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tv   News  RT  April 23, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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the, the, the us multiple arrests a made us police are cracks with pro product student activist. ronnie, the joe biden says are, as is to magic pull, so ahead. thank you, mr. president. thank you, congress. thank you america. the size of the us, a monster billions of more dollars. a webinar if you train america's own national debt is about because the boss is g d p. good. $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending meaning go. meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and today months 25
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years since that a need to miss all this story, the head for the radio to the end of serbia. getting 16 generous caesar salad davinsky report on a typical provider us officials didn't know i reaching the geneva convention saying the journalist, best well propagandist. and that for fact target the cisco on 11 am here in the russian capital. welcome wherever your country the news from today. this is our team and to our top story, police arrested numerous people as they tried to break up a proof of sam riley at new york university. the the who are, who is, who know who this,
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send it on the protest removing tense. i'm conducting grades, diamond classes are running to the, the authorities attempted to disperse the crowds. definitely. so it isn't responded by launching towards the local police headquarters, subject to the rest of the protests is midwife and california st. foot certainly, you know, i think protesting active is having barricaded themselves inside the building these tables and then the other objects to block. and then since i'm prevent police equipped with right here from entering the premises, pro 5 same poses, have been sweeping across some of the most prominent us, you know, the seas and service to have in the city of kemp, charging slow design, carrying by most the modeling an end to genocide in gaza, but the colleges have come down all of us. they have suspended upon the science so they don't see community even so it's an expulsion for students who continue to be involved in it. us present, joe biden says the pro, past. everybody's, i mean,
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i do symmetric resubmitted protests on college. i also don't understand that i've also been rubles of intimidation and harassment tool of jewish people on southern us college campuses that includes columbia university in new york. and it has implemented a hybrid scheduling regime to de escalate. the tensions all think was the cable. but i spoke with the 2 of us at the school in the university along with yale and other ivy league institutions. i've had a wave of pro palestine. pro test says campuses are very divided about where students stand on international issues inside the campus. there has been an encampment of pro palestine students. and now, as you can see, the campus has been locked down through the history of this university of being
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invested in war and invested in the wrong sort of history. um, you can look into the ways that they've invested in vietnam more invested in a part of the space and freedom of religion. i personally will be coming to these gates. here's nice to have a seat or i'm as you're a student and it's a and a tv that makes me feel unsafe here. so i will be celebrating passed over here outside the gate. when my students are inside the gates, as a student, i was against the war in vietnam. we did the same thing and people knew we were right. and in the end, we ended the war in vietnam. and these young people are right and i want to defend them because in the end, palestinians must have the right to live. i'm jewish. first of all, i'm not a religious do, but i think it's absurd. i think they're using anti semitism to detract from the real issues. and the real issue is genocide,
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free speech and the empire that they're expanding the empire into the middle east. and they want to keep are not paying attention to that reason. here is because america is controlled by jewish billionaire, the jews, okay. they control, that's why that they control the media, the control our money, their control, our culture, our music, the arts, the ras count is rising here at columbia university and other american colleges where students are speaking out for palestine and facing a crack down by administrators. they say the protests are anti semitic and create an unfriendly atmosphere for jewish students. but they say they're simply speaking up for their rights and expressing opposition to the government policies as well as the policies of the university itself. 5, the us side is expected to vote on the new a bill for you, for a later on choose a country present. i little running. welcome bit as good to go or is
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national results in the agreement on the a c m. s missile systems for ukraine is a sign that all the dots are crossed. thank you, mr. president. thank you, congress. thank you america. the bill i supposedly said so allocate 61000000000 dollars and age the keys, but a substantial part of the funding will go to washington own. and that's the industrial complex. so it's a $1000000000.00 a is for american defense contractors that would be price based on files. and then another 11000000000 is the west regional for regions including the state of washington intel activities. however, most by the info on the you can call it will further away on the us national debt with his own rud. it's a policy in the country is gross domestic product. this new spending, $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending. mean it go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt,
