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tv   Documentary  RT  April 23, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EDT

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to do impartiality as back in 1999, the decision was to act immediately and perhaps or not to ask questions later. i see that as the and the but i think it might become a move. yes, it was military action against a lot of state. the tv against the said it'd be against the middle of sewage, but also it was a political move against the there's a least against the other newspapers to states televisions as well, a debt political move. they announced to us that only cnn has uh, right, uh, 444 to with the, the, the deed for, for truth. and if you are against that and not active against that at the schools, you are in trouble. and we see we can see that uh today. uh also if you against
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those and not a tv those, these courses that are uh, promoted by invest in medias you are in, in tablets. nato allies have a history of repeating the same accusations of propaganda against those voices that it wishes to silence. whether that's what can be expanded to you in a song whistle blower. edward snowden, o media organizations like all see on it or stop it. here with the perverse bowman of this tv station. nato's attempts to control the narrative, so that even ski info. great. so you for aussie and 1999. nathan, who is, is born in belgrade for 17 days to find out more about what that was like for the people who survive. it's st. jude yeah. on oxy international. the
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last over now. what was the uh, temporary printer to interested here's the thing. it's interesting. it says okay, but yeah, that's just sort of similar to a lot of upside even though it's almost the end of the course. they also could i ask you, i sca grading the push to get them,
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get them up at the end of this message is to, to convict this and you will no longer with us because, and this will be, so it is an issue and you get a sense condition in them, so it's collusion is this is considered you move for fish, get the know, lots of a so thing to on finding, transcribing which was sort of close the this the, which yeah, cash. and you visual has a with a video systems. so for the federally, the on the
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golf course, but if i'm going to try to just go through just a little, you know, the, the pollution from zillow. so grammar school in addition to me, to one of your stores here to ginger architectural. now permission. and if she's done school shooting and numbers coming in and she didn't so vicious. yeah. i'll post which is doing yes. priscilla pursued him. yeah. with him, he's quite from julia. i'm send a listing of the watch and then yeah, for the look slips. yeah, to jenkins the wrong. which of the, i guess it's making the most interesting to i'm that's for women more than us know, people are interested in putting you could just lonely and this wasn't only shameless commodities. almost the just taking a little that control latham in the ocean today. wish to me i was unable to get to
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that, asked i just asked, which is the situation of a finding the 100 with a commercial gotcha. and she wants to our stuff for us to do it the same for the most part of this deal. it's your 1st and last name location. i think the shit was in here and you can but to find, you know, good which for some of those and such that it for the, for the, for the middle initials to go to the me know us within the what to do with the petition and because of the publishers because of the cost of those posted on the site and given them what i think visual visual can with anyone see up with opinion visual pacific ocean, my e initial 0 to were as board of one to one of those things to put a mesh stack of nash will tell you and so by turn it down to
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just interest most of the gums. lynch. those programs kind. yeah. because one of the most the value for computers in the format and it will just look up, we can put them to put them. but unfortunately, since the solution to example in texas, i've sent them the nicholas, the nimble enjoying envelope. and when i put that in the, the previous a 4 digit or somebody should have what i see. and if i didn't done it done with this is a girlfriend. youtube display from leafing with them so much for the look of it should be southern, i'm spam aging, 1st floor solution solution solution. there's a comb, meshed of hooks or no or distinct, or you're going to go that's published in a still going to look for the full look again and you think that good with us
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initial okay, 40 minutes for the airplane store is willing to and you have yourself comfortable directors of cartoons total more and you folks still the solution for that much. so is a think died the implant a i that 3 i knew 100 is a portfolio guns. and if it isn't the sample of cause a should have, could you move, which still stuck with me? i'm in a very slow, you know, i was more than that. yes. like they feel as if so oppression as usual, as a couple switches before making them associated with the plane just because the most of which you are unable to blame. you start to close the sample from the ditch. yeah, cache individual who's a with a video assistance though for let's, let's start with this just so i can consume the subsidy. so then you've got an
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official shift, almost as invoice interest from you who wants to buy something, good, 3 percent of them that i can be pay and i'm with. yeah, i'm familiar with this so i can spend that for you to what kinds of professional combust i'm or sign you can, but the style interest which cook with a choice because i choose to mclean. i'm a spanish, that's what i got to push on this thing is that engine? a good thing occurs, but that is before you and the interview, i'm gonna send the computer over to them over to bush when you've got the socks. plenty of the for each area and we've got the shuttle profession to ship. i mean, pretty much is this cut? there's not order for put in chance for you walk out the citrus the link from virginia to just know there's some population of district me, other special needs a solution. i don't want to make sure things that are for the sure and the pushing it when you to put it as a sensitive sign and give them the
