's really the point and above and what not to mention about the both of them is the problem is on the trunk may be under the delusion, the people find his personality appealing and that's strolling there. there is a fact, a faction in america that does fine, his personality very appealing. that's not enough to get you over the line. so i'm going to get you 51 percent. you know, people who are, you know, the person out of this fine. but you gotta have the policy, you're gonna, well, george, steven is 2020. nobody loves joe by nobody. okay. but in, in, in we, they, in that process, they'll continue just be you're absolutely right martin, we can split it out of here a little bit. i mean, this axis of evil, so by some those china is on notice right now. i mean, that's like waving a red flag in front of someone here to be, you know, we're, we're, we're not going to have
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a peaceful coexistence. we're not going to have symmetry didn't know where are we? this is a new cold board. you are the enemy rushes experiences for a long time. now that china is. and so what does russia in china do? they come even more close together? i mean, there is, there were any adults and this administration whatsoever. exactly. yeah. obviously as a point of the make a little to about british politics, which is i've noticed in my lifetime, how and peace in london this educates it's less informed and frankly less, you know, not even uh, not even remotely clever living remotely astute to aero dice or what they do anymore, and the big, the basically becoming sick, you know, and i think it's us, i mean, america, we're seeing a daunting down of the political process. and the people within the people are actually saying more of those stupid things, you know, without even having to research without even having these thoughts starting next and to say, you know, talking about new access to the last time. someone said just to be bush, the americans, they did the rock, it was
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a premise of something much they got hit with, not experiencing that now. but to go back to a point about feeling that being the enemy and rush and being in a big what's the reason the enemy? you can't say that $126000000000.00 or for an investment from american companies in china says that you're not the enemy. you know it's a city to go down that road. oh, i think all i interpret from that is just chest beating as a nationalistic book, but also what it does. it's george, it, it's threat inflation. okay. so i mean, you know, we have the asked in graft. we have the ongoing ukraine, griff, than, you know, the, the good korean peninsula has been the, probably the greatest rift a since the 2nd world war that just goes on and on and on. there's not even a question about that. and so here we go again the, the industrial base of the united states has been degrading so much so that you have to off on arms to export make money. so this is if this is really
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extraordinary, again, trump is betraying everything, but he stands for me. and so, you know, if we're good at it, if we're going to have an industrial base, can we have it more than just arms like have well paying jobs for people. they don't know that the swamp always wins. jump and john mccain always wins. george, this is exactly right. be there. and um, it really is the case of whenever there's any kind of a fight, any kind of a resistance to the swamp, the swamp will prevail. what's your goal? so remember that on the sides of a bite and signed into law, the renewal of fi is the warrantless search bar, the bias a. so this was a real head mike johnson played the really cold role in the on the critical vote here. he gave the critical works. so this was a really bump a day for the deep states the other day. and so,
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no wonder they were all the democrats who are waving ukrainian flags inside the the capital. but oh, no party that this was a, this was trump settling point, and this is why he became president of the young people. what is the vote of for him? you know, i sent you a reality tv shows. uh uh, you know, an uh, new york real estate. i do. you have the promise. we're going to end these last and we're going to rebuild our industrial base, you know, make america great. again, we're going to go back to the america of world war 2 and the immediate the decade off the world war 2. when american industry was the envy of the world on either side question whether it was doable or not. but that was the whole point. then we don't wanna waste all these uh, precious results as finding stupid was it doesn't, don't get anything for him. i get it and that hasn't worked and the he was an opportunity for trauma. and because of the how the he has the bass i need even had with him later. the g o b conference to the congressmen who are ready to follow him and say, yeah, we were with you on this, we, we don't want to any more of these was we're not going to get one penny to the
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ukraine and all the got the down and george, on top of it, on top of it, there is no down side for the republicans. they didn't vote for they don't spear trump, they don't. we are the leader of the party democrats. oh my goodness. you define a leaking ship. i think it will lock you out of your office and give you a one way ticket. oh martin, go ahead. it's. it's a 6. all right. i think we've reached that point now. you know where it's, it's so difficult to, to, to look at these 2 candidates and understand what, what the real story is, are we being fools here? is this a smoke and mirrors? i sort of bluff and trump. i wonder if there is more of this story that we've actually really stumbled into us or less not underestimate his ability to, to surprise the so with this media stance and, and some of the attorneys that he has around him, you know, revising him on a day to day basis so, so i think we've got lots of look forward to,
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but in the short term i must have many of it. i, you know, i, this was a huge win for the democrats and buying a huge. okay. and, and the, the colossal size of it, i think george is right. this is going to be use as a whip on him all the way to november. but you supported your um, speaker supported. what are you are doing about you taking an issue off the table, which was very viable for so many people. george, finish up for us. exactly. a bible, you may try to distance himself away, but it'll be every single day and them as nbc, cnn all immediate, they're going to be saying this might be 5000000000. this was the biggest business ever package for ukraine. you signed off on it. so what suitable for him to distill them accusing will be put, put in spot that the blues are, as far as i was, the harshest on russia is still going to accuse him of working for the crowd live,
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but also choosing of the supporting by his policy that's a politics, the short circuiting itself. i'm and maybe martin's right. maybe there's something here that we don't understand, but i tend to doubt it. that's all the time we have gentlemen when the bank, my guess in budapest and america. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here, or do you see next time, remember, costs across the water is part of the valuable posted isn't the deepest view of us in that, in the world? or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without glitches. let's go out of the
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as the headlines right here went off the international ukrainian troops choking off of losses on the front of the russian army and volunteers across the donuts republic comes out to washington ships even more military, a den cash, the key, but the landscape pledges the whole field getting as israel as ministry intelligence chief coles at quits over the idea of failure to protect the nation. and october the 7th. then y'all was cap on to it is under pressure to take full responsibility for the attack and even step down. while we're here are outside of columbia university, and this is the center of the boiling controversy in new york city right now. tensions miles in a new york is off the report from columbia university,


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