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a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and by the way, while i was speaking, we have added another $5500000.00 to the national debt. the budget office hi one. but in the to use the ratio of us that the g d. p will be a 166 percent increase in the alpha disabilities that america is for the in the, for the sense of historical, the full and implies of any great power that spends more on debt service interest payments on the national debt. then on defense will not stay great for very long true of haps, for spain, truth on c and regime france, true of the ottoman empire, true of the british empire. this law is about to be put to the test by the us beginning this very year. when that interest outlays will be 3 point one percent of
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gdp. defense spending 3.0 percent. the us fiscal policy is on a completely unsustainable path. according to the fluid id. so with the us administration names at charles from ukraine, into a new colony and perpetual conflict. providing a continual stream of revenue for weapons companies. the weapons industry and the weapons lobby is making tons of money from ukraine. so it's in their interests for the government to basically give them another stipend of money um by, by purchasing more weapons for ukraine. um and it's in the interest of the neo cons in the neo liberals in the us state department who have been behind this ukraine policy from the beginning. it's been something that the democrats and folks like victoria newland have been been pushing for a long time. people have been predicting the collapse of the west and the western
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empire for a long time. and i mean, it is inevitable throughout history. empires rise and fall in the us is no different. and you see the signs of an empire in decay. you know, 80 percent of our people living paycheck to paycheck? well, the entire country is drowning and debt. the riches people in society are the big banks and the multinational corporations that and all of the working people over their debt to and, and the government doesn't seem interested in doing anything about it. they only seem interested in pumping more money into the military industrial complex and in more foreign wars. the latin to them all day of the political party or president mohammed move is appears of achieved the latter's 5 victory and parliamentary elections or tables. the national congress body has a reputation of being from chinese with moved away from nearby india. the looks of a soul says a future development and as one at least $65.00 of the $93.00 seats company of full
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glass. that's according to the preliminary results that i know position policy was previously dominated, the change, the instant savings. it's a windows and doesn't see this time. the official results are expected lights and this really soon became present last year. he could be fulfilled. one of his main campaign promises by ordering indian menissi personnel to leave the island nation. he insisted that he would not allow any form power to undermine his country sovereignty, but a strain to them all these ties with a new journey now just a few days ahead of the election opposition policy is dom on the new issue. the peach on robertson claims that pertaining to the period before he became present. he has denied i'm doing well. let's close alive to doing yeah. which is a full mo, uh, form of 4 minutes of the mold these and yeah,
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thank you so much for taking the time. and joining us here on, on see, we really appreciate it. if i may, if i may 1st, let's start with your thoughts on the results of the parliamentary elections in them all these so thank you for the opportunity. it's a pleasure to farmington talk about the situation. i would like to take the occasion also to congratulate president waves on his bossy for a raw, the sweeping retreat, you know, financially election checked and a few days ago, as you have mentioned, they have won a large number of seats in the selection. and i just also wanted to highlight a couple of points here. the voter turnout was low, 75 percent, which as compared to normal probably mentioned election is a low, low to 10 of my own thoughts. obviously, the government changed only
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a few months back for 5 months back. i mean, the mold is the pattern we're seeing now is when the government changes the parliament to election normally then reflects the majority in parliament of that party government. um, as you know, a democratic changes happen a couple of decades back of these 2 in the process of consolidating democracy. the do have so a number of concerns about a young democracy in the system of government that we have. and i can see when the majority of the state can begin call them and by a government issue, accountability becomes very difficult. but it doesn't mean that the president i'm kind of pushed through on the number of these forms. however, i have even mean these last few months being concerned by the public on, by few mistakes made by present moods, particularly on as far as the policy with his government has some interest in very
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rude manner, against the indian leader and government. they might do too, and so on. these are the same time i do believe that this is a actually a nation of the fact that the people few really now let's assume that you have to support the government talking in order for them to get jobs and to get some of the games, not necessarily being the best possible way or would be integrity in sincerity necessary or miss level and we will get into i have so the relationship between the mold these india and china in a 2nd. but before we get that has present uh movies the been a popularly the sofa. i mean we've heard of little baker's or blocking 3 of his nominees uh to the cabinet, but i'd refuse. so of his spending proposal. but is he not as popular as, as we are led to believe?