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zip code in uh with this quote with the weight and the specialists fed up similar to the additional good as new or used, i appreciate see that but also i lost the truth of losing the boy a bridge if not since the 1st because of the tech. couple of thing. uh come on village and some new to the yeah. we do. no. yeah. see the it you, what did you heard anything the book has always just in go commerce and it says or strategic personal for me with a chest pretty jealous. uh, because they have compression from what percentage is the, what the person part of this new and you come to the location address no package because of the way i'm not originally of. so i could ask if it is soaked tricia to condone
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a color. it's that i just about to the ideas of its 1st, the initial priority is more than the lesson was to them in the in the video developers thoughts from that i know more and other surcharges, so those are good on your number as well. yeah. pretty much so minorities published in the way and there's reaching us cuz when she gets there, i'll know can be good at that. those that to do shit that somebody will put should tend this, but i just can go to if i have to more on the x, just the motion stated to this, i was looking at a state of the demo at these your tongue preventing the digital to that, that was use, resemble, anybody know, to reach you to cancer, to type of findings, pennsylvania for cause any sort of shots. yep. of them are still in need of. so the
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key just because the way i didn't no problem do you have like the ocean snow storm with which on the invoice that that is the attendance ease that i'm sure yours is mostly for so we didn't really share must be in a way i'm going to read this form of a specialty and then use the most of the day. so it does run you few for the name that you said. surprise when you're still looking for a little bit slim but flip monthly with joy's buddhist asian legal sinus bitch. he finished the ican, i'm just those are the last one, feed me a gym for complex or with a whole new flip. dirty summarizing them will come up after cutting your to are tied to them, which are the both the to,
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for me to order for me. so it's not that the cutting e just don't want to tell them some of these should she to those stupid to formations. the local choice kind of show can assume, and there's a doing the push forwarding. it's just html stood us and we didn't know if there was some cable from the only person i know. but there's no such as joseph stuff that i'm only struggles michelle, we're dealing with them that she almost supervisor to get the question to move underneath the individuals but well and then it personally at the start of his knowledge to let them bring it. also information to, to 3 or 4 get, you know, sure why she by moving in school. so i'm good for the shots. additional funding by the end of the during the semester. so i don't know which the provisional post christian, he said doing it, but i'm, we're definitely a metric for many of them at uh which,
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which as changing from assignment science for those and about or somewhere. and you've tried changing that. you put them on that as it was. i'm not sure what their courses that if one is trust me doing that is that's cool. cool. well, there's a bit over the to setting in their system shall go high, much say as could kindly put her if she was living, cannot pick up the resist by then use that other than leaving the room resilient. okay to, i'm not sure that i'm a doing research color, so it's pushing less focused. i'm going to email it to think if i get the deal, is it the worst of it? because of which we're going to ask them to spend too much to look at a crisis call them shouldn't wish to obviously, if you met with ocean punctual findings, motion, clark, i'm originally one of them, allow me to do, but in this and it will kind of a fuck that i'm wishing and design that i have to get his own that which to to disclose total, which to the most i can put a c one. yeah. a john doe number. so for the
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senior citizen, prepare the mailbox tool, which the system brings the shipping and i've kind of got to think of special. i can, you know that there's no pressure because obviously there's no brand new customer was moving their stuff to minnesota, which kicked with, i'm a special agent with zillow dash with the system. the folks got to make sure if it's in the industry the to the visit of it's sort of way let you know it is your ship equipped with what type of told me. yeah. pretty sure. so the service and like out the other but work, what's new me up really bad cookies. the news is easiest for me and you know that it wasn't that extra thought the 1st the tech to go to because i missed a new shift towards the summer. so just asking that this mean shows my cousin number
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to my daughters for shutoff, somebody's the as the case, look at the younger cell, the cause of which it was an ocean come along the weights of corporate. look at the piece, the price to press see me here though, new data storing as the crew of gala with them? no, cuz it was fine and it was issued to us for new various is that the uh the is that the uh the with x the
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the word instead of, oh my god, see him. you over to the screen of your to the gift card. the police consolidate. you have see what was more of a see somebody in the on can you send me the
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for kelly stuart? i didn't look at the store posted on the 30th as opposed to the mean? yes. you can just delete the custodian. let's say that enough, where supposedly with this thing with the, the the most people in the studio should buy with go just and get us. cuz a lovely me you call a way to issue my net, you know, to the point on the spot, the selenium of on you know, what else cousin will let me in the middle of this level, silver,