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i mean, what's behind these moves or um, basically let me also see if bus came from president loses party, but i have suzanne left, the parking and i to to add an independence in the election. unfortunately, i did not with my speed. however, i am aware a lot of how people view the situation and definitely most say it's only few months of this government's being in trouble and has, it's very difficult to comment on whether they're actually realizing the churches are working in a way that people are happy but the gravity shifting continuously even off the present. and these came, as you know, formal friends in young means party was the one we just put out because of the candidate and present backing was a pretty important for cause. and we just told me to talk. but within a week they had a falling out. so prison y'all mean was pushed away from his own pocket and retired
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and he see present moiz moving ahead. i would say um, so he has made mistakes. the of the options are not really something moving people wish to consider, which is the one of these democratic 5 tables for the impala for the last 5 years in terms of pumpkins and delivery. i believe people have not been happy with the n b b, which is now reflected in the car. probably mentioned election because they've valley one very few states. the number of independence was extremely low as well, but more expensive for me or someone who has worked on gender issues and including empower women more informative and leadership positions. we have only 3 women in our apartment out of 90. remember, this is something that huge because a credit was himself, had spoken about this earlier, that he would support what we meant to call him. and the reality has been about twice his own parties,
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has backed and barely got couple of women in. so if we look at the issue of tickets being given without a primary, we see a lot of men being given 6 tickets, including backers and move parties. so despite that conflict and so lots of competence, many women were out there who had a good background and the people, the integrity is in fair game. unfortunately, they do not receive the best thing. so i am concerned about who has been elected quantities of popular vote, but often popular loads up into by money and many other issues. and people who tell me really do not have the color with the integrity or the sincerity that we need for them to have a representative of the people in this country. so we are waiting at home even though that things will improve the country has so many challenges our economy really has um, not being in a good state and people's leading expenses that conditions the access to health care, the cost of education. i mean there's, there's potential,
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we're not the whole country. we have a lot of them before, is that arriving as well. so we hope to see that these requirements that, that districts actually hold government to accounts and watching, sadly, so the people who elected united so far there is a balance in agend. electra elect tauriel as well, but i miss, i wonder if i may, i months until a little bit about foreign policy. i mean we have india in china that close. see what seeing this loads? why do you believe the mold is a 1st of all because of sunsets, jill. jill, political hoffer, i mean 58 does x x the extend or expand on that we know for, for many years. and all of these have been with close ties with india. that seems to be a shift towards china. why, why is this all happening now? this is me. news is main plan. i assume. yes, i think um for the whole region um in terms of do apologise,
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the countries in the region is not being influenced by india and china. and we have unfortunately seen the pendulum being shifting from side to side with different documents that come in. and that's the same for mores, especially like the as well. um, my father was a former president when all these he picked out a problem. 2080 was voted up during his time. he did home very balanced position where he, prior times the independence of this country as a sovereignty, he died be bullied on the amount of any other country at all. and he successfully month manage that seems to be less than that k plus shifted to india side, the government. back to him, austin went chinese side and then again another go india side. and again, this reflects power and present moves is government is very pro chinese, he's own the point of being that he's from all these and he's been well obviously for movies. but in terms of funny to the rectory that may well be the case. but in
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actual fact, we know that there is a huge push, if you will, because these countries are trying to control the region for strategic reasons. i'm all these efforts 30 to position in terms of the defense military or the power of these countries in these waters. and um, elections are very much influenced, unfortunately, and often i think, is it really the will of the people use this money being pumped in by other countries and also some incidents that are actually affecting the outcome of these votes. and it is really undermining the foreign policy of the country and saw already and in terms of going ahead, i'm sensing that democracy. i see the challenges because it is becoming a system with the political cloud and corruption and demands of money into and see the votes and what's happening either in government or funding individuals and
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companies may well be making profit, but the people of the country are not seen benefits and i feel very sad about the situation because i have been to other countries where they have said, you have a funding, power does not change the situation to people. this is not right and we do need to us even as well. so we can get that in. so anyone with the voice on the list and including our young people who do want to see a change in respect to who do want to see things. we do want our members to be a comfortable on government to be accountable. so i will definitely be continuing to be a voice in this regard as do what i can from whatever position i am in. and i think it's very important that we do holes done with the account that are members of people to see a and the, the check reduce to up to the people suspension. never very well. so i didn't need savvy, we've run out of time for my for the minutes of the mold is i'm is doing. yeah. mom on your i pleasure and thank you. look forward to speaking again by
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the united. so these are those with the full, my us president bill clinton monk from the beginning of nathan bullying campaign, informing us while they're 25 years ago. now you said ring dial tens of thousands of bonds. i'm if i was 300 as well. so that is, that won't fall as is i will special coverage. all those events i'm in the past. it's last on history and the lives of the people of the region of the react to protect thousands of innocent people to diffuse a powder keg at the heart of bureau to stand united with our allies for future generations. never to see those in europe again. the
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janice meeting tom is on the ball me around 216 people working in the main radio and television network and new the solver r t s. when a native missile struck the building, we heard from us of a sort of bill that it was a dialogue any other given that the what was going on around this, we were coming to work as usual because we thought that it sound replication is so just going to the bottle failed in defending the country, then we had our job to doing television. that was the most normal thing to do to show up for work, even in those conditions that night at the tv station, there were around 260 people before everything happened. everything was normal. one to that for you to use it to am we oh, such as usually in the news gallery we were getting ready to go on a we put on the tapes and used in goals. and the 1st story went on, the camera started recording in the studio, and after that,