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gold way and know what sort of good stuff. so if i get some book repeat some of the yeah, it goes by the way to like show the and i definitely let you know, but that was suddenly almost impossible. who was thinking more because i'm still figure out what's the question interesting stores on pop up? let's look at a sheet here in this little toy to lowest way momma said the room if they've got it on a special bus for the up though, except though i get a little problem focused. the usually i give it up. nobody did. yeah, but i do luck on your lady some month it will pull up well, little slips double side of the base of the lady and the store and instead of like a c, e o and somebody's pregnancy or something been set up for monday, but they have an attempt to stay on that i'm going to, that's
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a boy. we apply that easy paid should be a e, a luddites to 12 medium simple of course and get up to see if it's here for you. let me have them set up some fundamental way just to see that i can lead you me privately. the cause of this is you don't want to publish suicide. so you need a shuttle to invite you to the voice you're putting your for the new city as for the change coefficient, and that, that works to the kids that are mostly up to the you have most of you could use on the numbers for me. i don't know for what, but it's on that. and so we're still somebody, i'm a customer to publish that item. but my ask for michelle, not mention this. i looked across the q, so federal agent ways up. but the fact that i didn't know that, that i have each of us on this, but i could put a nipple serious. most of the silliness what item i need will be able for you. i
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knew was pointed with concern if the race you know, from the full of feel with a 60, you wish will some of the toward the on this here. i say i've never read it says kill him. it just says keep a video on the form which doesn't work with any of the space, but of course you can sit on the but a deal navy and publish that because it's a thumb keep that to a box. it took us to get it that way. you mean it says keep group of got thought of it started in those zip codes this to see 0 name and it says good for the election cereals logically or d, scale. we should, it's fully if she'll know how to do an issue with use of so that team of people out the application of both be sure nimble says, let's see, each of these are fixed or seem it doesn't mean it's combined if by a 3 year lock initially it up to the chain,
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you can you twist complete for you to sit down with the queen, mention this as low as see a pretty low floor. bringing mice to be able to take him to court and east of take we should do. so we can collect the levels pretty much keith fitness i'm sure to say the image male was looking at, this is a sofa therapy. what it was. and when you see super the, he'll get a couple of them quite a bit of we need the kind of this. so at least we'll just last to deal with kind of that goes to columbia and me deal with the deal. it's from the lady on it was a yes plus the completeness, each lady on the what was the use plus that was the piece a couple of it's got to be and we'll say that i bought the hit a little different. you get a hold of somebody serial is both on the square feet each and the x today for the
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table and refresh this to uh uh, let's do the boyd, sol, all the superior law level. lashania. yes. could either find the or the pacific beach because to the thing gives a sheets a video for the girls to sit in the suitably ski costumes. they should less q issues may 5th chapter of a shipment. moscow for us to pretty well for you. supposed to be at the cost savings. so you have so you can just say, you know, and you can sort that up, see if that was one of them with both the lose the full time the that is, it gets to model potentially physics cable. there's a lot of that. so it didn't things good about the concepts, 16 when the pinnacle otherwise. but you might get what i to expect that i'm on the post the late assembly and makes it easy to solve. some of you is simple. there's usually a couple days in it, but it was worth a huge. it's really simple. the competitors, if they kick much the case, the clips,
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the law office workforce make much more. it was a little bit concerned about 70. my name was an old one more and then the, some of the other forms of that's a little, you know, with the pretty much the to kind of the thoughts of a lovely or they have to be able to show it to a function source to learn more than i believe it's thoughts or maybe i don't know what the projects assuming this cause any form shall. thank you, flu leukocyte situation. i just thought as we made some of the stresses shouldn't level last kind of down way governing the chest to come back to us for, for you because they gave me the siding. the stimulation is covering that for me to move my chain, you se the way to do my way of dealing with i do you ever leave the little guy with stay on the says, one way, where's the land? the little bit, each of their immunization, there's a land,
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the little was funding source from you. patricia uses me somebody's can 3 years. but digital make consider of the level the what the body of this so that you have listed in the cover. they'll be able escapades that again what we should say to them by you to somebody the moist dave with kayla pretty much comfortable. is this gimme unable to go to the store living? yeah, so it doesn't actually living at the most kind of a case look for the medium that is sort of this to see and my colleague is kind of like to stay with when you look with a couple of paper, let me let me. yeah. yeah. with the forms, with pretty cheap thoughts from douglas, not even in your i actually the missed the question was still killing sale, which i did notice with the flip. can i switch to the next level advertising?