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just boom. doing that attention to somebody else for the the lift to expose the equivalent. we've heard a loud explosion and after that we couldn't hear anything. we flew up and up to that there was just, don't this tell you to don't this one of our producers started to panic and wanted to get out of that. but the tools are broken and we couldn't get out. then my colleagues and i come down and try to move the door and we managed to break out. then for the 1st time, i realized once it happened, i could turn my head to see the whole city just don't around the whole city. and it was very shocking, we pulled ourselves together and started to go out for our colleagues to them were in the room where the wall was completely broken apart. then we decided that we wouldn't go out, but we'll try and see if there's anybody injured on the other floors and how we can help them. we didn't think phones could forward and the people were more important to us. we went downstairs and realize that we couldn't move any further from the
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rules that were blowing up. then we had screens in the room, but we realized that had colleagues with trapped one of our engine is we told him not to move because we couldn't get to him. we thought that firefighters must of arrive by now and they had when we went to was a new part of our building. we came across them and took them to the lower floor, where they rescued. i caught a offer that we went outside. there was a huge number of police firefighters and soldiers. then we realize in store how many more people to come the house we were looking to see who is alive. and if anyone has heard from outside, we could just see this mass of ruins with one of our colleagues hanging from the building upside down with his legs stuck on the concrete, the hole in his head. and he was already dead. lots of people, the hostess could, we have guessed that something like this could happen, but the officers, no, we could never have guessed this because it was a tv station in the city center. how can you pull them the city center? there were people, the civilian buildings for me, it was unbelievable that they found it. many people couldn't believe that something like that could happen. this was a month, often nature been gone. it's
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a legal bull main of the subs and it smashed into pieces. a fundamental part of the geneva convention, the journalist seemed what was that means must be treated. the civilians on the full, protected, and with nature has described this surgical precision. it's right here. this was the headquarters of the main radio television network in the federal republic of yugoslavia. it's called off. yes. and it still exists on a typical provider. us officials didn't know i breaching the geneva convention saying the journalist say, well propagandist. and that for fact, target served tv is as much a part of milan. so which is murder machine is military is the media is one of the pillars of ballasa, which is power machine. it is right up there with security forces in the military, around a 150 people working in the building. when those 2 crews and they saw struck overnight, 16 were killed and this ammonia went head to them,
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and nearly all of them were technician security stuff. makeup office, hardly the pillars of most of which is power machine that kinda bacon spun. it just being so bleed is described the attack as primitive highlighting that it came as nato was celebrating its 50th anniversary is very obvious. there have been big differences and reporting. they have gone to the to was, not only was the r t s volunteer. your work was bomb tear, and europe was bomb tier. this is a primitive act to take a couple of scouts on their anniversary. as a tradition from the last century, condemnation of nato's coins came from journalist groups to they were concerned about where this could lead in the future. nato's decision to target civilians, broadcast facilities not only increases the danger for porters. now working in yugoslavia, but permanently jeopardizes all journalists as non combatants international
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conflicts as provided for in the geneva conventions. little thing is like, luckily, i don't know if they deliberately struck the tv station in the great, but i think they did that. i do have friends working that journalists with whom i could pray to when we needed to transfer our materials through satellites, for the whole shift was killed. 15 or 16 people i think, and build great tv center will buy new 2 or 3 of these victims. they helped us at various times and why them? why do they have to do with it? but one can understand the logic of and they said that it is necessary to destroy the full words that damage can relate. with the western agenda, they need to destroy everything which is not only bridges, but also the metaphysical and spiritual principles. what then, it won't be easy to take on the service that locked the stall off of a very slippery slope with more high profile incidence of media offices being
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targeted. i'll just see where news offices were hit by us and we saw a tax in 2001 in afghanistan. it's h q was in hate again. she is a to, by the us off to the invasion of a rock, but the us and u. k. ministers describing its work as propaganda. then, in 2021, the idea flocking to building garza that housed multiple international media organizations. these are extreme cases, but there's a pattern emerging of dismissing or silencing the work of doing less snow. considered credible, find the west and it's still going on me alicia to the east russian today and smooth neck did not behave as representatives of the present journalists and behaved as representatives of influence in propaganda. lang, propaganda. no more. no less. in another unprecedented step that we will bend in the european union, the kremlin media machine,
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the state owned russia to day and split nick, as well as they have subsidiaries, will no longer be able to spread the lies to justify fourteen's war and to subdivision in our union in recent years, all see has been on the receiving end of such allegations taken off and you're on the u. k. within days of the salt of the ukraine, who was the little to no justification. in fact, a report by the you case means you regulate to late at trying to justify that decision. struggle to having to admit that all these nice pulled costs was offering a multitude of these we took into account tv, no boss, these representations, but it had included alternative viewpoints. we acknowledge that the program contains a different perspectives on the ongoing, wider conflict in ukraine. yes, as of call me late to outline did not same report at can sit in that not to be enough to preserve due impartiality as back in 1999,
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the decision was to act immediately and perhaps or not to ask questions later. i see that as the on the but i think it might be co move. yes, it was a military action against a lot of state, the tv against the said it'd be against the middle of sewage. but also it was a political move against the there's or not least against the other newspapers, the state televisions, uh, as well did. we did the political move. they announced to us that only cnn has uh right. uh, 4442 with the the, the deed for, for truth. and if you are against that and not active against that at the schools you are in tampa and we.


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