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because you don't, the plumber use tend of room is listed below. so i suppose the we could have a little subcommittee as of today if you have trouble on those problems. the slowest we study today, some of the woods, the lizard, right? most key fields and on the corporate, according to some in a mobile choice for you. and then certainly it goes up the or the potato level, just touch the button and deal with that over the phone book. most of the children are blessed to go. and if you want to joy a couple of things in mind that you do. so with the fixing the issue, i will be able to look at a little the clamp smoke and i'll see if there's room. i got them on the move thing . yeah. because you might have some insights, it was the one that was kind of wonderful. we'll talk a little bit admit that it will measurable. that i'm not that critical up in the
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system yet. could i say yep, okay. couple it was quite a bit of just because i sort of, i don't know that let's pull up in a couple of well that was what the fuck seemed. eligibility. virtually series of stories suggest you used to initially know that while a kid is just the over the, for the, for the, which i didn't really on the suit only pretty up to this by the way, the still able body filled up, still edition. but it's even extreme was limited to for the volume, actual affinities, people fail. so. so the man is the zillow with all emotion. and you know, said other posts which i was still focused maple sophisticated. hey sissy, what was that it was supposed to? is it extra to insure the commercial and the projects that's the whole screw up,
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the full set of providers, perpetual of sales to stick with already and so collectively performed. i'm still tickled at you. this is for the for the get the machine issues village gave you just some sort of lean your that i get fed that i have the little populate. mama will she later into the city slip? no, because of the name was i mentioned with a, with a to the machine. it hung up as a whole story. and instead of showing this nearly a story about all the subtle work, i'm actually a really, really is a motion or you just, i'm the 1002. yep. if not 6 lots, you see a probably right in the formula. you want us cause a sound or a forklift stage when you model and what is the model that we take the cable? pul, celebration able to me from your perspective as a floor. i need to understand that we believe that the motion order, but i just,
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i did see, put on go disclose the initial shock with i'm should really give a piece of the nation comfortable opinion. is that the vicious while yesterday e, with a show up to the don't monday march, then they will still yet find out the only more severe the civil schools that they show the machine. it doesn't mean it's much, i guess the sort of in will spell phonetically splitter the school. mom was i'm with, you know, i to go to mama for long smart the old, my mama regrets a cousin that prostate, whatever. on some of the specifics. now one issue of your, of samuel to blush, was that other valuable a 20 minute you on the ship? so the find out maybe or for us, or is it considered you don't,
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that's just in the media for the middle in the next best of see and also which is human symbolism. anything you don't see will kind of my to him with butcher was that in? yeah. in nick or do you think that i'll let you make me up enough with the training of a lacrosse? there's a stone and let's say that it doesn't match the student with the financing and dual cook with the lawyer. you've got them back settled and it will start off the little box. and when will see, it was more of a see, let the worst of a prospect for this really, it's a much the the, [000:00:00;00]
3:00 am
the us count as rising here at columbia university and other american colleges where students are speaking out for palestine and facing a crackdown by administrators, a wave of last process and support a pass on a slippery across the us college campuses with joe biden says they're all on pete. symmetric and also i thank you, mr. president. thank you, congress. thank you. america as the us a box video and the more dollars a weapon i do pay the americas national. that is about as a pos is g d p. but $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending


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